Home / Pancakes, fritters / Red beans cooking recipes for garnish. red bean garnish recipe

Red beans cooking recipes for garnish. red bean garnish recipe

Soak the beans before cooking. Experienced housewives, knowing this subtlety, do it at night. But, if it so happened that you need to cook it quickly, then it’s worth soaking, at least for a couple of hours. Usually, after cooking, the beans are kept in the broth for about 15 minutes, during which time they will not lose their useful and taste properties, but on the contrary, it will be evenly boiled.

Then it is thrown into a colander and the excess liquid is drained. Then they take deep dishes (you can take a saucepan), put the beans there, add butter, stew for no more than 5 minutes and add ketchup along with coarsely chopped bell pepper. Separately, finely chop the garlic cloves, turn off the beans, add garlic and a lot of herbs, mix, bring to taste.

Red beans with onions

They take a deep container for soaking the beans, as it increases with swelling, and stand for 5-6 hours. Then it is boiled until tender, after salting the water. Separately, diced onion is fried in a pan, ready-made beans, a little water are added there, stewed for 5 minutes. After the water evaporates, and the beans are saturated with onion flavor, small tomatoes cut into halves, such as cherry tomatoes, are added to it. For spiciness, you can add finely chopped garlic or hot red pepper. When serving, decorate with greens and serve to the table.

Red beans with walnut

To prepare such a masterpiece, the beans are soaked in advance, boiled until tender. Then mixed with finely chopped raw onions, walnuts and finely chopped dill. Bring to taste. Onions should be boiled in advance. The garnish is served hot with sour cream.

After soaking and boiling the beans, they are discarded in a colander and left. Carrots are cut into small strips along with onions and fried until golden brown. Then they are combined with ready-made beans, brought to taste, and served to the table, garnished with parsley sprigs.

Red beans with mushrooms

To prepare such a side dish, the beans are soaked overnight. And then boiled, in the same water, after salting. Mushrooms are cut into slices. Onion semirings. Then pour into the saucepan vegetable oil, spread onions, fry until golden brown, then add beans, a little liquid and mushrooms. Stew until cooked, bring to taste. Served with sour cream and herbs.

Such an independent side dish is prepared simply. First you need to soak the beans for at least 4 hours in cold water. After that, it is boiled over medium heat, salted in advance, when the liquid becomes less, butter is added. While the beans are cooking, prepare the vegetables.

Chopped onions and carrots small cube, rub the garlic on a fine grater. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned from seeds and stalk and cut into large cubes. Next, add a little to the beans tomato sauce and prepared vegetables. Mix well and simmer for 15 minutes. At the end of the stew add a little soy sauce and lots of chopped greens.

Garnish of beans in pots

To prepare this dish, the beans are cooked in pots, thereby retaining all their nutrients. First, it is soaked directly in pots in cold water. You can soak overnight, calculating the required amount. Because as you know, these legumes swell well and take up a lot of space.

After that, the beans are put in the oven and simmered there, over low heat. During this time, prepare the tomatoes and bell pepper by cutting them into large pieces. Check the beans for readiness and add vegetables 15 minutes before the end of the stew. After that, the pots are taken out, sprinkled with cheese and served at the table.

Side dishes of beans are always tasty and satisfying. They do not cook for long if you pre-soak the beans in cold water. These dishes can be served with absolutely any products, as well as independent dishes.

Red bean dishes are hearty and tasty, and nutritionally they can replace meat. No wonder it is contained in the traditional English breakfast: for centuries, ordinary workers needed a lot of calories in the morning to do hard work, and since further snacks were impossible, they ate scrambled eggs, meat, vegetables, toast and beans for breakfast, and thus provided themselves with strength for the whole day.

Red beans are high in fiber and vitamins, and as a bonus, they normalize blood sugar levels and help flush out toxins. But beans can also be harmful if you try to eat them raw - they contain many toxic elements that can only be eliminated by pre-soaking. In addition, children and pregnant women are not recommended to consume beans more than once a week.

Before cooking raw or dried beans must be prepared for further processing. A slow but sure way is to soak the beans in water and let them steep for 8-10 hours or overnight. It will not be superfluous to change her water every 3 hours. Fast way- fill with beans cold water, wait for it to boil and boil for 5 minutes, then leave to infuse for an hour, and then boil for about half an hour.

Regardless of the preparation method chosen, after soaking, drain the water and rinse the beans. Also at this moment, you can add two tablespoons of vegetable oil - so the taste of the beans will become softer and more tender. After that, the beans must be poured with 3 cups of fresh cold water and boiled over low heat. The cooking time for store beans is about an hour and a half, and fresh beans may take less time. To check readiness, after 40 minutes you need to get three beans and try them: if at least one grain is not soft enough, get the beans early. During cooking, it is important to ensure that the amount of water in the pan does not decrease, therefore, with natural evaporation, you need to add a new portion of the liquid.

Beans are widely used as an ingredient in both meat and meatless dishes. For example, the traditional Georgian and Armenian lobio, which translates as "beans", can be cooked with or without meat.

To prepare lean lobio you will need:

  • 3 cups boiled beans;
  • 1 glass of broth left after cooking;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 red onion;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • salt;
  • a bunch of greens (preferably cilantro).
Boil the beans. Grate the carrots and simmer them in a frying pan for two minutes under a closed lid. Add beans to it and fry a little, then pour in the broth and add the rest of the ingredients. Simmer over low heat until lightly thickened - this will take 40 minutes to an hour. Five minutes before cooking, add salt and let the dish rest a little. Lobio can be used both as an independent side dish for meat, and as a sauce for buckwheat. In addition, the longer the finished lobio stands, the tastier it is.

Lobio for serving with pita bread
Lobio for serving with pita bread differs in the degree of density and texture. For its preparation you will need:

  • 2 cups boiled beans;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid left after cooking;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of walnuts;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp hops-suneli seasonings or a mixture of turmeric with black ground pepper;
  • salt;
  • bunch of cilantro.
Chop the onion and garlic and fry them in a pan until golden brown. At the moment when you turn the onion, add spices there, mix well and fry the mixture for another five to seven minutes.

Peel the walnuts and grind them in a mortar or blender with half of the onion and garlic mixture from the pan, and crush the other half of the mixture with cilantro.

After that, in a large container, thoroughly mix the beans and all the prepared ingredients, add salt and pepper. Do not rush to dilute the lobio with bean broth: while the dish is infused, it will give some juice. Close the container with a lid or wrap cling film and let the dish brew for about an hour. Traditionally, such lobio is served as an appetizer for thin pita bread.

Pasta with beans
An almost equivalent substitute for boiled beans - canned in own juice. It makes the taste more spicy. Canned beans can be a lifesaver if you need something quick and easy to make hot and satisfying and don't have time to soak natural beans. In this case, you should pay attention to pasta with stew and beans, which are cooked in just 15 minutes. For its preparation you will need:

  • pasta;
  • a can of stew (if desired, you can replace it with any meat, but then the cooking time will increase proportionally);
  • salt;
  • spices.
Boil pasta until slightly firm, about 10 minutes. Put the stew along with the jelly in the pan. Drain almost all the water from the beans, leaving a couple of tablespoons, and when the stew boils, add the beans along with the liquid. Stir and set the fire to maximum and leave until the mixture thickens, without closing the lid. When the sauce reaches the consistency of sour cream (it will take about 7-10 minutes), pour it into a saucepan with pasta, add a little dried paprika, mix well and serve. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with grated cheese and herbs, or a small piece of butter can be added.

Salad with beans
Among all the salad recipes with canned red beans, the leader is the one where the soft texture of beans is mixed with the smooth texture of mushrooms. To prepare this salad you will need:

  • a can of canned beans;
  • jar canned champignons(you can use fresh or frozen);
  • 2-3 red onions;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • salt;
  • spices.
Cut the onion into small but meaty sticks and fry over medium heat in in large numbers vegetable oil for five minutes. Add finely chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry until golden brown. Drain the liquid from the beans and mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, adding sour cream or mayonnaise, spices and, if desired, herbs. Salad can be served on its own or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Helpful Hints:

  1. During the primary processing, the beans swell almost twice, so the dishes for soaking should be taken in bulk.
  2. In the summer, with a long soak, the beans can easily ferment, so it is better to put them in the refrigerator.
  3. Beans should never be salted at the beginning of cooking, as salt slows down the process and toughens the beans.
  4. When cooking, do not cover the beans with a lid so that they do not darken.
  5. To determine the readiness of the beans, you can get it out of boiling water and immediately blow it. When the bean is cooked, the skin will immediately burst.
The most amazing thing is that you can eat beans every day and never repeat them in recipes (for example, they can be used instead of potatoes, and bean soup can warm you on any chilly evening), so the use of beans is limited only by your imagination.

During Lent, meat and dairy products should not be eaten. Thus, a person is deprived of the main component in the body - protein. Legumes will help to fill its deficiency during fasting. You can, for example, prepare a variety of delicious side dishes from beans.

Beans are an excellent source of protein, useful trace elements, which nutritionists recommend to include in your diet more often. It goes well with any vegetables and mushrooms, gives a feeling of complete saturation no worse than after a meat dish.

Advantages and disadvantages of bean side dishes

Beans are protein and fiber in one product. Protein will help saturate the body for a long time, and fiber will remove all harmful poisons and toxins from it. Also, this plant of the legume family is recommended for people suffering from metabolic disorders, hypertension, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Bean side dishes do not need a main dish, as they are tasty and nutritious on their own.

But for people suffering peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis and serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should refrain from the frequent use of these side dishes. Or use only green beans. Also, bean side dishes will not be to the taste of opponents of this product or because of its intolerance.

Food preparation

There are two types of beans - in the form of dry beans and green pods. Dry beans can be sold in the supermarket in ready-made canned form, and the pods can be frozen. If you suffer from a lack of time, then it is better to buy canned or frozen products.

Dry beans need pretreatment which includes:

  • sorting out;
  • soaking dry beans (from 2 to 10 hours);
  • boil until cooked or half cooked.

Before soaking the beans, pour the required amount on a towel and remove any spoiled grains, then rinse in a colander.

As for soaking beans, opinions differ. Some advise to soak the beans for about a day or at least leave them overnight, others - that soaking is not required, just pour 30 ml of cold water into the pan with beans every 30 minutes during cooking.

What is soaking for? In order to rid the beans of those substances that cause gas formation in the human intestines, and not to make them cook faster. To speed up cooking, just salt the beans not at the beginning, but 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

If you are using canned beans, it is recommended to rinse it with cold water before use. So get rid of excess salt contained in canned foods.

Frozen green beans do not require any preparation, except that if desired, they can be rinsed with warm water.

Boiled beans for garnish

Usually dry beans are boiled, following these rules:

  1. Should not be boiled different varieties together, because in the end, one bean will boil, and the other will remain raw.
  2. For 300 grams of dry beans, you need 2.5-3 liters of water.
  3. Many advise to boil the beans in the water in which they were previously soaked, and some advise putting the grains in boiling water already. You can find a middle ground and pour the beans with fresh cold water.
  4. After 30 minutes of boiling, the water, if desired, can be replaced with a new one.
  5. To enrich the taste of beans, allspice and bay leaf can be added to the water.
  6. If the beans are cooked in a slow cooker, then 10 multi-glasses of water are used for 2 multi-glasses of beans. For cooking, the “Stewing” program is selected and the time for white beans is set to 70 minutes, and for red beans - 90 minutes.

A dish of green beans and vegetables will be appreciated by people who want to lose weight. All ingredients are steamed without adding fat, but in the end the side dish turns out to be hearty and healthy.

Easy side dish of boiled beans

boiled red or white beans thickly sprinkled with herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil and garlic. Beans are served warm or cold and are used both as a main dish, and as a side dish, and as an appetizer.

But just eating boiled beans is rather boring and uninteresting, therefore, grinding it into mashed potatoes, adding onion, dill and an egg twisted in a meat grinder, you can form lean cutlets. Roll them in breadcrumbs or flour, fry in vegetable oil. And if the dish at the exit should be dietary - bake in the oven or air grill.

Baked beans

Usually beans are stewed with vegetables or mushrooms. This is done in this way:
Pre-fried vegetables and / or mushrooms in vegetable oil until half cooked.
Boiled beans or green beans are added to vegetables.
After a few minutes, when the beans have had time to absorb the aroma of the mixed vegetables, liquid is poured into the dish. It can be: water in which beans were boiled, vegetable or chicken broth, soy sauce, tomato juice or other preferred liquid.

It is better to stew green beans with honey and soy sauce in a ratio of 1:6, where 6 tablespoons of salty sauce go to 1 tablespoon of honey. Thus, you can get an unusual and very tasty side dish that can be served with rice and meat or fish, if fasting is not observed. If you are stewing a bean garnish in a slow cooker, use the “Frying” or “Baking” program to fry vegetables, and after adding the liquid, set the “Stew” and the time of 10-30 minutes, depending on the beans used.

Baked bean garnish

For baking, you can use the oven, convection oven and slow cooker. The last device, unfortunately, will not give a crispy crust. To pamper yourself delicious pie or casserole with cheese crust, it is not necessary to break the post. Just use soy tofu instead of milk cheese, and soy milk instead of cream.

Bake already pre-boiled, defrosted or canned beans.

Lean bean julienne


  • green beans - 300 gr;
  • green pea- 150 gr;
  • soy milk - 1 cup;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • tofu cheese - 100 gr.


  1. Green beans and green peas are fried in a pan with vegetable oil until soft.
  2. Pour the required amount of flour and, continuing to stir, pour in warm milk. The mixture should thicken a little.
  3. Salt, pepper to taste, remove from heat and pour into a baking dish. Grate tofu generously on top.
  4. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until golden brown.

Red kidney bean useful properties, helps the body to be enriched with the necessary nutrients. As you know, this product contains a considerable amount of protein and fiber. Fiber helps the body to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, besides, it is a great helper for removing toxins. Beans are rich in a variety of vitamins, which in turn have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Dishes from such a product have a special taste and aroma. Beans go well with many vegetables, herbs, walnuts, and can also act as an independent dish. When buying, you should pay attention to it appearance it should be clean, smooth without flaws, firm and not flaky. And today we’ll talk about how to cook delicious red beans for a side dish.

The beans are soaked before cooking. Experienced housewives, knowing this subtlety, do it at night. But, if it so happened that you need to cook it quickly, then it is worth soaking, at least for a couple of hours. Usually, after cooking, the beans are kept in the broth for about 15 minutes, during which time they will not lose their useful and taste properties, but rather will be evenly cooked.

After that, it is discarded in a colander and the excess liquid is drained. Then they take a deep bowl (you can take a saucepan), put the beans there, add butter, stew for no more than 5 minutes and add ketchup along with coarsely chopped bell pepper. Separately, finely chop the garlic cloves, turn off the beans, add garlic and a lot of herbs, mix, bring to taste.

Red beans with onions

They take a deep container for soaking the beans, as it increases with swelling, and stand for 5-6 hours. Then it is boiled until tender, after salting the water. Separately, diced onion is fried in a pan, ready-made beans, a little water are added there, stewed for 5 minutes. After the water evaporates, and the beans are saturated with onion flavor, small tomatoes cut into halves, such as cherry tomatoes, are added to it. For spiciness, you can add finely chopped garlic or hot red pepper. When serving, decorate with greens and serve to the table.

Red beans with walnuts

To prepare such a masterpiece, the beans are soaked in advance, boiled until tender. Then mixed with finely chopped raw onions, walnuts and finely chopped dill. Bring to taste. Onions should be boiled in advance. The garnish is served hot with sour cream.

After soaking and boiling the beans, they are discarded in a colander and left. Carrots are cut into small strips along with onions and fried until golden brown. Then they are combined with ready-made beans, brought to taste, and served to the table, garnished with parsley sprigs.

Red beans with mushrooms

To prepare such a side dish, the beans are soaked overnight. And then boiled, in the same water, after salting. Mushrooms are cut into slices. Onion in half rings. Then vegetable oil is poured into a saucepan, onions are spread, fried until golden brown, after which beans, a little liquid and mushrooms are added. Stew until cooked, bring to taste. Served with sour cream and herbs.

Such an independent side dish is prepared simply. First you need to soak the beans for at least 4 hours in cold water. After that, it is boiled over medium heat, salted in advance, when the liquid becomes less, butter is added. While the beans are cooking, prepare the vegetables.

Onions and carrots are cut into small cubes, garlic is rubbed on a fine grater. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned from seeds and stalk and cut into large cubes. Next, a little tomato sauce and prepared vegetables are added to the beans. Mix well and simmer for 15 minutes. At the end of the stew, add a little soy sauce and a lot of chopped greens.

Garnish of beans in pots

To prepare this dish, the beans are cooked in pots, thereby retaining all their nutrients. First, it is soaked directly in pots in cold water. You can soak overnight, calculating the required amount. Because as you know, these legumes swell well and take up a lot of space.

After that, the beans are put in the oven and simmered there, over low heat. During this time, prepare tomatoes and bell peppers, cutting them into large pieces. Check the beans for readiness and add vegetables 15 minutes before the end of the stew. After that, the pots are taken out, sprinkled with cheese and served at the table.

Side dishes of beans are always tasty and satisfying. They do not cook for long if you pre-soak the beans in cold water. These dishes can be served with absolutely any products, as well as independent dishes.

And here you will find step by step recipe with photo how to cook

White beans attract delicate taste, perfectly satiates, quite simple to prepare. It boils better, becomes soft faster when compared with red beans. The taste of white beans is exquisite. It goes well with vegetables, acts as a side dish, the basis for soups and independent dishes. It is important to cook beans correctly, to know some secrets so that they are soft, pleasant and healthy. For example, if you cook legumes for too long, they will lose many valuable substances. And the use of an excessive amount of seasonings and spices will not allow you to enjoy the delicate taste and aroma of white beans. Someone, having tasted legumes once, decides that they are not tasty enough. In fact, there are many recipes by which you can cook wonderful dishes from beans.

Remember a few nuances good recipes to learn how to cook white beans, surprise loved ones and friends with wonderful soups and side dishes.

Learning to cook white beans correctly
Many people face some problems when they start boiling beans. It softens for too long, and at the end of cooking it suddenly becomes less aromatic. When frying, beans can burn, sometimes it is difficult to understand exactly how long to simmer them in the oven, whether it is necessary to cook before that ... The worst thing is when the bean dish turns out to be bitter. Consider all the nuances in the process of cooking beans, so that it will please you with excellent taste and softness.

  • Be sure to sort out the beans. Remember that legumes must be carefully sorted. The most responsible companies cannot always guarantee the impeccability of beans. Dried, changed color and shape legumes come across. Anything that looks suspicious should be thrown away.
  • Soak white beans. It is generally accepted that white beans are more tender, so soaking can be dispensed with. In fact, white beans also need to be soaked. It will soften, bitter aftertaste, harmful substances will leave it. You need to soak the beans for 5-6 hours.
  • Pour out the water after soaking. Do not use the liquid that remains after soaking the beans! It is bitter, harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Boil the beans over low heat. Beans should not be overcooked. big fire. From this, she will lose significantly more useful properties.
  • Fry in a well-heated skillet. Beans should be laid out on a preheated pan, well greased with olive or sunflower oil.
  • Try to soften the beans. Many people prefer to cook beans quickly, making dishes with fairly tough beans. It is important to remember that undercooked beans are digested very poorly and practically do not benefit the body. In addition, hard beans have a bad effect on the stomach, irritate its walls. Boil white beans for 50-60 minutes, no less.
  • Boil before baking, frying. If you decide to fry the beans in a pan, bake them in the oven, it is better to boil them before that. It is enough to spend 20-30 minutes cooking, so that later the beans are less processed in the pan, in the oven, retain valuable substances and aroma, but at the same time be tender.
  • Use a minimum of spices. White beans attract with their delicate taste, delicate aroma. If you use too many spices, spices, you will not be able to feel the gamut of bean flavors. It is better to emphasize its benefits with fresh and boiled herbs and vegetables.
You can combine white beans with red beans, cook them with vegetables, herbs, meat, serve with special sauces.

Cooking delicious side dishes, soups and hearty meals from white beans
White beans make wonderful side dishes, nutritious soups. You can also cook excellent independent dishes from it. It is noted that legumes go well with beef, chicken, pork, mushrooms and fish. However, with vegetables, beans are so satiating that you can do without meat at all.
Enjoy delicious and hearty white beans, impress your family and friends great dishes. Bon Appetit!