Home / Recipes / How to properly marinate meat for shawarma. Marinade for chicken shawarma

How to properly marinate meat for shawarma. Marinade for chicken shawarma

Basic recipe shawarma with chicken at home is easy to master. It is much tastier and healthier than the purchased one and, moreover, it is easy to supplement it with a variety of ingredients. The result is great snack for a snack or main meal. Today we will master better ways preparation and learn how to wrap the shawarma correctly.

In our country, shawarma has become synonymous with cheap and even hygienically dangerous fast food. But in Turkey, Egypt, shawarma (its other name) is considered a cult food - long lines line up at the most popular eateries, and the owners of the establishments keep their culinary secrets in secret, passing them on by inheritance.

But no matter how much shawarma is scolded, it does not cease to be tastier from this. And homemade shawarma is also completely safe: all the ingredients and the process are under our personal control!

For homemade shawarma (2 servings), prepare:

  • a large sheet of thin pita bread;
  • medium-sized tomato - 1 pc .;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken leg - 2 pcs.;
  • onion sweet variety - 1 pc. (small);
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • natural yogurt (or sour cream) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato sauce or good ketchup- 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cilantro, parsley or any other greens - a small bunch;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

It is better to fry the chicken the day before (or bake it in foil) - the shawarma assembly process will go many times faster.

  1. First, fry the chicken leg, add salt and pepper the chicken to taste. Optionally, you can season it with any other spices: oregano, marjoram, ready-made chicken seasoning.
  2. Let it cool a little, and then we cut it into separate fibers, carefully freeing it from the bones.
  3. While the chicken is cooling, prepare the vegetables. Peel the cucumber (or leave it if the cucumber is young and steamy), peel the tomato from seeds and cut into small half rings. Cut the onion in the same way. For the sake of accuracy, we will lay out the vegetables on separate plates, and the taste of individual components will be felt much brighter. We recommend cutting the core out of the tomatoes, leaving the fleshy flesh. If you put a tomato with all the juices, our dish will quickly deteriorate: the lavash will get wet, break and the filling will begin to crumble.
  4. Prepare the sauce in a bowl - mix mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, herbs, ketchup. The result is a thick, aromatic dressing. Now we need to assemble our shawarma (on how to wrap it correctly, read the special section below in our article).
  5. Cut lavash into two parts, grease with sauce. Put vegetables and meat in a heap on the sauce in the following sequence: chicken, onions, tomatoes, cucumber. Do not put too much filling: this will cause the shawarma to fall apart.
  6. We wrap the shawarma with a tube, bending all the edges inward. We heat the frying pan, put the appetizer on a dry hot surface with the fold down so that it is fried, and the shawarma "sticks together". As soon as one side is browned, turn over and bake on the other side. The fire should be medium so that the dish does not burn.

Put on a plate and serve. If cooked right, the appetizer is delicious - juicy filling, crunchy pita bread and sauce mix, turning into a symphony of flavors and aromas!

Homemade cooking with garlic dressing

Garlic is amazingly combined with chicken. The main thing is to add it quite a bit, so that the seasoning slightly sets off the chicken meat. To do this, add the garlic to the white sauce.

To prepare shawarma with garlic, prepare: 300 g of chicken fillet, a clove of garlic, yogurt, thick fermented baked milk (4% fat), cherry tomatoes, bell pepper, pickled cucumber, vegetable oil for frying, herbs (any) and thin pita... From this amount, 2 large hearty shawarmas will be obtained.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cut vegetables into thin strips.
  2. Mix yogurt, fermented baked milk, herbs in a separate bowl, squeeze the garlic there.
  3. Cut the chicken into strips, fry in a skillet.
  4. Cut the lavash into two parts, put the chicken on them, season it with sauce.
  5. Put vegetables on the sauce in any order.
  6. We wrap a neat "column".

Fry the shawarma in a hot skillet until crisp. We eat while enjoying, bite quickly - the sauce will literally flow into the mouth along with pieces of vegetables and meat. It's delicious, filling, and quite light on the stomach.

In pita bread with red sauce

In Turkey, doner kebab is prepared using fresh lamb, vegetables and special seasonings, which often include a special spice sumac - a sour, slightly astringent red seasoning. It gives the sauce a pinkish hue and a subtle oriental flavor. In our country, red sauce with cilantro is very popular. We will also prepare such a shawarma.

For cooking you will need:

  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp l .;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • a bunch of cilantro - small;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • boiled Chicken's leg- 1 piece, large;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sugar, salt, pepper to taste;
  • sheet of thin fresh pita bread.

Let's start assembling the snacks:

  1. Cooking red sauce. To do this, add to the water tomato paste and chopped cilantro, stir so that no lumps remain, salt and pepper to taste. You can add a pinch of sugar to enhance the taste, squeeze out a clove of garlic.
  2. Cut the vegetables into slices, three carrots into thin strips, and disassemble the chicken into fibers. We cut the lavash into 2 parts.
  3. We collect shawarma in the following sequence: sauce, chicken, vegetables. We wrap a neat roll, which we fry on both sides in a frying pan.

It turns out interesting option for lovers of cilantro. Anyone who perceives the spice with caution can replace it with any other herb, for example, delicate parsley.

Diet shawarma with chicken

Diet shawarma "weighs" only 160 kcal per 100 g (measured and we know for sure!), In a portion of a large and delicious homemade shawarma no more than 400 kcal - a full meal that meets all KBZHU standards. Do you want to lose weight tasty and satisfying? Learn to cook a diet version of doner kebab - your waist will appreciate it.

Required ingredients (for 2):

  • chicken fillet- 300 g;
  • 100 ml of natural yogurt;
  • any greens - a bunch;
  • spices to taste;
  • fresh tomatoes, cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • thin pita bread - 1 pc.

Add natural yoghurt, cut the herbs into it. Fry the chicken in a dry skillet. Cut the vegetables into slices. Lavash generously grease with sauce, lay out the meat and vegetables. Wrap, fry in a skillet. Eating with green tea or coffee beans with a lump of cane sugar.

Original version with Korean carrots

There are people who simply cannot think of shawarma without a sharp, piquant note that it always gives Korean carrot... For this option, we advise you to buy 300 g of your favorite snack in advance, or prepare it yourself.

Prepare pita bread, chicken leg, some Chinese cabbage (¼ fork), tomato and sweet Yalta onion. We can cook any sauce to your taste - red, white or yoghurt, dietary.

We collect shawarma like this:

  1. Put chopped on pita bread Chinese cabbage.
  2. Top - Korean carrots.
  3. Then tomato slices, onion rings and, finally, poultry meat.
  4. The final touch is the sauce.

Why did we post it in this order? It's simple.

The vegetables in this recipe are quite juicy, if you immediately spread the pita bread with sauce, there is a risk that the shawarma will fall apart.

Therefore, we put the sauce only on top.

We wrap the shawarma, fry in a dry frying pan. Do not forget that the place of the fold is always fried first, so that the appetizer does not fall apart. We eat it warm and enjoy life!

With chicken fillet and cheese

Chicken with melted cheese and vegetables is a gourmet classic. For the recipe, you can take any hard cheese and even smoked, and it goes very well ready cheese plates - it melts quickly and soaks all the ingredients with a viscous creamy sauce.

We will need: pita bread, chicken fillet, tomato, cheese, sweet onions, a little vegetable oil, herbs. We recommend making a white sauce by mixing mayonnaise, sour cream, herbs and a little garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil, cut into strips.
  2. Cut the vegetables into slices.
  3. Put chicken on pita bread, cover it with a slice of cheese.
  4. Put the slices of vegetables on top.
  5. Season everything with sauce.

We wrap the shawarma and be sure to warm it up in a skillet - the cheese should melt. We eat shawarma, trying to be neat - the appetizer turns out to be juicy, tender and it is important not to miss a single bite!

With the addition of mushrooms

By the way, during Great Lent you can also make shawarma. Instead of meat, it is easy to add mushrooms by frying them with onions in a skillet. Use any mushrooms: frozen mushrooms, dry white mushrooms (pre-soaked in water), you can even take pickled boletus, just make them as dry as possible, freeing them from liquid marinade. In addition to mushrooms, we will wrap carrots and greens in pita bread, which we take to taste.

How do I prepare the vegetarian option?

  1. Fry mushrooms with onions in a skillet.
  2. Add the grated carrots, simmer everything together.
  3. At the end, we cut the greens, mix everything.
  4. Put on half of the pita bread mushroom filling and wrap everything with a straw.
  5. Fry the appetizer in a skillet until crusty.

We eat it warm, washed down with warm herbal tea. It turns out to be an interesting and satisfying variation. Those who do not observe the fasts can supplement the recipe with any sauce and cheese.

Homemade shawarma with chicken and vegetables

Homemade shawarma with chicken in pita bread, according to experts, turns out to be the most delicious of the thighs. The ideal option is to use fillets chicken thighs, so as not to suffer with cutting meat from bones.

Let's prepare:

  • chicken thigh fillet - 300 g;
  • thin pita bread - 1 pc.;
  • frying oil - 50 ml;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper;
  • Chinese cabbage - ¼ fork;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Choose any sauce recipe. We recommend cooking an authentic oriental. The recipe looks like this: mixed yogurt with crushed garlic, add coriander, black pepper, season with a bite of wine and lemon juice, add salt to taste. No ketchup is used in the Middle East!

There is one more secret: the most delicious shawarma it turns out, heated on a grill. At home, popular multi-baker devices and ordinary waffle makers are perfect for such purposes.

  1. Cut the vegetables into slices, fry the chicken and let it cool slightly (so that it does not burn your hands).
  2. We spread the meat on pita bread, distribute vegetables on top, fill everything with sauce (do not be too zealous so that the shawarma does not "float").
  3. Roll up a neat roll and fry it in a skillet.

We eat and enjoy life!

With white cabbage

Of course, Chinese cabbage is more tender. But sometimes the usual white cabbage is also suitable for shawarma. It must be finely chopped, carefully wrinkled with your hands, seasoned with salt, vinegar and vegetable oil... For this option, a lot of vegetables are not required. It is enough to add greenhouse cucumber and sweet tomato to meat and cabbage.

Let's prepare:

  • a quarter fork of cabbage;
  • a little dill;
  • vinegar, salt, vegetable oil to taste;
  • sweet onion - 1 pc.;
  • pita;
  • baked chicken thighs in foil - 200 g;
  • tomato;
  • greenhouse cucumber.

Cooking step by step:

  1. For the sauce, mix some mayonnaise and sour cream with a tablespoon of herbs. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Cut the vegetables into thin slices, and chop the meat into arbitrary cubes.
  3. Put cabbage on pita bread, mashed with salt, seasoned with vinegar and oil. Put the tomato, meat and cucumber on top. Sprinkle our entire "construction" with sauce and wrap it carefully.
  4. The last stage is frying in a dry pan.

The implementation of such a recipe is inexpensive in the season of vegetables, but what a juicy appetizer comes out! Enjoy your meal without forgetting about the napkin.

Step-by-step instructions for wrapping shawarma

It remains to master the correct shawarma twisting technology and you can start cooking. We offer a description of the classic scheme, and you, if you wish, modify it to your taste.

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. We process half of the pita bread with sauce, leaving the edges of 4 cm intact.
  2. Put the filling on the sauce strictly in the center.
  3. Bend the edges of the pita bread towards the center.
  4. We wrap the bottom edges up and turn, covering the filling.
  5. Twist to the end, giving the appetizer the shape of a roll.

There is also an easier way - to fold everything in an envelope. This will not affect the taste of shawarma.

In general, there is nothing difficult in preparing such an appetizer. In practice, the technique of "origami" from lavash is mastered instantly - the eyes are afraid, but the hands do it. The main thing is not to put too much filling so that it does not fall out. Try shawarma with different types of meat, experiment with fillings. It is tasty, satisfying and unusual. Bon Appetit.

A simple snack or hearty breakfastchicken shawarma in pita bread. Just cook!

What to do if you want something tasty, but common sense keeps you from buying shawarma in public catering places? Walking all your life, choking on the saliva from these spicy aromas? Well, I do not! Making shawarma in pita bread at home is as easy as shelling pears, so take pita bread in your hands - and go!

  • Thin lavash 4 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers 100 g
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese 150 g
  • Peking cabbage 200 g
  • Mustard 100 g
  • Mayonnaise 100 g
  • Vegetable oil 50 g
  • Salt To taste
  • Pepper To taste
  • Spices To taste

Salt and pepper the chicken fillet, season with your favorite spices and send to a hot frying pan to fry on both sides in vegetable oil over low heat.

While the chicken is roasting, you can prepare all the other ingredients. Peking cabbage should be cut into very fine strips,

pickled cucumbers - the same

tomato - in thin half rings.

Grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater, and then start making the sauce. For the sauce in a small bowl, combine the mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup and mix it all well.

Cool the finished chicken fillet a little and cut into thin slices.

And now the fun part - assembling shawarma! Spread the pita bread on the working surface, close to one of the edges first put the cabbage, on top - chicken, cucumbers, tomato slices, generously pour all this with sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

Wrap the shawarma

and put it in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 5 minutes.

That's all, your wonderful shawarma is ready!

Recipe 2: homemade shawarma with chicken in lavash

Often passing by the tents with shawarma from the aroma of what is cooked and sold there, right "mouth watering", right?

I cook homemade shawarma with chicken quite often: we have a special lover of this dish - our strong half. It even seems to me that he is ready to eat it every day. That is why I can safely say that taste qualities homemade shawarma is absolutely in no way inferior to the street analogue of this dish.

By the way, you can think of an enormous variety of filling options for homemade shawarma, but today we will cook like this. Korean carrots, pickled or pickled cucumbers, onions ... put a lot of things in shawarma. If you have a large thin pita bread (I will teach you how to cook it a little later) and the ingredients you need for the filling, let's get started!

  • chicken fillet - 400 gr
  • thin pita bread - 2 pieces
  • Beijing cabbage - 150 gr
  • tomato - 2 pieces
  • cucumber - 1 piece
  • mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
  • ketchup - 3 tablespoons

To make homemade chicken shawarma, we will need the following products: chicken breast (I already have boiled it in advance), thin pita bread, fresh cucumber and tomatoes, Chinese cabbage (can be replaced with white cabbage), ketchup and mayonnaise.

First of all, let's set the chicken meat to cook - the breast will be ready after 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. All ingredients will be chopped into strips. First, cut the Chinese cabbage into long thin strips.

Then wash and dry the cucumber. We also grind it into thin pieces.

If you have very juicy watery tomatoes, I recommend removing the inside with seeds. Cut into thin oblong slices in the same way.

The chicken is ready. It can be disassembled into fibers or cut into arbitrary small pieces.

Now we collect homemade chicken shawarma. We unfold the pita bread, put it on the work surface and grease it with half of mayonnaise and ketchup.

Then spread half of the filling from one edge: chicken, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.

We wrap the pita bread with the filling, bending from opposite sides.

We do the same with the second pita bread and half the filling.

We serve homemade shawarma in chicken immediately or you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day. After the shawarma has lain down for a while, the pita becomes soft and soaked in juice from vegetables.

Recipe 3: how to make chicken shawarma in pita bread

One of the easiest homemade shawarma recipes - with chicken, aromatic sauces, fresh and crispy vegetables wrapped in a purchased thin pita bread, such as Armenian. Neutral taste unleavened cakes goes well with any filling and there is room for lovers of a “many-sided” sandwich. Use a pre-baked or fried, but preferably juicy bird with delicate fibers, cool and, keeping a vegetable platter at hand, confidently start assembling an appetizing "bundle". With such a snack, you can completely refuse lunch!

  • Thin lavash - 1 pc.
  • Baked chicken breast - ½ pc.
  • Carrots - ½ pc.
  • Tkemali-type sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • White cabbage - 70 g
  • Greens - 2-3 branches
  • Onions - 1/3 pcs.

Prepare thin Armenian lavash, mayonnaise and sauce, onion, segment white cabbage, sweet carrots, greens, chilled chicken fillet.

We unfold the pita bread in one layer, stepping back from the edge about 7-10 cm, coat with spicy tkemali or another sauce, cover with a slide of chicken breast torn into small pieces. If the chicken is well seasoned, the spices are eliminated. In addition, the selected sauce will add flavor and aroma.

Shred half a medium-sized onion with almost transparent half rings or feathers - sprinkle on fillets, intensify the spicy, appetite-whetting note.

Next, evenly distribute the cabbage slices.

Cover with soft carrot slices.

Pour with mayonnaise or tartar, add finely chopped parsley, dill, green onion feathers.

Gently fold the bread layer and hide the filling - transfer the shawarma with chicken in pita bread to the dry and hot surface of the pan, heat for a minute and a half on each side. After that, the cake will become brittle, the filling will become aromatic and more tasty.

We cut and serve shawarma with chicken in pita bread, prepared according to a simple and win-win recipe with a photo.

Recipe 4: shawarma in pita bread with chicken and herbs

  • armenian lavash
  • 200 grams of chicken breast
  • 300 grams of chicken thighs
  • two cucumbers
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • red onion head
  • a bunch of dill
  • a teaspoon of thyme
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 50 grams of olive oil
  • half a glass of mayonnaise
  • half a glass of barbecue sauce
  • salt pepper

Pour olive oil over the chicken.

Salt, pepper chicken thighs and breasts.

I chop the garlic. I put it along with the thyme on the bottom of the baking tray.

I put pieces of chicken on the spices, bake in the oven, which has already warmed up to 190 degrees. Cooking time for chicken lasts 30 minutes. This is enough to prepare the rest of the dish.

I cut the onion into thin rings.

I cut the cucumbers into medium-sized strips. Tomatoes in round slices 3-4 milliliters thick.

Cut the baked chicken fillet across into slices.

I grease the lavash with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

I spread chopped dill cucumbers, tomatoes, chicken on pita bread.

Cover with barbecue sauce.

I put onion rings.

I wrap the lavash stuffed in the form of a cigar.

I cut the resulting roll in half. I heat the pan with non-stick coating without adding oil. I warm each half of the shawarma with chicken on both sides, putting it in the pan, pressing it with a spatula.

The finished dish can hardly be called an appetizer. Quite nutritious food, and if you consider that each half is impressive in size, then you will not need the next "snack" soon.

Shawarma with chicken is served on the table wrapped in parchment, but I considered this procedure unnecessary for myself. After all, it is cooked at home!

Recipe 5: chicken shawarma in Armenian lavash (step by step)

Shawarma in lavash is a wonderful dish, ideal for a picnic, for a quick and hearty snack, to satisfy your appetite on a trip. Shawarma can be prepared in advance and taken with you for a walk to the park by suggesting it delicious dish children - even the most capricious child in terms of food is unlikely to refuse such a treat.

Shawarma in pita bread is prepared quickly. Main ingredients: finely chopped and fried meat, fresh vegetables, mayonnaise and ketchup. You can also add lightly salted cucumbers or cheese here. Mayonnaise, I always advise you to use only homemade mayonnaise - it is tastier and not harmful.

  • Lavash 3 pcs.
  • Salt 3 pinch
  • mayonnaise 3 tbsp spoon
  • ketchup 3 tbsp. spoon
  • Greens 1 bunches
  • White cabbage 300 g
  • Cucumbers 2-3 pcs.
  • Tomato 2 pcs.
  • Meat 0.6 kg
  • Ground black pepper 3 pinch

Wash fresh cabbage, dry and cut into thin strips. If the cabbage is not young, after shredding it should be slightly crushed with salt, so it will become softer and juicier. My fresh cucumber, my tomato. Cut both the tomato and the cucumber into thin strips. Rinse fresh dill and chop finely.

I buy fresh chicken fillet for making shawarma in pita bread. My meat, I dry it with napkins and chop it into small strips. I fry the chopped meat in vegetable oil. At the end of frying, salt and pepper with freshly ground pepper.

We unfold a sheet of pita bread. Put a little in the middle homemade mayonnaise and ketchup (about 1 tablespoon per sheet).

Mix mayonnaise and ketchup with a spoon, spreading them with a thin layer over the pita bread (not to the brim).

We spread the cooled fried chicken meat on a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise.

Put chopped cabbage and chopped greens on top of the meat.

Carefully, trying not to violate the integrity of the lavash, we wrap the shawarma in an envelope. Then you can reheat it in the microwave or fry it on the wire rack (if you are at a picnic), or fry it in a dry frying pan on both sides. And you can eat like that - without heating. It's delicious anyway!

Recipe 6, step by step: homemade chicken shawarma

Home-style shawarma with chicken is a real paradise for fast food lovers! Most likely this is the most favorite dish not only men, but all without exception. It is prepared very simply and easily. The main thing is to quickly chop and chop all the vegetables, fry the meat, and voila - you're done. Enjoy!

  • Boneless chicken thighs 800 grams
  • White cabbage (young) 300 grams
  • Large tomato 1 piece
  • Sweet pepper, medium size 1 piece
  • Large cucumber 1 piece
  • Medium-sized Crimean onion 1 piece
  • Medium garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Lavash thin round 6 sheets
  • Ketchup 6 tablespoons
  • Mayonnaise 6 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Using a knife, peel the onion and rinse thoroughly under running water. Place the component on a cutting board and cut into four pieces. Finely chop each piece into strips and transfer to a free plate.

We wash the bell peppers under running water and put them on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the tail and seeds. Then we cut the component into two halves and grind each into strips. Pour the finely chopped vegetable into a clean plate. Attention: you can grind peppers into pieces of any size.

Rinse the cucumber thoroughly under running water and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the edges and then chop the component into pieces. Transfer the finely chopped vegetable to a free plate.

We wash the cabbage under running water and put it on a cutting board. If necessary, remove the coarse top leaves with clean hands. Now shred the component with a knife and pour the shavings into a clean plate.

We wash the tomato under running water and put it on a cutting board. Cut the component into two parts with a knife. From each half, remove the place to which the tail was attached. Now chop the tomato into slices and gently transfer to a free plate.

Place the garlic on a cutting board and press down slightly with the edge of a knife. Now we easily remove the husk and rinse it a little under running water. Then finely chop the cloves and pour into a clean saucer.

Pour mayonnaise and ketchup into a deep bowl using a tablespoon. Add chopped garlic and salt and black pepper to taste. We mix everything thoroughly with the improvised inventory until it is formed homogeneous mass... That's it, the gas station is ready!

Thoroughly rinse the chicken thighs under running water and place them on a cutting board. Dry the component using kitchen paper towels. Now, using a knife, we remove the veins, grease and film. Attention: the skin can also be cut off at will. I usually remove it so that the meat itself is roasted better. Then we cut the thighs into several parts and rub each thoroughly with salt and black pepper. Transfer the prepared meat to a small bowl.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan and put on big fire... When the container with the contents is well warmed up, put the chicken pieces into it. Fry the component on both sides until a golden crust forms on the surface. Immediately after that, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and fry the meat until full readiness for another 12-15 minutes, from time to time turning it over with a wooden spatula. After the allotted time, turn off the burner, and set the pan aside.

Put the still hot chicken pieces on a cutting board and, holding with a fork, cut them into several more pieces with a knife.

Now we put the pita leaves on the kitchen table in turn and begin to form the shawarma. With the first layer in the center we spread a little fried meat... Attention: visually, you need to divide all the ingredients into 6 parts. Then water the component with a small amount of dressing (2 tablespoons will be enough). Now add all the chopped vegetables here and lay them out in a slide that completely covers the chicken. At the end, wrap the filling of the dish in a pita envelope.

Meanwhile, over medium heat, heat the pan with the remaining vegetable oil after frying the chicken thigh pieces. When the container with the contents is well heated, reduce the heat. Put the lavash envelopes in the pan in turn and fry them for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown. Immediately after that, turn off the burner, and transfer the shawarma with a wooden spatula to a special serving dish.

Immediately after cooking, serve still hot shawarma to dining table... You can enjoy this amazing fast food with juice, hot tea or even a bottle of beer.

Recipe 7: shawarma with chicken legs in pita bread

You can cook delicious, juicy, and most importantly, fresh shawarma in pita bread on your own, although at first glance it seems difficult. Shawarma filling can be very diverse. This and pork with pickled cucumber or mushrooms with chicken, but today we will talk about how to cook homemade shawarma with smoked chicken and fresh vegetables... The whole process will not take more than 30 minutes, and the result will exceed all expectations. The recipe for homemade shawarma is actually simple to the elementary!

To prepare the base you will need:

  • 2 Armenian lavash.

To prepare the filling:

  • 2 smoked chicken legs;
  • 4 fresh tomatoes;
  • 4 fresh cucumbers;
  • chicken leg seasoning or chicken seasoning, or any other seasoning to taste.

For the sauce:

  • 350 grams of sour cream;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon of adjika.

Separate the meat from the legs by hand and put it in a heated frying pan, lightly poured with vegetable oil. Add seasoning and fry for 10 minutes. Thus, chicken meat turns out to be more fragrant and vigorous.

Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into small pieces and mix them right away.

For the sauce, mix all the available sour cream, mayonnaise and adjika.

Adjika adds spice to the sauce, thus it can be added less or more teaspoon, it all depends on taste preferences.

Moving on to the basics. We divide each pita bread into 2 parts in the center. Put the finished part on a baking sheet and proceed to filling.

The filling is laid out closer to the right edge of the pita bread, so that in the future it is convenient to wrap it. First comes the vegetable part, which must be salted.

Then we supplement the filling with chicken and pour over the sauce.

It remains only to wrap the pita bread and put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for literally 3-5 minutes.

The result is a fragrant and spicy homemade chicken shawarma - fast, simple and not expensive!

Recipe 8: shawarma in pita bread with salad and chicken breast

  • thin pita bread - 2 pcs;
  • ketchup - 30 gr;
  • mayonnaise - 50 gr;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc;
  • cucumbers - 1 pc;
  • smoked chicken breast - 1 pc;
  • Korean carrots - 250 gr

Slice chicken breast cubes.

Cut the cucumber into strips, cut the tomato into cubes or small slices.

Combine chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots in a bowl. Then add mayonnaise and ketchup. Mix thoroughly.

Prepare the pita bread, in order to make it easier to roll into a roll, sprinkle with water, put in a bag, and in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Spread the pita bread on the table, evenly distribute the salad, flatten and roll, or fold it into an envelope, as you like. Cut into portions and serve. Also suitable as a side dish for meat dishes... Bon Appetit!

Choose impeccable authentic recipes for chicken shawarma on the site service. Try variations with mushrooms, fillers from different types meat, fresh spicy herbs, Bulgarian sweet peppers and other vegetables, firm and semi-hard cheeses, various sauces. The simplicity of shawarma preparation will always help out when you need to have a quick and tasty snack!

Shawarma is actually a large lavash roll with various fillings. Any product can be used in the filling, but the most famous is a mix of meat and vegetables. You can use beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb. Fresh and cooked vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, cheese are added to the main component. Place of honor are occupied by sauces, which give the food a special flavor and juiciness. Mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, mustard are used. Spices and herbs are always used.

The five most commonly used ingredients in shawarma recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Cut chicken meat into small cubes or strips, sprinkle with seasonings. Leave to marinate for half an hour. Fry until golden brown.
2. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, add chopped herbs and garlic chopped through a press. Mix well.
3. Shred cabbage arbitrarily, pepper and mix with grated cheese.
4. Chop tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes.
5. On pita bread, lightly greased with sauce, put a strip of cabbage, tomato and cucumber on top.
6. At the end, lay out the fried chicken. Brush the top with the remaining sauce.
7. Roll up the shawarma by tucking in one edge. Fry on both sides.

The five most nutritious shawarma recipes:

Helpful hints:
... So that the shawarma does not unfold during the final frying, the roll must be laid on the pan with the joint down, and then turned over to the opposite side.
... Handily wrap the filling in lavashik square shape... The roll will turn out to be even. If there is no such pita bread, you can take a regular sheet and cut off its edges, giving it the shape of a square.

Today I prepared shawarma according to your recipe, and it turned out just incredibly delicious! If I treated a man with such a shawarma, he would immediately propose to me, standing on one knee and holding out a box with a tiffany ring =))) and also did carrot cake according to your own recipe. True, in a rectangular cupcake pan, not a round one. The cake is tasty, but lacks the traditional moisture content. Do you think it's because of the shape? All proportions have been met

It turns out that every self-respecting unmarried man should always wear a tiffany ring with him, in case of a phenomenal shawarma? I am ashamed to ask, what should a married man carry with him? :)

I can only guess about the pie. Perhaps it's the carrots - now is not the season, storage dries up the carrots, the dough becomes less moist. I'm not talking about traditional maxims about air humidity, humidity and the type of flour.

“I am ashamed to ask, what should a married man carry with him? :) "
Aha ha ha. :) It's five.
Girls they are ... give them rings, and even from Tiffany.
And 90% do not even know how to cook. Or they do it either without desire, or as a fault and rarely with a twist. Everything is according to the standard.

The 21st century seems to be marked by two things (food):
1. Almost nobody cooks at home.
2. And if they do, then men do. For women are still [so far] cooked only by mothers and grandmothers.

True, my grandmother never really cooked for me (the second cooked, but also everything is simple: buckwheat, millet, soups, etc.).
Simple yes: dumplings, dumplings, potatoes, salad from your garden: tomatoes + cucumbers + dill + radishes, and porridge. Apparently, the war somehow left its mark (on both of them), everything is simple and unpretentious.

Mom was cooking. But then again ... just awesome I liked 3-4 dishes. Apparently, it's hard to cook all your life. Women generally don't have a crush on it.

The little sister is always cooking something fresh. The husband, of course, will be healthier, but you don't want to eat it either.

The second generally eats (with her husband) some rubbish from the shops. Purchased salads, semi-finished products, loaves, sausages and other rubbish.

Dad always knew how, but he preferred that his wives did it.

Who really knew how and wanted to cook it is my uncle (father's brother). That's really who a gourmet. He prepares food for dinner and is already thinking about what he will cook in the evening. But this also has its drawbacks. Health suffers.

My wife, in principle, never knew how. I burned eggs a couple of times ... I decided that I'd rather cook than eat.
(Fortunately, the stupid and useless education of a cook - I somehow came in handy, although I studied myself, because in the 90s teachers taught the same way as they were paid a salary (our government), that is, almost nothing)

Although her mother always cooked with her. Again, unpretentious (regular food every day, nothing special and not to say delicious). But she always had awesome homework (for the winter).

Sister (wife) cooks so much that I wonder how my husband has not yet run away from her. I have not seen such transparent shameful pale soups even in the hospital in the 90s. And you can't even call it food there. Pigs think they eat better food.

A friend of mine cooks himself. The wife "in life" is pregnant or with a child. And her salads didn't fall on him.

A couple more acquaintances - the same.

I'm trying to remember WHO cooks in general and ... I can't. Only single mothers who have no husbands and are forced to cook for children.

And at the same time I am surprised that the forums and sites are full of women preparing food. It is probably an endangered species between the ages of 40 and 60 and older. And the young, apparently, cook on holidays (after all, it is UNCOMFORTABLE to show guests that you do not know how to cook, you have to throw dust in your eyes).

Maybe a little chaotic and somewhat rude. Sorry, there was no thought.
But it is what it is. Prepared from the current generation (from 18 to 35) - units.
Of course, I do not mean like frying cards, making soup, etc. Because it can 10 summer child do. Moreover, rarely does anyone get it tasty.
I have not fried potatoes for 8 years. And the sisters still remember that it was theirs best potato in life. A friend taught at 15 years old. I didn't want to eat what my mother was preparing - I myself learned how to fry potatoes correctly. So that it is crispy and crusty, and not semi-cooked, like 99%.

P.P.S. That is why the girl wrote about the ring.
For (oh my god, so the hardest and hardest recipe) shawarma that needs to be cooked for a whole DAY!
And immediately the ring. Yes, not simple.
It is clear that this is irony. But there is much of the truth in this irony. The whole meaning of which for the GIRLS of the current generation is: “What is the food for the bath? Do I look like a cook ?! "

I think you are overly dramatizing. It is clear that if there is an opportunity not to cook at home (semi-finished products, food delivery, catering, etc.), someone will surely fall off. And that's okay. It is abnormal not to love to eat, and not to love to cook - quite for yourself, everyone has their own hobby. Well, I, in fact, do not write "for everyone", but for those who are interested. And shawarma is a simple dish, even low-born for some, and when it turns out to be really tasty (as it should be), it makes an impression on the inexperienced.

“And that's okay. It's not normal not to love to eat "
No, well, in fact, this is a separate broad topic. We will definitely not talk about this. On account of the abnormality, I really do not know ...

"And not to love to cook - quite yourself, everyone has their own hobby."
I find it difficult to agree with this. Due to the fact that I DO NOT like to do something bad.
And if I cook, all the more, FOR MYSELF, how can I not love it?
Well, then we can say that a person plants tomatoes in the garden not because he likes it, but to feed himself.
Yes, there is such a category of people. Purely consumer.
When a dog is kept in a private house not for the love of the dog or so that it does not die somewhere, but for the sake of sitting on a leash all day and barking away unwanted guests.
I believe that there are a huge number of them. But I can't say that this is the norm. Most are not the norm yet.

That is, NOT having the skills to cook, at the age of 15, I enjoyed cooking for myself and then enjoyed what turned out cool. It is a pleasure that you do something well and it turns out and brings the result you wanted.
At the same time, I may not like to glue postcards, but if I make it for the sake of a gift to someone close to me, I will enjoy it too.
Therefore, it is not necessary to love something for it to be a hobby in order to enjoy this process.
And when other people and people like it to cook, this is also a pleasure.
Therefore, how it can be done automatically, without pleasure, and at the same time assume that it should be so - I do not understand who does this. This is just not normal. Not to enjoy a process that OTHERS should definitely enjoy.

"A shawarma is a simple dish, even low-born for some"
Well, I somehow have a weak idea of ​​the "low quality" of products or dishes. Moreover, the usual. This is not pearl barley eventually. :)

"And when it turns out to be really tasty (as it should be), it makes an impression on the inexperienced."
I believe that NOT tasty food In general, there should not be in principle.
Who would eat fried potatoes if it wasn't tasty? Who's the omelet? Or scrambled eggs? Who would eat mashed potatoes be it tasteless?
Yes, there is a category of people (and there are many of them) who do not know how, do not want or do not understand, then there is a great chance that it will not work.
Here you can plant a tree so that it dries up. If you do it without wanting it to grow.
But in general, if you do everything normally, the food should be normal. And if with a soul, then definitely tasty (except for cases when a person simply does not like some ingredient).
If mashed potatoes can radically differ in taste, then I think that shawarma is even more so. After all, there, as I understand it, everything is tied to the ratio and the correct selection of vegetables, delicious meat and delicious sauce.
Someone, of course, mechanically shoves vegetables and does not care about the sauce, trying to leave due to the fact that the person is hungry (which means it will seem tastier to him than it actually is), well, his meat is tasty after all ...

Therefore, even vegetable stew done right, it tastes good and makes an impression. :) What can we say about shawarma.

I'm going to do everything your option, but I forget. Periodically, accidentally looking for something and getting back to you.
But I think it will definitely be great here.
Because I see the presence of spices, their variety, strict proportions, and even more so the marinade for meat.
All this cannot but be delicious.

How I cook it, I'll ask how much they liked it.

Most = normal. Simple by definition.

In recent years, the wise and mysterious East has made a kind of culinary revolution. Quiet and confident, without much effort and investment, he is his version of the hamburger - shawarma. It got to the point that the eternal heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, organized and led a whole movement for the preservation, which is confidently crowded out on the streets and in restaurants of England by shawarma.

Bad reputation

We offer you excerpts from the book by F. Ruchaevsky "Modern Israeli culinary. Jewish menu of the 21st century. " Publishing house AST, 2010

Is there a real shawarma? It happens ... shawarma!

There are many disputes between Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents about how to call this culinary product - shawarma or shawarma, which, probably, is not important, although I myself explain this discrepancy by the peculiarities of translation from different languages. For example, in Hebrew, in the middle of the word for shawarma, there is the letter "vav", which can be read as "u", which is why there was a discrepancy. But since the shawarma nevertheless came to Russia from Turkey, then, perhaps, the name reflects the Turkic linguistic influence.

I call this dish "shawarma", as is customary in Israel.

History of the dish

In Damascus, minced meat, marinated in a special way, and then fried, seasoned with salad and sauce. In the Middle Ages, Damascus fell under Turkish rule, sharing the fate of a significant part of the civilized world, as well as the Balkan countries, Greece, Palestine and many other countries.

Initially, shawarma was prepared from veal and lamb. And fifteen or twenty years ago, they also began to make it from chicken - this was already a Turkish innovation in the traditional recipe. Thanks to the same Turks, shawarma has turned from a local dish into an international one.

Therefore, it is not surprising that for the first time I met "shawarma" at the end of the 80s in Uzbekistan, when shuttle traders from Turkey brought the first apparatus for making this rather famous oriental dishes... However, they brought an idea and devices, but they did not manage to root the real technology and taste of this dish.

Perhaps, initially, the shawarma was prepared by experts and according to the rules, but then everything moved on to the rails of pseudo-shawarma. Visiting different cities, I try to taste shawarma, but I have never seen it cooked correctly, although I do not insist on the ultimate truth, perhaps I have not yet been to those places where shawarma is made according to the rules.

In search of the primary source

To be honest, when I first got to Turkey and Greece, the first thing I did was to pay tribute to Shawarma. So to speak, taste from the original source. when I was served pretty dry and large pieces lamb in pita. In my knowledge of this dish, it didn’t look like shawarma .. In Turkey, everything was different: a cake with meat oozed with taste, and the aroma of spices immediately let me know that this was real shawarma.

How to do it right?

"Shawarma" is meat strung on a needle and cooked by rotating this needle between heat sources (gas or electric, and ideally, between coals). Also, in the absence of an apparatus, shawarma can be cooked on the stove or frying pan. Two components of the taste of shawarma: properly selected, sliced ​​and strung meat and spices.

Meat. Varieties and preferences

Shawarma can be prepared from almost any meat (naturally, suitable for its technological properties), but perfect meat, and therefore the most common, is turkey meat (although it is also prepared from turkeys, this already worsens the quality of the dish).

The meat is removed from the thigh of the bird. Then it is plastered as thin as possible and sprinkled with spices. Then it is strung on a needle using a special overlap technology, very tightly, and mutton or goose fat is placed through a certain number of layers.

Also, shawarma is prepared from a similar part of chicken, from lamb and very rarely from veal (thin edge). In Russia, it is also prepared from pork, but in the east, for reasons known to all, this meat is not eaten.

Meat. The subtleties of stringing and cutting

Stringing shawarma on a needle is also a very important and time-consuming process - it's not just putting pieces of meat on a skewer. The fact is that later, during the heat treatment, if the needle is improperly prepared, there will be very large losses of meat. And this, in turn, will make the sale unprofitable: the raw materials are not quite cheap. And besides, with an incorrect and loose thread of meat, it will heat up unevenly along the radius of the needle.

The meat, as soon as it is ready, is cut with a very sharp knife in a very thin layer and placed in pits (we will talk about them further) with various fillings from salads and spices or in lafa (lavash).

Spices. The secret is not given out, but it is invented

The question of spices for shawarma is always open: spice recipes are kept secret and passed down from generation to generation. In my opinion, the taste and celebrity of shawarma depends on the composition of the spices. There are not a few places where shawarma is sold, but queues for a dish are far from everywhere. Usually, they go to certain places to eat shawarma.

I have a longtime friend, the owner of a dukhan shawarma, a native of Morocco, Solomon Cohen, who always answers my questions about spices:

I will give you enough spices for shawarma to last for the rest of your days, but don't ask for the recipe for the mixture!

Personally, I spent almost a year and a half choosing spices until we came to the taste that our client wanted and liked. Of course, ready-made mixtures for shawarma are also sold in retail chains, but no self-respecting chef will use them.

Spices. Mandatory composition

The basis for the spices is turmeric, sweet paprika, then curry, cardamom, various types of peppers, khovaych and bagarat - oriental spices are selected. I had to meet when black coffee or cinnamon was added to the mixture. So, here you can dare and find new sources of taste. Dried fruits and pistachios are often added to festive shawarma, which gives the dish an original taste.

How to cook shawarma at home

If there is no apparatus for making shawarma, then I usually do this: sprinkle whole pieces of meat with spices and bake in the oven.

I pass the cooled meat through a ditor-machine for cutting vegetables with a triple knife for shredding cabbage. The meat cut in this way, I fry in hot oil, sometimes with finely chopped onion in half rings.

Shawarma can be served not only in pita or pita bread, but also in portions. Usually oriental is served with shawarma hot spices such as amba (mango and pepper chutney) and skhug (analogue of adjika).

It should be noted that serving cabbage salad and mayonnaise with ketchup with shawarma is the know-how of Russian catering. It has nothing to do with the tradition of cooking eastern shawarma!