Home / Khachapuri / Goat's milk cheese at home: soft, hard, porous, processed, feta cheese - simple recipes with step-by-step preparation. Goat Semi-Hard Cheese Recipe How to Make Homemade Goat Cheese

Goat's milk cheese at home: soft, hard, porous, processed, feta cheese - simple recipes with step-by-step preparation. Goat Semi-Hard Cheese Recipe How to Make Homemade Goat Cheese

Before talking about how to make cheese from goat's milk, it doesn't hurt to remember its benefits. This product contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as other useful components, and is absorbed much better than cheese made from cow's milk. The cost of goat cheese is much higher than that of cow cheese. But, if you make gourmet cheese with your own hands, you can reduce the cost of it to a minimum.

We offer recipes for making soft, melted and hard cheese at your choice.

Equipment for homemade cheese dairy

In order to make goat or other cheese with your own hands, prepare the following tools and equipment:

  • colander or sieve
  • a wooden spatula or spoon with a long handle
  • wide gauze
  • mixer with whisk attachments
  • high capacity for whipping ingredients
  • a thick-walled pan for boiling milk
  • a saucepan or bowl to collect the whey
  • mittens
  • 2 wide cutting boards
  • oppression (can be replaced with a can of water)
  • cheese molds
  • towel, napkins.

Recipe number 1. Soft cheese


  • 2 liters goat milk
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 6 chicken eggs
  • some lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.


  1. Beat eggs with a mixer at high speed. Little by little add sour cream to the egg foam. We achieve a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat. Salt.
  3. Add eggs with sour cream to the milk, stirring with a spatula. The liquid should not boil. Soon, curdled clots will begin to form on the surface, and the liquid will acquire a greenish tint - this will separate the serum.
  4. Cover the colander with 2-3 layers of gauze, set it over a saucepan or bowl to collect the whey. When the whey and cottage cheese are completely separated, put on mittens and throw the contents of the pan into a colander. After the bulk of the liquid has drained, we tightly tie the cheese in gauze. Put the resulting bag of feta cheese between the cutting boards and put oppression on top.

After 6 hours, the soft cheese will be ready. Before serving cheese, it is advisable to chill it.

Recipe number 2. Processed goat cheese


  • 0.5 kg goat curd, prepared according to the previous recipe
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • finely chopped dill
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • some salt.


  1. Mix the squeezed cottage cheese with dill, soda and a pinch of salt.
  2. Put butter in a preheated saucepan. When it melts, spread the cottage cheese and reduce the heat to medium.
  3. Stir constantly and continuously. When the curd starts to stretch, put it into molds and refrigerate.

Recipe number 3. Hard goat cheese


  • 3 liters of milk
  • 1 kg of homemade cottage cheese
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • half a glass of sunflower oil
  • salt.


  1. In a saucepan, combine cottage cheese with milk, mix with a mixer with auger attachments.
  2. Bring this mixture to a boil, stir, cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. We discard the resulting mass in a colander with a gauze filter, squeeze.
  4. We transfer the cheese to a bowl, combine with butter, egg, soda and salt. Knead like dough. Then we put it in a saucepan and place it in a water bath.
  5. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  6. We lay out the cheese in molds, put the load on top. After 3 hours, we remove the load and send the forms to the refrigerator. Delicious cheese is ready!

Goat milk produces cheese with a specific flavor, appreciated by lovers ...

To ferment milk, special ferments or citric acid with acidin pepsin are used (these are pharmaceutical tablets with ferments suitable for fermentation). For some reason, cheese starter cultures are sold in sachets designed for for 100 l of milk! If you think the bag is a decent size, then it is not. The bag weighs only 1 g. I had no choice but to estimate the amount "by eye": I cut the package and literally squeezed out a few grains of the starter culture.

To prepare homemade cheese, you need to control the temperature of milk (even goat milk, even cow milk), so you need a culinary thermometer or multicooker with the functions "yogurt" or "multi-cooker 30-40 degrees".

You will also need a colander and gauze.

To make goat cheese at home, prepare the ingredients listed below.

I used to ferment milk for cheese with citric acid and acidin pepsin, for example, in a recipe for, and I was glad to finally try a special ferment. The starter culture can be ordered from online stores.

Pondering this way and that, how much should I measure the starter culture for 1 liter of goat milk, I simply squeezed out a few grains through a small incision on the bag.

I think it could have been even less than what I have in the photo ... Dissolve the grains of the starter culture in a little water.

Then pour the water with the sourdough into the milk heated to 35 degrees. Stir and leave for a while, gradually the milk curdles and flakes form.

The resulting mass must be filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

After draining the whey, place the cheese mass under ... an impromptu press.

It is necessary to take out the cheese mass 2-3 times from under the press, crumble it into pieces and then again place it under oppression.

When the cheese mass is already very dense, place it for about an hour (and some will stir overnight) in a salt solution (about 0.5 liters of water and salt - from 2 tablespoons).

To do this, first cut the cheese into slices or cubes.

Salted in such an unpretentious way, the cheese is almost ready to serve.

But you can do a few more actions: knead it again, put it under oppression again, and then serve it, or let it mature in the refrigerator for five days.

In the photo - homemade goat cheese, soaked in the refrigerator for four days after cooking.

Serve ready-made goat cheese as an appetizer, in sandwiches or salads, and it can also be a filling for khachapuri and other similar pies or flat cakes.

Bon Appetit!

07.06.2019 | Recepty-syrov | No comments yet

History of creation
The earliest domesticated animals were goats. Perhaps this is why goat cheese was the first cheese in the history of cheese making. The recipe for the first homemade cheese was obtained at random: the ancient people used the stomachs of livestock as a wineskin (for storing and transporting milk). When milk was poured into such a wineskin, it curdled under the influence of the remains of pepsin and chymosin, which are contained in the stomachs of animals. People realized that milk in solid form has many advantages: it is stored several times longer, it is much easier to carry with you, and tastes good. Homemade cheese is more like compressed cottage cheese.

About the recipe and starters

We offer a homemade goat cheese recipe (with plant-based milk-clotting enzyme) that any beginner cheese maker can handle. A set for making cheese can be bought on the website at the linkzdoroveevo.rf

Characteristics of the finished product
The size of a cheese head is traditionally small - up to 400 grams.
Fresh goat cheese has a pronounced creamy taste and a special spicy aroma.

Materials and tools
Stainless steel pot with a volume of 4 liters or more
Cheese molds (for example: Form for cheese Anelli Lodi. Volume 0.45 liters. for 300/400 g or Form for cheese Anelli Lodi. Volume 0.7 liters. ) a large selection of forms can be found on our website zdoroveevo.rf
Thermometer (for example : Electronic Kitchen Food Thermometer )
Drainage mat (for example: Drainage mat for cheese making polymer white ) a large selection of rugs can be found on our website zdoroveevo.rf
Long clot cutter or lyre for cheese
Cheese napkin or gauze
Coarse table salt, not iodized

Raw materials and consumption rates
Milk: whole, matured goat milk that has not gone through the heat treatment and separation process. One liter of goat's milk produces about 150-200 g of cheese. The set is designed for making cheese from 4, 8 or 12 liters of goat milk.

Operating procedure

Milk preparation
Pasteurization is recommended. Heat the milk quickly to + 73 ° C with vigorous stirring, stand for 30 seconds, cool in a water bath to + 32 ° C.
Into milk cooled to +32 ºС add homemade goat cheese sourdough one, two or 3 pcs., depending on the volume of milk taken (for 4, 8 or 12 liters, respectively).
Observing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, scatter the culture over the surface of the milk, leave it for a while on the surface to swell, then mix the milk thoroughly to evenly distribute the starter culture. Incubate milk for 40 - 60 minutes at + 32 ° C for the growth of lactic acid bacteria.

Introduction of milk-clotting enzyme.
Package content ferment starter culture for goat milk designed for 50 liters of milk. For 4 liters of milk, one measuring spoon enzyme (for 8 liters - 2 spoons, for 12 liters - 3 measuring spoons, respectively). Dissolve the required amount of enzyme in a tablespoon of boiled water.

Important! The dose of the milk-clotting enzyme can differ several times depending on the properties of the milk. We recommend that you always carry out a coagulation test and calculate the dose of the enzyme individually for each specific case. You can find out more about this on the website zdoroveevo.rf in the section "Articles"
Add the required amount of enzyme solution to milk and stir.

Clot test and treatment
Milk begins to curdle after 12-15 minutes, but for the curd to gain density and the desired acidity, it may take 45 - 90 minutes.
A clean separation of the curd from the whey should be achieved.
There are many verification methods. For example, you can put a slotted spoon on the surface of the clot - if properly rolled, transparent serum will pass through its holes, and the clot will elastically bend by several millimeters under the influence of the weight of the slotted spoon. If it has not already happened, leave the clot for a while.
Cut the curd vertically into columns, and then horizontally into pieces with a side of 2.5 cm. Leave for 10-15 minutes, so that the cut curd thickens a little and settles, and the whey separates.
After the lapse of time, slowly begin to knead the cheese mass for 20 minutes, without applying excessive mechanical stress to the curds. Do not forget to keep the temperature of the curd mass at around + 32 ° C. Control the temperature with thermometer... During this time, the curd will be compacted, more whey will be separated.

Line the mold with a napkin or gauze. Place the curd in the mold (s) on a napkin. For goat cheeses, small molds of various sizes are traditionally used. You will find a large assortment of these forms on our website. zdoroveevo.rf
As it thickens, for 15 to 20 minutes, add curd grains to the molds.

Aged cheese
Soak the mass in the mold for several hours - depending on the speed of compaction of the clots into a dense head. Two hours is usually enough for the clot to settle and harden.

Move on to flipping
After 2 hours, cover the dish with a drainage mat and turn over. The cheese in the mold will move to the bottom and press in the other direction. Turn the cheese over several times within three hours. As a result of this process, the cheese forms a dense head.
Leave the cheese in the mold overnight (10 hours).
The next morning, remove the cheese from the mold, season with salt on each side. Rub the salt into the surface of the head.
Leave the cheese on the drainage mat for two hours to dry the head

Conditions for ripening and storage of the finished product ,

Goat cheese is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our body needs all the time. In addition, this type of cheese is low in calories in comparison with other types.

Apart from all the beneficial properties, this product has other benefits as well.

One of the main ones is its culinary uses. It is used in salads and a wide variety of dishes, to which, as an ingredient, it gives a great flavor.

Goat cheese "Home"

Cooking this kind of cheese is not too difficult, but it does take care.

First you need to remove the cream from the milk - the top thick layer. After that, the milk is placed in a saucepan over medium heat.

When the milk boils, you need to reduce the heat and add vinegar. After that, you need to start stirring the milk so that it curdles faster and better.

After the milk has thickened, strain it through cheesecloth. We need all the clot that remains in the gauze. It is advisable to leave it hanging on cheesecloth for a day, so that the milk is glass to the end.

The next day you need to take a curd, salt it and knead it thoroughly, like a dough. After that, knead it into a cake and put in a thick frying pan, which you put on fire. You will need to wait until the cheese has melted.

When it becomes liquid, remove it from the heat so that it can thicken. After all these manipulations, the product is ready, all that remains is to cut it and sprinkle it with caraway seeds.

Homemade cheese "Soft"

Cooking time 35 min. + 24 hours of infusion. Caloric content - 275 kcal.

You need to put the milk on low heat and bring it to a boil. When the foam starts to rise, add the cottage cheese and start stirring for 3-5 minutes. After the milk curdles, strain it through cheesecloth and take the curd that remains in the cheesecloth. It is advisable to squeeze out this clot well from excess liquid or leave it hanging in gauze for a day.

After that, you need to mix the egg, salt and butter until smooth. After that, we mix all this with a clot and put in a water bath until the mass melts. Then it must be poured into the form you need and wait until it thickens - it is advisable to put a press on top.

Goat cheese "Hard"

Cooking time - 30 minutes. + 24 hours of infusion. Caloric content - 280 kcal.

You need to take sour goat's milk and add eggs to it, then stir until smooth.

After that, we take fresh milk, add salt to it and put it on the fire, starting to stir. Then you need to start slowly pouring the mixture of sour milk and eggs into the saucepan, not forgetting to stir.

It is required to cook until a thick mass resembling curd is formed on the surface. All this must be filtered through cheesecloth and leave only the curd mass. It will need to be squeezed out thoroughly to get rid of all unnecessary liquid.

After all the manipulations, the resulting mass must be put under the press overnight, or for a day - the more, the better. Well, that's all - the product is ready.

  1. It is worth saying that in case of ulcers and gastritis, it is not recommended to use goat cheese, or it is required to reduce the amount of this product. The fact is that it has a high acidity, which will have a bad effect on such gastrointestinal disorders;
  2. You can store homemade cheese for 2-3 weeks and preferably in the refrigerator. It is better to put it in a bag, so it will be less susceptible to bacteria and, as a result, will not deteriorate soon;
  3. Wine, beer and coffee are very suitable drinks for this product. The joint taste of the drink and the cheese will be great;
  4. Cheese does not have a specific smell, unlike goat's milk, which is a good reason to convert milk into a tastier and healthier product;
  5. The prepared delicacy can be added to various, even everyday, dishes.

Bon Appetit!


What is goat cheese?

What is this cheese, how to make goat cheese at home, cooking recipes, how it is useful, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health and are interested in how you can cook certain dishes with your own hands and food. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Goat cheese is a fermented milk product made from natural goat milk. Its hard, soft and curd varieties are known. Plus options with mold. The most common product is in a soft, creamy form. A distinctive feature of goat's milk cheese is its white color (since it does not contain beta-carotene). Other shades indicate the use of dyes in production.

A properly made cheese tastes good with a touch of spice.

Of particular importance in the composition of this cheese are substances such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin - vitamins of group B. It is also important to mention retinol and niacin, which are the basis for the formation of vitamins A and PP in the body.

The total calorie content of the product per 100 grams is about 290 units. It contains a minimum of carbohydrates, about 22 grams of protein and fat. In terms of its nutritional composition, goat cheese is a dietary product that is well suited for both adult and baby food. In addition, it is good to use it during periods of increased physical activity.

The benefits of goat cheese:

All of its types are rich in nutrients. It contains especially a lot of calcium, which is necessary for health, strength of bone tissue, teeth, hair, nails. In addition, a sufficient intake of calcium in the body significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a cancer of the colon and mammary glands. This is facilitated by the probiotics also found in goat cheese. They reduce the risk of cancer, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, promote complete digestion of food and, of course, improve the state of the immune system.

Regular consumption of 2-3 pieces of this product reduces the possibility of migraines, helps to normalize blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Its regular use activates metabolic processes, which prevents the body from accumulating fat. Therefore, despite its calorie content, you can safely include it in your menu without fear of gaining weight. Of course, you shouldn't eat it in kilograms. Just 50 - 100 g is enough for the whole day.

It should be noted that cheese contains a minimum of cholesterol and sodium. Therefore, it can be used for diabetes, heart disease. The product is almost completely absorbed, saturating the body with healthy saturated fats.

According to experts, the regular use of a small amount of this product contributes to the improvement of the genitourinary system. There is also evidence that eating cheese can reduce soreness during menstruation.

This product is very important for people who, due to intolerance to cow's milk, cannot consume cheeses made from it. Goat's milk cheese contains lactoglobulins, is considered hypoallergenic, and therefore can be included in your diet.

How to make goat cheese at home?


5 l goat milk

1½-2 tablets of acidin-pepsin per 1 liter of milk (recipe "Cheese")

Salt - to taste (from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of milk)

If you want to make cheese from pasteurized milk, boil it and chill it to 36–38 ° C. Heat fresh milk to this temperature. Pour the acidin-pepsin starter culture diluted in a third of a glass of milk at room temperature into the prepared milk. If you have an electric stove, remember to move the pot away from the burner so that the milk does not heat up and the enzymes do not cook. Cover the pot with a lid.

After 30 minutes - 1 hour, a dense clot should form, but sometimes you have to wait about 2 hours: the time depends on the amount of leaven. Determine the readiness of the curd with a knife blade: if, after immersion in the pan, the blade comes out clean, the curd is ready, that is, the leaven particles are compressed and do not stick to the blade.

If you get a mass that looks like curdled milk, cover the pan with the lid again and leave for another 30 minutes. Such a mass could have resulted from an insufficient amount of acidin-pepsin. If after an additional 30 minutes the mass does not acquire the desired consistency, slightly heat the pan, stirring the mass thoroughly, and discard it on a fine sieve. After draining the whey, you will have a nice young cheese, but perhaps a little dry.

If the clot has matured in 30 minutes or 1 hour, then a little greenish liquid should separate from the sides of the clot. Cut the curd into squares lengthwise and crosswise and leave them in the whey for 10 minutes. You can mix the cheese mass later: the curd will no longer absorb moisture, but only give it away anywhere in the incision.

Transfer the mass to fine sieves lined with cotton cloth, salt (do not salt in a saucepan!), Stir and tamp. Tie the ends of the fabric and place the mass under the weight. Cut the mixture into cubes periodically and stir to drain the whey faster.

If, due to the strong pressure of the load in the center of the bunch, bulges form from its sides, cut them off 2-3 times and put them in the vacated holes to level the surface. The next day you will have a young cheese like the Adyghe cheese. Place it in a storage dish, cover and place in the refrigerator.

Great video recipe. Worth seeing!

And more recipes:

How to make Gayskasli soft goat cheese:

10-15 l goat milk

1-2 tablets of abomin (recipe "Homemade feta cheese")

Salt to taste

Dissolve Abomin tablets in half a glass of cold water and add to fresh milk. Let stand 40 minutes, until milk curdles, then stir well, pour into a tall dish with holes in the bottom and sides and let the whey drain, seasoning with salt on top. After 2 days, remove the mass from the mold and, turning it over, salt on the other side. This fermented milk product matures for 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

How to make Crotten goat cheese:

Crotin de Chavignol is a soft goat cheese, it is a small round loaf with a diameter of 4–5 cm, a height of 3–4 cm and a weight of 60–130 g. The crust can be covered with white or blue mold. It has a pleasant taste with a slight acidity and a slightly nutty flavor.

Crotten means horse manure in French. It justifies such an unappetizing name only externally, and then only after aging for 4 months, when it dries out to small gray heads.

Cheese is usually made in March, when goats are taken out to pasture. Young spring product is very delicate, has a light unobtrusive taste. In autumn, it turns out to be spicier, with a characteristic goat milk aroma.

Some hobbyists prefer to age their cheese made in spring until autumn. The result is a spicy version of the cheese, covered with a hard crust and hardened on the inside. Several variants of it are produced in France.

Crotten is served at the end of the meal with fruit and bread and grilled on lettuce leaves.


4 l goat milk, ¼ tsp mesophilic leaven, ⅛ tsp liquid rennet, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride, 1/32 tsp. mold Geotrichum candidum, 2 tsp. salt

Expand the drainage system from the rugs so that the liquid passes through them without hindrance, install crotten molds on top (10 pcs.).

Heat milk in a container to 22 ° С, stirring, then remove from heat and sprinkle powdered mesophilic sourdough and mold over its surface in a thin layer, leave for 3 minutes. Stir the milk mass slowly, lifting the bottom layers up with a large spoon or slotted spoon. Add calcium chloride dissolved in 50 ml of cooled boiled water to the milk. Dissolve rennet in the same way. Stir everything again with slow movements. After 18–20 hours of exposure under a lid at room temperature, the milk should separate into a curd and transparent whey. Drain the excess liquid so that part of the whey remains at the bottom. Then remove small layers of cheese from the curd and put into molds. The process will take quite a long time, since the cheese layers will gradually settle to the bottom and thicken. Lay the layers of cheese at intervals of 20 minutes. Close the molds with an absorbent towel or napkins and leave to form and ripen under its own weight for 2 days. After a day, you need to turn the molds for equilateral self-pressing of the cheese mass.

Remove the cheese heads from the molds, sprinkle with salt (¼ teaspoons each) on both sides and leave for 24 hours on a drainage surface, covered with a towel. Place the heads in a large container. It should have a drainage mat and 2-3 layers of paper towels underneath. Keep the cheese in a cool place (8-10 ° C) for up to 2 weeks. Periodically monitor the release of moisture inside the container by removing wet wipes and wiping the lid dry. To create optimal moisture for the development of white mold culture and the appearance of a wrinkled surface on the cheese, do not install the lid too tightly. Store fresh cheese for 5 weeks in the refrigerator, where the temperature does not exceed 4–5 ° С. It becomes the most fragrant and tender from the 14th to the 25th day of storage.