Home / Cookies / A beautiful breakfast in bed for your beloved. What should your wife cook for breakfast? Harmony of romance and practicality

A beautiful breakfast in bed for your beloved. What should your wife cook for breakfast? Harmony of romance and practicality

The history of International Women's Day on March 8, stretches back to 1908, when 15,000 rallies were held in New York at the call of a women's organization, demanding equal rights with men in pay, as well as for suffrage for women.

In 1910, an international women's was established in Copenhagen. On this day, it was supposed to hold events that should draw attention to women's problems: domestic violence, lower wages, rape and more.

The UN annually celebrates International Women's Day as the right of women in the fight for equality of rights and emancipation.

In our century in countries the former USSR, 8 March is traditionally celebrated as a women's holiday. On this spring day, men give flowers and gifts to their beloved women, and "the original meaning of this day is forgotten long ago."

March 8 here is associated with the smell of mimosas, an abundance of colorful tulips, in common with spring. Hence the spring high spirits, I want love and affection.

Every man tries to do something pleasant to his woman on this day. Give flowers and prepare breakfast for your beloved, something unusual, and serve it in bed.

And of course, many of our men are faced with the question: what and how to cook for your beloved wife or girlfriend in order to surprise her? So we will try to help them, prepare an unusual breakfast.

10.Video recipe:

How to cook a romantic dinner for your beloved at home read recipes here.

Baked bananas for breakfast for your beloved

Very delicate, tasty and hearty breakfast

We need:

  • 4 bananas, peeled
  • 1/2 lemon, juice
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 100 ml yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 5 pieces of dried apricots (raisins can be used)
  • 50 g chopped walnuts


  1. Cut the peeled bananas lengthwise into two halves. We put them in an oval dish (cut up) and pour with lemon juice so as not to darken.
  2. Steam dried apricots with boiling water and cut into small pieces.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with yogurt, egg, nuts, dried apricots and honey.

Cottage cheese must be used low-fat and well squeezed out, then it does not "blur"

4. Apply the resulting mass to the bananas.

On prepared bananas for baking, you can put various berries: currants and raspberries

5. Put the form with bananas in the oven with a grill on the top shelf, bake for 8-9 minutes with 50% grill on.

You can bake bananas in a regular, but preheated oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

Serving presentation can be done with melted white and black chocolate, also with strawberries.

Diet salad with avocado for your girlfriend

We need:

For the salad:

  • avocado (300 g)
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 250 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g feta cheese (or feta cheese)
  • 150 g onions
  • lettuce leaves
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 pcs cherry tomato

For refueling:

  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Boil chicken fillet (cook for 20 minutes). Cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings, salt and marinate in apple cider vinegar.
  3. Dice cucumbers, feta and cherry tomatoes separately.
  4. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  5. Tear lettuce leaves with our hands.
  6. Let's go to the gas station. We mix all the ingredients, pre-squeeze the garlic through a press. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. We collect the salad. Mix fillet, onion, cucumber and avocado in one bowl. Pour the mixture with dressing and add feta cheese, mix everything gently. Salad ready.

The salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise or replaced with sour cream sauce by adding pounded yolk from a boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard to it.

Pastry "Scrambled eggs" delicious gift for March 8

We need:

  • 1 can of canned peaches
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 1, -2 tbsp Sahara
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 10 g vanillin
  • 0.5 kg puff pastry (you can buy frozen in the store)
  • 50 g butter


  1. Grind a piece of dough with sugar and roll out a circle, 0.8 cm thick.Cut out circles with a glass with a diameter of 8-10 cm.And form baskets, with small sides, a height of about 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Oil the baking sheet butter and lay out the dough baskets. Brush the edges with lightly beaten yolk. Chop the middle so that air comes out during baking.

If it is possible to use silicone molds for muffins, then oil is not a baking sheet, but the tins.

3. Mix cottage cheese with vanilla, sugar and 1 yolk and mix thoroughly. Divide the curd in proportion to the number of baskets received.

4. Place the halves of peaches in the middle of the basket, cut down, and surround with cottage cheese. Cover the top with an egg and bake in the oven for 1-15 minutes at 175 degrees.

Can be served with coffee or tea, your darling, straight to bed.

Persimmon and orange salad with pomegranate

We need:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1-2 persimmons
  • 2-3 tsp yoghurt


  1. Wash persimmon, remove the receptacle and cut into large cubes.
  2. Peel the orange from the skin, partitions and also chop coarsely.
  3. Peel the pomegranate and separate the seeds.
  4. Put pieces of persimmon and orange mixed in the bowls.
  5. Sprinkle with a handful of pomegranate seeds and pour over yogurt. You can sprinkle any nuts on top.

Tangerines in chocolate glaze

An unusual dessert for breakfast for your girlfriend can be prepared according to this recipe.

We need:

  • 1 kg of tangerines
  • 250 g sugar
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa
  • 8 tbsp water
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 1 lemon

We need:

  • 1 kg of tangerines
  • 250 g sugar
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa
  • 8 tbsp water
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 1 lemon


  1. First, we clean the tangerines, they can be divided into slices, or whole, their surface must dry.
  2. .We prepare the glaze. To do this, mix cocoa, sugar and water in a saucepan. We put on low heat and, while stirring, bring the glaze to a boil. And simmer at very low heat for 5-6 minutes, until sugar caramelization. Remove from heat and cool until the icing begins to thicken.
  3. Dip the prepared tangerines in the glaze, wrap them on all sides and put them on plates.
  4. Pour more icing on top and sprinkle pine nuts and cranberries.
  5. Decorate with lemon wedges and serve when the glaze hardens.

According to this recipe, you can make any fruit chocolate and make any presentation, whatever your imagination tells you.

Cottage cheese casserole unusual breakfast of ordinary products

Very delicious, healthy dish, easy to prepare, which, like no other dish, goes well with breakfast.

We need:

  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 2 tbsp semolina
  • berries and fruits to taste (can be frozen)


  1. We mix cottage cheese, semolina, sugar, egg - beat.
  2. Grease the form with oil. Put fruits, berries on the bottom and fill with the resulting mixture.
  3. Lubricate the top with egg yolk or sour cream.
  4. Bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes or bake a casserole in the oven for 20-30 minutes

You can see another recipe for cottage cheese casserole.

Curd dessert - the most delicate breakfast in bed

We need:

  • 200 g cookies "Baked milk"
  • 5 peaches (canned can be used)
  • 2 tbsp gelatin
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 1 glass of cream 35%
  • 1 kg of cottage cheese
  • 100 g icing sugar


  1. Pour gelatin with water, proportion 1: 2.
  2. Beat the cream.
  3. Chop the peaches into small pieces.
  4. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, add the whipped cream and interrupt. Add powdered sugar to the mixture and beat everything again.
  5. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a steam-water bath, and pour it into the cottage cheese. We interrupt the mixture.
  6. We cut the cookies with our hands and mix with the curd mixture. Peaches are also added here.
  7. We take a baking dish, shift the resulting mass, trample it down and put it in the refrigerator for 45 minutes, until the gelatin hardens.

Peaches can be replaced with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, cherries, kiwi, in general to your taste or your favorite.

Strawberry parfait for a romantic breakfast for your beloved

We need:

  • 200 g strawberries
  • 100 g cookies "Baked milk"
  • 200 g 30% cream
  • 120 g sour cream
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 90 g icing sugar


  1. Initially, we knock down sour cream with powdered sugar
  2. Separately from sour cream, whip cream with vanilla sugar.
  3. Gently put the cream into the whipped sour cream, mix them. We've got a mousse.
  4. Cookies with crumbling hands.
  5. Cut the strawberries into 4 pieces.

7. Put the obtained products in layers in a bowl: 1st layer - cookies; 2nd layer - strawberries; 3rd layer - mousse and so on, until we use all the products. Decorate with whole strawberries and cookie crumbs.

Favorite drink hot chocolate for breakfast for your beloved

Due to the theobromine content in cocoa, it has an invigorating effect on the body, but softer than caffeine. Cocoa is an excellent antidepressant. From it, the ancient Aztecs prepared aromatic drink"Chocolatl", which is the "ancestor" of the modern, beloved by many, drink - hot chocolate.

We need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder


  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Mix sugar with cocoa, pour in a little milk, stir so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk.
  4. Boil the drink, while stirring, over low heat for about 15 minutes.

I think if you serve your girlfriend for breakfast, or a romantic dinner, one of the suggested recipes, she will be very grateful to you and will answer you with her tenderness and love!

Romantic breakfast- not only a guarantee of a satisfying start to the day, but also an opportunity to support ardent and tender feelings between lovers. It doesn't make too much difference whether breakfast is prepared for a beloved husband or girlfriend, the main task is to present a dish prepared with a soul in a beautiful and romantic way. In this section you will find many interesting recipes with step by step photos from which you can get ideas for creative and interesting breakfasts. Remember, first of all, you should make sure that the planned dish will suit the taste of your soul mate.

In this article, we will consider what is best to cook for a husband or just a beloved boyfriend, what kind of romantic gift a wife or girlfriend will be delighted with. No romantic movie is complete without a traditional breakfast in bed, but this is by no means the rule. You can serve breakfast in a beautiful and unusual way, even when you are in nature, what can we say about a meal on the roof. If you are not a big fan of leaving your house or apartment, and you also don’t want to accidentally stain your bed while serving breakfast, you can prepare and arrange your meal at home in the dining room or in the kitchen. If the cooking option is not suitable for some reason, delicious meals can be ordered at home. All that remains is to arrange and present a romantic gift to your loved one.

Recipes with step by step photos

  • Chocolate cheesecake
  • Heart-shaped egg sausage
  • Cheesecake without baking
  • Tiramisu with mascarpone
  • Cheesecake New York
  • Rye pancakes
  • Caramelized pears
  • Openwork pancakes
  • Chocolate fondant


A romantic breakfast should consist of three main points: tasty and suitable food for a morning meal, beautiful decoration and the right atmosphere. The most interesting ideas, as well as the secrets of making successful romantic breakfasts, have been collected in this article, as well as in this section of the site with step-by-step recipes.

Do not think that a morning meal with elements of romance is needed only for Valentine's Day, birthday and March 8th. Romantic surprises, gifts and flowers are essential if you want to maintain a warm relationship with your loved one. Sometimes everyday problems and gray everyday life can "kill" even the strongest and most reverent feelings, which is why you should not forget to pamper your wife or husband with spontaneous trips to the cinema or theater, small gifts or other signs of attention.

Of course, it is sometimes difficult to allocate finances from the family budget for going to a restaurant every month, but you can always arrange a real one at home. romantic dinner or breakfast. Moreover, to create the right atmosphere, you do not need to purchase expensive lobsters or marbled beef... Believe me, often attention alone is more than enough to please a loved one. In the sections of this article, we will tell you in detail about how to arrange a romantic breakfast, what is best to prepare and how to serve the dish, and recipes with accompanying pictures will definitely give you an idea for an original meal.

Romantic breakfast for a loved one or loved one - planning

A romantic breakfast for a loved one or a loved one is, first of all, planning, the right dish and attention. Without these three factors, even expensive tropical fruits will not bring pleasure to a girl or boyfriend. That's right, don't assume that only the female sex loves romantic breakfasts. Many men do not mind eating something delicious in the morning, cooked with love and served in bed.

In order for the planned romantic sketch to be successful, and also to leave only positive emotions in the memories of a loved one, you should adhere to some rules.

  1. No matter how trite it may sound, even such a seemingly insignificant event as breakfast needs to be prepared and thought out in advance. This primarily concerns the selection of the menu and the search for suitable recipes. No one wants to eat hastily cooked sandwiches with butter and cheese for breakfast, even if they are served in bed in the morning with a bunch of chamomiles picked under the window. Laziness and romance are not the most compatible concepts. That is why choose dishes in advance, buy necessary ingredients and set an alarm clock early in the morning to have time to do everything planned.
  2. Beloved children will have to be sent to granny in advance. And the point here is not at all in greed, as well as unwillingness to feed the children with goodies for breakfast, it's just that the children will most likely nullify all attempts to make the atmosphere romantic. As a rule, the young inhabitants of the apartment will wake up even before the alarm clock is set, and will also wish to participate in everything that happens in the house.
  3. Before setting the alarm, make sure that your beloved husband or wife does not get up early and ruin the planned surprise. To do this, it is enough to find out for how long the alarm clock of a loved one is started.
  4. Remember that the successful implementation of a planned event depends a lot on details. You should not rely only on the prepared dish and a bouquet of flowers; a small postcard with a couple of sincere and romantic lines will be useful. If rhetoric is not your strong point, sublime and warm lines can be borrowed from poets. You shouldn't get hung up on just one postcard, on the Internet you can find many great ideas for such an occasion. For example, you can prepare a small and beautiful bottle with a number of stickers rolled into tubes, on which there will be pleasant phrases and wishes.
  5. Do you know what a real breakfast table is? No, we are not talking about the kitchen table at all, and also not about the coffee table from the living room. In a furniture store, you can buy or order a small wooden table that looks more like a tray with low legs. In this case, it will not be scary to serve morning coffee with toast in bed. A tray is also a suitable option, but a table is much more convenient and practical.
  6. Remember that breakfast is, first of all, an obligatory meal, for which some peculiarities are natural. You should not try to serve your beloved husband a baked chicken or steak in the morning, no matter how much the other half loves meat in any of its manifestations. A lot is not always good. In the case of a romantic breakfast, it is better to stick to minimalism, but serve everything stylishly and beautifully. If you decide to serve breakfast in bed, then make sure that it will be convenient and simple to eat the prepared dish.
  7. To make your romantic breakfast truly memorable, try serving something off-season, like grapes or tangerines. Also, various foods that you do not eat every day will be relevant, be it delicious nuts or unusual cream cheese.
  8. What is romance without flowers? Keep this rhetorical question in your head constantly - and any planned event for a loved one will be successful. Of course, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to purchase a bouquet of one hundred roses. Sometimes a small bouquet of white bells or snowdrops will be more than enough. Of course, the most successful option is the girl's or wife's favorite flowers.
  9. The final touch is the atmosphere. It depends not only on the chosen dishes, the availability of flowers and a postcard, but also on the mood of a loved one. That is why make sure that your significant other went to bed on time the night before, and also fell asleep in a good mood. In the morning, do not rush, do not speak loudly, and do not demand a lightning-fast reaction to a wide gesture in the form of breakfast in bed. Allow your loved one to feel the atmosphere and independently understand what is happening.

Of course, this is not all that you need to consider if you are going to plan a romantic breakfast. In many ways, the peculiarities of the choice of recipes and dishes depend on the individual wishes of the person to whom they are going to arrange a surprise.

Remember, how you feel about preparing a romantic breakfast is very important. If you consider such an event a duty, then there will be no sense from the work done. The desire to please a loved one is not at all an attempt to please, because it is necessary or written in fashion magazines.

By following the tips above, you can easily organize the best and most romantic breakfast for your significant other. For food ideas, see a variety of recipes presented in the section.

Unusual and creative ideas

Unusual and creative ideas for a romantic breakfast from this section is a small guide on preparing a quality surprise for a loved one.

The section above has already covered in detail how to plan an upcoming romantic event. But what is really important for your morning meal? Of course it is right choice dishes. Do not worry if you do not have a very developed imagination, and therefore cannot quickly come up with which particular dish is best served for breakfast. There is nothing shameful in taking advantage of ideas that have already been invented, especially if they are simple to execute and please.

What's the best thing to do for breakfast and in what situation? The table below contains the current and popular dishes, as well as secrets and some subtleties of the recipe.

Cooking secrets

Egg breakfasts

Eggs are the best choice for breakfast. At the same time, you can cook with fried eggs, scrambled eggs, eggs in bread, boiled soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, poached eggs. The main thing is to decide on the shape of the future dish. The easiest way to add a romantic look is a fried egg or omelet. To do this, it is enough to cut out the dish in the shape of a heart. It's also pretty easy to serve an egg in bread nicely. Before you start cooking, cut out the flesh inside the toast in the shape of a heart or two, after which all that remains is to cook the eggs. Concerning boiled eggs, then, if desired, you can also cut them with a curly knife. It is worth noting that a breakfast with boiled eggs will be much more healthy and dietary than an omelet or fried eggs. Any girl will appreciate such a romantic impulse.

Pancakes and fritters

If you are not averse to pamper yourself and your loved one with something tasty and high-calorie for breakfast, then dozens of romantic recipes for pancakes, pancakes and pancakes are presented to your attention. In this section you can find several original recipes step by step cooking pancakes with pictures. Pancakes can be made plain, thin or fluffy, it is worth adding a little cocoa or chocolate to the dough - and now, as hearty breakfast tasty chocolate dessert... Fritters can be served with sour cream, condensed milk, nut butter, chocolate, honey, jam or jam. The main thing is to find out what the chosen one or the chosen one likes the most. Pancakes are a denser version of pancakes. You can't eat a lot of these American pancakes, but one small pancake for breakfast is just right. This breakfast can also be served with fresh berries and fruits.

Toast and croutons

French toast is perfect for a romantic breakfast. It is very simple to prepare them, and they can be served with various additives, such as fruits or berries. You can also use jams and preserves as an addition. Crispy toast can be shaped in any shape, without necessarily making your breakfast sweet. Toasted toast goes well with scrambled eggs and leaves fresh salad... Croutons are a less common form of toast. Small pieces of baguette are fried in an egg and then served with vegetables or cheese. A hearty and tasty breakfast buffet is a great way to start your day. Toast can be served with shrimp and herbs. Few people know, but seafood has a significant effect on sexual activity, so the dish is also suitable for a romantic spicy breakfast.

Fruits and salads

Most the best choice for a light breakfast, these are fresh fruits and berries. Any girl will be delighted to receive chocolate covered strawberries and a cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee as breakfast in bed. An alternative to chocolate can be cream. Beautifully cut fruit into pieces will also work great as a romantic light and delicious breakfast... The simplest version of a fruit and berry dish is a salad. All you need to do is cut the ingredients that match your taste, pour in yogurt or a little honey - and now a wonderful morning breakfast is ready. Few people know, but arugula goes well with strawberries, so these ingredients can also be used for cooking lung dishes.


If you don't have time to mess around with baking heart-shaped cupcakes, you can serve sandwiches as tomorrow for your loved one. Do not think that a piece of loaf with cheese will be enough. The question of making sandwiches for a romantic breakfast needs to be approached creatively. Bread can be shaped like hearts or rhombuses by cutting off the dense crust. As for other ingredients, you can use greens, various cheeses, smoked meats and other products that will suit the taste of the person for whom you are going to prepare breakfast. Sandwiches must be served with some kind of drink.

Since in the previous paragraph we were talking about drinks, then you should figure out what should be served for a romantic breakfast. Coffee is the easiest option as a morning drink. At the same time, it is very important that it is not packaged, but cooked according to all the rules in a Turk. If the husband or wife is not overly fond of coffee, hot or cold cocoa is an alternative. Milk drinks have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach, especially in the morning. As a complement to breakfast, you can also serve all kinds of fruit and berry cocktails, smoothies, fresh juices, jelly and, of course, teas. The main thing is that the selected drink matches the prepared dish in taste.

Curd desserts

Another good option for a morning breakfast is curd desserts... There are many delicious recipes on the net. curd casseroles with strawberries, apples and other fruits. Cheesecakes can also be made from creamy cottage cheese with various additives such as chocolate paste... If you beat the cottage cheese thoroughly with a little sour cream and jam, you get very light and delicious dessert. Original idea for breakfast - cottage cheese rolls, if the other half loves Japanese cuisine... Cottage cheese goes well with cookies and fresh berries, so you can also make a simple and tasty dish for breakfast.

What could be tastier and more pleasant for breakfast than fresh and aromatic pastries? All kinds of muffins, rolls, tortillas, bagels, cakes and muffins. What are the simplest croissants with chocolate, served for breakfast, accompanied by milkshake! If there is no oven at home or you just don’t want to mess with the dough, sweet or salty pastries can always be ordered to your home from a restaurant or cafe. Remember that you should not cook pies and loaves for breakfast, as such dishes will simply be inappropriate. Better to go for small muffins or sweet donuts.

Porridge and flakes

If you stick to the right diet, even a regular breakfast can be served as a romantic breakfast. oatmeal... It is enough to decorate the dish with pieces of fruit, putting strawberry hearts on top of the oatmeal. Pour milk over the cereal, add to the dish fast food candied fruits or nuts. A spoonful of natural honey will also not harm your figure, but it will have a positive effect on digestion and tone. Of course, you can cook not only oatmeal for breakfast, you can also serve buckwheat or semolina porridge deliciously and beautifully.

When choosing the right recipe, build on the preferences of your loved one, as well as on the appropriateness of the chosen dish as a light breakfast.

Now that have considered all kinds of options romantic breakfasts, we will share interesting ideas, how beautiful to serve the dish and how to maintain the atmosphere.

To bed

Breakfast in bed is by far one of the most popular options. The easiest way to prepare and serve such a breakfast is to get up early and have time to prepare everything.

To plan everything accurately and correctly, follow these simple rules:

  • purchase in advance necessary products to prepare a romantic dish, but try not to advertise your intentions if you want to arrange a pleasant surprise for your significant other;
  • take care of the alarm clock and keep in mind that you will have to wake up early, cheer up with a cup of coffee, and then get down to cooking;
  • make sure you have a suitable tray or a special breakfast table, an unwashed baking sheet will definitely not add romance points, the simplest option is a clean cutting board;
  • first of all, wake up your loved one, but gently and unobtrusively, so that awakening is easy and natural, if the husband / wife wants to sleep for another 10 minutes, allow such a little;
  • remember your appearance, even if you cook a virtuoso dish for breakfast, serving it in pajamas, with sleepy eyes and disheveled hair, spoil the whole atmosphere at once;
  • remember about the little things that were described in the general recommendations for planning a romantic breakfast, a bouquet of flowers and open will be very welcome.

If you find the right dish for such a breakfast, and also the unfinished coffee does not end up in bed, consider that the surprise was a success. Pleasant emotions and memories are guaranteed for both.


Homemade romantic breakfast differs from the previous one only in the choice of location. If for some reason you cannot serve cooked meals in bed, then try to organize a romantic atmosphere in the dining room or living room.

Even in the kitchen, breakfast can be served efficiently and creatively. What is important to remember while doing this? First of all, about the cleanliness of the room in which they are going to arrange a surprise. Agree, even the most delicious buns will not give pleasure if there is a mess and a mountain of unwashed dishes around. It follows from this that, in addition to directly preparing the breakfast itself, you will need to allocate time to clean the room. Be sure to ventilate the room to keep the air fresh and clean. The advantage of serving breakfast out of bed is that a loved one can be slightly prepared in advance for the upcoming event. A path of rose petals will be a very romantic touch. Also, the loved one will have time to wake up and wash.

To maintain a romantic atmosphere, turn on suitable light music, not too loud. It is better if it is a melody without words from the already proven classics: Vivaldi's Seasons or Monteverdi's operas to choose from. You can choose a suitable recipe in this section of the site. Otherwise, stick to the rules already described above to plan an unusual breakfast for your loved one.

On the roof

A romantic rooftop breakfast, like dinner, is in itself a guarantee of the right atmosphere and mood. To successfully pull off such an unusual surprise, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • you should think in advance how you are going to deliver the cooked dishes to the roof, as well as take care of the necessary furniture, it is good if the roof in the house is locked with a key, which allows you to prepare everything in the evening;
  • the view from the roof plays one of the main roles, so make sure that the chosen roof has the necessary parameters, but if the view is not the most pleasant, you should think about other options for romantic breakfasts;
  • take care of the awakening of a loved one, do not immediately drag a girl or guy who has just woken up to taste delicious croissants, no one will appreciate such impulses;
  • as in the case of a homemade breakfast, make sure the chosen roof is clean, and also take care of other romantic details, for example, if rose petals are too expensive, you can use arrows with pleasant and warm wishes to send your loved one to the roof;
  • the choice of the menu will also be important, remember that it is most often quite windy on the roof, and the pieces of salad and greens flying out of the plate will not add romance to the atmosphere, it is better to choose some kind of pastry, it certainly will not fly away;
  • Be sure to make sure in advance that there is no rain or thunderstorm in the morning on the scheduled day, and prepare suitable clothing for the rooftop trek.

Arranging a romantic rooftop breakfast is much more difficult than just serving a cooked meal in bed. On the other hand, the soulmate will remember such a breakfast for a long time, especially if everything is done beautifully and correctly. Pick up interesting recipes from this section of the forum.


Breakfast in nature will be a pleasant surprise for any person. Favorable factors for planning such an event are the presence of a country house or summer cottage or a car in the garage. In the first case, practically no problems should arise, it is enough to follow the advice from the section on organizing breakfast at home and on the roof. Suitable weather conditions, correctly chosen food and insect protection - that's “ secret ingredients»For a romantic event.

As for the second option, in this case you will have to take care of a lot in advance. First, you need to decide on a place for a romantic breakfast. When choosing, rely on your own preferences. The main thing is that the chosen place is clean and beautiful. For example, you can organize breakfast on the banks of the river or at the edge of the forest. It is very important to choose a secluded location. At the same time, one should not forget that the road to the chosen place should not take too long, so that the planned romantic breakfast does not smoothly flow into lunch.

Weather and insects are the main enemies if you decide to have breakfast in nature. That is why you will have to stock up on tarps in case of unplanned rain. As for insects, you can fight them with the help of special tents made of a very fine and fine mesh. Today these tents can be purchased at specialized stores. It is better to lay a thin carpet or the same tarp on the floor. Of course, a table and chairs are also indispensable, so make sure everything you need will fit in your car. Unfortunately, there is no way to prepare everything for breakfast in advance.

As for the choice of dishes, in this case, you can pick up something more satisfying and substantial than sandwiches. After all, there is a trip back and forth, for such a time you can get quite hungry. As with other breakfasts, suitable recipes with a photo you can find on the website.

Having studied all the information provided, now you know how to properly and creatively organize a romantic breakfast, as well as what you can cook for your loved one. You shouldn't wait for Valentine's Day to please your soul mate.

16.06.2015 7 171 0 ElishevaAdmin

Breakfast / At hastily

Men can do anything. And whatever they do, they do it in the best way. Every man knows this, and it's true, because they all say so.

Therefore, a man will be able to cook breakfast much better than a woman would have done, even if he takes on such a job for the first time in his life.

And when it comes to making breakfast for your girlfriend and serving it in bed, then there can be no obstacles.

Before choosing a breakfast dish, it is advisable to find out what exactly your lady of the heart loves and what she hates, so as not to get into a mess. You can find out these details subtly, coming from afar and asking indirect questions. After all, they say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Do you think otherwise with women? It's just that men rarely run the risk of going down this path, and that's why they are in the unknown.

If you met your girlfriend only last night and did not have time to find out the details of her childhood, then you have to take a chance. The second method is just as good as the first. This means that you cook the dish that you know how to cook well, and hope that it will not fall into the category of "I can not stand". Let it be simple scrambled eggs (which is actually not so simple) or porridge, but it should be cooked and served perfectly.

Breakfast marks the start of the day and often sets the tone for the day. You really try to start your girl's day beautifully, then yours will also succeed.

What should be the breakfast for a girl, what to cook for your beloved and how to surprise

It should be delicious and beautiful. And nourishing, but not plentiful, fatty and heavy. As Ossetians used to say in the old days: "Food should be light for the back and pleasant for the stomach." So try in this spirit.

Girl on a diet

It is quite likely that we are all on some kind of diet now. Therefore, just in case, exclude everything fatty, fried, sweet and high-calorie. Do not try to just limit yourself to a glass of water - she will not appreciate such humor.

The easiest breakfast for a girl

There is no need to panic, you can choose fresh fruit for breakfast. If they are different, then there is a chance to please with something. For example, put one banana, one orange, one kiwi on a plate - you just need to peel it. Fruit can be served with nuts, yogurt (natural and unsweetened), or kefir (fat-free).

Or you can make something interesting from the same set of products, for example, banana lassi.

Banana lassi


Chopped banana, 1 piece

Unsweetened yogurt, ½ cup (or kefir, or fermented baked milk)

Cold water, ½ tbsp

All this is whipped in a mixer and poured into a beautiful tall glass.

Dried fruits and nuts for breakfast

Of course, fresh fruit is better, but if it didn't work out, you can treat it to dried fruit. They only have to be thoroughly sorted out and washed, and then dried. It is good to serve hot tea, nuts with dried fruits, you can offer something from dairy products instead of tea. If she does not mind sweets, then you can mix nuts and dried fruits in honey - you get a delicacy. Tea or milk is not canceled in this case.

Porridge is the best friend of slender girls

Porridge is very suitable for a girl's breakfast, because you can feel full by eating quite a bit of porridge, and it does not spoil your figure. Unless, of course, you do not have enough porridge with cracklings, as we like it. But for your girlfriend, you serve one of the porridges presented in the following recipes.

Milk porridge

It is not at all difficult to cook milk porridge correctly, you just have to strictly follow one simple rule: you need to continuously stir the porridge all the time, from the moment it boils to the point of readiness. So that the porridge is not cloying, it is often diluted in half with water.

To make it more pleasant to eat porridge, you need to put butter in it, at least a little - for the smell. You can put dried fruits or raisins in other porridge - for example, in barley.

Barley porridge with raisins


Barley groats, 1 part

Milk or milk with water, 2 parts


Bring the milk to a boil and pour in the cereal in a thin stream, stirring actively. Stir further, add raisins. After 10-15 minutes of such work, throw in the oil, mix for the last time and transfer to a slightly warmed cup. Serve with coffee or tea.

Porridge on the water

If there is no milk or the diet is too strict, then you can get by with water. In this case, there is no need to regret raisins or dried fruits, and the oil will not hurt either.

When boiling in water, it should be remembered that the proportion of cereals and water should be kept in a 1: 2 ratio, but for oatmeal it looks like 1: 3.

Breakfast cereal

They are convenient to serve for breakfast, especially since, in addition to ordinary cereals, there are instant cereals. They require cooking in 2-3 minutes, while ordinary ones need to be cooked for 10-15 minutes. Instant flakes are sometimes generally poured with hot milk or water and allowed to brew a little. It is good to add the same nuts, dried fruits and oil to them.

Flakes oat flakes for breakfast


Oatmeal flakes, 1 part

Milk with water, 3 parts

Boil the required amount of water, add the flakes and cook quietly, stirring all the time. Add salt and raisins. Serve with tea, put honey on the table.

Breakfast salad for your girlfriend

As you remember, a salad for a girl must be low-calorie, and preferably made from fresh ingredients.

Any Mediterranean-inspired salad is what it takes. The main thing is that it contains fresh lettuce and other greens. And cucumbers, and tomatoes, and Bulgarian multi-colored peppers, and olives, and certainly feta cheese, or sour-milk cheese will go as a filling. And this salad is best seasoned. olive oil mixed with lemon juice.

Sesame seeds, pink pepper, crushed nuts are suitable for decoration. You can accompany such a salad with black bread toasts. It is served with juices.

How to make a shop salad


1 cucumber

1 tomato

Bulgarian pepper, ½ piece

Sweet red onion, ½ head

Cheese, 50-70 g

Olive oil

Lemon juice, 1 tbsp

All this is not chopped, but it is chopped finely enough, mixed and seasoned with juice and butter. Pieces of feta cheese are thrown on top, and you can serve.

Hearty English breakfast

If you are going on a hike, or intend to take a walk, skiing or cycling, then you won't go far on salads alone - you need to have a thorough breakfast. For these purposes, there is a traditional English breakfast.

It is known in two versions - complete and simple.

Simple: bacon with scrambled eggs and toast.

Full: Ditto, plus vegetables, beans, coffee with cream or strong tea, and certainly a bun with jam. The beans can be canned, their protein essence does not suffer from conservation.

Omelet with mushrooms


Champignons, 50 g

Milk, 100 ml

1. Cut the mushrooms along the cap, it turns out more decoratively - the silhouette of the mushroom is visible.

2. Mix eggs with milk, and heat a frying pan.

3. Fry the mushrooms in oil for a few minutes, and pour the egg-milk mixture to them.

4. Salt and fry slowly for several minutes. Then we extinguish the fire, fold the omelette in half and cover the pan with a lid - let it sweat a little.

5. Serve the omelet, preheating the plate.

Bacon and eggs


Chicken eggs, 2 pcs

Bacon, 3 strips

Toast bread, 1 slice

Greens (cilantro, or dill, or parsley)

1. Put bacon on a hot skillet, fry and transfer to a plate.

2. Break eggs into the same pan and fry them for 2 minutes. Turn off the fire, and cover the frying pan with a lid and hold it for some time.

3. Put the eggs on a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

4. Place the canned beans on a plate.

5. The toast is cooked in the same skillet in the remaining oil. It is spread with jam or butter and served with coffee or tea. Coffee can be with cream, and tea with milk.

French breakfast

In French breakfast must include fresh baked goods. It could be a croissant and coffee at all, that's the whole breakfast. Or a baguette, just from the oven, still hot. It is cut lengthwise and spread with butter or fig jam. The coffee should be strong black, you can replace it with a glass of orange juice. But the French do not neglect the omelet with mushrooms for breakfast either.

Cooked breakfast must be served carefully to make it beautiful - girls can notice little things. The glass should sparkle, the plate should be warmed up and stand on the mat, and the knife and fork should be neatly wrapped in a napkin.

And the main thing is that the dishes are not undercooked or burnt. However, you will be forgiven for this.

Most people love surprises, moreover, not only to receive, but also to make them for their significant people, especially pleasant and tasty ones. A quiet weekend morning is ideal for an unexpected surprise, because breakfast for a loved one in bed is a classic of romance, talking about love and care! Even in the evening, a beautiful tray or even a specially purchased table is ready, all that remains is, almost without breathing, sneak into the kitchen and start creating!

Romantic breakfast - options and ideas

If you have long thought to please your man with breakfast in bed, then a table or tray should really be at your disposal. As well as beautiful napkins, flowers and a full refrigerator of food for the implementation of specific ideas.

If the idea came to mind on an impromptu basis - it doesn't matter! The main thing is inspiration and competent initiative, and you will succeed in improvising the table! As for the lack of tablecloths and flowers, then a beloved sleepily may not notice him at all. Especially if his attention is absorbed by something tasty. The main thing is to think over what to cook for your loved one for breakfast, and we will be happy to help you choose!

What should my husband cook for breakfast?

If he prefers hearty, "serious" food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, pancakes in this case are clearly not enough. The following recipes will work for you:

Scrambled eggs in bell pepper or bread

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • White loaf or toast bread - 1 slice
  • Black pepper - to the taste of the husband
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


Pour the butter into the pan and, while it is heating, cut out the hearts in the bread. They must take up almost all the space for the egg to fit. Put the bread in a frying pan and brown the slices on one side. Turn them over and immediately pour an egg into each so that the yolk remains intact. A lid is not needed here and, if desired, the bread can be sprinkled on top with grated cheese, black pepper or herbs.

Bread can be replaced with red bell pepper(1 PC.). It needs to be cut into rings about 1 cm high. They must be even! This is important, otherwise the egg will simply leak out. Likewise, fry the pepper on one side, and, turning it over, drive an egg into each ring. We decorate and add spices according to the taste preferences of the beloved man.

"Heart" scrambled eggs

For such a manifestation of tenderness and love, you will need: sausages - 2 pcs .; eggs - 2 pcs.; frying oil; salt, spices, herbs - to taste; matches or toothpicks.

While the oil is warming up in the pan, peel the sausages from the film and cut them lengthwise, but not completely - leave about a centimeter - one and a half so that they do not break when we roll them up.

For the best elasticity of the sausages, soak them in hot water for a couple of minutes. We bend both ends in the opposite direction so that the shape resembles a heart, we fasten them to each other with a match or a toothpick.

Now the oil is hot enough, you can spread it! Just like with bread and pepper, we only need to brown one side. Turning over, break one egg into each mold, salt, pepper and fry without a lid over an open (low) heat.

Omelette sandwich

For such a breakfast for a man, we need: toast bread or regular white bread - 2 slices; eggs - 3 pcs.; processed cheese; tomato, cucumber, parsley and dill; frying oil.

Beat eggs with salt and spices, pour them into a preheated pan and, while the omelet is being fried, cut the cucumber and tomato into thin slices, chop the greens.

If we have toast bread, cut it in half to make triangles. Cut the well-done omelet into the shape of the bread. Everything is ready! Now we smear the bread with melted cheese, sprinkle with herbs and put a slice of cucumber, tomato and omelet one on top of the other. Cover with another slice of bread, spread the cheese again, but on top. Sprinkle with herbs. Bon Appetit!

Salty croutons

A great option for a romantic breakfast for a loved one!

Products for making croutons: half a baguette or a few slices of a regular loaf; milk - 30 ml; egg - 1 pc.; processed cheese; salt, spices, oil for frying.

While waiting for the oil to heat up in the pan, beat the egg with milk with a fork, salt and add spices. Dip slices of bread into the mixture, hold for a few seconds, letting them soak, and spread on hot skillet... After frying the croutons on both sides, put them on a napkin so that the excess fat is absorbed, and then smear one of the sides with melted cheese. Decorate with herbs!

Secret: If you want to make a romantic breakfast, you can cut heart-shaped pieces from the bread. It's easy - just take a paper stencil, put a slice on it and cut off the excess around the edges. Then you get rosy salty hearts!

If your man is partial to desserts, he will love it. sweet option cooking croutons. With them, you will have a real French breakfast.

French sweet croutons

For sweet croutons, we need: 4-5 slices of a baguette or muffin (any bun will do, best of all - a little dried up); egg - 1 pc.; milk - 30 ml; sugar - 1 tbsp. l .; cinnamon and vanillin, butter.

We do the same as in the previous recipe, but instead of salt, add sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife and the same amount of cinnamon to the egg-milk mixture. Sweet croutons can be fried in butter - this will give the dish special taste and a scent that goes so well with butter dough... The bread slices will soak faster than regular bread, so keep them in egg mixture we will not - it will be enough to dip them. Fry the croutons on both sides and, blotting the fat with a napkin, put it on a plate.

You can serve sweet croutons with honey, cream or fruit, or you can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with a mint leaf.

Oatmeal, sir!

Don't be alarmed, it's not that bad - it can be a delicious dessert!


  • Oatmeal - 1 glass
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar (or honey) - to taste
  • Walnuts - 5-6 halves
  • Large berries of fresh or frozen strawberries - 4-5 pcs.

Pour the milk over the oatmeal, bring to a boil, salt and add sugar. Leaving the porridge to simmer over low heat, cut the strawberries into quarters, chop the nuts. After 5 minutes, add most of the chopped berries and nuts, leaving a few for decoration. Let it boil for no more than one minute, put the porridge on a plate, decorate with strawberry slices and nuts.

Heart shaped pancakes

This great option for a romantic breakfast, say, on Valentine's Day. Prepared in a very original way.

Required products: water - 2 glasses; egg - 1 pc.; flour - 400 g; sugar - 1 tbsp. l .; salt - how much you love; frying oil.

Mix all the ingredients and beat in batter... We check it for salt and sugar, and then pour it through a funnel into plastic bottle... We make a hole in its lid (with a hot nail or an awl) and, pouring the dough in a thin stream into a preheated pan, draw hearts. They can be made openwork, or you can fill the entire contour with the dough.

Your imagination will not leave your loved one indifferent!

If the beloved man does not eat breakfast ...

After so many goodies that you want to cook and try it yourself, the most offensive thing is to find out that your loved one absolutely does not like breakfast.

It happens! He casually dropped that he could not swallow a crumb until noon, or you have been living together for a long time and you know for sure that the "number" with a romantic breakfast will not work and after sleep he really cannot eat anything. Then the most that will cause him your zealous desire to feed is embarrassed: "Darling ... Can I leave it until lunchtime, eh? .." There will be no limit to mutual disappointment! Meanwhile, this is a common phenomenon - almost a third of the population of the civilized world does not bother their bodies with food in the morning.

Do not despair! There is a magic remedy! You can make your loved one a cup of coffee for breakfast! Yes, it's that simple! Find out which varieties he prefers, whether he drinks coffee with milk, cream or black. Or maybe he loves it without sugar, but with a slice of lemon.

It is not necessary to paint hearts on lush creamy foam or try to shape a sprawling lemon in such a panic. You just need to cook what he is used to in the morning and serve such a breakfast in bed. Men are not so picky about outward appearance eating like women. They pay more attention to its taste and timeliness. Try it, you will see, your loved one will appreciate your concern!

Most of us consider eating in bed bad manners. It’s strange to eat, just opening your eyes, not having completed your morning toilet and not changed your clothes at the table. And almost the same majority, deep in their hearts, cherish the idea of ​​the day when a loved one wakes up with a smile, brings coffee to the bedroom and surprises with a beautifully served tray with an appetizing breakfast, designed to create a special mood of love and magic in the morning.

10 secrets to having a good breakfast in bed

Of course, below are not all the subtleties that must be taken into account when planning to please your loved one with a new romantic touch in your relationship. However, do you need to start with something? Read carefully, remember, play on your mustache - taking into account these recommendations, you can surprise, amaze, give a sea of ​​delight and smiles. And that's exactly what is required, right? Of course, you also need to eat in the morning, but in the format of coffee and treats served in bed, the main thing is not food, but what can be expressed by it.

1. It is better to think over the concept of breakfast in the evening. Impromptu, of course, is a wonderful thing, but in this case it is unjustified: a morning meal in bed must be stylish, neat, beautifully served, and hastily chopped salad and “naked” toast bread sliced ​​at the factory will not produce the expected effect.

2. The heirs spend the night with their grandmother. Coffee poured by playful baby hands on your favorite bedspread is not the picture you want to see in the morning.

3. To get up to cook breakfast in bed, you need not at your usual time, but at least half an hour earlier - there is nothing sadder than picking up a tray of food and turning to go into the bedroom, find on the threshold of the kitchen that who is the surprise.

4. A nice postcard, a simple note, a piece of paper with a couple of warm words - do not neglect the details, they, like pieces of a puzzle, add up the overall picture of romance, comfort, warmth.

5. The breakfast table is not just a nice interior detail. It's convenient, practical and very useful (you know how great it is to use it as a laptop stand? Try it sometime!). Eating a sandwich, constantly holding a cup of coffee in your hand, is, of course, real, but hard, and this is not the same calico - breakfast in bed should bring bliss and relaxation, not tension and incredible efforts.

6. However, the breakfast table in bed is successfully replaced by a tray or - oh, horror for aesthetes! - a large cutting board covered with a beautiful napkin. The main thing is imagination and a little creative initiative.

7. A lot is not necessary. Better less, but stylish, graceful and heartily. Do not force the tray with numerous plates of snacks, saucers with all kinds of sweets and bowls of jam. Concentrate on the main idea, and develop it. Sometimes it is enough to serve in an original way a couple of donuts that your spouse adores, complement them with a cup of cocoa - and incredible in its brevity, beautiful, delicious, the most delicious of all possible breakfasts is ready.

8. Nice little things that you do not make yourself happy every day should be included in the menu for breakfast brought to bed. A piece of mother-of-pearl brie with a velvet crust, a bunch of sweet grapes out of season, a small bowl with nuts and dried fruits - such details create a mood and are remembered most of all, although they are not central figures in the overall game.

9. Draw and create. Hearts are more appropriate than ever, flowers will not look ridiculous, even banal "polka dots" will decorate food better than all purchased decors.

10. Flowers - a categorical "yes!" This is almost the main violin in the entire romantic ensemble; without it, breakfast will not sound powerful chords of love and joy, tenderness and care. Of course, it is better if you manage to pick up a bouquet to match the overall color of the food (orange gerberas, sunny linen napkin, fresh carrot and salad of lettuce, celery and yellow tomatoes - an incredible picture, you must agree! Incredible and affordable at the same time), but also a couple touching dandelions or a naive willow twig will also fit well into the overall picture. Winter and dandelions don't bloom? Is it cold and the trees have dropped all the foliage? Rain, and you absolutely do not want to go out into the yard in search of snowdrops? Take a potted cactus, decorate it with heart-shaped flowers cut from napkins, and place it next to the bowls and plates. It will be what you need!

There are tons of ideas for your breakfast in bed menu. Hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs, served with a few lettuce leaves, garnished with bright balls of caviar, is delicious and satisfying. Favorite sausages, lightly fried and laid out with a romantic heart, complemented by fresh vegetables and herbs - thoroughly and confidently. Crispy toast accompanied by a row of jars with various sauces, jams, preserves and chocolate-nut spreads- it's fun and cozy. Thin pancakes lined with flowers, decorated with fresh berries and fruits - colorful and original.

However, if none of the standard options inspires you, try something new.

Quick breakfast muffins in bed

Yeah, cupcakes. And really fast. Do not be alarmed, everything is as simple as two and two: mixed, poured into cups and baked goods. More precisely, I didn't even bake it, but simply put everything in the microwave: three minutes - and a fragrant romantic breakfast is ready. Make coffee faster and go wake your loved one before the smell of fresh baked goods does it for you.

Ingredients for 2 muffins:

  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

Grind the sugar and egg in a small bowl, add milk and butter. If you have time and want more gourmet baked goods, replace vegetable oil melted and chilled creamy - the difference will not be very noticeable, but still noticeable, the taste will subtly change for the better.

Mix, add flour, cocoa and vanilla sugar... Pour in baking powder last. The dough will not be very thick - about the consistency of sour cream.
Divide it in half and put it in cups (when choosing a suitable one, we take into account that the cupcakes will rise well, and you will serve them in the same bowl in which you baked).

We put in a microwave oven for 3 minutes, power 600-800 W.

When serving, you can decorate the cupcakes with candied flowers, make icing from lemon juice and icing sugar or use it to draw hearts through a stencil.

Green fritata

Well, no, use words like "omelette" and "scrambled eggs" for weekdays. Today's breakfast is a romantic and ceremonial event, so let's indulge ourselves in a little bit of grandeur. Let there be fritata! And not just with parsley or dill, but joyful green fritata!


  • 3 eggs;
  • a large bunch of parsley;
  • a large bunch of dill;
  • a large bunch of spinach;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste.

Wash all the greens and dry them well. Remove the stems, cut into small strips. Mix in a large bowl and, adding salt, lightly crush with your hands.
Beat the eggs separately - not until foam and color change, but simply to achieve a homogeneous structure.
Combine the prepared egg mass with herbs, mix well and put in a preheated pan with butter. Fry over medium heat until the eggs are cooked, serve with a spoonful of sour cream or cream cheese.
To give the dish a special romantic touch, you can fry fritata in serving rings - heart-shaped scrambled eggs will look especially touching and cute.

Bright berry smoothie

TO basic recipe, so be it, I will give a luxurious idea. Smoothies - the drinks are quite thick, they hold the volume well. Prepare two different, contrasting smoothies and serve them in one glass, alternating layers - it will look amazing! Pink strawberries look great in a company with purple currants, green kiwi go well with creamy banana, and red raspberries "sound" wonderful with mint. By the way, do not neglect spinach, parsley, cucumber - many unsweetened foods go well with sweet berries and fruits, you just don't know about it yet.


  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 100 ml unsweetened yogurt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

We put all these components in a blender bowl, mix for at least 2 minutes, then pour into glasses and serve immediately.
Garnish the smoothie with fresh berries, a sprig of mint, sprinkle with cinnamon or ground nuts.

Cocktail "Good morning!"

What could be more appropriate on the table in the morning than a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice? It is good in itself, its aroma charges with vigor and energy, however, today something more interesting is required. How about a citrus juice cocktail?


  • 150 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 2 tsp honey;
  • 50 ml cold low-fat cream.

Place all ingredients in a shaker, mix well and pour into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with a cute cocktail cherry, an unobtrusive orange slice, or a heart carved from citrus peels.

Striped curd dessert

Preparing breakfast should not take much time and effort: you still need food almost immediately after waking up, and not three hours after getting up yeast dough... Following this principle, you need to choose something that is quick and easy to prepare, but looks spectacular and luxurious. For example, a dessert made from cottage cheese and cherries is bright, beautiful, healthy.

Ingredients for the curd layer:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • vanilla.

Ingredients for the cherry layer:

  • 300 g pitted cherries
  • 1 st. l. starch;
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup water.

Stir cottage cheese, cream, vanilla and sugar into a blender bowl and mix until fluffy, homogeneous mass... The cream will give volume - you get a rather fluffy paste.
Place the cherries in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. In the meantime, mix the sugar with starch, add the rest of the water, add the resulting mixture in a thin stream to the boiling cherry. After a minute, turn off the fire.
We transfer the cherries to another dish, wait for cooling.
Layer in glasses curd mass, alternating it with cherry. Serve by decorating the glass with a bright red ribbon, patterns from melted white chocolate or a homemade flag-heart, on which the most sincere wishes are written.

Quick hot sandwiches

Many are accustomed to having breakfast with sandwiches. Good or bad - a topic for another article, today let's think about how to serve ordinary food in an unusual way, how to make a banal sandwich festive dish... The thought that comes to mind first is, of course, sausage and cheese appliqués. Logical and predictable. But what if you replace today's sandwich with a hot analogue? A slice of stretching melted cheese, underneath is a slice of hot ham, then a crunchy base of your favorite bread. Amazing!


  • bread;
  • ham;
  • tomatoes;
  • greenery;
  • butter.

Lightly dry the sliced ​​bread (and it would be nice to be free of crusts) in a clean frying pan (if you have a toaster, life becomes easier). Lightly grease each piece of bread with butter, put a couple of circles of tomatoes on top, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs from the heart. Cover with ham and cheese. We put in the microwave for a minute - until the cheese melts. Serve immediately, garnished with a sprig of parsley, a salami rose or a tomato heart.

Well, and, perhaps, the most important advice for today. The first priority is to make the other person feel the extraordinary moment. If you bring breakfast in bed every morning, this is just the first meal, albeit in a somewhat non-standard form, however, if the idea of ​​such a feast is a way to combat the routine, you should make sure that the atmosphere is special - thin, lacy, airy. Not food, do you understand? And the atmosphere. Mood. Thoughts. Desires. Dreams.

And please, no sudden movements, intense spying on crumbs, worries about stains on the pillows. Let it be fun, funny and natural. The vacuum cleaner will cope with the crumbs, the stains will be overcome by Vanish, and the spoiled mood from a failed attempt to create something special is very difficult to remove.

Good morning and delicious breakfast in bed!