Home / pies / Recipe for curd dessert with gelatin. Curd dessert with gelatin and fruits

Recipe for curd dessert with gelatin. Curd dessert with gelatin and fruits

Step by step recipes cooking curd jelly: classic, quick without sour cream, "Creamy tenderness", "Tropical island", "Royal", with strawberries

2018-06-20 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams ready meal

10 gr.

10 gr.


18 gr.

204 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Curd Jelly Recipe

If you want to cook delicious and at the same time healthy dessert, choose curd jelly. It can be prepared with different ingredients, decorate to your liking. Many do not like cottage cheese, especially children. If you cook cottage cheese jelly, then the benefits of it will be the same as from ordinary cottage cheese, just main ingredient will be disguised as a dessert. Each housewife has her own tricks, take note of this one.


  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • one hundred ml of milk;
  • four hundred grams of sour cream;
  • seven tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • twenty-five grams of gelatin.

Step-by-step recipe for curd jelly

Pour milk into a saucepan, add gelatin, stir and leave for half an hour. During this time, it will swell.

After thirty or forty minutes, put the pan on the stove, turn on the fire and heat the milk with gelatin, constantly stirring with a spatula. We only warm it up, do not let it boil - this is very important. We only need to dissolve the gelatin, not spoil it.

We put the cottage cheese in a bowl, pour sugar and grind. Add sour cream and stir. After that, beat everything magnificently with a blender, so the consistency of the curd jelly will be softer.

Now we introduce gelatin dissolved in milk into the resulting mass. Stir everything until smooth.

Decide right away how you will serve the cottage cheese jelly, in individual bowls or as a large dessert. Drying usually takes two to three hours.

The surface can be decorated with fruit syrup, canned fruit.

Note: You can make another layer of jelly, only fruit. Combine gelatin with fruit juice, let it swell, then heat slightly and pour into a mold. When everything hardens, spread the curd jelly on top. We are waiting for it to harden, serve it to the table on flat plates so that both layers can be seen.

Option 2: Quick Cheesecake Recipe

In this version, we use water without sour cream to make jelly. Quickly prepare gelatin, curd base and mix everything. It remains only to wait until everything freezes.


  • three hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese;
  • one hundred ml of milk;
  • two table spoons of granulated sugar;
  • twenty-five grams of fast-growing gelatin;
  • glass of cold water.

How to quickly make cottage cheese jelly

First we need instant gelatin. Pour it into a small container, pour cold water and stir - let it swell.

Then mix the swollen gelatin with milk, add granulated sugar and stir. Put on low heat and just warm without boiling.

Beat cottage cheese with a blender. Pour the resulting milk gelatin mass into it and whisk again magnificently.

Spread the base for the curd jelly over the bowls and leave for two to three hours until completely solidified.

Additionally, before serving, you can decorate with fresh fruits or berries.

Option 3: Curd jelly "Creamy tenderness"

Let's add the usual confectionery cream, for the basis we take diet cottage cheese. Of course, not without gelatin.


  • nine hundred grams of dietary cottage cheese;
  • a quarter l confectioner cream;
  • sixteen grams of gelatin;
  • five tablespoons of vanilla syrup;
  • two sachets of vanilla.

Step by step recipe

Soak gelatin in a glass of water and leave to swell.

Grind dietary cottage cheese slightly. Pour in vanilla syrup and combine with gelatin squeezed out of water.

Confectionery cream is whipped with vanilla sugar. Combine with curd base. Mix everything until smooth. If desired, you can beat again magnificently with a blender.

Fill the cake pan with the base for the curd jelly and leave it in the refrigerator for four hours. When serving, drizzle with any sweet syrup of your choice.

Note: You can also fill the removable form with the jelly that has not yet hardened. Put on the bottom first biscuit cake, then post curd mass and leave until cold.

Option 4: Tropical Island Curd Jelly

A real exotic dessert based on cottage cheese. We use diet cottage cheese, a couple of bananas, kiwi and oranges. There is another secret ingredient- agar-agar, you only need two plates.


  • three hundred grams of homemade yogurt;
  • six hundred grams of dietary cottage cheese;
  • one hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • three tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • two plates of agar-agar;
  • two bananas;
  • two kiwis;
  • two oranges.

How to cook

In a bowl put diet cottage cheese and yogurt. If homemade is not available, use store-bought without additives. Pour granulated sugar, pour in lemon juice and grind everything together.

Wash the oranges, remove the peel and white fibers. Cut into cubes.

Kiwis are peeled and cut in the same way as oranges.

Bananas are peeled, finely chopped and literally sprinkled lemon juice so they don't darken.

There was some juice left when cutting the orange. Dissolve agar-agar in it. Then we introduce into the yogurt mass and divide into three equal parts.

Add fruits to each part and stir. Additionally, punch with a blender.

We take a detachable form for cakes and pastries. First, spread the curd jelly with orange and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. After we introduce a banana-curd layer - let it harden. The last layer is kiwi, do the same.

Serve the finished dessert chilled. Do not forget to remove the detachable form, transfer to a flat dish. Decorate the top of the curd jelly with slices of oranges, slices of bananas and kiwi.

Option 5: Curd jelly "Royal"

Let's prepare a beautiful and healthy dessert worthy of dinner parties and tricks. We will need canned fruits in syrup to decorate and enhance the taste.


  • three hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • two bags of gelatin, twenty-five grams each;
  • three tablespoons of milk;
  • a glass of methane 20%;
  • half a stack of powdered sugar;
  • a can of canned fruits (peaches, pineapples, etc.).

Step by step recipe

Dissolve all gelatin in warm milk. Leave it to swell.

Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve. Then add sour cream to it and powdered sugar. Stir until smooth with a spoon.

We take out the canned fruit from the jar and cut into pieces. Do not pour out the syrup, we still need it for decoration.

Lay the fruit slices on the bottom of the form in which we will prepare the curd jelly.

We introduce dissolved gelatin into the curd mass, mix and distribute on top of the fruit.

Also add some gelatin to the fruit syrup to harden it. We decorate the top of our dessert with this.

We put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Served as a large dessert. You can decorate with fruit on top.

You can also lay out not in one large container, but in bowls or dessert bowls.

Option 6: Curd jelly with strawberries

To prepare this dessert, we need fresh strawberries. Cook in a large form or immediately in portions, based on the number of households or guests.


  • one kg of fresh strawberries;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream;
  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • two hundred ml of cherry juice;
  • one hundred and fifty ml of heavy cream;
  • two bags of gelatin, twenty-five grams each;
  • two tablespoons of milk;
  • five hundred gr biscuit cookies or cake;
  • 100 ml strawberry yogurt

How to cook

First, dissolve the gelatin in milk. You can also use plain water.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, then add heavy cream and sour cream.

Pour two quarters of the gelatin into the mixture. We also introduce powdered sugar, bring to uniformity.

Let's prepare the base for the dessert. AT strawberry yogurt add one fourth of the gelatin, crumble the cookies with your hands and mix.

The rest of the gelatin is added to the cherry juice.

Pour half of the cherry juice with gelatin into a detachable or regular refractory form. Let it freeze.

Wash the strawberries and cut into halves or quarters. You can also circles - as you like. Lay on a frozen layer of cherry juice.

Pour in the rest of the juice and put in the cold again until it hardens.

Next we go a layer of curd mass. Top immediately with a layer of cookies with yogurt and gelatin. Flatten and leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Now you need to prepare the dessert for serving. We lower the container for a few seconds in boiling water and turn it over onto a large plate. We got almost a cake with a biscuit base and layers of curd jelly and fruit with juice.

With fruit, tender, light, jelly-like (gelatin is used in cooking), can be made with different fruits and berries, perfect in the summer at the cottage (but generally good at any time of the year and anywhere), a good alternative to ice cream.

This cottage cheese dessert can be made more or less sweet depending on your preferences (and this is due not only to the amount of sugar, but also to what fruits and berries you put there). Note that fruits and berries can be put not only fresh (as in our photos), but also canned. Fit very well canned peaches or apricots, not bad and with pieces of pineapple. Do you make blanks in the form of compotes? Fine! Cherries, plums, apples, pears from homemade canned compotes are wonderful in this dessert. In general, here you can dream up and use it in this fruit dessert everything that to your taste is combined with cottage cheese and with each other. Since the dessert is prepared in portions, you will need bowls or bowls, or at least wide glasses (dessert with fruit looks very tempting in transparent glass forms!).


  • Cottage cheese (soft, fat content at your discretion, you can even fat-free) - 350 grams
  • Sour cream - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons "with a slide" (if you want to make the dessert sweeter, you can use 4-5 tablespoons)
  • Gelatin - 12-15 grams (about 1 tablespoon), if you want the dessert with gelatin to look like a very dense and "cool" jelly, you can put up to 20 grams of gelatin
  • Boiled chilled water - 100 ml (0.5 cup)
  • Fruits and berries of your choice (we have: 1 banana, 1 kiwi, 5-6 strawberries, a small handful of black and green seedless grapes)


Fruits and berries must first be washed, dried and peeled. If you use oranges or tangerines, we clean them to pulp, that is, we remove that thin skin that covers each slice. Pour gelatin in a small bowl with cold boiled water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

While the gelatin is soaking, cut the fruits (if necessary, and berries) into thin slices or small pieces. Set aside a few of the cutest pieces to decorate the curd dessert on top.

The cottage cheese should be lump-free, so if you bought a non-soft pasty cottage cheese, work with a blender first. Cottage cheese should be mixed with sour cream and sugar and beat everything lightly.

Melt gelatin at the minimum level of heating or in a "water bath", stirring constantly, until it becomes liquid.

Melted gelatin should be poured into the curd mass and mix everything until smooth (faster, of course, with a mixer).

Now we begin to lay out the dessert in molds (kremanka, glasses). First, a small layer of curd mass, then fruit-berries “in artistic disorder”, then again a layer of curd mass and again fruit-berries. And so 3-4 times ( check out our video recipe!).

We decorate the last upper curd layer with the same fruits. Can be used for decoration instead of fruits (or together with them) chocolate chips or ready-made decorations for cakes. Arranged in portioned forms and decorated cottage cheese dessert Refrigerate for at least 1 hour (or more). Then we serve at the right time on the table and enjoy slowly!

If everything is done correctly, then any curd dessert without baking with gelatin turns out to be tasty, keeps its shape well, that is, it looks attractive, and can be served as a treat even with festive table.

Pp-dessert from cottage cheese with gelatin is light dish, tasty and very useful. You can eat desserts from cottage cheese without baking with gelatin almost without restrictions - at least every day. Of course, you need to observe the daily balance of macronutrients in the diet and use: honey, stevia, fructose.

Jellied curd mass is good in any form - with fruits, cocoa, nuts, candied fruits. The most dietary types are fruit and berry and with cocoa.

Secrets of cottage cheese pp-desserts with gelatin

Regardless of the recipe, each cottage cheese dessert is very easy to prepare.

The main thing is to properly dilute the thickener and give the dish time to solidify.

There are several types of gelatin, but I advise you to take high-purity instant gelatin - it is convenient to work with such ones, they do not have a strong smell, they do not give any aftertastes.

Gelatin has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and removes toxins from the body. It is obtained from the bones, sinews and skins of animals, so it is not suitable for a vegetarian diet.

Agar-agar and pectin are vegetable analogues. They stimulate digestion and are natural enterosorbents. If it is impossible to use a thickener of animal origin, it is permissible to use vegetable analogues.

Calorie content of a serving (300 g) - 280-310 kcal, bju: 25 g of protein, 3 g of fat, 35 g of carbohydrates.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • thick yogurt - 150 ml,
  • oatmeal cookies - 12 pcs.
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l. or other sahzam
  • gelatin - 15 g
  • water - 100 g
  • strong cold brewed black coffee with stevia - 200 ml


  1. Pour gelatin with water, as in previous recipes.
  2. Beat cottage cheese with kefir and honey until creamy, adding prepared gelatin.
  3. Each cookie should be quickly dipped in coffee and placed on a dish in a single layer.
  4. Spread cream on top.
  5. The top can be decorated with crumbled cookies, cocoa, grated nuts or fresh berries.
  6. Cool down.
  • To make the gelatin-based dessert a success, it is better to spread the fruit filler on the bottom of the mold for solidification, and not mix it into the curd mass. In any fruit there are enzymes that "conflict" with gelatin, although not as pronounced as the enzymes of kiwi and pineapple.
  • Any cottage cheese dessert with gelatin without baking is a non-capricious recipe, so you can safely change the proportions at your discretion and your taste. The only proportion that must be observed is the ratio of gelatin and water. It should be at least 1:10, and you can reduce the amount of water, then the consistency of the jelly will be more dense.

Video recipe for cottage cheese berry dessert

I really liked this recipe with granular bran - both low-calorie and definitely tasty, and the whole process is shown in detail:

Servings: 6

Time for preparing: 35min

We present to your attention some of the most popular curd desserts with gelatin and fruits. Cooking cottage cheese dishes is a pleasure! It is very tasty and, not least, useful, especially for children. In other words, this dessert is a bit similar in preparation to but it has its own quirks.


    250 gr. cottage cheese

    50 gr. Sahara

    200 gr. sour cream

    12 gr. gelatin

    fruits / berries - 200 gr

How to cook cottage cheese dessert with gelatin

  • Step 1

    Pour gelatin 100 ml. hot boiled water and dissolve in a water bath.

  • Step 2

    Mix sour cream with cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly, add sugar and beat with a blender. Then add the dissolved gelatin to the curd mass, mix well.

  • Step 3

    Peel the fruit from the seeds, cut into pieces and pour into the cottage cheese. Mix well.

  • Step 4

    We spread the curd dessert with fruits in suitable shape and put in the refrigerator. It must completely freeze.

    Curd dessert with gelatin and fruits - very healthy and delicious treat. This dessert is good to enjoy in hot weather. We serve compote with sourness or a milkshake to it.


    • 1.5 cups milk
    • 20 gr. gelatin
    • 400 gr. cottage cheese
    • 250 gr. sour cream
    • glass of sugar
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar
    • 2 bananas
    • 50 gr. chocolate

    How to make Chocolate and Banana Curd Dessert

    1. Gelatin is soaked in cold milk and left for 1-1.5 hours to swell. Then we heat it until it is completely dissolved, but do not boil.

    2. Add to hot gelatin solution vanilla sugar, granulated sugar and stir well until all components are dissolved. We filter.

    3. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream with a mixer. Add gelatin mixture and mix well. We divide the mass into two parts. Add chocolate melted in a water bath to one of them.

    4. Pour the white mass into a cold form and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Let the chocolate mass cool down at room temperature.

    5. Then we take out the white half, put a banana on it, cut into thin pieces, fill it with chocolate mass. Put in the refrigerator to chill.

    We've got a twisted dessert. On top we will have a white part, we will decorate it with grated chocolate and a banana.


    How to cook cottage cheese dessert with cookies

    Whip the cream until thick. We wipe the cottage cheese and mix with sugar, cream, broken cookies. We spread the mass in a bowl, put it in the cold for a long time. Sprinkle with cocoa before serving. We recommend eating this dessert the next day. It will just melt in your mouth.

    Be sure to check out the article: How to cook.

    Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese cake is an indispensable dish if you are expecting guests soon or just don’t want to spend hours cooking.

The cake preparation time is approximately 15-20 minutes, and then the dessert needs to stand in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

To make a curd cake you need:

  • cottage cheese - 500g
  • sour cream - 300g
  • gelatin - 30g
  • drinking water - one glass
  • sugar / honey - to taste (about 200g / three tablespoons with a slide)
  • fruits / berries - to taste (preferably "soft", for example, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, etc.)
  • mint or other fruit/berries for garnish (if possible)

During cooking you will need:

  • mixer / blender, in extreme cases, an ordinary tablespoon is also suitable
  • confectionery mold for cake (the most convenient will be silicone with a glass bottom)

On a note:

Cottage cheese and sour cream can be chosen with any fat content, depending on your preferences. Fat-free foods will allow you to cook low calorie dessert, which you can safely enjoy even during a diet.

Cottage cheese and sour cream with 5-15% fat will give the cake a more delicate creamy taste.
Gelatin is usually sold in bags of 10g.

To silicone mold, whatever you cook / bake, nothing will stick (even if you do not lubricate it with oil), and the glass bottom can be put on your favorite holiday dish.

Recipe cottage cheese cake without baking

Put cottage cheese and sour cream in a large container, then beat or mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Add sugar or honey to taste (remember that when adding sour fruits / berries, it takes a little large quantity sugar/honey). You can not sweeten the cottage cheese at all, but serve the finished dessert as the main dish for a festive breakfast. In general, it all depends on your own preferences.

Pour gelatin into the pan and, so that it dissolves better without forming lumps, it should be poured into a glass drinking water room temperature for 5-10 minutes.

While the gelatin is settling, it's time to cut the fruit into rings or slices, as you like.

After 5-10 minutes, put the pan on a slow fire, remembering to stir constantly. Remove from heat as soon as all the gelatin is completely dissolved in water. This usually takes 3 to 5 minutes.

Gently pour the gelatin in a thin stream into the mixed cottage cheese with sour cream. Stir the resulting mass well and beat.

Take a container for the cake and put the fruit / berries on the bottom of the mold. Top with the resulting curd mixture.

Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. After two hours, the jelly will definitely have time to harden. The cake can be taken out of the fridge and garnished with mint petals.

Beautiful light curd dessert is ready!

Bon appetit and cook with pleasure!