Home / Khachapuri / Children's soup with sausage. Smoked sausage soup

Children's soup with sausage. Smoked sausage soup

Today we have soup with smoked sausage... I don't feel like fiddling around the stove for a long time. I decided to take the path of least resistance and cook something simple, tasty, fast. To obtain interesting dish, it is not necessary to buy expensive overseas products. You just need to look into the refrigerator, turn on your imagination, and hearty lunch will be prepared from nothing. Often I cook this dish after a birthday or some other holiday, when the cold cuts remain. In addition, after a tasty and heavy meal, you want to unload your body with a light soup. Recommend.

How to cook sausage soup

A delicious and simple recipe especially for you.


  • Smoked sausage - 200 g;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 4-6 pcs.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. lies .;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

How to cook a recipe step by step with a photo at home

Pour the required amount of water into a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil. While the contents are boiling, you need to clean the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and send them to boil.

Onion peel, chop finely.
Grate the carrots on a fine grater.
Cut the smoked sausage into cubes. Choose sausages only of good quality.We send vegetables to the pan first. Do not forget to pour, heat vegetable oil in it. Fry them, stirring occasionally, until half cooked. Then add the sausage, cook for another 5-7 minutes.
Send to soup. Add salt, Bay leaf... Cook until the potatoes are tender.
Remove from heat, add chopped dill or parsley. Serve immediately after cooking, with a slice of black bread and vegetables.


  1. You can cook it with chicken or meat broth, add tomatoes, bell pepper, cabbage.
  2. Buckwheat, rice, pasta or noodles will not spoil this dish, so you can safely add them. Mushrooms or meat, beans or peas - feel free to experiment, the taste will not upset you.
  3. I forgot to say that you can cook such a dish not only on the stove. The multicooker will perfectly cope with the task. First, fry the sausage and vegetables, then add the potatoes and water, put on simmer for 1 hour.

When I was a student, I often cooked this soup. Delicious, simple, fast. He was my favorite and signature dish... Indeed, at that time I did not want to fiddle with pots and pans in the kitchen. We ate honestly, especially I did not know how to do it. And the young growing body always wanted to eat, and that it was not just food, but some kind of yummy. And when there was nothing tasty left, or rather, when there was practically nothing left in the refrigerator, we fried potatoes or cooked soup with smoked sausage.

Soup with smoked sausage is a quick universal dish that will not take the hostess much time and will delight all family members. Smoked sausage is traditionally an independent element in festive table, however, wise housewives are happy to use it for first courses, adding variety to the daily menu.

Almost any type of sausage is suitable for preparing this dish, although experienced chefs it is not advised to take salami, as it can be hard after frying.

To prepare this soup, you will need a traditional vegetable set of potatoes, onions and carrots. But then you can add your favorite foods, such as peas, eggs or cheese and create your own. cooking masterpiece, as they say, "by itself."

The ease and speed of preparation, as well as the wide possibilities of combining products, will make this soup an excellent addition to your menu, because it can be served to both guests and everyday table put.

How to make smoked sausage soup - 15 varieties

Easy and quick to cook vegetable soup sausage. It takes just 20 minutes to cook.


  • water - 1.5-2 l
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • smoked sausage - 150-200 gr
  • butter - 5 g
  • spices, herbs - to taste


Distributing the time rationally, first peel and cut the potatoes in middle parts. We set to cook.

While we can peel onions and carrots. We chop the onion medium-sized, three carrots on a fine grater.

Cut the sausage into rings 2 mm thick, then into strips. You can take any meat product, according to your taste and wallet.

Place onions, carrots and sausage in a frying pan preheated with butter. Fry until golden brown.

While you have browned the sausage and vegetables, the potatoes are ready and we can safely put everything in the pan from the pan.

Let the soup boil, add salt, spices and herbs to taste. It is advisable to let it brew for 10 minutes.

A fragrant and hearty lunch is ready to delight your family!

An excellent combination is smoked sausage and peas, using which you can prepare a hearty and mouth-watering soup. He, for sure, will appeal to all members of your family.


  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • peas - 500 g
  • onions - 200 g
  • carrots - 250 g
  • smoked sausage - 300 g
  • water - 3.5 l
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • sunflower oil - 50 g


First, prepare the peas. It must be rinsed thoroughly so that there is no cloudy water. The pea variety does not matter. So that the peas are well boiled in our soup - soak for 2 hours in cold water(it is most convenient to do this at night).

Set the peas prepared in this way to cook, let it boil, removing the foam in the process, and leave to cook for 30-40 minutes.

While the peas are boiling, cook potatoes (peel the skin, cut into small cubes) and sausage (cut into small cubes or cubes). Fry peeled finely chopped onions and grated carrots in sunflower oil for 5-7 minutes until soft.

When the peas are soft, add the potatoes to the pot and cook until tender. Then add frying and sausage. Season with salt, pepper, bay leaf, boil for another 10 minutes over low heat. At the end, add the dill (or herbs of your choice) and simmer for another minute.

Voila - your soup is ready!

For lovers of legumes, another recipe is very delicious soup, this time with beans. White wine and garlic will add piquancy to it.


  • white beans in own juice- 800 g
  • chicken bouillon- 500 ml
  • boiled smoked sausage - 300 g
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • celery stalk - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • white dry wine- 1 tbsp.
  • White cabbage- 0.5 head of cabbage
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • bell pepper - to taste
  • salt to taste


You should start preparing this soup by preparing all the ingredients. Peel and finely chop the carrots, onions and garlic. Cut the celery into thin slices, also finely chop the sausage, chop the cabbage.

Heat the oil in a saucepan. Put celery, carrots and onions there, fry for 8 minutes. Put the garlic and sausage, fry for another 5 minutes, then pour in the broth and wine.

By the way, experienced chefs advise to choose smoked sausages of the "Hunter" type for this recipe, because they have a very expressive taste and smell.

When our liquid boils - add beans and cabbage, cook over low heat for another 25 minutes. At the end, salt and pepper to your liking.

You can start your meal!

Your sausage soup will be very aromatic and satisfying if you add cheese there. Cheese soups are always welcome, and the smell of smoked sausage will only enhance its taste.


  • water - 3 l
  • medium potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • processed cheese- 150 g
  • rice - 0.5 cups
  • greenery
  • smoked sausage - half a stick
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste


We put water on the fire and wait until it boils. Don't forget to skim off the foam. At this time, we clean, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes (or strips), throw them into boiling water.

While the potatoes are boiling, cut the sausage again into cubes or strips.

For this recipe, sausage is better to choose fatty varieties, for example, "Krakowska".

In hot oil, fry the sausage, pre-peeled carrots grated on a coarse grater, and then finely chopped onions. Let this all be stewed over low heat for 5 minutes, do not forget to stir.

When the potatoes are half cooked, add rice to it (you can either ready-made or raw) and processed cheese (you can throw it in pieces straight, it will melt in the broth during the cooking process).

At the end, add frying, garlic, herbs to the broth, let it boil for a few minutes. And do not forget to taste for salt.

You can feed your family!

Tomatoes give a special flavor to any dish. It is juicy, tasty and satisfying. Of course, we can also season the sausage soup with tomato or add tomatoes.


  • bacon - 50 g
  • smoked pork sausages - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • white canned beans- 1 bank
  • canned tomatoes- 1 bank
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • basil - 0.5 bunch,
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


The sausages should be chopped and sautéed, adding chopped garlic and bacon.

Place the chopped tomatoes there (pour out the liquid too) and chili peppers (do not cut it, but throw it whole).

When the soup boils, throw in the beans, add pepper and salt to taste and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, until our tomatoes are soft.

Garnish with chopped basil when serving.

Great dish!

Smoked sausage can enhance the aroma of the classic noodle soup... As the saying goes, "meat does not interfere with porridge."


  • Water - 2-2.5 l
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium or several small
  • Carrots - 1 medium
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Vermicelli - 100 g
  • Smoked sausage - 200 g
  • Processed cheese - 2 packs


First, let's prepare everything as for regular soup: diced potatoes, onions and carrots grind for frying. We also finely chop the sausage and cheese.

We put the potatoes to boil, slightly salting the water and not forgetting to remove the foam.

Culinary experts also advise adding bay leaves, which will give our potatoes an extra flavor.

Having previously greased the pan with sunflower oil, fry the carrots and onions first, and later the sausage. We simmer all together for 8 minutes.

After boiling the potatoes until half cooked, throw pasta and let it boil for another 10 minutes.

We send our frying to the finished potatoes with pasta and immediately add cream cheese. Mix well and let it boil for about five minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

We infuse the finished soup for 20 minutes and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

You can eat the soup right away!

Another delicious and quick soup can be boiled by adding an egg to it. Fans of this protein product will definitely like this dish.


  • meat broth - 2 l
  • sausage - 300 g
  • wheat bread- 200 g
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste


The bread must be cut into slices and lightly dried in the oven.

Cut the sausage into slices and put it together with the finished bread in a pan in layers. Fill it all up meat broth and boil over low heat for 15 minutes.

Cook the eggs separately, peel them, cut them in half or in slices and arrange them on plates. Pour hot soup - and to the table!

Very interesting soup with lentils and parmesan cheese. This recipe can surprise both family and guests.


  • Smoked sausage - 450 g
  • Meat broth - 2 l
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l
  • Onions - 150 g
  • Carrots - 200 g
  • Spices (basil, oregano, nutmeg and black pepper) - to taste
  • Garlic - 1 large clove
  • Tomatoes - 800 g
  • Lentils - 400 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Parmesan - 200 g
  • Lemon - half


Cut the sausage into strips and send it to fry in a saucepan with sunflower oil.

Peel and finely dice the onion, peel and three carrots on a coarse grater - send them to the sausage. Fry for 5 minutes until the onions are transparent. We add spices and crushed garlic to our mass. We fry for a minute.

While the spices are cooking, peel and dice the tomatoes and rinse the lentils.

We gradually lower this all into a saucepan, pour the previously prepared broth into the same place and salt. Cook all this for about an hour until the lentils are cooked.

Pour finely grated Parmesan (100 g - half) into the finished soup and squeeze the lemon to taste and let it boil again.

Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top when serving - and eat!

Original and hearty first courses are obtained with the addition of cereals. For example, if you add semolina to the soup with sausage, it will turn out very original.


  • water - 1 l
  • smoked sausage - 150 g
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • semolina - 4 tablespoons
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • butter - to taste
  • salt to taste


Peel, rinse and dice the potatoes and place them in a pot of boiling water.

We also add here semolina, salt.

While the potatoes are boiling, cut the sausage and onion into small pieces and fry in butter.

Add frying to semi-finished potatoes with semolina and cook for 15 minutes.

Add greens to taste.

Our soup is ready!

An excellent substitute for fresh or dried peas can be green canned peas... Such a soup is quickly prepared, and this can be done even in microwave oven.


  • smoked sausage - 400 g
  • onion -1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • green pea- 1 bank
  • meat broth - 1 l
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.


Prepare the broth in advance. To do this, wash the meat (of your choice, 200-300 g) well under running water and fill it with boiling water, adding olive oil... Cover it with a loose lid and send it to the microwave for 20 minutes.

Pre-fry the sausage in the microwave oven using the Grill function.

Cut carrots and sausages into strips, onions into half rings. We put the vegetables in a saucepan, add the peas, and fill them with strained broth. Put in the microwave again for 5 minutes.

Then put the smoked meats in a saucepan and send them to the microwave for another 5 minutes, tightly closing the lid.

Another savory recipe The hearty sausage first course includes rice. Although there is not much of it, the broth and taste will be very aromatic.


  • water or meat broth - 1 l
  • smoked sausage - 200 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • rice - 2 tablespoons
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • chopped greens - 1 tbsp
  • salt to taste


The initial preparation phase of a dish involves traditional preparation. Wash vegetables, peel, cut: finely onions, potatoes and carrots into strips.

Put potatoes and washed rice in boiling broth, cook on small fire about 15 minutes, covered with a lid.

At this time, cut the sausage into strips, fry on vegetable oil carrots and onions until golden brown.

We add all this to the pan, salt, and cook until cooked for another 10 minutes, add the herbs.

Fragrant and hearty soup ready!

Today, it helps a lot of people to cook delicious and healthy meals multicooker. This kitchen appliance - great option for making delicious pickle soup with smoked sausage.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber (or pickled) - 2 pieces
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Pearl barley- ¾ multi-glass
  • Smoked sausage - 200 g
  • Smoked chicken breast - half
  • Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
  • Bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice, salt - to taste.


Pour pearl barley for at least 2 hours cold water.

Cut the onion into small cubes, Bell pepper, cucumber, sausage and chicken, grate carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the potatoes into small pieces.

You can take any smoked meats here according to your taste with a total weight of up to 500 g, at least 2 types of meat - this is what the chefs advise.

Pour 3 tablespoons at the bottom of the multicooker. vegetable oil, immediately add carrots, onions and bell peppers and turn on the Fry mode (usually duration 20-25 minutes). After 9-10 minutes. add smoked meats, a full glass of water and tomato paste and extinguish.

Then we throw in cucumbers and spices, as well as potatoes and pearl barley.

Salt our mass (do not forget that there are already pickles here) and fill it with water to the maximum mark. We select the Soup mode.

Stir, add herbs, sour cream or mayonnaise - and on the table!

Unusual recipe for soup with sausage and apples. Your family or guests will surely appreciate the originality of the taste, and the cooking process will not take you much time.


  • chicken broth - 900 g
  • smoked sausages - 400 g
  • sliced ​​white cabbage - 3 cups
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • apple - 2 pcs.
  • chopped onion - 0.5 cups
  • chopped celery - 0.5 cups
  • butter- 2 tbsp.
  • caraway seeds - 0.5 tsp
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste


To begin with, we prepare products: finely chop apples, smoked meats, celery, onions, carrots and cabbage.

We heat the butter in a saucepan and send the cabbage, celery, carrots and onions there, sprinkling with caraway seeds. Simmer until the vegetables are soft (usually 6-8 minutes).

Pour in broth, add apples and sausages, salt and pepper.

When the soup boils, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

Serve the soup hot!

Speaking of a soup with smoked sausage, a hodgepodge immediately pops up in my mind. This variety of this soup is the tastiest and most practical, with many variations. Let's describe one of them.


  • water - 2 l
  • chicken fillet - 1 breast
  • boiled sausage - 350 g
  • smoked sausage (type 1) - 350 g
  • smoked sausage (type 2) - 350 g
  • smoked pork ribs - 200 g (5-6 ribs)
  • pickled cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, herbs, lemon - to taste
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • sunflower oil- 20 g


We put to cook chicken breast for 25-30 minutes, rinsing it and cutting it into 4 parts. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Cut the finished cooled meat into small cubes.

In the meantime, we prepare the rest of the ingredients. Cut the onion, cucumber, sausage into small pieces, divide the ribs one at a time.

To fry onions, you need to prepare a dressing: for this, stir the tomato paste with 100-150 g of boiled water.

In a frying pan preheated with oil, fry the onions until golden brown, add cucumbers and after 5-7 minutes. fill with cooked tomato. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

We put all the ingredients obtained in the meat broth. Let it boil and add the tomato dressing.

Add salt and herbs to taste.

Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise and a slice of lemon (or olive)!

Soup with dumplings will also be original and satisfying if smoked sausage is added there.


  • water - 2-2.5 l
  • smoked sausage - 300 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste


While the water is boiling, clean, wash and finely chop the potatoes. We clean and rinse the onion, cut it into cubes. Divide the peeled carrots into two parts: the first three on a coarse grater, the second - cut into thin strips. Sausage - also cut into cubes.

Put half the onion and carrots, cut into strips, into boiling water. We boil with the lid closed for a quarter of an hour. Put the grated carrots and the remaining onion on the oil heated in a pan and simmer over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, while stirring.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl, add the beaten egg, salt. Add warm water a little at a time, stirring to make a soft dough.

After that, put the frying and the sausage prepared in advance in a saucepan. Salt and pepper to your liking.

We tear off the dough and form dumplings, place them in boiling soup and boil for 10 minutes.

At the end, put finely chopped greens into the soup.

Soup with smoked sausage and dumplings is ready - you can serve it!

This soup with boiled sausage is very fond of my son. I mean, eat and cook. Moreover, he has been preparing it on his own since he was eight, so the recipe is really absolutely elementary. Just don't think that this is something like those rainwater soups with plantain that girls make when they play with dolls. Adults also adore the soup. Broth and frying are not needed for it - they do not improve it in any way. Boiled sausage makes all the weather.

We put water on fire to boil.

While the water is heating, peel the potatoes and cut them into as small pieces as possible. This is done to make it cook faster. If a child is cooking, then the potatoes need to start peeling and cutting in advance, but an adult will just cope with three servings during the time until the appropriate amount of water boils, has been checked repeatedly.

We throw the potatoes into boiling water and begin to peel and cut the carrots. We cut the carrots into thick washers. When we finish cutting - we add to the potatoes, we continue to cook together.

Cut the sausage into medium cubes.

When the potatoes are cooked until soft, turn off the heat and put the sausage and peas into the pan. Let the soup steam under the lid for 3-5 minutes, then salt the boiled sausage soup to taste and pour into plates.

We serve this soup with boiled sausage, always with a fork.

Because with a fork it is very good to slightly knead the potatoes, add a little cream - and eat to your health!

Solyanka is not salty at all!

This is an amazing soup with the aroma of sausage, lemon, seasoned with herbs and olives.

Time to cook!

Classic solyanka with sausage - general principles of preparation

The classic hodgepodge is cooked in rich meat broth. But this is not necessary to speed up and simplify the preparation, there are many different tricks. The sausage gives a special taste to the dish. It is advisable to use several types of smoked and cooked products. The soup is always prepared with the addition of tomato, pickled cucumbers; from vegetables, onions are always present.

For filling the hodgepodge, fresh lemon, olives, herbs are used. They can be added directly to the pot or directly onto the plates. Pepper gives the dish a spice, it is put to taste.

Classic solyanka with sausage and beef

The recipe for a classic hodgepodge with sausage in meat broth. Beef is used on the bone. You can cook it in advance, the meat is also wrapped in soup.


500 g of meat;

3 sausages;

0.2 kg of smoked sausage;

2 onions;

2 tablespoons of pasta;

100 g olives;

150 g pickled cucumbers;

30 ml of oil;

Lemon, parsley, laurel, pepper.


1. Doing rich broth... To do this, put the washed piece in a saucepan, fill it with two liters of water, put it on the stove. When boiling, be sure to remove the foam and then periodically remove it if it appears.

2. After 1.5 hours, throw the bay leaf into the pan and add one onion. We boil for another 40 minutes. We filter or simply take out the laurel with onions from the broth.

3. Put the pan on the fire. Add butter and chopped onion.

4. After two minutes, add chopped cucumbers to the onion, sauté for five minutes, add tomato paste and a little broth from the pan. Simmer the vegetables together.

5. Transfer vegetables and tomato to a saucepan.

6. Cut the sausage, sausages and also send to the hodgepodge.

7. From a piece of beef, take all the meat, cut into cubes and also send to the hodgepodge.

8. Add salt, pepper, boil for five minutes.

9. Arrange the olives; you do not need to cut them.

10. After 2 minutes add herbs, pepper, turn off the stove.

11. Let the soup steep for half an hour, add lemon to the bowls when serving.

Classic solyanka with sausage without meat

The recipe for a quick hodgepodge, for which you don't even need to cook meat broth. The ingredients list 3 types of sausage and meat products, but you can add more. The taste will be richer.


1.5 liters of broth;

Two cucumbers;

Four tablespoons of oil;

150 g of boiled sausage;

150 g ham;

200 g smoked sausage;

Two tomatoes;

Large onion;

10 olives;

Greens, lemon, spices.


1. Take a large saucepan or cauldron, pour four tablespoons of oil into it, turn on the fire.

2. Add one chopped onion and fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Put the chopped cucumber to the onion, sauté together.

4. Once the brine has evaporated, add the diced tomato. Choosing ripe, large tomatoes. If you don't like the presence of the skin, you can remove it.

5. Fry vegetables until soft.

6. During this time we cut all types of sausages.

7. We spread sausages to vegetables, add boiling water.

8. Salt, pepper, cover and cook for a quarter of an hour. We don't make a big fire.

9. We spread the olives five minutes before the end of cooking.

10. Season the hodgepodge with chopped parsley, throw in the laurel, squeeze half a small lemon into a saucepan to make the taste of the dish richer. If the citrus is large, a quarter is enough.

11. Cut the rest of the lemon into thin slices and place in a serving dish.

Classic solyanka with sausage and smoked legs

Another simple option for a hodgepodge, for which you do not need to cook a rich broth. At the same time, the dish turns out to be rich, unusually fragrant and satisfying.


1 leg;

1 carrot;

200 g of any sausage;

1 liter of water;

3 tablespoons of olives;

Oil, spices;

2 tablespoons of pasta;

1 cucumber.


1. Pour a little oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add an onion, after two minutes a carrot, sauté chopped vegetables until golden brown.

2. Add the grated or chopped finely pickled cucumbers, fry until the brine evaporates.

3. During this time, cut the sausage. Remove the skin from the leg, it is not needed, cut the pulp into cubes.

4. Put the chopped sausage and chicken legs, add the pasta.

5. Pour boiling water. On average, it will take a liter. You can add a little more or less, depending on the desired density of the hodgepodge.

6. Salt and pepper.

7. Close, boil the soup for about 10 minutes, add olives.

8. Simmer the hodgepodge over low heat, so that the taste of all the ingredients is revealed, merged into one.

Classic solyanka with sausage and mushrooms

For the classic hodgepodge, according to this recipe, pickled mushrooms are used. We take absolutely any sausage, you can take several types, for example, boiled and smoked products.


0.2 kg of mushrooms;

300 g of beef;

0.35 kg of any sausage;

1 cucumber;

1 cup grated tomatoes

0.1 kg of olives;

1 onion;

30 g butter;

Greens, lemon.


1. Prepare broth from a piece of beef with two liters of water. Take out the finished meat, cool. Then we cut into pieces, return to the future hodgepodge.

2. Saute the onion in oil, add pickled or salted mushrooms. We fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Chop the cucumbers, add to the onion with mushrooms, fry for another five minutes.

4. Pour a glass of grated tomatoes. We add heat, evaporate the water from the tomato so that the sauce becomes thick and dark.

5. Cut the sausages into cubes, or into strips. Put on another frying pan with butter, fry until golden brown.

6. We shift sausage and vegetables with mushrooms to the broth with beef. Stir, salt.

7. Throw in olives, can be cut into rings or in half, cover and boil for about ten minutes.

Classic solyanka with sausage on vegetable broth

A hodgepodge option for those who cannot cook meat broth, but want to feast on hearty soup.


One potato;


Two liters of water;

400 g sausage;

Two tablespoons of pasta;

Oil, spices;

15 olives or olives;

Two or three cucumbers.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, send it to the stove.

2. Peel carrots and potatoes, rub very finely. We put it in a pot of water. Cook vegetables for about fifteen minutes. The vegetables should completely dissolve in the broth, the broth will become saturated.

3. Place two pans on the stove. Pour two tablespoons of oil into both.

4. In one frying pan, fry the onion, add chopped sausage to it. Brown a little.

5. Place the chopped cucumbers in the second pan. Saute until soft, add tomato paste.

6. Transfer the contents of all pans to the vegetable broth, salt, add olives. You can throw it entirely.

7. Cook the hodgepodge for ten minutes. The countdown goes after boiling.

8. Season with herbs, lemon, laurel.

Classic spicy hodgepodge with sausage

Real hodgepodge has a spicy, salty taste with a slight sourness. Let's make such a soup? The recipe uses real Georgian adjika... Can be substituted with crushed red pepper pod.


2 liters of broth;

2 onion heads;

60 g of pasta;

1 tsp adjika;

200 g of cucumbers;

400 g assorted sausages;

Olives, herbs, lemon;

1 carrot.


1. We use any broth for the soup. If it is not possible to make it from meat, you can prepare a rich vegetable broth from the recipe just above.

2. Saute two chopped onions in butter, add carrots to them, fry vegetables and add pasta with adjika. Pour in a little broth and simmer for about five minutes so that the spiciness spreads evenly in the dish.

3. In another frying pan, fry the grated cucumbers, add the chopped sausages at the end. We use several types to make the soup tastier.

4. It remains to transfer the products from two pans into the broth, season the mind with salt.

5. Add olives immediately, cover and cook for a quarter of an hour.

6. Vitaminize the dish with herbs, add lemon juice to taste, throw in fresh citrus slices when serving.

Classic solyanka with sausage and potatoes

If in classic hodgepodge add a little potatoes, the dish will become more familiar and more like an everyday soup. For some reason, many people prefer to cook this particular option.


2 liters of meat broth;

Two pieces of potatoes;

300 g sausage;

Two cucumbers;


Half a lemon;

Greens, oil;

Three spoons of tomato;



1. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put them in a boiling broth, cook for ten minutes.

2. Fry the onion, put the grated cucumber, sauté.

3. Add tomato paste to the pan, you can pour in a little broth and continue to simmer the onion and cucumber.

4. Cut the sausage, send it to the pot with the potatoes.

5. After five minutes, put the food out of the pan. Now you can add a little salt to the hodgepodge.

6. We throw olives.

7. Close and cook for another ten minutes.

8. Add greens to taste, season the dish lemon juice.

Both olives and olives can be added to the hodgepodge. They are thrown entirely into a saucepan, cut into rings, halves, or thrown into a plate along with lemon.

After adding sautéed vegetables to the pan, the hodgepodge is boiled over very low heat. Do not let the soup boil actively, so as not to turn it into porridge.

If you run out of tomato paste, you can use canned tomatoes by taking them in more... Such tomatoes will give the dish an extraordinary aroma, add piquancy.

First courses should certainly be present in the daily diet. After all, they bring invaluable benefits to the body, since they are able to quickly be absorbed, stimulate digestion, increase appetite, warm in cold weather and even, as some nutritionists say, normalize blood pressure.

And although there are more than one type of these dishes, housewives often have to puzzle over what to feed the hungry family members, especially if there is not a single extra minute to prepare the broth. In such situations, soups in which the meat component is replaced by sausages will help out.

Sausage first courses can be light and quick soups (with egg or noodles) or more simple preparation favorite traditional soups (pea or hodgepodge).

Sausage and egg soup

First courses with sausage are often called lazy, because they are prepared much faster and easier than many others, and the result is always very tasty and satisfying. To such quick recipes sausage soup with egg belongs. When ready, it should be served with rye bread or croutons.


Cheese soup with sausage

For cooking cheese soup usually only processed cheese is used, but if you add just a couple of pinches of grated cheese to it hard cheese With spicy taste, then the dish will only benefit from this.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2-2.5 liters of broth (water);
  • 200 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 150 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • vegetable oil for frying (about 2 tablespoons);
  • 1 processed cheese(100g);
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • fresh herbs and salt.

The time it takes to cook the soup will depend on the melting point of the cheeses, but you still don't have to spend more than 50 minutes at the stove.

The calorie content of 100 grams of soup is 62.9 kcal.


Solyanka with boiled and smoked sausage

A tasty alternative to the classic meat hodgepodge- the same dish made from smoked and boiled sausages. You can take only two types of sausages, but if you use more varieties, the taste of the dish will become even richer.

Products used in the recipe:

  • 2.5 liters of meat broth;
  • 200 grams of boiled sausage;
  • 150 grams of smoked sausage;
  • 200 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2-3 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 100 grams of olives;
  • spices and herbs to taste.

The cooking time will be 1-1.5 hours.

The calorie content of the hodgepodge is 61.6 Kcal / 100 grams of ready-made soup.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a fry: sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil, add cubes cut from pickled cucumbers and tomato paste to them, let it boil for 4 minutes;
  2. Boil potatoes until half cooked in a saucepan with meat broth;
  3. Cut sausages into thin strips, cut olives into rings;
  4. Put sausage, olives and roast in a saucepan with potatoes, and cook until cooked;
  5. Add spices, salt and herbs a few minutes before the end of cooking. In a plate with a ready-made hodgepodge, you can put a spoonful of sour cream, a slice of lemon and fresh herbs.

Sausage and noodles soup recipe

The sausage for this soup can be either smoked or boiled. Vermicelli is ideal for the spider web, but other pasta can be used as well.

To prepare the first dish based on the named ingredients, you need to take:

  • 2 liters of broth or water;
  • 200 grams of sausage;
  • 50-80 grams of vermicelli;
  • 150 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt, herbs and 1 bay leaf.

You can cook this soup in 40-50 minutes.

The average calorie content of the dish is 52.5 kilocalories / 100 grams.

The sequence of the stages of preparation:

  1. Saute onions with carrots in vegetable oil;
  2. Put a saucepan with water or broth on the fire, and when it boils, put the chopped potatoes;
  3. Add chopped potatoes to half-cooked potatoes. small cube or straws of sausage and sautéed vegetables, let it boil;
  4. Since the cooking time of spider web vermicelli is literally 1-2 minutes, it should be put in the last place along with salt, chopped herbs and spices;
  5. Remove the bay leaf from the prepared soup so that it does not make it bitter. You can serve the dish with sour cream.

Pea soup with hunting sausages

Pea soup is loved by many, especially when it contains a smoked meat product (for example, smoked pork ribs). It turns out that the same tasty, satisfying and nutritious first course is quite realistic to cook with sausage, if you take hunting sausages as a basis.

For cooking pea soup with sausage you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 cup peas
  • 200 grams of hunting sausages;
  • 200 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 medium head of onion;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • herbs, salt and spices to taste.

The cooking time will be: from 2 hours - for soaking peas and about 1 hour - directly cooking.

Calorie content of the dish: 69.0 kilocalories per 100 grams of soup.

Cooking procedure:

  1. In order for peas to cook quickly, they must be soaked in a bowl of cold water for at least 2 hours before boiling, but it is even better to leave them in water for a longer time, up to 8-12 hours (for example, leave them in water overnight)
  2. Drain the water from the peas, wash it well under a running stream, pour in fresh 2.5 liters of water and put on fire;
  3. Peas need to be boiled after boiling water for at least 40 minutes, constantly removing the foam that will appear on the surface;
  4. In a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the diced onion and the carrots passed through a grater, then add the bell pepper cut into strips;
  5. When the vegetables are ready, send hunting sausages cut into rings to them in the pan, and let them warm up along with the rest of the ingredients for literally 1-2 minutes;
  6. Peel, wash and chop the potatoes in any way, but not too coarsely, put in a saucepan to the finished peas;
  7. When the potatoes are boiled, and the peas even have time to boil a little, making the soup more rich, pour the fry with hunting sausages, add salt, spices and herbs. Let it boil for a couple of minutes, and the first for lunch will be ready.

Cooking Tips

If salami sausage is used in cooking, then it should never be fried. From this it will become tough, such a sausage is placed in a boiling broth.

The first courses with sausage are salted after the main products are cooked so as not to oversalt, since the sausage will give some of its salt to the broth.

It is advisable that before serving ready meal stood for about 10 minutes in a saucepan covered with a lid and infused. From this, its taste will become richer and richer.

For the same purpose, the soup should be cooked exclusively over moderate heat so that it does not boil too much. Slow simmering will make it fragrant and very appetizing.

To improve the taste of sausage soup, you can fry the onions not in vegetable oil alone, but in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil.

The final taste of the first course will depend on the type and quality of the sausage used, so special attention should be paid to these factors. The use of several types or varieties of sausages will serve as the key to success in preparing a hearty and tasty dish.