Home / Dumplings / How to make desserts for Halloween. When Halloween is celebrated: date

How to make desserts for Halloween. When Halloween is celebrated: date

Halloween is an unusual holiday. Halloween treats are also original. Recipes "scary" and interesting dishes presented in this article.

Halloween is a celebration of "all the dead". It has very deep historical roots. Halloween has been celebrated since ancient times on the last day of October, namely 31st... This day is considered the last harvest date. It is considered that after finishing your fertile season, the soil has strength and power.

It is on Halloween that the earth is able to "resurrect" the deceased ancestors buried in it. For so that ghosts do not violate the harmony of the world of the living, it was decided to scare them away in all sorts of ways. For this, people dressed up in costumes and put on terrible masks, similar to the faces of the dead.

Realizing that among them there are exactly the same creatures, the ghosts did not touch the living. They disappeared when the sun rose on the first of November.

The symbol of the holiday is pumpkin... This fruit is the last in the harvest and therefore has a lot of meaning for the holiday. Pumpkin is the main decorative element of Halloween and its the main ingredient of dishes. Treats can be like literally cooked pumpkin snacks, and they can repeat its external features.

Halloween treats

Scary Halloween Dish: Snacks

An appetizer is the start of any meal. She "sets the mood" for dinner and therefore must be delicious. Simple recipes interesting snacks decorate festive table and will make guests smile.

Snack recipes:

Snack "Witch's broom"

The snack is a symbolic broom that a real witch should fly on. The dish consists of the simplest ingredients and has spectacular appearance.

You will need:

  • Cheese "Hochland"- one package. Such cheese always has a flat, neat cut. The texture of this processed cheese dense, very pleasant to work with.
  • Sticks "straw" Is a type of baked goods. It can be sold by weight, or it can have a separate package of 100-200 g. Straws can be sweet and salty, it is best to use salted ones.
  • Green onions- thin feathers of green, a little flabby onions for holding a snack


  • Prepare the cheese for cooking: open the package and cut the "stack" of cheese leaves in half horizontally.
  • The cheese will be used as the lush part of the broom. To do this, it should be cut with scissors (or with a knife) into rags with small vertical movements.
  • Each stick should be wrapped on one side with cut cheese and fix the cheese on a stick with an onion feather. Sluggish onions, unlike fresh ones, are more amenable to tying knots.

Witch's whisk snack

Spiders snack

It will be useful for you:

  • Eggs chicken or quail (adjust the amount yourself)
  • Olives- black, pitted and without filling
  • Sauce- mayonnaise (you can add garlic or dill to your taste)


  • Boil eggs, cool them down and cut into halves
  • On top of a boiled egg, apply sauce in a small amount
  • The sauce should be attach an olive tree, cut in half
  • From the second half of the olive follows cut triangular legs spider and also attach them to the egg.

Spiders snack

"Eyes" appetizer

You will need:

  • Egg boiled (chicken or quail)
  • Olive(black, pitted, can be filled)
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise


  • Eggs should be boiled for readiness
  • The olive is cut into two round halves
  • Mayonnaise is dripped onto a half of a boiled egg. Mayonnaise is necessary in order to "hold" the olive on itself
  • Bloody "capillaries" are drawn in the eyes with ketchup

"Eyes" appetizer

Mummy Sandwiches Snack

You will need:

  • Bread- square toast white bread
  • Cheese- any cheese without holes
  • Olives- black, pitted, can be filled
  • Ketchup or any red sauce


  • The bread is beautifully laid out on a serving plate
  • On top of the bread follows squeeze out the sauce red or ketchup
  • The cheese should be sliced neat flat and oblong stripes, exactly the same to each other.
  • The cheese is laid out on top of the ketchup in the form of bandages at the mummy
  • In free space you need place "eyes" from the halves of the olives

Sandwich appetizer "Mummy"

Snack "Coffins"

You will need:

  • Shortbread or puff pastry (or any other from the store)
  • Mushrooms- champignons 300 g
  • Onion- 1 onion
  • Frying oil
  • Lubricating egg


  • Mushrooms and onions are chopped finely chopped and fried in oil until cooked
  • Squeeze excess oil from mushrooms
  • Lay on a baking sheet baking foil
  • From the thawed dough follows cut out the bases for the "coffins"
  • In the first half with a teaspoon filling falls
  • The second half of the "coffin" covers the top of the mushrooms
  • On top of the "coffin" is done decorative cross
  • Baking follows brush with beaten egg
  • "Coffins" are baked in the oven for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees

Snack "Coffins"

Simple Halloween Food Recipes: DIY Recipes

Cook delicious and original dishes for your family and guests it is quite possible with your own hand. Unusual ideas for "scary" dishes will help you diversify the holiday table and set the "mood" for the whole Halloween.


Dish "Human intestines"

You will need:

  • Grilled sausages
  • Vegetable oil (for lubrication)
  • Ketchup (or any red sauce)


  • Please select beautiful dish for baking where you can serve it
  • Brush the dish with vegetable oil
  • Grill sausages should be laid out with a snake
  • Smear the joints of the sausages and between the sausages with sauce
  • The dish should be sent to the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees

Dish "Human intestines"

Dish "Witch's Fingers"

You will need:

  • Sausages- one kilogram of good quality sausages
  • Almond- a few nuts for decoration (you need as many as there will be sausages)
  • Ketchup or red sauce


  • Sausages should be boiled until ready, remove the packaging from them
  • The sausages are laid out on a serving platter. An almond nut is inserted into each tip of the sausage(it plays the role of a nail).
  • Red sauce should be decorate the second end of the sausage

Dish "Witch's fingers"

Dish "Hot Eyes"

You will need:

  • Minced chicken- one kilogram (can be replaced with any other minced meat)
  • Black olives(for decorating a dish)
  • Tomato sauce(ketchup can be used)
  • Spices to taste


  • From minced chicken balls with a diameter of about 5 centimeters should be formed
  • Heat the sauce in a skillet with a wide rim. If using ketchup add water
  • The balls should be dipped gradually in boiling sauce and simmer for half an hour.
  • When serving, ready-made chicken balls should be decorated with olives.

Dish "Hot eyes"

Dish "Hairy sausages"

  • Sausages- half a kilo of good quality sausages
  • Spaghetti- 100 g long spaghetti


  • Sausages are cut into cubes of three centimeters
  • A few spaghetti are inserted into each
  • Sausages are boiled with spaghetti
  • Boiled sausages can be served with your favorite sauce

Dish "Hairy sausages"

Halloween treats for kids: cookies, sweets

Children are huge Halloween lovers... In addition to the fact that they get the opportunity to dress in bright colorful costumes, the holiday "treats" them with a huge amount of sweets. Some of them are “cute”, others are “scary”.

Even ordinary desserts can be presented in an unusual way or decorated in an original way. For this, chocolate, cream, sweets, syrup, nuts and your imagination will come in handy. It is pleasant to treat and surprise children with such desserts.

Scary Halloween Dessert Options:

Caramelized apples

Cupcakes "Horror stories"

Pumpkin muffins

Halloween gingerbread

Scary Halloween Sweets: Recipes

Jelly dessert "Worms"

You will need:

  • Jelly - several packs of red jelly
  • Cocktail tubes (long, multiple packs)


  • The jelly will dissolve with water in accordance with the instructions on the pack
  • Tie all the tubes tightly and put each other
  • Put the straws in a tall dish.
  • Pour the jelly into the tubes and leave to set.
  • After hardening, you can squeeze the jelly out of the tubes.

Jelly "Worms"

Gingerbread dessert "Ritual Plates"

You will need:

  • Gingerbread - one kilogram of rectangular gingerbread
  • Condensed milk - a can of boiled condensed milk
  • Butter - one pack of 200 g


  • Mix condensed milk with soft butter
  • Form slabs of gingerbread, like on graves
  • Fasten the "slabs" with cream and write "R.I.P." on them with a toothpick
  • Optionally, you can decorate the dessert with any sweet elements: nuts, powdered sugar, sauces

Gingerbread "Gravestones"

Shortbread cookies "Witch's fingers"

You will need for the test:

  • Margarine - 200 g pack
  • Egg - 1 pc, chicken
  • Flour - 2 cups (sift)
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (as much as possible, to taste)
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Almonds - whole for decorating


  • Soften butter (or margarine) and mix with flour, egg and sugar, knead the dough
  • Form fingers from well-kneaded dough
  • Insert an almond nut into your fingertips
  • Make folds on your fingers with a toothpick
  • Bake for 25 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees

Liver "Witch's fingers"

Scary Halloween Drinks: Recipes

Some drinks can be designed in interesting ways to make them look scary and attractive.

Witch's Potion Drink

  • Put green jelly worms on the bottom of the glass.
  • Pour regular tonic into a glass
  • Ornamental eye can be omitted (if you can find it)
  • Cut the melon pulp into cubes and send to a glass
  • A cocktail tube can be decorated with marshmallows in the form of a ghost (cut with a knife)

Witch's Potion Drink

Blood in a Test Tube Drink

  • To do this, you will need a set of test tubes and a holder for them.
  • Any creamy syrup should be poured into the tubes at the bottom.
  • Then pomegranate juice is poured in a neat thin stream
  • The syrup is much "heavier" than the juice and will stay on the bottom

Blood in a Test Tube Drink

Wunsh punch drink

  • Make a punch. For adults, it can be a mixture of wine and honey, and for children, a mixture of red juices.
  • Peel the apple
  • Cut out muzzles in the pulp
  • Dip apples in a dish with a drink

Wunsh punch drink

Decoration of dishes and treats for Halloween Crackers with mastic and "Plaster" jam

Must be original and intimidating. Making them is not very difficult. However, during the preparation of such delicacies, you will have to show all your creative imagination. After all, this is the only way to make unusual desserts that will be appreciated by all your invited guests.

Witch's Fingers Cookies

Halloween treats in the shape of the witch's fingers are classics of the genre. And if you have never tried making such a dessert, then we will present its recipe in more detail.

So, we need:

  • white flour - about 3 cups;
  • softened butter - about 230 g;
  • medium-sized sugar - a glass;
  • fresh large egg - 1 pc .;
  • baking powder - small spoon;
  • salt - 2/3 a small spoon;
  • vanillin - a small bag;
  • whole peeled almonds - 10-30 pcs.;
  • red jam - a few large spoons.

Knead the dough

Halloween treats, the recipes of which we are considering, are a pleasure to cook. Such desserts are made very quickly, but they turn out to be incredibly beautiful and original. Knead the base before baking the Witch's Fingers cookies. To do this, you need to soften the cooking oil, beat it along with the sugar and egg, and then add the baking powder, vanillin and salt. After receiving homogeneous mass it is required to pour white flour into it and knead an elastic dough.

We form and bake the dessert correctly

Having made the sand base, you should immediately start forming the cookies. To do this, you need to pinch off a piece of dough, roll a sausage out of it, as close as possible to the size and shape of a real human finger. If necessary, several grooves can be made on the products to simulate folds. Also, put whole peeled almonds on one end of the cookie. In this form, all cookies must be moved to a baking sheet and baked in the oven for half an hour. During this time, the "fingers" are fully cooked, become ruddy and crispy.

Decorating dessert

DIY Halloween treats always turn out to be not only very beautiful, but also delicious. After all, such desserts are prepared without various additives and dyes.

After the "Witch's Fingers" are completely baked, they should be removed and cooled. Next, you need to carefully remove the almonds, grease the place of attachment with red jam and reinstall the "nut-nail". It is also recommended to color the other end of the cookie. As a result, you should get a very tasty and frightening delicacy, which quite closely resembles the severed fingers of a witch.

Original dessert "Cemetery land"

How to make fancy Halloween treats?

Recipes for such delicacies may involve the use of completely different components. To make a dessert called Cemetery Ground, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • ready-made mixture for making chocolate pudding or chocolate jelly - at your discretion;
  • chocolate chip cookies(very dark) - 300 g;
  • chewing worms - 10-20 pcs.

Cooking process

Cemetery ground Halloween treats are pretty easy to make. First you need to prepare or jelly, using a ready-made mixture for this. Then it should be poured into small bowls (it is recommended to fill the containers by 2/3) and wait until it solidifies completely. Then crush the dark chocolate chip cookies and place them on top of the pudding. At the end, the dessert needs to be decorated so that it seems that they literally crawl out of the cemetery soil.

Making "Monster Eyes"

Simple Halloween Treats Require Application available ingredients... To do in a matter of minutes original dessert called "Monster Eyes", we need:

  • round chocolate biscuits with a white layer - about 300 g;
  • red jam - a few spoons;
  • multi-colored candies M & M's - pack.

Cooking method

Monster Eyes Halloween treats are pretty easy to create.

To do this, we need a dark chocolate chip cookie, which should be divided into two parts. On the one where the white layer remains, you need to stick the M & M's candy with the inscription down. After that, the "whites of the eyes" need to be painted with red jam, which will imitate blood vessels. At the end, the dessert must be kept in the cold, and then beautifully placed on a plate and served with tea.

As for that half of the cookie where there is no white cream, then it can be used to make a treat called "Cemetery Land."

Cooking treat "Witch's broom"

DIY Halloween treats are pretty easy to make. If you need to get an original sweet dish, but you do not have time to cook it for a long time, then we suggest using the recipe described below.

For this we need:

  • salted straws - a small pack;
  • chocolate sweets with a ribbed surface (preferably round) - 10-20 pcs.

How to cook?

Treats made from sweets are the simplest and most delicious. To make a witch's broom, turn the ribbed treat over and then poke a small hole in the center with a toothpick. After that, we put in it salted straw... This should be done very carefully, especially if the candy is filled with a liquid filling.

To make the formed dessert as similar as possible to a witch's broom, it is recommended to additionally grease it with chocolate icing. To do this, one of the candies should be melted in microwave oven and then apply to the treat with a cooking brush.

If you decide to cook such an extraordinary dish as a gift or to treat invited guests to it, then the wrapper from the sweets can be left on. However, in this case, it is no longer necessary to grease them with glaze.

Dessert "Cockroaches"

Now you know how to make Halloween treats. At the end of this article, I would like to present to your attention another original dessert called "Cockroaches". For him we need:

  • dates - 10-30 pcs.;
  • milk or dark chocolate - 3 bars;
  • cherry cuttings - depending on the amount of dessert (it is not necessary to use it);
  • peeled roasted walnuts - 100 g.

We form "cockroaches"

To make such a terrifying delicacy, you should wash the dates in advance, and then remove the bone from them. Instead, it is recommended to place a small fried walnut piece in dried fruits. Also, cuttings from cherries should be stuck into the dates, which will imitate the mustache of cockroaches.

The process of decorating sweet "cockroaches"

To make such a dessert more delicious and original, it should be additionally dipped in.It is done as follows: dairy treat breaks into slices, and then is laid out in ceramic or glass dishes and melted in the microwave. After that, 2/3 of the date is dipped in warm glaze, which is subsequently placed in the refrigerator. When the chocolate is completely frozen, you can safely put the dried fruit in a bowl and serve it along with tea.

13 scary holiday recipes

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays. According to the beliefs of the Celts, who then inhabited the territory of modern Ireland, the year consisted of two times: summer and winter. The end of the harvest meant the end of summer and was celebrated on October 31st. On the night of November 1 began New Year and winter took over.

According to ancient legends, on this night, the border between two worlds was opened: the world of the living and the world of the dead. To scare away evil spirits, pagans kindled bonfires in the street, dressed animal skins and decorated their heads with animal heads. This is where the tradition of dressing up in scary costumes began.

What to cook for Halloween

Halloween is coming and you may have already thought about throwing a scary party about it. Of course, not only the costumes, but also the food should be appropriate for Halloween. So, what scary can you cook for this unusual night? Below are some ideas that you should like.

Rotten Eggs Nest

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken eggs
  • salted herring fillet
  • mayonnaise
  • salt and spices to taste
  • balsamic vinegar
  • lettuce leaves
  • chokeberry or coffee

  • A very simple and cheap dish with eggs as the main ingredient. So, first of all, we boil hard-boiled eggs. Cool it down.
  • To make a rotten pattern on the eggs, do the following:
    1. Break the eggshells to make a lot of cracks. We do not peel off the shell itself.
    2. Cook eggs for a couple of minutes in juice chokeberry or in regular strong coffee. The stronger the solution, the darker the stains on the eggs will be.
    3. We take out the eggs. Gently peel off the shell from the cooled eggs. A dark mesh remains on the squirrel.
  • Cut the eggs in half, take out the yolks. Grind the yolks with mayonnaise, add finely chopped salted herring fillets.
  • Stuff the eggs with the resulting filling. Combine the stuffed rugs to make whole eggs.
  • We make a nest from red salad or any other. Put a spoonful of mayonnaise in the center of the nest, pour it over with Modena balsamic vinegar. We put "rotten" eggs in this slurry.
  • For more naturalness, the composition can be supplemented with "worms", which we cut from herring fillets. That's it, the "disgusting" Halloween snack is ready!

Fried hand

  • Ingredients:
  • 500 gr. minced meat
  • 2 onions
  • a piece white bread
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp ketchup
  • salt pepper
  • provencal herbs or dill seeds
  • A human hand roasted in the oven is one of the traditional recipes for Halloween. The dish is prepared simply, it does not require special artistic abilities, on the contrary, the worse the better.
  • The first step is to prepare the minced meat as for cutlets. Soak a slice of white bread in milk. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat.
  • Three on a fine grater one small onion, put in the minced meat.
  • Add salt, pepper, spices, and a spoonful of mayonnaise to the minced meat. Mayonnaise is needed for the minced meat to "stick well and keep its shape." Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Put the minced meat in the shape of a human hand on a greased baking sheet with vegetable oil.
  • We take the second onion (small), remove one onion layer. From this layer we cut out the nails with scissors, which we attach on the fingers. We put the bulb itself in the hand, creating the appearance of a bone.
  • We put the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. We bake the hand in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.
  • Beat the egg. To make the painting take on a reddish tint, add ketchup to the beaten egg.
  • We coat the hand with the resulting mixture. Put the baking sheet in the oven again, bake until a fried crust forms, this takes about 5-10 minutes, depending on the oven.
  • We serve a fried human hand for dinner by candlelight.

Bitten off fingers

  • Ingredients:
  • thin sausages "Frankfurt"
  • ketchup
  • almond
  • Here is another one cool recipe, which causes wild delight in both adults and children. Fry sausages in vegetable oil. If the sausages get a little fried and wrinkles appear on them, it will only get worse.
  • At one end of each sausage, using a knife or kitchen scissors, cut out a small depression where we insert the almonds.
  • Several semicircular incisions can be made that look like bite marks. We will then pour a little ketchup into these cuts.
  • We put our fingers on a plate, and then, with the inspiration of true artists, we pour ketchup on our fingers, trying to imitate the drips of blood from the severed fingers.
  • We put a plate with treats on the table (it is desirable to reduce the light). This Halloween dish is sure to please your guests.

Bloody Brains Cookies

  • Children will love this Halloween recipe for sure, very tasty and unusual. Take halves or quarters of walnuts.
  • We drown white chocolate in a water bath.
  • We prepare small cookies in advance, on which we will lay out the nuts in chocolate.
  • It is also advisable to stock up on tweezers or small tongs, which are convenient for grabbing the nut, dipping it into the melted chocolate and putting it on the cookies. If there is no such tool, then we do everything by hand.
  • After bathing the nuts in chocolate, hide the plate with cookies in the refrigerator to freeze the chocolate.
  • Before serving, pour red syrup on the "brains"; raspberry or strawberry syrup is suitable for this. You can use jam syrup.

Hamburger with teeth

  • If you connect imagination, then from the very ordinary dish you can cook unusual. And this photo is proof of this. Cooking traditional burgers, detailed recipe With step by step photos I have posted.
  • We insert almonds as teeth (peanuts can be used), pour in more ketchup so that the drips look like streams of blood.
  • We make eyes from mayonnaise and flattened peas, you can use capers, slices of olives, etc.
  • That's all, our delicious and very funny horror story is ready. And how much joy it will bring children to cook such a dish on Halloween!

  • Ingredients:
  • dates
  • unsalted cream cheese
  • pine needles
  • plastic cockroaches
  • Cut the dates with a sharp knife, remove the bones.
  • We fill the dates with unsalted cream cheese like mascarpone or Philadelphia.
  • Insert two pine needles to depict a cockroach mustache.
  • We close two halves of a date, then put our finished cockroach on a plate with the rest of the "insects". For reliability, we put several plastic cockroaches on the dish. The idea for cockroaches comes from the boredpanda.com blog.

Snake Salad

  • A snake-shaped salad is the best choice for this holiday. Preparing the Snake salad is quite simple. All vegetables are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. We fry mushrooms too. Three hard cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all the ingredients when cooled.
  • In more detail how to cook this delicious salad, we read.

Bleeding eyes

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 jar canned fish
  • pitted black olives
  • pitted green olives
  • kutchup
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's another variation on the egg dish for Halloween night. Cook hard boiled eggs.
  • We cut the eggs in half, just not along, but across. This will make the halves more rounded.
  • We take out the yolk. Grind the yolk with a spoonful of mayonnaise and pulp canned tuna... Stuff the eggs with the filling.
  • Put the stuffed eggs on a plate, cut down. Cut the green olives into slices. From a green circle we make the iris of the eye, from a piece of black olive we make a black pupil.
  • Put the rest of the filling on a plate between the eggs-eyes. Sprinkle with ketchup on top to create the appropriate mood. You yourself understand that there should be a lot of "blood" on Halloween.

Deadly spiders

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 can of canned fish
  • pitted black olives
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's a simpler Halloween dish you can make with pretty much the same ingredients as the previous recipe. Boiled eggs cut lengthwise, make a filling of yolks, mayonnaise, anchovies or sprats.
  • Stuffing eggs. We make a pattern in the form of spiders from black olives. One half of an olive is the body of a spider. Cut the other half into eight strips - spider legs.
  • We put the spiders on a plate, our terrible appetizer is ready.

Witch's broom

  • Ingredients:
  • cheese slices
  • bread sticks
  • sprigs of greenery
  • First, cut the cheese into strips 3 centimeters wide. We cut each strip in the form of a fringe.
  • Wrap the strip of cheese around the end of the bread stick, tie the cheese with a sprig of herbs. All the whisk for the witch is ready! By the way, panicles can be made not only from cheese, sausage is also suitable.
  • Ingredients:
  • 250 g flour
  • 125 gr. butter
  • 125 gr. Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 1 protein
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • lemon juice
  • chocolate glaze
  • For Halloween, you can make delicious cookies in the shape of coffins, ghosts, etc.
  • Heat the oil over low heat or in the microwave. Soft butter mix with sugar, add water, one egg and flour.
  • Knead the dough well and form a ball. We wrap cling film and leave for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  • Roll out the dough thinly, and then use the figures (witch, star, moon, ghost, etc.) to squeeze out the cookies.
  • We spread the cookies on a greased baking sheet, which we then put in a preheated oven.
  • We bake cookies for Halloween for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180. Take out, leave to cool.
  • To prepare white glaze, beat one protein together with powdered sugar and two or three drops of lemon juice.
  • For cooking chocolate glaze melting chocolate. Cover the cookies with icing.

The bats

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate muffins
  • chocolate chip cookies
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookies
  • dragee M&M "s
  • And here's another idea for a delicious and quirky Halloween treat. And most importantly, you don't have to cook anything, just buy ready-made ingredients and quickly make such wonderful bats. The only thing that still has to be done is to melt the chocolate in a water bath, and then pour over the chocolate muffins.
  • Well, then we insert the halves of chocolate chip cookies and the head of a bat into the still warm chocolate. The eyes are white dragees M & M "s, by the way, the eyes can be made red, it will turn out worse))).

Dessert "Grave"

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate pudding
  • cookies
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookies
  • dragee M&M "s
  • Halloween Graves is a classic, as they say, so don't forget this traditional treat. The recipe is simple, you can buy chocolate pudding or cook it yourself according to this recipe.
  • Pour chopped chocolate on top of the pudding and insert the cookies (tombstone). You can take a round cookie, but it will be better rectangular.
  • Draw a cross with melted chocolate or write the name of the deceased. That's all, I think your guests will not refuse to taste this "terrible" dessert)))))

Even in the process of forming the cookie, we give it a creepy look, and decorate the finished one, bringing the composition to a logical conclusion.


The cobweb will find its place on the table in various interpretations. First of all, garnish salads or sandwiches with cobweb made from mayonnaise. Is it harmful? Creepy.

But not that much of the creepy-bad sauce will end up in your super "diet" Halloween dishes. So draw - don't stop.

The cobweb also looks interesting on sweet treats.

In this case, you can use any thick cream or glaze, decorating the same cupcakes, cookies, jelly.

Spiders: Scary Halloween Dishes

Original stuffed eggs with the name "Black Widow" simply must be present at the Halloween table.

How and what to stuff chicken eggs with, every housewife knows.

The trick in this recipe is the decoration. You will need black olives.

After all the eggs are stuffed, start laying out the spiders. Cut the olives in half.

Put the halves in the middle of the egg, and cut the legs from the second half, which we lay out in 4 pieces on each side of the olive. These will be the legs of the spider. It not only looks original, but also insanely delicious.

Brains: Halloween Food Ideas

A very topical Halloween dish. Of course, you can cook it from real brains. But such a dish is not for a big fan.

Therefore, we will make, especially for the buffet table, brains from pate. We prepare chicken or turkey liver pate according to the usual recipe, arm ourselves with a spoon, knife and fork, turn on the imagination and make a pile of ready-made brains to take away.

Mummies: Halloween food, DIY recipes

Ideas with mummies are not only interesting, but also delicious. First of all, we bake mini pizzas. Shape the dough base into an elongated torso.

It can be homemade bland yeast dough or ready-made purchase. Add your favorite toppings and, of course, garnish with strips of cheese.

After baking, the cheese will melt and give your mummy a realistic look. Give her eyes and the creepy mummy is ready.

Sausage in dough looks even more interesting. This is where the real mummy really turns out. Wrap the sausage in the dough by wrapping it in strips of yeast dough. Brush with an egg and send to the oven until the dough is done. A mummy with a crispy crust and delicate pink flesh, what could be better for Halloween.

And interesting mummies are made from small bags of juice that you just need to wrap with ordinary toilet paper. Insert the tubes and the drink from the mummy is ready.

Any buffet dish can be given an unusual and frightening look. Therefore, you can safely put your usual recipes on the Halloween menu, just work on the decoration.

Scary Main Course Recipes: Halloween Themed Table

But light snacks and buffet sandwiches are not always enough. Some housewives happily indulge in culinary frenzy by covering the creepy delicious table on Halloween.

Do your guests enjoy not only fun, but also food? No problem! Try our scary Halloween main course ideas for you.

Turkey pasta and meatballs - the all-seeing eye

  • minced turkey - 0.5 kg;
  • grated cheese - ¼ glass;
  • breadcrumbs- ¼ glasses;
  • ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon;
  • salt.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1.2 kg;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • olives;
  • salt and pepper;
  • Bay leaf.

We start cooking with the marinade. For this we take our ripe juicy tomatoes and remove the skin from them.

You can easily remove the skin from a tomato by placing it in boiling water for a few minutes and then pouring it over with ice water. Don't forget to make a small cruciform cut in the tomato first.

In a frying pan, first fry the garlic and diced onion until transparent. Now add grated carrots and celery to the same place. After 10 minutes, you can pour vegetables with cooked tomato puree.

Do not forget to season the sauce with salt and pepper, add bay leaves.

We leave the sauce on the very small fire simmer until thick.

It can take up to an hour.

Therefore, we do not waste time, but move on to preparing the meatballs themselves.

Mix all the meatball ingredients.

Cut the olives separately into washers.

These will be the eyes that need to be carefully laid out on each meatball, pressing lightly into the minced meat.

Pour out ready-made sauce in a heat-resistant form and carefully put the meatballs in it.

Try to keep all eyes above the level of the sauce.

Cover the dish with foil and send to the oven for at least half an hour.

After this time, take out the dish and remove the foil. Bring the meatballs to readiness already without covering in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Boil the spaghetti and put the turkey meatballs with eyes on top of them. It is better to serve such a dish hot and in portions.

Baked roll - vampire's hand

To prepare minced meat you will need:

  • minced pork and beef - 700 gr.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 100–150 gr .;
  • ketchup;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare the base for meatloaf from minced meat, adding to it a finely chopped onion, grated carrots, seasonings and herbs.

It is better to cook minced meat yourself from pieces of meat - this is a guarantee that the dish will turn out delicious.

We form a brush from the mass, laying out both the wrist itself and all the fingers. Now we cut out the nail plates from the second onion, which we put in place. Stir the rest of the onion in the form of a bone stump from the back.

Cover the creepy hand with ketchup, then cover it with sliced ​​cheese.

The workpiece is ready - it's time to send it to the oven, where it will spend the next 40 minutes at a temperature of at least 200 degrees.

Adjust the time depending on the capabilities of your oven and make sure that the vampire hand roll does not burn.

Spread out ready meal on a platter and serve immediately to the table, where hungry zombies and witches are eagerly awaiting treats.

Stuffed Creepy Peppers

To make peppers you will need:

  • spaghetti - 750-1000 gr.;
  • minced meat - 1 kg;
  • bulgarian pepper - 10-15 pieces;
  • tomato paste- 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • basil and oregano;
  • salt and pepper.

Fry finely chopped onion in a preheated pan and immediately add minced meat to it. We continue to cook for quite high fire so that the water from the mass evaporates, and the minced meat begins to fry. This will take 5-10 minutes, depending on the quality of the meat product.

Now we put chopped tomatoes to the minced meat, from which we first remove the skins.

After frying the minced meat with tomatoes, add tomato paste and about half a liter of boiling water there.

Salt, pepper, add all the seasonings and continue to simmer meat sauce now over low heat. It will take about half an hour to cook.

At this time, we prepare the peppers themselves.

Take the number of peppers no less than the number of guests. Believe me, such a dish on Halloween will not only be a wonderful decoration - every guest will want to try a super scary pepper.

Cut off the tops with the stem from the peppers and remove all the seeds. We rinse and make holes in the form of eyes, a twisted mouth with a very sharp knife.

The peppers themselves do not need to be stewed or processed.

They will serve as utensils on the table, not as an ingredient in a dish.

When the meat sauce is cooked, boil the spaghetti in salted water and mix them with the minced meat.

Put the finished pasta with minced meat on the prepared peppers and use a fork to pull the pasta out through the holes, giving the peppers an even more frightening look.

Add more spaghetti to the peppers and sprinkle with cheese on top.

Instead of spaghetti with minced meat, you can use pilaf or another hot dish as a filling for scary peppers.

Mystical mashed potatoes

This is not just a treat, it is a special substance for. Mashed potatoes, of course, will be eaten after the ritual. But in order to do this, let's think about how to combine the two goals.

First, we do not cook mashed potatoes according to the usual recipe, but add spinach to the potatoes or boiled carrots which will give it an unnatural color.

Now we are engaged in secret predictions.

You can find food plastic figurines and place them in the resulting substance. Or you can cut the figures yourself from raw vegetables.

See how to conduct fortune telling on mashed potatoes and the meaning of the figures can be found in our article.

And of course, try to arrange the mystical potatoes in an unusual way. Let it be a lava volcano or a bubbling river.

Make your favorite foods look spooky. Surprise guests unusual recipes on Halloween. Experiment with new, albeit creepy at first glance, tastes. And your vampires and witches, ghosts and zombies, Leprechauns and cats will not stay hungry, and will tell friends for a long time about the most terribly delicious.

Video. Halloween Recipes

I wish you happy Halloween!

I wish you crazy night!

Let’s put ours costumes: monster, queen ...

Let’s go and joy tonight!

Good day, readers of the Rum Diary magazine! Costume parties and themed parties require special preparation, and this also applies to our theme: drinks and snacks. The time of Halloween is approaching - a holiday that for some reason has become very popular in our latitudes. The question arises: what cocktails and snacks for Halloween to prepare, how to decorate them, how to create a "spooky" atmosphere with their help?

In this article we will try to collect as many Halloween snacks as possible with pumpkins, spiders, bones and other "nightmares". It has been written about cocktails for the "bourgeois" holiday. Since we are talking specifically about snacks, there will be a minimum of cookies and muffins here.

Halloween Snack Recipes


If you are going to have a party in the style of "beer and hot dogs", it will perfectly fit into the concept of a hoddog in the form of a snake. Of course, finding a curved bun is problematic, so the easiest way is to bake it yourself (you can buy the dough or make it yourself). The filling as usual to your liking, top you can decorate with multi-colored bell pepper, cut into strips. We make the eyes from green olives, drop a drop of ketchup inside the olives, fix them with toothpicks. In front, we make a mouth for the snake and stick a long forked tongue out of bell pepper... By the way, you can make blanks for such sandwiches in advance, and just preheat in the oven before the party and then immediately decorate.

Broom for the witch

A simple broom-shaped Halloween snack:

  • Salty sticks (can be bought at almost any kiosk);
  • Hard cheese or cheese for sandwiches (square);
  • Green onions

If we take an ordinary hard cheese (we need a plastic one that will not crumble), then first we need to cut it into thin squares, and then make cuts on one side, without cutting to the end. We wind it on a stick, we tie it green onions!

By the way, you can make a simplified version - break the dark salted sticks into small pieces and tie them with green onions to sticks of a lighter tone. Done 😉


Egg cold snacks are a classic, and if you decorate them in a certain way, you get great snack for Halloween! Boil the eggs, cut them into two, and remove the yolk. After that, mix the yolk with any other ingredients you want: mayonnaise, cheese, garlic, sauce, fish, meat, etc. We fill the halves of the eggs with the resulting mass and decorate the top with spiders made of olives.

Pizza "Mummy" on buns "

Many who have cooked Halloween dishes are aware that the main thing is to decorate correctly. It is practically not important what ingredients the appetizer will be prepared from, it is more important to give it a “festive” look. So, for example, a properly decorated pizza can make a great beer snack and help create the ambiance.

You can decorate as a large pizza (ingredients at your discretion) or small buns that are pre-cut in half. Below there is tomato paste, at the level of the "eyes" - circles of black olives with a "pupil" of bell pepper, green beans or green olives, on top - cheese, laid out in stripes on the entire surface, except for the "eyes". You can prepare in advance, put in the oven or microwave before serving.

You can also make mummy toasts, mummy sausages, etc. A few ideas in photos:

Ripe "pumpkin" from cheese

Great beer snack and different cocktails for Halloween. You can serve cheese "pumpkin" with bread, chips, nachos, toasts, and salty cookies which I will write about below. Additionally - delicate white sauces if desired.

So, we take 100 grams of soft goat cheese, packaging cream cheese(Philadelphia or a more inexpensive analogue), 250 grams of cheddar (or other hot cheese), a little chopped green onions, garlic powder, oregano and grind all this in a blender until smooth.

We give the resulting mass the shape of a ball and make hollows, to resemble a pumpkin. The tail can be made from straw, a piece of pretzel, or whatever is close at hand, and the leaf can be made from a sprig of parsley.

Pumpkin cheese balls

Another delicious cheese snack with a "pumpkin" theme - small pumpkins with paprika. They will need a glass of grated cheddar, a package of cream cheese, garlic powder, black pepper, roasted red pepper (a few tablespoons). Stir these ingredients and cool for 2 hours, after which we roll balls from the resulting mass, roll them in paprika, make cuts to resemble a pumpkin. The appetizer is laid out on crackers, we use a sprig of green onions as a tail.

Witch's Fingers Cookies

Interestingly, almost the main thing in Halloween snacks is their form, but you can do it at your own discretion with the content. Cookies can be sweet or savory, spiced (and served with sauces), or spiced (and served with jam, preferably red 😉).

Sweet Cookie Recipe:

Beat 150 grams of butter with 200 grams of sugar and vanilla. Beat for about five minutes, then add the egg. Add salt, baking powder (1 tsp) and flour (about 350 grams). Knead the dough, which should be firm enough and not too sticky. We put the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Then we form long finger-shaped blanks from small pieces of dough, make “folds” on the “phalanges” with a knife or other convenient object, grease with melted chocolate and press the “nail” - almonds, peanuts or another nut-like nut. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cookies "Bones"

If you don't want to bother with the dough, you can buy ready-made yeast dough in the store and make cookies of different thematic shapes from it. Divide the dough into small pieces, form bones from them, sprinkle with rosemary and coarse sea salt. If you want to make sweets, then come in handy powdered sugar, which can be sprinkled with "bones" after baking (by the way, it is necessary to bake until golden brown, about 10-15 minutes). The seeds can be lightly sprinkled with cheese.