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How to make a fruit cocktail. For a dairy ice cream treat, prepare

Step by step recipes preparation of fruit cocktails with condensed milk, milk, kefir, ice cream, yogurt

2018-08-12 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready meal

2 gr.

1 gr.


19 gr.

96 kcal.

Option 1: "Smoothie" - a classic recipe for a fruit cocktail made from apples, strawberries and banana

The universal name is very convenient for referring to fruit cocktails, since the Smoothie recipe is very democratic. For example, condensed milk cannot be found in the original Smoothie; more often it is sweetened with ice cream. You can do this too, but it is better to use the following advice.

Stock up on a large serving of quality popsicle, with wide and flat sides made of chocolate glaze... Freeze it badly and use a knife to separate the chocolate bars without breaking, put them on a plate and put them in the freezer until the cocktail is prepared.

Add ice cream without glaze to fruits and berries while stirring. With large pieces of chocolate, breaking them off carefully from the deposited plates, we re-cut the layers.


  • large juicy apple;
  • six spoons of whole condensed milk;
  • three medium-sized bananas;
  • two hundred grams of strawberries.

A step-by-step recipe for a smoothie fruit cocktail

Wash and peel the fruits selected for the cocktail, cut the core out of the apples. Cut bananas into circles, of arbitrary, but small thickness, apples - into cubes, not too small.

Use a ripe strawberry and it is good if it is not too sweet for you. Go through the berries and wash, only then cut off the tails. Collect in a bowl and send to the freezer for an hour.

It is good for the beauty of a cocktail if the ice is small, about one and a half centimeters, in cubes. Freeze it ahead of time, freeze the pieces of fruit too, but not to the state of ice.

And finally, glasses. It is unnecessary to decorate them, in painted glass, an already bright cocktail will look defiant. Thoroughly rinse tall glasses, about 350 ml volume, wipe and… chill too.

We collect the cocktail quickly, without letting the products get warm. We take the apples out of the refrigerator, chop them into a blender and quickly grind. Pour into glasses, put a spoonful of condensed milk and a couple of ice cubes.

Rinse the blender bowl and shake out the water droplets, add and grind the strawberries this time. We send the berry layer to the apple layer, also adding condensed milk, but we put twice as much ice.

We act with bananas in the same way as strawberries, also add ice cubes and condensed milk. Serve the cocktail immediately, it looks luxurious thanks to the multi-colored layers, it is pleasant and light in taste.

Option 2: Quick Fruit Smoothie Recipe with Banana, Pomegranate Juice and Yogurt

Juice from pomegranates is quite expensive to prepare yourself, you have to be content with the assortment of stores. Fortunately, such products are imported from neighboring countries, they are selected very carefully, and they are prepared according to very strict requirements.

If you have a choice between nectar and syrup, which must be diluted in water, still give preference to the first product, if possible, increase the saturation by adding syrup.

Unlike other recipes, which recommend using low-calorie yoghurts or replacing them with low-fat kefir, this time the opposite is true. Use fatty kefir, or even thick yogurt with a high content of natural fat. This is extremely rare in factory-made products, but it is quite understandable if you fermented homemade milk.


  • three especially large and ripe bananas;
  • two small portioned cups of pure and thick yogurt;
  • a glass of pomegranate juice.

How to Quickly Make a Fruit Smoothie

The juice should be 100% natural, nectars, if there is no juice, will do, but the taste of the cocktail will be completely different. We select large, slightly overripe bananas, it is easy to determine by the appearance of black spots on the peel. They should be small and fairly numerous, but overall the fruit should look appetizing.

Special attention to yoghurt - only without additives, natural and with a neutral taste, slightly sweeten the product if it is acidic. Please note that the yogurt must be thick! Rinse and peel the bananas, cut into large circles and fold half into a blender, pour in some of the juice and yogurt. Select the minimum speed of the blender and in a couple of seconds “crumple” the mass so that it decreases in volume.

Put the rest of the banana slices in the bowl, rub for another second, then send the rest of the ingredients there. We turn on the blender to the maximum power and beat the cocktail into a fluffy foam, pour it into tall chilled glasses.

Option 3: "Traffic Light" - a simple recipe for a three-color fruit cocktail with kiwi, banana, strawberries

You should not additionally decorate such a dessert, but its taste can be slightly changed. Instead of kefir, take a portioned glass of real ice cream, a spoonful of lemon juice and three - orange. Divide the ice cream into equal parts, lemon juice acidify the first and last layers, and pour the whole orange into the banana.


  • a pair of medium kiwis;
  • large banana;
  • two spoons of honey;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries (you can also frozen);
  • half a glass is not sour kefir with low calorie content.

How to cook

Rinse the strawberries and tear off the remaining tails, let thaw frozen. Fold in a blender, pour in a third of the kefir and whisk quickly. Place gently on the bottom of the glass.

The second layer will be banana, so the fruit should already be peeled. If using one bowl for all layers, rinse it. If you have different containers, just put the banana in the next glass, add kefir and whisk quickly. Transfer carefully on top of the previous layer.

Peel the kiwi and dissolve it into cubes for a blender, add the rest of the kefir and put the honey. Whisk fluffy, put in a glass and serve with a straw.

Option 4: Pear Banana Kiwi Fruit Smoothie with Milk and Ice Cream

The naturalness of the ice cream is very important for the taste of the cocktail, choose, focusing not only on the taste, but certainly on the composition. Only natural ingredients of ice cream will allow it to whisk well and will be predictable in taste after mixing with sour kiwi.


  • half a glass of low-fat milk;
  • one ripe pear and one banana;
  • two large kiwis;
  • 150 grams of crème brulee.

Step by step recipe

Send milk to cool ahead of time, fruits should also be moderately cold. Peel and chop coarsely, be sure to remove the seed pods from the pear.

Put the ice cream and the pear slices first in the blender, add the kiwi and beat vigorously. Next, we put banana slices to the base, grind the mass at maximum speed and pour in frozen milk.

Pour the cocktail quickly, but dexterously, remember your childhood delights from the foam cap that has risen above the very edge of the glass.

Option 5: Recipe for fruit cocktail with berries on kefir

Depending on the acidity and thickness of the yoghurt, the taste and consistency of the cocktail will vary greatly. Ideal if you are preparing a product at home and know how to regulate its density. For a cocktail, yogurt of moderate thickness is best, something between drinking and one that cannot be eaten without a spoon.

It is perfectly acceptable to mix a glass of thick and half a glass of a drinkable product. If this seems too complicated to you, take any 2% fat kefir, if it does not feel like a liquid in the bag, but still a thick mass.


  • fresh blueberries - a full glass or a little more frozen;
  • large banana;
  • a glass of pure yogurt;
  • sugar - as needed;
  • small kiwi fruit.

How to cook

Sort the blueberry berries carefully. If you have them frozen, you can only hope for the conscientiousness of the people who did it for you. Thaw frozen blueberries to keep the juice from leaking out in a bag or colander over the bowl. Rinse fresh berries under the tap.

Peel the banana, cut it not too coarsely, cut the peel off the kiwi and dissolve the fruit in thin slices. First, grind the berries with half the yogurt, turning on the blender at maximum speed and leaving it until the end of the work. Try the mass, add a little sugar, if you deem necessary.

We send and grind the kiwi to the base, try again and sweeten it, but very moderately. The last call is to add the banana and the rest of the yogurt, beat the cocktail until a perfectly uniform color and immediately pour it into glasses.

There is no such person who will refuse a delicious dairy delicacy. Children especially love milkshakes, even those who do not drink regular milk. But they are not just tasty, they contain useful calcium for bones, various vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

How to make milk cocktail at home? A milk drink is very easy to make at home, just have a blender. Fruits and berries are best ground with an immersion blender with a special chopping attachment, then remove the seeds with a strainer, and only then add the berry-fruit mixture to the milk.

Many culinary experts advise whipping milk in a bowl with knives. So the milk is enriched with oxygen and becomes airy.

If you don't have a blender, you can use a blender.

For the simplest milkshake, use milk with a medium fat content (3.2%), it should not be too cold, otherwise you will not feel either taste or sweetness. It is best to use lightly chilled milk. If suddenly you do not like milk, replace it with yogurt, cream, kefir or vegetable milk (almond, rice, oatmeal, coconut).

The simplest milkshakes include two ingredients: milk and ice cream. Proportions: Take 100 grams of ice cream for one glass of milk. Try chocolate ice cream, or crème brлеlée, or whichever flavor you like - how many varieties of milkshake you can get with just two ingredients.

But, of course, such a delicacy is very high in calories, it can contain a lot of sugar, therefore, while treating yourself to a milkshake, it is still important to know when to stop.

Non-alcoholic milk shakes with fruits and berries: popular recipes

Fruit cocktails help fight thirst, satisfy hunger and refresh in the heat. The main condition is that the drink must be consumed immediately after you whipped it, because due to the acid present in the fruit, milk can curdle. Do not be afraid to combine different fruits, add syrups, jams or ice cream to them and you will find your perfect one milkshake chick.

Banana coctail

This is the simplest of the milkshakes. It has a delicate velvety texture and a pleasant taste. To prepare it, you only need a couple of bananas, 1 ice cream and a glass of cool milk. Use a hand blender to mash the banana into gruel. Add banana and ice cream to the milk, beat in a bowl with knives. You can add cane sugar to taste.

Strawberry Banana Milkshake

In the summer season, be sure to indulge yourself with this wonderful milk drink made from fresh strawberries. For a mug of milk, take half a mug of berries, washed and peeled from the tails, and 1 banana. Mix banana and strawberries in a blender, add milk, whisk. If you like sweets, be sure to add sugar.

Blueberry-blackberry cocktail

This drink has an amazing dark color. Take a handful of blueberries and blackberries, beat with a blender. Pass through a sieve to remove seeds from the berry mixture. Pour half of the berry gruel into glasses, add the rest to the milk, whisk. Pour the resulting cocktail on top of the berry puree. Garnish with fresh blueberries and blackberries.

Creamy strawberry cocktail

To prepare it, take 100 grams of fresh strawberries and the same amount of ice cream, a glass of milk, vanilla. Grind the berries with a blender. Remove the tender middle from the vanilla pod and add to the grated berries. Mix creamy ice cream with berry puree and milk. Whisk everything together well in a blender.

Kiwi cocktail

This drink will invigorate and refresh in the heat. To prepare it, take a glass of cold milk, ice cream with creamy taste, 1 kiwi, sugar to taste. Peel and grind the kiwi in a blender, add milk and ice cream. Add sugar to taste.

Orange cocktail

Try an unusual combination of milk and oranges in this milkshake. You will need a couple of oranges, 1 banana, 2/3 cup milk and, if desired, a few tablespoons of sugar. Grind the banana in a blender, squeeze the juice from the oranges and grate the zest. Add juice and zest, sugar and milk to the banana, beat until frothy.

Milkshake with persimmon

Wash one medium persimmon, peel it off and remove the pits. Mix with a glass of milk and whisk in a blender. This tasty drink goes well with walnuts.

Melon cocktail

This milkshake is also very tasty and unusual. Take a small melon of good ripeness, 1 serving of ice cream sundae, 1 glass of cool milk, vanilla, sea buckthorn syrup and sugar of your choice. Peel the melon by removing the seed center and rind. Cut into small pieces, add sugar, vanilla and syrup to it in a blender and beat until smooth. Transfer the ice cream to it, pour in the milk and beat for another 3-4 minutes.

Milk cocktails with dried fruits and nuts

Don't be afraid to use nuts and dried fruits to make your milkshake. They contain no less vitamins than fresh fruits. In addition, such a nutritious cocktail is perfect for breakfast.

Milkshake with prunes

This drink will help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Take 50 grams of prunes, 1 ice cream and a glass of milk. Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and cover with boiling water. After a while, drain the water, and place the prunes in the refrigerator to cool. Then grind it into a gruel, add prunes and ice cream in a shaker to milk. Beat on high speed for a couple of minutes.

Milkshake with dates

A very delicate and sweet cocktail is made with the addition of dates. For 1 glass of milk, you will need half a glass of these dried fruits. Rinse them, remove the bones. Place the dates in a small saucepan of milk. Wait until it boils, then reduce heat. Darken the dates for another 5 minutes. Add sugar if desired. Cool milk with dried fruits and beat with a blender.

Cocktail with pistachios

An unusual taste is obtained in a cocktail if different nuts are added to the milk. Take half a glass of pistachios, 100 grams of creamy ice cream, a glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Chop the nuts and sugar in a blender. Add ice cream, milk and vanilla extract... Whisk for a couple of minutes.

Cocktail with walnuts and apple

You will need: 1 glass of milk, 1 non-acidic apple, 1/3 cup of peeled nuts, honey and vanilla. Chop the nuts in a blender to a powder. Wash the apple, peel it, cut out the seeds and use a blender to mash it. Add milk, nuts, vanilla, a few teaspoons of honey to it and beat.

Milk cocktails with syrups, jam and other additives

When making milkshakes, do not forget about such simple things as regular jam, condensed milk, coffee, chocolate or various syrups. All of these supplements will help you make amazing milk out of milk. delicious drink.

Coffee cocktail

Coffee lovers will surely love this milkshake. Take 1 glass of milk, half a mug of cooked or instant coffee, 50 grams of ice cream, add honey or cane sugar to taste. Whisk in a blender for 2-3 minutes.

Pineapple juice cocktail

You can use either store juice or pineapple syrup for this drink. Mix 1 glass of milk with 50 ml pineapple juice, add 50 grams of ice cream and beat. Decorate the glass with the ready-made cocktail with pineapple slices and fresh mint.

Non-alcoholic "Pina Colada"

So extraordinary delicious cocktail can be prepared even for children's party... You will need: a glass of milk, ice cream 60-120 grams, half a glass of orange juice, 4-5 tablespoons of coconut syrup. Whisk everything in a blender. Serve well chilled and garnish with an umbrella.

Raspberry mint syrup cocktail

Mint cocktails have a unique invigorating and refreshing taste. Take a glass of raspberries or half a glass raspberry jam, mix in a blender with a glass of milk, add 3-4 tablespoons of mint syrup. Decorate fresh berries and mint leaves.

Chocolate milkshake with mint syrup

To prepare it, you need to take an incomplete glass of milk, 50 ml of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of mint syrup, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 50 grams of creamy or chocolate ice cream. Beat all ingredients well in a blender until they form a foam. Pour into clear glasses, garnish with fresh mint leaves.

This treat will not leave indifferent any chocolate lover. Prepare a glass of milk, 20 grams of milk chocolate, 100 grams of lightly melted ice cream, 30 grams of cookies (for example, unsalted crackers). Put the chocolate in the freezer for half an hour, then grind it into crumbs in a blender, adding cookies to it. Pour in milk and ice cream, stir. You need to drink such a milkshake as soon as it is prepared.

Cold egg legs with raspberry jam

To make this refreshing shake, take milk (no more than 1 cup), half a cup of raspberry jam, 2 eggs, and 100 grams of ice cream. You only need the yolks. Whisk them in a jam blender until frothy, then add the ice cream and pour in the milk. Beat for a couple more minutes.

Milkshakes with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese cocktails are very satisfying, especially if you add oatmeal or other cereal to them. In addition, there is much more protein in cottage cheese, so these drinks are considered protein drinks. Nutritionists recommend using them for active sports and weight loss. Choose cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat if you keep an eye on calories.

Cottage cheese-apricot milkshake

Take 1 glass of milk, 4-5 ripe apricots, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of honey. Wash apricots, remove seeds from them. In a blender, mash the apricots with cottage cheese, add honey (or sugar), pour a glass of milk, whisk.

Cocktail with honey and bran

Bran is perfect for those on a diet - they are not high in calories and perfectly satisfy hunger. To prepare such a milkshake, you need to take a glass of milk, half a glass of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of bran and a couple of teaspoons of honey. Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat until frothy.

Mint cocktail with lemon and cottage cheese

2 cups milk, one lemon, a small bunch of fresh mint leaves, 200 grams of cottage cheese, sugar or honey 2-3 teaspoons. Rinse the mint, grate the zest with a lemon grater. Put mint, lemon zest in a blender and bring to a puree consistency. Add cottage cheese, milk and beat.

Hot cocktails

Many people do not like hot milk since childhood, because a nasty foam has always formed on it. In winter, however, hot milk will help keep you warm, and these drinks taste delicious. Just beat it up quickly so it doesn't get too cold before serving.

Egg legs

Traditional "Egg leg" is usually boiled until thick and rum is added to it. A simplified recipe for this drink will allow you to make a similar hot cocktail without spoiling its wonderful taste. Take a glass of milk, 1 egg, some cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla, 1 tablespoon of sugar. Separate the yolk from the white and mash the yolk with sugar. Add a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg to the milk and wait until it boils. Pour hot milk into a blender, add yolk with sugar and beat for 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with ground nutmeg.


You will need 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of lemon juice, 2 glasses of full-fat milk. Separate the yolk from the protein and grind until white, bring the milk to a boil. Pour milk into a blender, add honey, yolk and lemon juice to it. Whisk.

Cold cocktail with ginger

It is easy to make, you need to take a glass of fresh milk, ginger to taste, a couple of tablespoons of honey. In a blender, whisk the ginger and honey together. Heat the milk, gently add honey and ginger to it, stir. This hot milk will not only warm, but also help with the initial signs of a cold.

Serve ready-made milkshakes in tall glass glasses with a straw. Garnish the prepared milkshake with culinary toppings, crumb grated biscuits or chocolate, fresh fruits and berries, mint leaves. Such simple desserts can be easily prepared by anyone who has a blender and a couple of free minutes.

To create a harmonious, tasty, original cocktail according to own recipe- genuine art. Despite the fact that there are strict classical recipes for combining cocktail components, no one forbids experimenting in search of "your" drink, choosing its taste, strength and even color. So before making a cocktail at home , Turn on your imagination and get creative!

Cocktail, or "Cock's tail"(English), gained popularity at the end of the nineteenth century. His story began in American bars. The bartenders selected and mixed the contents of their alcohol reserves in such a way that as a result, a multi-layered substance appeared in the glass, resembling the color of a rooster's tail.

The name stuck, although over time they began to approach the creation of cocktails more meaningfully, and some of them are almost colorless. Non-alcoholic options have also come into vogue. They are prepared on the basis of fruit, berry, vegetable juices, milk, nut oil.

Bright, fragrant, healthy

Fruit cocktails are the favorites of the summer season. The most delicious drinks are obtained from seasonal fruits. Better yet, prepare a product from freshly squeezed fruits and berries. In such a drink, the entire arsenal of vitamins and useful microelements will be preserved.

In any case, use high-quality juices and fruits that blend harmoniously with each other.

To create a smoothie, prepare:

  • a glass of apple juice;
  • a glass of carrot juice;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 oranges;

Remove skins and white fibers from oranges. Divide into wedges and remove the foil. Place the pulp in a blender and beat, gradually pouring in the apple and carrot juices. Beat eggs separately and combine with fruit mass, stir. The mixture should be thick, have a uniform consistency, add sugar to taste.

Refreshing and toning:

Mix everything in equal parts in plastic bottle, add sugar and pour into glasses.

Delicate and airy

Not everyone likes milk, but milkshakes can boast a large number of fans. By adding ice cream, cream, chocolate, fruit to the drink, you will get a delicious and useful product... An attractive delicacy will also appeal to little capricious eaters who often turn up their noses from the day they need milk.

Dairy options are also prepared based on kefir or yogurt. If you are slimming, choose low-fat foods.

For a dairy ice cream treat, prepare:

  • 250 g creamy ice cream;
  • liter of milk;
  • berries, fruits, chocolate (choice and quantity at will).

Cool milk to + 5-6 ° C. Pair with ice cream. Beat in a blender or mixer on high speed until a stiff foam forms.

Berries can be added to the finished cocktail as a whole, and cut the fruit into pieces.

Chocolate melt or grate. Insert before whisking.

Giving strength

Recently, energy drinks are popular . But the store product has many opponents among physicians and nutritionists. But few know how to make a cocktail at home. .

Drinks that give strength and energy usually include nuts or butter, bananas, roots of herbs, honey, yogurt, milk and even hot peppers.

For cooking, take:

  • banana;
  • a quarter cup raw almonds or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond oil;
  • half a glass of yogurt;
  • a glass of milk.

Grate the banana pulp on a coarse grater and combine with the rest of the ingredients. You can add a couple of slices of ginger root to brighten the flavor. Beat with a mixer.

Drink a glass in the morning. It's enough. Abuse can have a deplorable effect on the work of the heart and nervous system, leading to weight gain.

Cheering the soul

Main components alcoholic cocktails- wine, champagne, cognac, rum, juice, berries, cream, eggs, honey, ice cream. Ice is added to the drink and canned fruits(preferably cherries and cherries).

Low alcohol cocktails refresh and awaken the appetite. They do not have to be prepared with light drinks. Strong ones can also be used by simply reducing the portion. But do not forget that weak alcohol in combination with sugar is insidious: it is almost imperceptible, and the effect with a plentiful "tasting" manifests itself quickly and can downright knock you off your feet.

For a dessert cocktail, prepare:

  • 250 g raspberries (strawberries) or a glass of raspberry puree;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • a glass of cream;
  • half a glass of red strong wine or a quarter glass of cherry liqueur;
  • pieces of ice.

Rinse and dry the raspberries. Combine with the rest of the ingredients and whisk. Pour the drink into tall glasses. Put a piece of ice in each.

A simpler option- cut fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapes, lemon, strawberries, peaches, etc.) into pieces, pour over with red wine and add sugar to taste. Put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Can mix wine with cold coca-cola, add lemon.

Even carbonated non-mineral water simply added to wine gives the drink an unusual taste.

Cheerful champagne

Holidays are a fun time, and cocktails will not be superfluous at this time. Before cooking, invite your family and guests to join the process, because this exciting activity creates a festive atmosphere.

Traditionally, festive mixtures are prepared with champagne. All ingredients must be refrigerated before mixing. Choose good champagne so as not to spoil the taste and your health with cheap alcohol.

For a sparkling drink, prepare:

  • a bottle of champagne (dry or semi-dry);
  • 5 peaches;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • pieces of ice.

Peel the peaches. Mash the pulp. Toss with chilled champagne with a spoon. The mixture should be smooth. Pour into tall glasses.

Puree can be replaced with pulp peach juice - the cocktail will be less thick.

It is interesting to combine with champagne kiwi pulp and orange juice.

Refreshing and enjoyable will turn out to be this option:

  • take equal parts white vermouth and champagne;
  • add a mint leaf;
  • a slice of lemon.

Stir gently and add ice. But be careful - this light and tasty drink makes you hop quickly.

Cocktail rules

A true cocktail should not just be blended, but beaten well. Use a shaker, blender, mixer.

This rule does not apply to champagne options. They must be mixed very delicately.

It is customary to serve a cocktail drink in special dishes: glass or crystal tall glasses, glasses. And don't forget about the mandatory attribute - a straw.

Bon Appetit!

In all the fruits you have eaten in the last month are three cherries from martini glasses? Congratulations, you're a jerk, but you're not unique. Only 2% of men, according to statistics, are far-sighted enough - they regularly consume the daily dose of vegetables and fruits recommended by doctors. Perhaps the fact is that not all of us are ready to crunch salads and chew celery all day long. Well, there is another way to consume vitamins / minerals: you can drink them. Get your dusty blender off the shelf for a smoothie this fall. Don't be intimidated, smoothies are just a thick cocktail of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Here's a versatile maker of tasty and healthy smoothies from true connoisseurs of this craft: the New York chef restaurant The Little Beet by Franklin Becker and Men 's Health Nutrition Consultant Mike Russell.

How to make a smoothie at home

It's simple: you wash your favorite blender and load it according to our step by step recommendations... From the list provided in each item of the designer, choose one or combine several ingredients as you wish. The main thing is to stick to the recommended sizes so that the taste of the smoothie is balanced, and the final product is guaranteed to fit into the bowl of your blender.

Step # 1. Pour in the liquid

The liquid (and this is the base of your cocktail) should be sugar-free (okay, just a little). Becker also advises adding 3-5 ice cubes: "Most smoothies are tastier to drink chilled."

How many: 120-350 ml, depending on the desired consistency.

What: water diluted Cherry juice, green tea, unsweetened coconut or almond milk.

Step # 2. Put vegetables

If your blender is powerful enough, you don't have to cut leafy vegetables, the machine will cope with these tops on its own. And if you're new to the world of healthy food, stick to the most neutral-tasting leaves - spinach for starters. But hard vegetables must be cut (ideally - into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm).

How many: 1-2 handfuls of leafy greens 1/2 to 2 cups * chopped vegetables.

What: spinach, carrots, broccoli, beets, celery stalks, cucumbers, Swiss chard salad (or replace with young beet tops).

“To squeeze more out of the gifts of nature nutrients and fiber, don't peel apples and pears, ”says Mike Russell. “A slight sourness - for example, the juice of 1/4 of a lemon in a cup of banana-berry smoothie - will enhance the“ berry ”taste of the drink,” Chef Becker gives you a professional secret.

How many: 1-2 glasses

What: cherries (remove seeds), apples, bananas, blueberries, black currants, pears, peaches, pineapples, lemons, mangoes, oranges.

Step # 3. Add proteins

“Send at least 30 grams in every shake, especially if you're working on increasing muscle mass,” is Russell's advice. And in order not to get bored with consuming liquid protein, fill your kitchen cabinet with protein mixtures with different tastes. If you don't want protein powder, add dairy products to your smoothies.

How many: 1-2 scoops of protein powder or 1/2 to 1 cup of dairy products.

What: whey and pea protein, kefir, soft curd, natural yogurt.

Step # 4. Now a little fat

Fats help your body absorb nutrients. And they thicken smoothies and give them a smooth, creamy texture. If during the whipping of the cocktail it became clear that it turns out to be too thick, add a little more liquid and continue whisking. Everything will be OK.

How many: 1/4 cup nuts, 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter, 1/2 avocado.

What: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, peanut butter(oil from other nuts is also good), pistachios, avocados.

Step # 5. And improve the taste with additives

These ingredients are optional, they are here for you to experiment with flavors and aromas. “Think of kneading a smoothie like preparing any other dish,” shares Becker's cookery wisdom. "Play with bitter, salty, spicy, herbal, sour tastes by creating your own recipes."

How many: everything to taste.

What: crushed cocoa nibs, ginger root, mint, basil, ground cinnamon, jalapeno pepper.

Step 6. Turn on the engine!

When starting work, set the blender to the lowest speed to grind large pieces of vegetables and fruits. As the contents of the bowl acquire an increasingly homogeneous consistency, increase the speed of the unit, gradually bring it to the limit and break through at maximum speed for 30-60 seconds. This will give you the perfect smoothie.


What you need (for 4 servings):

  • 1/2 cup cherries
  • 240 ml water
  • 1/4 cup chopped raw beets
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 scoop Chocolate Flavored Protein Blend
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground flax seeds
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes

Throughout the cocktail:

  • 329 kcal
  • 28 g protein
  • 52 g carbohydrates
  • (11 g fiber)
  • 4 g fat

“Substances from brightly colored fruits and vegetables like beets and cherries help you improve your workout performance and facilitate muscle recovery,” says Amy Culp, a sports nutritionist at the University of Texas at Austin.


What you need (for 4 servings):

  • 250-300 ml of water
  • 1/2 cup spinach
  • 1 glass of grapes
  • 1/2 cup chopped mango
  • 1 strip of lemon peel
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Ice cubes optional

Throughout the cocktail:

  • 346 kcal
  • 9 g protein
  • 62 g carbohydrates
  • (11 g fiber)
  • 12 g fat

"Avocados help your body extract maximum amounts of nutrients from other vegetables and also improve the absorption of antioxidants," Russell says. And besides, it's just delicious.

3. Juicy chaos

What you need (for 2 servings):

  • 1/2 cup watermelon, cut into pieces (pitted)
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup chopped melon
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup pineapple, sliced
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes
  • 4-5 fresh basil leaves

Throughout the cocktail:

  • 182 kcal
  • 3 g protein
  • 47 g carbohydrates (5 g fiber)
  • 1 g fat

"The combination of melon, basil and pineapple makes this smoothie super refreshing," Becker beckons with a promise. Our advice: so that the delicate basil leaves do not get lost in the cocktail and retain their taste, throw them into the blender in the last five seconds, when everything else has already turned into a slurry.


What you need (for 3? Servings):

  • 350 ml water
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 2 cups mixed berries
  • 1/2 cup low-calorie plain yogurt
  • 2 scoops vanilla-flavored protein powder
  • 1 tbsp. l. hazelnuts
  • 1 sl. l. ground flax seeds

Throughout the cocktail:

  • 500 kcal
  • 57 g protein
  • 54 g carbohydrates
  • (14 g fiber)
  • 11 g fat

“This shake is packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats, healthy plants and probiotics,” says sports nutritionist Brian Saint-Pierre, “so it can be your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

Fruit cocktails - quick and tasty way make up for the lack of vitamins. Such drinks are prepared for children and adults, using both available and Exotic fruits... The cocktail can be thick or thin, alcoholic or non-alcoholic - it all depends on your tastes and the occasion.

Fruit cocktails: what they are

There is no need to wait for a celebration or reception to prepare a delicious fruit drink. A thick mixture of fruits and berries can be a light dessert or even replace breakfast. These smoothie cocktails are prepared from fresh and frozen fruits, they turn out to be quite thick. If you want to make them lighter, dilute the smoothie with plain or soda water.

A special place in the cocktail menu is occupied by milk-based drinks loved by children. They are prepared with milk, yogurt, kefir or ice cream. These drinks are suitable even for those who are lactose intolerant - in classic recipe regular milk can be replaced with soy milk.

Cocktails with alcohol are also prepared from fruits. For alcoholic cocktails, sweet and sour fruits and berries are often used - citrus fruits, pineapples, strawberries, passion fruit. Such cocktails can be prepared from pre-squeezed juices that are mixed with rum, wine, gin, liqueur. Another option is to add chopped fruits to the liquid base and then infuse them. This is how sangria is prepared, a popular summer party drink.

Ready-made fruit cocktails can be decorated by decorating the glass with a sugar rim, adding colored ice, berries or sliced ​​fruits to the drink. Dairy drinks are often garnished with whipped cream and chocolate

Cooking for children: cocktails with milk, fruits and berries

These mixtures can be served to children as an afternoon snack along with cookies. They are also good for the holidays. Do not put ice in drinks: children's cocktails should not be too cold.

Honey banana cocktail

You will need:

2 very ripe bananas; - 400 ml of soy milk; - 4 tablespoons of liquid honey. Slice banana in large pieces and put in a blender. Whisk it together with honey, turning into a puree. Then pour in soy milk and whisk the mixture again, the cocktail should foam up a lot. Pour it into tall glasses and serve.

Strawberry cocktail

You will need:

1 cup strawberries - 2 glasses of curdled milk; - 2 tablespoons of sugar syrup; - a pinch of vanillin.

Wash and dry the strawberries, remove the sepals. Using a blender, beat the berries into puree. Set aside a few for decoration. Add curdled milk, vanillin and sugar syrup, whisk the cocktail again. Pour it into tall glasses, garnish each with strawberries.

Delicious smoothies: thick cocktails for breakfast and afternoon tea

Fruit can be very useful mixtures- from simple to multicomponent.

Mango, pineapple and orange cocktail

Try making a delicious mix of exotic fruits.

You will need:

120 g ripe mango; - 120 g of pineapple pulp; - 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice; - 150 ml of sparkling water; - 2 tablespoons of sugar syrup.

Buy ready-made sugar syrup or make your own

Peel and cut the mango and pineapple into large pieces. Juice the oranges. Place the pieces of fruit in a blender and whisk into a puree. Then pour orange juice and soda water into a blender bowl, add sugar syrup and blend until smooth.

Serve in tall glasses with a straw. Finely crushed ice can be added to each portion. If serving cocktail at a party, decorate the glasses with sugar rims. Brush them with lemon juice and then dip them in a saucer of granulated sugar. Pour the drink carefully so as not to spoil the decor.

Mandarin Pear Cocktail

You will need:

500 g of tangerines; - 500 g of pears; - crushed ice.

Juice tangerines and pears. Mix the juices in a blender, pour them into a glass and add crushed ice to it.

Cocktails with alcohol: a celebration in a glass

For special occasions, you can prepare cocktails containing alcohol: tequila, liqueurs, gin or rum.

Blackberry collins

This cocktail will surprise guests of the summer outdoor party.