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Interesting holiday recipes. original snacks

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Sometimes you want to treat yourself and your loved ones to something unusual, festive and tasty.

website I found some mouth-watering and original snacks that will decorate any table. Be warned: these snacks are usually the first to disappear.

Potato pancakes with salmon

You will need:

  • 500 g potatoes (less possible)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 3 art. l. flour
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 200 g smoked salmon
  • pepper (optional)
  • vegetable oil


Peel and grate the potatoes, then carefully squeeze, mix and squeeze again. Peel the onion, finely chop and add to the potatoes.

Lightly beat the egg together with the yolk and add it to the potatoes along with the flour. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

Spread the dough with a spoon on a preheated vegetable oil frying pan. It is better to lay out a little so that the pancakes turn out small and beautiful.

Fry for a few minutes on each side until golden brown. Place cooked pancakes on paper towel to remove excess oil.

We smear pancakes with sour cream on top, put a little red onion cut into half rings and pieces of fish.

Can be served both warm and chilled.

Stuffed quail eggs with salmon

You will need:

  • 10 quail eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream cheese or cottage cheese
  • 50 g salted salmon or trout
  • 1-2 sprigs of dill
  • mixture of five peppers


Boil quail eggs in boiling water for 5 minutes. We dip them in cold water, let them cool and clean them from the shell.

Cut each egg in half (crosswise) and take out the yolks.

We cut salted salmon into small cubes - the smaller, the better. Dill is also finely chopped.

Put the yolks in a small bowl, knead with a fork. Add salmon, dill and cream cheese. We mix everything well to get a viscous mass, pepper and salt to taste (you can not salt at all if you want) and mix again.

Gently stuff the halves of quail eggs, pair them together and fasten with skewers or toothpicks.

Appetizer can be served on lettuce leaves.

Salmon with avocado mousse

You will need:

  • 2 avocados
  • 1 lime or lemon
  • 100 ml heavy cream (preferably 35%)
  • 1 gelatin sheet
  • 100 g smoked salmon
  • pepper


Cut the salmon into small cubes, sprinkle with lime juice, pepper and add a little zest. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator.

Soak the gelatin sheet in cold water. Whip most of the cream into a strong foam, and heat the rest in a saucepan. Dissolve gelatin in warm cream.

Mash the avocado pulp with a fork into a puree, add lime zest, salt and pepper to taste and mix with warm cream. Then carefully add whipped cream so that the foam does not settle.

We spread the avocado mousse in suitable cups and put a piece of salmon on top.

Let cool slightly at room temperature, then refrigerate until completely chilled. Serve the appetizer chilled.

Cherry tomatoes with shrimps and cream cheese

You will need:

  • 20 cherry tomatoes
  • 20 boiled-frozen shrimp
  • 200 g cream cheese


Wash cherry tomatoes and pat dry with paper towels. Cut off the top of each tomato and carefully remove the pulp.

Inside, lightly add some salt to the tomatoes, turn them upside down on a paper towel to drain the juice.

Boil shrimp in salted water and drain in a colander. We clean, remove the heads. Ponytails can be left to make it prettier.

Fill tomatoes with cream cheese. It is convenient to do this with a pastry bag or a plastic bag with a cut off tip.

We stick the shrimp into the cheese with the tail up. The snack is ready.

Puffed salmon canapés with caviar

You will need:

  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 6 slices rye bread
  • 220 g smoked salmon
  • 50 g red caviar
  • 1 tsp lemon peel
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • a handful of finely chopped onion (can be replaced with any greens)
  • pepper


Whip the cream cheese lightly. Add to it lemon peel, lemon juice, green onion, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.

We cut out rectangles about 8 × 10 cm in size from slices of rye bread. Generously grease each 1 tbsp. l. (heaping) cheese mixture.

Put a thin slice of fish on top, trying to fit exactly in size.

Grease again with the cheese mixture, again put a slice of fish and for the third time grease with the cheese mixture.

We cut off the edges to make perfectionist sandwiches - even, the same. We put in the refrigerator for an hour.

If you want, cut the sandwiches into small canapes (2x3 cm). If not, leave as is. Spread red caviar on top in an even layer. You can apply.

Ham rolls with cheese

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 2 tsp spoons of lemon zest
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • 170 g cream, cottage cheese or goat cheese
  • 2-3 garlic cloves (optional)
  • 12 slices of ham
  • 1/2 cup arugula
  • 1/2 cup fig jam (optional)


Mix in a small bowl olive oil, lemon zest and lemon juice; set aside.

In another bowl, mix cheese and garlic.

A thin layer of cheese on each slice of ham, then grease with a layer of jam. Place arugula leaves on top, sprinkle with a mixture of oil and lemon juice, season to taste with ground black pepper.

We twist the ham into a roll and put the “seam” down. We put all the finished rolls on a plate and serve.

Tartlets with chicken and mushrooms

You will need:

  • 500 g chicken fillet
  • 400 g champignons
  • 300 g of your favorite cheese
  • 2 onions (maybe less)
  • 1 cup cream
  • 12-15 ready-made tartlets


Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Cut the chicken fillet into very small pieces and send to the onion in the pan. Fry for 10 minutes, then add chopped mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes.

We arrange ready-made tartlets on a baking sheet and put them in each filling with a slide.

What is the main difference between an ordinary table and a festive one? Everyone will say: big amount salads and bright decoration. Let's also add: and some non-ordinary, interesting, "key" hot dish, a kind of "highlight of the program." Festive hot dishes are a whole art that every housewife should master. Preparing for the holiday, any hostess first thinks about what she will have a hot dish on festive table, and only then - salads, drinks and all that. With salads, it is desirable to be creative. After all, even the most ordinary salads can sparkle with new colors, if you approach them with imagination. The use of new ingredients can change your holiday dish beyond recognition. Recipes for festive dishes allow you to experiment with products, their combinations and colors. Not only festive salad, but any second dish on the festive table must be bright. Do not skimp on unexpected moves, try to combine more ingredients of different colors. Just look at the illustrations of real holiday dishes! The photos of these masterpieces are fascinating! Be sure to consider the experience of chefs who have already prepared dishes for the festive table. Recipes with photos of their creations can make your task much easier.

Delicious festive dishes- it doesn't have to be a holiday meat dishes. After all, many people do not eat meat at all, or they prefer vegetables and fruits. You can’t deprive these guests of the holiday, make lenten festive dishes for them, the list of which is also quite large. After all, the main thing here is how to arrange and submit. Carved vegetables and fruits, original boiled egg and carrot roses, beautiful flowers and real mushroom fields Your imagination can be limitless.

Of course, no one cancels meat dishes for the festive table. They need to be given special attention in order to try to surprise guests, to create a real festive atmosphere. It is festive meat dishes, along with some special birthday cake, can become the “highlight of the program”. Special decorations require festive dishes for a birthday. Beautiful inscriptions, drawings, figures, etc. are appropriate here. But the main thing is that they be delicious dishes. You should not put ordinary snacks on the festive table. Also, as they are not suitable at all simple meals to the holiday table. After all, this is a holiday, you need to surprise and delight guests. Recipes for the festive table are just different special taste and special design. Therefore, when preparing for the holiday, we advise you to study and prepare those festive dishes, the recipes with photos of which you will find on the site and which you will especially like in appearance.

And here are some more "holiday" tips: - take the time to decorate the table. It's even very exciting. Guests will appreciate your efforts, and you yourself will get a great mood. To help you, the list of colors of products for decorating dishes:

Red color is given by tomatoes, cranberries, sweet peppers;

Pink, raspberry - beetroot, cranberry juice;

Orange - carrots, bell pepper, tomato;

White - rice, egg whites, cottage cheese, sour cream;

Lilac, blue - grated egg white, rice, colored with red cabbage juice;

Burgundy - beets;

Yellow - egg yolks, corn, lemon;

Purple - egg whites, tinted with red cabbage or red cabbage itself;

You need to decorate salads just before serving, so that the products do not flow and look fresh and appetizing;

try different salads give a different color scheme;

Dishes on the festive table are served in various options and ways. Original - salads on slices of bread, wrapped in pita bread, in portioned baskets.

We were lucky to be among those invited to a real village wedding! Enjoyed a lot! It felt like we were back in the dashing nineties! Firstly, this event was celebrated not in a cafe, as is now customary, but at home, in a hut specially built for this purpose, which was a huge tent with tables and benches inside. Secondly, almost all local residents were invited to visit. Restless cooks, racing with each other, rushed from the kitchen to the tent, bringing more and more new dishes, which already stood on the tables in two tiers. What was there just was not even counted! And how delicious! “This is our signature salad, it is prepared for all events, in every home,” a woman sitting next to me whispered in my ear. "You should definitely try it," she added, which we, in fact, did. Honestly, the salad is so tasty that it is very difficult to stop eating it, besides, everything necessary products for its preparation are almost always at hand, in every home. Interested? If so, come on in and enjoy!

Time flies fast and every year we get older and older. Every year we face the same question. Should you celebrate a birthday? If you celebrate, then whom to invite, where to celebrate and what to cook? If you invite friends to a cafe or restaurant, then there will be no problems with cooking. But if you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, in the country or somewhere in nature, then the problem of compiling a menu will be especially acute. ›

In order to compose holiday menu, it is not at all necessary to spend incredible funds. Dishes from available products, cooked with fiction, some kind of "zest", will please your guests and at the same time will not pose a threat to your family budget. ›

As you know, the menu for the New Year's table includes snacks, salads, a hot dish, a side dish, various drinks, fruits and, of course, desserts. imagine without them New Year just impossible. The main rule of the menu for the New Year's table: food should be varied, tasty and beautiful! ›

Have you already chosen a place for a romantic evening, thought out decorations and entourage, and bought cute gifts? Now is the time to think about food. And it does not matter where the festive breakfast, lunch or dinner will take place, the main thing is not to miss the choice of dishes. ›

Men now have the hottest days - chasing gifts and compiling a menu for a romantic breakfast-lunch-dinner (underline as necessary). Moreover, the fuss in the kitchen of some representatives of the stronger sex is much more frightening than running around the shops! But it is not in vain that it is men who are the best cooks. ›

Drawing up a menu for any holiday table is a long and complicated business. And if we are talking about New Year's Eve, smoothly turning into morning, the task becomes more complicated at times. No, of course, you can just prepare a whole table of proven dishes or, conversely, try to impress the guests by composing something exquisite or exotic, but all your work can go to waste if you miss some important points. ›

We have compiled the Christmas table menu according to traditional recipes Russian cuisine, published in the Big Book of Christmas. It turned out to be really big - 20 recipes, but you don’t have to cook all the dishes at once, because according to tradition, the Christmas table should consist of 12 dishes. ›

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching. On this day (and throughout the entire holiday week), we want to surprise our loved ones with a rich, magnificent festive table. Someone uses time-tested recipes, while someone scours the Internet in search of unusual or even exotic dishes. Maybe our recipes will suit you? ›

With full confidence we can say that every housewife has already drawn up at least an approximate menu. New Year's table 2015, which includes both appetizers and variety of salads, and original hot dishes and, of course, dessert. There is still time to make some adjustments to the menu, replacing a couple of dishes from the list with more original and interesting ones. ›

The morning of the holiday should be special. It is the morning that can give you and your dear men a great mood for the whole day. The brunch menu that we offer you is simple, but you should think about the products for it in advance. ›

Birthday is not only a holiday of fun, a sea of ​​congratulations and gifts, but also pre-holiday fuss and worries that fall on the shoulders of the one who decided to treat and surprise everyone present at the birthday table. How to set the table inexpensively and tasty for a birthday, a photo so that the long-awaited guests will remember the feast for a long time.

On the eve of the holiday

A variety of dishes, invented and tested by lovers of tasty food and feeding others, allows you to create a festive and inexpensive menu from almost any product. Therefore, long before the birthday, it is worth deciding which products are profitable to buy this season, i.e. when the name day is celebrated.

So, for example, in summer the emphasis is on fruits, vegetables, herbs, in winter - conservation and pickles. However, it is worth remembering the big plus of our time - hypermarkets and supermarkets with their regular discounts and promotions. It is worth doing an analysis of these promotions in advance and, based on this, make purchases of inexpensive products for a birthday.

The basis of the holiday menu

The feast is a set various dishes for every taste and stomach. The festive table includes a large number of snacks (hot and cold sandwiches, tartlets, rolls, canapes, croutons, toasts). Considering that guests come to have fun and have fun, there should be a lot of such snacks, however, as well as drinks. place of honor occupied by hot dishes (meat, fish, poultry, meatballs, cabbage rolls). Salads, there should be at least two or three different types. As a side dish, you can serve rice, buckwheat or the usual, mashed potatoes. But not necessarily, for example, potatoes can be stewed with meat or boiled whole (well, if it is young potatoes), pour oil and sprinkle with herbs. For sweet cakes, pastries, sweets or cookies. As for drinks, it is decided individually, depending on the guest company and the habits of the owners.

Recipes for simple and inexpensive dishes

When creating a birthday menu, it is important to take into account not only the size of your wallet and culinary possibilities, but also how convenient and tasty it will be for guests to eat this or that dish. Then, it is not entirely correct to set the table with some nutritious and fatty masterpieces, thereby turning a noisy party into a full and lazy feast.

1. Appetizers, salads

Hot sandwiches

Need delicious buns or regular White bread. Separately, finely chop sausage or ham, cucumbers, tomatoes, mix everything with mayonnaise and put on halves of buns. Top - grated cheese and greens and for a couple of minutes in the microwave (oven).

Rolls with cheese

chilled processed cheese grate, add finely chopped garlic, herbs, boiled egg. Pour everything with mayonnaise. Wrap the resulting mixture in pita bread and cut into small rolls.

Rolls with herring

From herring fillet, boiled carrots And butter shake in a blender (in a meat grinder) minced meat. Spread two sheets of pita bread with minced meat, lay pita bread on top of each other and twist into a roll. Wrap the roll in foil and hide in the cold. Cut the chilled dish into small rolls and place on a flat plate.

Tomatoes with cheese

Put a mixture of squeezed garlic on the tomato slices, grated cheese and mayonnaise.

"Rafaelki" from pate

Diced liver (chicken or beef), grated carrots, chopped onion stew in a sealed container or in the oven until completely soft. Add salt and pepper. Turn the resulting mass through a meat grinder or blender, make balls, roll in grated cheese and put in waffle or shortbread baskets.

Chicken and Korean carrot salad

Boiled chicken, cucumbers (fresh or salted) cut into strips, add grated cheese, ready Korean carrot, squeezed garlic and chopped greens. Sprinkle everything with mayonnaise and salt to taste.

mushroom clearing

Salad of several layers, which must be laid in a deep plate. After all the ingredients are soaked in mayonnaise, ready salad abruptly turn upside down on a wide flat dish. You get something like a mushroom cake. Layers: chopped greens, boiled small champignons, lay with caps down, chopped boiled chicken, grated carrot, finely chopped fresh cucumber, chopped onion, grated potatoes. Soak the layers with mayonnaise.

Cake "Snack"

From margarine (100 g), soda (0.5 tsp), slaked sour cream (1 cup), eggs and flour (2.5 tbsp.) Knead soft dough, divide into 4 parts and hide in the cold. After an hour, form 4 thin layers for the cake from the dough and bake each until golden brown.

For layers you will need: hard and processed cheese, greens (onion, parsley, dill), egg (2), garlic and a can of canned food in oil (saury).

To form a cake, coat each cake with mayonnaise on both sides (the first cake on one side only). On the first cake smeared with mayonnaise, put a mixture of grated processed cheese with garlic. Second - chopped boiled egg with onions, the third - fish from a can (chopped with a fork), put grated cheese (hard) and finely chopped greens on the last cake, smeared with mayonnaise.

Salad "Ruby Stars"

Mix boiled grated beets, chopped prunes, chopped walnuts, a little garlic. Fill the resulting mass with vegetable oil (olive).

Salted fish (red)

Divide fresh fish into portioned beautiful pieces. Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp salt. Lubricate the bottom of the salting dish with vegetable oil, sprinkle the fish on one side with a salt-sugar mixture and place in a dish, pour vegetable oil on top. Refrigerate for 2 days.

Sea fish in sauce

Fry the fish and put on a dish. Separately, sauté the onions and carrots, put on top of the fish, pour everything with the Krasnodar sauce and set aside in the refrigerator so that the fish is soaked in the marinade.

2. Hot meals

Potatoes with chicken

Place chicken pieces (or whole chicken) on a baking sheet, season with salt and pepper, put peeled potatoes next to them. Bake the dish for about an hour. For one chicken, one kilogram of potatoes is required. Sprinkle with spices.

Potatoes with mushrooms

Place potato slices in a fireproof dish fresh mushrooms, bell pepper, herbs, onion (you can pre-fry). Cook in the oven in the sleeve or on the stove (microwave).

3. Desserts

Universal biscuit

Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites with a mixer, add the yolks one at a time, without stopping beating, then 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of flour. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. The resulting biscuit can be decorated with any cream, berries and fruits.

Cake "Rotten Stump"

Mix flour and jam well in a glass, an egg and 1 tsp. soda, bake until done. Divide the resulting cake into two cakes, grease with cream. Cream: beat sour cream and sugar in equal proportions (3 tablespoons each).