Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Assortment and technology of making cheesecakes. Cooking homemade cheesecake according to delicious recipes

Assortment and technology of making cheesecakes. Cooking homemade cheesecake according to delicious recipes

For the Tsar's soldiers, a specially hired culinary master prepared food from selected products. It can be safely assumed that in the more ancient cultures of Egypt, Phenicia and Sumer, there were also professional chefs working for the families of noble people and rulers. For work in prestigious restaurants or large workshops confectionery factories 6th grade is a prerequisite. I chose this dish for my exam paper because the meat of this amazing bird contains a huge supply of potassium proteins, phosphorus, amino acids, copper and vitamins ...

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SECTION I Cooking a dish

a common part

Technological part

"Quail with grapes and quail eggs"


a common part

Technological part

Cooking technology




Chef profession - developed along with civilization, so we can say this is the oldest profession. The first courses looked just like half-baked pieces of meat or fish burnt on an open fire. People have used fire since at least the Middle Paleolithic, but they were not cooks. The marks of Greek civilization on the island of Crete in 2600 BC speak of the first professionals who make a living with this craft. e. For the Tsar's soldiers, a specially hired culinary master prepared food from selected products. It can be safely assumed that in the more ancient cultures of Egypt, Phenicia and Sumer there were also professional chefs working for the families of noble people and rulers. Later, such concepts as sanitary standards appeared, regulating the work of such specialists. ... The history of the development of mankind from ancient times to the present day has seen unprecedented ups and downs in the art of cooking. Either food was lifted up to heaven, considering it one of the best pleasures, then they treated it with almost contempt, believing that even talk about food and dishes is "unworthy of a true gentleman." Take the ancient Hellenes. In Sparta, they treated food with restraint: in the campaign and in the war, it was necessary to get by with simple-to-cook food. And very close, in Athens, they were sophisticated in preparing an unheard-of festive dish: a tiny olive was baked inside a dove, a dove in a kid, a kid in a sheep, a sheep in a bull, all this was fried on a spit, and the most honored guest got that very olive. Tens of thousands of dishes have been created in the history of world cuisine. The culinary specialists were considered, the prestige of this or that noble house depended on them. In ancient Rome, there were even revolts of cooks who subjugated some cities. Under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius (about 400 AD), the first schools of cookery were organized, headed by the wizard of the cauldron and cook, the great cook Apicius.

A pastry chef is a professional chef who creates pastries, desserts, and other baked foods. Representatives of this profession can be found in large hotels, restaurants and bakeries. Less commonly, a pastry chef is a person whose business is related to the sale of confectionery.

The pastry chef prepares various types of dough, fillings, creams according to a given recipe, bakes and decorates products. They are high quality, varied in appearance, taste and aroma. foodstuffs... Most of the work is done by hand using special tools, turning the profession of a pastry chef into an art.

The qualification level of the pastry chefs is determined by the ranks. There are only 6 of them. Immediately after graduation pastry chef gets the 3rd or 4th grade. But in the process of work it can be increased. The 6th grade is the highest. For work in prestigious restaurants or in the shops of large confectionery factories, the 6th grade is a prerequisite.

The pastry chef must be physically tough because he works all day while standing.


Cooking a dish

"Quail with grapes and quail eggs"

a common part

The topic of my written examination work is the preparation of the dish "Quail with grapes and quail eggs".

potassium, phosphorus health food.

rabbit kidney , liver, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Quail meat is a product with a balanced fat and amino acid composition. It is very useful for the elderly, pregnant women, debilitated patients and children. Meat is very useful for oncology and in the postoperative period.

Due to the B vitamins contained in this product, it improveswork of the central nervous system... This makes a person calm and balanced. Iron is involved in increasing the level of hemoglobin, and also has an anti-anemic effect on the human body. With calcium and phosphorusbones are strengthenedand mental abilities are improved. Good for humans andquail eggsbecause they also have a positive effect on the human body.

PP vitamins improve blood microcirculation in blood vessels, which in turn is a wonderful wayprevention of gout.

Quail meat containsa huge amount of vitamins D, B2 and B1, which carry out the prevention of rickets.

It turns out that quail has a lot in common with space exploration. Scientists working at the Institute for Biomedical Problems have come to the conclusion that these birds are very valuable for them too. For a long stay of a person in orbit, it requires certain conditions for normal life. Scientists were looking for a solution to the problem of a closed biological system that helped a person live on a ship. These systems include plants and birds. These amazing little birds have shown themselves best of all.

Before cooking, the poultry carcass must be processed: legs, wing tips and neck should be cut off. They come in handy for a flavorful broth that can also be used as a liquid sauce base. Then the bird is singed: rubbed with alcohol and set on fire. After the singing procedure, the wings are bent behind the back, the legs are placed inward - into the cut abdominal cavity. The carcass should be rubbed with salt, and then use any method of turning the game into a dish.

Ingredients: Quail meat is rich in B vitamins and amino acids, protein, phosphorus, potassium, copper. Due to the successful composition of substances, quail meat is considered dietary and is endowed with medicinal properties... This is a healthier alternative to poultry meat.

Quail eggs composition

Proteins rich in essential amino acids such as tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine. Compared to a chicken egg, one gram of a quail egg contains more vitamins: A - 2.5 times, B - 2.8 times and B2 - 2.2 times. They have 5 times higher levels of phosphorus and potassium, 4.5 times higher levels of iron. There is much more copper and cobalt in quail eggs.

Technological part

Cooking technology

"Quail with grapes and quail eggs"

Cooking technology: Cut the quail in half lengthwise, slightly beat off the bone parts and marinate in semi-dry red wine for 5 minutes. Then wipe in chicken spice and garlic, and pour over with lemon juice. Then pour into the pan vegetable oil, put on fire and lay out the carcasses, press down with a press, fry on each side for 3-4 minutes. If required, bring to readiness in the oven. Decorate with quail eggs and grapes, top with sauce.

Sauce preparation: Pour red wine, soy sauce into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. How to boil thicken with starch. Allow the sauce to cool when serving.

Organoleptic indicators quality ready meal

Taste - Matches the ingredients.

Color - golden brown.

Smell - incoming ingredients.

The consistency is soft, juicy.

Serving temperature -75-80 ºС

Technology system cooking dishes "Quail with grapes and quail eggs»

Technological scheme for the preparation of teriyaki sauce

The economic part

Costing card

Dish "Quail with grapes and quail eggs"

P / p No.


According to the rate of gr.

Price per kg / l. rub.

RUB amount

Soy sauce








Quail eggs








Semi-dry red wine




Vegetable oil












Seasoning for chickens




Ground black pepper




Lettuce leaf
















Ready-made exit


total cost


Sales margin 100%


Head production

The calculation was

Maltseva S.A.

Approved by the director


The technology of making the dessert "Chocolate Cheesecake"

a common part

Dessert is a sweet dish served after the main (and not the main one), at the end of the meal.

Cheesecake is a dish of European and American cuisine, which is a raw dessert from curd casserole to soufflé cake. The first cheesecakes appeared in ancient Greece.

Cheesecakes are made from ricotta cheese, hawarty, mascarpone, cottage cheese, or, more often, from cream cheese... Sugar, eggs, cream and fruits are also used. The mixture of these ingredients is placed on a base of biscuits or sweet crackers. Condiments (vanilla, chocolate) and fruit decorations such as strawberries are often added.

The most common problem when making cheesecake is the crack in the filling when it cools. There are several methods to avoid this. One is to bake the cake in a water bath to ensure even heating. Another is keeping the temperature low during the baking time. Then you need to slowly cool the cheesecake by opening the oven door. The third - 10-15 minutes after removal from the oven, to reduce the surface tension, the cheesecake is carefully separated from the walls of the mold with a knife. In this form, the cheesecake is left in the form until it cools completely (about 1.5-2 hours). If these methods fail, garnish the curd with fruit, whipped cream, or cookie crumbs.

In the UK, cheesecake is baked cold dessert, which usually consists of a base layer - crushed cookies mixed with butter and pressed into a thick pancake, and a layer of filling - a mixture of milk, sugar, cheese, cream, and sometimes gelatin.
Technological part

Cooking technology

Cooking chocolate cheesecake dessert

Making Chocolate Cheesecake:

Preheat the oven to 170 ° C.

Grind the cookies, add oil, mix. Distribute and bake for 10 minutes.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour in the espresso coffee, cool slightly.

Beat the cream cheese, stir in the eggs, sugar one by one, gradually add the chocolate mixture.

Distribute the filling according to the shape. Bake for about 45 minutes.

After cooling down, place in the refrigerator for several hours. Sprinkle before serving icing sugar.

The chocolate cheesecake is ready.

Organoleptic indicators

Taste: sweet, juicy.

Odor: typical of the ingredients.

Consistency: soft.

Color: light brown, chocolate filling, powdered sugar on top

Cooking flow chart "Chocolate cheesecake "

The economic part

Costing card

dessert "Cheesecake-chocolate"

P / p No.

Product name

Rate g / mg.

Price for 1 kg. (rub.)

Amount (rub.)

Chocolate chip cookies




Dark chocolate




Mascarpone cheese












Powdered sugar




Espresso coffee








Outlet of the finished dish


total cost


Sale price of the dish 100%



Maltseva S.A.

Approved by the director

Occupational Safety and Health

Labor protection is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of employees in the process of work.

General requirements

In order to avoid an accident at work, the cook must follow the instructions for labor protection.

Men and women who are at least 18 years old and trained in their specialty are allowed to work as a cook.

Working hours per week are 40 hours.

For employees under the age of 18, a reduced duration of working hours is established: at the age of 16 to 18, no more than 36 hours per week; ages 15 to 16 and for students ages 14 to 15 (working during vacations) 24 hours a week.

It is prohibited to use labor of persons under 18 years of age in heavy work and in work with harmful and hazardous working conditions.

Employees are given a break for rest and meals no more than 2 hours.

The duration of the reduced working time with a 6-hour and 5-hour working day remains at the same level, respectively, 30-36 hours.

The duration of daily work (shift) with a 5-day working week is determined by the internal labor regulations and work schedule approved by the administration in agreement with the trade union committee, in compliance with the established duration of the working week.

On holidays, the duration of the working time with a 5-day and 6-day week is reduced by 1 hour in cases where the holiday is preceded by days of weekly rest, the reduction of the shift with a 5-day working week is not made.

During this time, the chef must go through:

Examination of open surfaces of the body for diseases on a daily basis;

Occupational safety training for operating equipment - every 2 years;

Re-examination of knowledge of safe working methods and techniques for performing work in the gas industry - annually;

Testing knowledge on electrical safety - annually;

Inspection of sanitary and hygienic knowledge - annually;

Periodic medical examinations after 3 months.

The cook should receive repeated instruction on safety at the workplace 1 time in 3 months.

Every cook should be provided with sanitary clothing, sanitary ware and personal protective equipment.

The main types of danger and general rules work safety.

When lifting and transferring loads manually, it is necessary to comply with the norms established by law.

The maximum rate of lifting and carrying loads on a flat horizontal surface when alternating with other work should not exceed: for girls 16-18 years old 10 kg. for one and 30 kg. for two, for men 50 kg., loaders are allowed to carry a load weighing 80 kg., adolescents under 18 years of age are not allowed to work on carrying weights.

When lifting and carrying loads by hand, special precautions must be taken to prevent bruises, muscle strain, sprains or other injuries, make sure that the path ahead with the load is safe, whether the path is clear, whether there are slippery places.

Do not carry loads in fragile containers that are damaged (protruding nails, wire, tilting iron), loads in iron containers and ice should be moved in gloves.

Safety requirement before starting work.

The cook is obliged to wear proper dignity during work, the hair is tucked under the headdress, the sleeves of the clothes are tucked up to the elbow or buttoned up to the wrist.

Do not pin sanitary clothes with needles or keep pins in your pockets.

Before starting work, the chef is obliged to tidy up his workplace for safe work and check:

Availability, serviceability and idle operation of the equipment;

Availability and serviceability of grounding;

Serviceability of other equipment used;

Make sure that the switches of the electric stoves and are at 0 0 C.

Serviceability and operation of local exhaust ventilation, air ventilation.

If any malfunctions or malfunctions are found in the equipment, the cook must immediately notify the head of production or the administration of the enterprise and do not start work until they are eliminated.

Safety requirements during work.

To prevent the influence of infrared radiation on the body, the cook must:

Fill the work surface of electric stoves with dishes as much as possible. Timely turn off sections of electric stoves or switch them power.

Do not switch on the hotplates at maximum and medium power without loading.

Do not allow liquid to come into contact with the heated hob burners; fill platen dishes to no more than 80% of their volume.

Do not use boilers, pans or other kitchen utensils with a deformed bottom or edges, loose or loose handles.

Remove the boiler from the stove without jerking, taking double care, using dry towels or gloves. The boiler lid must be removed, the cook must control the pressure and temperature in the heating devices within the limits specified in the operating instructions.

Monitor the presence of thrust in the combustion chamber of gas-using equipment and the readings of pressure gauges when operating equipment operating under pressure.

Safety requirements in emergency situations.

If any malfunctions are detected when working with the mechanical, steam, electrical and gas equipment of the safety valve (water leakage), you must immediately turn off the equipment and inform the production manager or director of the enterprise.

Safety requirements at the end of work.

Before disconnecting from the electrical network, you must first turn off all electrical equipment, with the exception of emergency lighting and equipment operating in automatic mode. After turning off the gas-using installations, remove the spanners of the cork valves. When carrying out sanitization, do not cool the heated surface of stoves, pans and other heating equipment.

Among the main directions of improving labor protection at enterprises Catering include: improving the safety of workers, the maximum reduction of jobs with conditions that are unfavorable and harmful to the health of workers, and so on. When organizing workplaces, the optimal organization of workplaces, ensuring convenience in the performance of work, saving the efforts and time of the employee, and the effective use of labor safety should be taken into account.

The study and implementation of safety regulations and fire prevention at workplaces is mandatory for every employee of the enterprise.

Safety instructions for servicing machines and apparatus should be posted near workplaces, warning posters should be posted in hazardous areas.

Moving parts of mechanical equipment are especially dangerous in catering establishments.

The main causes of fires at public catering establishments can be: malfunction of heating equipment, formation of explosive mixtures in engine rooms of refrigerating chambers, unsatisfactory condition of electrical equipment and wiring.

Safety Instructions.

General requirements.

The surface of the slab must be flat, smooth and free of cracks. The lids of floor-standing boilers must be opened towards oneself during cooking.

Boilers must have firmly attached handles. Only two people are allowed to remove boilers weighing 15 kilograms from the stove.

Do not pile up with dishes and containers aisles near workplaces. The floor in the workshop should be flat, without protrusions, and not slippery.

Requirements before starting work:

Wear proper clothing. Remove hair under a headdress. Avoid hanging ends of clothing. Do not use pins on clothing. Do not keep breakable or sharp objects in your pockets.

Tidy up the workplace, do not clutter up the aisles.

Examine the inventory, make sure it is in good working order. Ask the administrator to remove and replace unusable equipment and utensils.

When inspecting the equipment, check its serviceability, the presence and serviceability of the fence, grounding. If you find any malfunctions or malfunctions, notify the production manager immediately and do not start work until they are eliminated.

Check the water level at the control tap in the steam jacket of the cooking kettle.

Check the correct setting of the regulation limits in the steam-water jacket of the boilers using the electrical contact pressure gauge.

Do not turn on steam boilers and devices in the absence of water in the water supply network.

Do not turn on to work when a malfunction of the safety automation and regulation of electrocontact pressure gauges is detected that is overdue for their testing.

Check the presence and integrity of the enclosing instructions, the amount of deformation of the flooring, the absence of cracks on the surface of the burners, stoves, and bain-marie.

Check the serviceability of the clamping springs of the door of the frying and baking chambers of the heating equipment.

Requirements during work:

1. Do not allow stationary cooking kettles and other heating equipment to operate without load.

2. Beware of scalding from steam when opening the chamber door of the steamer.

3. Tighten the hinge bolts of the cooking kettles first at the front, then at the rear, for autoclaves, crosswise.

4. Carry hot water boilers with two people using dry towels, the boiler lid must be removed.

5. Drain oil from the vat after unplugging the fryer from the mains.

6. Place semi-finished products in a preheated pan and baking sheet in a push-pull motion

7. Move the cookware over the surface of the stove carefully, without jerking or using great force.

8. Use special inventory stands when placing trays, boilers and other storage containers, do not use random objects for this purpose.

9. Follow the readings of the manometers, do not allow the pressure in the steam-water jacket of the boiler to exceed the permitted pressure (0.7 atm.)

10. Stop work immediately if you find a malfunction of pressure gauges, automation devices and inform the administration about it.

11. Do not turn on the water level tap or pour water into the steam jacket of a heated digester kettle.

12. Immediately shut off pressure equipment if safety valve opens, vapors or water leaks.

13. Lift the turbine valve by the ring with a wooden rod.

14. Do not let the hotplates turn on at maximum and medium power without load.

15. Add fat to the frypot or skillet before turning it on.

16. Load the fried product onto the wire mesh deep fryers.

Requirements after finishing work:

1. Carry out cleaning with the equipment turned on after testing it, hang a warning poster “do not turn on! People work! "

2. Do not cool the frying surface of the stove, frying pan, steam, water.

3. Switch off electrical devices.

4. Thoroughly clean the turbine valve and the steam-water pipe of the cooking kettle from food debris.

Sanitation rules

During work, the chef must go through:

Examination of open surfaces of the body for the presence of diseases - daily.

Occupational safety training for operating equipment - every two years.

Re-examination of knowledge of safe working methods and techniques for performing work in the gas industry annually.

Testing knowledge of electrical safety annually.

Inspection of sanitary - hygienic knowledge annually.

Periodic medical examination.

The cook should receive re-instruction on occupational safety at the workplace once every three months.

Each cook must be provided with sanitary clothing, footwear, sanitary accessories and personal protective equipment.

Cut nails short, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before starting work when moving from one operation to another. When making dishes, culinary products, it is not allowed to wear jewelry, varnish nails.

Personal hygiene of employees of a public catering enterprise.

Personal hygiene is a set of sanitary rules that food service workers must follow.

Good personal hygiene is essential in preventing microbial contamination of food, which can cause contagious foodborne illness in consumers.

The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygiene requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands, oral cavity, for sanitary clothes, for the sanitary regime of the enterprise, for the medical examination of catering workers.

Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. The skin performs a complex function in human life - it participates in the respiratory process and the release of metabolic products. Pollution from sweat (especially from cooks and pastry chefs), the release of skin and fatty lubricants, dust and microbes, the skin does not function well, a person's well-being worsens. In addition, dirt is the cause of pustular skin diseases and microbial contamination of processed food.

Therefore, to all employees of the POP, especially cooks, pastry chefs, waiters. The body must be kept clean. It is recommended to take a shower with soap and a washcloth before work, or wash your hands up to the elbow before work. Male cooks should have short-cut nails and hair, and male chefs should be well-shaven.

The appearance of the hands:

Short-cut nails without varnish, clean subungual space. Jewelry and watches are prohibited. Waiters should have well-groomed nails, systematically doing production manicure.

Hands should be washed before starting work. The best hand cleanser is:

Disinfectant soap

Laundry soap, 70%

"Baby" soap.

Disinfect hands with 0.2% clarified solution of chloride lime or chloramine solution.

If the skin of the hands is damaged, the wound should be treated with a disinfectant solution of hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green, covered with a sterile bandage and a rubber glove should be worn. Each EPP should have a first aid kit.

A cook, pastry chef who has pustular diseases on their hands are not allowed to work, since they can become sources of food poisoning.


I chose this dish for my exam paper because the meat of this amazing bird contains a huge supply of proteins, potassium, phosphorus , amino acids, copper and vitamins that belong to group B. If we compare poultry meat with quail, then it should be noted that the latter is more useful and that is why it is so successfully used not only in dietary, but also inhealth food.

Quail meat has a high calorie content. It should be noted that the nutritional, taste and dietary qualities of quail are superior not only to chicken, but also rabbit meat ... Because of this, it has been used since ancient times to prepare food for patients with cardiovascular pathologies, musculoskeletal system, diseases kidney , liver, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Cheesecake is a favorite dessert all over the world. Many believe that the birthplace of cheesecake is New York, but the history of its origin goes back to the distant past, to Ancient Greece. In Greece, cheesecake was considered an excellent source of energy, it is known that cheesecake was served to athletes during the Olympic Games in 776 BC. e. Greek brides and grooms used cheesecake as a wedding cake. Many countries around the world have approached the preparation of cheesecake in their own way, striving to make the recipe perfect for themselves. In Italy, for example, ricotta cheese is added, while in Greece Feta cheese is used. The Germans prefer cottage cheese, the Japanese use a combination of starch and egg white. Blue cheese is added to cheesecakes, hot chili, seafood and even tofu! Despite the different variations, cheesecake is consistently a dessert that has stood the test of time and gained cult status around the world.

  1. Matyukhina Z.P. Fundamentals of the physiology of nutrition, microbiology, hygiene and sanitation: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education, publishing center "Academy", 2013-256s.
  2. L.V. Marmuzova Fundamentals of the physiology of nutrition, microbiology, hygiene and sanitation: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education, publishing center "Academy", 2013-160s.
  3. Buteykis N.G. The technology for the preparation of flour confectionery: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education, publishing center "Academy", 2012-336s.
  4. Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering establishments: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education, publishing center "Academy", 2012-320s.
  5. Anfimova N.A. Cooking: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education, publishing center "Academy", 2013-400s.
  6. Matyukhina Z.P. Commodity science of food products: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education, publishing center "Academy", 2013-336s.
  7. Industrial training for the “Confectioner” profession. In 2 hours P801 Part 2: textbook for the beginning of professional education / (V.P. Androsov, T.V. Pyzhova, N.N. Belomestnaya, N.V. Dotsenko), publishing center "Academy" , 2012-192s.
  8. Anfilova IL, Tatarskaya LL "Cookery": Textbook. for primary vocational education; M ed. Center "Academy" 1998 - 328 p
  9. Baranovsky VA "Waiter - Bartender": a textbook for students of vocational schools - Rostov on Don. Ed. Phoenix: 2000 - 575 s
  10. Berkov BV, Berkova GI "Business people and hospitable hosts" Rostov on Don, "Phoenix" 1995 - 575 p
  11. Zolin VP "Technological equipment of public catering enterprises" Textbook. for primary vocational education - M: IRPO - ed. Center "Academy" 2000 - 256 s
  12. Buteykis N.G., Zhukova A.A., Technology of preparation of flour confectionery, Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.-304 p.
  13. "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering enterprises" Authors and compilers: AI Zdoblov, VA Tsyganenko, MI Peresichny.

Internet resources:http://sostavproduktov.ru/produkty/myasnye/myaso/perepelinoe-myaso








Powdered sugar




Cream cheese








Pour into shape






cool down


pour in





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Today cheesecake can be safely called one of the most popular desserts in the whole world. It is prepared both in America and Europe, as well as in Asia, as well as in the countries of the former CIS. The main advantage of this dessert is undoubtedly its delicate and unusual taste. It is for him that the hostesses are ready to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen. Today we invite you to take a closer look at this dessert, as well as find out how to make a cheesecake at home.

Dessert history

Many people mistakenly believe that this delicacy came to us from America. In fact, it was known back in the 6th century BC in Ancient Greece, where cheesecake was especially appreciated by athletes - participants in the Olympic Games, who used it to maintain strength. A little later, the Romans also mastered the recipe for this dessert. By the way, cheesecake was Caesar's favorite delicacy. Gradually, the recipe for this dish spread throughout the Roman colonies and was brought to England. And from there, the emigrants transferred the ability to cook cheesecake to the United States.

Cheese desserts have been cooked in Russia since ancient times. So, the domestic ancestor of modern cheesecake can be called a cheese loaf.

Varieties of cheesecake

Today, recipes for this dish are divided into two broad categories: baked and raw. Therefore, the classic cheesecake can be different, and there is no one standard recipe. So, for example, in Foggy Albion, this dessert is not baked, but the filling for it is made of cheese, cream, milk and sugar, and then laid out on a pancake made of crushed cookies mixed with butter. The most popular recipe for this dish is American. Thus, the classic New York cheesecake is baked with a filling based on Philadelphia cheese. Previously, it was replaced with cottage cheese with ricotto, hawarty and other varieties.

Main ingredient in cheesecake

Since the name of this dessert literally translates as "cheese pie", its main component is cheese. However, it should be borne in mind that not every product is suitable for preparing this dish. The ideal option, of course, is Philadelphia. After all, it is from her that the classic American cheesecake is prepared. However, this product cannot be bought everywhere in our country, so it is necessary to find a worthy replacement for it. Please note that you should not use processed cheese for cheesecake. Because in this case, you will get a regular curd casserole. Try to find cheese with a texture close to Philadelphia. Some housewives make it themselves. To do this, they mix cream cheese (for example, "President") with 5% cottage cheese (not grainy and resembling a paste). This makes a suitable cheese for a cheesecake that is no worse than Philadelphia.

So, we learned about where this delicious dessert came from. We also figured out its varieties and the main ingredient. Now we propose to move on to the most interesting thing, namely, to study the recipes for preparing this dish. We'll start with the classic American version.

How to make New York cheesecake?

This recipe is classic. This is how cheesecake is prepared in America. Many domestic bakeries offer their customers baked goods according to this recipe, adding variety to it in the form of additional fillings from fruits, berries, chocolate, vanilla, etc. We suggest finding out what ingredients we need to make a classic cheesecake.


So, if you are planning to please your household with this most popular dessert, then prepare the following ingredients: Philadelphia cheese - 700 grams, granulated sugar - 100 grams, cream 33% fat - 100 grams, chicken eggs - three pieces, fatty sour cream - three teaspoons spoons, vanilla extract - one teaspoon. These products will be used to prepare the filling. For the base of the cheesecake, we need a pound of cookies, 150 grams of butter, as well as one teaspoon each of nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

Cooking method

First of all, we need to melt the butter and finely chop the cookies. Mix these ingredients and add nutmeg and cinnamon to them. Stir until smooth and place on the bottom of a baking dish. It is also necessary to distribute the mixture along the walls. We heat the oven to 150 degrees, after placing a large container of water in its lower part. When the desired temperature is reached, place the dish on the top rack of the oven for a quarter of an hour. Then we take out our base and let it cool down. Preparing the filling for the cheesecake. Beat the eggs well and then add the remaining ingredients to them. Knead the mass and spread it on the base. We send our future classic cheesecake to an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 60 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave our dessert inside for another 15 minutes. After that, open the door slightly, but do not take out the baked goods for another 10 minutes. After that, the cheesecake should be cooled at room temperature and placed in the cold for 5-6 hours. A great dessert is ready!

Chocolate Vanilla Cheesecake Recipe

If you want to surprise your household or guests with an interesting dessert with a unique taste, then use this recipe. Making cheesecake this way will not take much time or effort, and the result will surpass all expectations. So, for this dessert we need products such as chocolate - 150 grams, butter - 100 grams, the same amount of granulated sugar, flour - 75 grams and three eggs. We need these ingredients for the base. For the filling, you will need the following: cream cheese - 600 grams, fat sour cream - 150 grams, four eggs, sugar - six tablespoons, flour - three tablespoons and vanilla.

Cooking instructions

We start by making a chocolate base. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, add butter to it and mix until smooth. Beat eggs with sugar until a white foam forms. Then add the chocolate mass and flour. Knead until smooth and pour into a mold. Let's move on to preparing the filling. Mix cream cheese with sour cream and flour. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy and gently add to the cheese-sour cream mass. Carefully transfer the filling onto the base. We send our future cheesecake to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 45 minutes. Leave the finished dessert to cool at room temperature for several hours.

Cheesecake in a slow cooker

If you are the proud owner of this kitchen assistant, then you probably know that it can be used to prepare a wide variety of first and second courses, as well as delicious desserts. The "cheese pie" we are discussing today is also no exception. Therefore, we suggest finding out how to cook cheesecake in a slow cooker. The base for the dessert will be made from following products: flour - 220 grams, one egg, 70 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt, butter - 120 grams, 4 grams of baking powder for the dough. To prepare the filling, we need such ingredients as three eggs, 120 grams of granulated sugar, 80 grams of 33% fat cream, 450 grams of Philadelphia cheese, 8 grams of vanilla sugar. You can also coat the cheesecake on top of the jelly. To prepare it, we need a pack of jelly powder, two tablespoons of sugar and 250 ml of water for pouring. So, if you have everything at your fingertips necessary products, you can proceed to the next step.

First of all, we prepare the base for our cheesecake. Beat the egg with room temperature butter, add salt, sugar, flour and baking powder. Knead the dough and send it to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. At this time, we will deal with the filling, mixing all the ingredients for it in homogeneous mass... Put the cooled cheesecake dough on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Also, do not forget to make the sides about 4 centimeters high. Pour the filling mass on top, close the lid and turn on the "Baking" mode for two hours. We cool our future cheesecake to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for several hours (ideally overnight). After this time, we take out the pastries from the multicooker bowl and put them on a dish. Cook the jelly by mixing a bag of gelatin with two tablespoons of sugar and pouring it all over with water. Cover the cheesecake with jelly. Optionally, you can decorate the dessert with berries or fruits.

Cheesecake with cottage cheese recipe

So, we figured out how to make this dessert based on Philadelphia cheese or its analogues. Now we propose to figure out if it is possible to make a cheesecake from more available product in the form of cottage cheese. For this dish we need the following ingredients: fat cottage cheese - 600 grams, cookies like "Yubileiny" - 250 grams, butter - 100 grams, the same amount of sour cream, three eggs, sugar - 150 grams, vanillin to taste and zest from one lemon.

Let's go to cooking

The recipe for cheesecake with cottage cheese is pretty simple. First of all, you need to prepare the basis for our dessert. To do this, the cookies should be ground into small crumbs. For this purpose, you can use a blender. Then we mix it with pre-softened butter. Grease the baking dish and put the dough for the base in it, and then send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, let's get down to preparing the filling for the cheesecake. To do this, carefully wipe the cottage cheese, crushing all the lumps. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, and then add granulated sugar and vanillin to them. Combine the egg-sugar mass with cottage cheese and mix well. Then add sour cream and zest. Beat the mixture for about a minute. We take out the form with the base from the refrigerator and put the filling in it. Carefully smooth out the curd mass. Then we send the form into an oven preheated to 170 degrees. After an hour and a half, the cheesecake can be removed. We cool it down and serve. Homemade cheesecake made from cottage cheese, prepared in the described way, turns out to be very tasty and healthy. And thanks to the lemon peel, it also acquires a bright sunny hue.

The classic cheesecake is an invention of British housewives, although the first mentions of cheesecake with similar recipe refer to Greek cuisine... Be that as it may, nowadays, cheesecake is more of an American dish that has many recipe variations. In almost every European country, you can find references to the recipe for cheese pie, so this dish can be conditionally considered international.

Despite the fact that there are many recipes for making this cake, there are some important details that contribute to the correct preparation of this wonderful cake.

The main nuances of making cheesecake at home:

  • The base for the cake can be very diverse. Usually, ready-made biscuit or crushed biscuits are used. There is also a no-bake cheesecake recipe with many possible options... To do this, all the ingredients are taken ready-to-eat, and then the formed pie is infused in the refrigerator. Some sources may include a slow cooker cheesecake recipe in the cooking algorithm. This technique has long been established in our kitchens and many housewives are happy to try a variety of dishes and even baked goods prepared in this way.
  • The filling is the main ingredient in the cheesecake. For getting perfect taste it should not be too liquid, creamy. Original recipe uses soft cream cheese like "Philadelphia". Subsequently, as usual, the composition has changed slightly and now cheesecake is mostly made from cottage cheese. To obtain a more delicate and uniform consistency, add sour cream or cream to it. Suitable curd or even thick curd can be used homemade sour cream... The taste will not suffer from this, and for our sweethearts it will become more familiar. This will also have a positive effect on the cost of the finished dish, because the filling accounts for about 80% of the total pie volume.
  • You don't need a special shape to make a cheesecake. You can use a standard split suitable size. For convenience, cover the bottom and edges with baking parchment or use a silicone container. If the recipe does not include baking, the pie can be made directly in the cake pan for serving.
  • Cheesecake baking is extremely responsible and important point... In no case should you overdry the cake, otherwise all efforts will be wasted. For cooking, you need to bake the cheesecake at a temperature of 150-180 ° C for about an hour. The finished cake should shake slightly around the center section. If in doubt, you can leave the cake in the turned off oven for another fifteen minutes, and then cool it down.
  • You can often find recommendations that the best way to bake cheesecakes is in a water bath. To do this, you need to take a slightly larger baking sheet and install the main one in it. Pour water between the sides, usually a level of about half the height of the baking sheet is required. Place the installed structure in the oven and bake in this way.
  • The cheesecake should cool down in a calm environment, away from drafts and temperature extremes. Covering the cake with a towel or napkin is not recommended, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the structure.
  • You can add various fruits and berries, citrus zest (lemon cheesecake) and cocoa powder to the composition. The classic strawberry cheesecake has an excellent taste, with fresh or frozen strawberries added to the filling.

Each housewife determines the complete algorithm of actions for how to prepare a cheesecake, and our selection of time-tested recipes will help you quickly make a choice and pamper your household with a delicious and healthy dessert.

The most delicious cheesecake recipes

The main ingredients can be replaced and assembled in a different sequence. If the usual curd filling seems too bland, you can include the zest of an orange or lemon in the composition, or you can pour everything on top chocolate icing.

Most of the ingredients are harmless and therefore cheesecakes are widely used for children's parties as a delicious and healthy dessert.

The classic cheesecake recipe

For it we need Philadelphia cream cheese, which can be purchased in specialized departments and large supermarkets. Its delicate taste is perfect for this dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 150 gr;
  • Soft cream cheese - 700 gr;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs.

How to make a classic cheesecake:

Grind the cookies and mix with melted butter. Form the bottom and sides of the base from the resulting mixture, level everything on a baking sheet. Heat the cheese to room temperature and beat it with eggs, adding one at a time. At the end add sugar and sour cream, mix everything well.

Pour the resulting filling onto a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 160-170 ° C. Bake for about an hour full readiness... Then cool gently, avoiding sudden changes in temperature. To do this, you can leave the cake in the oven by opening the door. After the final cooling of the cheesecake, refrigerate for soaking for eight hours, you can overnight. After such "hardening" it will become unusually tender and soft.

Curd dessert recipe

If you replace a rather rare and expensive cheese with ordinary cottage cheese, then this recipe curd cheesecake will become more accessible even for everyday use... It is advisable to take cottage cheese with a maximum fat content and a uniform consistency. Ideally, homemade products are preferred.... To obtain the desired consistency, the curd is diluted with sour cream or cream.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ready-made biscuit in the shape of a baking sheet - 1 cake;
  • Fatty cottage cheese - 700 gr;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 150 gr;
  • 3 eggs.

How to make curd cheesecake:

Beat cottage cheese with sour cream, add eggs and sugar one by one. The resulting mixture should be thick enough not to spread out into shape. You can additionally wrap the sides with foil or parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about an hour. Then cool and leave in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

New York cheesecake recipe

The name itself testifies to the American roots of this dessert. The recipe for New York cheesecake is extremely simple and involves baking in the oven. To do this, you can prepare an already known base from crushed cookies, and then start making the filling.

Do you want something interesting?

Required Ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 150 gr;
  • Butter - 70 gr;
  • Soft cheese of any suitable variety - 650 gr;
  • Sugar - 100 gr;
  • Sour cream or cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Vanilla and salt to taste.

How to make New York cheesecake:

Mix cheese with eggs, sour cream (cream) and beat together with sugar. Vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt is added at the end, transfer everything to the finished base.

It is advisable to bake in a water bath for about an hour. Leave in the turned off oven until it cools completely, then transfer to the refrigerator. The pie turns out to be surprisingly tender and delicious.

With the addition of banana

In order to prepare a banana cheesecake, it is necessary to add a banana, chopped into a puree state, into the cheese or curd mass. Banana cheesecake with cottage cheese has an excellent taste and is especially suitable for little ones with a sweet tooth. Thanks to this duet, the dessert will become not only tasty, but also healthy.

With added chocolate

You can prepare a chocolate cheesecake according to any of the proposed recipes by adding a little chopped or melted chocolate to the composition.

The best option- pour over with chocolate icing ready-made pie.

This must be done after its final solidification so that the chocolate does not drip. This is extraordinary tasty dish, which, moreover, is distinguished by its original appearance and elegant presentation to the table.

A healthy option with pumpkin

It is simply impossible to pass by such a recipe! The most useful autumn vegetable in this dessert is in perfect harmony with the rest of the ingredients. The Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe is sure to add to your family's cooking book, as well as becoming one of your favorite daily teas.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Pumpkin - 900 gr;
  • Soft cheese - 300 gr;
  • Cream - 250 ml;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make pumpkin cheesecake:

Bake the peeled and washed pumpkin in foil in the oven until the pulp becomes soft. Then beat in a blender until puree consistency. Add cheese, powder and beat again. Make a cookie and butter base using the recipe above.

Pour gelatin with milk and leave until it swells. Heat and dissolve in warm liquid, leave to cool. Beat the cream well, add dissolved gelatin and cream to the crushed pumpkin and beat everything with a blender or mixer.

Place the resulting mixture on a prepared base, smooth it well and refrigerate overnight for impregnation. Decorate to your liking before serving.

Cooking with mascarpone cheese

Exclusively delicate taste this dessert can surprise even the most capricious gourmet. Soft cheese "Mascarpone" is used for its preparation, so the taste of sunny and cheerful Italy is clearly visible in this dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Mascarpone - 500 gr;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Granulated sugar - 150 gr;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make cheesecake with Mascarpone:

Mash cookies and mix with butter. Then put it in the mold, forming the base, as already described earlier. Soak gelatin in cold water, the volume of which will be indicated in the instructions on the package (may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer), usually half a glass of water per pack of dry mix.

Beat sugar and cream with a mixer until thick foam. Then add the mascarpone, stirring thoroughly, but not whisking - the mixture should not be too airy.

Heat the dissolved gelatin over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Gradually pour into the creamy cheese mass and mix until smooth.

We spread the resulting mixture on the prepared biscuit base, level it well and leave it in the refrigerator until it hardens for 2-3 hours. This recipe does not require baking, which saves a lot of time. The finished cake can be garnished with grated chocolate, berries or fruits.

Multicooker Cheesecake Recipe

To cook cheesecake in a slow cooker, you must select the appropriate mode. A base of cookies or ready-made biscuit is laid out at the bottom of the container. The filling can also be taken from any recipe you like. After that, the appropriate mode is selected and in a few minutes your cake will be ready. The cooking time depends on the model of the multicooker and should be indicated in the recipe book.

You can use the steaming bowl to quickly and neatly remove the finished cake from the container.

A pie is turned over at its bottom, and then gently - onto a plate or dish. Next, you need to act according to the above technology: the cake first cools naturally, and then "rests" in the refrigerator, the advantage of this method will be more quick cooking and a guarantee of a good result.

No-bake cheesecake recipe

For such a recipe, it is necessary to take exclusively ready-made ingredients: a biscuit or crushed cookie crumbs mixed with butter. The filling also needs to be completely cooked, so there are no eggs in this recipe. A simple no-baked curd cheesecake can be made with the following ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Soft cheese or cottage cheese - 600 gr;
  • Cream or fatty sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Granulated sugar - 150 gr;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make a cheesecake without baking:

Pour gelatin with water, insist and heat until completely dissolved. Then strain from the solid residues and mix with pre-whipped cheese, cream and sugar. Pour the mixture into the prepared base of cookies and butter and leave to freeze in the refrigerator overnight. Serve garnished with berries or chocolate chips to your taste.

Such a cake can be prepared immediately in a decorative cake dish so that the serving is beautiful and effective.

Low-calorie dietary option

Despite the fact that the calorie content of cheesecake is quite high: about 400-600 kcal / 100 g, it is quite possible to use such sweets during a diet. The main secret- replace some ingredients with less high-calorie ones... Thus, you can reduce its nutritional value to about 300 kcal / 100 g. and at least occasionally indulge in delicious food while dieting.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 180 gr;
  • Butter - 90 gr;
  • Soft cheese - 200 gr;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Yogurt - 200 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar (powder) - 150 gr;
  • Vanillin - 2 tsp.

How to make a diet cheesecake:

Grind the cookies and mix with butter. Put in a prepared baking dish in a thin layer, not forgetting to make the sides two to three centimeters long. Bake the resulting mixture for about ten minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Mix all other ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth. Gently distribute the resulting mass over the base and bake in a water bath for about half an hour. Then cool and refrigerate for final impregnation for 3-4 hours. Garnish with fruit and grated chocolate shavings before serving.

Cheesecake is a versatile dessert, simple yet surprisingly delicious. For its preparation, you can choose a minimum of products, and the process itself does not take much time. The best option is a cheesecake without baking with cottage cheese, it can be prepared for a children's birthday and just for the arrival of guests.

Curd cheesecake in a slow cooker turns out to be unusually tender, the main thing is to choose the appropriate mode. Such a solution will further simplify the task and make the preparation practically automated. In our article, several best recipes how to make a cheesecake, so you can safely proceed and try at least one of them.

Cheesecake, portion for the restaurant

Technical and technological map No.Cheesecake, portion for the restaurant(SR-619 option 2-2002)

Publishing house Kiev "ASK" 2003


This technical and technological map applies to Cheesecake, portion for the restaurant, generated in the name of the object, city


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking cheesecake, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certification, etc.).

Cheesecake, semi-finished product

Appearance- on the bottom layer of the biscuit - a delicate mousse with the structure of a solidified finely dispersed emulsion.

Taste- cheese sponge cake and curd cheese mousse, according to the ingredients. No foreign taste.

Smell- cheese sponge cake and curd cheese mousse, according to the ingredients. No foreign smell.

Orange sauce, semi-finished product

Appearance- the sauce looks like a syrup. Color - caramel with an orange tint.

Taste- matches the taste of orange and vanilla. Sweet.

Smell- matches the smell of orange and vanilla.

  1. Technology cooking cheesecake, portion for a restaurant

Orange sauce is poured onto a plate, a portion of Cheesecake is placed next to it, and decorated with fresh mint.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish

Appearance- Orange sauce is poured on a plate, a portion of cheesecake is stacked next to it. The decor is a sprig of fresh mint.

Taste- biscuit, curd mousse, Orange sauce, matches the incoming ingredients. No foreign taste.

Smell- biscuit, curd mousse, orange sauce, matches the ingredients. No foreign smell.

  1. Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

Delicious dessert cheesecake (English Cheesecake - literally - curd (cheese) pie) is much older than it might seem. Spread throughout the world thanks to the boundless love of American chefs, cheesecake is considered to be an American dish that has some distant English roots. Indeed, a pie based on soft cream cheeses or cottage cheese came to American cuisine along with European settlers and earned popularity there, and at the same time "American citizenship". Now American cheesecakes are prepared not only in the USA and Europe, but in the Middle East, Israel, Hawaii, Japan, Russia, China and many other countries.

The first mention of cheesecake, or rather the progenitor of all modern types of this dessert, was made by the ancient Greek physician Aejimius, who described in detail the methods of making cheese pies. This is indirectly confirmed by the mention of the work of the Greek in the works of Pliny the Elder. According to John Segreto, who wrote the book "Cheesecake Madness", the first cheesecakes appeared on the island of Samos in the 8th-7th centuries. BC. Olympic athletes and wedding guests were treated to this delicacy in Greece. Having reached Ancient Rome, the dessert fell in love with Julius Caesar, which automatically made its preparation mandatory in the homes of the nobility. The Roman hobby passed by inheritance to the European colonies, primarily to England, where it received a long-term residence permit, especially since in England there were all the conditions and necessary ingredients to prepare this simple and tasty dish.

Another point of view on the origin of cheesecake belongs to Joan Nathan, who believes that this dessert comes from the Middle East. There, great-cheesecake was prepared like this: milk was curdled, honey, lemon zest and egg yolks were added, mixed and baked. It was this recipe, according to Nathan, that came to Europe along with the crusaders returning from the campaigns.

It is interesting that cheesecake, or rather a loaf with cheese, has been known in Ancient Russia since the 13th century. In any case, since that time, there are written references to such a dish. But if we consider that there are no surviving written ancient Russian sources older than the XII century, and more ancient chronicles are known only from late lists, then we can assume that cheesecake was eaten in Russia long before the Crusaders, and various cheese cakes, cheesecakes, loaves with cheese and cottage cheese, surviving to this day, only an additional confirmation of this. The curd casserole, familiar to everyone born in the USSR, is also a cheesecake, albeit a little brutal.

The rich history, traditions of different nations and the complex interweaving of "genealogies" of similar dishes make cheesecake a universal "reconciling" cake, which is equally appropriate in New York, Moscow, for Easter or birthday. This tasty pie- a real internationalist and is great friends with both Chinese or Indian tea and with Caucasian kefir or Colombian coffee. Let's pay tribute to the Americans - the introduction of cream cheese and cream into the pie really changed the taste a lot and appearance dessert. Cheesecake has found completely the unique gloss, delicate, soufflé-like structure, diversified itself with additional components and became a frequent visitor of many modern glamorous cafes and restaurants.

Enough history, let's talk about the dessert itself. Cheesecakes are conventionally divided into two categories - baked and raw. The first became popular due to the American style of cooking, the second, more ancient version is still used in some countries. You can also divide cheesecakes into those made from cream cheese (New York) and from cottage cheese or homemade curd cheeses... Recall that in English, the word cheese, in addition to cheese, means cottage cheese. So there is no “wrong” cheesecake, there is only a variety of cooking styles and recipes.

The famous New York cheesecake is synonymous with modern cheesecake and, in many ways, its benchmark has emerged thanks to several coincidences. In 1912, James Kraft developed a new method to pasteurize inexpensive cream cheese, and in 1929, Arnold Ruben announced that cheesecake had found new recipe... Indeed, what was served at New York's Turf restaurant was not at all like homemade baked goods. The dessert has acquired a gloss and a homogeneous structure. It has become almost impossible to repeat it in the home kitchen. It was this good fortune that made cheesecake a "cult American dish."

Until 1929, cheesecakes were made from cottage cheese or rather expensive varieties of cheese (ricotta, hawarty), but Philadelphia cheese is much simplified the matter. This cheese is ideal for baking, as it is very fatty and is not made from milk, but from cream. It does not require aging, like brie or Italian varieties, it resembles mascarpone in structure.

In addition to cheese, the cheesecake recipe contains sugar, eggs, cream, fruit and biscuits for the base crust. These are basic ingredients, to which berries, syrups, chocolate, alcohol and other ingredients can be added depending on the whim and skill of the chef. Decorating the top is often done to hide cooking defects such as a crack. Highest skill can be considered a cheesecake, perfect in shape, without cracks or defects with an open top, only slightly decorated with fruit or chocolate.

Cheesecake "New York"

Ingredients (8-10 servings):
For filling:
700 g soft cream cheese (Philadelphia),
100 g cream with 33% fat,
3 tsp fat sour cream,
100 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract,
3 eggs.

For the basics:
500 g cookies
150 g butter
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg.

Prepare a collapsible dish with a diameter of 26 cm.Crumble the cookies, mix them with melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg... Lubricate the mold and spread the resulting mass over the bottom. Sometimes the base is distributed along the walls. Preheat the oven to 150 ° C, place the dish on the top shelf for 15 minutes (put a bowl of water larger than the shape on the bottom). Take out the form and, without disassembling, cool.

Combine filling ingredients other than eggs. Whisk separately the yolks and whites. Stir the eggs gently into the filling, being careful to keep them airy. Place the filling on the base. Bake at 150 ° C for 1 hour. Leave the cheesecake in the off oven for another 15 minutes, then open the oven door and stand for another 10 minutes. After that, let it cool completely, remove the frame and set it to cool for 6 hours.

Several recommendations. All ingredients must be at the same temperature. Eggs can be beaten cold, in the process they will take the right temperature. To prevent the cheesecake from cracking when parsing the shape, walk with a knife with a narrow blade along the side.

A very curious version of the chocolate-based cheesecake offers famous chef Ilya Lazerson.

Chocolate New Yorker.

For the basics:
150 g chocolate
100 g butter
3 eggs,
100 g sugar
75 g flour

For filling:
600 g Buko cream cheese,
150 g of the fattest sour cream,
3 eggs,
6 tbsp. l. Sahara,
3 tbsp. l. flour,

Melt the chocolate in a butter and water bath until smooth. Beat 3 eggs and sugar until white foam, add chocolate mixture and flour until smooth. Pour onto the bottom of a collapsible form (26 cm). Combine cheese, sour cream and flour. Beat eggs and sugar until white foam and gently combine with slow strokes, trying to maintain lightness. Place the filling on top of the chocolate base. Use a fork to lift the dark threads from the chocolate layer for a marbling effect. Bake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes. The center of the cheesecake should shake slightly after baking. Cool in the oven with the door ajar. Use a sharp knife to walk along the edge to avoid cracking the top. Let the cheesecake cool naturally in a warm place for 6-10 hours.

In England, where cheesecakes came to the States, the dessert is not baked, but gelatin is added and left in the refrigerator. This makes the process much easier, especially when you want to enjoy cool and delicious dessert on a hot summer evening. In France, cheesecakes are made from Neufchatel cheese with fruit and berry decorations, and in Brazil, cheesecake is poured with guava jam. In Belgium and Holland, it is customary to sprinkle cheesecakes with crushed cookies and grated chocolate. Cheesecakes are even made in Japan. Asian cheesecakes often contain tea, and some chefs even use tofu, a curd made from soy milk... Most often, Japanese cheesecake is a slightly modified American recipe with the addition of bright green Matcha tea powder.

Japanese cheesecake.

250 g Philadelphia cheese,
50 g butter
140 g sugar
100 ml of milk
60 g flour
20 g starch
6 eggs
½ lemon (juice),
¼ h. L. baking powder,
2 tsp Matcha tea,
5 tbsp. spoons of plum jam,
2-3 st. l. plum vodka,
icing sugar (for sprinkling).

All ingredients should be at room temperature. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites into a foam, add sugar and a pinch of salt, beat until thick. Mix the cheese and butter separately, stir or beat with a mixer on low speed until smooth. Without stopping, add lemon juice and yolks. Pour in milk and stir. Mix flour and tea with starch, add to the mass and mix gently. Introduce the proteins in a circular motion. Transfer everything to a baking dish, lining the inside with baking paper, wrap with 3 layers of foil, place the "wrapped" baking dish in a deep baking sheet, half full of water. Bake for 1 hour at 180 ° C. Take out the cheesecake, peel off the foil, use a sharp knife around the edge of the mold to separate from the mold, remove the rim, separate from the paper and let cool for 2 hours. Refrigerate. Sprinkle the finished cheesecake with icing sugar, serve with warm plum sauce from jam and plum vodka (heat in a water bath).

Russian cuisine does not have its own signature cheesecake, but the classic honey and berry ingredients may well serve as a symbol of the Russian dessert. Do not be afraid to experiment, perhaps it is your cheesecake that own recipe can become a unique Russian recipe, recognizable all over the world.