Home / Dumplings / What to cook from small fresh mushrooms. Special recipes for making pickled honey mushrooms

What to cook from small fresh mushrooms. Special recipes for making pickled honey mushrooms

Honey mushroom Is an edible forest mushroom that is often found in deciduous forests.

Honey mushrooms many mushroom pickers fell in love: it is pleasant to collect them, because they grow in large groups; honey mushrooms are prepared fragrant and delicious dishes marinated for the winter.

Let's consider in detail: types of honey agarics description and photo, the benefits and harms of mushrooms, when to collect and how to cook mushrooms.

Its name honey fungus(translated from Latin "bracelet") received because of the peculiar form of mushroom growth - in the form of a ring.

Most often honey agarics can be found on stumps in whole families, in coniferous and deciduous forests. Mushrooms prefer to grow on any rotten wood and rotten stumps.

Honey mushrooms can be found not only under trees, but also in meadows, forest edges and under bushes.

Honey mushrooms are easy to recognize, they have a long, thin leg up to 12-15 cm long. The color varies from light yellow to dark brown, depending on the place of growth and age.

Most honey agarics have "Skirt"... The hat is round in shape, rounded down, the lower side with pronounced plates.

The color of the cap ranges from light cream to reddish brown. Hat of young honey agarics covered with small scales, becomes smoother with age.

Each species of honey agaric has its own specific differences, it all depends on the place of growth and age.

Honey mushrooms are useful in food, they are considered a low-calorie product. The honey agaric contains not only minerals and vitamins, but also thiamine, which is responsible for the nervous system and reproductive function.

From nutrients included in the honey agaric composition, the following can be distinguished: trace elements(potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and others); vitamins groups B, C, PP and E; amino acids; cellulose; proteins.

In folk medicine, honey mushrooms are known for their antiviral and anticancer action on the human body, is often used in the treatment of the thyroid gland and liver pathologies. Honey mushrooms are excellent remove toxins and toxins from the body, have a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis.

100 g of honey agaric contains daily rate trace elements to maintain normal hemoglobin levels. Regular use of honey mushrooms will prevent development cardiovascular disease.

Honey mushrooms will not bring any harm to a person if they have undergone preliminary training before cooking.

Contraindications to the use of honey agarics

Remember that mushrooms are hard food to digest, so do not gorge on mushrooms at night... Excessive consumption of honey agaric can lead to diarrhea. You should not give honey agarics to children younger. 12 years.

Types of honey agarics

From a large number edible species of honey agarics. 4 main ones can be distinguished, most often collected by mushroom pickers.

An edible mushroom that grows in large colonies, mainly on rotten and damaged wood in deciduous forests. The hat of this species is brown honey agaric, after the rain it becomes transparent.

Honey agarics have caps with a diameter of 3-8 mm, the center is lighter than the edges. Honey mushroom up to 9 cm high, the leg is light with a ringlet, over time only a strip remains from it. Below the ring is a leg with scales.

The first mushrooms can be found from June and they bear fruit until the end of August.

These mushrooms have a high leg up to 10 cm, yellowish with white bloom, dense in length, slightly widened downwards. Over time, the leg thickens.

The size of the cap is from 3 to 7 mm in diameter, light yellow in color, in damp weather it becomes yellowish brown. The edges of the cap are lighter than the center. Below are light, rare plates.

They begin to bear fruit from June to autumn frosts.

You can find mushrooms in meadows, fields, summer cottages, ravines and forest edges. Honey mushrooms grow in arched rows.

A popular type of honey agaric, it is large in size. Mushroom on a stem 8-10 cm long with a slight thickening at the very bottom. The leg thickness is up to 2 cm. You can see a pronounced ring under the cap itself.

The hats are large, on average 3-10 cm (sometimes up to 15-17 cm). Light yellow plates, rare.

Young mushrooms are covered with scales on the surface. The color of the cap depends on the type of trees on which the mushrooms grow - from light to brown colors.

Honey mushrooms begin to bear fruit from the end of August and finish in October.

Honey mushrooms can be found on damaged and old deciduous trees, mainly poplars and willows.

The leg is 2-7 cm high, up to 1 cm thick, velvety brown.

There is no ring under the cap on the leg. The cap reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm, from yellow to brownish-orange color. The plates are white, rare. The pulp is white or yellowish.

Honey mushrooms can be found in thawed patches and even under the snow, from autumn to spring.

If you are an inexperienced mushroom picker, always follow the rule: "Not sure - don't take it", it is better not to risk the health of your own and loved ones.

The main differences are: the caps of inedible mushrooms are brighter, they can be brick red, rusty brown or orange, while edible ones are light beige or brownish in color.

The most dangerous are false mushrooms of sulfur-yellow color.

Also the surface of the cap of edible mushrooms scaly, a darker color than the color of the cap.

False mushrooms always have a smooth surface of the cap, most often damp, and after the passage of rain, the surface becomes sticky.

Lovers of overgrown honey agaric should take into account the moment that the scales disappear as the mushrooms grow.

Edible mushrooms always have white, cream, pink plates on the underside of the cap, and in false honey agarics they quickly darken, have green, olive-black shades.

There are edible mushrooms on the leg "Skirt" made of film located under the hat, false agarics do not have it - the main difference which should always be guided by.

Real mushrooms have mushroom aroma, poisonous mushrooms give off mold, earth.

With the onset of heat on forest glades honey agarics grow on the roadsides - whole "necklaces" of mushrooms with flat caps and long legs embrace old stumps and roots of fallen trees. For lovers of "quiet" hunting, it will not be difficult to bring home a few bags of honey agarics, especially if the forest is wet and under appropriate weather conditions. Thanks to their excellent nutritional qualities and low calorie content, honey mushrooms are widely used for cooking different dishes, including dietary ones. So, what to cook from honey mushrooms? Here you will find best recipes step by step with photos and videos of delicious mushroom dishes. For the first one, you can cook an amazing soup with honey agarics and spices - each housewife will learn how to do this from our recipe. Many will like fresh mushrooms fried in a pan in sour cream or with potatoes and chicken, as well as amazingly delicious mushroom salad... Having collected a rich harvest of field mushrooms, you can not only cook mushrooms for lunch and dinner every day, but also make supplies for the winter - write down the recipe and start!

What to cook from fresh mushrooms for the winter - recipes for mushroom appetizers with Korean carrots, with a photo step by step

Fresh mushrooms are an excellent "raw material" for the preparation of many delicious and healthy dishes... So, the composition of these unpretentious mushrooms includes iron, phosphorus, and vitamin C. In addition, regular consumption of honey mushrooms provides protection against the development of cells in the body that cause cancer. What to cook from fresh mushrooms for the winter? We bring to your attention a step-by-step recipe with a photo of honey agarics with Korean carrot and spices - such a dish will become an adornment of the festive and everyday table... Delicious and aromatic mushroom appetizer!

Mushroom snack for the winter from honey agarics with Korean carrots - necessary ingredients:

  • carrots - 1 kg
  • honey mushrooms - 1 kg
  • vegetable oil - 1 glass
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • ground red pepper - 1 tsp.
  • basil and ground coriander - 1 tbsp each l.
  • vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for harvesting fresh mushrooms with Korean carrots for winter:

  1. Peel and rub the carrots on a "Korean" grater. Place in a separate bowl and knead it a little with your hands to make the juice stand out. Leave for about 30 minutes at room temperature.

  2. We sort out fresh mushrooms, removing spoiled mushrooms and debris, and thoroughly rinse them under running water. Pour a little salt and a couple of pinches into a pot of water citric acid, fall asleep peeled mushrooms and boil for 20 minutes. After cooking, put the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain.

  3. We send chopped garlic into a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry a little.

  4. Pour pepper, basil and coriander into the grated carrot, and add oil and garlic. Mix all the components. We introduce vinegar and mix again.

  5. We send boiled mushrooms to a bowl of carrots and, after mixing, leave to soak for a couple of hours.

  6. Everything, our honey mushrooms with Korean carrots and spices are ready - you can start taking a "sample". To prepare for the winter, you need to spread the mushroom snack in sterilized jars, cover with lids and boil in a saucepan with water for 40 minutes. Then we take the cooled mushrooms to the pantry or cellar for storage until winter - just delicious!

What can be quickly and tasty cooked from fresh mushrooms for dinner - a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Among the many recipes for mushroom dishes, one can note especially popular and beloved by many. So, what to cook from fresh mushrooms for dinner? We will gladly share with you a quick and delicious recipe hodgepodge with honey agarics and cabbage - with step-by-step instructions and photos. Spicy and aromatic, mushroom hodgepodge with vegetables is perfect for a dinner with your family or a festive dinner party. We stock up on fresh mushrooms and start creating!

List of ingredients for a delicious hodgepodge with mushrooms and cabbage for dinner:

  • cabbage - 500 gr.
  • fresh mushrooms - 600 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • dill or parsley greens - 1 bunch

The procedure for preparing a quick mushroom hodgepodge from honey agarics and cabbage for dinner according to the recipe:

  1. First, you need to chop the cabbage and put it in a saucepan or bowl. Salt and mash thoroughly with your hands. We place the container with chopped cabbage on the fire and pour in a couple of tablespoons sunflower oil and ½ glass of water. We put it out for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots and cut into small strips. Pour into a pan and fry in vegetable oil... Then we send vegetables to the pan - to stewed cabbage and mix thoroughly.
  3. We first sort out honey mushrooms for hodgepodge and wash them in cool water. Fry in a pan with preheated oil until tender, not forgetting to salt the mushrooms to taste.
  4. We send the finished mushrooms to the vegetables and continue to simmer everything together over low heat for another 20 minutes. At the end, add chopped greens and serve honey mushrooms to the table - dinner is ready!

What to cook from honey agarics and chicken - salad according to a simple recipe, photo

Chicken with mushrooms go well with each other in a variety of hot and cold snacks. Today we will study a simple recipe with a photo of delicious and hearty salad from honey agarics and chicken meat- such a dish will perfectly "fit" into any menu. If you don't know what to cook from honey agarics and chicken, we suggest using our quick and delicious recipe. Cooking is simple and delicious!

We stock up on the ingredients for the salad with mushrooms and chicken:

  • pickled mushrooms - 2 glasses
  • boiled chicken - 250 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • canned peas - 200 gr.
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt and vegetable oil to taste

Salad recipe with honey mushrooms and chicken - step by step description:

  1. Wash carrots, peel and rub on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and cut into pieces or cubes. Fry chopped vegetables in a preheated pan with oil until golden brown.
  2. We wash the pickled mushrooms in a colander under running water and put them in a separate container.
  3. Cut the pre-cooked chicken into pieces or simply “tear” it into fibers with our hands and send it to the mushrooms.
  4. Add finely chopped pickled cucumbers and fried onions with carrots to a bowl with mushrooms and chicken. Pour in canned peas.
  5. All components of honey agaric salad are thoroughly mixed with mayonnaise, salt to taste. Before serving, lay out on beautiful dish, decorate with sprigs of greenery and enjoy the unique taste. Just a fabulous dish!

How to cook fried mushrooms in sour cream - a recipe with a photo

On each festive feast fried mushrooms in sour cream are always popular. This dish is truly versatile - it can be served hot or cold, as well as to complement potatoes, rice and pasta. How to cook honey mushrooms with sour cream and onions? Following our recipe with a photo, even an inexperienced housewife will quickly make an amazing snack from the harvested forest harvest - delicious mushrooms in a tender sour cream sauce... Real jam!

Ingredients for the recipe for fried honey mushrooms with sour cream:

  • honey mushrooms - 1 kg
  • medium-sized onions - 2 pcs.
  • homemade sour cream - 500 gr.
  • butter - 200 gr.
  • salt and pepper to taste

Step-by-step instructions for cooking fried mushrooms in sour cream sauce:

  1. We clean the mushrooms, rinse them under running water and put them in a saucepan. Boil for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into pieces and brown in a preheated pan with butter.
  3. We send boiled mushrooms to the onions and fry everything together for 5 minutes.
  4. Add sour cream and ½ glass of water to the mushrooms, mix. Salt, pepper and mix all the ingredients again.
  5. We continue to simmer under a closed lid over low heat until full readiness... Fried honey mushrooms in sour cream can be served as a side dish or as an "independent" dish. And what a fabulous aroma of mushrooms is beyond words! It remains only to write down the recipe and cook.

How to cook potatoes with mushrooms in a pan - step by step recipe, photo

Delicious aromatic potatoes with mushrooms for lunch or dinner will not leave anyone indifferent - moreover, the dish is easy to prepare. For lovers fried mushrooms you will like our step-by-step recipe with a photo of potatoes with mushrooms, which you can buy in the market in season or pick it yourself in the forest. By using simple recipe your daily menu will become more varied and tastier - we cook mushrooms in a frying pan with the addition of your favorite spices.

List of ingredients for the recipe for fried potatoes with honey agarics:

  • potatoes - 200 gr.
  • red onion - 70 gr.
  • honey mushrooms - 100 gr.
  • lard or bacon - 50 gr.
  • salt and spices to taste
  • greens - for decoration

Potatoes and honey mushrooms fried in a pan - step by step description of the recipe:

  1. We wash the mushrooms and boil in water with the addition of salt.
  2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into pieces or cubes. Chop the onion into strips.
  3. We put a frying pan on the fire and, after heating, fry the pieces of bacon for 1 - 2 minutes. Add mushrooms with potatoes, salt, pepper and continue to cook on high fire... When appears on the potato pieces golden crust, add chopped onion and reduce heat.
  4. We continue to fry until the potatoes are softened, and then bring to readiness - under the lid.
  5. It remains to sprinkle hot potatoes with mushrooms with chopped herbs and invite your family to dinner - bon appetit!

How to cook mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms and potatoes - a recipe on video

Hot soup with mushrooms and potatoes will perfectly satisfy hunger and warm you in the cold season. Having made a stock of frozen mushrooms, you can always treat your family and guests with a plate of flavored mushroom soup. How to make soup from honey agarics and potatoes? Watch the video for the recipe for this wonderful first course.

So, now you know what to cook from honey agaric and how to do it correctly - our step by step recipes with photos and videos are accessible and understandable even for a novice cook. When composing the menu for a festive dinner, the list of possible dishes can include aromatic soup with frozen mushrooms, mushrooms in sour cream or an exquisite salad of mushrooms with chicken. An appetizer with fresh mushrooms and Korean carrots according to our recipe is perfect for preparing for the winter. Fried mushrooms and potatoes in a pan will seem to many to be a simple and everyday dish - after trying our recipe, you will surprise your family and guests with an original combination of the most common ingredients. Happy mushroom dishes!

With the arrival of autumn, the forest presents us with a rich harvest of honey agarics. Great pleasure can be obtained from going into the forest for mushrooms and at the same time collecting a whole basket, and if you're lucky, even a few. After all, this mushroom does not grow one by one, but whole families at once. It is possible to collect several kilograms from literally one tree or stump. As a rule, the whole family takes part in further processing, because it is simply impossible for someone to sort out and cook mushrooms because of their number.

Usage rules

The benefits of mushrooms for our body have been appreciated by almost all cultures for many centuries. These mushrooms fill with vitality and serve as a good helper for the body to resist viral diseases. Honey mushrooms are a source of iron, zinc, complete proteins, vitamin C and phosphorus. Those who are on a diet or are vegetarians include mushrooms in their diet due to their low calorie content.

These mushrooms will not harm the body. It is important not to abuse them and choose only high-quality food. The only thing you shouldn't do:

  • Use for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eat for children under 7 years of age.

How to peel and boil mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are a product that is considered perishable, so after the forest, the first thing to do is to sort them out. How to cook fresh mushrooms for processing correctly:

  • Send all rotten and rotten mushrooms damaged by insects to the trash.
  • Clear forest debris: remove soil, leaves and twigs.
  • If the mushrooms are required for drying, then you need to remove the film under the cap and cut off the lower segment of the leg. For cooking in fresh Soak the mushrooms for an additional hour and then peel the film.

The cleaning process does not take much time and effort, although the mushrooms themselves are small and very fragile. Once the cleaning process is complete, proceed to heat treatment mushrooms. For this you will need:

Oven Baked Mushroom Recipes

There is nothing easier than picking up a basket of mushrooms and preparing them for dinner as a snack or frying them with potatoes. Children asking for a pie is not a problem either. And caviar for the winter for pancakes must be prepared. There are many recipes with honey agarics.

To cook honey mushrooms with onions for a snack, you do not need to have sky-high culinary abilities, because the recipe is very simple:

  • Boil the mushrooms.
  • Cut the onion into rings and fry in a skillet with the addition of butter.
  • Pour mushrooms to the onion, salt and fry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with basil or dill.

Nowadays, every housewife has a multicooker in the kitchen. With its help, you can deliciously cook mushrooms with sour cream. Ingredients:

Cooking instructions:

Arrange in beautiful plates ready meal and sprinkle with herbs on top.

Creamy mushroom soup - a traditional dish French cuisine, which can often be found in cafes and restaurants. But it is not so difficult to prepare it using honey mushrooms at home and indulge yourself with this exquisite taste.

You will need products:

Instructions for making mushroom soup:

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms and onions: delicious recipes

Serve ready-made soup with croutons from white bread or sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs.

There is a great idea of ​​how to cook honey mushrooms deliciously. Combine mushrooms with cheese and dumplings, and then bake them in the oven. For cooking you will need:

Such a dish is not only cooked, but also eaten very quickly.

The most popular and favorite dish, of course, is fried potatoes with mushrooms. In order to cook fresh mushrooms, the hostess will need:

  1. Freshly picked mushrooms (if it's winter, you can use blanks) weighing 500 g
  2. Medium potato tubers - 8-9 pieces.
  3. Onions - 2 pieces.
  4. Sour cream 20% fat - 100-120 m
  5. Butter and vegetable oil for frying.
  6. Greens.
  7. Salt and pepper.

Cooking should be like this:

Champignon kebab recipes

Arrange on plates and garnish with herbs. Add a variety of pickles to taste.

If guests unexpectedly come and you need to quickly set the table, then you can prepare a salad with mushrooms and beans. At the first thought, it seems that such a combination of products is simply unacceptable, but in fact it turns out to be a hearty and tasty dish. Prepare the following ingredients:

Cooking description:

  • Chop the carrots and onion and fry over medium heat until tender.
  • Chop the ham into strips.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  • Put the carrots with onions, ham, cheese into a deep salad bowl, pour a jar of beans there (without liquid) and add the mushrooms.
  • Mix everything well with mayonnaise or sour cream, salt and garnish with herbs.

Arrange on plates and serve to guests.

Often housewives decide to cook risotto with mushrooms, but there are no fresh mushrooms at hand. In this case, the frozen ones will come to the rescue. The recipe is very simple. Step-by-step instruction cooking:

Honey mushrooms are Forest mushrooms, which are quite popular in our latitudes. You can delight yourself with delicious dishes from these mushrooms not only in the autumn season, but also at any time of the year. It is enough to freeze mushrooms for future use in the fall or purchase a frozen product in a store. Such mushrooms will retain all the beneficial properties thanks to the deep freezing method and will delight you with their appearance.

Many people doubt whether it is worth buying such a product, because they do not know how to properly cook frozen mushrooms. Do I need to defrost mushrooms, what and in what ways can be made of them. In fact, there is nothing difficult in working with frozen mushrooms, but they are used in cooking the same dishes as fresh mushrooms.


The most frequent question that culinary experts ask themselves before preparing frozen mushrooms is: is it worth defrosting them?

The answer to this question can be given by knowing the freezing method. Honey mushrooms can be frozen raw and boiled. In the first case, it is imperative to defrost the mushrooms, and a pre-boiled or fried semi-finished product can be immediately used in the cooking process.

If you prepare a dish from raw frozen mushrooms, then after defrosting they also need to be boiled. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Put the mushrooms in a deep dish and put them on the lower shelf of the refrigerator to thaw for 10 hours.
  2. You can also defrost at room temperature, but not at microwave oven so as not to lose a significant part useful properties product.
  3. Thawed mushrooms should be boiled in salted water for 15-20 minutes. Mushrooms are placed only in boiling water.
  4. Boiled frozen mushrooms need to be poured cold water, add a spoonful of salt, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.
  5. Throw the mushrooms in a colander or sieve, let the water drain completely and start cooking.

Defrosted mushrooms need not be boiled before frying or baking, but processed mushrooms will be softer, tastier, retain the unique mushroom aroma and cook faster.

What to cook?

If there is a package of frozen mushrooms in the freezer, you can not be afraid of the arrival of unexpected guests. Many dishes are prepared from this product, honey mushrooms are combined with big amount additional ingredients by combining and combining different products you can cook anything from appetizers and salads to pies and main courses. Frozen mushrooms are boiled, fried, stewed and pickled, in general, they prepare the same dishes as from fresh mushrooms.

Fried honey mushrooms

Frying is the easiest and most delicious way to cook frozen mushrooms. You can pre-boil them, then the mushrooms will be softer and more aromatic, or toss them into the pan without preprocessing... Mushrooms are fried in butter and vegetable oil with onions and garlic, sometimes sour cream, potatoes and other vegetables are added.

First meal

Frozen mushrooms are very tasty aromatic soups, borscht, broths and hodgepodge. Even without adding meat, the first dishes from these mushrooms come out very rich and satisfying.

Potatoes, onions, carrots are added to the mushroom soup, Bell pepper, celery, cereals or noodles. The added at the end of cooking will give a special smell and taste fresh herbs... Even vegetarian borscht is prepared from honey agarics. mushroom broth... And if you want something more satisfying, you can cook a thick meat hodgepodge with mushrooms and olives.

You can cook such dishes on the stove or in a multicooker.

Main dishes

Due to their structure, mushrooms very quickly saturate the body. Therefore, they are used to prepare hearty main courses with and without meat.

Stew with honey agarics and vegetables is cooked in a pan by frying all the ingredients - onions, peppers, potatoes and other vegetables. The dish is brought to readiness in the oven, baking for 40 minutes. You can also add grilled pieces of pork, beef, or chicken to your stew.

Stuffed with such mushrooms meat rolls, potato zrazy, casseroles, prepare julienne and dishes in pots from them.


Boiled and finely chopped honey mushrooms are used as a filling in pies, pancakes, pizza, puffs and others. flour products... The filling of finely chopped honey mushrooms stewed with onions in sour cream will be especially tasty.

Salads and snacks

Boiled or fried mushrooms can be added to salads, and the most delicious snacks are obtained from pickled frozen mushrooms. It is very simple to prepare them. Pour the mushrooms with water, bring to a boil, drain the water. Pour boiling water over mushrooms, 1 glass of boiling water for 1 kg of mushrooms. Add to the broth Bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, salt and sugar. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. Add vinegar at the end of cooking.

Also ideal as a snack mushroom caviar... Defrost mushrooms, boil, grind in a meat grinder, mix with fried onions, season with spices.


With frozen mushrooms, you can cook delicious scrambled eggs or omelet. It is faster to do this with boiled frozen mushrooms. They can be immediately sent to a skillet with butter, fry for 10 minutes, pour in eggs and fry until tender. You can add onions, cheese, tomatoes and bell peppers.

Cooking secrets

In order to properly cook frozen mushrooms without harming your health and without spoiling the food, you need to know some tricks:

  • defrosted mushrooms cannot be re-frozen and stored in the refrigerator;
  • thawed mushrooms need to be sniffed, they should have a pleasant mushroom aroma. If the smell is sour and unpleasant, the mushrooms are not suitable for consumption;
  • store frozen mushrooms in the freezer for 1 year;
  • in a slow cooker, frozen mushrooms are boiled in the "Steam" mode for 25 minutes.

Recipe: fried mushrooms with potatoes

The simplest and most delicious frozen honey mushroom dish is fried mushrooms with potatoes. Every housewife should be able to cook it.


  • 400 grams of frozen mushrooms;
  • 400 grams of potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • frying oil (butter + vegetable);
  • greens;
  • seasonings to taste.


  1. For such a dish, it is better to take mushrooms, boiled or fried before freezing. They do not need to be defrosted, but can be immediately sent to the pan.
  2. Untreated frozen mushrooms are first thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After they can be pre-boiled for 10 minutes, so honey mushrooms will be softer and tastier.
  3. Chop the onion small cubes or in thin half rings and fry until transparent in a mixture of oils.
  4. Rinse the mushrooms, chop and add to the onion. Fry until all liquid has evaporated.
  5. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin strips or slices, add to the mushrooms, stir and cook over medium heat, covered, until the potatoes are soft. Finally add spices, salt and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

From frozen honey mushrooms, you can cook many tasty and healthy dishes that your whole family will be happy with!

Fans of quiet hunting, especially beginners, are interested in the question: what to do with mushrooms after harvesting, how to collect them correctly, process them, what delicious to cook from mushrooms and, if there are a lot of them, how to preserve the product until next season. Simple Tips will help you to fully enjoy the result of active rest and tasty food for the family.

Honey mushrooms - where do they grow and when to collect?

Newcomers who find themselves in the forest for the first time are overcome by a feeling of confusion, which is much easier to cope with, having mastered the basic information about mushrooms. Knowing how to collect mushrooms, you will be able to save time when processing them, and save yourself from the need to sort out the mushroom mass once again and cut off the excess.

  1. Honey mushrooms live up to their name and grow on old stumps or very rarely on old trees or at their base.
  2. This mushroom species is common in deciduous forests and practically does not occur in conifers.
  3. When collecting mushrooms, preference should be given to medium-sized young specimens, cutting them off together with the legs, a little higher from the mycelium.
  4. In large overgrown mushrooms, only the caps are tasty, and the legs are tough and slightly rubbery in taste.

How to clean honey mushrooms correctly?

Having collected full baskets of generous gifts of the forest, and having reached home with a feeling of pleasant fatigue, all that remains is to process the mushroom abundance. I always want to do this with minimal effort and knowledge of how to clean mushrooms will quickly help to cope with the task in the best possible way.

  1. If the mushrooms have been picked correctly, cleaning will not take long. It remains only to sort out the mushroom mass, removing, if available, spoiled or wormy specimens.
  2. Collecting honey mushrooms in a hurry, often remain on the legs of the parts of the mycelium that need to be cut off.
  3. Certain types of honey agaric have scales on the caps, which it is advisable to scrape with a knife or wipe off with napkins.
  4. As a rule, honey mushrooms do not require a special approach when cleaning, and their processing for the most part will depend on their further purpose. For example, the cleanest mushrooms without sand and debris are selected for freezing and, if possible, they are not washed, but simply wiped off with a paper towel. It is better to rinse the mushroom mass with soil particles and other contaminants in water and drain.

How to cook fresh mushrooms?

It is preferable to process honey mushrooms on the first day after harvest. Keeping them fresh is allowed no more than two days. Before salting, pickling or adding to dishes, forest mushrooms are pre-boiled.

  1. Sort out and wash the mushroom mass, leave in a colander to drain.
  2. Boil water by adding a tablespoon of salt to two liters of liquid.
  3. Prepared mushrooms are laid, the contents of the pan are allowed to boil again, removing the foam.
  4. How long to cook honey mushrooms depends on the size and degree of maturity of the mushrooms. A sign of readiness will be the lowering of the mushroom mass to the bottom. As a rule, cooking takes about half an hour.

What can be done with mushrooms?

Having figured out what to do with the mushrooms after harvesting, and having properly prepared them for further preparation, you can start executing recipes for getting delicious snacks or independent dishes. Popular versions of the use of honey agaric in cooking or preparing them for future use will help to use the product as efficiently as possible.

  1. Recipes with honey agarics may involve boiling them, followed by stewing, frying, as well as preparing them for future use in the form of pickled appetizers or caviar.
  2. Multicomponent dishes with mushrooms, where mushrooms are combined with vegetables or meat, will delight you with excellent taste and nutritional characteristics, a stunning rich aroma.
  3. Recipes with honey agarics for the winter include long-term sterilization of the blanks, which can then be hermetically sealed. Without sterilization, the vessels can be stored in the cold under loose lids.

How to pickle honey mushrooms for the winter with vinegar?

With vinegar, it will allow you to save your favorite mushrooms until next season and provide for the family delicious snack... A set of spices can be compiled based on individual preferences, adding new piquant ingredients to taste or replacing the proposed ones.


  • honey mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar - 1/3 cup;
  • laurel, allspice, cloves, garlic, vegetable oil.


  1. Honey mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, washed, allowed to drain.
  2. Boil water with the addition of salt, sugar, spices and herbs.
  3. Pour in vinegar, lay mushrooms and cook for 30 minutes.
  4. Put the mushroom mass with marinade in jars, sterilize them for 20 minutes, seal, wrap up warmly until it cools.

How to dry honey mushrooms?

Magnificent winter harvesting will become. They can be used for cooking first courses, added to salads, and other culinary compositions. You just need to soak the product for a few hours, then boil until fully cooked for 30 minutes.

  1. It is not advisable to wash the mushrooms before drying, but only to wipe them with napkins or paper towels.
  2. Mushrooms can be strung on strings and dried in good weather in natural conditions in the attic or under a shed.
  3. Similar ligaments are dried in dry ventilated warm rooms.
  4. More modern way drying honey agaric - the use of an electric dryer. Mushroom specimens are laid out on pallets and dried at a temperature of 50 degrees until the moisture evaporates.
  5. You can dry the mushrooms in the oven: mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in a device preheated to 60 degrees for 4-7 hours. In this case, the door should be slightly open.

How to freeze honey mushrooms for the winter?

Studying what can be done with mushrooms after harvest, many are attracted by the recommendations for freezing the product. In the presence of free space in the refrigerator and a catastrophic lack of time, this preparation method is one of the highest priority. How to freeze fresh mushrooms for the winter, in the following paragraphs:

  1. It is advisable not to wash the mushrooms, but simply wipe them with a towel or napkins, and brush off the debris or a few sand with a brush.
  2. Honey mushrooms are laid out in one layer in a chamber, frozen, and then poured into a bag for storage and final freezing.
  3. You can also freeze already boiled or fried mushrooms by placing them in portioned bags or containers.

How to cook honey mushroom soup?

Which will be described later, you can cook exclusively with vegetables or add cereals to the composition, pasta... The hotter will be tasty and nutritious if you take meat broth, and when serving, put boiled meat cut into medium-sized slices into plates.


  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • water or broth - 2 l;
  • potatoes - 4-6 pcs.;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • laurel, peppercorns, salt, herbs - to taste;
  • oil - 40 g.


  1. Honey mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, put on a sieve, transferred to boiling broth.
  2. Potato cubes are added, and after 10 minutes of cooking, sautéed onions and carrots are introduced.
  3. Season hot to taste, cook for 10 minutes, serve with herbs and, if desired, sour cream.

How to fry honey mushrooms with onions?

Recipes with fresh mushrooms are performed without preliminary boiling only if you are confident in the quality of the mushrooms and their ecological purity. If you have such a product, you can fry it with the addition of onions and sour cream. Amazing rich taste and amazing aroma of the dish deserves the highest praise.


  • honey mushrooms - 800 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. Prepared mushrooms are placed in a frying pan, poured with a glass of water and allowed to simmer under the lid for 20 minutes.
  2. Open the lid, evaporate the moisture.
  3. Add oil, chopped onion, fry the ingredients until blush, stir in sour cream.
  4. Season honey mushrooms fried with onions and sour cream to taste with salt, pepper, herbs, warm up for a minute and let it brew a little.

How to fry honey mushrooms with potatoes?

A timeless classic that does not lose popularity over time -. The taste of the culinary composition, even without additional seasonings and spicy additives, pleases with inimitable harmony. Often, the composition is supplemented with onions, and finely chopped garlic can be added for piquancy at the end of frying.


  • honey mushrooms - 800 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • oil - 100 ml.


  1. Honey mushrooms are boiled until tender, discarded in a colander.
  2. Brown onions in oil, add mushrooms, evaporate moisture.
  3. Lay peeled and small-sized potatoes and fry the ingredients, stirring occasionally.
  4. The honey agaric potatoes are ready when the vegetable slices are soft.

Fried mushroom salad

If you want to cook a salad with mushrooms, chicken with honey agarics is a win-win combination. Supplementing the ingredients with chopped or grated cheese, nuts, finely chopped garlic and seasoning with mayonnaise, you will be able to get a great snack, which will not take the last place in the festive menu. If desired, the dish can be arranged in layers, covering each with a mayonnaise net, and then left to soak for several hours.


  • honey mushrooms - 700 g;
  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • nuts - an incomplete glass;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, mayonnaise, oil.


  1. Boil until tender, and then fry in honey mushrooms.
  2. Boiled chicken is finely chopped, added to mushrooms.
  3. Cheese, nuts, garlic are also sent there.
  4. Season the salad with salt, pepper, mayonnaise, mix, let it brew.

Pasta with honey agarics

An exquisite dish for home meal with or without will. Additional spicy taste add dried or fresh basil, a pinch of Italian or Provencal herbs to the meal. No less popular is the version with garlic, which is added at the final stage of cooking.


  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • pasta - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • processed and hard cheese - 150 g each;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • curry, salt, pepper, oil, herbs.


  1. Fried separately chopped chicken and pre-boiled mushrooms with onions.
  2. Combine meat and mushroom frying, add cream, processed cheese.
  3. Season the sauce to taste, stew for 5 minutes, stir in the grated hard cheese and boiled pasta.
  4. The dish is served immediately, laid out on warm plates and seasoned with herbs.

Honey mushroom caviar with garlic - recipe

Caviar from honey agarics with garlic can be prepared from substandard specimens, cut off legs or mature mushrooms that are of little use for other dishes and preparations. The resulting appetizer is a great addition to a slice of fresh bread, a filling ingredient in baked goods, or an addition to other dishes.


  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 200 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. Honey mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, after which they are fried in oil with the addition of onions.
  2. Separately, grated carrots are seasoned in oil.
  3. Combine mushrooms with onions, carrots and garlic in a blender, chop.
  4. Salt caviar, pepper, mix, let it brew a little.

Julienne with honey agarics - recipe

Julienne with honey agarics - a dish for holiday menu, which can be pampered by the family on weekdays. The delicious rich taste of a delicacy with French roots cannot be spoiled, especially if you choose high-quality natural cheese for the recipe, homemade sour cream... When serving, decorate the dish with herbs.


  • mushrooms - 1.2 kg;
  • onions - 300 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • cream cheese - 200 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. Fry the onion in oil, add flour, sauté for 2 minutes.
  2. Lay mushrooms, sour cream, pre-boiled until cooked, mix and warm up a little.
  3. Spread the mass over oiled cocotte makers, sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes.

Honey mushroom pie - recipe

The following recipe is for those who like to pamper themselves homemade cakes... In this case, boiled and then fried mushrooms are used as a filling. The mushroom mass can, if desired, be supplemented with onions sautéed in butter, and instead of shortcrust pastry prepared from the specified ingredients, take the finished puff pastry.