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Fried pies with yeast peas. Pea pies: recipes

Pea filling

By nesushi.net
Serving size: 500 gr
Unfortunately, minced peas are not often used in home culinary practice. But in fact, in taste, health and satiety, it can compete with the most popular fillings for pies and pancakes. The filling is not only tasty, it also looks bright and appetizing. If someone didn’t even have to try pies with peas, make sure to cook for yourself, most likely you will like it. Cooking is not difficult, and only the process of boiling peas takes time, in which you can calmly do other things. Peas are so rich in taste by themselves that the composition of the filling ingredients looks rather modest - 2. The filling will be enough for stuffing 20 pieces of pies.

Dry shelled peas - 1 glass with a mountain
onions - ½ head
vegetable oil for sautéing onions
salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How we do:

We look through the peas, remove weeds and non-standard grains, rinse with cold water. For split peas, unlike beans, soaking is not required.
Fill the peas with cold water. We take water 2.5 times more than the mass of peas.
Bring the peas to a boil, remove the foam, then reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook with periodic stirring until the peas are almost completely boiled. Cooking will take 1 - 1.5 hours. There will be at least twice as many finished peas as raw peas. For more better taste When cooking peas, you can add aromatic roots - parsley or celery, which are then removed or wiped.
Cooked peas - 3 - this is almost mashed potatoes with individual inclusions of peas that have retained their shape. The pea mass can, if you wish, additionally wipe until completely homogeneous, but this is usually not done. Peas that have retained their shape are easy to chew and add a pleasant texture to the filling.
Peel the onions, wash, chop finely and sauté in vegetable oil until light brown.
Combine the sautéed onions with mashed peas, salt and pepper to taste, mix - the filling is ready.

The pea filling is extraordinarily good for making homemade fried pies. Traditionally, such hot pies were sprinkled with garlic infusion before being eaten with appetite (garlic was pounded, slightly diluted with water or vegetable oil and infused for a short time). We remember from childhood, so we often repeat it for our own pleasure. In our opinion, it is tastier than with potatoes and surprisingly satisfying, almost like with meat, although the filling contains vegetable protein, not animal protein.

One more delicious combination for the pea filling - stuff it with spinach green pancakes - what looks and tastes just a miracle. You should try this :-)

In addition to onions, it is practiced to add finely chopped fried bacon to the pea filling (fresh lard), smoked loin or brisket, mix with stewed cabbage in a 1: 1 ratio. All this is also very appetizing, we recommend.

: As I remember now, we are going with our girlfriends from school, and there are aunts with large pans, covered with waffle, white towels. And the scent is like that. Liver patties, with rice / meat, green onions / eggs, with jam. For every taste. But I take it with peas. Mmmm ...

Yesterday we talked with our girls about pies and many have never even heard that pies are made with peas. And for me it is so usual. But I was extremely surprised by such a filling as pumpkin.

Well, I won't talk a lot. I will fry pies with peas. Let's get started.

I put the peas to boil in salted water. This is the usual one, like we take for soup.

It should cook very well with us, mashed potatoes.

We take on the dough. This is my favorite for fried pies, although I also use it for baking samsa with meat in the oven (it turns out very soft).

Usually I knead by eye, but then I remembered how much and what I added to tell you:

3 tbsp sour cream with a slide (I have store sour cream, thick),

1 egg,

0.5 tsp salt

slightly less than 0.5 tsp. soda (you can baking powder, I didn't have it, I usually use it),

1 tbsp rast. oils.

Flour about 2 glasses (add or add as appropriate).

Knead the dough and let it rest in the refrigerator for about an hour. Just while the peas are boiling and the onions are fried (we will add the onions to the peas).

All is ready.

Filling: peas with fried onions. You can add pepper to taste.

We take out the chilled dough. If it sticks a little to your hands, it doesn't matter. Sprinkle a little flour on the table.

We make pies. Long and narrow, like sausages (it was their shape that bribed me).

We fry on a hot rast. oil. Here's what happens:

Bon Appetit. I'm already chewing ... mmmmmmm. The dough, you can not imagine softer. I left half of it, bake samsa in the evening.


Pea patties

Recipe fromalisia : Today I cooked my favorites fried pies with pea filling. I already gave this recipe and many people fell in love with it, I want to remind the recipe, to those who have not prepared them yet, do not miss your chance to feed your relatives with delicious things!

I prepared the dough for pies exactly according to the recipe, the changes were only in replacing milk with whey (warm). You can completely replace one with another, I give it to your personal choice. The result is gorgeous, fluffy and very airy cakes with creamy, very tasty and fragrant filling, from pea puree.


450 (+/-) ml. flour
1.1 / 2 tsp dry yeast
250 ml. warm milk
30 gr. soft butter
1.1 / 2 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp salt

Mix warm milk with sugar and yeast. Stir until dissolved, add salt and soft butter.

Gradually add the sifted flour, stirring clockwise with a wooden spoon.

When the dough begins to roll onto the spoon, we begin to knead with our hands, gradually adding the rest of the flour until the dough becomes plastic and almost sticks to our hands.

Form a bun, sprinkle it with flour, put it in a large bowl and cover with foil. Leave for 2-3 hours in a warm place to increase.

Divide the matched dough into 5 bars, each divided into 5 equal parts.
We will have 25 medium sized patties.

Knead each piece into a cake, put 1 tbsp. minced meat ( pea mash/ or other filling). We seal up the pie well and lay it out with the seam down on the towel.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat (oil is needed for the pie to float in it). We heat until evenly hot, the oil should not boil !!!

Fry pies on both sides until golden brown. We take out the excess oil and put it on a napkin towel.

Pies are best served warm and freshly fried. They can be heated in the oven the next day, for those who love with a pleasant crunch. Or in the microwave for a couple of seconds, for those who want soft ones.

Pea filling

Boil the peas in a little water, or chicken broth, until completely softened.
When the peas have become soft add spices to taste, salt, pepper, who like toasted onions until golden brown.
Grind everything with a blender until a thick puree mass, and leave to cool completely.

Puree l better cook the day before making the pies , I recommend to cook it by soaking in cold water, in the evening. And in the morning, put it to cook, when the peas become soft, season it to taste with salt / pepper / spices and grind the mass into a homogeneous blender. It will be like a thick cream soup, do not be afraid that the mass is liquid, let the cream boil over low heat, and then pour into a container (it is better not to cover with anything to prevent condensation from forming on the lid). Cool the mass until warm and refrigerate until completely cooled. It will harden and harden there, become dense and homogeneous, it will be easy to spread it with a spoon in the form of filling in pies, it will NOT be liquid!

And after frying with a bite of the pie, it will be a pleasant creamy mass.

* The filling can be any of those that you like in fried pies.

Fry the pies over medium heat, in well-heated oil, they should float in it like in deep fat, this will give you an even color and excellent frying on both sides. When taking out from the butter, do not forget to shake off the butter pies by placing them in a plate lined with a napkin. Let the patties cool until warm and enjoy their taste!

Delicious pies with pea filling

Ever tried pea pies? This is delicious! Lenten homemade yeast dough, pea filling with onions, slightly sweet taste due to smearing hot pies with syrup and bright pungent taste and the aroma of garlic sprinkled on baked goods. Everything about them is delicious.

The recipe is simple!


for 12 pies

  1. Peas (regular split, shelled) - 1 glass;
  2. Onions - 2 heads;
  3. Flour - 600 g;
  4. Compressed natural yeast - 25 g (or 1 sachet of dry French, weight 10-11 g);
  5. Warm water - 200 ml;
  6. Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  7. Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  8. Parsley - 2-3 branches;
  9. Salt;
  10. Freshly ground pepper.

Cooking method

Boil the peas for the filling

  • Rinse the peas, add water 3 cm above the peas level. Cook over low heat, skimming off the foam.
  • Finely chop the onion. Put half the onion in the peas. Cook for about 40 minutes. At the very end of cooking, salt and pepper (if you salt at the beginning, the peas will cook for a very long time). Crush in mashed potatoes and add the remaining fresh onion.

While the peas are boiling, make the dough

  • Grind yeast with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt, pour in warm water. Sift flour, add half and knead batter... Leave on for 30 minutes to come up.
  • When the volume of the dough doubles, pour in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, add the remaining flour and knead the dough. Sprinkle with flour (so as not to stale), cover with a towel or plastic wrap and leave for another 30-40 minutes to come up.

Make pies

  • Lubricate hands and work surface with vegetable oil. Divide the finished dough into 12 pieces and form into balls. Roll the balls into flat cakes. Place the pea filling on each tortilla. Pinch the edges.
  • Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour and line the patties with the seam side down. Preheat oven to 190 degrees, bake for about 40 minutes.
  • Chop the parsley and garlic (finely). Sugar (2 tablespoons) diluted with 2 tablespoons hot water... Grease ready-made hot cakes with this syrup. Sprinkle with garlic and parsley.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious homemade pies with peas

Delicious, hearty and juicy pea pies!


  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Active dry yeast - 1 sachet
  • Sugar - 25 grams
  • Flour - 500 grams
  • Salt - 7 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml

For filling:

  • Peas - 1 glass
  • Onions - 100 grams
  • Bacon - 100 grams
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Greens - 2 branches

Pies with peas are a dish known since the times of the Soviet Union. Then pea pies were served in factory and student canteens and sold for 5 kopecks. The demand for such simple baked goods was great, because the dish was not only tasty, but also satisfying.

In addition, thanks to the addition of peas, such pies are a complete snack and a whole dinner. After all, peas are more than 20% rich in protein, B vitamins, amino acids and microelements. Therefore, pea pies are an optimal dish for both athletes and children or veteterians. And here's how to cook healthy and delicious pies, consider in the proposed recipe.

How to make dough?

Cooking pies with peas should start with creating a dough. You can choose any base option: puff pastry, yeast or yeast-free, with kefir, yogurt or beer. Our recipe involves making a simple yeast dough.

  1. To do this, you must first prepare the four main components of the dough: water, sugar, yeast and flour.
  2. Warm up the water in microwave oven to a temperature not higher than 40 degrees.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve.
  4. Then add yeast, sugar and 50 grams of flour to warm water.
  5. Stir the prepared dough and send to a warm place for 30 minutes.
  6. After half an hour, pour the rest of the flour into the boiling dough in parts.
  7. Add salt and egg. Knead an elastic, elastic and tough dough with your hands or in a bread maker.
  8. Leave the yeast base on the pea patties in a warm place for 90-120 minutes, until it at least doubles.

Lean dough recipe

Pea pies are also a great baking option during fasting. But in this case, you need to slightly modify the ingredients of the dish, namely, replace the egg sunflower oil... The baking recipe is as follows:

  1. Add yeast and sugar to warm water.
  2. Leave the dough for 15-30 minutes, while the yeast "revives" and foams.
  3. At the same time, it is necessary to sift the flour into a deep bowl. Pour the dough into a bowl with flour and stir.
  4. Pour salt on top and pour in 60 ml of sunflower oil.
  5. Knead the dough with your hands. It will turn out yeast base soft and should not stick to hands and work surface (bowl).
  6. After kneading, put the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 60 minutes.
  7. For this you can use a multicooker in the "Dough" mode.

Pea pies made from ready-made puff pastry

But the easiest way to make pies with peas is to buy a ready-made one in the store. puff base for baking.

  1. Remove such dough from the package and defrost completely.
  2. Then divide the dough into layers. Roll out each layer 0.5 - 1 cm thick.
  3. Cut the prepared layers into small rectangles according to the size of the pies.
  4. Put the filling on the bottom half of the workpiece, fasten the edges and press with a fork.
  5. Such puffs can be baked in the oven at 210 degrees for 20 minutes.
  6. Or you can fry the pies in a pan with the addition of a significant amount of oil (the oil should occupy ½ part of the pan's height). Fry puff pastry on both sides until a ruddy and golden hue is obtained.

Pea filling

It is better to prepare the filling in advance, as on heat treatment peas will take a significant amount of time.

  1. First, the peas need to be rinsed with running water.
  2. Secondly, put the peas in a bowl, add water and leave for 6 hours (preferably overnight).
  3. During this time, the peas will completely absorb water and swell well.
  4. Then you need to boil the peas. To do this, pour the swollen peas into a saucepan and add water. Set the pot with peas on fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Next, you need to remove the resulting foam. Continue simmering the peas for 60 minutes until the peas are tender.
  5. Throw the boiled peas in a colander and interrupt with a blender or mixer, mash with a fork or crush with a crush until mushy. Season the filling with salt to taste. The base for the pea filling is ready.

You can dilute the taste of pea porridge by fried onions with carrots, bacon, boiled eggs or greens.

Forming pies

Divide the finished dough into 20 parts. Roll each piece of dough into a ball the size of a small apple. Next, roll the blanks with a rolling pin into a round cake. Then add the filling in the middle of the cake and pinch the edges. After that, it is necessary to give the semi-finished products an oval shape and lay out on a floured surface.

Frying pies in a pan

Put prepared semi-finished products in a frying pan with boiling vegetable oil. It is necessary to place the workpieces in the pan in several pieces, since they significantly increase in volume during frying.

Fry the pies at first for 2 minutes with the lid open for high fire... Then close the skillet lid, reduce heat and steam the pies for another 5 minutes. Turn the semi-finished products over with a wooden spatula and repeat the procedure. Pan-fried pea pies are ready. All that remains is to place the baked goods on paper napkins to remove excess fat.

Serve pies as an independent dish, complementing with sour cream, herbs and garlic. And you can present pies as an appetizer for soup, borscht and cabbage soup.

Pea-filled patties are nutritious, hearty dish which you can easily prepare yourself at home. Although such pies cannot be called dietary, sometimes it is quite possible to indulge yourself with these sweets. The dough is prepared by universal recipe, so if there is not enough pea filling, you can make salty and sweet pastries from the remaining dough.

The recipe for fried pies traditionally includes yeast. To make 20 medium dough patties, you need the following ingredients:

  • 400 grams of warm water (milk, kefir, yogurt);
  • 600 grams of wheat flour;
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil;
  • fresh pressed yeast (20 grams);
  • a teaspoon of salt.

For the filling you will need:

  • dry split peas - 300 grams;
  • - 1 large onion;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

After all the ingredients for future pies are prepared, you can proceed to the direct preparation.


Prepare pea filling in advance. Peas are poured into a saucepan and washed several times with running water. This is necessary in order to wash off dust, dirt, excess starch from the cereals. After washing, the peas are poured with water so that it completely covers the cereal and left for 4 hours, or even better overnight, to swell.

After swelling, the water is drained from the peas, washed again and poured again with drinking water. A saucepan with peas is put on low heat and cooked until the peas turn into porridge. You can use a pressure or double boiler to make pea porridge. They cook the peas much faster.

At this time, you need to cook refried carrots and onions. To do this, peel vegetables, chop the onion small cubes, carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, and then everything is fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. Do not forget to add salt and pepper overcooking. Put fried onions and carrots in the cooked puree, mix.

The filling for the pea patties is ready, now it is left to cool. If desired, if you want to make the filling smooth and tender, you can beat it with a blender.


Put yeast in a saucepan, pour it with warm (40-50 degrees) water, add granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly until the yeast and sugar are completely dissolved. You can add warm milk, yogurt, kefir.

Sift flour into a separate bowl through a fine sieve to enrich it with oxygen. Yeast mass is poured into the center of the sifted flour in a thin stream. Vegetable oil is added. Stirring the mass first with a spoon, and then with your hands, add flour if necessary, knead an elastic, soft dough.

Now it's time to let the dough come up. To do this, form a ball from it, trying not to crush the dough with your hands too much, otherwise the pies will turn out too hard.

The dough should be soft and not sticky to your hands. The more tender it is, the more fluffy and airy the cakes will turn out.

The kneaded dough is placed in a bowl, covered with a towel and left to ferment in a warm place. After a couple of hours, the dough will increase in volume, then you can proceed to the direct sculpting of pies with peas.

Cooking pies

Sprinkle the work surface with flour and spread the dough on it. Now it needs to be divided into small pieces, about the size of a small chicken egg.

Each piece is rolled into a thin cake. The filling is placed closer to one side of the cake, and the other side is covered, the edges are pinched. It is necessary to crush the pie a little, distributing the filling evenly along its entire length. Then the pies will be fried faster and better. In this way, all the other pies are sculpted. Before cooking, you need to let them stand "rest", rise a little more.

Take a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, pour it into it a large number of vegetable oil, warm it well and carefully put the pies. Fry them until full readiness on both sides. The resulting ruddy treats are laid out on paper towels so that they absorb the excess oil.

In a few minutes, hot, aromatic, fried pies with delicious pea filling can be served at the table.

But for gourmets, the recipe for pies with peas can be diversified by preparing a delicious sour cream and garlic sauce... To do this, 5-6 cloves of garlic are passed through a meat grinder or press, a glass of sour cream and finely chopped greens are added to it, salt, pepper, everything is thoroughly mixed. The sauce is ready. Fried pea pies can be served with the sauce.

Cooking options for delicious pies with pea filling

Fried pies turn out to be much fatter than baked ones, because they absorb a lot of oil. Paper towels help to partially get rid of excess oil, but still, people who have problems with the digestive tract are better off giving preference to baked pies.

Pies with peas in the oven are prepared according to the same recipe as fried. Before baking, they are greased with egg yolk and sprinkled with garlic oil (in half a glass of any vegetable oil, you need to add a few finely chopped cloves of garlic and leave for several hours). Pies are baked at 180 degrees for half an hour. Times vary depending on the capabilities of the oven.

The aroma from the baked pies in garlic sauce the kitchen will be such that all the household will count the minutes until the moment when it will be possible to taste the most aromatic pastries. Ready baked goods you need to let it stand under a towel ("breathe"), and then serve.

You can also use a yeast-free version of the pea pies. In this case, kefir and an egg are added to the recipe instead of water and yeast. Such pies are lush and light.

Secrets for Housewives

Skillful and experienced hostesses, who prefer pea pies, are often baked or fried, give some valuable tips for preparing a delicious dish:

  1. Peas for the filling should be yellow, not green. It boils down faster.
  2. If the peas are not split, but whole, then they must be peeled before soaking. To do this, after soaking it is rubbed with makitra, and then put in a pan with water (all the husks should float up).
  3. You can add refried cracklings, bacon slices, or smoked sausage... From this, the aroma and taste of the pies will increase several times.

Delicious, hearty, aromatic pies with peas, fried in a pan or baked in the oven, are perfect as a main course, and they also go well with soups and broths. Great a budget option for any company!

Old recipe pea pies - video