Home / Biscuits / Show how the dough is placed in various shapes. How to shape yeast dough buns and pies

Show how the dough is placed in various shapes. How to shape yeast dough buns and pies

We learn to sculpt pies beautifully: open, closed, for frying in a pan and in the oven.

For a long time, yeast dough was considered a whole art and was treated with extreme caution. The recipes were passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters, but in fact, in the preparation of delicious yeast dough there is nothing difficult, and you should not be afraid of it. In this article, we will tell you how to make yeast dough for pies, as well as how to sculpt them.

Recipe for a delicious and budget yeast dough

There are many recipes for yeast dough on the Internet, which contain many ingredients that not everyone can afford today. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the simplest dough preparation, which is actively used in schools and kindergartens.


  • Flour 1 kg;
  • Pack of pressed or dry yeast;
  • Water 0.4 l;
  • Lean oil 150 gr;
  • Egg 1 pc (it is possible without it, if desired);
  • Salt 1 tsp;
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons


  • We dissolve the yeast - knead it with sugar and salt (dry with the addition of water). Let stand for 5 minutes;
  • Sift flour (2/3 parts) and add warm water, knead;
  • Add yeast to flour and mix thoroughly;
  • We put in a warm place for 20 minutes;
  • Mix, add 50 grams of butter and an egg, mix again and send again to a warm place;
  • After 20 minutes, add the remaining flour and mix thoroughly in a bowl;
  • Add 80 g of butter and knead again;
  • We make pies, dipping our hands in butter.

According to this recipe, the dough is airy and tender. Perfect dough for making savory pies.

How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for the oven: step-by-step instructions with a photo

There are just tons of ways to sculpt pretty pies. It is worth noting that puff pastry pies can be sculpted in all sorts of shapes, but yeast pies more concise and simple, since this type of dough tends to rise, and the pattern may be distorted at the same time.

The most common way to sculpt pies:

  • Cut off a palm-sized piece;
  • We form a circle from the dough;
  • We put the filling in the middle;
  • We fold the two sides and sculpt as in the photo;
  • It can be folded both up and down seams, as you like;
  • Lubricate the pies with butter or an egg and set to bake.

This method is suitable for both puff and yeast dough:

  • Cut off a palm-sized piece of dough;
  • We roll it into a circle;
  • We make four cuts as in the photo;
  • We put on the filling and start wrapping the corners as in the photo;
  • The last circle - we close the edges so that the "rose" does not break up;
  • Lubricate with butter or yolk (optional) and sprinkle with sesame seeds;
  • We set to bake.

And this method is as simple as ordinary pies, but looks more unusual and fresh:

  • Roll out the circle again;
  • Put the filling in the middle;
  • On one side, fold the dough and connect to the middle;
  • On the second side, we connect the dough so that a seam of 3 lines forming a triangle is formed;
  • Grease with butter or egg and set to bake.

How to properly sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry stuffed for frying in a pan: step-by-step instructions with a photo

For cooking, you need dough and filling.

Work process:

  • Cut the dough into equal pieces (the size depends on the desired size of the pie;
  • We form a circle and put the filling inside (half of the area of ​​the pie is occupied by the filling;
  • We tighten the edges and sculpt the pie as in the photo;
  • Turn the pie over with the seam down;
  • Let it lie down while the rest of the pies are added to the pan and put it out.

Fried pies are prepared with both savory and sweet fillings.

How to sculpt pies with hard filling - potatoes, cabbage, meat, apples: tips

In order for the pies to be tasty, it is important to prepare not only the dough, but also delicious filling... We have prepared a list of basic pie fillings.

Filling with potatoes:

  • Boil peeled potatoes;
  • Warm up with milk and butter;
  • Add freshly chopped herbs and stir.

If desired, you can also add fried minced meat.

Filling with brisket and potatoes:

  • Boil potatoes and make lush mashed potatoes;
  • We cut chicken breast into cubes and fry in sunflower oil until cooked;
  • We cut the greens;
  • We mix all the ingredients.

Filling with cabbage:

  • Shred cabbage;
  • Shred the onion;
  • Rub the carrots;
  • We send everything to the pan and fry for 5 minutes;
  • Add tomato paste with water, sugar, salt, Bay leaf, pepper;
  • Simmer until tender, so that the cabbage is dry and soft.

Filling with meat:

  • Boil the egg and grate;
  • Boil potatoes and grate;
  • Chop the meat as finely as possible and fry over low heat until tender;
  • We mix all the ingredients.

Filling with apples:

  • Grate an apple;
  • Put on a pie;
  • Shake it off with sugar and immediately fill up the juice until the apple has started up.

How to sculpt pies with a liquid filling - jam, jam: tips

Sometimes there is only liquid filling. How to cook it so that it does not leak out and ruin the whole dish. We have prepared some tips:

  • For 2 cups of jam, a pack of gelatin powder: mix, let stand for 15 minutes and mix again. The filling is ready;
  • Per glass liquid filling add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, mix. You can also add starch or semolina;
  • Make from a white bun breadcrumbs and pour 2 tablespoons into a glass of liquid filling, mix.

How beautiful to sculpt triangular pies?

We wrote about how to mold a triangular pie earlier. Now we will tell you how to sculpt a beautiful even pie for beginners:

  • Roll out the dough and squeeze the circle out with a bowl;
  • With a knife, thinly outline three lines - a triangle;
  • We lay down the filling and make a fold along the lines - we connect.

Round pies turn out to be very beautiful and through the hole at the top you can see a delicious filling, which can be either meat or sweet.

  • We form circles and fill 70% of the surface with filling;
  • We bend the edges one by one and pinch them as in the photo;
  • When you go all the way around the perimeter, correct where it is sloppy and immediately send it to bake or fry.

Another way to chicly sculpt pies is with a pigtail. For this, a circle is formed (rolled out) and cuts are made on both sides. Then it remains only to put the filling or even a sausage and twist it as in the photo with a pigtail.

How beautiful to sculpt small pies?

In order to beautifully sculpt small pies, there are a few tips:

  • For the filling - a teaspoon:
  • Roll out twice as thin as usual;
  • Squeeze out even circles with a glass.

In all other respects, the sculpting process is identical and varied.

Video: How to beautifully sculpt open pies?

From the finished puff pastry so many beautiful, varied products can be invented, cut or molded, which is simply amazing. I made a selection of recipes for puffs that I have already made. All these puffs are on the site in the form detailed photos recipes, so if you especially like something and want to look closer and cook - use the links to recipes!

Puff corners, triangles

The easiest way to seal the puff is to place the filling in the center of the dough square, fold it in half diagonally and pinch the edges. It turns out a corner. They can be made sweet and savory, with cheese, with cottage cheese, with eggs and herbs, with berries and fruits.

How to make a flaky envelope

With a square made of dough, you can do this: wrap all 4 corners to the center and pinch so that they do not open. You will get a nice "envelope", which is good with apples, cottage cheese and raisins filling.

How to make croissants

The croissant is shaped like a bagel. So we take a triangular strip of dough, put the filling on the wide part and roll it up. Please note: the shape of croissants depends on the width and length of the strip, they turn out to be different!

How to make puff tubes

If the previous puffs can be molded with a knife and hands, then special molds in the form of metal cones are needed for the tubes. On them narrow strips of puff pastry are wound slightly overlapping. Molds need to be lubricated sunflower oil so that the tubes can be easily removed.

How to make volovany - puff pastry nests

Now let's move on to the more complex shapes. Baking looks very original in the form of puff nests, in which you can put various fillings- from red caviar and fried mushrooms to strawberries with cream.
To make nests, we cut out a pair of circles from the dough - with a glass, for example. And then in half of them we cut out the middle with a smaller glass.

Place the baked rings on top of the circles, gluing them together with cream, butter or mayonnaise, and fill the "nests" with the filling. Depending on the filling, you get an unusual snack or pastry for tea.

How to make an original puff pastry shape

And also try to make "woliki" - they look very unusual. In rectangles made of dough, make small cuts in a checkerboard pattern vertically - to the middle of the piece, leave the other half of the rectangle intact. Place the filling on it, then cover with the openwork half on top, stretch slightly, and pinch the edges. "Vuliki" are named so for their resemblance to a honeycomb, and they work especially well with a bright fruit filling of cherries, apricots, pumpkin with sugar and cinnamon.

How to make a flaky scallop

It is very easy to form just such a nice scallop puff with a filling, for example, of chocolate.

Of course, there is no consensus, they say, sculpt pies can only be this way and not otherwise. You can wrap the pie so that it is oval, triangular, square. You can roll a pie into a snail, into a tube, make a pigtail, etc.

Pie sculpting is not based on how skillfully you handle dough configuration changes. Initially, it will not be correct to train with curling / folding, but with the correct kneading of the dough. Precisely what will then allow to mold the perfect pies.

Mixing rules:

  • The main thing is to make a moderately steep dough. It is necessary that it does not stick to your hands, nothing more. There is a joke of the pastry chefs - if you get your hands dirty while kneading the dough, you did something wrong. First, you pour the required amount of flour in a slide, make a hole inside and pour the individual ingredients into it. And only then knead.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, smear your hands vegetable oil.
  • Even the strictest instructions often warn you not to cook the dough in a bad mood. Oddly enough, even culinary pros talk about the importance of this point. So - cook with pleasure and pleasure.

Each housewife adapts the methods of how to wrap pies, as they say, for herself. You can consider the sculpting of pies using the example of a specific recipe.


  • Yeast - 30 g;
  • Flour - ½ kg;
  • Rast. butter - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Egg of chickens. - 1 PC.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • A pinch of salt.

Modeling pies step by step

So, you start making yeast dough pies. Pies are also made from puff pastry, but nevertheless the yeast pie is the most beautiful and delicious.

Cooking steps:

  1. Heat the milk a little, add sugar to it. Add yeast there, stir well.
  2. Sift the flour onto a plank or bowl. Make a slide out of flour, in the center of which is a depression.
  3. Pour in milk with dissolved yeast, leave to ferment for 20 minutes. During this time, the mass will rise and be covered with bubbles.
  4. Then add the butter, beat the egg and salt. Start kneading flour from the center to the edges. This can be done with a wooden spatula.
  5. You will get a soft mass that you need to knead well with your hands, then beat it against the table, shape it in the form of a ball, and then sculpt the pies.

Usually pies are made with filling - meat, cheese, sweet, vegetable, etc. You can also make triangular pies - you first make a round cake, in which you put the filling, and on three sides of the circle you need to twist the dough to the center.

How beautifully wrapped buns with sugar

Sculpting buns also requires some skill. Before frying or baking, you can make a small cuts out of the dough into a sausage. Roll the sausage into a ring, you get such a beautiful wheel.

You can mold the dough and according to the principle of brushwood. Cut the dough into rectangles, make an incision in the middle, into which one of the edges of the rectangle is threaded by the tip.

Inspiration can come right along the way. You can form birds, leaves, roses, accordion, etc. from the dough. Experiment, and buns and pies from an unusual type will be even tastier.

Modeling pies step by step with a photo

Sometimes you really want to improve your own culinary skills and get a unique dish that will appeal to all family members. The hostesses place a special emphasis on desserts that are popular with both adults and children. It is much easier to go to the nearest pastry shop and buy a treat for tea. But you can also make beautiful buns yourself.

Baking yeast buns

Wrapping, like finishing, requires a careful approach. You cannot twist stripes from the text at random. To decorate them beautifully, you need to be smart. Experienced chef it is possible to give an unusual and attractive shape to products in a matter of seconds.

Not everyone can bake their own twisted buns with original patterns. But in reality, special skill is not required here. It is enough to follow each step of the recipe to achieve an effect that amazes everyone. The shape of the buns will be perfect. Ingredients are as follows:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • packaging of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 25 g yeast.

One more chicken yolk and 30 ml of milk will be required to grease the rolls. If you intend to mold curly buns, you must study how to properly wrap them. The work is performed as follows:

This is followed by the formation of buns. The recipe for making dough for rolls is the same, but you can give them a shape different ways... Each recipe has its own characteristics, so you should not deviate from the algorithm of actions.

Nothing pleases the eye like beautiful pastries... There are different ways of folding the dough for pies, rolls with filling. Even people who do not have much experience in cooking, for example, enjoy sculpting an intricate figure such as a rose.


This type of bun is very popular. Finished products look very appetizing. How give a beautiful shape:

The surface of the dough is greased with a mixture and sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar, poppy seeds. During molding, the products are given a clear shape; this can be done using special devices.

Heart and butterfly baked goods

Most of the time, kids like jam buns. Such products will appeal to adults, as well as puff buns. To form such baked goods correctly, you must follow the recommendations for wrapping products.

The dough is divided into parts. Roll out one half in the form of a cake, grease with butter. Pour sugar on top.

Next, you need to roll up the cake and connect the edges of the dough. The resulting roll is cut lengthwise so as to make a heart. It remains only to straighten it. This pattern is suitable for all other types of rolls that you plan to sculpt.

For a butterfly-shaped product, divide the mass of the dough into pieces. Roll out and sprinkle with sugar. A roll is formed, after which it must be twisted into a bundle. Connect the edges in the central part. Cut the roll 1 cm in the center and unfold the butterfly. Her wings should be turned to the sides. After that, the bun with sugar can be considered ready.

Features of baking beautiful rolls

It will be easy for both professionals and beginners to make buns with their own hands. How to wrap them, the step-by-step algorithm of actions will tell you. Dough products can be wrapped in the shape of a figurine. Such a bun will look beautiful.

After the formation of the rolls is completed, you need to send them to bake in a baking sheet. It is necessary to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Baking takes approximately 10 minutes. After that, the temperature mark is reduced to 180 degrees. After that, you do not need to get the buns. You should also hold the products for 20 minutes.

Homemade pastry with filling

The rolls can be made in the shape of beautiful roses. You can often see such items sprinkled with poppy seeds in stores. They prepare as follows:

  • Knead the dough and roll it out.
  • After that, it is divided into equal halves.
  • 1 part is rolled out in the shape of a rectangle so that a not too thin cake is obtained.
  • Grease it with vegetable oil and sprinkle a small amount of poppy on top.
  • Roll out the dough into a roll one more time.
  • Cut into pieces, the width of which should be 10 cm.

After that, it remains to form roses.

Braids and curls

The dough is placed on the table surface, a small amount of flour is poured. Roll out in the form of a rectangular layer. Pour the poppy filling on top and overlap. Cut into transverse strips. There should be 12 strips in total.

Twist them in spirals three times. Roll up in the form of rings. Sugar baked goods will be ready 20 minutes after they are placed in the oven. The temperature in it should be at 200 degrees.

Heart with filling

Small cakes are sculpted, smeared with vegetable oil and sprinkled with sugar. Poppy is also sprinkled on top. You can also use cinnamon, it gives not only refined taste but also a good flavor. Roll the dough into a tube, roll up and cut. Form a heart. After that, the buns are sent for baking. The finished result pleases with its originality and beauty.

Making apple buns

This recipe will require a slightly different set of ingredients. Have to take:

Flour is combined with dry yeast, sugar, salt and mixed. Add vanilla powder and knead the dough. Heat milk and add dry ingredients. A chicken egg is driven in.

Put softened into the resulting mixture butter... Stir with a spoon and continue to knead the dough by hand. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel. The container is left in a warm place for 1 hour. After that, the rolls are formed. For baking apple buns with jam, you can take and fresh apples... To do this, you must first put them out in a skillet for several minutes. The apples must be cored and then cut into slices.

Herringbone braids with jam

The dough is rolled out into a cake and cut into medium-sized squares. The central part is filled with jam. Cut the squares into small pieces on the sides, not reaching the core. In the center, leave a space of 5 cm, spread the jam here. Form a braid.

To make a baked Christmas tree, roll out the dough in the form of a cake, cut into triangles. Each product is cut from 2 sides into fragments, a herringbone is formed. The top of the pastry is greased with a mixture of yolk and milk. Rolls are formed. They are baked well in the oven so that they get a golden hue.

Spirals with jam and roses

Roll out the dough into large layers. Place the filling on top. Complements apple jam raisins. The edges overlap. The finished roll is cut into strips and across. Their width should be 3 cm. About 12 strips will be enough. Roll them up in a spiral shape. Put them, greased with jam, bake on a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

To make a rose out of dough, the apples are first cut into wedges. Boil in water for 5 minutes, add citric acid... Roll out the dough into a layer and cut into strips. All strips are smeared with apple jam, sugar and cinnamon are sprinkled on top.

The strips are placed in the center, after which apple slices are placed on them. The stripes are folded in the shape of a rose with an apple.

Curd products

Few people are able to refuse cottage cheese rolls served with tea. This filling is very popular. You can bake not only sweet rolls. Even salted cottage cheese will be quite appetizing.

Beginners can start with the simplest recipe for cottage cheese envelopes. For this, the dough is divided into squares. The cottage cheese filling is laid out in the center. Roll the corners in the center and bake until tender. There are also more intricate options.

To make roses with cottage cheese, roll out the dough cakes and cut into three parts, but not completely. Place the filling in the center. The edges are wrapped around the filling. Roll up, shape roses.

For people who have some experience in baking, we can recommend recipe curd buns ... To do this, roll out the dough into a rectangle. After that, you need to cut it into squares and put the filling in the center. Notches are also formed in the corners. Roll the dough with filling and push the edges into the holes. The second edge must also be wrapped. Products can be considered finished. All that remains is to send them to the oven.

How sometimes you want to improve your culinary skills and make a unique dish that will conquer the whole family. Of course, housewives put a special emphasis on desserts, due to the fact that both children and adults love sweets.

It is much easier to go to the nearest pastry shop and buy a treat for tea, but it is more interesting and better to bake delicious pastries at home on your own.

Buns will be an excellent addition to tea. Cooking is not at all complicated, the main thing is to decorate the dish beautifully. Not everyone can bake twisted buns with woven patterns.

But in this article, you can learn how to do beautiful buns very simple. These will be braids with patterns, from which everyone will be delighted.

Each recipe is supplemented with steps, this will help you more easily figure out what are the ways to form buns and how to implement them in practice.

Do not be afraid that you will not succeed in forming the buns. My recipes are not complicated and the effect will amaze everyone. I suggest you learn the recipes for shaping as soon as possible.

Yeast buns

Components: 100 gr. Sahara; 250 ml of milk; 2 pcs. chickens. yolks; ½ tsp salt; pack vanillin; 100 g sl. oils; 25 gr. yeast; 1 kg of flour; 30 ml of milk; 1 PC. chickens. yolk.

The last 2 ingredients on the list are needed to lubricate the rolls.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I begin to prepare beautiful buns from yeast dough with the preparation of dough for kneading the dough. Warm the milk to room temperature, only then add yeast to it and completely dissolve its composition in it. You also need to enter 2 tbsp. sah. sand, mix. The mixture should be smooth. It is worth entering 1 tbsp into it. flour and stir. Cover the dough with a towel, move it to a warm place, let it stand there for about 15 minutes.
  2. You will not be bored, because it is also worth warming up the sl. oil, let it cool and add 2 pcs. chickens. eggs.
  3. I add sah. sand and mix. It is better to do this with a whisk. I enter the van. powder, salt, sowing flour. It is worth adding the last ingredient in parts to make the dough from the yeast composition fluffy. Using a spoon, I mix the mass, it remains to knead with your hands.
  4. Cover the yeast dough with a towel, let it stand for 40 minutes in a warm place, you can wrap it in foil. During this time, it will become 2 times larger. Next comes the forming of buns.

There will be one recipe for making dough for buns, but I will suggest ways of molding them for consideration a little below. Of course, each recipe for forming buns has its own characteristics, how to sculpt them, and therefore, for convenience, I attached a photo to them.


Scheme of making rolls:

  1. The braid can be large or not. If you make large rolls, then divide the mass of dough into 2.3 parts. Each part of the dough should be kneaded well. After that, divide their dough into 3 bundles and roll them out.
  2. Weave dough bundles in the form of a pigtail. The rest of the braids must be done as well. As you can see, even such forms of buns as braids are easy to roll.
  3. It is worth stirring milk from chickens in a cup. yolk. In this case, beating the mass is not worth it. Just make it smooth.
  4. Brush the surface of the dough with the mixture and cover with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sugar. In general, the sprinkling of the dough is at your own discretion.


This time you need to divide ready dough into parts. Roll out one part of the dough in the form of a cake, smear with sl. oil. Sprinkle the surface of the dough with sugar on top.


  1. Fold the cake into pieces.
  2. I connect the edges of the dough. I cut the roll lengthwise and it turns out a heart, it remains only to straighten it.
  3. This pattern will be the same for other types of rolls that you want to sculpt.



  1. I divide the mass of dough into parts, now it is worth rolling it out and sprinkling with sugar.
  2. It remains to roll up the roll, roll it into a bracket to connect the ends in the center.
  3. I cut the roll 1 cm in the center and unfold the butterfly. The wings should be turned to the sides. That's all, the sugar butterfly bun is ready. Your family will love the rolls.

Baking beautiful rolls

When the process of forming the rolls is completed, you need to put them on a baking sheet to bake. The oven must be preheated to 200 grams. Baking should take about 10 minutes at this temperature setting.

Then change the temperature to 180 grams, but you don't need to take out the buns, because they still need to be baked for about 20 minutes.

On this, the recipes and methods of formation have not come to an end, I still have something to surprise my loyal readers with.

Homemade rolls with filling

Poppy seed rolls can be made in the form of beautiful roses. You have most likely seen similar designs in stores. Look at the photo and you will understand what kind of roses I am talking about.

Interested? Then it's time to learn how to make poppy-filled rose buns at home.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. The finished dough needs to be rolled out, only then I divide it into equal halves.
  2. One of them should be rolled into a rectangle, the cake should not be thin, I grease the rast. butter and sprinkle with the right amount of poppy on top.
  3. Roll out the dough into a roll again. I cut it into pieces, their width will be about 10 cm. It remains only to form the roses.

As you can see, all methods are extremely simple!

Curls and braids


  1. I put the finished dough on the table surface, sprinkle it with flour. I roll out the dough in the form of a layer, it will be rectangular. I pour the poppy filling on it. I overlap the layer. I cut it into strips across. It will turn out to be 12 strips approximately.
  2. I twist all the strips in spirals 3-4 times. I fold in the form of rings. Baking with sugar will be cooked for 20 minutes after baking at 200 gr. in the oven. But this is not all the ways and forms for delicious rolls.

Filled hearts


  1. I make small cakes, cover the rast. butter, sugar. I sprinkle poppy seeds. By the way, you can safely cover the dough with cinnamon, it turns out really delicious, and besides, the buns have a cool aroma.
  2. I roll a mass of dough into a tube, roll it up and cut it. I shape a heart. It remains only to send buns to bake. The finished result will delight you with its beauty and originality.

Look at the photo, what kind of sugar buns were formed by me.

Butter buns

Components: 4 tbsp. flour; 1 tbsp dry yeast; 250 ml of milk; 1 PC. chickens. egg; salt; 2 tbsp sah. sand; van. powder; 0.5 pack sl. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Flour with dry yeast, sakh. I mix with sand and salt. I add a van. powder, making a batch.
  2. I heat a little milk and mix with dry ingredients. I drive in chickens. egg there.
  3. Softened sl. I put the oil in the mixture. I stir with a spoon, then I knead the dough by hand.
  4. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel. I leave the bowl in a warm place for 1 hour.

We are engaged in the formation of rolls, their methods are presented below.

Apple Roll Forming Recipes

Apple buns with jam are not only very tasty, but also can be spectacular and beautiful.

Below I presented a recipe with jam, but instead of jam, you can put apples, after stewing them for a couple of minutes in a pan.

But just don't forget to core the apples and cut them into pieces or slices.

Small braids with jam


  1. The dough should be rolled into a cake, cut into medium-sized squares. I fill the center with jam.
  2. I cut the squares into small pieces on the sides. It's not worth getting to the middle. In the center, you still need to leave a space of 5 cm.
  3. I braid the edges into a braid with jam. Forming a braid with jam, as in the photo, is not difficult.



  1. I form 2 sausages from the layer.
  2. I twist them together. Ready. Video to help you at the end of the article.



  1. The dough should be rolled out in the form of a cake. Cut into triangles.
  2. I cut each edge from 2 sides into segments, form Christmas trees.
  3. I smear the upper part of the baking with a mixture of milk and yolk. I shape the rolls. Their shape will be really beautiful. To make them golden, I bake well in the oven.

Spirals with jam


  1. I roll out a large dough layer. I put the filling on it. Add boldly apple filling delicious raisins.
  2. I overlap the edges. I cut the roll transversely into strips. They should be 3 cm wide. About 12 strips should be sufficient.
  3. I fold the strips in the form of spirals. I put the spirals with jam to bake on a baking sheet covered with pre-rast. oil. If you have any questions, you can watch the video to better understand how baked goods are made at home. It will turn out very nicely.


Even apple buns can be made into beautiful shapes.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I cut apples into slices. I boil for 5 minutes in water, add citric acid to them. I roll out the dough into a layer and cut it into strips.
  2. I grease all the strips with apple jam, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.
  3. I put the strips in the center, put the apple slices in half on the strip so that it turns out as it was done in the photo.
  4. I fold the strip in the form of a rose with an apple.

Curd buns

Few people will refuse cottage cheese rolls when they are served for tea. The thing is that the filling with cottage cheese is almost the most popular among lovers of buns.

You can bake not only sweet rolls, even salty cottage cheese will come in handy. But the most interesting thing is that the forms curd buns cannot, nor surprise, look at the photo in person.

If you are interested in this topic, then below I presented a number of interesting recipes.

Envelopes with cottage cheese


  1. I divide the dough into squares. I put cottage cheese filling in the center.
  2. I fold the corners to the center. I bake until tender.

This method is the easiest, as you have already noted. See other methods in the video.

Roses with cottage cheese


  1. I roll out the dough cakes and cut them into 3 parts, but not completely.
  2. I put the filling in the center.
  3. I wrap the edge around the filling. I fold the edges and shape the roses.

Curd buns

It turns out very beautiful curd buns.


  1. I roll out the dough into a rectangle. I cut into squares. I put the filling in the center and make cuts in the corners.
  2. I fold the dough with the filling and insert the edges into the holes.
  3. I wrap the second edge. Done, you can send bake. Each bun will delight you with a beautiful view.

As you can see, even the most plain bun, if you know the secrets of its design, it can become a masterpiece. The design options are very different, and therefore each housewife will be able to find one that suits her, both in terms of the method of preparation and the effect.

Bun forming video

Read other baking recipes on my website, learning how it can be different and effective in design.