Home / Khachapuri / The technology of preparing simple and basic hot dishes and side dishes from vegetables and mushrooms. Presentation: Dishes and side dishes from vegetables Dishes and side dishes from stewed vegetables presentation

The technology of preparing simple and basic hot dishes and side dishes from vegetables and mushrooms. Presentation: Dishes and side dishes from vegetables Dishes and side dishes from stewed vegetables presentation

Lesson topic:"Preparation of dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables. Salads.

Practical work "Cooking vinaigrette."

The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint students with the types of heat treatment of vegetables;

To form skills in cooking dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables;

  • methods of thermal cooking;
  • technology for making vinaigrette from boiled vegetables;

Planned results:

Students must:

  • types of thermal culinary treatment: boiling, poaching, blanching, frying, stewing, sautéing, baking;
  • methods of thermal cooking;
  • make a vinaigrette from boiled vegetables;
  • evaluate the quality and presentation of the finished dish.

Lesson type: combined

Forms of work: Group work, individual work

Technical equipment: Textbook, notebook, computer, technological cards,

For practical work: vegetables for making vinaigrette, cutting board, knife, kitchen utensils.



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Slides captions:

Preparation of dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables. Salads. Technology teacher MBOU secondary school No. 1, Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory Travkina Natalya Viktorovna

Salad is a cold dish consisting of one or more vegetables, as well as in combination with meat, fish, eggs.

The products included in the salad may be raw (radishes, green salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions), boiled (beets, potatoes, carrots), pickled, salted (cucumber, cabbage), and products that have undergone complex and lengthy processing (sausages, smoked fish, canned food).

Technological sequence of preparation of salads from fresh vegetables Primary processing of vegetables Cutting of vegetables. Salad vegetables should be cut evenly. Flavoring. Stir the products carefully so that they do not wrinkle. Laying out in a salad bowl and decoration.

Cutting vegetables to decorate dishes.

Rules for preparing vegetable salads. Fresh vegetable salad should be prepared immediately before serving. All products must undergo primary processing, and some of them must undergo primary and thermal processing. You can not combine warm and cold vegetables, the salad will quickly deteriorate. Vegetables for salads can be prepared in advance (1-2 hours before serving). Dressing and decorating salads should be immediately before serving. You can not cook and store salads in metal utensils. Observe the shelf life of salads in the refrigerator; for unseasoned salads - no more than 12 hours, for dressed - 6 hours.

Safety rules for performing culinary work TB when using an electric stove. 1. Before turning on, check the condition of the power cord. 2. When turning on the stove, insert the plug into the socket sockets until it stops. Do not disconnect the plug by pulling on the cord. 3. For cooking on an electric stove, use only enameled utensils. TB when working with hot liquids. 1. Make sure that when boiling, the contents of the dishes do not spill over the edge. Reduce the heat or turn off the stove if the boil is strong. 2. Take the lids of hot dishes with a towel and open them away from you. 3. Put the pan on and off with a frying pan with a wooden handle.

Types of heat treatment of vegetables Cooking is heating the product in water, broth, milk or steam. Roasting is the heating of a product for hot pan with fat. Baking - roasting the product in the oven. Stewing - the product is first fried, and then poured with sauce and brought to readiness. Boiling - boiled in not in large numbers juice or liquid. Sauteing - the product is lightly fried with and without fat. Blasting - fast scalding or scalding.

Rules for the heat treatment of vegetables Never overcook or overcook food. Roast or boil vegetables first strong fire and then on weak. Vegetables should be dipped in boiling salted water and boiled at a low boil, covered with a lid, so the nutrients are better preserved. When cooking, the water should only cover the vegetables, as too much of it will result in a loss of nutrients. Beets and carrots are boiled without salt, if the vegetables are salted, they acquire an unpleasant taste and take longer to cook. Vegetables for salads are boiled in their skins.

Technological sequence of preparation of vinaigrette Cut the beets into cubes 5 by 5 mm in size, transfer to a salad bowl, add a spoonful of sunflower oil and mix so that other vegetables do not acquire the color of beets. Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cut into cubes 5 by 5 mm, transfer to a salad bowl. onion cut small cubes. Add sauerkraut, beans. Salt to taste, add sunflower oil, mix all the ingredients. Checkout ready meal, put in a salad bowl.

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Presentation on the topic: Fried vegetables

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

Fried vegetables Vegetables are fried in the main way and deep-fried. Cut the vegetables before roasting. Zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplant after cutting breaded in flour. Fry vegetables in the main way with any fats. Prepared vegetables are placed on a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to 140-150 ° C, and fried until cooked and a crispy crust forms.

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Fat take 4-5 times more than vegetables. The dishes are half filled with fat, as it can foam a lot, heat it up to 180-190 ° C and immerse the prepared vegetables. Deep frying time 2-8 min. Fried vegetables are used as an independent dish and as a side dish.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Deep-fried potatoes Potatoes are cut into cubes, straws, slices, cubes, balls, shavings, washed and dried well. Prepared potatoes are placed in hot fat up to 180-190 ° C and fried until golden brown and readiness. The frying time depends on the temperature of the fat and the shape of the cut. Ready potatoes are taken out, allowed to drain fat, sprinkled fine salt and shake. It is impossible to salt the potatoes before frying, as they soak and the fat foams a lot. Potatoes cut into sticks, slices, cubes, balls and deep-fried are called french fries. Potatoes cut into strips are called pai. They use it as an independent dish and as a side dish. When on vacation, put the potatoes on a plate with a paper napkin, decorate with parsley sprigs.

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Swollen potatoes (soufflé) Potatoes are cut into slices 3-4 mm thick, washed and dried. Prepared potatoes are first immersed in fat, heated to 120-130 ° C, and lightly fried so that a golden crust does not form, while a dense film forms on the surface due to starch gelatinization. Then the potatoes are transferred to fat heated to 180-190°C and fried. Potatoes puff up as the moisture inside the pieces turns into steam. The fried potatoes are taken out with a slotted spoon, sprinkled with salt, shaken. Use as an independent dish and as a side dish.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Zucchini fried with boiled potatoes Peeled and grained zucchini cut into slices 0.5-1 cm thick, 2-3 pcs. per serving, breaded in flour mixed with salt, put on a heated baking sheet with fat and fried in the main way until golden brown on both sides, brought to readiness in the oven. , pour over sour cream or milk sauce, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sprinkle with herbs. Fried zucchini can be released without potatoes, in this case, the rate of laying zucchini increases. Sometimes fried zucchini is used as a side dish. They are cut into slices or cubes.

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

cutlets carrots Carrots chopped into strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, put in a deep bowl, add water, broth or milk and butter, simmer until almost cooked. Then they pour semolina while stirring, boil. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 ° C, add raw eggs, salt and mashed cottage cheese, mix everything well. You can cook cutlets without cottage cheese, and replace semolina with thick milk sauce, semolina. The resulting mass is cut into portions, breaded in breadcrumbs, shaped into cutlets. Before vacation, the cutlets are placed on a heated baking sheet with fat, fried on both sides and roasted in the oven. per serving per plate or portion dish poured with butter. Sour cream, milk or sour cream sauce are served separately in a gravy boat.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Potato cutlets Cook first potato mass. To do this, peeled potatoes are boiled, dried, rubbed hot, then cooled to 40-50 ° C, raw eggs are added and mixed well. You can add passivated to the mass onion- 10-15 g, respectively, the greatness of the output of the dish. The resulting mass is cut into portions, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and shaped into cutlets. The prepared semi-finished product is placed on a heated baking sheet with fat, fried on both sides and roasted in an oven. When you leave, put 2 pcs. on a plate or a la carte dish, pour over with butter or add sour cream, onion, mushroom, tomato sauce. Sour cream is served separately.

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

Potato croquettes Hot boiled potatoes wipe, add 1/3 of the flour laid according to the recipe, raw egg yolks, butter and mix. The resulting mass is cut in the form of balls, pears, cylinders (3-4 per serving), breaded in flour, moistened in egg white and breaded in breadcrumbs. Fried croquettes in a large amount of fat (deep-fried). Mushrooms can be added to the mass for croquettes. On vacation, croquettes are placed on a portioned dish or plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley, poured with butter. Separately, in a gravy boat, tomato, mushroom, red sauce with onions and gherkins, and onions are served. Croquettes can be used as a side dish, in which case they are made smaller.

Description of the slide:

List the assortment of dishes from vegetable masses. Draw up a technological sequence for preparing carrot cutlets. Indicate the temperature for frying potatoes depending on the method of frying: main - ..., deep-fried - ..., in the oven - ...? fat, and not cold? Why are potatoes salted at the end of frying, and not at the beginning?

cooking from vegetables and mushrooms


L.V. Turysheva

Vegetable classification

  • Root crops: beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, horseradish, celery, radishes;
  • Cabbage vegetables: white cabbage, red cabbage, Savoy, Brussels, Beijing, kohlrabi;
  • Onion vegetables: onion, green onion
  • Pumpkin vegetables: pumpkin, zucchini, squash, cucumbers,
  • Tomato vegetables: tomatoes (tomatoes), eggplant, capsicum (hot and sweet);
  • Legumes: beans, beans, lentils, green pea
  • Cereals: corn
  • Salad, spicy and spinach vegetables: lettuce, asparagus, artichokes, rhubarb.

Mechanical cooking vegetables

  • Sorting, grading vegetables.
  • washing vegetables
  • cleaning vegetables
  • Slicing vegetables

a-d, f, g - carb knives

e - double-sided cutting spoon

h - crescent

and - noisette

k- kitchen universal

l - scissors to give the product a flat cut

Education in nutrition

  • sources of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, organic acids;
  • fiber and phytoncides contribute to better digestion;
  • pectin substances, turning into pectin, contribute to the removal of toxic substances from the body, incl. radionuclides;
  • contain substances that have an anti-sclerotic effect (especially greens);
  • the content of flavoring, coloring and aromatic substances contributes to increased appetite and a variety of nutrition;
  • in combination with meat, fish increase the biological value of dishes.

  • Depending on the heat treatment, they are divided into
  • boiled,
  • poached,
  • fried,
  • stewed,
  • baked.
  • Released as independent dishes, side dishes.
  • Vacation temperature 65 - 70°С

Heat treatment vegetables

  • Cooking in the main way, steamed, in combi steamers;
  • Admission;
  • Frying in the main way, deep-frying;
  • Extinguishing
  • baking

Dishes and side dishes from boiled vegetables

Rules for cooking vegetables

  • 1. Lay in boiling salted water (except for green peas, beets, carrots).
  • 2. Cook: - with the lid closed: potatoes, carrots (to preserve vitamins); - with the lid open; green beans, peas, spinach leaves, asparagus, artichokes, cabbage (to preserve color).
  • 3. Potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, asparagus are boiled at a low boil, based on a liquid of 0.6 - 0.7 liters per 1 kg of vegetables.
  • 4. Green peas, bean pods, spinach leaves are boiled in a rapidly boiling liquid, in large quantities (3-4 liters per 1 kg of vegetables).
  • 5. Dry potatoes after boiling.
  • 6. dried vegetables for swelling, pour water for 1-3 hours, boil in the same water.
  • !Potatoes and carrots are best steamed.

Potato boiled

  • We clean the prepared potatoes, wash them, lower them into boiling salted water, close the dishes with a lid, bring to a boil and cook at a low boil until tender. Then the water is drained and the potatoes are dried, for this the dishes are covered with a lid and put on a less hot stove for 2-3 minutes. Steamed potatoes have the best taste properties. Boiled potatoes should not be stored, as they quickly darken and impair their taste. Boiled potatoes used as an independent dish and as a side dish
  • Boiled and dried potatoes are wiped very hot (not lower than 75-80 ° C), butter is added, hot (almost boiling) milk is poured in 2-3 doses and thoroughly beaten to a fluffy mass. Whipping the mashed potatoes is a must, although many do not follow this procedure, which leads to a significant decrease in the taste of the mashed potatoes.
  • To delay the curing of mashed potatoes during cooling, when cooking (i.e. in a very hot state), flavor it not only with hot milk (or hot cream) and butter, but also fresh eggs(better only with yolks), and vegetable oil (refined sunflower or olive; from half the amount added butter up to an equal amount). This contributes to the preservation of both the taste and the consistency of the puree.
  • Mashed potatoes are used as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. When serving on the surface of the puree, a pattern is applied with a knife or a spoon and a piece of butter is placed.
  • When rubbing a hot potato, the cells of its tissues remain intact, the paste does not flow out of them and the mashed potatoes do not become sticky. When the potato is cooled, the pectin solidifies, sticks together the cells, the membranes of which are torn when rubbed, the paste flows out and the puree acquires an unpleasant sticky consistency.

Algorithm for preparing potato mass

  • 1. Perform the primary processing of potatoes.
  • 2. Place in boiling salted water.
  • 3. Cook until tender with the lid closed.
  • 4. Drain the decoction.
  • 5. Dry on the edge of the stove for 2-3 minutes.
  • 6. Wipe hot.
  • 7. Cool down to 40-50ºС.
  • 8. Introduce raw eggs, pre-processed.
  • 9. Mix thoroughly.
  • 10. Use for cooking.

boiled cabbage with butter or sauce

  • The head of cabbage is cleaned, washed, the stalk is cut out so that the leaves hold on and do not separate. After that, they are cut into pieces (¼ of a head of cabbage and smaller), placed in a saucepan, poured with boiling salted water, boiled until cooked with the lid open so that the color of the cabbage does not change. Before vacation, cabbage is stored in a hot broth for no more than 30 minutes. Ready cabbage is taken out with a slotted spoon, allowed to drain and watered with cracker sauce. To prepare it, melt part of the butter, fry crushed crackers on it, add salt, pepper, a little diluted citric acid, put the rest of the oil, bring to a boil.

stewed carrots

  • Cut the carrots into cubes or slices, then put in a bowl with a layer of no more than 5 cm and simmer in a small amount of water with the addition of margarine and sugar until tender.
  • Season the stewed carrots with milk sauce and warm.
  • Milk sauce is prepared in the same way as for spinach puree, adding sugar.
  • On vacation, carrots are stacked in a slide and poured with milk sauce.

Vegetables stewed in milk sauce

  • Vegetables are cut into cubes or slices, white cabbage - checkers, cauliflower dismantled into pieces. Separately stewed vegetables with fat, warmed canned green peas are combined with milk or sour cream sauce, sugar, salt are added and boiled for 1-2 minutes. When you leave, you can add butter 5-10 g per serving, changing the output accordingly. In the absence of one or another type of vegetables indicated in the recipe, you can cook a dish from other vegetables, changing their bookmark accordingly.

Rules for frying vegetables

  • Raw fry those vegetables that contain unstable protopectin. Pre-boiled or stewed - those that contain more stable protopectin. 1. Using the basic method of frying and deep-frying, the vegetables are pre-cut 2. Before frying, the vegetables are dried to avoid splattering of fat. H. For deep-frying, a mixture of fats is used: 50% animal, 50% vegetable 4. Frying temperature: basic method 150º - 160º deep fat 170°- 180°. 5. When frying, the dishes are heated to the required temperature. b. Zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant after cutting breaded in flour. 7. Fried vegetables have a beautiful crispy crust.

fried potatoes

  • Potatoes are fried in the main way from raw and boiled potatoes
  • Potatoes are cut into sticks, slices, slices and cubes. Then, so as not to stick to the pan, the pieces are rinsed in cold water and dried with a towel. Fry, stirring, in a hot pan with oil. Salt potatoes after the formation of a golden crust. The layer of potatoes should be no higher than 4-5 cm - the thinner the layer of potatoes, the easier and easier it is to fry. If the potatoes have not reached readiness during frying (this happens when the layer is too thick), then they are fried in the oven.

Deep fried potatoes

  • Potatoes are cut into cubes, straws, cubes, slices. Rinse sliced ​​potatoes before frying cold water and then dried. This contributes to the formation of an even crust and prevents the potato pieces from sticking together during frying, but increases the loss of nutrients. It is impossible to salt the potatoes before frying, as this causes them to soak and absorb fat. The fat is heated to 180-190°C. It should fill the dishes only half of its capacity. The mass of potatoes should be 8-10 times less than fat, but not more than 1:4. After the formation of a golden crust, the potatoes are taken out and a new batch is immersed for frying. Fried potatoes are placed in a colander to drain fat and sprinkled with salt powder.

Fried eggplant

  • Wash the eggplant, cut off the ends, scald, cut into thin slices, salt, roll on both sides in flour and fry in oil. Cut the onion into rings and also fry in oil. Transfer the prepared eggplants to a dish, alternating them with fried onions, and put sour cream, tomato puree into the pan where the eggplants were fried, mix, let it boil and then pour the eggplants with this sauce.

Fried zucchini

  • Zucchini peeled, cut into circles about 0.5 cm thick (seeds are cut out from old zucchini), sprinkled with salt, rolled in flour and fried in very hot frying pans with oil until golden brown. If at the same time some slices of zucchini have not reached readiness, they are fried in an oven. fried zucchini pour over warmed sour cream, or butter, or milk sauce.

Carrot cutlets

  • Peeled, washed and grated carrots, put in a saucepan, add hot milk, a teaspoon of butter, a little sugar (1.5 teaspoons) and simmer over low heat until soft. Then add, stirring, semolina and cook until thickened. Cool the cooked porridge a little, add raw eggs and salt; mix well and cut into cutlets while hot. Roll them in breadcrumbs and fry them in oil. When serving, pour cutlets with butter or sour cream

Potato croquettes

  • Potato croquettes - some fried potato balls, very appetizing, if you follow the recipe exactly, they turn out to be very tasty. I propose four different recipes cooking potato croquettes.
  • I. Boil 600 g of potatoes and mash them. To do this, mash the potatoes by adding 0.5 liters of hot milk and 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter. Cool down mashed potatoes to 50 degrees C, add a raw egg, 20 g of butter, form balls the size of Walnut, dip in egg lezon (a mixture of eggs and water), breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fried until golden brown. Serve hot to fried meat and a bird along with green peas.

Rules for stewing vegetables

  • 1. Stew one or more types of vegetables.
  • 2. Use cutting: straws, cubes, slices.
  • 3. Fry until half cooked or stew.
  • 4. Add sauce or broth or spices.
  • 5. Pumpkin, zucchini are stewed in their own juice.
  • 6. Stew in a container with a closed lid at a low boil.
  • 7. When on vacation, sprinkle with small greens.

Stewed cabbage

  • Chop the peeled cabbage, put in a saucepan, add a tablespoon of oil, 0.5 cups of water or meat broth, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes. Then add the fried onion, tomato paste, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, pepper (peas) and continue simmering until tender - about 10 minutes. When the cabbage is ready, put flour fried with butter in a saucepan, stir and boil. Fresh cabbage can be replaced with sauerkraut, but in this case, you do not need to add vinegar.

Vegetable ragout

  • Potatoes and zucchini are peeled and cut into small cubes, carrots, white cabbage in checkers, turnips in cubes, parsley roots in pieces 2-3 cm long. Cauliflower is divided into inflorescences, onions are chopped, peas are peeled from pods (if young, use pods).
  • Potatoes, zucchini, carrots and onions are fried separately. Cabbage, peas, turnips and parsley roots are not fried.
  • Vegetables are placed in the pan in a certain sequence. First white cabbage. She is poured sour cream sauce, salt. After 10 minutes, put peas, cauliflower and turnips. After another 10 minutes - all the other vegetables. Stew until they become soft. At the end of the stew, a tablespoon of tomato juice and a bundle of parsley leaves are added (then it is removed).
  • While the vegetables are stewing, you need to carefully monitor so that the stew does not burn. If it thickens too much, add a little hot water. Toward the end of the stew, they try to see if there is enough salt. Bay leaf, pepper and other spices are better not to put, it is enough to sprinkle the stew with dill.

Dishes from baked vegetables

Stuffed Peppers

  • Rinse the capsicum, cut the pods in the upper wide part not completely to make caps. (You can also just cut off this part of the pod). Remove the core with seeds through the hole under the lid and fill the pods with minced meat.
  • Minced meat preparation. Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil until transparent, add the carrots grated on a coarse grater and sauté for another 2-3 minutes. Boil rice until half cooked (5-6 minutes), cool. Mix minced meat, prepared rice, browned onions and carrots, black pepper, finely chopped parsley and salt.
  • Pepper pods fill with cooked minced meat and fold vertically in a single layer in a wide pan. Pour the peppers with salted hot water no higher than the edge of the pepper and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes. Pour in at the end of the boil tomato juice or tomato paste and bring to a boil.
  • Stuffed bell peppers are served with sour cream and the sauce in which they were boiled.

stuffed tomatoes

  • Cut off the top of hard tomatoes (10-12 pcs.), Take out the middle with a spoon, salt and leave for a few minutes, then drain the resulting juice.
  • Fill the tomatoes with minced meat, put a piece of butter on them, sprinkle with grated cheese, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven over moderate heat for 15-20 minutes.
  • You can put the tomatoes in a saucepan, add a little broth, oil and simmer on the stove.
  • Put the tomatoes on a hot dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour over with sour cream or tomato sauce.
  • For stuffing tomatoes, you can use various fillings.

Potato roll

  • Prepare minced meat: cut vegetables into strips and simmer until tender. Remove from heat, add salt, raw egg and stir.
  • Peel potatoes, boil, mash hot, add hot milk, raw eggs, salt, melted butter and mix well. Spread the prepared mass in a thin layer (about 2 cm) on a damp cloth, put the minced meat in the middle. Close the edges of the cake tightly, shape into a roll, place seam down on a greased baking sheet. Grease the top of the roll with egg and sour cream, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, drizzle with butter, pierce in several places with a fork and put in a hot oven for 20-30 minutes. Until golden brown.
  • Cut the finished roll into portions, place on a dish and pour with melted butter. Mushroom or milk, sour cream sauce is suitable for the roll.

Vegetable dishes and side dishes

Vegetables are used to prepare side dishes for meat and fish products, as well as independent dishes. The mass of side dishes should be about 150-200 g, independent - at least 200-250 g.

The primary processing of vegetables is carried out in compliance with all the rules of sanitation for plant food raw materials. Damaged, rotten leaves, stems or parts of roots and root crops, peel are removed, washed many times in running cold water.

Dried vegetables are also washed in cold water, poured for 1-2 hours to swell and boiled in the same water so that minerals are not lost. It is advisable to heat green vegetables immediately after the primary one, put frozen vegetables in boiling water without defrosting.

best view steam cooking of vegetables is considered to be steaming, which ensures the safety of all biologically active substances. To do this, a grate with vegetables is placed over a boiling liquid (in a saucepan or cauldron), in which they are cooked until tender.

If cooking is carried out o in water, then it is salted (this does not apply to beets and dried green peas) at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water and the vegetables are covered with water no more than 1 cm. The potato broth is drained after 15–20 minutes of boiling, and the potatoes themselves are steamed.

If boiled vegetables are intended to produce pureed dishes, then they are passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate or rubbed through a sieve, sieve, or other device that promotes homogenization of the product. As a rule, boiled vegetables are wiped half-cooled, potatoes - only hot.

Roasting of vegetables is carried out after their processing by any thermal method: boiling, stewing, frying. Prepared vegetables are cut and, having given them the necessary shape, baked until tender in sour cream or white (milk) sour cream sauce.

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic intestinal diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, in acute infectious diseases, when rubbing vegetables is required to give the necessary shape to the culinary product, semolina is introduced into the resulting puree, and the mass is boiled.

This is how they cook vegetable casseroles, meatballs, soufflé. If you need to cook stuffed dish, then to soften dietary fiber vegetables are also exposed to heat. Minced meat is obtained from stewed vegetables, filled with milk or sour cream sauce. This stuffing is filled with vegetables and baked in the oven.

Thus, stuffed cucumbers, zucchini, turnips, peppers, beets, eggplants, tomatoes, cabbage rolls, cabbage roll, carrot zrazy. – For cooking cutlets, pancakes, zrazy, casseroles, rolls, etc. prepared vegetables and roots are cut into cubes, poached in water or milk until tender.

If, according to the indications, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, then they are passed through a meat grinder, brought to a boil again, semolina is added, boiled for 10 minutes, allowed to cool slightly, an egg, salt are added and knead well. The mass is given the necessary shape and baked or fried. Raw potatoes are cut before frying, washed in a colander with water, allowed to drain and only then fried.

Importance of vegetables in human nutrition

The value of vegetables in nutrition is very high because they are a valuable source of vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, mineral salts, various flavoring substances, without which food becomes tasteless and of little use. The main advantage of vegetables is that various, healthy and delicious food, side dishes and snacks that are easily digestible by the human body and, in addition, contribute to the better absorption of any other food consumed with vegetables.

Vegetables occupy one of the leading places in the diet, and enterprises Catering are obliged to offer consumers the largest possible selection of excellent, deliciously prepared dishes and vegetable side dishes. Individual types of vegetables vary greatly in their merits. For example, potato rich in starch White cabbage - vitamin C, carrot - provitamin A (carotene), beet - sugar. There is very little fat in vegetables, only 0.1 to 0.5%. Of the minerals, we note the potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium contained in vegetables.

Garlic and onion They have a predominantly taste value and are very widely used in cooking. These vegetables, like horseradish and some others, are rich in phytoncides - special bactericidal substances that destroy pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is necessary to use not a monotonous, but a diverse assortment of vegetables for the preparation of vegetable dishes and side dishes.

The cook must take care to preserve as much as possible the nutrients and vitamins found in vegetables. Vitamins are best preserved in fresh, raw vegetables immediately after they are harvested. Therefore, all kinds of salads from raw vegetables: from cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, green onions. Advances in the canning industry make it possible not only to drastically reduce seasonal fluctuations in vegetable consumption, but also make it possible to supply catering establishments with selected, highest quality vegetables at any time of the year, and these vegetables are preserved in such a way that all their nutrients and flavors are almost completely preserved. .

The cook should know that vitamin C is destroyed by prolonged heat treatment of vegetables, contact with atmospheric oxygen and improper storage. When brewed vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht for meat, fish or mushroom broths, vegetables are laid in ready-made boiling broths, and vegetables that boil faster are put only when vegetables that require longer heat treatment are almost ready.

The dishes in which vegetables are boiled must be tightly closed with a lid during the entire cooking time - this makes it difficult for vegetables to come into contact with atmospheric oxygen. Vegetables should not be cooked long before serving, as long-term storage of the finished vegetable dish even on low heat or when it is heated, vitamins are destroyed.

The change food products during heat treatment


At a temperature of 70 C, coagulation (coagulation) of proteins occurs. They lose their ability to retain water (swell), i.e. from hydrophilic they become hydrophobic, while the mass of meat, fish and poultry decreases. The tertiary and secondary structure of protein molecules is partially destroyed, some of the proteins are converted into polypeptide chains, which contributes to their better cleavage by proteases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Proteins, which are in the form of a solution in products, curl up in flakes during cooking and form foam on the surface of the broth. The collagen and elastin of the connective tissue are converted into glutin (gelatin). The total loss of protein during heat treatment ranges from 2 to 7%.

Exceeding the temperature and processing time contributes to the compaction of muscle fibers and the deterioration of the consistency of products, especially those prepared from liver, heart and seafood. With strong heating, starch is destroyed on the surface of the product, and reactions occur between sugars and amino acids with the formation of melanoids, which give the crust a dark color, a specific aroma and taste.

During cooking and frying, meat products lose up to 30–40% of their mass as a result of protein compaction, fat melting, and the transfer of moisture and soluble substances into the environment. The smallest losses are characteristic of breaded products from cutlet mass, since the moisture pressed out by the proteins is retained by the filler (bread), and the breading layer prevents its evaporation from the fried surface.


When heated, the fat from the products is rendered. The nutritional value it decreases due to the breakdown of fatty acids. Thus, the loss of linoleic and arachidonic acids is 20–40%. When cooking, up to 40% of the fat goes into the broth, part of it emulsifies and oxidizes. Under the action of the acids and salts contained in the broth, the emulsified fat is easily decomposed into glycerol and fatty acids, which make the broth cloudy, give it an unpleasant taste and smell. In this regard, the broth should be boiled at a moderate boil, and the fat accumulating on the surface must be periodically removed.

Deep changes in fat occur during roasting. If the temperature of the pan exceeds 180 C, then the fat breaks down with the formation of smoke, while the taste qualities products. Fry food should be at a temperature of 5-10 C below the smoke point.

When frying, the main way fat is lost due to its splashing. This is due to the rapid evaporation of water when fat is heated to more than 100 C. Fat loss during splashing is called waste, and they are significant in fats that contain a lot of water (margarine), as well as when frying moist foods ( raw potatoes, meat, etc.). Overall fat loss is less in breaded products.

The most significant chemical changes in fats occur during deep-frying. As a result of hydrolysis, oxidation and polymerization, harmful compounds accumulate, giving the fat an unpleasant odor and rancid taste. Toxic products of thermal oxidation of fats (aldehydes and ketones) are adsorbed on the surface of the fried products. In addition, fat is contaminated with particles of the product that enters it.

To prevent undesirable changes in fat, fryers are used, in the lower part of which there is a so-called cold zone, where the temperature of the fat is much lower, and the particles of the product that get there do not burn out. To protect deep fat from spoilage, a number of technological methods are used: deep-fryers are periodically filtered, hands and equipment are lubricated with vegetable oil, products intended for deep-frying are not breaded in breadcrumbs.


When starch is heated with a small amount of water, its gelatinization occurs, which begins at a temperature of 55–60 ° C and accelerates with an increase in temperature up to 100 ° C. During the heat treatment of potatoes, starch gelatinization occurs due to the moisture contained in the potato itself.

When baking dough products, starch gelatinizes due to moisture released by coagulated gluten proteins. A similar process occurs when cooking legumes pre-swollen in water. The starch contained in dry products (cereals, pasta) gelatinizes during cooking due to the absorption of environmental moisture, while the mass of the products increases.

Raw starch is not absorbed in the human body, so all starchy foods are eaten after heat treatment. When starch is heated above 110 C without water, starch is decomposed into dextrins, which are soluble in water. Dextrinization occurs on the surface of baked products during the formation of a crust, during sautéing flour, roasting cereals, baking pasta.

Heat treatment promotes the transition of protopectin, which holds plant cells together, into pectin. At the same time, the products acquire a delicate texture and are better absorbed. The following factors influence the rate of conversion of protopectin to pectin:

properties of products: in some, protopectin is less stable (potatoes, fruits), in others it is more stable (legumes, beets, cereals);

cooking temperature: the higher it is, the faster the transformation of protopectin into pectin;

environmental reaction: an acidic environment slows down this process, therefore, when cooking soups, potatoes should not be laid after sauerkraut or other acidic products, and when soaking legumes, they should not be allowed to soure.

Fiber, the main structural component of plant cell walls, changes slightly during heat treatment: it swells and becomes more porous.


Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are well preserved during heat treatment. So, sautéing carrots does not reduce its vitamin value, on the contrary, carotene dissolved in fats is more easily converted into vitamin A. Such stability of carotene allows sautéed vegetables to be stored in fats for a long time, although vitamins are partially destroyed during long-term storage due to exposure to atmospheric oxygen. Water-soluble vitamins of group B are stable when heated in an acidic environment, and in an alkaline and neutral environment they are destroyed by 20–30%, and they partially pass into a decoction. The greatest losses of thiamine and pyridoxine occur during combined heating (quenching, etc.). High preservation with a short heat treatment and a small amount of juice flowing out. Vitamin PP is the most resistant to heating. Vitamin C is most strongly destroyed during heat treatment due to its oxidation with air oxygen, this is facilitated by the following factors:

cooking food with the lid open;

laying food in cold water;

increase in terms of heat treatment and long-term storage hot food on a food warmer;

increasing the contact surface of the product with oxygen (grinding, rubbing).

The acidic environment contributes to the preservation of vitamin C. When cooked, it partially turns into a decoction. When frying potatoes in deep fat, vitamin C is destroyed less than when frying the main way.

Minerals. The maximum loss (25–60%) of minerals (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, etc.) occurs when cooking in a large amount of water due to their transition to a decoction. That is why decoctions from organic vegetables are used to prepare first courses and sauces.

Coloring substances. Chlorophyll of green vegetables during cooking under the action of acids is destroyed with the formation of brown-colored substances. Plum, cherry, black currant anthocyanins, as well as carrot and tomato carotene are resistant to heat treatment. Beet pigments become brown in color, therefore, in order to preserve its bright color, they create an acidic environment and an increased concentration of broth. The meat changes color from bright pink to gray due to changes in hemoglobin.

The maximum loss of nutrients is observed during cooking in the main way compared to other types heat treatment products . The complication of technology (chopping, rubbing raw and boiled foods, stewing) also contributes to the loss of nutrients.

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Topic: " Technological process preparation of complex hot fried foods from vegetables"

Vegetables fried in dough; - Grilled vegetables; - Saute vegetables.

Pakora - are vegetables in dough (battery), fried to a crispy crust and incomparably tender inside. Cauliflower pakoras Pakoras with onions

Vegetable pakoras Cooking method: Sift chickpea flour, add spices, salt and baking powder. Slowly pour in cold water and beat with a whisk until you get a homogeneous dough. cut vegetables, vegetable oil to warm. Dip the vegetables in the batter and put in deep fat. Fry for a few minutes until the pakoras are browned and crispy. Take it out and let the oil drain. Ingredients: chickpea flour 150 g; Kalenji seeds 20 g; ground cinnamon 5 g; ground red pepper 2 g; ground coriander 20 g; ground cumin 15 g; turmeric 5 g; salt 15 g; baking powder 5 g; water 200 ml; chopped vegetables 675 g; vegetable oil 400 g

Sautéed vegetables are fried vegetables that soak up each other's juices and flavors while retaining their individual characteristics. Sauteed vegetables are more fried than stewed. Saute can be called fried on big fire, but in a small amount of oil, vegetables, which are served in a large amount of sauce. The dish got such a strange name from the French word "sauter", which means "to jump".

Sauteed eggplant and zucchini Ingredients: eggplant 300 g; zucchini 300 g; zucchini 300 g; tomatoes 200 g; bell pepper 100 g; carrots 100 g; onion 70 g; garlic 10 g; parsley 8 g; dill 10 g; salt pepper.

Wash vegetables thoroughly and peel. Cut: carrots in half rings, zucchini, zucchini and eggplant, tomatoes, in small pieces or semicircles, onion rings, bell peppers in half rings. Fry the prepared vegetables: a small amount of vegetable oil is poured into a well-heated frying pan, each type of vegetable is fried separately. Carrots - 7-8 minutes, zucchini, zucchini, eggplant - 8 - 10 minutes, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes - 5-6 minutes. To allow excess oil to drain, put the fried pieces of vegetables in a colander on paper towels, and leave in this position for several minutes. As they cook, all the vegetables are transferred to a common pan, at the last stage, tomatoes and herbs are added, along with which you need to salt and pepper the dish to taste. Garlic can be added raw to a ready-made dish. Mix all ingredients gently. Cooking technology:

Saute can be prepared from different vegetables: Sauteed Beans Sauteed Assorted Vegetables

1. Grilled vegetables, as well as vegetable skewers, are a healthy alternative to fried foods. For cooking, you can use a frying pan - grill. 2. Grilled vegetables and vegetable skewers can be served as an appetizer, main course or side dish. From vegetables. 3. Before cooking, vegetables should be washed and dried thoroughly. Small vegetables can be left whole, but large ones can be cut lengthwise or across. 4. Chopped vegetables can be pickled in olive oil mixed with lemon juice for a couple of minutes before cooking. Or vice versa: season ready-made vegetables by adding aromatic herbs and spices to the marinade. 5. Ready vegetables should remain slightly crispy, so they must be turned over and made sure that they do not burn too much. Grilled vegetables, vegetable skewers.

Vegetable skewers. Ingredients: zucchini 300 g; garlic 10 g; champignons 100 g; salt 5 g; onion 80 g; sugar 10 g; sweet peppers of different colors 100 g; eggplant 100 g; cherry tomatoes 80 g; lemon 70; vegetable oil 200 ml.

Wash vegetables thoroughly. Cut the zucchini and eggplant into circles 1 cm thick. Peel the peppers and cut into quarters. Peel the onion and chop coarsely. Mushrooms cut in half. Put eggplant mugs in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry with paper towels. Prepare marinade for vegetables. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Mince the garlic. Mix lemon juice and zest, garlic, sugar, salt, pepper and vegetable oil. Put on fire and quickly bring to a boil. Put all the vegetables in a bowl and pour over the hot marinade. Cover and leave for 1 hour. Thread vegetables onto wooden skewers and grill for 4 minutes each. from each side. Cooking technology:

1. Pakora - served hot, serve sauce separately in a gravy boat, you can decorate with herbs. 2. Ready-made sauté - served in a deep dish, garnished with lettuce or sweet pepper slices. The addition of garlic in a sauté that has not yet cooled down will make the aroma piquant, but this is not for everyone. The peculiarity of the dish is that its taste remains unsurpassed in hot and cold form. In this case, eggplant and zucchini sauté can act as a main dish or an appetizing side dish. 3. Vegetable kebab - in essence, they are classified as exotic options for kebab along with mushroom and fish, it is often called a vegetarian kebab. Such a dish is perfect for serving as a main hot dish, but as a side dish to the same meat kebab, it will be just great. So vegetable kebab will please everyone and at the same time it is also extremely tasty and healthy. Features of design, presentation.