Home / Khachapuri / Butter sponge cake cream. Cooking delicious cream for a biscuit cake - recipes with photos

Butter sponge cake cream. Cooking delicious cream for a biscuit cake - recipes with photos

They are the basis of many amazing desserts. But not the most important one. Taste finished cake directly determined by the cream used and the various fillers.

We offer recipes for making cream for biscuit cakes and as a result, the options are completely different in taste of desserts.

Delicious cream for ready-made biscuit cakes


  • whipping cream with a high percentage of fat - 650 g;
  • oranges;
  • any jam or jam.


To prepare such a cream, we need cream that whips well and turns into a fluffy foam. We will beat them without adding granulated sugar.

We cut the marshmallow into mugs, each time moistening the knife blade cold water... Peel the oranges and chop them with rings.

We coat each cake initially with any jam or jam, lay out a layer of marshmallow circles, coat with whipped cream on top, now a layer orange circles and again the cream. We cover with the second cake and in the same way we repeat all the actions a second time. Then cover with the third crust and decorate the top of the cake to your liking.

Custard recipe for impregnating biscuit cakes


  • milk - 520 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 210 g;
  • wheat flour - 65 g;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g.


Beat eggs with granulated sugar until fluffy. Then add wheat flour and mix with a whisk until the flour lumps are completely dissolved. Then pour in milk, add vanilla sugar, mix and set the dishes with the mass on the fire. We warm the contents, stirring continuously, until thickened, but do not let the cream boil.

When ready, cool the cream completely and use it as directed, smearing it with biscuit cakes to get a cake.

How to prepare cream for biscuit cakes from butter and boiled condensed milk?


  • butter - 190 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 380 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • cognac or madeira - 90 ml.


We take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and let it soften well at room temperature. Then we mix it with vanilla sugar, boiled condensed milk, add brandy or Madeira and beat everything well with a mixer or blender. Cream for biscuit cakes is ready. It can be supplemented with fresh fruit, dried fruit or nuts when assembling the cake.

Sour cream for biscuit cakes with condensed milk


  • sour cream with a fat content of more than 25% - 520 g;
  • condensed milk - 420 g;
  • butter - 120 g.


In a suitable container, mix the condensed milk with butter, set on medium heat, heat, stirring, until boiling and simmer for about seven minutes. Then let the mass cool completely, add sour cream whipped until fluffy and stir until a homogeneous cream is obtained. If desired, you can add vanilla or vanilla sugar to it, and also add pieces of fruit or berries when forming a cake.

Not a single person in the world knows all the cake recipes. And this is not surprising, because the cream for them can be made from the most different products: from butter, cream, sour cream, condensed milk, chocolate, proteins, cottage cheese, berries, nuts. And if there are relatively few basic options for dough for cakes, the fillings for cakes are so diverse that no pastry chef is able to learn their recipes. Moreover, many housewives make their own adjustments to the dish to make it even more delicious and unusual.

Cooking features

The process of preparing the filling for the cake depends entirely on the recipe chosen. It's obvious that custard is done differently than protein or curd. For this reason, there are no common options and principles for making sweet cream. However, every pastry chef needs to know some points related to the choice and preparation of the filling for the cake.

  • Very often, the choice of filling depends on what kind of crust the base of the cake is made of. For biscuit cake butter cream is well suited, for shortbread - creamy sour cream, for puff - butter. Honey cakes usually soaked in sour cream.
  • The choice of filling also depends on the type of cake. Protein cream is used if there is only a base cake and it is not planned to cover it with another cake. The custard will become good choice for a multi-layer cake.
  • If the cream is made under mastic, it should be thick, but not so thick that it is difficult to apply it to the cakes. The main thing is that it does not spread. Most often, fillings for mastic are made on the basis of butter.
  • Whatever recipe for making cake filling you choose, you need to take fresh products for it, especially since in most cases they are not heat-treated.
  • Chicken eggs that you plan to add to the cream should be washed thoroughly so that they do not pose a health hazard. After all, pathogenic microorganisms can be on the surface of the shell, and they can get into the dish if the shell is inadvertently broken.
  • Most often, cake fillings are whipped using a mixer. A blender will work too, but it will be difficult to achieve the desired result with a whisk.

Knowing general principles choosing the filling for the cake and the ingredients for it, you can safely get to work, guided by the instructions accompanying a specific recipe.


  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • yolks chicken eggs- 6 pcs.;
  • milk - 1.2 l;
  • sugar - 250 g

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggs thoroughly and separate the yolks from the whites. You don't need proteins for the custard; you can use them for another dish. In particular, they can be used to make a meringue cake or a protein filling for another cake.
  • Add sugar to the yolks and beat. At this stage, you can use a whisk or even a fork.
  • Pour in the sifted flour, stir to such an extent that no lumps remain.
  • Pour in the milk in a thin stream, whisking the filling constantly.
  • Put the container with the future cream on low heat and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Being careful not to boil, continue cooking until the cream thickens.
  • Cool the cream to room temperature.
  • In a spoon, each time whisking with a mixer, add softened butter to the cream.

After the cream has been applied to the cakes, the cake must be refrigerated so that the filling hardens. This type of cream is the most common. Based on this recipe, a chocolate custard is also prepared. His recipe will differ in that two to three tablespoons of flour are replaced with the same amount of cocoa powder.

Sour cream filling

  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g

Cooking method:

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator beforehand so that it softens when the cake filling is prepared.
  • Grind sugar in a coffee grinder to a powder state.
  • Mix butter with sour cream, add powdered sugar.
  • Beat the cream with a mixer.

V sour cream you can add cocoa powder or berry syrup. In this case, it will acquire a different color and aroma. When adding such ingredients to the sour cream filling, keep in mind that it is well absorbed, so the cakes will also acquire the appropriate shade. After applying sour cream, the cake must be refrigerated for at least an hour.

Curd filling

  • cottage cheese - 0.25 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • heavy cream (for whipping) - 100 ml;
  • boiled water - 100 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • kernels walnuts(optional) - 20-40 g;
  • lemon peel - 3 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Rub the curd through a sieve.
  • Grind the sugar to a powder. This can be done using a coffee grinder.
  • If you choose to use nuts, crush them into pieces and lightly fry in a dry skillet.
  • Pour nuts, icing sugar, vanillin and lemon zest, beat with a mixer.
  • Whisk the cream separately, combine with the curd mass.
  • Dissolve gelatin with water, pour into curd cream, whisk everything together. If desired, at this stage, you can add any berries to your taste to the filling. Large berries, such as strawberries, are recommended to be cut into small pieces before being added to the cream.

The cream must be cooled before use, otherwise it will be too liquid. However, you should not cool it down to the end until it is applied to the cake. Otherwise, the filling may acquire a jelly-like consistency, which makes it difficult to use it for its intended purpose. This is not to say that curd cream is ideal for an interlayer of cakes, it is better to use it as a top layer.

Butter cream

  • heavy cream (for whipping) - 0.25 l;
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • water (boiled, room temperature) - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour gelatin with cool water. When it swells, put on low heat and, stirring, wait until the gelatin has completely cooled. Cool to room temperature.
  • Whip the cream with a whisk or mixer.
  • Continuing to beat, add the powdered sugar in a teaspoon. When it's over, add the vanilla sugar.
  • In small portions, whisking intensively, add the dissolved gelatin into the cream.

Chill the cream slightly until it thickens slightly. After applying the creamy filling, the cake should be refrigerated for several hours. Delicate and airy creamy filling is liked by both children and adults. You can decorate the cake covered with it with fresh berries, pieces of chocolate.

Condensed milk cake filling

  • condensed milk (in cans) - 0.5 l;
  • butter - 0.4 kg;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Jars of condensed milk, without opening them, put on the bottom of a large saucepan and fill with water. The water level should be well above the cans.
  • Put a saucepan with jars on the fire, bring the water in it to a boil. Cook for 2–2.5 hours. Be sure to monitor the water level: if it boils away, the cans may explode.
  • Remove the cans from the water and cool.
  • Crush and fry the nuts in a dry skillet.
  • Soften the oil. It will soften on its own if you take it out of the refrigerator well in advance.
  • Open the cans, pop out of them boiled condensed milk... Add butter and nuts. Beat with a mixer until the cream is evenly textured and uniform in color.

The cream can also be prepared from cooked condensed milk. The above recipe was created when boiled condensed milk was not on sale, but today it has become quite simple to prepare condensed milk cake filling.

Butter cream

  • butter - 0.25 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the oil from the refrigerator to soften it.
  • Wash your eggs. Break them into a bowl.
  • Add sugar and mash eggs with it.
  • Pour in warm milk, whisk the mixture.
  • Put the mixture on water bath and heat until it thickens enough.
  • Whisk the cream by combining the egg mass with softened butter.

Chocolate filling

  • dark chocolate - 0.45 kg;
  • heavy cream - 0.5 l;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Break the chocolate into wedges, put it in a small saucepan with a thick bottom, or in a bowl if you plan to make a cream in a water bath.
  • Melt the chocolate.
  • Pour in cold cream, stir.
  • Refrigerate to room temperature.
  • Whip the chocolate-mixed cream with a whisk or mixer. The latter option is preferable, since it allows you to get a thicker and delicate cream.
  • Add softened butter, beat again. Cool it down.

Chocolate cream can be used both for impregnating cakes and for decorating a cake.

Protein cream

  • chicken egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Fill the sugar with water and put it on the stove. Simmer the thick syrup over low heat. Its readiness can be checked by dropping it on a saucer: if the drop has not spread over the surface, then the syrup is ready and can be removed from the heat.
  • Break cold eggs, separating the whites from the yolks. Add a pinch of salt and whisk the whites into a thick foam.
  • Pour in a thin stream into protein mass warm syrup, all the while continuing to beat the cream with a mixer.

Delicate protein cream works well as the top layer of a cake. Eggs for him can only be taken fresh. Be sure to wash them before using them to avoid contracting a serious infectious disease. If you want to make the cream denser, you can add gelatin to it during cooking, after diluting it in a small amount of water. In this case, the filling is suitable for making the "Bird's milk" cake.

Creamy cheese filling

  • cream cheese- 0.25 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • cognac - 10 ml;
  • orange peel - 20 g;
  • lemon zest - 20 g;
  • icing sugar - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Lemon and orange peel mix with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. If desired, the zest can be grated with fresh citrus fruits.
  • Whisk the cheese into a small but high enough container.
  • Pour cognac to the cheese, add a sweet aromatic mixture. Beat until smooth.

This aromatic filling suitable for making not only ordinary cakes, but also cheesecakes. If desired, chopped nuts or chocolate chips can be added to the cream.

Banana filling

  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • condensed milk - 0.25 l;
  • bananas - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Beat soft butter with a mixer.
  • While whisking, gradually add the condensed milk.
  • Peel the bananas. Grind them separately with a blender or mash with a fork.
  • Connect banana puree with milk and butter. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.

If the cream seemed too liquid, you can pour a little semolina into it and beat again. The cream turns out to be very fragrant, has a pleasant shade. A cake stuffed with banana cream can be garnished with slices of fresh bananas, but this should be done just before the dessert is served.

To give the filling additional shades of taste and aroma, you can add coffee, jam or jam to it, citric acid, orange peel, cinnamon, and other ingredients.

Fillings designed for cakes can just as well be used to fill cakes. Some of the creams can be served as a separate dish, laid out in bowls. In particular, you can do this if you have not calculated and prepared too much filling.

- which one to choose, because there are so many of them? And how to do it for sure ?! We will help you choose and teach you how to cook!

Hello everybody! Those who are just starting to make cakes often ask me: “What kind of cream is suitable for this biscuit? What do you recommend? " So, to make it easier for everyone, I decided to create this article, and to describe here, of course, not everything, but many creams that go well with biscuit cakes.

What should be the cream to "go well" with the biscuit? Based on my experience, I will say: it must be quite stable in order to confidently keep inside. Too liquid cream will run out under the weight of the cakes, especially if they are heavy, well-soaked, or cooked on natural oil, with chocolate, etc. However, the cream for the layer should not be too dense (as for leveling), otherwise it will be dry and, perhaps, not tender enough. The golden mean is what we need!)

All recipes, as always, have been repeatedly checked by me personally, as well as by the readers of the site. They are guaranteed to work. However, the taste of the creams, of course, is different, and I will try to describe the features of each as objectively as possible, so that you can imagine as clearly as possible what you will get, and do right choice... After all, to each his own.

So let's go!

Cream Cheese, or Cheese Cream

There are, roughly speaking, two cream cheese: and. For the filling, inside the cake, I recommend using. better for leveling the cake: in general, both of these creams are stable, but stronger in butter.

Today, cream cheese is one of the most beloved creams by both confectioners and their customers. He's really good. He obediently behaves in cakes, goes well with fruits, berries, caramel, condensed milk and any other additives. Quick and easy to prepare. There are a million proportions. It seems that there are as many proportions as there are confectioners) Those that I use are. But you can put in more cream, as well as play with the amount icing sugar.

If you have never tried cream cheese, then I must warn you: the taste of the cream has a slight salty tint due to the actual cheese from which it is made. Many people really like this taste: salt, as it were, emphasizes the sweetness of everything else, it sounds very piquant) Unusual, surprising, fresh, if you like. But for some it is so unusual that it causes rejection. Therefore, cream cheese has both ardent fans and opponents, those who absolutely do not like it. If you have tried cheesecake, in a cafe or at a party, but real, on cheese, and not on cottage cheese, then the taste of cream cheese will be familiar to you.

As for the cheese. Of course, for cream cheese, not "Russian", not "Poshekhonskiy", not "Yantar" cheese, and not even "Omichka" are used, but cottage cheese like Philadelphia. True, this particular brand cannot be found in Russia today, and confectioners take available analogues: Hochland, Violetta, Kremette, Kaymak, etc. This is not processed cheese! This is curd cheese, cream cheese, that is, without additives like dill, tomatoes, etc. Someone does it with ricotta, but, as for me, this is something else, not cream cheese. Yes, curd cheese from different manufacturers is slightly different from each other in consistency, salinity, color and other characteristics, so you may have to try a few different cheeses to choose the most suitable one for you.

You can also add a few tablespoons of fruit or berry puree, good cocoa powder, melted chocolate, or chocolate chips to a standard cream cheese. You will have a new cream) Do not overdo it: two or three tbsp. l. will be sufficient.

Cream mascarpone

Another wonderful cream, and also based on cheese, however, now it is mascarpone. As you know, its taste is delicate, delicate, extremely creamy. This cheese is not salty, but rather, on the contrary, slightly sweetish, closer to neutral. So with him it turns out to be the most delicate and super creamy! I love it very much and can recommend it with a clear conscience. In the cake, the cream behaves perfectly, especially if you collect the cake in a ring and leave it to stabilize overnight. However, I recommend collecting all the cakes only in a ring and be sure to give time to settle, at least a few hours, or better - overnight.

The main rule for preparing this cream is that cheese and cream should be directly from the refrigerator! Otherwise, the cream may exfoliate. In the same way as in the previous case, you can add fruit- berry puree, the berries themselves or pieces of fruit, various syrups, nuts (better caramelized, they will crunch better), melted chocolate, chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Experiment!

But keep in mind, it is better to slightly boil the mashed potatoes with sugar and cool, and only then add to the cream, so it will be safer and the cream, and with it the cake will acquire a longer shelf life. Raw berries and fruits turn sour inside the cake pretty quickly, so if you put them, then keep in mind that the cake will need to be eaten as soon as it is infused, that is, literally in a few hours! Better yet, put canned fruits or boil fresh ones with sugar for just a few minutes, cool and only then use for the cake.

The proportions and technology of preparation of the cream in pictures -.

Sour cream

Another great cream for your biscuit cakes!

It is very easy to make it, but you need to prepare: there must be sour cream! Only with such sour cream will the cream turn out to be strong, stable and will hold perfectly inside the cake. If you use regular sour cream, unweighted, even high fat (in our stores the maximum is 30%), the cream will be liquid and can only be used for cakes with big amount thin cakes such as or. Such a cream will not stay between biscuit cakes. But on the basis of weighed sour cream, the cream turns out, although tender, but quite suitable for a biscuit cake. Moreover, you remember: you need to collect the cake in a ring and give it time to infuse in the refrigerator for at least several hours. During this time, the cream will get stronger and will not go anywhere.

Cream Sundae

It was under this name that I once found this cream. This is exactly how I remembered, wrote down, tested and later published here. Out of habit. But in fact, a more accurate name is sour cream and custard. Why am I focusing on this? The fact is that, judging from my blogging experience, not everyone resembles an ice cream sundae (and I do not want your expectations to be deceived), which, of course, does not in the least detract from its other merits. And there are really a lot of them! Thanks to the decent amount of butter, the cream is stable enough both for the filling of the cake and for the outer coating. It can be used both for a multi-layer cake like a honey cake and for a biscuit, suitable for both vanilla cakes and chocolate, combined with any additives. The taste of sour cream is quite palpable, as is the taste of butter, so all products should be the highest quality! No spreads, margarines or cheap "butter-like" products, no sour cream products, only natural, fresh ingredients. As much as you can find.

A detailed recipe and cooking technology with a photo -.

Charlotte cream

But this cream is already a real oil. But for oil it is very good! Of course, if you only use quality products and, first of all, real butter, and not margarine or not an incomprehensible product on which butter is written, but in fact it is something creepy with an oil smell.

Charlotte cream - Soviet heritage, it was used in many confectionery those years, for example, in the famous. But you can, of course, use it for other cakes, those that you come up with yourself.

Why is any oil cream attractive? It sets very quickly in the refrigerator, and the cake with it turns out to be strong, which is very good for transporting and creating complex structures, so-called 3D cakes. If you noticed, American and Australian pastry chefs almost always use butter cream for the layer of cakes, albeit another, not Charlotte. Firstly, apparently, they are so tasty, and in general - it is so accepted, and secondly, it is really convenient to work with butter cream: the cake is assembled quickly and even without a ring, it does not have to be insisted, there is practically no shrinkage, it was kept in the refrigerator for an hour and can be leveled.

And he has one minus, but significant: not everyone likes this cream, it is still too greasy. And if we talk specifically about Charlotte, and sweet too. However, according to my observations, lovers of that old, Soviet pastry are simply delighted with it!

Tip: be sure to put in the cognac! Just believe it: it will be much tastier and more aromatic.

Butter cream on Swiss merengue

This cream, of course, is more suitable for flattening cakes, but, as I already wrote, if for some reason you want to use butter cream for the filling of the cake, then you can easily take this one. It tastes like butter cream, and that says it all. However, you can add cocoa powder or berry puree to it, it will be more interesting. And yet, do not neglect cognac, the taste of the cream will benefit greatly from this, and the shelf life so you slightly increase.

Chocolate ganache

One of my favorite creams, if, of course, you can call it that, because the word "filling" is more appropriate. After all, you can fill anything with ganache: cake, cupcakes, pasta cakes and any other cakes, sweets, etc. Ganache can also be used to level the cake. It's all about the proportions, for each type of product and the chocolate itself, they will be different.

I'm already talking about ganache. Although the article was written a long time ago, I still completely agree with it, the main thing is true. But the proportions - I repeat! - will differ depending on what exactly we are preparing. You can generally invent your own, in which the ganache will completely suit you in taste, texture and behavior. The main thing to remember is that the more cream and less chocolate, the less strong the ganache will be. For leveling, a stronger ganache is needed, for the filling, accordingly, a more tender one is suitable.

For example, to at least be guided by something. Inside the cake, I can recommend 1: 1 for milk chocolate, 1: 1.5 (chocolate-cream) for dark and 1.5: 1 for white. This is for relatively dense fillings. In fact, you can take a lot, but significantly less chocolate! Just whisk well then! Then, rather, it will not be ganache already, but cream stabilized with chocolate, they will be tender with a light chocolate taste. Less strong, of course, but very tasty, as I like to say - like melted ice cream. But it all depends on what else you have in the cake, how sweet and dense your cakes are, etc. Therefore, do not take these words for truth, just experiment!) After all, if you set out to invent your own cake, then you need to be ready to samples and to the fact that you will not immediately find your ideal relationships between the components!

Well, and one more piece of advice, or rather a rule: be sure to let the ganache brew in the refrigerator for several hours. So, by the way, you will see how it will be in the cake. If it's too dense, you can add cream and a little butter (it will add plasticity).

That's it for today!)

I think you can already choose from this list cream for sponge cake that suits you!

Merengi, albeit stable, it seems, I do not recommend using for cake filling. Who does not know, this is just a name so interesting, in fact, it is well known to us protein custard... It is still rather dry to be inside the cake, it is good to use it for decoration.

However, there are many more creams that are great for a sponge cake, and I will definitely talk about them in one of my next articles.

Stay with us!) And delicious creativity to you!

The creamy base is the most important part in the preparation of a dessert, because, according to the confectioners themselves, the taste of the cake depends entirely on its impregnation. Today, for a sponge cake, you can choose the simplest, but very delicious recipe cream based on cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, milk and other ingredients. Each of them perfectly complements the taste of a ready-made dessert and has its fans all over the world.

Condensed milk and butter cream - a simple recipe

The simplest, but very delicious cream for a biscuit cake it is butter with the addition of condensed milk. This recipe is suitable not only for soaking biscuits, but also for waffles and cookies.


  • 180 g butter (82.5%);
  • 120 ml of condensed milk;
  • 1 tsp cognac;
  • vanillin optional.


  • For the cream, we take a good quality creamy product, pre-keep it at room temperature so that it softens, and then put it in a mixer bowl and beat for 5 minutes.

  • Pour in condensed milk, brandy and, if desired, add vanillin, turn on the device and bring the mass to homogeneity.

  • Cool the finished cream for 10 minutes, and then use it as directed.

On a note!

It is not necessary to add cognac to the cream, but this drink gives it a pleasant aroma and special taste.

Cream for biscuit with sour cream

Sour cream is often prepared to soak biscuit cakes. It is simple, light, and has a wonderful creamy taste. But not all housewives like this cream, they complain that it turns out to be liquid. You can avoid such an unpleasant moment if you take fatty sour cream, a special thickener or make a cream on weighed sour cream. It is worth dwelling on the last version of the cream in more detail.


  • 800 g sour cream (not less than 20%);
  • 200 g icing sugar.


  • We take a colander, put it on a deep bowl, cover it with gauze, which we put in 4 layers, and lay out the fermented milk product.

  • We tie the gauze with a knot, press down with any load and put it in the cold for 12 hours. Here it is important to ensure that the gauze does not touch the serum that sour cream will release by a millimeter, so we drain it if necessary.

  • After weighing 800 g of 20% sour cream, 500 g of thick fermented milk product, which we put in the mixer bowl, add powdered sugar to it and beat until smooth.

Instead of powdered sugar, you can use regular beet sugar, then the whipping time will increase. V ready-made cream you can put candied fruits, nuts, any fruit - fresh or canned.

Cream is an excellent base for creams, they add to any dessert delicate taste, go well with ice cream, berries, fruits and other various ingredients.


  • 250 ml of cream (from 33%);
  • 70 g icing sugar;
  • 1 tsp gelatin;
  • 6 tsp water.


  • For the cream, we take cream with a fat content of 33% and above. Before sending them to the mixer bowl, shake the bag with the contents well, since during storage the cream separates, the less fatty ones are released downward, and the more fatty ones rise upward.

  • We use the cream that must be chilled, in the cold they should stand for at least 4 hours, and preferably all night.
  • If you are unsure of the quality of the product, you need to cool not only the cream, but also the bowl and whisk for whipping, while the container itself must be absolutely clean and dry.
  • Now whisk the cream first at low speed and then at high speed. If you turn on the device immediately at high power, then the product will exfoliate.
  • Beat until persistent peaks, when the resulting mass does not spread over the bowl, add powdered sugar during whipping.

  • Pour gelatin into a separate bowl, pour in water, stir and let the grains of gelatin swell, then melt in a water bath or in the microwave. The main thing is that gelatin cannot be boiled or overheated, otherwise it will lose its gelling properties.
  • We return to the cream, turn on the mixer and pour in gelatin cooled to room temperature in a thin stream, beat for a minute and turn off the device.
  • The finished cream can be used immediately or left in the cold for some time.

On a note!

Dry or gel dyes can be given butter cream any colour. Gel dyes are added at any stage of the preparation of the cream, and dry dyes are added at the very beginning of whipping it.

Sponge cake curd cream recipes

Recently, many gourmets have conquered curd desserts, because they are not only tasty, but also less nutritious. Curd cream opens up a huge field for imagination for confectioners. You can diversify the taste with candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts and other fillers.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 300 g butter;
  • 300 g icing sugar;
  • 3 drops of vanilla essence.


  • To start curd product we grind through a sieve, this must be done without fail so that the cream turns out to be homogeneous and smooth. If this process seems time-consuming and tedious, then use a blender.

  • Put the softened creamy product in a separate bowl, add powdered sugar to it and add vanilla, beat with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed.
  • Without turning off the device, we introduce cottage cheese in portions and bring the cream to homogeneity.


If the cottage cheese is too dry, then you can add a little fatty sour cream to the cream.

Italian cream cheese "Mascarpone" for many confectioners is the most better basis for cream, because the impregnation turns out to be very delicate and tasty. Today there is different recipes cream with mascarpone: butter, protein, chocolate and even the simplest version with condensed milk. Different fillers can be used for the cream, but the best additions are fresh berries and fruits.


  • 500 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 250 ml cream (33%);
  • 100 g icing sugar.


  • First, we put the cheese in a colander so that all the whey is drained from it.
  • Pour chilled and only heavy cream into a bowl, add cheese to them and add powder.

  • Beat the ingredients until the mass becomes thick, and there are distinct traces on the corollas.

  • As soon as the cream thickens, we stop beating immediately, otherwise the mass will simply exfoliate.


You can diversify the taste of the cream with the help of melted white chocolate... Vanillin, rum or liqueur will add to the cream unusual taste and aroma.

Yogurt-based cream is a simple but delicious recipe that gives any dessert a special tenderness, freshness and lightness. The cream is suitable for a biscuit cake, but more for an interlayer, but for leveling the surface it is better to use other creams, for example, cream or curd.


  • 500 ml cream (33%);
  • 200 ml of yogurt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water.


  1. Pour the pre-chilled cream into a bowl, beat until soft peaks, then add powdered sugar in portions and continue to beat until a fluffy and persistent mass is obtained.
  2. Pour in yogurt, you can take the usual classic or with any taste. We continue to beat until smooth.
  3. To make the cream thick and keep its shape, take gelatin, fill it with water, and as soon as its grains swell, melt and cool the mixture. If the cream is fatty and of good quality, then you can do without gelatin. It is also important not to overdo it with a gelling agent, otherwise you will not get a cream, but a soufflé.
  4. Put a couple of tablespoons of cream in gelatin, stir and send to the total mass, beat again and get a delicious and delicate cream, and so that it thickens and becomes denser, we send it to the cold for 15-20 minutes.

On a note!

Yoghurt cream can be stored for up to a week and can be used for more than just biscuit baking but also for impregnation shortbread cakes, for serving pancakes and pancakes.

Cream Cheese - the perfect biscuit cream

Cream cheese quickly won the hearts of confectioners and simple housewives around the world. Its dense, rich, yet soft and delicate texture makes it easy to work with it. The cream does not flow, it lies flat on the biscuit, which makes it an excellent choice for smoothing surfaces and decorating desserts.


  • 300 g cream cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 80 g icing sugar.


  • Put the creamy product aged at room temperature into the mixer container and beat it for two minutes.

  • Fill in the icing sugar and continue to beat until the mass increases. At this point, you can add aromatic spice- extract or powder.

  • Without stopping whipping, add the chilled cheese and work with the mixer for a couple of minutes.

  • It is not necessary to whip the cream for a long time, even after the cheese has been added, the mass can simply be mixed with a spatula nozzle so that the cream does not exfoliate.


For cream cheese, only creamy curd cheese is suitable, but not processed. Many confectioners recommend buying Violetta, Hochland or Almette cheese.

If you want to make a simple but very tasty cream with creamy taste, but you cannot find heavy cream, then you should use the recipe for Toffee cream. It is great for a sponge cake, as well as cupcakes and other desserts in cups. It goes especially well with chocolate biscuit and nuts. And most importantly, not very heavy cream is needed here, a maximum of 20%.


  • 150 ml cream (10-20%);
  • 250 g dark chocolate;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 300 ml of boiled condensed milk.


  • Break the chocolate into pieces, put it in a bowl, fill it with cream and send it to a water bath.

  • We do not leave the stove, we constantly stir the ingredients and wait for all the chocolate pieces to melt completely.
  • We leave the resulting emulsion to cool, and at this time we take the creamy product, it should be soft, put it in the mixer bowl and beat until whitening at high speed for 6-7 minutes.

  • Without turning off the device, add a spoonful of condensed milk to the whipped butter, the product should be of good quality, without vegetable fats and not cold.

  • Now add the cooled chocolate mixture and beat for 3-4 minutes until fluffy. If bubbles remain on the surface of the cream, then the mass can be passed through a sieve.

  • To make the cream thicker, it must be kept in the cold for at least 2 hours, or better all night.

On a note!

If someone does not like dark chocolate, then you can take milk chocolate, but then the amount of condensed milk must be reduced so that the cream does not taste sugary.

Charlotte cream

Charlotte cream can be called universal and easy to prepare. Thanks to its delicate, elastic and rich texture, it is suitable for sponge cakes and pastries.


  • 300 g butter;
  • 270 g granulated sugar;
  • 195 ml of milk;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • vanillin to taste.


  • Pour the yolks and milk into a bowl, shake with an ordinary whisk, pass the resulting mixture through a fine sieve and pour into a saucepan.

  • Pour granulated sugar into the resulting mixture, send it to the fire, bring the contents of the stewpan to a boil, but only on low heat, otherwise the eggs will simply boil.

  • After boiling, also boil the mixture over low heat until thickened. It is very easy to check whether the cream is ready, we drip a little cream onto the plate, if the drops do not flow and keep their shape, then it can be removed from the heat.

  • Pour the cream mass into a bowl, cover with foil and leave to cool indoors.
  • We take butter, not cold, since at the time of whipping, both the cream and the butter product must be of the same temperature. Beat the butter separately, and then add the cream to it in portions, while the mixer is not turned off.

  • At the end, add vanillin, beat for a couple more seconds and the cream is ready.


Cream "Charlotte" is familiar since Soviet times, when confectioners prepared it strictly according to technological map... Today you can meet different variants its preparation, pastry chefs even learned how to make meringues on the basis of such a cream.

All the proposed recipes for creams are suitable not only for biscuit cake, but for cakes, eclairs, tartlets and other desserts. In many versions, cream is used, which cannot be whipped for a long time, so that it does not curl. But, if this happens, then you should not worry, because just a couple of tablespoons of liquid cold cream will help you get a simple but very tasty cream for any dessert.

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

20 minutes

290 kcal

4.75/5 (4)

You baked airy and fluffy biscuit and can't decide how to lubricate it? I offer you several simple recipes the most delicious sponge cake cream. I hope that among them there is a more suitable option for your taste.

Sponge cake chocolate cream recipe

Bowl mixer.

List of ingredients

Step by step cooking

  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator, cut into small pieces and leave to soften.

  2. Separate the yolks into a container that can be put on fire.

  3. Pour sugar, vanilla and beat until white, homogeneous consistency.

  4. Continuing to beat, gradually add milk.

  5. Sift the cocoa through a sieve and stir well until smooth.

  6. So that the yolks are not felt in the cream, we filter the mass through a sieve.

  7. We put the container on low heat. Bring the mass to the desired thickening, stirring all the time. In order not to cook the yolks, it does not need to be boiled. We get a creamy chocolate-colored mass.

  8. Cover the container with foil to avoid chapping and cool completely.

  9. Beat the soft butter until whitening and smooth.

  10. In several steps, add the chocolate part to the butter.

  11. Add a tablespoon of cognac if desired.

  12. Bring to homogeneity and put in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes.

Now we can lubricate our work with cream, for example.

Video recipe for chocolate cream sponge cake

Chocolate cream is quick and easy to prepare. How to do this, see the video recipe.

Banana cream for sponge cake

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowl, mixer.
  • Servings: one.

List of ingredients

  • 200-250 ml of cream from 33%;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 150-180 g icing sugar.

Step by step cooking

Video recipe for banana sponge cake cream

A step-by-step video will help you quickly make a simple banana cream.

Sponge cake curd cream recipe

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowl, mixer.
  • Servings: one.

List of ingredients

  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g icing sugar;
  • 100-120 ml cream;
  • vanilla.

Step by step cooking

I must say right away that you need to take fatty and coarse cottage cheese. And the best fit curd in briquettes.

Video recipe for cottage cheese cream for a biscuit cake

How to choose products and make curd cream, the recipe will tell you in detail on the video.

Cream for sponge cake from sour cream

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowl, mixer.
  • Servings: one.

List of ingredients

  • 800 g sour cream at least 20%;
  • 150-180 g icing sugar.

Step by step cooking

Sour cream options

Important! All additives are put into the already prepared cream base.

  • Coffee. Add 1-2 tablespoons of dry instant coffee.
  • Banana. Mash one or two ripe bananas with a fork and mix with the cream.
  • Lemon or orange. Rub the zest of lemon or orange on a fine grater. Add to the cream along with one spoonful of squeezed juice.
  • Raspberry or strawberry. Grind the berries through a sieve and mix the resulting puree with cream.
  • Walnut. Dry the nuts in a pan or oven. We grind them into powder with a coffee grinder or blender. Add to the cream.
  • Color. Add dry or liquid to the cream in small portions food coloring and bring to uniformity and the desired shade.
  • Vanilla. Put vanilla powder on the tip of a knife into the cream or pour one or two teaspoons of the extract.

Video recipe for sour cream for a biscuit cake

Watch the video how to make sour cream without the use of a thickener.

There are other recipes that can be made.

Cream for sponge cake with condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowl, mixer, two pots.
  • Servings: one.

List of ingredients

  • 300-400 g of butter;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • 1 b. condensed milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150-180 ml of water.

Step by step cooking

  1. Break the eggs into a saucepan or bowl.

  2. We mix sugar with starch. Add them to the eggs and beat with a whisk or mixer until whitened and the grains dissolve.

  3. We spread the condensed milk from the jar and stir well.

  4. We pour water or milk. Mix again.

  5. Pour water into another saucepan and put on fire. We set our vessel on top. We got a water bath.

  6. Stirring all the time, bring the mass to a state that resembles sour cream.

  7. We move the container from the bath to a bowl of cold water.

  8. Stir with a whisk and cool to room temperature.

    If you just put and do not mix, then lumps will appear, which will then be difficult to break. If this happens, then you will need to strain the mass through a sieve.

  9. Now we introduce the oil. It should be softened. Add butter in small portions to the milk-egg part of the cream and beat all the time.

  10. Everything. We have got a smooth, homogeneous, semi-thick cream.

You can cook in other ways, which are also on our website.

Video recipe for cream for a biscuit cake with condensed milk

The video recipe will help you easily and simply prepare condensed milk cream for your biscuit cake.

  • Sift half the powdered sugar into the butter through a sieve. This will make the cream softer and more airy.

  • Stir first with a spatula or spoon. If you immediately start whisking, then the powder will scatter throughout the kitchen.

  • Beat for about 2-3 minutes.

  • In the same way, introduce the second half of the powder and beat for another 2-3 minutes.

  • Add vanilla extract or dry vanilla. Whisk.

  • Add room temperature milk in two passes. This will make the cream silky.

  • Everything. We can use the cream as it is or embellish it with various flavors.

  • Oil Cream Supplement Options

    • grated berries through a sieve;
    • ripe banana puree;
    • melted and chilled dark chocolate;
    • dry instant coffee;
    • grated lemon or orange peel;
    • food colors and essences.

    Sponge cake butter cream video recipe

    For the easiest way to make butter cream for a sponge cake, see the recipe in the video.

    You can do it just as quickly. And it will give a pleasant sourness lemon cream for the cake.

    If you have your own cream recipes that are suitable for biscuit, share them in the comments. They can be very useful to me and to our site visitors.