Home / Cookies / How to make cheese curd cream for a cake. Cake "Red Velvet" with cheese and butter cream

How to make cheese curd cream for a cake. Cake "Red Velvet" with cheese and butter cream

Creamy curd cheese, reminiscent of fatty cottage cheese rubbed into a paste, was very fond of confectioners and became the basis of many creams. Cake Cream Cheese recipe goes well with biscuit cakes, meringue baked goods and shortcrust pastry.

Do not confuse this product with processed cheese or replace it with cottage cheese, as this is a completely different story. Processed cheese not suitable for making sweet creams, and cottage cheese will leave small grains in the structure, even after grinding through a sieve.

Having prepared cream cheese to flatten a cake or cupcakes, you can not be afraid that it will float even at room temperature. The total cooking time will not be longer than 10-15 minutes, and a student can cope with all the processes. It is only important to choose high-quality ingredients and oil with a fat content of at least 82%.

For one small homemade cake you need to take:

  • 280 g creamy curd cheese;
  • 100 g plums. oils;
  • 80 g icing sugar.


  1. Fold the sifted soft butter into the mixer container icing sugar and curd cream cheese.
  2. Beat all products for 5-7 minutes until smooth. Stabilize for some time in the cold before use.

To prevent the prepared cream from weathering during stabilization in the cold, it can be immediately transferred to a pastry bag and cooled in it.

Cooking with chocolate

Despite the fact that many pastry chefs love this type of filling for its ease of preparation and shape stability, they often bypass its chocolate version. There is a possibility that the chocolate will not color the mass into a uniform color, but will turn into separate drops, but this will not happen if you prepare a chocolate cream cheese according to the following recipe.

List of required ingredients:

  • 300 g creamy curd cheese;
  • 100 g of dark or milk chocolate without fillers;
  • 100 g plums. oils (82.5%);
  • 100 g icing sugar.

The sequence of cooking processes:

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator at least one hour before cooking and cut into cubes until soft enough.
  2. Melt the chocolate until it is liquid. This can be done in microwave oven in short pulses of 20 seconds, in a steam bath or in a freezer bag immersed in hot water.
  3. Beat the creamy butter, liquid chocolate and powdered sugar with a mixer for five minutes. Then add curd cheese to this mass and stir in with a mixer or an ordinary silicone spatula. Soak the cream for half an hour in the cold to stabilize and can be used as directed.

With cream

Cream cheese with cream is more capricious than its cousin with butter. Failure lies in wait for the hostesses at the time of whipping cream. They either do not whip or turn into butter, but those who have mastered this recipe will be able to decorate their cupcakes, fill cakes, layer and smooth the cakes with the most delicate cream.

To make cream cheese with cream you need to take:

  • 400 g cream cheese;
  • 100 ml heavy cream (from 33%);
  • 50 g icing sugar.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cool cream and cheese well. It is preferable that they spend the night in the refrigerator. Degrease the beating bowl and mixer beaters with vodka and put in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and beat with a mixer first at minimum speed until all the ingredients are combined, and then go to maximum speed. After about five minutes, the mass will thicken and acquire a dense, stable structure.

Cream Cheese by Andy Chef

Andrey Rudkov, better known as Andy Chef, offers his own recipe for cream on curd cream cheese for cakes and cupcakes. This cream is able to maintain its shape for a long time even at room temperature. You can add a berry flavor to the finished product by mixing it with a few teaspoons of fresh or frozen strawberry puree (raspberries, blueberries, etc.), without losing stability.

The proportions of the products in the cream:

  • 340 g of curd cream cheese;
  • 115 g plums. oils (fat content not less than 82.5%);
  • 100 g icing sugar;
  • 10 ml vanilla extract.

We cook in the following way:

  1. The technology of whipping the cream itself is simple, but without proper preparation of the products, you can fail. Therefore, on the eve, in the evening, it is necessary to take out butter from the refrigerator and let it come to a soft creamy state at room temperature. Cream cheese, on the other hand, needs to be thoroughly chilled, leaving it on the top shelf of the refrigerator until it is cooked directly.
  2. First, whisk the soft butter together with the powder at the maximum mixer speed for 5-7 minutes. This will give the cream a whiter color and dissolve all the powder grains. Then add the cheese and beat for a while until smooth. Before leveling the cake with cream, it is better to put it in a pastry bag or cover it with foil in contact and let it stand in the refrigerator for a while.

Condensed milk

Another popular creamy combination is creamy curd cream and condensed milk. Since the main ingredient has a rather dense structure, adding condensed milk to it can not only regulate the sweetness of the final product, but also its consistency. Condensed milk can be taken with ordinary or boiled milk.

List of products used:

  • 500 g of curd cream cheese;
  • 100-300 g of condensed (regular or boiled) milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Put cheese and a tablespoon of condensed milk in a bowl. Begin beating the mass with a mixer, adding condensed milk on a spoon.
  2. After bringing the mass to the desired consistency and adjusting its sweetness, you can start decorating the confectionery.

The most budget-friendly way of cooking

As part of this layer, creamy curd cheese is used, which cannot be called a cheap product, especially considering how much is required for the layer and coating of one small cake, and often it can only be purchased in large supermarkets. But there is a budget way to make cream cheese cake.

In this case, you will need:

  • 800 g of non-acidic sour cream, 20% fat;
  • 100 g sweet powdered sugar.

Operating procedure:

  1. A bag must be made from a gauze cut. The cheesecloth is placed in six layers in a colander. Sour cream is poured on top, cheesecloth is tied into a knot and directly in a colander set over an empty bowl or saucepan is sent to the refrigerator for a day.
  2. After the time has elapsed, whey will appear in the container under the colander, and weighed sour cream will remain in the gauze bag. This product is an excellent substitute for creamy curd cheese in cream. Further preparation is reduced to whipping weighed sour cream with powdered sugar. The output will be 460-500 g of the finished cream. And the by-product (whey) can be used to bake delicious pancakes.

I haven't written about sweets for a long time.

A strange start for a recall, considering that it's for cheese, right? In general, read. I will reveal all the cards closer to the end of the review (although about what, since I have already written about everything in the title).

All dieters - rat! I do not want to become the reason for your breakdowns. The rest - WELCOME!

Full title: Cottage cheese"Hohland" Creamy.

Range: On sale there are variations of cheese with various additives: with tomatoes, herbs, ham, mushrooms. But today's opus is about a classic product. For the preparation of desserts, of course, only he is used.

Place of purchase: Hypermarket "Magnet";

Packing: In our stores I met cheese in two packaging options - 140 and 220 grams each.

Price: 77 rubles for a small jar, 93 rubles for a big one. Moreover, if the little ones are always in abundance, then the big ones are dismantled very quickly. In my last purchase, I managed to buy only one last jar with 220 grams of cheese. Here our people amaze me! The commas in a sentence cannot be correctly placed, not on dictation, but to make up a proportion in their mind and calculate which is more profitable, like five fingers on ... asphalt ...

KBZHU in 100 grams:

Fat - 22.7 g.; Protein - 6.5 g.; Carbohydrates - 3.6 gr. Calorie content - 245 kcal / 1012 kJ.


Cottage cheese (milk, cream, bacterial starter culture of lactic acid microorganisms, enzyme of microbial origin), skimmed milk powder, food salt, stabilizers locust bean gum and guar gum, acidity regulator lemon acid, drinking water.

Cheese is packed in convenient wide jars with additional protection in the form of foil.


Often, when opening in a jar, you can see whey - this is the norm for fresh curd cheese.

The cheese possesses quite dense grainy texture ... Does not crumble, perfectly spreads on bread. The taste is delicate, curd-sourish with a slight salty aftertaste. Ideally combined with breads and vegetables.

Cheese - it

a very strange object: if it is, then it is not immediately there!

This is exactly what happens in my family, if you do not inform the household that it is intended for the cake, and strictly prohibit touching it.

Well, it's just that light sandwiches are very tasty with him as a snack.


But I do not buy it in order to shrink just like that.

This cheese is ideal for cooking THE MOST DELICIOUS CAKE CREAM !

Well, it's true, it's just "lick your fingers", but at the same time it is incredibly easy to prepare.

For an interlayer of a small homemade cake, 2 packs of cheese are enough, so I will write the amount of ingredients for this gramme. If the cake is large, or you decide to coat it on the outside (I will show you how to do this later), then proportionally increase all the required products.

Curd cheese - 280 gr.;

Butter 82.5% - 100 gr.;

Powdered sugar - 80 gr.

V original recipe it is advised to add more vanilla extract. I do not have it, and it is unlikely that an ordinary hostess will find it in the kitchen. On the taste qualities it practically does not affect, it only makes the cream more aromatic. I can do without it.

If your cakes are very sweet, the amount of powder can be slightly reduced.

Butter you need to choose high-quality, not less than 80% fat content. When choosing in the store, click on a pack of oil, and choose the one that is tougher. This is essential for the correct texture of the cream.

Butter leave it for a few hours at room temperature before cooking - we need it soft. A cheese on the contrary, we take it out of the refrigerator just before adding it to the cream.

Step ➊. Mix soft butter and icing sugar (preferably sifted through a sieve). Beat on a high speed mixer for about 5 minutes. The oil will be saturated with oxygen, brighten considerably and slightly increase in volume.

The photo below shows the difference between the original oil color (on the walls) and the resulting whipping.

Step ➋. Add curd cheese to the sweet butter.

Mix again with a mixer until completely homogeneous.

ALL! Well, even a schoolboy can handle it, right?

Here's my tub of the resulting cream. Of course, there are not 2 packs of cheese here, but almost a kilogram.


The output of the finished cream in my case is about 1.5 kg.

I have big cake and I need cream both in the layer between the cakes and for the outside of the cake.

So, a small master class on assembling a cake at home =)

➊ Put one tablespoon of cream on a plate, dish (or whatever you plan to serve your work on). This is necessary to adhere the cake to the substrate surface.

We put the first cake. I have it today Red velvet (many are interested in the recipe, I give a link to the recipe - tyk). It is advisable that the cake is in the center of the substrate or dish.

➋ At this stage of assembly, I install a pastry ring with thick foil inserts. This will position my cakes strictly on top of each other. I understand that the ring is a specific and rare instrument. If you don't have one, just check to see if the cakes are evenly laid with a straight knife or a clean ruler on all four sides.

➌ We coat the cake with cream, put the next one. And so with all the cakes, until you put the last one.

I take off the ring. Here's my wrapped cake batter. For the film I use a regular binder, cut into long strips. By the way, these strips can be fastened on the outside with duct tape and get a homemade modification of the ring for assembly.

➍ I shoot the film. We proceed to coating the cake. To get a neat coating at the exit, you will need to coat the cake twice. The first rough layer of cream seals the crumbs from the cake layers and prevents them from contaminating the top coat.

After covering the cake with a rough layer, it needs to stand for several hours in the refrigerator for the cream to freeze and securely seal all the crumbs.

➎ So, about 5 hours have passed. The cream layer has become quite hard. By the way, it may crack a little, do not be alarmed. We'll fix all the flaws with the next layer.

Whip the rest of the cream again to make it soft and apply them to the sides and top of the cake. Gently spread it over the entire surface with a straight knife or a special spatula. The thicker the layer, the more professional the final result will look.

The cakes translucent through the cream are not a marriage, of course, but still a small drawback. Although, you can always say that it was intended. "Naked" cakes are in vogue now)

My final coverage looks like this:

➏ And now my favorite part is Decorating ... At this stage, you can make smudges chocolate icing, decorate the cake with fruits, berries, chocolate, sweets. Don't limit your imagination.

I have strawberries, blackberries, pomegranates, Oreo cookies, and chocolate chips today. I made a "wreath", you can cover the whole top of the cake.

The results of my efforts today:

By the way, here you can see white blotches in the cream - the result of cheese poorly mixed with butter. But this is not critical. I was satisfied with this cake by 90%. Customers - 100%)

Try it, I'm sure you will succeed. The main thing is patience and accuracy.

This cake is, of course, an adult. You can make a children's one, for example.

Any holiday is a reason to bake a cake. It is unlikely that any housewife will refuse to use it: both adults and children love sweets, but on weekdays there is not enough time for baking (and this is not a cheap pleasure). What is the main thing in cakes? Cream, of course! The most primitive and even ordinary pancakes will become culinary masterpiece, if they are talentedly layered. Unfortunately, most home cooks usually limit themselves to the most primitive options - sour cream, with condensed milk, or, in extreme cases, custard. And few people know how delicious cheese cream is for a cake. The recipe, meanwhile, is very fast and does not require specific culinary skills. In addition, with the introduction of new components, the "filling" acquires a completely unique, never repeating taste.

A few words about the components

If you decide to make cheese cream for it implies by no means the usual hard varieties for the base. It should be soft like Mascarpone, Almetta or Philadelphia. Moreover, so to speak, in its pure form, without any flavoring additives.

Another important detail: whichever cheese cream you choose for the cake, do not try to replace the powdered sugar that comes with it with regular sand. You will end up with something rather coarse, which will ruin your first impression.

You need to take the cream that says "for whipping", otherwise the cream will turn out to be very liquid.

Basic cheese cream for cake: recipe with photo

Let's start with a minimum of ingredients. The way of embodiment is elementary: a pound tender cheese whipped until airy. Separately, the same is done with a third liter of cream - the fattest you can find, ideally 38 percent. Powdered sugar is poured into the cream when whipping. Its amount depends on your love for sweets. The masses are combined neatly and carefully - that's the cream cheese cream for the cake is ready! Choose any recipe for cake dough: the cream is combined with any baked goods.

With condensed milk - too

If your children do not consider in which their favorite condensed milk does not participate, do not despair: it makes a great cheese cream for a cake. The recipe allows the use of both ordinary and boiled condensed milk. All the same half a kilo of cheese is fluffed up, as it rises, the second component is added. You can also introduce powdered sugar, but here you need to be careful: condensed milk is already very sweet.

Banana offer

It will turn out very interesting cheese cream for the cake, if in basic recipe add a fruit component. For example, beat half a kilo of "Mascarpone" or "Philadelphia" with a ripe banana, and then combine with three hundred grams of heavy cream whipped to persistent peaks with powdered sugar. After mixing both masses, it is advisable to beat the cream again.

Orange cheese cream

Basic culinary approaches are like making banana cream cheese cream for a cake. However, there are certain subtleties. Firstly, it is better not to be lazy and peel the whitish skin from the slices of a large orange. Secondly, first, a fruit is broken through with a blender, and then cheese is introduced into it. A third of a liter of cream is traditionally processed by a mixer separately, again with powdered sugar, taken to taste. After joining the blanks, the cream is fluffed again.

Cheese-chocolate layer

What is interesting about this cheese cream for cake: the recipe does not limit the culinary specialist in the choice of chocolate. You can take white or black, bitter or milky - in any case, it will turn out delicious, and the taste will be different every time. The added tangerines will add even more piquancy to the cream. If you decide to cook with them, then first the two fruits are peeled, disassembled into slices, freed from the films and passed through a blender. Then, without stopping whipping, 500 grams of cream cheese is added to them. At the same time, a 250 gram chocolate bar is heated. When it completely turns into a liquid state, the chocolate cools down a bit and is whipped along with the rest of the ingredients.

Coffee cream

It can be implemented in two ways:

  1. Brew strong natural coffee and drain it from the grounds; you will need two large spoons.
  2. Two little spoons of good instant coffee are bred directly in cream.

What to do depends on how anxious you are about the drink: many do not accept soluble variations at all. Cream (glass) is whipped with coffee and powdered sugar, a pound of Philadelphia (or another cheese from the same series) - separately, then combined, and after a new whipping, a fragrant creamy cheese cream for the cake is obtained. Even after the end of the holiday, a piece of such pastries will be very appropriate for a morning cup of coffee.

Complex cream

This variation on a theme is the most difficult to perform. But culinary specialists assure that recipes for cakes created according to the proposed algorithm give the most successful results. Yolks are separated from five eggs; for proteins you will have to come up with a different purpose. They should be whipped with three tablespoons of sugar (this time it is sand, not powder). The mixture is placed on water bath until, with continuous stirring, the sugar is completely dissolved. A quarter of the cheese is added directly to the bath and whipped. Having received an elastic mass, we remove the container from the heat and leave it to cool naturally. A glass of heavy cream is whipped into a dense foam, both masses are mixed and whipped again.

Honey modification

The only condition for success: honey should not be too runny. But sugar-coated will also not work. A pound of soft cheese is whipped with two tablespoons of honey, and a third of a liter of heavy cream is whipped with the already familiar powdered sugar. Here, as with using condensed milk, you need to be careful so that the cream does not turn out to be cloying. You can combine a little of both masses in a spoon and taste for sweetness. When you are satisfied with its degree, both parts are connected and well pushed together.

Space for creativity

Knowing the basic recipe, you can come up with a variety of, including unique, variations on the theme cheese cream... Here are some of the most common enhancements to kickstart your imagination.

  1. All the varieties offered go well with vanilla. In the main recipe, it is not indicated only because not all confectioners like it.
  2. Alcohol adds a piquant note and flavor variety to creams. For a pound of cheese, 1-2 tablespoons are taken. Liqueurs will be preferable - they will add aroma, and at the same time they are not too strong, so that they will not add a strong aftertaste of alcohol.
  3. If you want to get a dense layer, mix the gelatin diluted according to the instructions into the cream.

A number of cooks, preparing a cream cheese cream for a cake, replace the cream with butter. However, the result is fatter and less puffy, so to try it, you should first make it a little, experimenting on cakes.

Curd modifications

Do not forget that cottage cheese is also cheese. And if you are worried that the family will not like the creamy cheese cream for the cake from the unusual "Philadelphia", make a more traditional filling. For her, an equal amount of heavy cream and cottage cheese is taken. As the latter, you can use a sweet mass - it has a more delicate structure, so it will be easier to grind. both components are whipped together with the addition of powdered sugar (about a heaping spoon).

There is another option: for 400 grams of high-fat cream, take half the amount natural yoghurt without flavors and cottage cheese (also fatty). Here you can use not powder, but granulated sugar: it will dissolve well in liquids.

Strawberry cake

If you have not yet had to deal with such a filling and you are somewhat confused, here is a recipe for you to start. delicious cake with cheese cream. Two eggs are made through with 100 grams of sugar; the mixer must run for at least five minutes. Gently mix in flour in an amount equal to the sugar. In a greased form, the biscuit is baked for about a quarter of an hour and cooled. There is just enough time for the construction of the cream. For him, a third of a kilo soft cheese mixed with one hundred grams of sugar, heavy cream is poured in (half a glass, about 100 g), then two eggs are driven in - and again work with a mixer. The cream is spread over the cooled cake, the cake is hidden in the oven for another quarter of an hour. Jelly is being prepared: if it is for cakes, then according to the instructions; if the usual - take half the water. Strawberries are spread over the cooled cream. A thin layer of jelly is poured; the cake is hidden in the refrigerator until it solidifies, after which the rest is poured. In the morning you have not only delicious, but also very beautiful cake!

Cheese creams can be considered a model of pliability and resilience. And if the first advantage implies excellent compatibility with various fillings - nuts, fruit purees, liqueurs, cognac, then stability means excellent preservation of the given shape. Temperature and the percentage of the base with flavoring fillers have little effect on such creams.

Cheese cream for cake - general principles of preparation

In the preparation of cheese creams for cake use cream cheese pasty or homemade low-fat cottage cheese... A wide range of similar products allows you to choose them, including based on financial capabilities. Of the expensive cream cheese you can choose Mascarpone and wonderful Philadelphia. More affordable analogs include riccott and Almette cheeses, President, Hochland and Violetto are also good.

A creamy mass based on cottage cheese or creamy curd cheeses is easy to prepare, and it turns out to be very tender and incredibly tasty. Beat the cheese with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, after which other components are added to it, whipping or stirring with a whisk. The success of the prepared cream depends not only on the quality of the products and the correct proportions. Their temperature is also of great importance. If you do not follow the recipe recommendations, the mass may not whip. If the recommended temperature regime of the products is violated, an extremely unpleasant process of stratification occurs.

In cooking, for the preparation of cream cheese creams, in addition to the main curd product use cream or butter. The mass is sweetened with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, flavored with vanilla, and berries, chocolate or chopped nuts are added to it for taste. Cream cheese cream is not only an excellent filling for a cake, it can be used to decorate a dessert and even out its sides. Most cheese creams are great for decoration when correct preparation they keep their shape perfectly and do not thaw during prolonged stay in a warm room. Using them to decorate a cake, you can additionally tint with food colors.

A simple cream cheese cake recipe

A variant of a cream cheese cream, in the preparation of which two types of cheese are used: Mascarpone and Philadelphia. You can layer any cakes, but it goes best with biscuit and honey biscuits. Can be used both for coating and for decorating cakes.


Fatty, 35%, cream - 350 ml;

120 g powdered sugar;

Mascarpone cream cheese - 250 gr.;

A spoonful of vanilla essence;

250 g Philadelphia cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Place both types of cream cheese in a bowl and combine, whisking at low speed with a mixer for two minutes.

2. While passing through a sieve, add the powdered sugar and continue beating, gradually increasing the speed until you have a fluffy mass.

3. Remove the mixer, stir the mass with a spatula, carefully removing the powdered sugar stuck to the walls. Add vanilla and continue to beat with a mixer.

4. Pouring in small portions, add the cream. For the mass to whisk well, the cream must be cold. Place them in the freezer beforehand, but no more than 25 minutes.

5. A well-thickened air mass can be used to coat the cakes immediately or placed in the refrigerator for an hour, it will become thicker.

Cheese cream for a cake with cottage cheese and white chocolate

A chic cheese cream that can be not only a great addition to anyone biscuit cake but also dessert. It is prepared quickly, and most importantly - simply, even an inexperienced cook can handle it. For a better bunch, the cheeses need to be warmed up to room temperature in advance.


Not dry homemade cottage cheese- 280 gr.;

150 g white chocolate, non-porous;

200 gr. fresh creamy Mascarpone cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Grind homemade cottage cheese on a sieve, add cream cheese and leave in a warm room for a while. In order for the cream to whisk well and not exfoliate, the products should be as close to room temperature as possible.

2. Break into pieces White chocolate, melt it with a so-called water bath and set aside to cool.

3. Begin to beat both types of cheese with a mixer. When the mass becomes homogeneous, in a teaspoon, without stopping whipping, add melted chocolate into it.

4. Before putting on the cake, place the prepared mass in the common compartment of the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Universal cream cheese cream for a cake with curd cheese and nuts

A simple and quite versatile creamy cheese cream for cakes and pastries. Remarkably retains its shape, only three products are required for cooking: icing sugar, fresh curd cheese and heavy cream. The last two ingredients should be chilled. It is remarkable in that the proportions of products can be selected, focusing on your taste preferences. But it is worth noting that the more curd cheese, the more confidently the resulting mass will keep its shape.


Cream, high fat, not less than 33% - 100 ml;

100 g sugar, preferably homemade, powder;

Curd cheese "Kaymak" - 400 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Beat curd cheese for a couple of minutes with a mixer with powdered sugar.

2. In a separate clean, completely dry bowl, whip the chilled cream.

3. Combine the two fluffy masses and mix them by whisking with a mixer on low speed.

Nut cream cheese cream for a cake with cottage cheese and gelatin

Recipe for a thick creamy cheese cream that will definitely not flow. Most suitable for cake leveling. It is recommended to coat only well-soaked biscuit cakes.


A pound of fatty homemade cottage cheese;

A third teaspoon of crushed lemon zest;

250 g fine white sugar;

A glass of fat 33% cream;

Two tablespoons of "quick" gelatin;

1 gr. vanilla sugar;

A small handful of walnuts.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the curd on a sieve to make the mass more fluffy and free of grains.

2. Pour half a glass of cold water over the gelatin according to the instructions on the package.

3. Fry the nuts in a dry skillet. Cool and chop finely with a knife.

4. Whisk the grated cottage cheese with the addition of sugar and vanilla sugar.

5. Whisking, enter lemon zest and swollen gelatin.

6. In a separate, dry bowl, whip the cream and stir gently into the whipped curd.

7. Add chopped toasted nuts, stir and refrigerate for two hours.

Cream cheese cream for butter cake

A variant of a cream for decorating the top of the cake and leveling its sides. Decorated cake can stay warm for a long time without losing its beauty. In cooking, it is important to observe the correct temperature regime products - the cheese should be chilled, and the butter slightly melted.


Vanilla extract - 2 tsp;

100 g powdered sugar;

Half a packet of butter, high-fat butter;

340 g creamy fresh cheese Mascarpone or Philadelphia.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the softened butter into pieces and beat with the addition of powdered sugar to a fluffy mass.

2. While whisking, add the cream cheese in a spoon.

3. The prepared cream is enough to decorate a cake with a diameter of 25 cm. If you also need to grease the cakes, increase the rate of products, taking into account the given proportions.

Cheese cream for a cake with butter and berries

Fresh or frozen berries are added to the main components in the cheese cream. Frozen fruits must be properly thawed before use, and so that no excess liquid remains in them, stand for some time on a sieve or in a colander. Vanilla powder is used as a flavoring agent. It can be replaced with vanilla extract (1 tsp).


Half a glass of powdered sugar;

340 g any curd cheese;

A teaspoon of vanilla powder;

A pound of fresh or frozen berries;

120 g butter "Traditional" butter.

Cooking method:

1. A couple of hours before cooking, place the cheese in the "warm" compartment of the refrigerator, close to the back wall. On the contrary, take out the oil to soften.

2. At medium mixer speed, beat slightly melted butter with powdered sugar for seven minutes.

3. Add the vanilla, put the cheese in the creamy mass and go over it again with a mixer until you acquire lightness and uniformity.

4. Blend the thawed berries with a blender and gently mix the cooked puree into the cream.

5. Berry cheese cream for spreading the cakes can be used immediately, before smoothing the sides of the cake, it is better to slightly cool it.

Cream Cheese Cake - Cooking Tricks and Tips

It is advisable to whip all the ingredients separately, if cream is used, it is recommended to whip them only in a clean, dry and always pre-chilled container. In the process, they first begin to foam, and then thicken. The main thing is not to overdo it, with prolonged and intense whipping, the cream can turn into butter.

It is undesirable to pour all granulated sugar or powder into curd or cream cheese at once. To make the sweetener disperse more evenly, and the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, try to add it in small, 1-2 tablespoons, portions, continuing to beat continuously.

If you put mastic decorations on a cake greased with butter-cheese cream, grease the contact points with melted chocolate - the mastic will not melt.

For whipping, both a mixer and a blender are suitable. The main thing is to use nozzles that will not excessively saturate the mass with air. Unnecessarily air cream harder to fit on the cake.

You can use a spatula or ruler to apply the cheese cream to the cake. It is better to use a piping bag with a variety of attachments for applying jewelry.

Many of the cream cheeses have a slightly salty flavor. This will not spoil the taste of the dessert, but will only give it a peculiar accent. In addition, the cream can always be sweetened by increasing the amount of powdered sugar or sand.

It's easy to make a cake like this, and the ingredients can be found at any store. The ingredients are indicated for the preparation of two biscuits (flour, sugar, eggs, vanillin).

To prepare one biscuit, you need 5 eggs. The first step is to separate the whites from the yolks.

It is important that the yolks do not get into the whites, otherwise a thick, fluffy foam may not work.

Add 120 grams of sugar to the whites and beat with a mixer until a thick, airy foam is formed.

Beat until the protein foam is stable and will not flow out of the container if you turn it over.

Place the yolks in a clean, dry dish.

You also need to add 120 grams of sugar to the yolks.

Grind the yolks with sugar well, you can use a fork.

Gradually, you should combine the whites with the yolks, but this must be done carefully, otherwise the whites may sink, and the biscuit will not be so fluffy.

Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Flour must be added to the resulting protein-yolk mixture. (for one biscuit 190 grams) This should be done gradually, and the flour should be sieved through a sieve.

You need to add in small portions, slowly stirring the dough.

Can add vanilla sugar but a small amount.

Pour the resulting dough, similar in consistency to sour cream, into a baking dish. To prevent the biscuit from burning, it is better to cover the baking dish with parchment. The biscuit should be baked for about 30-40 minutes.

You can check its readiness with a match or a toothpick. To make such a cake, you will need two biscuits, so you should repeat the recipe from the beginning.

While the biscuit is baking, you can prepare the cream, especially before applying it must cool. For the cream, mix the mascarpone, butter and icing sugar. In the photo, mascarpone cheese, laid out on a plate. The mascarpone cream must be cold

And it is better to get the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Approximately 1 hour before the cream is cooked. It is better to use butter with a fat content of 82.5%. The softened butter should be cut into small cubes or sticks.

Powdered sugar should be sieved through a sieve to make it more fluffy.

The resulting ingredients should be mixed well. Ready cream put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

When the biscuit is ready, it needs to be cooled and cut into two parts. If the biscuit is very fluffy, you can cut it into 3 pieces.

So that the biscuit is not dry, it must be soaked sugar syrup... You can make sugar syrup from water and sugar. 12 tablespoons of water and 7 tablespoons of sugar should be heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, but cannot be boiled.

Now you need to collect the cake. Each layer of biscuit should be slightly soaked in sugar syrup, spread with cream on top.

Put cherries on top of the cream, but you can use other berries or fruits. This should be repeated with all the cakes.

The finished cake needs to be smoothed around the edges with cream. To do this, you can use a pastry spatula, which evens the cream around the edges, filling in the voids that have arisen between the cakes. The cake smeared with cream must be put in the refrigerator so that the cream hardens a little again.

Now you need to prepare the icing.

To do this, melt the cream and chocolate in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Stir until the glaze becomes homogeneous mass... Depending on the amount of cream, the glaze is either thick or thin. But it is better to use 150 ml of cream for one bar of chocolate.

The icing should be cooled and applied on top of the finished cake.

You can decorate the cake with m & ms dragees or fruits and pastry sprinkles.

The finished cake must be put into the refrigerator so that it is soaked and the icing hardens.

The cake is ready. Bon Appetit!

Cooking time: PT02H00M 2 h.