Home / Pancakes, pancakes / You'll like it. Recipes on how to cook corn in a double boiler

You'll like it. Recipes on how to cook corn in a double boiler

Experienced housewives believe that only by steam boiling corn it is possible to preserve the useful composition of the component as much as possible, to preserve its unique taste and special texture. How much a component needs to be processed depends on many factors. On average, it takes about 35-40 minutes... If you plan to cook only grains, then this period will be reduced to about 15-20 minutes... But fodder varieties or stale specimens, even in a double boiler, will have to be boiled for at least an hour. At the same time, there will be no guarantee of obtaining the product of the quality that was needed.

It makes no sense to count on getting the benefits and gastronomic pleasure from corn, in which there are no longer the necessary components. That is why you need to choose the right corn for cooking in a double boiler. To cope with this, you should learn a few simple guidelines and familiarize yourself with a number of rather important points:

  • Fodder varieties cannot be prepared perfectly. Unfortunately, they are the ones most often sold in the markets. Therefore, it is better to overpay a little by buying corn in the supermarket (making sure by the inscription on the label that this is not a fodder crop).

Tip: Even if there are several levels in the steamer, it is best to use one. Let this increase the cooking time of the cereal (if all the cobs or grains do not fit), but all the components will be cooked equally. Even the most advanced devices are not able to guarantee the same effect on the contents of containers, therefore, often some components turn out to be raw, while others have time to acquire a rubbery texture.

  • Milk maturity occurs in August-September. It is at this time that you can find sweet and juicy corn grown in the fields, not in greenhouses. By the way, it is this kind of corn that is best tolerated by freezing, which does not have any negative effect on the quality of the cereal.
  • Be sure to inspect the grains before buying. Their creamy, milky white or pale lemon color indicates youthfulness, freshness and high quality of the component. This type of product is best steamed. Older ears are best boiled in water.
  • There are a few more signs of good corn. The surface of the grains should be smooth, shiny, without dimples. Leaves are welcome green, moist, tight to the cob.
  • It is recommended to cook corn separately from other ingredients. Its grains absorb foreign odors too actively, which can negatively affect the quality of the final dish.
  • It is better to pour water into the bowl of a double boiler filtered or settled. Otherwise, a thin limescale may appear on the surface of the product. It is not harmful to the body, but does not significantly spoil the taste.

Steaming cereal is the most gentle way to affect corn. But this does not mean that you do not need to follow the recommendations on how much to process the component. If the cobs or grains are boiled for a long time, they will retain their benefits, but at the same time they will practically lose their taste and acquire a not very pleasant texture.

Steamer corn processing technique

The very procedure for steaming corn is very simple. There are several ways to handle a component in a double boiler. Whichever you choose, it is recommended to first soak the peeled ears in clean, cold water without any additives for one hour. This will allow you to get the most juicy dish.

After that, we throw the products into a colander, wait for the excess water to drain and act according to one of the following schemes:

  1. Steaming the ears. We clean the cobs from the leaves, put them on a tray with holes as a whole or by cutting them into portions. It takes 35-40 minutes to cook the product. How much exactly depends on the power of the steamer and the freshness of the corn. There is no need to salt the cobs, this can increase the time to bring them to readiness. Add the finished product, grease it with butter and serve.
  2. Steaming beans. In this case, we clean the corn after soaking and disassemble it into grains, which we rinse again. We discard them in a colander. After the excess moisture has drained off, put the component on a suitable tray, trying to arrange them as thin as possible. It is enough to cook the cereal in this form for a quarter of an hour. You should not check the readiness of the dish earlier, not only will this increase the cooking time, it will also create the likelihood of getting a thermal burn.

It is worth considering that if it is planned to cook a product in a double boiler on several levels at once, the holding time will have to be increased by at least 7-15 minutes (it depends on how many “floors” the products occupy and what partitions are between them). In this case, you do not need to try to get finished products immediately after turning off the timer. Better to let them brew for at least a couple of minutes.

The corn brought to us at the end of the 60s of the last century was not for nothing that they immediately began to be called the queen of the fields. It is a very valuable forage and industrial crop. But many are interested in it from a completely different side - at the stage of milk ripeness, corn is a very tasty and nutritious dish. If you know all the intricacies of how and how much to cook corn, you can get real pleasure from juicy, aromatic and soft roaches.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how you need to cook corn in a saucepan, double boiler, slow cooker, and also - is it possible to cook it using a microwave.

How much to cook corn

    In a saucepan sweet varietal corn is ready in 25 minutes.

    In a multicooker it can be cooked in 40 minutes, with the function of a pressure cooker in 10.

    Using steamer, the cobs will cook in 40 minutes.

    Microwave will cook the corn in 5 minutes.

Sweet Corn Cooking Secrets

It's no secret that the taste of corn directly depends on the variety. Previously, during the season, the markets mainly sold the so-called field (aka fodder) corn with medium-sized light yellow grains, as well as sugar with larger white grains. It took quite a long time to cook such varieties, delicious corn was obtained if the ears of milk maturity were selected (when you press the grain, an opaque white juice should easily appear).

Today, it is easy to find varieties on sale that are specially bred exclusively for food and canning. So, the name Bonduelle stuck to many of them. In fact, this is not a variety of corn, but the name of one of the brands that began supplying cans of canned sweet corn to our counters. Be that as it may, we will not delve into the names of sweet corn varieties, let the name Bonduelle continue to be associated with the standard of the highest quality corn, this time on the cob.

How to choose the most delicious corn

Distinguishing sweet corn from ordinary field corn is quite simple.

  • cobs are shorter and wider;
  • in sweet corn, the stigmas are always light, and in fodder corn, they are dark;
  • the size of the grains practically does not decrease from the base to the tip;
  • the grains are often much larger and tighter to each other;
  • even coarse grains can easily release an opaque white juice when pressed.

Visually, all the differences can be seen in the photo:

How to cook corn properly

Basically, boiling corn is very easy. But there are a few tricks that will allow you to maximize the aroma and emphasize its taste.

Many people think that it is impossible to cook corn with salt, that it will become hard and will not cook properly. In fact, this is not the case. If you cook corn without salt, but only salt it when serving, it will turn out to be bland and tasteless.

There are a few tricks to making the most delicious corn:

  • do not throw away the leaves in which corn grows, and corn silk, they can cover the bottom of the pan during cooking - this will significantly improve the taste and aroma of the finished product;
  • in addition to salt, you need to add a little (1-2 tablespoons, depending on the volume) sugar to the pan;
  • boil corn over medium heat under a closed lid;
  • the cooking time of young sugar cobs should not be more than 30-40 minutes;
  • cook as much at a time as you can eat, reheated corn is much less tasty;
  • Before serving, grease the cobs well with butter and then salt with medium-ground sea salt.

How to cook corn in a saucepan

Cooking in a saucepan is the most common method. To do everything right you need:




Rinse the husks and stigmas also.




Close the lid, send to the stove and cook for 25 minutes after boiling over medium heat.


Corn can be served simply by carefully salting it, or you can grease it with butter to taste.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker

The multicooker, in terms of its characteristics and capabilities, is simply designed for cooking corn. The process is not much different from cooking in a saucepan and looks like this:


Peel the cobs and cut off the ends with a knife.


Wash the corn thoroughly in running water.


Rinse the leaves and stigmas also.


Put the husk and leaves at the bottom of the pan, put the cobs on top. Add salt and some sugar.


Cover with cold water so that it covers the corn.


Switch on the Cooking mode for 40 minutes.

If your multicooker is equipped with a pressure cooker function, then the cooking time will be 7-12 minutes.

You can also multicooker corn using a steaming rack. In this case, the leaves and stigmas do not need to be added, but the corn is salted at the end of cooking when serving.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

In a double boiler, you can cook corn quickly and relatively easily. The only drawback is that adding salt and sugar so that the corn is soaked in delicious juice will not work. But this is not an obstacle, since sweet young corn is tasty on its own.

To cook corn in a double boiler you need:


Peel the cobs and cut off the ends with a knife.


Wash the corn thoroughly in running water.

We officially declare: "The corn season is open!"

And from this article, you will learn as many as 7 recipes for juicy and delicious corncobs cooked in a double boiler.

Cooking corn in a double boiler is simple and convenient: the cob is cooked in its own juice with a small amount of fragrant spices. As a result, the corn turns out to be sweet and aromatic, tender and surprisingly tasty.

Whether or not to use foil is up to you. But it is necessary to pre-peel the corn from the husk. Otherwise, you have to tinker with it after cooking, when you least want it.

Main Ingredients:

  • Double boiler;
  • Foil;
  • 6-10 peeled corn cobs;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Seasonings: greens, ground red pepper, ground cumin, lime juice, pesto sauce, curry powder, coconut milk.

Corn with salt and pepper

This is the basic, easiest cooked corn recipe.

  1. Place the ear in the middle of a sheet of foil, coat the corn with olive oil, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and salt.
  2. Wrap each corn cob tightly in foil.
  3. Place the foil wrapped corn in a double boiler, seam side up.

It is not necessary to fill the entire double boiler to the brim, 3/4 of the total volume is just right. There is no need to add water. Close the lid. Cook for 2 hours at full power, or 4 at low.

Spicy corn with lime juice

Coat a corncob with olive oil and season with salt and pepper as described above. Pour lime juice evenly (half a lime for 2-3 ears), sprinkle with red pepper and add a little caraway seeds.

Boiled corn with fresh herbs

Brush the peeled corn cob with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Chop up any fresh herbs you like and sprinkle them on the corn. It can be dill, cilantro, basil, thyme, rosemary, sage, tarragon, marjoram.

Corn with coconut milk and curry

Brush the husked corn cob with coconut milk (instead of olive oil), season with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with curry powder and add a drop of garlic powder.

Corn with pesto sauce

The pesto sauce already contains olive oil and spices, so there is no need to add them separately. So we take the pesto sauce and just coat it on the cob of corn. Easy and delicious!

Corn with spicy Asian ketchup "sriracha"

This is another sauce that has all the necessary ingredients in its rest (olive oil, salt and pepper). However, remember that this recipe is suitable for those who like it hot, that is, sharper.

Just brush a little ketchup on the ear. The excess can be removed with a paper towel.

Recipe for Cooking Corn in a Steamer without Foil

Foil need not be used. However, the corn is less moist, but still very tasty.

Brush the peeled corn cob with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Lubricate the sides of the steamer with oil too. Pour in 1/4 cup water and place the corn. Cook with the lid closed.

Corn becomes popular with our population towards the end of summer. Its aroma and taste attracts many food lovers. Corn has a beneficial effect on the human body. A mass of vitamins is concentrated in one ear: B, C, D, K, PP, as well as many useful elements: magnesium, phosphorus compounds, potassium, etc.

Choosing corn

To enjoy boiled corn, you need to be smart about the selection process. Try to buy young vegetables, the cobs of which are yellowish-milky. When checking the seeds, pay attention to their softness and firmness at the same time. Bright yellow corn is also applicable to eating, but it will be a little hard. The foliage should adhere to the body of the cob and slightly peel off from it, have a fresh appearance and a yellowish tint. If there are no leaves on the corn, then this may indicate the treatment of the plant with pesticides. In this case, the leaves curl up and look unattractive. In order not to alienate the buyer, they are removed in advance, explaining this fact by other reasons.

Cooking process

After you have selected the corn, you can start the cooking process. The fastest way to cook corn is in a double boiler. Before starting the process, pay attention to some more details. Pick cobs of a similar size overall and with similar grain sizes. If you come across large cobs, and therefore have problems with that in a double boiler, then carefully cut them into two halves lengthwise. It is not necessary to peel the leaves; their presence during cooking will not spoil the taste of the product. If you have time, then you can let the treat brew in cool water, then cooking corn in a double boiler will be even more successful.

If spoiled grains are found on the body of the cob, then we remove them. Before submerging the corn in water, the liquid must be boiled and salted. Corn in a double boiler can cook from half an hour to two hours. This is influenced by the maturity of the fetus.

Determine the readiness of corn

The simplest method for determining the degree of readiness of corn is to take a sample. To do this, we separate the grain from the cob and evaluate the readiness. Focus on your taste preferences. Before serving, the ears can be greased with butter. Serve the salt separately.

Steamer corn isn't your only cooking option. You can use a saucepan, pressure cooker, or microwave. If the choice still fell on a double boiler, then it is recommended to cover the peeled ears with butter (butter) before cooking. For lovers of the unconventional taste of corn, you can make a special sauce made from butter, cardamom and walnuts. Mix all ingredients and keep on fire for several minutes. Put the cooked corn on a plate, pour over the cooked nut mass and serve with salt (in a separate container). Corn in a double boiler is a convenient option for the hostess, because the cobs do not need to be peeled from the foliage.

Boiled corn lovers have probably tried to cook this simple delicacy at home more than once, but most of us have no idea how many minutes to cook corn and how to make it as tasty and soft as "purchased".

Before boiling corn, you need to buy it and not be mistaken when choosing ripe and young cobs. On the market, very often instead of edible sweet corn, they sell fodder corn, that is, those varieties that are intended for feed to pets, and not for people. Not everyone will be able to determine "by eye" the variety of corn, so it is better to buy the cobs in stores or supermarkets.

When choosing corn, you need to take a swing, wrapped in fresh green leaves, and be sure to unfold each one and look at the color of the grains. Young corn is light yellow, when pressed with a fingernail on the grain, it is soft and juice splashes from it, if the grains are rich yellow, hard to the touch - the corn is old, and it will take several hours to cook.

How many minutes you need to cook corn depends on its degree of maturity :

  1. Young ears with light yellow grains, soft and slightly unripe, enough to cook for 5-7 minutes after boiling water.
  2. Yellowish cobs with soft, slightly starchy pulp of the grains, you need to cook about 15-30 minutes after boiling.
  3. Dark yellow grains indicate the "overripe" of corn and in this case the cooking time increases up to 1-2 hours .

How to cook corn correctly

It is best to boil the corn on the day of purchase, and if that is not possible, store it in a cool place, such as the refrigerator or freezer.

A deep, thick-walled saucepan or cauldron with a lid is suitable for cooking. Young ears do not need to be completely stripped of leaves; corn will be much softer and tastier if boiled unpeeled. Old cobs can be peeled, but, at the same time, do not throw out the leaves, but put them on the bottom of the dish and cover the cobs with them on top.

Then you need to put the corn on the bottom of the dish, fill it with cold water, so that it covers the ears by a few centimeters. Put on the fire and cook until tender, you can simply determine it by piercing the grains with a fork, if they become soft and easily pierce, then the corn is ready. It is recommended to salt the cobs after cooking - rubbing the hot corn with salt to taste.

How and how much to cook corn in a double boiler

You can easily and simply cook delicious corn with a steamer. To do this, you need to lay the carefully washed ears in the leaves on the bottom of the steamer, pour 1 glass of water - for 2-3 medium ears and cook for 5-10 minutes young ears, 30-40 minutes - old ones.

How and how much to cook corn in a slow cooker

In a multicooker, corn can be cooked in two ways: in water or steamed.

  • When cooking corn in water, you need to wash the cobs, peel them of leaves, put them on the bottom of the multicooker pan, cover with leaves on top, pour cold water so that it completely covers the cobs, and set the high pressure mode. Cooking time - 15 minutes, for old ears - a little more.
  • It is a little more difficult to make steamed corn in a multicooker - put peeled and cut ears of cobs on the insert for steaming dishes, sprinkle them with salt or a mixture of spices, close the lid and cook for about 30 minutes.

You can also fry corn, boil it in milk and cream, or prepare a variety of dishes with boiled corn.