Home / Pies / How to make a delicious custard the right way. How to make custard for cake and pastries

How to make a delicious custard the right way. How to make custard for cake and pastries

Custard is used to prepare various kinds of cakes, pastries, cookies, eclairs. Thanks to the completely natural composition, mothers often pamper their children with all kinds of goodies. It is not necessary to prepare a cream based on butter, it gives the composition the desired thickness. Otherwise, the mass can be poured into coffee, hot chocolate or cocoa, fresh fruit salads and sophisticated desserts. It all depends on personal preference. Let's consider the most popular technologies.

Classic custard recipe

  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar (white) - 260 gr.
  • milk (fat content from 3%) - 530 ml.
  • rye flour - 90 gr.
  1. Break eggs into a deep bowl, pour in 200 ml. milk and mix well with a whisk. Sift flour in a convenient way, start slowly pouring it over the eggs. Stir at the same time to eliminate possible lumps.
  2. Pour the remaining 330 ml into a separate enamel pot. milk, add granulated sugar, grind well. Put the composition on the stove, bring to a boil. Stir with a wooden spatula at the same time to prevent sugar from sticking to the bottom.
  3. After the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat, pour in the mixture of milk and eggs. Wait for boiling again, stir constantly.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, turn off the burner, leave the mass until it cools completely. As soon as this happens, the composition will automatically thicken, which will be evidence of its readiness.

The recipe for the custard for the cake "Medovik"

To make the cake whipped, you need to prepare a thick cream that will not spread. The mass must saturate the cakes, thereby preventing them from decaying. Since honey is added to the dough, it turns out to be heavy and dryish, for this reason it is necessary to add lemon zest, which will dilute the sugary sweet aftertaste and soften the cake as a whole.

  • milk - 0.6 l.
  • butter- 160 gr.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • vanillin - 10 gr.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 185 gr.
  • semolina (finely grained) - 65 gr.
  • lemon peel - 15 gr.
  1. Break an egg into a deep bowl, start beating it with a mixer, while adding granulated sugar and vanillin. It is not necessary to separate the yolk from the protein, add the whole egg.
  2. Pour the milk into an enamel pan, heat it on the stove to 40 degrees. After that, gently slide over the side of the dish into a bowl of beaten eggs. Mix thoroughly with a whisk, leave to simmer over low heat until boiling. The cooking time is 7 minutes, while the mass must be stirred so that it does not burn.
  3. 2 minutes before cooking, dip the butter, cut into pieces, into the mixture, wait until it is completely dissolved. After the time has elapsed, turn off the stove, let the composition cool down. Stir every 10 minutes.
  4. As soon as the cream acquires a more viscous consistency, dip the grated zest of half a lemon into it. Beat the mass with a mixer until it rises 2-2.5 times. Cool in refrigerator and use as directed.

The traditional preparation of the Napoleon cake consists in the impregnation of cakes from puff pastry liquid cream. Correctly reproduced technology will create mass delicate texture, which will set the tone for the whole cake.

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • rye flour - 110 gr.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane sugar) - 360 gr.
  • butter - 100 gr.
  • milk (fat content 3.2%) - 1.2 l.
  • vanillin (optional) - 10 gr.
  1. Pass the flour through a sieve, leave the right amount. Place the butter in a warm place to melt completely.
  2. Combine flour, vanillin and granulated sugar into one composition.
  3. Beat the eggs with two forks or a whisk (do not separate the yolk from the protein), start slowly pouring in the dry mixture of sugar, flour, vanilla.
  4. Continue to whisk and pour in milk at the same time. When the composition becomes homogeneous, place the container on the stove, simmer over medium heat.
  5. You need to bring the composition to 85-90 degrees, while it should not boil. If bubbles appear, turn off the hotplate and proceed to the next step.
  6. Leave the cream in a cool place until it cools completely so that it acquires a thick enough consistency. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula every 15-20 minutes.
  7. When the mixture is completely cooled, chop the butter into small cubes and stir in the cream. Beat with a mixer for about 5-7 minutes, until the mixture thickens. If the cream is still runny, place it in the refrigerator for later use.

In the preparation of a cream for biscuit dough there are a number of features that must be followed without fail. In cases where the mass turns out to be too dense, it will not completely saturate the cakes. If the composition comes out liquid, it will soak the dough and make it look like jelly. A delicate process requires an appropriate approach: the final product should be airy and light, we will be helped with this chicken yolks and cornstarch.

  • fat milk (3.2-5%) - 450 ml.
  • egg yolk - 7 pcs.
  • white granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • vanillin - 10 gr.
  • corn starch - 65 gr.
  • butter 72% - 50 gr.
  1. Prepare a saucepan with a volume of 2.5 liters or more in advance. Sift the cornstarch until it becomes crumbly.
  2. Pour milk into an enamel container, add vanillin, place on the stove. Bring the composition to a boil, cover, leave to infuse for another 1.5 hours.
  3. Pass the milk through 4 layers of cheesecloth, boil again over medium heat.
  4. In another bowl, stir in cornstarch, granulated sugar and yolks. Pour the mixture into the vanilla milk immediately.
  5. Simmer over low heat until the mixture is completely thickened. Stir with a whisk until the cream rises gradually.
  6. When the composition acquires the consistency of sour cream, turn off the stove. In a still warm mass, add butter, cut into pieces.
  7. Beat the cream with a mixer for about 5 minutes, until thick and smooth. Use the composition in the next hour, or put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Optionally, you can pack the cream into waffle or paper cups, and then send it to the freezer. The output will be a natural homemade ice cream like "crème brulee".

The main feature of the preparation of a cream according to this recipe is that the final composition is thick and viscous. Even if you use the mass to impregnate dry sand cakes and apply it in a dense layer, the cream will not spread. In addition to the fact that the recipe is suitable for "Smetannik", it is often used in the preparation of eclairs, cookies with filling, decorating cakes using a pastry syringe.

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • butter (fat content from 72%) - 120 gr.
  • vanilla sugar- 25 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 140 gr.
  • rye flour - 60 gr.
  • sour cream with a fat content of 20% - 350 gr.
  1. Mash sugar, vanillin and eggs in a convenient way. Sift flour and add it to the mass.
  2. Cool the sour cream to room temperature, add to the main ingredients and beat with a mixer.
  3. Transfer the composition to an enamel container, put on low heat and simmer until the mixture becomes thick.
  4. When this happens, remove the pan from the stove, add 60g. butter, stir the mixture and leave to cool.
  5. Soften the second portion of the butter, scoop one tablespoon at a time and mix in the cream. Beat the mixture with a mixer each time you add a new portion.

In the end, you will get a lush mass of a soft beige shade. It needs to be used within the next three hours. Otherwise, put the cream in the refrigerator, after wrapping the bowl cling film.

Easy to prepare custard, you just need to strictly follow the instructions. Take advantage of the versatile classic recipe or choose technology according to the type of cake you plan to bake. Pay close attention to the mass while it is on the stove. Particularly relevant advice is in the use of recipes with the addition of flour.

Video: Protein Custard for Desserts

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Since I learned how to make custard, I stopped worrying about my desserts or pastries, because I know for sure that such a cream always turns out excellent, it is simply impossible to spoil it, if, of course, you adhere to the exact recipe and cooking technology.
And so, such a cream is just a godsend for a home pastry chef, because from available ingredients you can prepare a universal cream for absolutely any dessert. They can be smeared with biscuits or shortbread cakes, or fill it with custard buns and volovan, and adding flavors - coffee extract, vanillin, orange or lemon zest- you can vary the taste of such a cream for your pastry fantasies.
I remember how my mother bought such a cream in briquettes and cooked it in a saucepan, so I did not understand for a long time that custard is generally one of the simplest creams and can be so easily prepared by myself. It seemed to me that it has such a composition of ingredients that it can only be bought in the form of semi-finished products and prepared according to the instructions. Imagine my surprise when my mother did not find such a briquette in the kitchen drawer, literally in a couple of minutes she made my favorite cream from improvised products - wheat flour, granulated sugar, milk and butter! And I liked it much more than the purchased one, because it had a natural smell of milk and butter, was so delicate and thick.
If you still do not know how to cook such deliciousness, then see how to make custard at home quickly and tasty. Write down this recipe, I'm sure you will love it!

- granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.,
- whole cow's milk - 1 tbsp.,
- table chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- butter - 50 g,
- wheat flour - 2.5 tablespoons,
- vanillin - to taste.

How to cook from a photo step by step

The process of making the cream is quite simple, it is only important to choose the right dishes in which it will cook and not burn.

Stir and pour in a little milk.
Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Mix well, it is best to do this with a mixer, then the mixture will be really homogeneous.
We put the saucepan on low heat and cook the cream until thickened for about 3-5 minutes. Be sure to stir the mass with a whisk or whipping with a mixer.

Now cool it quickly - put the pan in a bowl of cold water.
And then add soft butter and again interrupt the cream with a mixer into a homogeneous mass.

Cool the finished custard for 10-15 minutes in a cold place before use.

It turns out very tasty, I advise you to pay attention to this recipe. Bon Appetit!

Custard is a recipe French cuisine, it was originally used to make the famous Napoleon cake. But today its application has expanded significantly, and the geography of manufacture is almost the whole world.

Most often, this custard is used at home to coat homemade cakes, as an interlayer in them, and to fill sweet puff tubes. And it is not surprising: cooking it is simple and quick, and the result is amazing.

However, many novice culinary specialists do not undertake to prepare custard for fear of failure. I suggest a simple one, quick recipe custard.



  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Oil - 15 g;
  • Flour - 60 g;
  • Vanilla / vanilla sugar - 2/5 g.


It doesn't take a lot of time, tools and skills to make a simple custard. The entire cooking process will take no more than 30 minutes, and no special skills are needed at all. From kitchen utensils you need a blender, bowl, saucepan and stove.

First, we need to dissolve the sugar in the milk. To do this, we pour milk into a saucepan, put it on fire and add sugar there. While stirring constantly, keep the saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Now turn off the fire.

Let's take a mixture of eggs and flour, they need to be mixed in a bowl. You can use a blender, but you don't need to beat, just stir well.

When the mixture got uniform appearance, pour in half of the hot milk with sugar, stir everything again. You need to pour it carefully, in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that the eggs do not curl up and the flour does not come in lumps.

Then we repeat the procedure, pouring in the remaining milk.

And now we pour the contents of the toe into a saucepan and put it on the fire again. We need to brew the cream.

It is advisable to screw the fire to below average. We need to keep the mixture on fire until it thickens.

Stir the contents of the saucepan with a broom all the time to obtain a uniform consistency.

You can remove it only when the whole cream thickens. Otherwise, the cream will taste like raw flour.

If it starts to burn, you should also reduce the heat, and also stir more intensively.

When the composition has thickened, remove. If you still have lumps, then wipe the cream through a thick metal sieve.

Now add the oil, mix well.

After the mass has become homogeneous, put the vanilla in it and mix it again.

Our custard is ready. It remains only to cool to room temperature.

Cover the bowl with cling film, place in a cool place. I like to use this custard for honey cakes and other cakes.

Lump-free butter custard

Butter custard is often used to decorate cakes and as an interlayer. Its difference from the usual one is that there is more butter, which means the cream itself (and with it the whole dessert will be more high-calorie). However, making the cream is also very simple, and the thick consistency will serve as the basis for the most original culinary delights. Read how you can use such a cream at the end of the recipe.


  • Milk - 350 g;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Butter - 250 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Vanilla (vanilla sugar) - 10/40 g;
  • Salt - 3 g;
  • Starch (flour) - 2 tbsp. l.


Pour half of the sugar norm with salt, a third of the milk into a bowl and mix everything well, but do not whisk.

We break the eggs to the resulting mixture, just mix again.

Now we take a cold saucepan, pour out the remaining sugar and milk. So that the milk does not burn on the fire, do not stir the sugar. We turn on the stove and bring to a boil, and then quickly remove from heat.

Very carefully, pour the hot mixture into a bowl with milk and eggs in a thin stream. Stir constantly.

Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan, put it on the fire again. We reduce the heat to low, and cook the cream, stirring constantly.

This is the most difficult moment, the contents of the saucepan must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn, does not come in lumps, and at the same time we need to bring the cream to thickening.

If the first time you did not succeed without lumps, it doesn’t matter, wipe the hot mixture through a thick metal sieve.

Now add to the mashed mass 50 g of butter, vanilla (but vanilla sugar is better), mix everything well (without beating) and cover with cling film (so that there is no crust on top).

Let our mass cool to room temperature.

Transfer the cooled mass to a blender, add the remaining slightly softened butter and 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Beat until a homogeneous white mass is formed. The cream is ready.

If you need to get a product of several colors, then divide the composition into parts before loading into a blender. And after adding food coloring, beat the cream according to the colors. For example, to make it white and red: divide the amount of the mixture in half and whisk one without dye, and add, say, cranberry juice to the other. However, it is better to take ordinary synthetic food colorings, they have a more intense color, but few of them are required - your cream will not lose its consistency.

Load the finished product into a cooking syringe or pouch and decorate the cake. If the cream is too soft, let it cool a little more.

Custard with condensed milk and butter

This cream is the easiest to prepare and can be called custard only conditionally. However, it turns out to be unusually tasty, lush. It is most commonly used to cover homemade cakes or fill puff pastry preparing very quickly.


  • Condensed milk - 1 can (450 g);
  • Butter - 300 g


To prepare this cream, you only need a blender. You do not need to cook a cream from condensed milk and butter.

First you need to soften the butter, and then knock it down into a thick foam in a blender.

The final touch is to add the remaining milk and whisk again.

All our delicious cream ready. Can be spread over cake.

How to use custard butter cream

  • To decorate cakes, you can prepare a multi-colored butter cream. Very beautifully overcame chocolate cream, for which the mixture is added 4-5 tbsp. l. instant cocoa.
  • Carrot juice gives a rich orange color, spinach - green, beets - burgundy.
  • White butter cream is very good for filling custards and eclairs.
  • Sweet baskets with butter cream and candied fruits will also taste original.
  • Butter cream can be used as an interlayer in biscuits, rolls and cakes.

You can not only coat cakes with custard, but also stuff croissants, custard cakes, and even serve as a sauce for dumplings with cottage cheese. We'll share proven custard recipes in a wide variety of variations. Making a delicious cream at home is very easy if you follow the instructions.

Honey cake custard - special recipe

The honey cake cakes are very sweet, so a little less sugar is added to the honey cake custard than usual. Soak the honey cake for at least 3 hours.



  • Half a liter of milk;
  • 110 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • 110 grams of butter;
  • Optionally - a bag of vanilla sugar.


Use a heavy-bottomed pot to cook the cream in. Sift flour, add sugar and eggs. Add a little milk to make a gruel. Pour in the leftovers gradually, check that there are no lumps. If you can't avoid them, arm yourself with a mixer or blender.

Turn on the gas to the very minimum and begin to cook, stirring constantly, the milk part of the custard. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface, count for 2 minutes. In another saucepan, melt the butter, mix it with boiling cream nearby and remove from heat. Cover the surface of the cream with cling film and cool completely.

Once the cream has completely cooled, you can coat the honey cake.

Traditional Cake Custard

Nothing more, just the basics. This recipe was used to prepare custard cream in Soviet canteens. If you buy quality products, get a taste of the 80s. Such a delicate, lump-free custard that melts in your mouth.


  • Half a liter of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 160 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Real butter - 160 grams;
  • Flour - 70 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 grams.


Beat with a mixer in a saucepan with non-stick coating flour, sugar, vanilla sugar and yolks. Heat the milk in any convenient way to 35 degrees and gradually pour about a quarter into a saucepan without turning off the mixer. Bring the remaining milk to a boil and add gradually, whisking constantly. It is important to pour in the boiling milk slowly, otherwise the yolks will cook. At this point, you have a mass in the pan that is as thick as thin pancake dough.

Advice. Custard can be used not only for cakes and pastries, but also for filling wafer rolls and sweet pancakes.

Place the pot on low heat and simmer, stirring very vigorously, for 5 minutes. Immediately after removing the pan from the heat, cut a piece of cling film and cover the surface of the cream with it. You can skip this if you stir the cream every 1.5-2 minutes until it cools completely. The thing is that when it cools down, a mixture of eggs, milk, flour and sugar is covered with a thick, dense crust. Because of this, the custard structure will not be uniform. Cool the cream to room temperature.

Beat the butter with a mixer and gradually combine with the contents of the saucepan, whisking at high speeds. Add everything as quickly as possible, if you beat for a long time, the butter will flake off.

Custard without flour and starch - the most delicate

Custard cream for a sponge cake without flour is the lightest, gentle option impregnation. If you want to make a chocolate custard, add a heaping tablespoon of cocoa powder.


  • 300 grams of butter
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • Half a liter of milk.


Bring the milk to a boil and cool. Remove the foam.

Beat the eggs with sugar into a foam directly in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in the cooled milk in a thin stream, stirring with a whisk. Set the pot to low heat. As soon as bubbles appear, count for two minutes, and then remove the pan from heat.

Soft butter beat with a mixer and add the cooled milk mixture. Stir and refrigerate, covering the surface of the cream with cling film. After cooling completely, the flour-free cream is ready to use.

Lemon custard

Sun-colored custard. Suitable for impregnating any cake and for making cakes.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 40 grams of cornstarch;
  • 250 grams brown sugar
  • 4 yolks;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • 20 grams of butter;


Wash the lemon thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. Grate the zest on a fine grater. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. For cooking lemon cream you need 100 ml.

In the saucepan in which you will cook the cream, sift the starch, add salt and sugar. Pour in warm water and add lemon juice with zest. Stir so that there are no lumps and put on the slowest heat. With constant stirring, wait for the mixture to thicken. The consistency will turn out like that of a very thick jelly... You need to cook for about five minutes.

Beat the yolks with a mixer and, without stopping whisking, pour in the contents of the pan in a thin stream. Place the container with the resulting cream on water bath and cook, stirring occasionally, for another five minutes. Add a lump of butter, wait until it has completely dispersed, and immediately remove the cream from the water bath.

Cover the surface of the custard with plastic wrap and cool. You can take it out in the cold.

Custard with gelatin and milk

Don't be afraid to make gelatin custard! If you follow the instructions, the cream will turn out amazing.


  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml cream 35% fat;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of sheet gelatin;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Whip the cream with a mixer and refrigerate. Pour gelatin with water according to the instructions and leave for a while to disperse. Leaf gelatin custard cooks faster as it takes less time to swell.

Mash the yolks with sugar. In a saucepan, combine the whipped cream and milk and bring to a boil. Whisk the yolks with a whisk and gradually pour the hot cream into them. When you've mixed everything well, place the saucepan on low heat and bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the creamy mass, turn off the gas.

Heat the gelatin in a water bath and, constantly whisking the creamy mixture, pour it in.

Cool the finished custard with gelatin for the cake to 30 degrees and begin to cover each cake with a thick layer.

Custard with semolina

Cream with semolina is especially suitable for impregnating children's cakes. Try to cook it and you will understand that this graininess gives the custard a special tenderness, and the snow-white color - elegance.


  • Liter of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 600 grams of butter;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • A quarter teaspoon of fine salt.


Pour milk into a saucepan and salt. Bring to a boil and add in a thin stream semolina... Cook, stirring constantly with a whisk, over low heat for 15 minutes. When the semolina is ready, sprinkle icing sugar the entire surface and leave to cool.

Beat butter with sugar in an airy butter cream and add a little boiled semolina, whisking the mass with a mixer. Do not interrupt the oil, otherwise the cream will exfoliate.

After an hour in the refrigerator, the biscuit custard is completely ready.

Cream custard

Custard with fine creamy taste, which is perfect for soaking Napoleon cake and biscuit cakes.


  • Cream 33% fat - liter;
  • 5 yolks;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Mash the yolks and sugar until white in a saucepan and place over low heat. When the yolks are heated, pour in the cream in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mass. Boil for 3 minutes, then sift the flour onto the surface of the cream and stir quickly and cook the cream for a couple of minutes until it thickens to the desired consistency. Remove from heat, cool.

Add soft butter and vanillin, beat with a mixer or blender. You can start assembling the cake.

Custard with cottage cheese

Curd custard can be used as a stand-alone dessert. It turns out to be quite dense, but at the same time, airy.


  • 200 grams of cottage cheese 5% fat
  • Half a liter of milk
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 200 grams of butter
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Sift flour and cook with milk over low heat until thickened. Mash soft butter with sugar. When the milk has cooled, whisk it together with the butter. Grind the curd through a fine sieve and add to the butter. Add vanillin and stir.

The custard with cottage cheese is ready.

Custard with sour cream

Custard sour cream for cake is not very popular, since many cannot figure out what to do with sour cream? If we take homemade sour cream, it is divided into oil and serum, and the store is too liquid. Follow our instructions to make the most delicious sour cream custard.


  • Sour cream with 25% fat content - 300 grams;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 140 grams of sugar;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Beat the egg with sugar and add flour, pour over sour cream and stir. Avoid clumping. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on low heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Add 30 grams of soft butter to the hot mass and stir with a whisk. Leave the mixture to cool. Whisk in the remaining butter and gradually add the custard.

If you plan to miss sour cream thick cake cakes, leave the cream in the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then get to work.

Helpful hints:

Stir with a whisk throughout the entire custard preparation process to avoid lumps. But if suddenly lumps appear, just beat the mass with a hand blender.

To prevent the custard from burning, boil it in a water bath. It will take a little more time, but it will not collapse.

When cooking on the stove top, use a double-bottomed steel pan or a non-stick pan. Enamel dishes are not good, everything will burn.

For a light color, you can add cocoa, blackcurrant or carrot juice, and other natural colors.

For dessert, cake or pastries to have an unsurpassed taste, you need to choose the right cream. For tender baked goods custard is great. The recipe for its preparation is used not only in the manufacture culinary masterpieces but also for decorating sweet dishes. This classic cream, which is used for filling confectionery tubes, as well as for smearing cakes so that the culinary work retains its shape. And today we will show you how to make a custard for a cake.

Custard cream is very easy to prepare and you can cook it from the very simple recruitment products available to everyone. Today there are several ways how you can make such a cream, we will introduce you to some of them below.

This recipe provides an opportunity to prepare a classic custard, which can be used both as a filling for eclairs and for spreading biscuits, wafer cakes but not for decoration. To cook such a cream, you need to take:

  • 500 ml of fresh cold milk with a high percentage of fat;
  • 220-230 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 120 g sifted flour;
  • flavoring (vanillin, almond oil, etc.).

At the very beginning, it should be noted that this confectionery creation received its name thanks to the main process - cooking. However, it is worth carrying out the procedure with constant stirring so that the consistency is uniform and does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

At the beginning of preparation, the required amount of milk must be halved. In one part, you will need to dissolve sugar, and pour flour into the other. It should be thoroughly mixed with milk so that there are no breasts and lumps. If there is no time for complete dissolution of flour, you can grind the mixture through a sieve.

Then pour a glass of sweet milk and milk-flour mixture into a saucepan. Next, you need to put it on a slow fire and start stirring slowly. It is recommended to cook the mixture in this mode until it resembles sour cream in consistency. After that, we remove the container from the stove and leave it to cool.

The flavor can be added when the composition is warm. Classic version preparation involves the addition of a small amount of vanilla sugar. However, you can use a different taste, guided by personal preference.

As you can see, this is the simplest recipe that allows you to make a custard from practically what is at hand. However, it is not suitable for decorating culinary masterpieces due to its soft composition, which is not able to keep its shape.

Option number 2

If you want to make Napoleon cake with custard, this recipe is for you. It can be used to create a delicate and delicious cream for the lungs. classic cake from the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 tbsp. sugar (110 gr.);
  • 2 yolks;
  • 185 ml of milk from the refrigerator;
  • 125 ml of well-warmed milk;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
  • ? a teaspoon of vanillin (0.5 tsp vanilla sugar).

This recipe will take about an hour to make a custard. And the process of cooking confectionery delicacies should begin with the fact that 125 ml of milk needs to be boiled. While it cools down, let's start the eggs. Separating the yolks from the whites, fill them with sugar. Then add flour to the mixture, sift it through a sieve, and grind everything thoroughly until the composition becomes more or less homogeneous. After that, pour in the pre-cooled milk and mix again.

In the meantime, put the already slightly cooled milk on the stove on a slow fire again and begin to slowly pour into it. milk and egg mixture... In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the composition with a spoon so that the milk does not start to burn on bottom, thereby spoiling the taste of the finished product. When the mixture begins to thicken, you can remove the container from the heat. Now you need to gradually introduce softened butter into the resulting composition, stirring everything with a fork. When the ingredients are combined, you can additionally knock everything down with a mixer. Add vanilla at the end of the process.

This cooking recipe is not difficult. A minimum of time and products will be required, and the result will be excellent.

It is also worth noting that this option is also used by those who want to cook not only Napoleon, but also Honey cake". Other confectionery and flour products in combination with a cream prepared according to this method. Great taste gets sponge cake with custard in a similar variation.

Option number 3

The following recipe is for those planning to use custard as a decoration for cakes and other culinary masterpieces with different compositions. It will keep its shape perfectly by adding more oils.

The ingredients for such a composition are the following:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • 300 gr. butter;
  • 20 ml brandy (rum, liqueur, tincture);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin (1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar).

As you can see from the composition, the recipe excludes the use of flour, but the taste of the finished composition changes slightly.

The process of boiling a custard for decorating sweet dishes begins by mixing the egg, sugar, milk in a saucepan until an even mixture is obtained. After that, the container should be placed on the stove. You can warm up the sweet milk-egg composition over medium heat, but then it is better to remove it to a minimum. In this case, the future custard should be constantly mixed with a spoon or a whisk so that the mixture does not burn.

When the composition becomes thicker and more homogeneous, remove the pan from heat. While the contents are cooling, the next ingredient should be prepared to add to it. To do this, take the softened butter, beat it for about 5 minutes with a mixer. Add the resulting creamy oil composition in portions to the cooled milk mixture, whisking everything with a mixer.

By combining all the ingredients and adding rum (cognac, etc.) at the end, we get a custard for decorating cakes and other confectionery dishes. We put it in a cornet and put it in the refrigerator for a while. After about 30 minutes, it can be used as directed.

If you want chocolate cream, you can add cocoa to the recipe. However, you can remove the vanilla so that the flavors do not mix. Typically, cocoa is added very early in the process. To prevent lumps from forming because of it, it is better to mix the powder with sugar.

You can also use this recipe to make a cream not for decoration, but for spreading over the layers of the cake. In this case, the mixture should be applied to the cakes immediately after the end of the manufacturing process. In this case, the cakes should not be hot, otherwise the butter will melt, and the taste of the product will not be the same.

Option number 4

This recipe differs in composition, but it tastes great. To make a custard for a cake using this option, you will need a simple set of products:

  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 300 ml of cold milk;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of semolina cereals;
  • ? h. l. vanillin (0.5 tsp sugar).

We start the process by mixing milk with sugar and semolina in a saucepan. Then we put the container on the stove, gradually heat and stir. It is necessary to remove the mixture from the heat when it becomes homogeneous and similar in consistency to sour cream. While the workpiece is cooling down, take out the butter and soften it with a fork. Warm milk mixture and butter should be combined, whipping everything with a mixer, or using a blender. When finished, add the vanilla.

Despite the fact that this recipe is similar to the one according to which you can cook porridge, the taste of the finished product is completely different.

And precisely because the semolina is not felt, this cake custard also works great.

This is how easy and simple you can cook an amazing cream for decorating or greasing a cake using the recipe that you like the most.