Home / Recipes / Chopped meat zrazy technological map. Chopped fish zrazy (TTK3105)

Chopped meat zrazy technological map. Chopped fish zrazy (TTK3105)

Technological map №11.

Cooking technology and quality requirements.

Never buy ready-made minced meat in the store, especially when it comes to feeding your children. It is not known what they wound up there, and, most likely, there were a lot of people living there. I bought a lean piece of beef shoulder. If the dish is for very young, or maybe allergic children, then replace the beef with veal.

Soak the loaf in milk. I never cut off any crusts - they do not bother me, especially since all this will have to be scrolled in a meat grinder - not a trace will remain.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder.

Now take our minced meat and pass it again through the meat grinder together with the soaked loaf. Then salt and mix well for a couple of minutes. The minced meat should be viscous and elastic.

Wash the egg thoroughly, cover it completely with water and cook after boiling for 8-10 minutes. Drain and pour boiling water already cold water, hold for a few minutes, take out and clean.

Peel and chop onions small cube... Heat a frying pan, add 30 grams of vegetable oil and chopped onion. Saute over low heat, stirring often, for 5-7 minutes, until transparent. Don't increase the fire too much - we don't need fried onions! After all, this is food for young children.

Wash and chop the parsley. Cut the peeled egg into small cubes. Mix everything together with the onion. The filling is ready!

Weigh your minced meat. I got a little over six hundred grams. Therefore, a portion of minced meat for one cutlet turned out to be 60-63 grams. For convenience, it is better to weigh everything, then our images will be exactly the same.

Flatten (a little more than half a centimeter thick) a measured portion of minced meat, and put a tablespoon of the filling in the middle. Do this "procedure" anywhere - in your hand, on a plate or on a table - as long as you feel comfortable.

We pinch the edges well and with wet hands form an oval, flattened cutlet. And so ten times.

Turn on the oven, temperature 220-250 degrees.

Pour crackers into a plate, bread all our zrazy. If the breading does not stick at all, then before dipping the cutlet into the crackers, slightly moisten it (just run over it with wet hands).

Preheat a frying pan, add 20 grams of vegetable oil and fry the first batch of cutlets over medium heat (you are unlikely to fit everything in one go). Fry over low heat, a couple of minutes on each side. Before the second run, add the remaining ten grams of vegetable oil and fry the second batch of cutlets. Everything is the same - a couple of minutes on each side over low heat.

Line the baking dish with baking paper. Of course, you don't have to line it, but how convenient it is! I ate the cutlets, removed and threw out the paper, while the form remained completely clean - rinsed and order! We put our fried zrazy into the mold.

The oven must be preheated. In this case, seven or eight minutes will be enough for our zrazami, because the layer of meat in them is very thin.

I served with white sauce, which I made on beef broth... It is very good for these cutlets. If it's fast, then this: we take 25 grams butter, a teaspoon with a mountain of flour and about 350 grams of broth (I always have frozen broth). I just had 200 grams of broth, and the remaining 150 were just water.

The broth should be hot. I take a small but wide saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour and quickly, stirring intensively, brew the flour and so that there are no lumps.

- 167.05 Kb

I introduction

What is zrazy? Zrazy is a dish of Belarusian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Polish cuisine, which is meatloaf or a stuffed cutlet. Zrazy is usually made from well-chopped beef, seasoned with pepper and salt. The filling of this magnificent dish can be very varied - it can be all possible vegetables, boiled eggs, mushrooms, in some cases even porridge. Zrazy is usually served with broth, you can also serve it with various cereals or crushed potatoes. Zrazy made from broken off thin sheets of whole meat pulp, in which, in fact, the filling is wrapped, are called zavivans, this type of zraz is common in Ukraine. It is often believed that chopped zrazy, like other dishes of that time, were served by the Italian wife of the ruler of that time of the Commonwealth, whose name was Bona Sforza. But there is also another version among the people, such as: “The dish of the Lithuanian gourmet cuisine was also widespread on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus. After Lithuania and Poland were reunited in the sixteenth century, this dish became part of the national dishes of Polish cuisine. " Zrazy can also be stuffed with either a chopped omelet, as well as only fat and onions.

II. Settlement and technological part

1.Characteristics of the topic

Meat contains a lot of complete proteins - 14.5 - 23%, fat - from 2 to 37, minerals - 0.5-1.3%. Meat contains vitamins A, D, PP and group B.
The main tissues of meat are: muscle, connective, adipose and bone. Primary processing consists of the following processes: thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, deboning, stripping, sorting, production of semi-finished products.
Carcasses, half carcasses, quarters of meat are thawed in a chamber at temperatures from 0 to 6-8 ° C for 1-3 days or at 20-25 ° C for 12-24 hours. With slow thawing, loss of nutrients, the meat is not thawed in water. After thawing, the brand is cut off, the meat is washed with water (20-30 ° C) using brushes, rinsed with water (12-15 ° C) and dried in air or with cloth napkins.
Meat is one of the most important places in our diet. The nutritional value of this useful product is determined primarily by the fact that it is a carrier of animal protein and fat.
Meat is the main source of complete nutritional proteins, which contain all essential amino acids, balanced in the most favorable proportions. The fat makes this food high in calories and satisfying. Meat products contain a lot of B and PP vitamins, especially in the liver and kidneys, as well as potassium and phosphorus. It is rich in iron and trace elements. The vitamins in meat are mainly represented by the vitamin B complex. There are many extractives in meat, which, when cooked, turn into broth. They tone the body, stimulate the intestines.
From minced meat, obtained by grinding beef, pork, lamb or veal in a meat grinder, prepare natural minced products without the addition of bread (steaks, schnitzels, cutlets), and with the addition of bread (cutlets, meatballs, zraza, meatballs).
For the manufacture of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - the pulp of the neck, Flank and trims obtained by cutting carcasses, as well as edging from carcasses of category II; lamb, goat meat, veal - the flesh of the neck and trim; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp should be stripped of tendons and rough connective tissue. Such meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5 - 10%) is included in the lean cutlet meat. In pork cutlet meat, the content of adipose tissue is not more than 30% and that of connective tissue is not more than 5%. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb and veal, the content of fatty and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.
Heat treatment methods for the preparation of semi-finished meat products:
Frying in the main way.
This is frying a product with a small amount of fat (5-10%) at a temperature of 130-150 ° C on the frying surface of a pan or baking sheet until a crispy crust forms on the surface of the product on all sides. Frying is carried out until semi- or fully cooked. Heat is transferred to the product through heat transfer.
Roasting over hot coals:
The product is fried over hot coals on a greased wire rack or on metal skewers, turning or inverting. Heating occurs by radiation of heat from charcoal.
The role of pasta in the diet - and practically all over the world - can hardly be overestimated. Many even consider them to be the staple food of the 20th century. Although pasta is extremely simple in composition, its ubiquitous distribution began only a hundred years ago. The reason should be sought in the fact that the cultivation of wheat for a long time was not an easy task, possible only in certain regions of the planet. This prevented pasta from achieving the popularity that it rightfully deserves. In addition, the path of wheat grain from sowing to millstones was long and difficult - it was possible to simplify and speed up the process only with the help of modern agricultural technology. Pasta is a food product. They are very satisfying due to the fact that they consist of wheat flour and for their preparation already for consumption directly in food it is not required much time and skills. Most often they are used as a side dish for any meat dishes or as an independent dish. Pasta can be added to soup, and salads are also prepared with their use. Exists a large number of recipes for making sauces, with which boiled pasta is especially appetizing, and just with ketchup, many of us ate them and were not dissatisfied. It is not difficult to name the needs that this food product is able to satisfy. This, of course, is the need for food, the advantage of pasta here is their nutritional value and affordability and ease of preparation, they are able to deliver taste delight to special lovers of pasta. Also, pasta is served for lunch in childcare facilities. You can quickly prepare a dish from them, since the duration of their cooking is 5 - 15 minutes. Pasta is a dried unleavened dough made from wheat flour of special grinding and water, decorated in the form of tubes, threads, ribbons or other form of products, dried to a residual moisture content of 13%, some can be stored under normal conditions for a year without deterioration in quality indicators. Pasta contains (in%): water –13; proteins - 10.4-11.8; fat - 0.9-2.7; carbohydrates 72.2 -75.2; fiber - 0.1-0.2; vitamins B, PP. Energy value 100g. pasta -332-341 kcal, or 1389-1427 kJ. Pasta proteins are assimilated by 85%, fats by 93%, carbohydrates by 96%. Among the minerals there is a lot of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, but little calcium, as well pasta contain an insufficient amount of such irreplaceable amino acids as lysine, methionine, threonine. To increase the biological value of pasta, egg and dairy products are introduced into them.

2. Recipe and calculation of dish No. 664 "Chopped zrazy" for 1 and 10 servings

Product name

1 serving

For 10 servings

Beef (cutlet meat)

Wheat bread

Milk or water

Cutlet mass


Melted edible animal fat

The mass of sautéed onions

Parsley (greens)

Minced meat mass

Semi-finished product weight

Melted edible animal fat

Mass of fried food

Garnish No. 442

3. Feature and mechanical culinary processing main and auxiliary raw materials

1) Meat - it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, minerals and other substances. The content of these substances depends on the species, breed, sex, age, fatness of the animals. Meat is a collection of different tissues: muscle, fat, connective, bone, etc. Meat can be classified according to the type of slaughtered animals, age, fatness, thermal state. According to the type of slaughter animals, beef, lamb, goat meat, pork, horse meat, venison, meat of rabbits, wild animals (elk, roe deer, bear), etc. are distinguished. According to the thermal state, meat is divided into: cooled, chilled, slightly frozen, frozen. According to fatness, meat is divided into categories. Body condition categories are determined by the development of muscle tissue, fat deposition, and the degree of bone protrusion. Beef, lamb, goat meat are divided into 1 and 2 categories according to fatness. Pork is divided into five categories according to its fatness. Requirement for quality: In terms of quality, the meat of various types of slaughter animals can be fresh, of doubtful freshness, stale. The quality of meat is determined by organoleptic, chemical, microbiological and other methods. Using the organoleptic method, the quality of meat is determined by the condition of the surface, color, consistency, smell, condition of fat, tendons, bone marrow, and the quality of the broth. Fresh frozen meat has a red surface, and a pinkish-gray surface in the cut. The consistency is firm, a clear sound is emitted when tapped. Has no smell. The state of the bone marrow is not determined. The broth is cloudy, without aroma. Meat of dubious freshness, stale meat is not used. Shelf life: Store meat in refrigerated chambers under the weight of chilled meat, stacks of frozen meat at temperatures from 0 to -5 ° C and relative humidity of 85-90% - 2-3 days. At a temperature of -12 ° C and a relative humidity of 95-98%, frozen beef meat is stored for 8 months, lamb, goat meat - 6 months. Chilled meat is stored at a temperature of 0-2 ° C and a relative humidity of 85% for 3 days. Meat - processing of frozen meat consists of the following stages: defrosting, washing, drying, culinary cutting and deboning, cleaning and sorting of meat, preparation of semi-finished products. Defrosting meat is carried out in order to make further processing easier and more convenient. In frozen meat, the juice is located between the fibers in the form of ice crystals. During defrosting, the juice is reabsorbed by the fibers, and its loss largely depends on the defrosting method. The meat is thawed in special chambers in a slow or fast way. With slow defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is maintained from 0 to 6-8 ° C, air humidity is 90-95%. The meat is thawed in large parts (carcasses, half carcasses, quarters), they are hung on hooks so that they do not touch each other and do not touch the floor and walls. In such conditions, muscle fibers almost completely absorb the juice formed during defrosting, and their original state is restored. The positiveness of defrosting depends on the type of meat, the size of the pieces and is 1-3 days. Defrosting is stopped if the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0-1 ° C. Properly defrosted meat is no different from chilled meat. The loss of meat juice during slow defrosting is 0.5% of the meat mass. During rapid defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is maintained at 20-25 ° C, the air humidity is 80-95%, for which heated humidified air is fed into it. Under such conditions, the meat is defrosted in 12-24 hours, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles should be - 0.5 ... 1.5 ° C. After that, the meat is kept for 24 hours at a temperature of 0-2 ° C and an air humidity of 80-85% in order to reduce the loss of meat juice during cutting. In enterprises that do not have premises for defrosting meat, this process is carried out in the preparation shop. In this case, the meat is placed on wooden grates or tables. It is impossible to chop the meat into pieces before defrosting, as this increases the loss of meat juice up to 10%, and the meat becomes tough and tasteless. Defrosting meat in water is not allowed, as soluble food substances will pass into the water. After defrosting, the brand is cut off, heavily soiled places, blood clots. When washing, dirt, microorganisms and their spores are washed off from the surface of the meat. At large catering establishments, meat is washed in washing rooms. It is suspended on hooks and washed with the help of special brushes (shower brush), a stream of water from a hose or a hose. In small enterprises, meat is washed in baths. To do this, it is placed on grates and washed in running water with herbal or nylon brushes. The water temperature should be between 20 and 30 ° C. Before drying, washed carcasses are washed with cold water at a temperature of 12-15 ° C for cooling. This delays the development of microorganisms on the surface of the meat during further processing. Drying prevents the development of microbes, in addition, when cutting, the meat does not slip in the hands. The meat is hung on hooks or placed on lattices located above the washing tubs, dried in the air or with cotton napkins. At large enterprises, outside air for drying is forced through special pipelines and passed through filters. Air temperature 1-6 ° С. In small businesses, natural drying is used. Cutting half carcasses of meat consists of sequential operations: division into cuts, deboning of cuts, trimming and stripping. The main purpose of cutting and deboning is to obtain pieces of meat that are different in their culinary purpose. Deboning is the separation of the pulp from the bones. This operation is performed very carefully so that no meat remains on the bones, and the resulting pieces do not have deep cuts (no more than 10 mm). Vein and stripping is the removal of tendons, films, cartilage. When stripping pieces of meat, coarse surface films, tendons, cartilage and excess fat are removed, edges are cut off from the edges. Intermuscular connective tissues and thin surface films are left. They clean the meat so that it does not deform during heat treatment. It is more convenient to cut portioned semi-finished products from peeled meat. Meat is cut in a room with an air temperature of no higher than 10 ° C so that the meat does not heat up. The beef side is divided into fore and hind quarters. The dividing line runs along the last rib and between the 13th and 14th vertebrae, with the ribs in front. 2) Onion vegetables contain sugars, proteins, minerals, vitamins. Due to the content of phytoncides, onion vegetables have been used as medicines since ancient times. The presence of essential oils and glycosides in these vegetables gives them pungency and specific taste and aroma, which has a beneficial effect on appetite and promotes better absorption of food. Onion. This is the most common type of onion vegetable. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which the roots extend downward, and upward - leaves in the form of fleshy scales. Outside, the bulb is covered with several dry colored scales - a jacket that protects the fleshy scales from drying out and damage by microorganisms. The top of the bulb is called the neck. Onions contain up to 6 mg% of essential oil, sugar (up to 9%), vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP and folic acid, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron), nitrogenous substances (up to 1.7%). Onions are distinguished by the shape and color of the scales. The pulp of the onion is white with a greenish tinge and purple. According to taste, onion varieties are usually subdivided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Spicy varieties of onions contain more dry matter than other varieties, have a sharp, pungent taste and smell, onions 50-150 gr. , outer scales are yellow. These varieties keep well. Semi-sharp onion varieties have a weak taste and smell, bulbs up to 60-300 grams, outer scales of purple, brown or yellow, contain less dry matter than sharp varieties. Sweet onions. The onion is very tender, juicy, but less aromatic, the outer scales are light yellow and purple, the bulbs are 50-300g each. Requirements for the quality of onion vegetables: Onion quality is divided into selected and ordinary. It should have ripe, healthy, dry, clean, whole bulbs, uniform in shape and color, with a well-dried dried neck no more than 5 cm, with a taste and smell characteristic of the botanical variety. Diameter of selected onions is 4-5 cm, ordinary onions 3-4 cm. 15-20% of bulbs with a neck length of more than 5 cm are allowed in ordinary onions; 5% of bulbs of smaller diameter, bare, with dry pollution, mechanically damaged. The content of sprouted bulbs with a feather length of up to 2 cm, in the spring-summer period, no more than 10. Steamed, rotten, slightly frozen onion vegetables, damaged by diseases, with a foreign smell and taste are not allowed. Packaging and shelf life: Onions are packed in coolies and mesh bags of 30 kg. At enterprises Catering onions are stored for up to 5 days at a temperature of 3 ° C and a relative humidity of 70%. 3) Butter is a milk fat concentrate obtained from cream. Contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, ash, moisture. The oil contains valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic, linolenic and low-saturated stearic acid. The oil contains phosphatides, cholesterol, minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, D, E, B2, which give it a high biological value. Types of butter: 1) Vologda - unsalted sweet-butter and sour-butter 82.5% fat; salty sour creamy and sweet creamy 81.5% fat. 2) Peasant - sweet-creamy and sour-creamy unsalted 72.5% fat; sweet and creamy salty 71.5% fat. 3) Chocolate - made from cream with the addition of sugar, cocoa and vanillin, containing 62.0% fat. 4) Sandwich - sweet and creamy, sweet and creamy fortified, sour creamy 61.5% fat. 5) Ghee - butter made from butter, cheese butter, crude butter, combined ghee and plastic cream. Contains 99% fat. Requirements for quality: Depending on the quality, the oil is subdivided into the highest and the first grade. In terms of organoleptic characteristics, the oil should have a clean, well-defined taste and smell of cream, without foreign tastes and odors. Salted butter should have a moderately salty taste. The consistency is homogeneous, plastic, dense. The surface is dry in appearance, the color is from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass. Have chocolate butter taste, smell sweet, with a pronounced taste, aroma of chocolate and vanillin, without foreign tastes and smells. The consistency is dense, homogeneous, plastic, without visible drops of moisture on the cut. Chocolate color, uniform throughout the mass. Sandwich butter has a pleasant taste, smell with a sour-milk aftertaste in sour butter, with a pasteurization aftertaste in sweet-butter, a weak-fodder aftertaste is allowed; the consistency is dense, plastic, dry in appearance, with single droplets of moisture, slight crumbling, friability is allowed; color from white to light yellow. Ghee has a specific taste, the smell of melted milk fat without foreign tastes, odors. The consistency is grainy, soft, when melted, the oil is transparent without sediment. Color from light yellow to yellow, uniform throughout the mass. Oil with rancid, moldy, putrid, fishy, ​​pronounced fodder, musty, bitter and other taste and smell is not allowed for sale; pronounced loose, soft, layered consistency; foreign inclusions in the oil, mold on the surface of the oil and inside. Packaging and shelf life: The butter is packed in wooden, cardboard boxes, wooden, plywood-stamped barrels, which, before filling, must be lined with parchment or aluminum cached foil, or plastic film. Store in consumer containers at a temperature not exceeding -3 ° C and a relative air humidity of 80% for no more than 10 days from the day of packing in parchment. 4) Table salt - is a natural crystalline product consisting of a compound of sodium chloride and minor admixtures of other mineral salts. Table salt takes the first place among all flavoring products. In addition, it plays a large role in the human body: it participates in water-salt metabolism, in the formation of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, regulates osmotic pressure in human cells, etc. The daily requirement for table salt is 10-15 g. Table salt is distinguished by its origin and method of production: 1) rock salt - which is mined from the bowels of the earth by a mine or open pit method. 2) evaporated - which is obtained by evaporation of natural or artificial brines extracted from the bowels of the earth. 3) self-deposited - which is mined from the bottom of salt lakes and thoroughly washed from impurities. 4) cage - which is obtained by evaporating the water of the oceans, seas, lakes. It contains many mineral impurities. By processing table salt is subdivided into: fine-crystalline, crystal size 0.5 mm; ground, crystal size from 0.8 to 4.5 mm; unmilled - in the form of a lump or grains up to 40 mm; iodized - fine crystalline salt, enriched with potassium iodide. Requirements for quality: According to the quality, table salt is subdivided into four grades: extra, superior, 1st and 2nd. According to organoleptic characteristics, the salt should be white, a grayish-yellow or bluish tint is allowed in the 1st and 2nd grades. The taste is purely salty, there should be no smell, iodized salt has a faint smell of iodine. Packaging and shelf life: Table salt is delivered to catering establishments packed in paper packs of 1 kg, packed in boxes of 20 kg, and multilayer paper bags of 40-50 kg. Salt is stored in dry warehouses at a temperature of 17 ° C and a relative humidity of 70%. 5) Fruit spice - pepper is the fruit of a tropical plant. It is black, scented and red. Black pepper - it is prepared from ripe fruits by drying in the sun. The color of the pepper is black-brown, the surface is wrinkled, the diameter of the grains is 3.5-5 mm. Pepper is prized for its essential oil and piperine alkaloid content. The best pepper is considered hard, heavy, sinking in water and dark, without a gray coating. Black pepper is produced in the form of peas and ground. Use it before preparing dishes from beef, veal, dumplings, minced meat. Allspice is the dried unripe fruit of the pepper plant. He has pungent taste, pepper-clove aroma, brown color. It is used for sauces for fish, poultry, game, wild meat, for marinades and soups. Red pepper - comes in the form of pods and ground. Storage: Store in dry ventilated rooms at a temperature of 12-17 ° C and a relative humidity of 75%. 6) Spicy vegetables - spicy vegetables include dill, tarragon, marjoram, basil, savory, coriander, etc. they all have a peculiar aroma and taste due to the content of essential oils - from 500 mg% in tarragon to 2500 mg% in dill. In addition, they contain a lot of vitamin C (100-150 mg%) and minerals. Dill is used in the form of young greens as a seasoning for salads, soups, various main courses. Dill in flowering and mature stage is used for salting and pickling vegetables. Quality requirement: Spicy herbs should come fresh, clean, with delicate green leaves. Allowed 2% (by weight) stems with yellowed, withered, dented, contaminated leaves. Storage conditions and terms: Spicy vegetables are delivered to catering establishments in boxes or baskets with a capacity of no more than 10 kg. These vegetables are stored for no more than 2 days at a temperature of 4 ºС and a relative humidity of 90-95%. 7) Eggs - the composition of the protein part of eggs includes easily digestible proteins (10.8%), carbohydrates (0.9%), minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B12. Protein is poor in fats (0.03%). Protein coagulation and thickening occurs at 60-65 ºС. Protein is absorbed by 98%. The energy value of 100 g of protein is 47 kcal. When beaten, the white of the eggs forms a thick, firm foam. Egg yolk is rich in proteins (16.2%), containing all amino acids necessary for a person. The yolk contains a lot of fat (32.6%), has low temperature melting, since it contains oleic, linoleic and other unsaturated fatty acids. Of the saturated acids, there are palmitic, stearic, etc. Fat is in the yolk in the form of an emulsion. Contains carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B3 and PP. The digestibility of the yolk is 96%. Energy value of 100 g yolk 370 kcal. Depending on the shelf life and quality, eggs are divided into dietary and canteen. Diet eggs are eggs, the shelf life of which does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day of laying. Canteen includes eggs, the shelf life of which does not exceed 25 days from the date of sorting, not counting the day of laying, and eggs stored in the refrigerator for no more than 120 days. Categories, requirements for the quality of eggs: Diet and table eggs, depending on the weight, are divided into 3 categories: selected - the mass of one egg is 65 g, the first is 55 g, the second is 45 g. Categories of dietary and table eggs are designated: selected - 0, the first - 1, the second - 2. The quality of dietary and table eggs is determined by the state of the air chamber, protein, yolk. Diet eggs have a fixed air chamber with a height of no more than 4 mm; the protein is dense, light, transparent; The yolk is firm, barely visible, but the contours are not visible, it occupies a central position and does not move. Table eggs have a stationary air chamber (some mobility is allowed) with a height of no more than 7 mm; for eggs stored in refrigerators - no more than 9 mm; protein is dense (insufficiently dense is allowed), light, transparent; the yolk is strong, hardly noticeable, can move slightly, a slight deviation from the central position is allowed; in eggs stored in refrigerators, the yolk is moving. Canteen shells and dietary eggs must be clean and undamaged. The presence of single spots and stripes on the shell of dietary eggs is allowed, and on the shell of table eggs, spots, dots and stripes are not more than 1/8 of its surface. The shell should be free of blood stains and droppings. The contents of edible chicken eggs must be odor-free. The residual amount of pesticides in edible chicken eggs should not exceed the maximum allowable level approved by the Ministry of Health. Packing, storage of eggs: Eggs are packed in boxes made of corrugated cardboard or polymer boxes using lumpy gaskets and in boxes made of polymer or cardboard materials, 6-12 pieces each. Diet and table eggs of selected categories are packed in boxes for small-piece packing. Small eggs separately with the designation on the label "small". Diet eggs are marked with red, table eggs - blue. Eggs are marked with a round stamp. On the stamp, the category and date of sorting (day, month) are indicated for dietary eggs, and only the category for canteens. A label is attached to the box indicating the name of the enterprise, the type, category of eggs, the sorting date, conditions and shelf life, information data on the nutritional value, calorie content of 100 g of the product. Diet eggs are stored at a temperature not higher than 20 ºС and not lower than 0 ºС; canteens - at a temperature not higher than 20 ºС; in refrigerators at temperatures from 0 to -2 ºС and at a relative humidity of 85-88%. Eggs are used for the preparation of salads, sauces, boiled, in the production of confectionery and bakery products.

4. Technology of cooking

Cutlet mass molded in the form of a cake 1 cm thick, in the middle of which minced meat is placed (chopped sautéed onions and greens, chopped boiled eggs). After that, the edges of the cakes are connected, breaded in breadcrumbs, giving them an oval-flattened shape, and fried. Let go with a side dish and sauce, 2 - 1 pc. per serving. You can cook zrazy without eggs, increasing the setting of sautéed onions accordingly. Instead of the minced meat specified in the recipe, zrazy can be stuffed with an omelet, cut into small slices.

Pasta is boiled in a large amount of boiling salted water, 6 liters of water, 50 g of salt are taken for 1 kg of pasta. Pasta is boiled for 20 - 30 minutes, noodles - 20 - 25 minutes, noodles - 10 - 12 minutes. During the cooking process, the pasta swells, absorbing water, as a result of which its mass increases by about 3 times, depending on the variety.

The cooked pasta is thrown back and mixed with the melted fat so that they do not stick together and do not form lumps. The rest of the fat or sour cream pasta is seasoned just before the release. Pasta dishes are served hot.

5. Design, output rate, filing rule, quality requirement, storage conditions and terms.

Submission rule.

Served zrazy 2 pcs per serving. Zrazy are made with herbs and garnished with boiled pasta. Side dishes - boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, crumbly porridge, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat. Sauces - basic red, onion, onion with mustard.

Serving yield: 240g

Appearance: zrazy in the form of cylinders, 1-2 per serving, laid on a plate and poured with red sauce. On the side, the main and additional garnish. Color: Zrazy on the surface is brown, in the context of a shell of gray meat with yellowish minced meat from eggs and onions. The sauce is bright brown. Flavor: A minced meat stew of boiled eggs and fried onions, moderately salty, slightly spicy from the sauce. Smell: Stew with onion, egg and sauce aromas. Consistency: the zrazy is soft, retained its shape, juicy from the sauce in which it was stewed. The sauce is homogeneous, slightly viscous. Appearance: served boiled dishes hot pasta on a preheated plate. Boiled pasta is easily separated from each other and retains its shape. White color. Taste and odor: characteristic of the corresponding pasta, odorless musty. Consistency: The pasta is soft but not overcooked.

The correct presentation of the prepared dishes is of great importance. The attractive appearance of finished products stimulates appetite, promotes better absorption of food. When serving on plates (without staining the edges), first put the main product, then the side dish, and lastly pour the sauce over the products. When serving dishes without sauce, the main product is placed on top of the side dish.
When serving hot second courses, pay attention to their temperature. The temperature of the second courses in canteens is 60 - 65 ° С. distinguish between simple and complex side dishes. A simple side dish consists of one product, a complex side dish consists of several types of products. When composing a complex side dish, products are selected that combine in taste and color. Arrange a complex garnish with bouquets. The meat is poured with sauce or the sauce is served separately in a gravy boat. Garnish with sauce is not poured.
In the process of cooking, the following sanitary requirements must be observed: semi-finished products, as they are prepared, should be immediately heat treated for at least 15 minutes, you can store second courses on a bain-marie for no more than 2-3 hours.

6. Organization of work of workshops, equipment, inventory, dishes.

Organization of the meat shop:

Meat shops are organized at large procurement factories and medium-sized enterprises that process raw materials for their production. The technological process of meat processing does not depend on the capacity of the workshop, but the organization of the technological process itself is different. At large procurement enterprises, meat shops are more mechanized; conveyors, overhead and flow lines, etc. are used. Meat semi-finished products are produced in the following assortment: large-sized semi-finished products from beef, pork and lamb; bones; portioned semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb; small-sized semi-finished products from beef, lamb and pork; minced meat; pepper, zucchini, stuffed with meat and rice. Technological process meat processing consists of the following operations; defrosting frozen meat, cleaning the surface and cutting off veterinary brands, washing, drying, dividing into cuts, deboning cuts and separating large pieces, trimming meat and preparing semi-finished natural and minced products. Meat shops at large procurement enterprises consist of several rooms: defrosters, a carcass washing department, a drying room, a room for deboning, trimming, and preparation of semi-finished products. At large enterprises, mechanized flow lines are used. From the refrigerating chambers, the frozen meat is transported along an overhead track (monorail) or on trolleys to defrosters, where a slow thawing process takes place at a temperature of 4-6 ºС for three days. The surface of the thawed meat is cleaned from dirt, the brands are cut off. Then the meat is washed in a special room with warm water using shower brushes. The meat is dried in a separate room using air supplied by fans. The carcasses are cut into pieces by the boner at the beginning of the conveyor line. This operation is performed with the help of a large cleaver knife or butcher's ax. In order to comply with labor protection requirements, deboners use chain mail nets. Deepening workstations, organized along the conveyor line, are equipped with production tables with drawers for tools, cutting boards, which are attached to the tables with pins. Boning knives use boning knives. The separated parts (meat, bones) are transported along a conveyor to the tenants, who strip the meat from tendons, films, and disassemble large-sized semi-finished products by type. The bones obtained after deboning the meat are sent for sawing into pieces using a circular saw. In large workshops, jobs for the production of portioned and small-piece semi-finished products can be organized on parallel conveyor lines. Production tables are located along the line on both sides. For cutting semi-finished products, a cutting board is placed on the table, to the left of it is a tray with meat, to the right is a tray for semi-finished products, the middle knife of the chef's troika, nutmeg. A dial scale is placed behind the cutting board. The worker places a tray with ready-made semi-finished products on a moving conveyor. For the production of chopped semi-finished products, several jobs are organized, organized in one technological line. Workplaces are equipped with a bath for soaking bread, a meat grinder with a capacity of 600-800 kg / h, and a meat mixer. Organization of work of the hot shop: Hot shops are organized at enterprises performing a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main shop of the catering enterprise, where the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, cooking soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, and also heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products for clear broths. From the hot shop ready meals go directly to the distributor for sale to the consumer. The hot shop occupies a central place in the catering enterprise. The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the blank shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils. Dishes of the hot shop must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical conditions and be developed according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological charts, subject to the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments. Hot shop microclimate. The temperature according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor should not exceed 23 ºС, therefore the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful; relative air humidity 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated surfaces, the area of ​​the slab should be 40-50 times less than the area of ​​the floor. The hot shop should be equipped with modern equipment: heat, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical; stoves, ovens, cooking kettles, refrigerators, electric pans, electric fryers, as well as work tables and racks. Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the norms of equipping with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats of the enterprise, its mode of operation, the maximum load of the sales area at rush hour, as well as the forms of service. In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use modulated sectional equipment, which can be installed in the island method, or several technological lines - for the preparation of broths and first and second courses; side dishes and sauces. For the rational organization of the cook's workplace, sectional modulated work tables and other non-mechanical equipment should also be used. The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup section, broths and first courses are prepared, in the sauce section - preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces, hot drinks. Sauce department. The sauce section is intended for the preparation of second courses, side dishes and sauces. For the preparation of various processes of thermal and mechanical processing of products, workplaces are equipped with appropriate equipment and a variety of utensils, tools, inventory. The main equipment of the sauce department are kitchen stoves, ovens, electric pans, deep fryers, as well as cooking cabinets, a universal drive. Stationary cooking kettles are used in the sauce department in large workshops for cooking vegetable and cereal side dishes. Acceleration of cooking food can be achieved by using microwave devices. In microwave devices, semi-finished products are heated throughout the entire volume of the product due to the properties of electromagnetic waves to penetrate into the product to a considerable depth. Equipment for the sauce department can be grouped into two or three processing lines. The first line is designed for heat treatment and cooking of semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables, as well as for preparing side dishes and sauces in cookware. The second line is designed to perform auxiliary operations and includes modulated sectional tables: a table with a built-in washing bath, a table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, a table with a cooled slide and a cabinet. The third line is organized in large hot shops, where stationary cooking kettles are used for cooking side dishes. This line includes modulated sectional boilers with functional containers, work tables for preparing products for cooking (bulkhead of cereals, pasta, etc.), a bath for washing garnishes. The work of cooks in the sauce department begins with familiarization with the production program (menu plan), a selection of technological maps, clarification of the amount of products required for cooking. Then the cooks get food, semi-finished products, select the dishes. From the inventory they use: wreaths, vests, chef's forks (large and small); bolt; scoops for pancakes, cutlets, fish; devices for straining broth, different sieves, scoops, skimmers, skewers for grilling kebabs. In the sauce department, jobs are organized mainly by the type of heat treatment. For example, a workplace for frying and sautéing products and semi-finished products; the second is for cooking, stewing and stewing food; the third is for cooking side dishes and cereals.

Recipe No. 442 "Boiled pasta" for 1 and 10 servings

III. Labor protection, safety engineering.


To avoid accidents at work, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Before starting work: put on overalls correctly, put your hair under the headdress, tuck the sleeves of the clothes to the elbows or fasten at the hand, do not pin sanitary clothes with needles, do not keep pins, glass and other sharp and breakable objects in your pockets.
  2. Tidy up your workplace, don't block up the passage.
  3. Inspect the inventory, make sure it is in good working order, demand that the administration remove and replace unusable inventory and dishes.
  4. When inspecting the equipment, check:

a) Serviceability of equipment

b) Availability and serviceability of grounding;

c) The presence and serviceability of the fence.

5. If you find any malfunctions or malfunctions in the equipment, apply immediately to the manager. Do not start work by production or the administration of the enterprise and until they are eliminated. Without the permission of the administration, it is not allowed to make any repairs yourself.


1. Do not work on typewriters and devices whose devices you do not know and work on which you are not entrusted with. 2. All moving parts of the machine must be restricted. 3. The breaker and fuses must be of a closed type. 4.During the operation of the machine, do not touch rotating parts with your hands, lubricate the machines, put on a slipped belt, push vegetables, meat with your hands or paddles. 5. A current of 0.1 Ampere and above is fatal to humans, the main voltage is 50 watts, so all machines with high voltage should be grounded. 6. Unloading vegetables from the bath is done using a scoop with holes for water drain. 7. It is forbidden to work on a meat grinder with a wide and low neck if they do not have safety rings. 8. If the power supply is interrupted, turn on all machines immediately. 9.It is strictly forbidden to use blowtorches for scorching offal and poultry. 10.Knives should have firmly fixed handles, and musats should have antennae on the handles. 11.Disassembly, cleaning and lubrication of machines and equipment can only be done after a complete stop. 12.Before starting work on the machines, check that the machine and grounding are working properly. 13.First, the machine is turned on and then the food is loaded so that the motor does not overheat. 14.If any malfunction occurs, call a mechanic immediately. 15. It is forbidden to clutter up the workplace with dishes and containers. 16.When working on the bread slicer, do not put your hands into the rotating knife, do not remove the stuck pieces of bread when the machine is running, do not turn on the top peel with the bail. 17.Do not open the lid of steam boilers and other heating devices not earlier than five minutes after the steam or electricity supply is cut off. 18.Heating boilers, pots and other kitchenware allowed to work only with firmly attached handles. 19.Any slab deformations, burrs and irregularities on its surface must be removed immediately. 20. The floor near the stove and workplaces must be level without protrusions, not slippery, floor contamination must be removed. 21. Employees of O. P. must pass the technical minimum. 22.Open the lids of boiling liquid boilers towards you. 23.To avoid splashing fat, do not load wet food. 24. Do not remove pots from the stove with the lid closed. 25. It is forbidden to carry knives behind the apron belt. 26.When working on whipping machines, it is not allowed to add food to the tank while the machine is running. 27. Canning cans should only be opened with a special key. 28. Trim and remove the pastry sheets from the stove in gloves or with towels. 29. Before turning on the boiler, it is necessary to check whether it is filled with water and if it is gas, whether there is a draft. 30. Before lighting the gas in the stove burners, you need to make sure that the taps are at the stove, then open the common valve on the gas pipeline in front of the stove, light the igniter and open the valve in accordance with the burner. 31. Ignited burners must not be left unattended. 32. The doors of the refrigerator must always be closed, warm and hot food must not be put in the refrigerator - this will adversely affect the operation of the refrigerator. 33.To prevent vibration, the equipment should be firmly anchored to a floor foundation or table surface. 34.After finishing work, switch on the machine, disassemble, rinse, dry and reassemble. 35.After work, all equipment except refrigeration is disconnected from the mains. 36. First, I help in case of electric shock: turn off the electrical installation, free the victim from live parts, provide air supply. 37. All employees of P.O.P. must pass the sanitary minimum. 38. Before switching on, when the valve on the boiling vapor outlet is opened (the black arrow of the pressure gauge is at zero). The control arrow (upper pressure limit) is set with a special key at a pressure of 0.4 atmospheres, the control lower pressure limit is 0.15 atmospheres. 39. Do not work on equipment that experiences stress on the chassis.

Short description

What is zrazy? Zrazy is a dish of Belarusian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Polish cuisine, which is a meatloaf or cutlet with a filling. Zrazy is usually made from well-chopped beef, seasoned with pepper and salt. The filling of this magnificent dish can be very varied - it can be all possible vegetables, boiled eggs, mushrooms, in some cases even porridge. Zrazy is usually served with broth, you can also serve it with various cereals or crushed potatoes. Zrazy made from broken off thin sheets of whole meat pulp, in which, in fact, the filling is wrapped, are called zavivans, this type of zraz is common in Ukraine.



Real technical routing developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the minced fish Zraza dish produced by the public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


name of raw materialsBy national team rec.1 serving50 servings
gross, gnet, ggross, gnet, ggross, kgnet, kg
Zander135 65 __ __ __ __
Toothfish__ __ 138 65 6.9 3.25
Wheat bread18 18 18 18 0.9 0.9
Milk or water25 25 25 25 1.25 1.25
Fish cutlet mass__ 106 __ 106 __ 5.3
Ground meat:
Onion26 22/11* 26 26/11* 1.3 1.3/0.55
Cooking oil4 4 4 4 0.2 0.2
Fresh porcini mushrooms17 13/10** 17 13/10** 0.85 0.65/0.5
Rusks1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.075 0.075
Minced meat mass__ 21 __ 21 __ 1.05
Rusks6 6 6 6 0.3 0.3
Weight p / f__ 130 __ 130 __ 6.5
Cooking oil8 8 8 8 0.4 0.4
The mass of ready-made zraz__ 110 __ 110 __ 5.5
Garnish No. 757__ 150 __ 150 __ 7.5
Table margarine5 5 5 5 0.25 0.25
Sauce No. 857__ 75 __ 75 __ 3.75
Output__ 340 __ 340 __ 17

* Mass of browned onions

** Mass of boiled mushrooms


Fish cutlet mass (rec. No. 541) is molded in the form of cakes 1 cm thick. Minced meat is placed in the middle, the edges of the cakes are joined, breaded in breadcrumbs, giving them an oval shape, and fried. Bring to readiness in an oven (4-5 minutes).

For minced meat: boiled mushrooms cut into slices, finely chop the onion and sauté, combine with mushrooms, add salt, pepper and mix everything.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the order of the consumer, it is used according to the recipe of the main dish. Shelf life and sale according to SanPin2.3.2.1324-03, SanPin2.3.6.1079-01 Note: the technological map was drawn up on the basis of the development act.

When serving zraza (2 pcs. Per serving), sprinkle with margarine, garnish. The sauce is served separately or added to the zrazas.

Serves: at a temperature of 65˚-80˚С.


6.1 Organoleptic indicators quality:

Color: on the cut of cutlet mass - from white to gray.

Taste and smell: the products are juicy, moderately salty, with a pleasant aroma.

Consistency: juicy, friable products.

Inadmissible defects are: irregular shape of the product, rolling of breading inside the product, presence of foreign odors, taste of sour bread, cracks on the surface.

6.2 Microbiological and physicochemical indicators:

In terms of microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements technical regulations Customs Union "On food safety" (TR CU 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Caloric content, kcal (kJ)

1.1 Recipe and cooking technology once chopped from boiled potatoes and red main sauce ………………………… ..… ... 4

1.2 Commodity characteristics of the products used

for cooking chopped zraz with boiled potatoes and basic red sauce …………………………………………………………… ..… .7

1.3 Technology system cooking chopped slices with boiled potatoes and red basic sauce ……………………………… 10

1.4 Calculation of dishes …………………………………. ………… .. …… .13

1.5 Assortment of minced meat dishes …………………… ............. 15

2. Equipment used for the preparation of chopped slices with boiled potatoes and basic red sauce ……………. …… .20

3. Organization of the workplace during cooking chopped once with boiled potatoes and red basic sauce ..................... 22

4. Safety precautions when cooking …………… .. …… .25

5. Sanitation and hygiene in the preparation of food ... ............................ 27

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .29

Bibliographic list ………………………………………………… ..30


Meat is one of the most important places in our diet. The nutritional value This useful product is primarily determined by the fact that it is a carrier of animal protein and fat.

The composition of meat proteins includes complete and deficient proteins. The main part is made up of complete proteins. In the carcasses of cattle and sheep, they contain 75-85 percent, in the carcasses of pigs - 90 percent. Complete meat proteins contain all amino acids, some of which are not synthesized by the human body. Thus, the main protein in muscle tissue, myosin, which makes up about 50 percent, and actin, which makes up 12-15 percent of all proteins in muscle tissue, together contain all the amino acids. Essential amino acids of meat (valine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, arginine, histidine, threonine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, tyrosine) perform essential functions in the human body. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, promoting the growth of a young organism, stimulating metabolism. The content of complete proteins in meat is determined by the amount of tryptophan, and the content of defective proteins is determined by the amount of hydroxyproline. This is a fairly reliable indicator of the concentration of connective tissue and meat hardness.

Meat proteins are highly digestible, digested slowly, therefore meat dishes they create a feeling of fullness longer than fish, dairy and especially vegetables.

1.1 Recipe and technology of preparation of chopped slices with boiled potatoes and basic red sauce

Recipe number 614. Chopped crops

"Table 1"




Cutlet meat (beef)



Wheat bread



Milk or water



Ground meat:




Vegetable oil







1 / 8pcs





Form the cutlet mass in the form of a flat cake 1 cm thick, in the middle of which I put minced meat (chopped sautéed onion and greens, chopped boiled eggs). After that, I connect the edges of the cakes, bread in breadcrumbs, giving them an oval-flattened shape, and fry. I release it with a side dish and sauce, 1-2 pcs per serving.

"Table 2"


I put the peeled potato tubers in the dishes, pour in hot water so that it covers the potatoes by 1-1.5 cm, put salt, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook at low boil until tender. Then I drain the broth, and dry the potatoes, for this I close the dishes with a lid and set for 2-3 minutes.

"Table 3"




Broth brown



Vegetable oil



Wheat flour



Tomato puree















I made the brown broth from fried bones, filter it, pour out ¼ part of the broth and cool it. I prepare a dry red pass, cool to a temperature of 40-50C, combine with chilled broth to homogeneous mass, filtering. Finely chop carrots, onions, parsley, sauté for 5-10 minutes, add tomato puree and sauté again. I bring the remaining ¾ part of the brown broth to a boil, pour in the diluted passivation, bring to a boil, add the sautéed vegetables and cook for about 1 hour at a low boil. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, spices to the sauce. Then I filter through a sieve and rub the boiled vegetables, bring to a boil again.

1.2 Commodity characteristics of the products used

for cooking chopped zraza with boiled potatoes and preparing them for production

Wheat flour- flour contains no more than 2% fat. The fat content of low-grade flour is higher, since it contains the germ of grain, where fat is mainly concentrated. Flour contains minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.) fiber, which is more in low grades and vitamins B1, B2, PP, E. Highest grades flour contains few vitamins.

Vegetable oil - The nutritional value of vegetable oils is due to their high fat content, a high degree of their assimilation, as well as the content of biologically valuable substances for the human body - unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, fat-soluble vitamins.

Onion- contains a lot of sugar (4-10%), nitrogenous substances

(3%) and vitamin C. It contains essential oils and glucosides.

Carrot - among the root vegetables, table carrots stand out for their large

substances, mineral salts, vitamins C, B, carotene.

Potato - it is widely used as a food product, livestock feed, as well as for technical processing. The high starch content, the presence of proteins and other substances determine nutritional value potatoes and their calorie content, which is 3-5 times higher than the calorie content of vegetables.

Sugar C. is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beet. It is a disaccharide, sucrose, which contains 98% sugar and 2% moisture. Sugar is very hydroscopic (absorbs moisture well) and is highly soluble in water. Sift the sugar before use. Store in a dry ventilated room with a relative humidity of no higher than 70%, otherwise it damp, becomes sticky and forms lumps, at t 18

Ground beef - the main source of protein in human nutrition. Meat proteins are similar in composition to the protein of the human body. In addition, meat contains a significant amount of fat, as well as minerals (salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins of group B, PP and vitamin D.

Wheat bread - develop simple, rich and improved. The simple bread includes wheat wallpaper, premium, 1st and 2nd grades.

Milk Is a valuable food product. Milk contains more than 100 substances necessary for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, immune bodies, etc.

Egg a- they are valuable food product, are easily absorbed by the human body (98%). An egg contains about 12.5% ​​proteins, 12.8% fats, 1% carbohydrates, 74% water, 0.8% minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron) and vitamins A, B, D, E.

Butter high calorie fat milk product... The oil has good digestibility and high taste. The digestibility of the oil is 95-98%. The oil contains: milk fat (from 61 to 82.5%), which has a special composition of fatty acids and a low melting point (+ 28-35 ° C). The oil contains vitamins A, E, D and group B. There is more vitamin A in yellow summer oil. The raw material for butter is cream or milk. Butter is obtained by whipping cream, which is pasteurized, cooled to preserve the flavor of the cream and kept at a temperature of 4 ° C for several hours. During aging, the fat globules harden, the protein swells and the viscosity of the cream increases.

    1. Technological scheme for the preparation of chopped zraza with boiled potatoes

Form the cutlet mass in the form of a flat cake.

I put minced meat in the middle.

I connect the edges of the cakes, bread in breadcrumbs.

I give them an oval-flattened shape and fry.

I release it with a side dish and sauce, 1-2 pcs per serving.

      1. Technological scheme for cooking boiled potatoes

I put peeled potatoes in a bowl, pour hot water

I put the salt, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook until tender.

Then I drain the broth, and dry the potatoes

      1. Technological scheme for the preparation of the main red sauce

I made brown broth from fried bones, filter, pour ¼ part of the broth and cool

I prepare a dry red pass, cool, combine with broth, filter

Finely chop carrots, onions, parsley, sauté for 5-10 minutes, add tomato puree and sauté again

I bring the remaining ¾ part of the broth to a boil, pour in the diluted passivation, bring to a boil, add the sautéed vegetables and cook for about 1 hour

I add salt, sugar, spices

Then I filter through a sieve and rub the boiled vegetables, bring to a boil again.

    1. Calculation of chopped zrazy with boiled potatoes with basic red sauce
Recipe number 614. Chopped crops


Product name

Rate for 1 portion

Price 1 kg

total amount


Wheat bread





Ground beef





Vegetable oil





Milk or water



















Garnish No. 692.


Sauce No. 757


total cost


Markup 56%


The cost of the dish


Recipe number 692. Boiled potatoes.

"Table 5"

Recipe number 757. Main red sauce.

"Table 6"

Product name

Rate for 1 portion

Price 1 kg

total amount


Vegetable oil





Wheat flour





Tomato puree



















total cost


1.5 Assortment of minced meat dishes

1. " Minced meat cutlets »


Pork (lean) - 800 g, chicken egg - 2 pcs., Flour - 2 tbsp. l., salt to taste, allspice, nutmeg, coriander, mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l., vegetable oil (for frying)


1. Defrost a piece of pork (not in the microwave !!!) for about an hour. Cut it into cubes, approximately 5x5 - 7x7 mm in size.

2. Add salt and spices.

3.Then add mayonnaise, it is better if it is mayonnaise with lemon juice rather than with vinegar.

4. All mix well and leave for several hours. Better for the night, but I did it this morning to fry for dinner.

5. Before frying, beat in eggs and add flour - for a bunch.

6.Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil and lay out our mixture in the form of pancakes, slightly flattening them with a spoon. Fry on both sides until a well-browned crust.

2. "Chebureks with minced meat and cabbage"


Pelmeni dough - 600 g, veal - 400 g, white cabbage - 1 pc, carrots - 3 pcs, garlic - 5 teeth, seasoning (dry garlic) - 1 handful, vegetable oil for frying - 50 g, basil (dry) - 1 handful, parsley (dried) - 1 handful, dill (dry) - 1 handful, a mixture of peppers (ground) - 1 handful, salt - 1 handful, sour cream - 2 tbsp. l., ketchup (or volume. paste) - 3 tbsp. l.


1. Cut the cabbage and carrots into thin strips, finely chop the garlic, cut the meat into slices, then into thin strips.
2. Put everything in a frying pan (do not pour oil), pour a little water. First the cabbage, then the garlic, then the meat and put the stew on big fire... After 20 minutes, salt and pepper, add dried herbs and garlic, simmer further. If necessary, add water so that it does not burn.

3.After about 30 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream and ketchup (volume of paste) to the eye, simmer for another ten minutes and get this. Transfer to another dish and cool.

4.While the filling is cooling down, roll out the dough.

5. When the filling has cooled down, put it on the dough, not sparing it, and make a cheburek.

6. Then pour oil into the pan, not much, about 2 ml.

7. Without waiting for the oil to gurgle, put the pasties in the pan. When the cheburek is browned on one side, turn it over and cover with a lid.

  1. "Lyulya-kebab"

minced lamb - 500 gr, fat tail fat- 30 gr, onion - 1 pc, black pepper and salt to taste


1. Wash the lamb, dry it and cut it into pieces. Together with fat tail and onions mince the meat several times.

2. Season the meat with salt and pepper to taste, knead the minced meat for about 10 minutes and form a ball. So that the kebab does not fall apart on the skewers, the minced meat must be beaten off well. To do this, lift the minced meat with your hands, and then sharply throw it into a bowl or onto a work surface. When there are no cracks in the minced meat, it is ready. It is good to keep the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour so that the meat sticks better on the skewers.

3. Divide the minced meat into parts and form sausages from them, depending on the length of the skewers or wooden skewers.

4. String the resulting sausages on skewers or skewers and place on a baking sheet. Bake the kebab in the oven at 250 degrees, turning occasionally for about 20 minutes. Lula kebab can be served with or without skewers with vegetables and herbs. You can additionally sprinkle the top with chopped onions.

2.The equipment used for the preparation of chopped slices with boiled potatoes and red basic sauce

Meat shop with all equipmentfor processing meat should be located on one area, divided into several rooms or departments, in each of which a number of activities are carried out that are part of the production process of preparing the final meat product. In the production of high power, the following premises are distinguished; 1) a defrosting chamber; 2) department for cleaning and washing meat carcasses; 3) directly the meat department; 4) a compartment with a cooling chamber for semi-finished products; 5) storage area for containers; 6) department for processing bones; 7) washing of improvised inventory; 8) the office of the head of the shop.

The vegetable shop carries out the primary processing of vegetables and the production of vegetable semi-finished products. Vegetable processing consists of sorting (bulkhead), washing, cleaning, post-cleaning, washing and slicing. Mechanical equipment is used for peeling potatoes, root vegetables and cutting vegetables.

For the processing of certain types of vegetables in the workshop, jobs are provided. All vegetable processing operations are mechanized as much as possible. For washing and cleaning vegetables, potato-cleaning machines of periodic action with a capacity of 125, 250 and 400 kg / h are used; for slicing - vegetable cutting machines with a capacity of 50-200, 400-1000 kg / h, or a universal drive.

For transportation of raw materials and vegetable semi-finished products, trolleys or mobile baths and racks are used. Significant time expenditures of the cooks of the vegetable shop are associated with the performance of manual operations: additional cleaning of potatoes and root crops; cleaning of onions, bulkheads of herbs, etc. For their implementation, specialized tables are installed at workplaces. In the lids of the tables there are recesses for processed vegetables and an opening for dumping waste into the installed container. Baths are installed for washing vegetables.

In the vegetable shop, floor and tabletop electromechanical equipment is installed. The range of electromechanical equipment includes vegetable cutters, cutters, kitchen processors, peelers, universal kitchen drives, washers and dryers for vegetables, as well as hand mixers, slicers and planetary mixers.

3. Organization of the workplace for the preparation of chopped slices with boiled potatoes and basic red sauce

Vegetables are an indispensable component of the diet and must be eaten daily. They are wonderful taste, and their biological value is determined by the content of carbohydrates, mineral elements, nitrogenous and phenolic substances. But vegetables are extremely important as a source of vitamins, which strengthen the protective functions of the body and help to resist various diseases.

In the premises of the vegetable shop, both natural and artificial lighting, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems should be provided. Special requirements are imposed on the floor, which, in order to avoid injuries at work, should not be slippery.

The sequence of technological operations in the vegetable shop:

  • washing;

  • cleaning;

  • cleaning;

  • slicing;

  • packaging and transportation.
Vegetable cutting can be done both manually and by machine. Manual cutting is carried out on production tables equipped with marked cutting boards, knives and functional containers. Manual cutting of vegetables is a time consuming, inefficient process with low labor productivity. Manual labor is indispensable when curly cutting of vegetables is required. Vegetable cutters are able to cut vegetables of any geometric shape: strips, circles, cubes, cubes, slices, etc. They provide fast and high-quality cutting of any vegetables, which significantly reduces production costs for the production of semi-finished products. A wide range of modern vegetable cutters allows you to fully meet the production needs of any catering company.

The meat shop of a public catering enterprise is one or more adjacent production facilities where raw meat is processed and semi-finished products are manufactured. It is advisable to locate the meat shop on the ground floor near refrigerated or freezers, in which the necessary stock of raw meat is stored. The meat shop should be provided with water supply, sewerage, ventilation system, natural and artificial lighting. Meat raw materials supplied to catering establishments are stored in refrigeration chambers in a suspended state so that parts of the carcasses do not come into contact with each other and with the chamber walls. Lumpy semi-finished products are stored in functional containers. The air humidity in the refrigerating chamber should be maintained within 85-90%.

4.Safety in cooking

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production instructions. At FEP, various types of electrical equipment are used for cooking and dispensing food, which requires workers to have a good knowledge of the basics of electrical safety. In order to avoid accidents, employees of the catering unit should study the rules for operating thermal and mechanical equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. Accidents can occur due to the fault of the administration of institutions due to a malfunction of the operated equipment, violation of the rules of sanitation and hygiene due to the fault of an employee who does not comply with labor protection rules.

So, violation of the rules for the operation of electrical equipment can lead to serious injuries. Rubber mats should be placed in front of the switches and machines and posters or inscriptions should be hung: "Do not touch - deadly!"

Do not overload the machine chamber with food, push meat into the meat grinder. When working on a universal drive, it is possible to remove and install replaceable machines only when the electric motor is off after a complete stop of the machine, to control the heating of the machine (do not allow over 60 0 С). thermal equipment is used in food-processing units with fire, gas and electric heating. Each type of fuel requires special precautions and compliance with its own safety rules. However, it is necessary to adhere to and general rules labor protection. Can't work for thermal equipment with faulty fittings. The dial of the pressure gauge should be marked with a red line for the maximum working pressure. the safety valve and purge valve should be checked daily, and the pressure gauge should be checked every 6 months. Each device must be posted with instructions on labor safety.

After finishing work, it is necessary to carry out sanitary cleaning with a 2% solution of soda ash and rinse with hot water.

5.Sanitary and hygiene in the preparation of food

Personal hygiene is a set of sanitary rules that food service workers must follow. Good personal hygiene is essential in preventing microbial contamination of food, which can lead to contagious diseases and food poisoning in consumers. Personal hygiene of workers enhances the culture of customer service and serves as an important indicator of the general culture of the catering establishment.

The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands, oral cavity, for sanitary clothes, the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and the medical examination of catering workers.

Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Participates in the respiratory process and the release of metabolic products. Getting dirty from sweat, release of skin and fatty lubricants, dust and microbes, the skin functions poorly, worsening a person's well-being. In addition, dirt can cause pustular diseases and microbial contamination of the treated skin.

Therefore, all VOP workers, especially cooks, pastry chefs, waiters, need to keep their bodies clean. It is recommended to take a hygienic shower with soap and a washcloth before work every day, or wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbows just before work.

The appearance of the hands of food workers should meet the following requirements: short-cut nails, no varnish, clean subungual space. Jewelry and watches are prohibited. The waiters, in addition, must have well-groomed nails, systematically do industrial manicure. On the cancers of cooks, pathogenic microbes (salmonella, dysentery sticks), worm eggs can appear. Therefore, hands should be washed and disinfected before starting work, after using the toilet, when moving from processing raw materials to processing finished food.

The set of sanitary clothes for the cook includes: a jacket or a robe, a cap or gauze kerchief, an apron, a towel, a kerchief for wiping off sweat, trousers or a skirt, special shoes. The headgear must completely cover the hair.

Upon admission to work at EPP and those already employed, they must undergo the following medical examinations and examinations: examination by a dermatovenerologist - 2 times a year, examination for tuberculosis - 1 time per year, blood tests for syphilis (PB) - 1 time per year, smears for gonorrhea - 2 times a year, studies for the carrier of bacteria of intestinal infections, serological examination for typhoid fever - at least 1 time a year.


Food - one of the main foundations of human health, his ability to work, vitality and longevity. But this is achieved only when proper nutrition, with the timely supply of the body with all the various substances it needs in the right amount.

Meat is the main source of complete nutritional proteins, which contain all essential amino acids, balanced in the most favorable proportions. All macro- and microelements, vitamins tone the body and stimulate the intestines.

Bibliographic list

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