Home / Cupcakes / Homemade Dutch cheese made from cottage cheese. Homemade cheese - recipe

Homemade Dutch cheese made from cottage cheese. Homemade cheese - recipe

People enjoy eating different types of cheese. The greatest demand is traditionally the hard Dutch cheese, which is ideal for making sandwiches, various dishes, creating delicious sprinkles for pasta. Of course, in most cases, they just buy it in the store. But when the hostess decides to cook the cheese right at home, it’s time to learn the new taste of a real young product. It conquers with its delicate aroma, delicate flavoring bouquet. It is also very helpful. In order to cook cheese correctly at home, you need to remember the algorithm of actions, do everything according to the recipe. Of course, the quality of the products to be used is also of great importance.

BrSelecting products for homemade Dutch cheese

Making cheese at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. However, the taste, properties of the product will largely depend on how well you are able to choose the ingredients. Remember how to identify the highest quality products.

  • First, let's define a list of ingredients. You will need one chicken egg, butter, one hundred grams is enough, two kilograms of cottage cheese. In addition, you need to take three liters of milk. It is necessary to choose the freshest milk possible.
  • The oil also needs to be found very fresh, with a high percentage of fat content. Great if you use 82% natural oil. Some housewives who decide to cook delicious, healthy cheese at home make butter themselves. To do this, you need to take milk and churn it in a separator.
  • Choose eggs very carefully. It's great if it's a fresh egg straight from the farm. It should not dangle inside, be dry. It is good when the yolk has a soft tint, and not acidic. A harsh color indicates chemical use, poor chicken diet, and average performance of the egg itself.
  • Choose cottage cheese with care. If you want to make cheese at home, you need to find cottage cheese of impeccable quality. A fresh product without chemical additives, unpleasant shades of taste and smell will suit you.

When you have already picked up all the products, checked them for quality, freshness, you can get down to business. At home, it will not be difficult to cook Dutch cheese if you follow the given algorithm.

Cooking cheese at home. Algorithm

Now is the time to make cheese directly at home. You already have all the products at hand, but it is very important to act strictly according to the algorithm, otherwise your cheese may crumble, turn out to be too hard. In order for the product at home to be exactly what a real Dutch cheese should be, you need to stock up on a fairly dense plastic bag, a good saucepan with thick walls, a whisk and spatula, and a large fork.

Now memorize the algorithm for preparing the product at home.

Chefs note that you can make great cheese at home. You just need to follow all the recommendations and be sure to choose products with great care. Here is what the professional chef says: “I myself often make cheese at home. I remember how I tried to cook some kind of cheese for the first time, when I was young. I chose low-quality cottage cheese, made a mistake with milk. As a result, the mass did not thicken for a very long time, did not want to drag on, and as a result, a completely incomprehensible product turned out. It did not look like cheese, it crumbled, it tasted bitter. This is because products play a key role here. Choose milk, cottage cheese, eggs and butter carefully! "

Dutch cheese at home

Surely, when buying a piece of delicious cheese in a store, you have repeatedly wondered: how to make homemade cheese? It seems that this is a rather laborious and complicated process, but in reality everything is much simpler. If there is milk available, not necessarily sour, then try making homemade cheese - its recipe will pleasantly surprise you with its lightness and simplicity.

milk - 3 l;
cottage cheese - 2 kg;
butter - 100 g;
eggs - 1 pc.;
soda - 1/2 tsp;
salt to taste.


First, bring the milk to a boil and add the cottage cheese, after kneading it. Then we reduce the heat and, stirring constantly, simmer. We continue the boiling process until whey is formed, and the cheese begins to resemble rubber in consistency. We put the cheese in a colander and press it to glass the whey.

Then melt the butter in a separate saucepan, add the cheese and stir over low heat. Add the egg, salt and soda, mix well again. Be sure to make sure that the mass does not stick to the sides of the pan. When the cheese acquires the consistency of whipped cream and begins to thicken, turn off the fire. Now we wait until the mass cools down a little and put it on the table. Knead, give the desired shape, wrap in plastic wrap and send homemade Dutch cheese to the refrigerator.

Homemade cheese in a slow cooker

If your milk is acidic, you can only rejoice - now you have a great opportunity to make cheese at home.

sour milk - 1 l;
eggs - 1 pc.;
salt - 1 tsp.


Beat the egg with salt, mix with the acidified milk and pour into the multicooker bowl. We set the timer in the "pie" mode for 20 minutes. In the meantime, cover the saucepan with gauze in several layers, or install a colander and pour the contents from the bowl into the saucepan. We wrap the cheese in cheesecloth and put it under pressure for several hours. The longer you hold the oppression, the more liquid will come out of the cheese and the drier it will be. If you like cheese that is softer and more elastic, then after oppression, you can soak it in the released whey for about 1-2 hours.

By the way, in the recipe for homemade hard cheese or feta cheese, you can add finely chopped greens and get homemade cheese with herbs, which will not only have excellent taste, but also look amazing on the table.

Cheese cheese at home

milk - 2 l;
eggs - 6 pcs.;
salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
sour cream - 400 g.


Boil the milk and salt, then beat the eggs with sour cream and mix with the milk. Without stopping stirring, bring to a boil over low heat so that the milk curdles and the whey separates. Put several layers of cheesecloth in a colander and pour the resulting mixture. After the whey has drained, wrap the cheese in cheesecloth and put it under pressure for several hours or overnight. After that, send the cheese to the fridge.

Doubts about the naturalness and quality of dairy products offered in stores are increasing every year. That is why many housewives remember their grandmother's recipes and start making cheese on their own. For everything to work out, you need to use only fresh food and clean dishes. At home, you can cook both soft and hard cheeses.

How to make Philadelphia cheese at home?

This popular type of soft cheese is used in cooking for various dishes. It is not difficult to cook it and it is enough to spend about half an hour.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • egg;
  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar;
  • some citric acid.

Cooking method:

How to make Adyghe cheese at home?

Today it is very difficult to find quality dairy products and many people complain that the taste does not match the price at all. That is why it is best to cook this product with your own hands.


  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 3 tbsp. kefir or whey.

You can use whole milk or homemade milk.

Cooking method:

How to make processed cheese at home?

More and more people are choosing to cook dairy products at home because they prefer natural food.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.

It is important to use dry cottage cheese, so squeeze it out first.

Cooking method:

How to make Dutch cheese at home?

It takes a lot of work to make this cheese, but the results will be worth it.


  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 180 g butter.

Cooking method:

How to make hard cheese at home?

The most popular type of cheese, which can be eaten alone or used in various recipes, such as pizza.


  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 45 g butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt and soda.

Cooking method:

How to make mozzarella cheese at home?

Another popular product that is especially loved in Italy. Each person has the opportunity to cook it on their own.


  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice and salt;
  • rennet on the tip of a knife;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

As you can see at home you can make the most popular types of cheese, which are quite expensive in stores. The cost of homemade products is low and many can afford it. With a little practice, making cheese at home will be very easy for you.

Published / updated: 2011-11-30 08:30:30. Views: 89029 |
Such a popular product as cheese is customary to take in the store. But what if you try to cook it at home and pleasantly surprise your family? And the recipe is simple.

What do you need to make your own Dutch cheese?

To make cheese at home, we need 3 liters of milk. 2 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, soda, salt.

How to make Dutch cheese at home - a simple recipe step by step

  • Z l. bring fresh milk to a boil.
  • We throw about 2 kg of cottage cheese there, having previously squeezed it, to prevent lumps and stir.
  • Then we make a small fire and simmer, stirring constantly, so that it does not stick.
    At this stage, it is important not to overcook, as then the cheese will be too hard. We look when the cheese becomes rubbery and whey is formed. We put everything in a colander and press lightly to make the serum glass.
  • Melt 100 g of butter in another saucepan. (The pan must be taken not enameled so that the enamel does not lag behind when melting the cheese). Throw cheese into this saucepan, stirring occasionally over low heat.
  • Drive in 1 fresh egg, add half a teaspoon of soda and salt to taste.
    Stir all the time and make sure that it does not stick, otherwise the cheese will give off a strong burnt milk. The liquid mass gains the consistency of whipped cream, and when it thickens and turns yellow, turn off the heat.
  • We are waiting for the cheese to cool slightly, thicken slightly, and put it on the table.
  • Stir like a dough and make a sausage, wrap it in foil or hard cellophane (but not in a disposable bag) and place the cheese in the refrigerator.

    So we made Dutch cheese at home. And a by-product like whey can be used in dough for pies or dumplings.

    And it can also be delicious to add melted cheese to the served dish, be it meat langet, dishes with cabbage or soup. This cheese will not spoil the taste and will add satiety.

    You must try to protect your health and it will be useful to find out about what scams can await you in the supermarket. Tricks with fish. Watch the video from the Habitat cycle.


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  • Making Dutch cheese at home. We bring to your attention a practical recipe.

    Preparing to make Dutch cheese

    Products you need:

    1. Whole farm milk - 6 liters.
    2. Cheese from BakZdrav - 0.36g. or another enzyme - manufacturer's dosage.
    3. "Hard cheeses" from BakZdrav - 0.36 g.
    4. Starter culture Casei from BakZdrav - 0.36 g. Or another starter culture - manufacturer's dosage.
    5. Table salt 200 g.
    6. Calcium chloride with a concentration of 100 mg / ml (or 10%) at the rate of 5-20 ml per 10 liters of milk (varies depending on the quality of milk).
    7. Boiled water 42 ºС - 1.2-2.4 liters

    Dissolve 200 g of table salt in 500-600 ml of prepared boiled chilled water (temperature 12-15 ° C). Then bring the volume up to 1 liter.

    Dip the cheese into it and leave for salting at the rate of 3 hours for 0.5 kg of cheese. From 6 liters, I got a head of 650 g, therefore 3.5 - 4 hours into the brine. Turn the cheese halfway through for a more even salting.

    Place the cheese in a container (a plastic food container with a slightly open lid is suitable) for ripening and dry for 5 days at a temperature of 10-13 ° C or until a dry crust forms.

    If mold or mucus forms on the surface, rinse the head with a mild vinegar-saline solution. Then dry and send for further maturation under the same conditions.

    Leave the cheese to ripen at the same temperature for 2 months (if you applied Casei, then for 1.5 months).

    If desired, can be latex or shrink-wrapped after crusting.