Home / Bakery products / Cakes and pies for the new year. Christmas cake recipes

Cakes and pies for the new year. Christmas cake recipes

Cake is an obligatory attribute of almost any holiday. Even more so, the New Year cannot do without this dessert, beloved by many. Not only tangerines, champagne and the notorious Olivier salad

are invariable components of the New Year's celebration - what kind of feast, especially if there are kids present, can do without sweets? The New Year's cake, as the final touch of a magical night, should match the holiday - just as elegant and beautiful. And of course, new year cakes just have to be not just tasty, but truly delicious.

How to cook bright and showy, themed cakes for the New Year 2017 You will learn from this article. We have selected two of the most best recipes New Year's cakes and we will gladly introduce you to them. In addition, you can admire the photos of cakes for the New Year and look for a muse in them to create your own culinary masterpiece.

Not everyone knows how to skillfully create birthday cake, however, thanks to it, making a beautiful and delicious dessert for the New Year will not be too difficult.

New Year's cake "Winter cherry"

Cake " Winter cherry"- the ideal solution for the New Year's table. We all know how difficult it is for a hostess to find time in the pre-New Year's bustle of preparing for the holiday. And this cake will take only a couple of hours of your time and you will not have to spend half a day in the kitchen because of the dessert.

"Winter cherry" is also called "Cherry in the snow" because of appearance of this beautiful cake. When composing a menu for the New Year, be sure to pay attention to this quick-to-prepare cake.

Required Ingredients:

For the test:

  • Flour - 350 g;
  • Butter or margarine - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp;
  • Cocoa powder - 6 tsp;
  • Slaked soda or baking powder - 1 tsp.

For the cream:

  • Sour cream (20-25% fat) - 750 g;
  • Fresh / frozen / canned cherries - 500 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Melt margarine or butter.

Step 2. Having separated the yolks from the whites, the latter need to be beaten with sugar into a fluffy strong foam, and the yolks - separately.

Step 3. Now you need to combine the whipped whites, yolks, margarine and vanilla sugar, mix all this without sudden movements, very smoothly, so that the whipped foam does not break up.

Step 4. Add quenched soda or baking powder, mixed and sifted flour with cocoa to a stirred homogeneous consistency and mix gently again.

Step 5. A baking dish with a diameter of about 26 cm should be greased with vegetable oil and half the dough should be poured into it and baked at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Step 6. When the first cake is ready, bake the second from the remaining dough in the same way.

Step 7. The resulting cakes should be cut with a hit. This will make four cakes.

Step 8. Whisk sour cream with icing sugar and grease cake after cake with the resulting cream, not forgetting to lay the cherries.

Step 9. An almost finished cake needs to be coated with cream on all sides and decorated with berries. Optionally, you can use confectionery beads, sprinkles and chocolate, trying not to disturb the overall color scheme, so as not to lose the feeling of the "winter" cake. The New Year's dessert remains soaked in the refrigerator for 5 hours and can be served.

New Year's cake "Mozart"

Mozart cake is a truly wonderful New Year's dessert with exquisite taste... It will be a wonderful decoration for your festive table on the most important night of 2017. This cake is quite famous and there are a great many recipes for its preparation. But the most delicious is the recipe from Karl Schumacher. We will cook according to it. Of course, you will have to tinker with this cake, but the result, rest assured, is worth it!

Required Ingredients:

For biscuit:

  • Chicken protein - 90 g;
  • Chicken yolks - 60 g;
  • Wheat flour - 60 g;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Sugar - 70 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • Dark chocolate - 60 g.

Chocolate cream:

  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • Gelatin - 8 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 250 ml;
  • Milk chocolate - 60 g;
  • Chocolate nut butter- 50 g.

Pistachio cream:

  • Chicken yolks - 30 g;
  • Gelatin - 6 g;
  • Cognac - 10 ml;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Marzipan - 30 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 140 ml;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Pistachio paste - 30 g.


  • Raspberry syrup - 50 ml;
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Water - 50 ml;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Honey - 100 ml;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 65 ml;
  • Dark chocolate - 100 g.

The recipe contains chocolate and pistachio spreads. You can make the pistachio paste yourself or replace it with ground pistachios. Instead of chocolate paste you can use Nutella.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Melt the chocolate for the biscuit and butter, add the icing sugar.

Step 2. Add the yolks to the cooled mass, and beat the whites with sugar or powdered sugar, add to the mass in parts, stirring gently. Add flour there and mix smoothly.

Step 3. A mold with a diameter of 24 cm should be covered with baking paper and baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Step 4. After the biscuit has cooled down, you need to take it out of the mold and remove the crumbling top with a knife. chocolate biscuit and grease the cake with impregnation. The resulting biscuit base for the cake must be placed in a mold with sides. If the size of the cake is not suitable, it can be trimmed.

Step 5. Now you need to make pistachio cream: pour milk into a saucepan, mix with one yolk and sugar. All this must be heated in a water bath until thickened, stirring constantly.

Step 6. Gelatin, as in the case of chocolate cream, should be poured with water and squeezed, then added to a saucepan.

Step 7. You also need to add pistachio paste and chopped marzipan to the mass, mix everything and hold in a water bath until the cream thickens, remembering to stir.

Step 8. The cooled cream must be poured onto the cake and refrigerated.

Step 9. It's time for chocolate cream: you need to mix chocolate, pasta and vanilla sugar. 80 ml of cream should be heated and added to the chocolate.

Step 10. Pour gelatin with water, then squeeze and add to the warm chocolate mass.

Step 11. Whisk the remaining chocolate cream with sugar and mix with the rest after cooling.

Step 12. Pour the chocolate cream onto the cake and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Step 13. When the cake is ready, you need to free it from the mold.

Step 14. It's time to start chocolate glaze: Gelatin should be filled with water (50 ml) and allowed to swell. Mix water for glaze, honey, sugar and cream and heat everything to a boil, then remove from heat.

Step 15. Chopped chocolate must be added to the mass and stirred thoroughly, then add the dissolved gelatin.

Step 16. Glaze cooled down to room temperature is required to pour the cake on the wire rack. Ready "Mozart" must be refrigerated overnight.

Step 17. All that's left is the New Year's dessert is ready!

Cakes with New Year symbols

Here you will find many different cakes, which are made in one theme - New Year. Some will feature Christmas trees, Christmas balls and garlands, a clock dial with hands at twelve, and some will themselves be made in the form of the same decorated Christmas tree or even Santa Claus. Get inspiration from colorful photos and get ready to create an equally beautiful cake.

The New Year's feast is always associated with abundance. A lot is put on the table different dishes, all this needs to be eaten at night, looking and fast, but despite this, you cannot do without a cake. After all, this is one of the most festive symbols. Original dessert for the New Year 2019 will be the decoration of the richest table, and will never be superfluous on it. To date, recipes for New Year's cakes have been invented incredible amount, but each time the hostesses face a difficult choice. It is not so easy to choose a single cake recipe, be it new or old, that will not only match the symbol of the coming year, but also please the whole family and guests. We bring to your attention a category where we have collected for you recipes for original, delicious, beautiful and unusual cakes for the New Year 2019.

It is customary for each nation to prepare New Year's sweets according to their own special recipes. For example, in Norway there is a tradition of making animal biscuits or curly bread. For Danish people, this is a great excuse to feast on fruit muffins and honey pies. In Wales, traditional sweets are considered oat cakes, puddings and apples in dough. Italians celebrate the New Year with figured cookies with powdered sugar called "chiaquere". And the Slavs, as you know, cannot imagine a holiday without a delicious, beautiful cake.

Usually housewives are looking for cake recipes that will outwardly remind of the holiday. Therefore, many have already decided to cook a New Year's cake in the form of a dog, which will be a symbol of the coming year. But do not refuse to appease the dog with a dessert in the form of a sugar bone, it will be much easier to arrange it. You can also cook by traditional recipe Napoleon, Rafaello or any other cake your family loves. In this section of our culinary site you will find biscuit cakes, ice cream cakes, marshmallows, mastic, sand cakes and others for the New Year 2019. Bright step by step recipes with a photo will turn even someone who is very far from the kitchen into a skilled culinary specialist.

Each housewife understands how important it is for delicious New Year's cakes to look beautiful and appetizing. That is why so much attention is paid to their design. So, using the same cake recipes, you can design them in different ways. And the result will be something new every time. For example, you can make a New Year's cake in the form of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a snowflake. If you are not deprived of imagination and a sense of proportion, then you can prepare a cake in the form of a fairy-tale house, supplementing it with plots and traditional New Year's symbols. Choose on our website step-by-step cake recipes for the New Year, put in a little effort and your own imagination, and you will definitely be able to surprise your guests.

Cook with us and you will see how easy it is. Making cakes according to recipes with photos is as easy as shelling pears. Choose the one you like and serve only the most delicious and beautiful desserts to your festive table, surprising everyone with your culinary masterpieces.

New Year is always associated with miracles and magic. Decorated Christmas tree, gifts, shining snow outside the window. And, of course, a birthday cake should match this atmosphere. As they say in the song performed by Taisiya Povaliy: "New Year's cake for 12 cakes ...". The snow-white, sparkling cream will remind you of winter snowdrifts, delicious green needles and bright toys, fabulous plots on the surface of the cake will delight the kids. Such a New Year's cake can be made at home, which we will now do with you.

Delicious cake made from ready-made cakes with fruits

Usually, before the holiday, housewives have so many things to do that there is not enough time to make a cake. This is fixable. You can buy ready-made cakes in the store, and in a few minutes it will turn out very a tasty cake... And if you decorate it with fruits, you get a real masterpiece.

You will need:

  • 3 ready-made cakes
  • can of condensed milk
  • 250 gr butter
  • 1 cup ground nuts
  • 1 cup syrup or liquid jam
  • 2 chocolate bars
  • fruits: kiwi, orange, strawberry.


Cream Herringbone Cake Recipe

Well what New Year without a Christmas tree. Even a cake can be made in the shape of this green beauty. Moreover, it will not only be amazingly beautiful, but also very tasty. Follow the recommendations carefully, and you will get exactly the same cake as in the photo. And maybe even better. It all depends on your imagination.

You will need:

For biscuit:

  • 6 eggs
  • 240 g sugar
  • 200 gr flour

For the caramel sauce:

  • 200 g sugar
  • 150 gr butter
  • 125 ml cream 30%

For buttercream:

  • 400 ml cream 30%
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • bag of thickener milking cream

Vanilla impregnation:

Belkovo custard:

  • 3 egg whites
  • 200 g sugar
  • 100 g of water
  • on the tip of a knife citric acid
  • gel dye green and brown


  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer until a stable foam is obtained.
  2. Stir gently and add flour.
  3. We place the dough in a mold, send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees. The baking time depends on the oven.
  4. We leave the finished biscuit until it cools completely.
  5. Cooking the sauce. Put the saucepan with sugar on low heat and cook, stirring continuously until a dark caramel color is obtained.
  6. Add to caramel gradually butter, mix until it is completely dissolved.
  7. Turn off the heat, pour in the cream, stirring vigorously.
  8. We set aside the caramel until it cools completely and thickens.
  9. Whip the cream with powdered sugar, when the mass becomes denser, add a thickener.
  10. Let's start assembling the cake. Cut the biscuit into three cakes.
  11. Dissolve the vanilla sugar in warm water and lightly saturate the first crust.
  12. Using a pastry bag, we make a side out of cream around the entire perimeter of the cake.
  13. We also put caramel from a pastry bag in the middle of the cake.
  14. Cover the entire surface with cream.
  15. We put the second cake and repeat all the steps.
  16. We cover the cake with the third crust, send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  17. Cooking protein custard. Pour three proteins into a bowl, add citric acid, beat until a dense foam is obtained.
  18. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, put on medium heat, bring to a boil, cook for eight minutes.
  19. Add the syrup in a thin stream to the whites, whisking.
  20. Cool the finished cream, separate a small part, paint with brown gel, the rest of the cream will be green.
  21. Decorating the cake. First, we apply the cream through a thin "star" nozzle on the sides, not forgetting to make a brown barrel at the bottom.
  22. Then we make the Christmas tree needles over the entire surface. We make the decoration to our liking: cream balls, chocolate figurines or confectionery beads.

New Year's cake made of mastic

Using mastic for the cake, you can create real miracles. There is a lot of opportunity to make unique decorations corresponding to the holiday. Such cakes are especially good for celebrating the New Year.

You will need:

For cakes:

  • 5 eggs
  • 250 g sugar
  • 250 gr flour
  • baking powder bag
  • a bag of vanillin

For butter cream:

  • can of condensed milk
  • 250 gr butter

Butter cream:

  • 300 ml cream 35%
  • 150 g sugar

For filling:

  • 300 gr canned peaches
  • 100 ml berry syrup
  • Ready mastic


  1. Begin to beat eggs with a whisk with sugar, vanilla.
  2. Introduce flour through a sieve, gently stirring with a whisk, add baking powder.
  3. Grease the mold with oil and pour half of the dough into it, then we also do it with the second half.
  4. The biscuit is baked at 180 degrees for about half an hour.
  5. Let the biscuit cool completely and cut each into two cakes.
  6. Pour the cream into a container, add sugar and beat with a mixer until strong peaks.
  7. Beat butter in a separate bowl, add condensed milk and beat until cream is obtained.
  8. Cut the peaches into small pieces.
  9. We put the first crust on the dish, soak it with syrup, cover with butter cream, put a layer of peaches.
  10. We repeat all actions with two subsequent cakes.
  11. We put the fourth cake, soak it with syrup and cover the entire surface of the cake with butter cream.

Our cake is already ready. Now we are going to cover it with mastic and make a decoration. It can be snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees and, of course, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Mastic is a soft and pliable material, like plasticine. You don't have to make complex compositions. Start with simple figurines. In addition to the mastic, you will also need a gel dye to make the picture bright.

How it's done:

  1. Roll out the white mastic in a thin layer, roll it up on a rolling pin and put it on the cake.
  2. Gently level it over the entire surface, cut off the excess, smooth it with a pastry iron.
  3. Let the mastic dry a little.
  4. The simplest decoration will be snowflakes cut out using molds.

You can sculpt various figures and color them.

DIY cake royal honey cake

This amazing cake combines two amazing flavors: chocolate and honey. He, as possible, is better suited to the New Year's table. And if the decorations match the holiday, there will be no limit to the delight of the guests.

You will need:

For the test:

  • 80 gr butter
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 gr of honey
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 380 gr flour
  • 40 gr cocoa
  • a packet of vanilla sugar

For the cream:

  • 900 ml milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 50 gr flour
  • 150 gr of chocolate
  • a packet of vanilla sugar


  1. Put flour, eggs, vanilla sugar in a saucepan, mix well.
  2. Separately heat the milk to a hot state, but do not bring it to a boil.
  3. Introduce a thin stream of milk into the egg mass, put it on the stove. Cook on small fire before thickening
  4. Pour the cream into a bowl, place the pieces of chocolate in it, stir until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Cover the cream with foil and set aside to cool.
  6. Mix the sifted flour with cocoa.
  7. Put honey, butter, sugar and vanilla sugar in a saucepan, put on water bath and heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved, turn off the heat.
  8. Mix the eggs in a separate bowl and gradually introduce them into the hot mixture, stirring vigorously.
  9. Add flour with cocoa in portions and mix.
  10. We spread the dough on a board, sprinkle it with flour, knead it with our hands.
  11. Divide the dough into 10 equal parts, form balls.
  12. We spread the portion on parchment, cover with foil, roll it out.
  13. Cut out circles on a plate, prick with a fork, bake for about 5 minutes at 180 degrees.
  14. We collect the cake, greasing the cakes with cream.
  15. We decorate at our discretion with a New Year theme.

Snowman making sweet dessert master class

At the New Year's holiday, sweets are not superfluous. Not only cakes can be on the table, but also various sweet desserts. Dessert according to this recipe will delight children. They will love these cute snowmen. In addition, they are very tasty and healthy, because they are made from cottage cheese.

You will need:

  • 250 gr cottage cheese
  • 20 g icing sugar
  • 20 g butter
  • 10 ml vanilla syrup
  • 10 grams of dried fruits, candied fruits
  • 40 g of condensed milk
  • 40 g coconut flakes
  • 3 bread sticks

Let's start cooking:

  1. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve or beat in a blender, add vanilla syrup and powdered sugar, mix.
  2. Melt the butter, pour it into the cottage cheese.
  3. We roll up balls for snowmen, send them to the freezer for half an hour.
  4. Pour coconut flakes into a plate and roll the balls in it.
  5. Grind dried fruits and candied fruits.
  6. We make spouts, eyes, buttons for snowmen.
  7. We fasten the balls together with sticks.
  8. Pour some condensed milk onto a plate, set the figures, sprinkle around coconut flakes.
  9. We send the dessert to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake clock on the New Year's table

What are we all looking at on New Year's Eve, looking forward to the chimes? Of course, for hours. And a cake on the table with a dial indicating midnight will be very helpful. We will not deal with the dough, we will take ready-made cakes, and the cake will turn out very quickly. The main thing is to have a smooth surface on which numbers and arrows can be drawn.

You will need:

  • biscuit cakes packaging
  • 400 gr sour cream and cottage cheese
  • 100 gr icing sugar
  • a packet of vanilla sugar
  • 100 g of chocolate chips
  • 2 sachets of thickener for cream
  • different berries

  1. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, icing sugar and vanilla sugar, beat with an immersion blender until smooth. Add a thickener.
  2. We collect the cake, greasing the cakes with cream. Lubricate the entire surface of the cake, including the sides.
  3. Sprinkle with chocolate chips, spread large berries around the edge.
  4. On the surface of the cake, lay out the dial with small berries, for example blueberries. You can draw a clock with cream.

DIY candy and chocolate cake

Don't know what gift to give your friends for the New Year? Make a New Year's cake from sweets and chocolate, and you will be provided with applause. A bright, beautiful and delicious candy cake will decorate the festive table. Of course, you need to work hard, but the result will be amazing.

You will need:

  • round box of chocolates "Rafaello"
  • 12 kinder surprises
  • several packs of kinder chocolate
  • cardboard
  • Styrofoam
  • ribbons


  1. Cut out a circle from cardboard with a diameter of 25-30 cm.
  2. From a thick foam, equal to the length of the chocolates, cut out a circle 3-4 cm smaller than the cardboard one.
  3. We fasten the blanks in the center.
  4. Using a glue gun, glue the chocolates to the styrofoam.
  5. Place a box of chocolates on top, fix it with glue.
  6. We fix kinder surprises around the perimeter.
  7. We make a decor from bows.

Christmas cake house

A beautiful fairy-tale house will appeal to both children and adults. After all, it is not only beautiful, but also delicious. This is the kind of cake we are going to cook now. It is not necessary to bake the cakes. Holiday chores take a lot of time anyway. We will use store-bought biscuits.

You will need:

  • Three biscuit cakes

For the cream:

  • 180 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 6 tbsp. tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 120 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour
  • white chocolate bar
  • 50 ml cream 30%
  • 250 gr butter
  • 50 g coconut flakes

For syrup:

  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 110 ml water

For mastic:

  • 80 gr marshmallows
  • 50 gr butter
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • 100 gr icing sugar

For a snowman:

  • 100 g waffle crumbs

  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar, add flour.
  3. Pour hot milk in a thin stream, stirring occasionally.
  4. We put the mixture on low heat, bring to a thickening.
  5. Cover it tightly with a film, leave to cool.
  6. Fill the chocolate with cream, dissolve in a steam bath, stirring continuously
  7. Beat the softened butter and gradually add the cooled custard, condensed milk, melted chocolate, coconut flakes into it, beat.
  8. Prepare the syrup, bring water and sugar to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes, cool.
  9. Soak two biscuit cakes with syrup, coat with cream.
  10. We build a house from the third cake, cut out a square, soak it with syrup, apply cream. We arrange a roof from the triangles, cover with cream.
  11. Warm up the marshmallows, combine with butter, add lemon juice, icing sugar, knead the mastic, paint with dye.
  12. We cut out green blanks for the Christmas tree, collect it on a wooden skewer. We will make miniature boxes with gifts under the tree.
  13. Mix waffle crumbs with cream, sculpt balls, collect a snowman.
  14. We set the composition on the cake.

Christmas candle cake

Such a sweet candle will not only look beautiful on the table, but will also give a special solemnity to the holiday. Cakes can be baked in advance according to any recipe you like or bought in a store.

You will need:

  • 2 biscuit cakes
  • can of condensed milk
  • 250 gr butter
  • 100 of any syrup
  • 200 gr of mastic
  • dye
  • small candle

Creation process:

  1. Beat butter with condensed milk.
  2. Cut the biscuit into squares, soak it in syrup and lay it in a pyramid, smearing it with cream.
  3. Cover the sides with cream.
  4. We paint the mastic pink, roll it out with a rolling pin.
  5. We wrap the candle with mastic, level it, decorate it to your liking.
  6. Install a candle on top.

How to decorate a New Year's cake

There are an incredible amount of ideas for New Year's cake decorating. Used cream of different colors, chocolate. Mastic jewelry is especially popular now. There is room for fantasy here. You can make any figurines, starting with the simplest ones and ending with whole fairy-tale plots. The inscription 2020 will look great. Everyone can choose the composition they like, and then the cake will become a truly New Year's.

That's all for today. I hope that you have already chosen which cake will show off on your New Year's table. As you have seen, there is nothing difficult in cooking, but thanks to these colorful cakes, the holiday atmosphere will be even more joyful and fun. For our next meeting, I have prepared at least interesting recipes sweet pastries and I will definitely introduce you to them.

Cake is one of the main attributes of the festive table and the New Year, of course, is no exception. There are just a lot of recipes for New Year's cakes, but you need to choose exactly the one that will please even the most fastidious gourmet who will be present at your festive table... Therefore, your attention is offered a category in which the most unusual, original, delicious and beautiful recipes New Year's cakes.
In this category you can find biscuit cakes, shortbread cake recipes, ice cream cakes, meringues, marshmallows, mastic cakes for the New Year 2021, and a lot more a variety of recipes which you should definitely pay your attention to.
It is very important that the cakes for the year of the pig are not only tasty, but also appetizing and beautiful. Special attention should be paid to decorating New Year's cakes. After all, cakes for the New Year can be decorated in the form of Santa Claus, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations, a gift, a snowflake and, of course, the future mistress of the year - a pig. You can also create a fairy-tale house cake or play with other traditional New Year's symbols and themes. That is, you just need to choose the most original recipe or fantasize a little to surprise your guests.
Also here for your convenience are New Year's cakes 2021, recipes with photos will help you easily prepare them. Such recipes will become for you just a real helper in the kitchen, because they not only help you to prepare dishes correctly, but also to decorate and serve. As for the cakes, decorating them is probably one of the main stages in the preparation, because almost all adults and children are looking forward to the end of the evening so that the hospitable hostess finally brings out a beautiful, mouth-watering cake, at the very sight of which drool begins to flow and I want to feast on a piece of that yummy.
If you want to learn how to make New Year's cakes with a photo, you should certainly pay attention to these recipes so that your New Year's dessert is the most delicious and original.
Choose unusual cakes with a New Year theme and forward to conquer the pinnacle of culinary excellence. Cook your family and friends the most delicious and beautiful cake for a beloved and long-awaited holiday, give them a fairy tale that they will remember for a long time and for which they will then thank you very much.


Snowflake cake: delicate, fluffy, melting in the mouth, not in the hands

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, butter, salt, baking powder, cream cheese, cream, sour cream, chocolate, powdered sugar, coconut

Delicate cream based on white chocolate and cream, loose dough and fluffy coconut flakes - all this about a cake with a beautiful name "Snowflake". With our recipe, you can easily cope with its preparation.
- 3 eggs;
- 180 g of sugar;
- 330 g flour;
- 45 g butter;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1.5 tsp baking powder.

For the cream:
- 300 g cream cheese;
- 450 ml heavy cream;
- 250 g sour cream;
- 150 g of white chocolate;
- 60-80 g of icing sugar;
- 150 g of coconut flakes.


How to make bounty cake at home

Ingredients: flour, milk, boiling water, sugar, soda, baking powder, egg, salt, cocoa, vegetable oil, vanillin, coconut, cream, gelatin, chocolate

For the Bounty cake, you will need both cocoa and chocolate, and, of course, coke shavings - with this composition, the dessert really looks very much like a popular bar. And its preparation is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

For biscuit:
- 140 g flour;
- 100 ml of milk;
- 100 ml of boiling water;
- 200 g of sugar;
- 0.5 tsp baking soda;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 1 egg;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- 15 g cocoa;
- 50 g vegetable oil;
- 1 pinch of vanilla.

For filling:
- 50 g of coconut;
- 200 ml cream 335;
- 50 g sugar or powdered sugar;
- 1 tsp gelatin.

For glaze:
- 50 g of chocolate.


Cake "Fairy Tale" with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins at home

Ingredients: flour, sugar, sour cream, egg, soda, vinegar, poppy seeds, nuts, raisins, pastry sprinkles

- 230 g flour;
- 220 g of sugar;
- 250 g of fat sour cream;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 tsp soda;
- 10 ml vinegar 9%;
- 70 g of poppy;
- 100 g of nuts;
- 100 g of raisins.

For the cream:
- 400 g sour cream;
- 50 g of sugar;
- pastry topping for decoration.


Cake "Ladies fingers"

Ingredients: egg, butter, flour, water, salt, sour cream, sugar, coconut flakes, berry

Cake " Lady fingers"got its name from the base - custard liver in the form of sticks that resemble thin fingers. This is a very tasty and beautiful dessert.

For the test:

- 4 eggs;
- 100 g of butter;
- 180 g flour;
- 250 ml of water;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For the cream:
- 1 kg of sour cream;
- 1 tbsp. Sahara.

For decoration:
- 50 g of coke shavings;
- berries.


"Flight" cake in accordance with GOST

Ingredients: peanuts, protein, sugar, vanillin, butter, yolk, milk, cocoa

Cake "Flight", if we are talking about classic version, prepared without flour at all, but with nuts and meringues. It turns out very tender and airy, incredibly beautiful and incredibly tasty.
For cakes:

- 130 g of peanuts;
- 5 egg whites;
- 320 g of sugar;
- 0.5 g vanillin.

For white cream:
- 220 g butter;
- 200 g of sugar;
- 0.5 g vanillin;
- 5 yolks;
- 150 ml of milk.

For chocolate cream:
- 2 tbsp. white cream;
- 1.5 - 2 tsp cocoa.


Ferrero Roche cake

Ingredients: egg, flour, sugar, vanillin, cocoa, starch, baking powder, hazelnuts, waffles, chocolate, coffee, coffee liqueur, cream, nutella, candy, cake

Ferrero Roche cake is not so easy and quick to prepare, but your efforts will be rewarded with a great result. This is a very beautiful and incredibly delicious cake.
For the test:

- 5 eggs;
- 70 g flour;
- 180 g of sugar;
- 1 pinch of vanillin;
- 25 g cocoa;
- 40 g starch;
- 1.5 tsp baking powder.

- 100 g of hazelnuts;
- 30 g waffles;
- 150 g of white chocolate.

- 150 ml of coffee;
- 2 tbsp. coffee liqueur.

- 6 Ferrero Roche candies;
- 2 pasta cakes.


Cake "Earl's Ruins": sweet meringue cloud

Ingredients: egg, sugar, lemon juice, starch, milk, cocoa, vanilla sugar. butter, prunes

Cake " Earl ruins"First of all, the children will like it: they also love such beautiful names, and the shape of the cake will certainly impress them. Preparing the dessert is not as easy as one might want, but it turns out to be incredibly tasty.

For the meringue:
- 4 squirrels;
- 200 g of sugar;
- 5-6 drops.

For the cream:
- 4 yolks;
- 100 g of sugar;
- 1 tbsp. corn starch;
- 200 g of milk;
- 1 tbsp. cocoa;
- 20 g vanilla sugar;
- 150 g butter 82%
For sprinkling:
- 100 g of prunes.


Cake "Mashenka" on condensed milk with sour cream and nuts

Ingredients: condensed milk, sour cream, butter, flour, baking powder, egg. cocoa, vanilla sugar, icing sugar, sour cream thickener, peanuts

Among the many recipes for homemade cakes, you should pay attention to this one - biscuit, with cream based on sour cream. It turns out to be not only very appetizing, but also delicious, so we recommend that you definitely cook it for the next holiday.
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- 250 g sour cream
- 30 g butter;
- 350 g wheat flour;
- 2 tsp baking powder;
- 3 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. cocoa;
- vanilla sugar;
- salt.

For the cream:
- 350 g sour cream 26%;
- 50 g of icing sugar;
- 2 tsp thickener sour cream.

For decoration:
- 70 grams of peanuts.


Cake - souffle at home

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, salt, butter, gelatin, milk, water; chocolate, cream, jam

An impossibly beautiful and delicate soufflé cake is prepared, of course, not so simple and fast as we would like, but it turns out to be so delicious that all your efforts will pay off with interest, believe me!

For biscuit:

- 3 eggs;
- 100 g of sugar;
- 100 g flour;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For soufflé cream:
- 6 eggs;
- 150 g of sugar;
- 130 g butter;
- 200 ml of milk;
- 25 g of gelatin;
- 80 ml of water;
- 1 tbsp. flour;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For glaze:
- 80-100 g of dark chocolate;
- 2-3 tbsp. heavy cream.

For sugar syrup:
- 50-60 g of sugar;
- 100 ml of water;
- 3-4 tbsp. apricot jam.


Snowflake cake

Ingredients: cream cheese, cream, chocolate, sour cream, powdered sugar, coconut, salt, baking powder, butter, egg, flour

Those who love delicate, airy cakes will love this recipe for the Snowflake cake. It turns out to be white-white, very beautiful, appetizing and tasty.

For the test:

- 330 grams of wheat flour;
- 3 eggs;
- 180 grams of sugar;
- 45 grams of butter;
- 1.5 tsp baking powder;
- 1 pinch of salt.

For the cream:

- 300 grams of cream cheese;
- 450 ml heavy cream (33%);
- 150 grams of white chocolate;
- 240 gr sour cream;
- 150 grams of coconut flakes;
- 3-4 tbsp. powdered sugar.


Brownie cake

Ingredients: flour, soda, salt, cocoa, sugar, vanillin, egg, butter, milk, vinegar, cheese, cream, chocolate, condensed milk,

This recipe will appeal primarily to ardent fans of chocolate: there is really a lot of it in this cake called "Brownie"!
For biscuit:

- 120 grams of wheat flour;
- 5 grams of soda;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 2-3 tbsp. with a slide of cocoa powder;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 1 g vanillin;
- 1 egg;
- 30 grams of butter;
- 30 grams of vegetable oil;
- 130 ml of milk;
- 1 tsp bite 6% (wine or apple).

For the cream:
- 250 grams of mascarpone cheese;
- 200-250 ml whipping cream;
- 100 grams of powdered sugar;
- 150-200 gr of dark chocolate.

For impregnation:
- 5-6 tbsp. boiled condensed milk;
- 4-5 tbsp. cow's milk.

For glaze:
- 80 grams of dark chocolate;
- 50 grams of butter;
- 50 ml of milk;
- 1-2 tbsp. .l icing sugar.

For decoration:
- chocolate bars, balls, cookies - at your discretion.


Sponge cake with strawberries

Ingredients: strawberry, sugar, water, thickener, sour cream, egg, flour

Lovers of strawberries and biscuits will love this cake. In addition to air dough and delicious berries it is also very gentle sour cream as well as sweet strawberry syrup ... It turns out just great.
For the test:

- 4 eggs;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1 glass of flour.

For the cream:
- 450 ml sour cream (20% fat);
- 3/4 glasses of sugar;
- 5-12 grams of thickener.

For syrup:
- 50 grams of frozen strawberries;
- 2 tbsp. Sahara;
- 150 ml of water.

For filling:
- 400 grams of frozen strawberries.


Busy Woman's Dream Cake

Ingredients: sour cream, powdered sugar, tangerine, lemon juice, soda, cocoa, butter, egg, condensed milk, flour

This cake is not called that for nothing. To prepare it is very simple and fast enough. The taste of the cake will delight absolutely everyone.


- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- 2 eggs;
- 180 grams of butter;
- 3 tbsp. cocoa;
- half a tsp soda;
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
- 400 grams of sour cream;
- 100 grams of powdered sugar;
- 2 tangerines.


Mousse cake with mirror icing

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, salt, vanillin, persimmon, gelatin, pear puree, cream, chocolate, milk, cocoa, water

Mousse cake with mirror glaze delicious, but not so easy to prepare. Don't worry my detailed recipe with a photo will help you prepare this cake without any hesitation.


- 2 chicken eggs,
- 360 grams of sugar
- 70 grams of wheat flour,
- a pinch of salt,
- vanilla sugar to taste,
- 200 grams of persimmon,
- 24 grams of gelatin,
- 150 grams of pear puree,
- 720 ml. heavy cream
- 50 grams of white chocolate,
- 75 ml. milk,
- 60 grams of cocoa,
- 150 ml. water.


Pancake cake like Palych

Ingredients: milk, water, flour, egg, soda, vinegar, sugar, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, jam, chocolate

One of the interesting desserts without baking - pancake cake... The cream for it is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, and berry jam or jam adds a special charm. Try it, you will definitely like it!
For the test:

- 150 ml of milk;
-150 ml of water;
- 250 grams of flour;
- 3 eggs;
- soda;
- vinegar;
- salt;
- sugar;
- vegetable oil;
- butter.

For the cream:

- 450 grams of fatty homemade cottage cheese;
- 40 grams of sour cream 26%;
- 120 grams of powdered sugar;
- 120 gr of strawberry or currant jam;
- chocolate for decoration;
- fresh berries for decoration.

I love to cook, but sometimes there is absolutely no time for this, but I really want to treat myself and my loved ones to delicious things, especially on the eve of the New Year holidays. Recently I found an amazing recipe for an interesting cake, just in the form of the main symbol of the coming year, and most importantly, to make it as easy as shelling pears.

I like that you don't have to bake it in the oven, just mix the ingredients, wait a bit, and delicious treat will be ready. If you have young cooks in your family, be sure to use them, it will be fun and informative, and the result of your efforts will definitely be appreciated by the rest of the household.

  • 500 g of fat sour cream (15-20%);
  • 200 g of Zoo cookies;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 small bananas (or 1 large);
  • 4 tablespoons coconut flakes for sprinkling;
  • a few grapes and raisins for decoration.

How to cook:

To begin with, put the sour cream from the jar in a deep bowl, pour all the sugar into it and mix thoroughly. Continue mixing until the grains begin to dissolve, for convenience and speed up the process, take a whisk or use a mixer.

Remove the skin from the bananas, cut the fruits into small pieces and stir into the mixture. The consistency should be uniform, without lumps. Add all the cookies to the resulting mass, leaving a couple of things for decoration. Stir the food again, all the cookies should be in sour cream, leave the contents of the cup to swell for a couple of hours. Ideally, make the preparation in the evening, then the cookies will soak well overnight, and it will be easier for you to sculpt a cake out of it.

On a note!

At your discretion, replace the sour cream with sugar with regular condensed milk, but only of good quality.

When the mass in the cup is soft, place it on a flat plate and spoon into a convex drop with a spoon, flattening the edges. This will be the torso of the mouse. Sprinkle the resulting figurine with a thin layer of coconut. Make a muzzle: for this, insert a couple of raisins in place of the eyes, and stick a grape as a nose. Ears can be made from leftover cookies. It is better to serve the New Year's rat to the table a little later, so that all the ingredients are soaked. There are hardly those who refuse to try a tidbit, so feel free to place the treat in the center of the table - it will be impossible to resist. Bon appetit and happy winter holidays!

Place your creation in the center of the table, your guests will appreciate your culinary skills and enjoy such an attractive dessert.

Delicious and simple Christmas tree cake for the New Year

On the New Year's table, there must be a symbol of the holiday - a spruce. We offer to make an edible Christmas tree, children and adults will like it.

  • butter - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • 3-4 tablespoons powdered sugar;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • baking powder, a pinch;
  • 90-100 g of white chocolate;
  • 100 g coconut flakes;
  • starch - 1/2 tsp;
  • 2 yolks;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 1/2 cup cream 25%

How to cook:

Combine the yolks with sugar, rub well. Add sour cream, then add flour a little. Defrost the butter to soften and add to the egg mass. Add baking powder. The dough should be thick, but not sticky. Transfer the mixture to a bowl or bag and place in a cool place for 40-50 minutes.

Make stars of different sizes from paper, from large to small. Roll out the dough and then cut out the stars according to the sketches. Bake the biscuits for 10-15 minutes.

Melt the chocolate, add cream with starch, powdered sugar to it. Chop the coconut in a blender and add to the melted chocolate.

Assemble the tree: place the largest crust on the bottom, grease it with a creamy mass, and press down with a smaller crust on top. Thus, the smallest biscuit should be on the top of the tree. Decorate the top with candied fruits by gluing them onto the cream. Let the tree harden for 1 to 2 hours. The same principle can be used to prepare a chocolate Christmas tree.

On a note!

Rustic sour cream is great for cream, it is more greasy and whipped much better than a store product.

"New Year's boot" is a delicious and beautiful cake

In other countries there is a tradition of cooking for new year holidays boot-shaped sweets. It is believed that such a delicacy will bring good luck to those who taste it. We suggest making a cake in the form of a boot for the New Year. Households will be pleasantly surprised by the surprise and will immediately want to taste a bite.

For impregnating cakes:

  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 200 g strawberry jam;
  • 1.5 cups of boiled water.

For decoration:

  • 8 egg whites;
  • tsp citric acid;
  • Red food coloring;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • glass of water.

How to cook:

Whisk the chilled eggs into the granulated sugar. Use a wooden spatula or spoon to add to egg mixture flour. You can pour flour into the egg mixture directly through a sieve, but stir constantly.

Take a rectangular dish, cover with parchment and pour the dough into it. Place the dish in the oven for 40-50 minutes. You can bake the cakes 2-3 times in a row, you can make one large cake and then cut it into 3 pieces.

Cut the butter into slices, leave in a cup for 1-2 hours in the kitchen to soften. Beat the butter with a mixer, then add condensed milk with a spoon. Beat the cream for at least 5 minutes until it is fluffy. In a saucepan, make a soaking syrup. Heat water, add sugar to it and bring to a boil. Cook the mixture slightly for 3-4 minutes until thickened. Then turn off the heating.

Soak the rectangular cooled cakes with syrup for a couple of hours. Then spread a thin layer (jam) on them, and put a creamy impregnation on top. Place the biscuits on top of each other. Cut the boots out of the cake: cut a semicircle from the long side, and cut the bottom of the cake slightly obliquely. Place the rest of the cake on top.

Now you need to make a creamy mass for decoration. Take the whites from the eggs, beat them with sugar (150 g) until a white thick foam. Put a glass of water to heat, after boiling, dissolve the remaining sugar, cook for 3-4 minutes, then remove from the heat. Pour the hot syrup gently into the protein foam. To prevent it from settling, stir the whites in one direction, add the lemon.

Divide the custard mixture into 3 equal parts. Set aside one part, and add the dye to the rest and put in a pastry bag. Decorate the cake with red cream, and then draw patterns from the remains of the white or make a frill at the boot. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then treat your guests.

On a note!

If you like nuts, you can use them for the filling. Place the custard nuts between the cakes.

Delicious and beautiful Rafaello cake for the New Year

If you don’t have time, or you don’t want to bother making cakes, then you will definitely like the Raffaello recipe. Buy a ready-made crust from the store, then saturate with cream and decorate. Delicious dessert will be ready to serve in a few minutes.

  • biscuit cake- 1 PC.;
  • 2 glasses of cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • thickener - 2 sachets;
  • a box of Rafaello chocolates;
  • white chocolate bar;
  • 3 tbsp coconut flakes.

How to cook:

Remove the cream from the refrigerator to keep it at room temperature. Whisk the thickened cream with a mixer for 3-5 minutes.

Set aside 7-8 candies from the box, transfer the rest of the candies to the mixer cup and grind until smooth. Transfer the candy mass to the whipped cream. It should turn out thick cream.

Divide the sponge cake into 2 equal portions. Lubricate each part with a creamy mass. Lay the pieces on top of each other.

Rub the chocolate on a fine grater, sprinkle the cake with crumbs. Sprinkle the sides and top with extra coconut. Put sweets on top of the cake and put the kettle on. You can try the delicacy right away, but especially delicious cake will be when it is saturated for 2-3 hours.

You can increase the number of cakes on the cake, just do not forget to make more cream. Complete recipe With step by step photos.

Cake "Santa Claus" 2020

A delicious and light cake can be prepared if there are 3-4 biscuit cakes in your kitchen. They can be used both purchased and baked by yourself, if time permits. It takes no more than half an hour to make a cake.

  • 4 biscuit cakes;
  • 1.5 cups sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugar;
  • 100 g canned pineapple;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar;
  • for decoration:
  • tsp red dye;
  • a handful of grapes.

How to cook:

Put sour cream in a cup and beat it well with a mixer. Then add a little caster sugar and continue beating for another 4-5 minutes. Drain the pineapple juice. If you bought whole fruit in syrup, divide it into small pieces.

Now you can start assembling. Take a flat plate and spread a little creamy mass on the center of it, so the cake will not slip. Put a cake, grease with cream, put another one on it, grease again. Do not grease the top of the cake with cream, we will decorate it in a different way.

Take a saucepan and pour 50-60 ml of water into it. Put it on fire. When the water boils, add 1 tbsp. sugar and cook for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the heat and cover the syrup with a lid so that it cools slowly. Whisk the whites from the eggs with granulated sugar into a thick foam, slowly pour the syrup into the protein, stirring constantly. Divide the custard into 3 parts, add the dye to one part and set aside for now. Fill a pastry bag with white cream and start creating. Make the beard first, then the face. Insert grapes instead of eyes. Then make the nose, mouth and cap with red cream. Let the cake soak in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Enjoy your tea!

Snowman cake for the New Year's table

Take note of the recipe for New Year's dessert with the winter name Snowman. The cake turns out to be tender autumn, the biscuit is well saturated with cream. For decoration, use coconut or white grated chocolate. It takes about 1.5 hours to cook.

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • 100-150 g butter;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar - 10-15 g;
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare the cream:

  • 300 g of country cottage cheese;
  • 400 g heavy cream;
  • tbsp gelatin;
  • 100 g of sugar.
  • for decor:
  • a couple of grapes;
  • a slice of carrot;
  • 100 g of coconut flakes.

How to cook:

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they return to room temperature. Beat eggs with sugar, sprinkling it into the mass gradually. Add sifted flour, softened butter and baking powder. Sprinkle the vanilla sugar and salt into the dough. You need to bake 4 shortbreads: 2 with a larger diameter, 2 with a smaller one. You can take the same form for baking, just cut off the baked cakes on a plate with a smaller diameter. Ready-made cakes remove from the mold and cool.

Stir the cream and cottage cheese in one cup so that there are no lumps in the mixture, take a blender or mixer. Add sugar to the mass and gelatin.

Put 2 biscuits of different diameters on a large dish, brush with a creamy paste. Then place the remaining cakes in accordance with the size of the previous ones and go over the cream again. Sprinkle shavings on the snowman. Insert grapes and carrots instead of eyes and nose, you can also make a smile from carrots. It takes from 2 to 3 hours to soak the cakes, and it is better to remove the dessert overnight in a cool place, then it will be soaked even better.

Replace cottage cheese for making cream with cream cheese, then sourness will not be felt.

Snowman biscuit cake recipe

I suggest you prepare the Snowman cake for the New Year. It turns out to be very funny, the design is not complicated, so you can safely start cooking with me.

To taste, the cake comes out soft, since the cakes are biscuit, and the cream is made from sour cream. If for some reason you cannot have sour cream, then replace it with confectionery cream. Also, you can safely add your favorite fruits to the cake: kiwi, pineapples, bananas, strawberries and other berries.

Required ingredients for making the dough:

  • eggs - 5 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • cocoa - 2-3 tablespoons.

Required ingredients for making the cream:

  • sour cream - 1 pack (weight - 450 grams, fat content - 20-25%);
  • sugar - 150 grams.

Beat the specified number of eggs into the mixer bowl. It is not necessary to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg mixture for 3 minutes. During this time, it will become lush and increase slightly in volume. Add sugar to the beaten eggs. The mixer, if you have it stationary, do not turn off. Whisk everything for 3-5 minutes.

Now add flour and cocoa immediately. Stir the dough.

Place the dough in a round metal baking dish and cover with parchment paper for baking. Place the mold in the oven for 30 minutes. Ready biscuit chocolate cake remove from the mold.

Put the sour cream in a whipping bowl. Add sugar immediately. Turn on the mixer and beat the cream with it for at least 5 minutes. During this time, the sour cream will become significantly thicker, and it will be convenient to lubricate the cakes with the resulting cream.

Cut the finished chocolate crust into three parts. Let them cool completely, otherwise the cream will "melt" and drain from them.

Lubricate all the cakes (the top one too) with sour cream cream.

Now you can paint the remaining cream in the desired colors (using helium dyes) and paint the snowman's eyes, cheeks, mouth and nose. I used ready-made eyes and mastic cheeks. I cut out the nose and mouth from carrots. Here is such a beautiful and festive Snowman cake!

Agree, you can't imagine a better treat on New Year's Eve!

Happy New Year!

Snowflake cake

If you are still pondering over New Year's dessert we advise you to prepare an airy cake. It will especially appeal to those who love butter cream and coconut flakes.

  • a glass of flour;
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a small piece of butter weighing 30-50 g;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • 1.5 cups cream;
  • a glass of fatty sour cream;
  • 4 tablespoons powdered sugar;
  • white chocolate bar;
  • 100 g of coconut flakes.

How to cook:

Grind eggs with granulated sugar in homogeneous mass... Sift flour to it and add baking powder. Add melted butter to the dough and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Divide the dough into 6 parts, mold a cake from each part and bake in the oven for no more than 10 minutes.

Mix sour cream with cream, beat the mixture with a mixer for at least 5 minutes. According to st.l. add powdered sugar. Melt White chocolate in a water bath and add to the cream.

Lubricate the biscuits with a creamy mass, combine. On the top and sides of the cake, apply the rest of the creamy mass, sprinkle the cake with coconut. Leave Snowflake in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, then you can taste the cake with tea.

"Zebra" - a simple cake on the New Year's table

A fancy treat is easy to make with this recipe. It is simple, so even an inexperienced hostess can handle it. Therefore, stock up on food and start cooking without delay.

To prepare the dough:

  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 30 g cocoa.

For the cream:

  • 1.5 cups sour cream 20%;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • tsp vanilla extract.

For glaze:

  • 100 g butter;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • icing sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • 50 g cocoa.

How to cook:

Remove the oil from the refrigerator and wait until it melts. Soft butter combine with sugar and grind to white. Add eggs, baking powder, stir. Add sour cream, and at the very end, sprinkle with flour. The dough should be thin. Divide it into 2 parts. Add cocoa to one part.

Pour a bowl of white dough into the center of the baking dish, and pour the cocoa dough into the center. You should have a combination of 2 colors, you can take a needle and draw lines directly along the dough from the center to the edges, it will be beautiful too. Thus, you need to bake 2 cakes.

Whisk sour cream with granulated sugar to make a thick white cream. Add vanilla, stir. Smear the cooled cakes with sour cream and sugar. You do not need to grease the top cake, we will make a glaze for it.

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Pour granulated sugar with cocoa into butter and add milk. Cook the frosting until it thickens noticeably. Pour the icing over the cake. Place in a cool place for 2-3 hours to freeze the frosting.

Cut out stencils from paper - zebra stripes. Place the stencils on top of the cake and sprinkle with powder. Then carefully remove the paper. The cake is ready, have a nice tea!

On a note!

Put some coffee along with the cocoa, then the aroma of the baked goods will be more pronounced.

Pancho cake with pineapples

All family members will undoubtedly love the Pancho cake. It contains walnuts and canned pineapples, which makes the taste of the dessert unusual. Try to make the cake yourself, it's not difficult.

  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 5 tsp baking powder;
  • 800 g sour cream with a fat content of at least 25%
  • 200 g canned pineapple;
  • 1.5 cups powdered sugar;
  • Cup walnuts(shredded).

How to cook:

Break eggs into a bowl and grind with granulated sugar until a white homogeneous mixture is obtained. Combine flour and baking powder, sift and spoon over eggs. stir.

Pour one third of the total amount of dough into a greased mold. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Add cocoa to the rest of the dough, mix again and bake the crust for half an hour.

Transfer the sour cream to a deep cup and stir in the powdered sugar. Separate about ¼ part from the total amount, put it in a separate bowl. Add pineapple slices with nuts to the remaining cream.

Put the light crust on a flat plate, saturate it pineapple juice... Cut the baked chocolate crust into small pieces, mix with the cream. Place the soaked slices on a white biscuit base and slide them up. Garnish with sour cream. If you have a dark chocolate bar, rub and sprinkle on the cake.

By the way, Pancho cake with cherries turns out very tasty.

Red Velvet Cake

In cafes and restaurants, you can often find a dessert called Red Velvet on the menu. It is not necessary to buy a dessert, because it is easy to prepare it even at home. The cake just melts in your mouth, and its taste is very delicate due to air cream.

  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 pack of butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1.5 cups of kefir;
  • 2 tsp red helium dye;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar.

For the cream:

  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • a pack of butter;
  • 800-900 g Mascarpone.

How to cook:

Start by beating eggs. Whisk the egg mixture into a foam, then add the flour sifted through a sieve little by little. Add softened butter to the mass, stirring constantly, add kefir. Add a pinch of vanilla sugar to the dough and add baking powder. Stir the dough so that there are no lumps, you can use a mixer or blender. Add color to the dough. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and bake the crust for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

When the biscuit has cooled, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Then the biscuit is soft.

For the cream, grind the softened butter with powdered sugar. The color of the mass should turn white. Then add the Mascarpone cheese to the mass. Stir the cream mixture constantly until it is smooth.

Remove the biscuit from the refrigerator. Use a thread or knife to cut it into 2 or 3 pieces. Place the crumbs that remain from cutting on a plate; they will be needed for sprinkling. Grease each part with cream, and then lay the cakes on top of each other. Grease the top and sides of the cake with the rest of the cream, and then sprinkle with crumbs. Leave the dessert to soak in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, preferably overnight. Enjoy your tea!

On a note!

Instead of Mascarpone cheese, another cream cheese or homemade cottage cheese.

Ideas for decorating a cake for the New Year 2020 desserts must be included. Even if you have never cooked, but want to try, go for it, you will definitely succeed, and our easy recipes will help you. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
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