Home / Pies / Proper ham in ham maker recipes. Step-by-step recipes for making homemade sausage (ham) in a ham maker

Proper ham in ham maker recipes. Step-by-step recipes for making homemade sausage (ham) in a ham maker

What are the benefits of homemade ham? The fact that you can choose any meat, while touching it, smelling it and even trying it; add your favorite spices, dry herbs, dried vegetable additives - everything that the soul has dreamed of for many years. If you want more dense - grind most of the meat with a meat grinder, if you want with whole pieces of meat - do not grind at all. Homemade ham is the flight of your fantasies. So go ahead!

Do not forget to bring a ham maker, because it is the # 1 helper in the preparation of a homemade delicacy. The ham maker is a stainless steel container tube with removable lids and retractable springs. All you need is to put the meat inside, cover the lid and tighten the springs, and then put it to simmer in the water.

From this amount of ingredients, 1 kg of 150 grams of the finished product came out.

Prepare the ingredients for making pork ham in a ham maker according to the list.

Wash the pork pulp, if necessary, clean it from films and excess fat. There should not be a lot of fat, but a small amount is allowed. Cut the meat into small pieces, about 1x1 cm.

Then set aside 1/3 of all meat for minced meat. Put the rest of the meat in a deep bowl. Add salt and spices to taste. As for spices, I used black pepper, allspice, paprika, ginger, coriander and cumin.

Mix all the meat thoroughly. Each bite should receive its share of spice and salt. Add twigs fresh rosemary... Cover the bowl cling film and send it to the refrigerator for at least an hour so that the meat absorbs all the aromas.

At this time, grind the remaining meat with a meat grinder along with peeled garlic cloves.

Combine minced meat with meat and stir again. The meat should become viscous, but it should remain cold. For mixing, you can use a mixer with a hook attachment.

Put the prepared aromatic meat in the ham, but before that it must be covered with a food bag. When laying out the meat, it must be tamped, pressed with a spoon both to the bottom and to the walls.

Close the ham maker with the lid and tighten the springs one by one. Put a container with meat in a saucepan with cold water. The water should completely cover it. Turn on low heat and continue to cook the ham for 2.5 hours.

The water should not boil, boil and jump out of the pan. At this stage, it is better to use a kitchen thermometer, the water temperature should be no higher than 85 degrees.

Gently remove the ham from the pan and place immediately under a cold shower or in a bowl of cold water for 5-7 minutes.

Then send the mold to the refrigerator to completely cool the meat. And only then you can remove the springs, the top cover, remove the bag, and remove the ham from the bag.

Pork ham cooked in a ham maker is perfectly cut, does not break or crumble. It is very tasty, tender and aromatic. Can be served on the table.

With a device as simple as a ham, you will always have tasty and healthy ham in your home. Add your favorite dry herbs or shredded vegetables to the filling and enjoy the flavor.

Bon Appetit. Cook with love.

The best cooking recipes homemade ham in ham maker with photos step by step.

Recently, store-bought sausage products have raised more and more questions and doubts - so generously they are stuffed with enhancers of taste and aroma, meat substitutes, unfamiliar and frightening chemical compounds.

When viewing the composition of such a seemingly uncomplicated ham, the feeling that there is practically nothing natural in it does not leave. And for the price, such meat products are not cheaper. natural meat.

Naturally, those who care about their health and wallet sooner or later come to the idea of ​​making their own sausages and, accordingly, to the purchase of a ham maker.

This wonderful kitchen device will help you cook completely natural sausage, ham, brawn and much more, not only from meat, but also from fish. The ham maker gives room for cooking not only fatty and nutritious meat dishes, but also for the preparation of more dietary sausages and pressed meat.

Meat in a ham maker can be cooked in a saucepan, stewed in a multicooker or pressure cooker, baked in an oven or airfryer. In order for the final product to be more juicy, the minced meat is placed in a ham maker in foil or a baking sleeve.

Ham maker: recipes for making pork ham

Homemade pork ham with tender pieces of turkey fillet - great recipe for your feast.


  • 300 grams of turkey brisket,
  • 300 grams of pork
  • 18-20 g of salt;
  • 1 tsp red pepper;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander (2-3 grams)
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg(no more than a gram)
  • 100 ml cold water / milk.


  1. a third of the turkey meat and all the pork are cut into pieces and chopped in a blender,
  2. Salt and sugar are dissolved in water / milk and poured into minced meat, kneaded
  3. The remaining turkey meat is cut into small 2 x 2 cm cubes.
  4. Mix the minced meat and chopped meat with spices in a glass bowl. You can add a teaspoon of ketchup for color and extra flavor.
  5. The finished mixture is placed in the refrigerator overnight under cling film.
  6. Put the meat in the ham, tamping it from time to time.
  7. We close the lid, tighten the springs. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
  8. Put the ham in a deep saucepan, fill it with water about 1-2 fingers above the "level" of the meat.
  9. Cook for about 45 minutes (time is calculated for 0.5 kg) at a temperature of 85 °.
  10. Immediately after that, remove the oppression, drain the liquid and set the ham to cool for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

(we do not pour out the liquid - it can be used as a sauce or added when preparing a dish)

Poultry ham in a ham maker: recipe

Very delicate, aromatic and delicious ham from poultry meat is prepared easily and simply in a ham maker.

The proportions in this recipe are indicated at 0.5 kg in order to make it easier for owners of different ham makers to adjust them to their "containers".


  • 500 g turkey fillet (chicken, goose, etc.)
  • 12 g salt
  • 4 g sugar
  • 1 gram of pepper
  • 75 ml milk


Great for cold cuts, sandwiches, and salads!

Homemade ham from a whole piece of pork neck: recipe for ham

Very tasty and beautiful homemade ham is made from a whole piece of ham pork neck... Great color, incredibly thin and juicy meat!

For cooking, take a whole piece of pork neck weighing about 1 kg, cut it with a sharp knife in the shape of a ham.


  • Spices - 22 g of salt
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2-3 coriander kernels,
  • 2-3 grains of black pepper,
  • 1 tablespoon. soy sauce,
  • 100 ml of water
  • 100 ml white wine

  1. All spices are mixed in a bowl with water and wine. The marinade is introduced into a piece of meat, which is then placed in a ham maker under oppression.
  2. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 48 hours.
  3. Cook for 2 hours from the moment the optimal temperature is reached - 80-85 degrees Celsius.
  4. After cooking, chill quickly in ice water for 30 minutes and refrigerate again for at least 24 hours.

Recipes for BELOBOK ham - from the manufacturer!


Turkey, chicken breasts- 1 - 1.5 kg
Boiled mushrooms — 150
1 small onion
1 egg
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon semolina
Salt, spices to taste

We pass the mushrooms and onions through a meat grinder. Beat the egg with salt and spices, add mayonnaise and semolina... Prepare minced meat from meat (70% turkey and 30% chicken), mix with egg-mushroom mass.

Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. Fill in the form with minced meat. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass of boiling water into the bottom of the flask. Place the filled mold in the airfryer and cook for 60 minutes at 205 ° C.

For oven cooking:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill the form with minced meat. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Place in the oven and bake at 205-210 ° C for 40 minutes.

For cooking:
We put a plastic bag into the ham maker, place the mold in a saucepan or pressure cooker (depending on the shape of the pan, the ham maker can be placed both vertically and horizontally), fill it with cold water and cook for 50-70 minutes.


1-1.5 kg pork and beef cut into flat pieces
1-2 large Antonovka apples
2-3 prunes
3-4 dried apricots
5-7 large walnuts
1/3 cup vinegar (can be substituted with lemon juice)
Salt, spices (cardamom, basil, cinnamon, marjoram, black pepper, nutmeg) - to taste

Soak the meat for 3 hours in brine: 1 glass of water + 1/3 cup of vinegar + 3 tablespoons of salt. We discard the meat in a colander. Mix with spices. Cut the apples into thin slices. Prunes, dried apricots cut small cubes... We spread the ingredients in the form as follows: pork, apple, beef, dried fruits, nuts, pork.

For cooking in the airfryer:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill in the form. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass of water, beer or wine at the bottom of the flask of the airfryer. Place the mold in the airfryer and cook for 90 minutes at 205 ° C.

For oven cooking:

For cooking:

Cool the mold before removing the ham.

Ham "Merchant"

1-1.5 kg pork and beef
Mushrooms, cheese, onions, salt, spices - to taste

Marinate the meat with the addition of salt and spices for a day. Coarsely chop mushrooms, cheese, onions, mix with marinated meat.

For cooking in the airfryer:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill in the form. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass at the bottom of the flask of the airfryer hot water... Place the mold in the airfryer and cook for 60 minutes at 260 ° C at high speed.

For oven cooking:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill in the form. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Place in the oven and bake at 205-210 ° C for 50-80 minutes.

For cooking:
We put a plastic bag in the ham maker, place the mold in a saucepan or pressure cooker (depending on the shape of the pan, the ham maker can be placed both vertically and horizontally), fill it with cold water and cook for 90 minutes.

Cool the mold before removing the ham.


1 kg minced meat
150-200 g shrimp (can be replaced with fish, squid, crab meat)
1 small onion
1 tablespoon dry gelatin
1 tablespoon sour cream
Carrots and / or half a red bell pepper - optional
Salt, spices to taste

We beat the minced meat, add spices and seafood, mix. Add gelatin and sour cream. We mix.

For cooking in the airfryer:
We put the mass in a ham maker. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass of hot water into the bottom of the airfryer flask. Place the ham in the airfryer and cook at 260 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

For cooking:
Put the cooked mass tightly into the ham. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs, place it in a saucepan or pressure cooker (depending on the shape of the pan, the ham maker can be placed both vertically and horizontally), fill it with cold water and cook for 40-50 minutes.

Cool the mold before removing the ham.


1 kg chicken fillet
500 g champignons
1 red bell pepper
1 small onion
1 mushroom or chicken stock cube

Cut the chicken and mushrooms into pieces. Finely chop the pepper. Rub the onion on a fine grater. Knead the cube. Mix everything thoroughly (you can add mayonnaise).

For cooking in the airfryer:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill in the form. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass of water, beer or wine at the bottom of the flask of the airfryer. Place the mold in the airfryer and cook for 60 minutes at 260 ° C.

For oven cooking:

For cooking:
We put a plastic bag in the ham maker, place the mold in a saucepan or pressure cooker (depending on the shape of the pan, the ham maker can be placed both vertically and horizontally), fill it with cold water and cook for 45 minutes.

Cool the mold before removing the ham.


500 g pink salmon fillet
1 kg mackerel fillet
Ground cloves on the tip of a teaspoon
1 onion
Salt, spices to taste

We cut the fish. Saute the onion in oil. Mix all the components of the roll, add spices.

For cooking in the airfryer:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We put the ingredients in the form in layers. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass of water into the bottom of the airfryer flask. Place the ham in the airfryer and cook at 260 ° C for 30-50 minutes at high speed.

For oven cooking:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill in the form. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Place in the oven and bake at 205-210 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

For cooking:
We put a plastic bag in the ham maker, place the mold in a saucepan or pressure cooker (depending on the shape of the pan, the ham maker can be placed both vertically and horizontally), fill it with cold water and cook for 50 minutes.

Cool the mold before removing the ham.


1.5 kg of boneless meat (beef, pork, lamb or a selection of different meats)
1 large carrot and / or half a red bell pepper
Salt, spices to taste

Cut the meat into pieces, rub with a mixture of spices, shift with carrots and / or paprika. You can add a tablespoon of dry gelatin.

For cooking in the airfryer:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. Place the meat tightly. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Pour a glass of hot water into the bottom of the airfryer flask. Place the mold in the airfryer and cook at 260 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

For oven cooking:
Lay out the bottom and sides of the ham with foil. We fill in the form. We cover the form with a lid and clamp it with springs. Place in the oven and bake at 205-210 ° C for 60-80 minutes.

For cooking:
We put a plastic bag into the ham maker. Place the meat tightly. We cover the mold with a lid and clamp it with springs, place the mold in a saucepan or pressure cooker (depending on the shape of the pan, the ham maker can be placed both vertically and horizontally), fill it with cold water and cook for 60-80 minutes.

Cool the mold before removing the ham.

With a ham maker you will delight your loved ones and guests with wonderful hearty delicacies prepared at home from natural products without using any preservatives or dyes.
It is suitable for cooking food in a saucepan, oven and multicooker.

How to use a ham maker?

You can cook in a ham maker different ways- in a pressure cooker, on an airfryer, in an oven or in a simple saucepan. Before using the ham maker for the first time, we recommend washing it with soap and boiling the entire set (body, two lids and three springs) to remove possible dirt.

How the ham maker works:

  1. Place the body of the ham maker (molds for cooking ham) on a flat surface with the side slots up, depending on the volume of the raw product, place the lower lid on one of the three protrusions in the mold (the lower protrusion provides the maximum ham size, the upper protrusion is used for small portions).
  2. Place a baking bag inside the ham (you can use a baking sleeve with a tied bottom end).
  3. Put the prepared ingredients tightly inside the body, tie the sleeve (bag).
  4. Install the top cover, aligning the slots on the cover with the longitudinal slots on the body of the ham maker. While holding the top cover, install the three springs one at a time (use the ring to install). Tighten the springs - one end of the spring fits into the upper slot on the cover, the other end to the bottom hole in the body.
  5. Turn the ham maker over, pull the spring hooks to the top.
  6. To be sure to preserve the taste and aroma of the product - place the ham in another bag or baking sleeve! Make a puncture to allow air to escape.
  7. Place the assembled structure in a saucepan or pressure cooker and cook according to the recipe. Or put in an oven or on an airfryer and cook according to the recipe.
    As the cooking progresses, the springs are compressed and compressed the food.
    After graduation heat treatment let the product cool down. Then cool in the refrigerator without removing from the ham.
    After cooling, take out the finished product from the ham and from the bags. Your product is ready!

Delight your loved ones with delicious, juicy and hearty dishes... Bon Appetit!

Ham in a slow cooker

  • Pork - 400 gr.
  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Mixed minced meat - 300 gr.
  • Powdered milk - 10 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Seasoning for meat

Ham recipe:

This Redmond ham can be ordered in the online store. the kit also includes an instruction manual with an attachment for 20 recipes.

How to use a ham maker:

Add a comment

So I also wanted to get such a thing, but I had to choose one of two things: either a ham maker or an air grill. We decided that the second was more varied. Yes, and my son calmed me down, said that on my next birthday he would give me a ham. So for now I will collect Oksanina's proven recipes. Thank you, Ksyusha, as always the photo is beautiful and appetizing. heart:

I also have an airfryer ... for many years ... something I didn't make friends with it: unsure: this bowl is huge, too heavy ... washing it is just hard labor for me .... only to gather dust and take up space in the kitchen: wacko: In general, I know that you can work wonders in it too: yes:

I do not have a separate airfryer, but like a lid to the multicooker bowl with time and heat regulators. All the same manufacturer REDMOND.

I haven’t tried to grill in mulk with this lid yet. I keep an eye on everything.

My son baked meat under a grill, he says it is very tasty, with a crust and not a gram of fat.


Ham in a ham maker

Many of us do not even suspect that you can cook ham in a ham maker at home. To do this, you need to have time, patience and, most importantly, a ham of the modern generation.


  • Chicken fillet 1 Kilogram
  • Salt 18 Grams
  • Marinating mixture 4 Grams
  • Powdered sugar 4 Grams
  • Spices To taste

1. Through trial and error, I realized that the most delicious ham is obtained in combination, for example, turkey fillet 700g and chicken 300g. But first, I suggest you classic version... It is better to use nitrite salt, it does not change the color of the meat and increases the shelf life. Another secret: instead of water, you can add 100 ml of milk. They gave me a ham maker for my birthday and, perhaps, this is the best gift for the hostess. I will tell you about the principle of its operation further.

2. Cut the fillets into small cubes, add water (milk), salt and spices.

3. Now we need to mix everything for 10 minutes using a food processor or mixer with dough attachments. This will allow the spices to spread evenly over the meat.

4. I have a ham maker - a simple device consisting of several parts. We put our "minced meat" in a container for meat and tamp it well.

5. Fill with meat just below the specified rate. It is better to press with a lid with an adapter, this will allow air to escape. Now close the lid and refrigerate for 48 hours.

6. I always use nitrite salt, which is what I advise you. This recipe is designed specifically with the use of nitrite salt. During the aging of our ham, many processes occur, including tamping of meat, shrinkage, uniform distribution of spices and juice. Now we need to fill the pot about 1cm below the thermometer level on the ham maker. Heat the water to 80 degrees and simmer the ham for 2 hours at this temperature. If you use regular salt and do not keep the ham in the cold for 2 hours, then cook not the ham for 2 hours, but 3.5 hours.

7. Another very important difference is the temperature at the very bottom and on the surface. During cooking, you need to stir the water so that it is the same and uniform temperature. I periodically thrust a thermometer into the drainage container and checked the temperature. After the allotted cooking time, dip the ham into a saucepan of cold water. Chill the ham completely. To do this, I usually put it in ice water for about 30 minutes.

8. After cooling under cold water, I still leave the ham in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we take out the ham maker and take out the pressing disc.

9. I was also impressed by the output of the finished product: 900 grams were obtained from a kilogram.

10. Serve to the table in the form of slices, and send the rest back to the refrigerator. The ham is stored for 3-5 days in the refrigerator.


Homemade ham in the Kupecheskaya ham maker

Ham in a slow cooker

  • Pork - 400 gr.
  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Mixed minced meat - 300 gr.
  • Powdered milk - 10 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Seasoning for meat

Ham recipe:

This Redmond ham maker can be ordered in the online store; the kit also includes an instruction manual with an attachment for 20 recipes.

Wash the meat, cut into 1 cm cubes, finely chop the garlic.

In a saucepan, combine the minced meat, chopped meat, egg, salt, seasoning, powdered milk, gelatin, mix everything thoroughly.

How to use a ham maker:

Place the ham maker on the table with the vertical slots facing up.

Place one of the covers with the folded edge up on the clips (a total of 3 levels of clips).

Place a roasting sleeve inside the ham maker, turn the top edge onto the outside of the body.

Put the prepared ingredients in the sleeve, tamp so that there are no voids.

Tie the ends of the sleeve with thread or a special clip, while trying to release all the air from the bag.

Place the second ham lid on top (with the folded edge down). Align the three holes on the cover with the slots on the spring housing.

Place the rings down, in turn, the 3 springs, threading the hook into the hole for intermediate fixation. Try not to rip your sleeve with the ingredients.

Now turn the piece over and hook the hook of each spring over the edge of the case in turn.

Place the ham on its side in a multicooker bowl or saucepan, cover with water. And close the lid.

If you have a Soup mode, cook in this mode for 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you are making the ham in a saucepan, cook it on a low heat for the same amount of time. I made ham in a Panasonic 18 multicooker (4.5 l bowl, power 670 W) in the "Stew" mode for 2 hours.

After the beep about the end of cooking, turn off the multicooker, carefully remove the ham (carefully! It is very hot!), Cool, then put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Do not disassemble the ham maker until all its contents have completely cooled down!

Now you can get tasty and healthy homemade ham(or sausage), carefully removing the springs from the body.

The unusually tasty Kupecheskaya ham is ready!

For viewing, I suggest another recipe from our site for cooking delicious homemade chicken sausage in a slow cooker


Chopped pork and chicken ham

Most of us love to eat deliciously, again, most of us eat meat with pleasure. Good and high-quality sausages are very expensive, and the rubbish that is sold in stores for 300 rubles. for a small bar, and it is difficult to call a sausage. But good and tasty, at least, ham is very easy to cook at home. Even such a ham, carefully prepared at home from natural meat, is also difficult to call healthy food. Meat is meat, and fresh, and cooked without any "chemistry" (preservatives, thickeners, flavorings, identical to natural, and dyes), but that's what it was fed, when it was still clucking and grunting, that's a question. But the taste, of course, turns out to be excellent. At the very least, it is worth trying to make such a ham, who knows, maybe your family members will no longer want to eat the purchased one, having tried the homemade one?

Cooking this (or from other meats and with other spices) is very simple. The only device you may need is the Belobok ham maker. But it is quite possible to do without it. The ham maker helps to compress pieces of meat in a mold during boiling, and then during the cooling period, giving shape to the future ham. For pressing, it is quite possible to use a suitable container (yes, even a tin can with a bottom and a lid cut out) and oppression. Meat for chopped ham is cut into medium-sized pieces, but this is a matter of taste, the pieces can be larger, the cut pattern will be different. Then the pieces of meat are seasoned with spices, again a matter of taste, knead well and send to marinate in the refrigerator for a day. The next day, the meat is placed in tight package and beat him off, slapping the bag (for this, a tight bag was needed) on the floor (you can also on the table, but the table may not be able to withstand). Then the meat is put into a mold and boiled in water. The boiled ham is cooled to room temperature and placed in the refrigerator again for 10-12 hours or more. As a result of simple actions, you will get an excellent home chopped ham .

  • - lean pork - 800 g,
  • - chicken fillet - 350 g,
  • - garlic - 4 cloves,
  • - ground coriander - 1 tsp,
  • - freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp,
  • - juniper berries - 3-4 pcs.,
  • - rum (cognac, brandy, whiskey) - 1 tablespoon,
  • - table salt (or 10 g table salt + 10 g nitrite salt) - 20 g.

Lyrical digression from the process. Perhaps some culinary experts have heard of nitrite salt. What is this? Sodium nitrite (sodium nitrite - NaNO2), or food additive E250. But since this chemical compound in its pure form is not entirely useful (or rather, not at all useful for humans), they came up with a substitute for it - nitrite salt. This is a mixture of common food salt and sodium nitrite, which is not more than 0.5–0.6% in this mixture. In production dry-cured sausages it can be used in place of salt. The mixture is made in such a way that if you put too much nitrite salt in the minced meat, you are unlikely to harm yourself, because you will oversalt the sausage and you are unlikely to eat it. This component is necessary because it is it that provides antibacterial protection, inhibiting the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria, which are the causative agent of botulism (a severe form of food intoxication, with the likelihood of death). In addition, the nitrite mixture also plays the role of a dye, since, interacting with the protein of the meat, it gives the sausage (or other meat products) a characteristic pinkish color. Earlier, nitrate was used instead of nitrite salt. You can talk as much as you like about the benefits or harms of some food additives, but still it is worthwhile to understand that some of them are simply necessary. In boiled ham, you can do without nitrite salt, but when making raw-cured meat products at home, I would not dare to ignore the nitrite salt.

Well, yes, we were distracted from the process!

Chopped pork and chicken ham - great option for sandwiches (it is even better if the bread is homemade, freshly baked, from a bread machine, as in the photo, ciabatta with oregano and basil), well, let alone the splendor of such a sandwich (with fresh bread), pickled gherkin and a slice of fleshy tomato as an appetizer for all sorts of drinks need not be said!

From time to time, every housewife has sad thoughts about the composition of meat products bought in the store. And it seems clear that preservatives, dyes, stabilizers and other "chemicals" are unlikely to benefit the body, but what if it is everywhere now? But you can cook delicacies at home! Do you think it's long and difficult? Not if you have a ham maker. For example, ham in a ham, the recipe for which we will consider below, will require an active cooking time of no more than 15 minutes. And after a day, it turns out completely natural and very tasty product... Let's try?

Despite the fact that ham makers have been on the market for at least five years, many housewives are not even aware of their existence. An unfortunate misunderstanding, caused perhaps by a somewhat rustic appearance... The unit is a tall, hollow stainless steel cylinder that can be locked on both sides with covers. They are attracted to each other by powerful springs, compressing the contents of the cylinder.

The design is simple and all ham makers work the same way, but manufacturers, trying to attract a buyer, come up with convenient options for their products.

So, there are ham makers:

  • equipped with a thermometer;
  • an elevator mechanism for retrieving the contents;
  • the only spring that simplifies the locking of the structure;
  • with a stationary bottom;
  • various shapes (round, square).

These simple devices have a different volume and output of the finished product, which varies from 500 grams to one and a half kilograms. But the principle of operation is the same for all models. By experience, the hostesses have long established that if individual ham makers are more convenient to use, then this in no way affects the quality of the ham itself.

How the ham maker works

Despite the simplicity of the design, cooking ham in a ham maker requires some skill. Meat consumption is usually more than a kilogram, plus spices and additional ingredients are not the cheapest pleasure.

Therefore, in order not to translate products, follow these rules:

  1. Always insert a roasting bag into the ham before filling. Better yet, two. They say that you can use both foil and a culinary sleeve, but experience shows that the bag is more convenient.
  2. Don't be greedy. Fill the entire volume of the ham as tightly as possible. Then the finished product will not crumble when cut.
  3. Take the time to marinate the meat and structure it. Many people simply cut the meat into pieces and immediately put it in a bag. This is acceptable and a dish cooked on hastily, will still be eaten with pleasure. But if you really want to cook delicious treat, then pre-marinate the meat, let it stand for at least an hour. Then knead it like dough, or even beat off the pieces. Mix all ingredients, fill cylinder, clamp with springs. Let the meat ripen for at least another two hours, but it can stand in the refrigerator for two days.
  4. You can cook ham in a large saucepan, multicooker, pressure cooker, airfryer, or just in the oven. But, most importantly, take your time! Slow cooking will give the best results. Place the ripened meat cold in cold water and heat gradually. An ideal product, pink and juicy, will come out with long simmering at 75-85 degrees. So the meat is not cooked, but languishes in own juice... Time correct preparation is at least three hours.
  5. The cooked ham must be chilled immediately, as boiled eggs, instantly placing it under running water (of course, still in the ham maker), and then leaving it in cold water for half an hour or an hour. When it cools down, put it in the refrigerator. Take it out of the bag in the morning and taste it.

Ham recipes in a ham maker

Cooking ham gives you an incredible amount of creativity! You can combine different types of meat - fatty with lean, poultry with pork, meat with offal, and so on. Feel free to add olives, eggs, mushrooms or herbs, peas, bacon, spices, prunes and so on to the composition. Grind the meat at your discretion, you can cook it in a whole piece, and grind it into a paste, and pass it through a meat grinder.

Any ham maker is accompanied by instructions from the manufacturer and basic recipes cooking. But with experience you will be able to cook ham "by eye", independently adjusting the time and quantity of ingredients.

For cooking, you can use simple salt, but it is better to mix it in half with nitrite. It is she who will give that unique "ham" taste, which cannot be achieved in other ways.

So, see below how homemade ham is cooked in a ham maker, recipes and cooking tricks.

The classic recipe for making pork ham in a ham maker

What do you associate the word "ham" with? Most likely, with pork, that's why we will start our experiments with it.

  1. For cooking, take 1.0-1.2 kg of pork ham. Choose a slice that is not too greasy.
  2. Prepare the brine. For a liter of water, take 130-150 grams of salt, a few bay leaves, an incomplete spoonful of sugar, black pepper and other seasonings that seem appropriate to you. Boil the brine, cool and dip the meat in it.
  3. Let stand for two or three days. Pierce the meat periodically so that the process goes faster and it is completely salted.
  4. Put the meat in a bag-covered ham and send it to the multicooker. At 80 ° C, the ham will cook in three hours.

Pork ham in ham with pork tongue

A very interesting result comes out when using minced pork with pieces of tongue. You've probably seen a similar boiled sausage in the shops. Do not cherish the hope that yours will be somewhat similar to the purchased one - without any "E-shek" and other additives, its taste will surprise you.

  1. Take 300 grams of pork leg, 200 - brisket, 350 - tongue.
  2. Make minced meat. Salt, pepper, add two teaspoons of mustard.
  3. Transfer the mass to a blender, add 350-400 grams of heavy cream and grind until a homogeneous paste-like consistency is obtained.
  4. Cut the tongue into cubes no more than a centimeter in size, mix with salt and pepper, let it brew.
  5. Mix the tongue with the meat pâté and send the resulting mass to the ham maker for 3 hours.

The resulting "sausage" will be more porous than the usual boiled one, and its taste will be more natural and softer.

Pork ham in chunks with a layer of jelly

When you want to put a delicious piece of real meat with a tight jelly layer on your bread, use the following recipe.

  1. Take 700 grams of pork with lard and one chicken fillet and a couple of legs. You can use only pork if you want, but the cold cuts will still be more interesting.
  2. Cut the meat into small pieces, mix. Sprinkle with salt and spices.
  3. Add 10 grams of dry gelatin to the meat cocktail, let stand from several hours to a day.
  4. Spread the whole mixture into the ham and cook for up to two hours. Chill well and serve. Carefully! Don't bite your fingers off - it's delicious!

Spicy pork ham in a ham maker with walnuts and prunes
If you are already fed up with regular ham, add prunes and nuts to its taste more sophisticated and interesting.

  1. Divide a kilo of pork in half. Cut one part into small pieces, twist the other into minced meat. Mix.
  2. Add garlic to the meat mass to taste, grind with pepper and salt.
  3. Finely chop the prunes and chop walnuts... Add the ingredients to the meat and stir so that your additives are evenly distributed.
  4. Cook a spicy dish for one and a half to two hours, cool and serve for breakfast.

It is not a shame to surprise guests with such homemade ham. festive table, and the simplicity of preparation allows, if desired, to do it as often as you like.

Pork ham in a ham with mushrooms

Every housewife knows that pork and mushrooms are a win-win combination. And ham is no exception. For one kilogram of meat, take 200 grams of mushrooms, onion and spices.

  1. Twist the meat in a meat grinder, salt, grind with pepper and your favorite seasonings.
  2. Cut the onion and fry until half cooked, add the mushrooms.
  3. Transfer the onion with mushrooms to the minced meat and knead thoroughly. If desired, add gelatin and a spoonful of semolina.
  4. Transfer the mixture to the ham and cook for about two hours or longer.

Let the cooked ham cool and serve after 8-12 hours.

How to make homemade pork shoulder ham

If you do not know what would be interesting to make from pork shoulder lying in the freezer, then cook an excellent ham.

  1. Take just over a kilogram of meat and cut into small pieces. For this amount of pork, you will need about 20 grams of salt. Salt, remember carefully and refrigerate for a couple of days. You can cook the meat right away, but then the flavor will be less intense.
  2. Mash the ripened meat thoroughly again, pepper, add nutmeg. Fill the ham.
  3. Ripe ham can be removed after about an hour and a half.

The finished product is dense, juicy and tender. The taste of real meat, cooked without any additives, will not leave any store-bought sausage a chance.

Marbled ham in ham maker

To cut the ham with a beautiful "marble" pattern, take equally two types of meat - pork and lean veal. You will also need 300 grams of pork fat.

  1. Cut the meat and bacon into small pieces. Season with salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste.
  2. Fill the ham and cook in the traditional way for about an hour and a half.

It is possible to achieve a beautiful "marble" pattern on the cut using only pork shoulder... Take it with dense fat and cut into thin, thin strips. Salt the meat and let it ripen for a day or two. Then cook as usual.

Festive ham

Want to surprise your guests with almost no effort? Make a colorful, juicy, flavorful ham with vegetables and different kinds meat.

  1. For such a dish, choose chicken and pork in any proportions, with a total weight of about a kilogram. Cut the meat into small cubes or twist the pork into minced meat. Season with salt, seasoning and pepper, gelatin and chopped garlic.
  2. Take the pack ready vegetable mix"Mexican". Or cook separately the peas, corn, bell peppers, carrots, and green beans... Toast the bright vegetable shake and add to the meat.
  3. Put the whole mass in a ham, close it as tightly as possible. Cook for about an hour and a half.

Fish ham recipe

Who said that there is no fish ham? You can choose any fish, cut it into chunks or make minced fish- the principle of preparation remains traditional.

Try to delight homemade delicate ham from a seafood cocktail.

You will need a pound of trout and 300 grams of perch and peeled shrimp. Also prepare onions, mushrooms, garlic and milk.

  1. Finely chop one hundred grams of champignons and fry with onions.
  2. Soak a couple of pieces of loaf in milk, peel three cloves of garlic. Scroll everything in a meat grinder.
  3. Prepare minced fish and add whole shrimp to it. Enter the mushrooms and onions, and the bread and garlic mixture.
  4. Stir the whole mixture well, fill the ham and cook for about an hour.

This ham goes well with tartar sauce and looks great on a festive table.

You can cook ham from any type of fish. Try to make it, for example, from cod and pink salmon, but in principle, any logical combination will do. In our case, the tandem of white and red meat will give a beautiful cut pattern.

Take a kilogram of cod fillet and dilute its flavor with 500 grams of pink salmon fillet. For piquancy, prepare a jar of pitted black olives, salt and seasoning that you usually use for fish dishes.

  1. Cut the fillet and mix by hand, kneading well. Overfill Seafood Cocktail salt and spices, add olives. Let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  2. An excellent ham is made from poultry. Let's try to cook it from turkey first.

    1. Take 700 grams of breast and pulp from your thigh. Focus on the volume of your ham.
    2. Prepare a simple brine: per liter of water, add up to 130 grams of salt, an incomplete spoonful of sugar, add pepper and coriander. Heat the water so that the salt dissolves and the spices “open up”.
    3. While the brine is cooling, chop the meat into large pieces... If you want, you can salt it whole.
    4. Dip the turkey in the brine and freeze in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Poke the meat with a wooden stick, or even inject the brine with a syringe.
    5. Transfer the ripened meat to the ham and send to cook. Chopped turkey ham can be taken out after two hours. But if you cooked in a whole piece, then it may take a little longer.

    How to make homemade chicken ham (diet ham)

    For those who prefer less high-calorie foods, chicken ham is an excellent solution. It comes out quite dense, does not fall apart, has delicate taste and an appetizing layer of jelly on the surface. Chicken ham not as greasy as pork and cooks faster.

    1. Take a couple of kilograms of chicken thighs, remove the bones and skin. At the exit, you will have a little over a kilogram of meat.
    2. Cut it into small pieces, add 25 grams of salt, a quarter spoon of sugar, a few bay leaves and pepper. Remove the entire mass in the refrigerator - let the chicken dry salted for a day.
    3. Remove the lavrushka the next day. Scroll a little less than half of the meat in a meat grinder, add chopped garlic, a pinch of nutmeg and turmeric.
    4. Mix meat with minced meat and send to cook. Chicken ham in a ham maker will be ready in an hour and a half.