Home / Khachapuri / Correct preparation of syrniki. Recipe for delicious cottage cheese pancakes with vanilla

Correct preparation of syrniki. Recipe for delicious cottage cheese pancakes with vanilla

“Why exactly syrniki,” you ask, “suddenly became the subject of close attention? After all, who does not know them - cheesecakes! Yes, any hostess will cook up a whole mountain of them for you in five minutes! "

To cook it up, maybe it will, of course. We don’t argue. Only, for some reason, one of them succeeds with a bang, while the other - “thanks, no need”. But the recipe, it would seem, is the same. By the way, it is already many hundreds of years old. True, when exactly humanity got into the taste of cottage cheese mixed with an egg and fried in the form of cakes, it is not known for certain. But, judging by the name, it happened a very long time ago. Just in those days, when there was no cheese in its usual form, but, according to the research of historians, there was only "cheese curd". A lot of delicious things were prepared from it, they were called not floridly: cheese dishes... Among them were our "syrniki". It was only under Peter I that they learned to make rennet cheeses from cottage cheese - similar to what we eat now. And the words "curd" and "cheese" began to mean different products... But curd cheese pancakes have remained “syrniki” - loved by many hot and cold, with sour cream, honey and even ... with garlic and dill.

And to finally clarify what he is - main secret delicious cheesecakes, we visited the kitchens of the five best metropolitan restaurants and watched how famous chefs prepare them.

Recipe number 1: classic cheese cakes


Trains Denis Perevoz, restaurant chef "Chekhov"

I will not say that this recipe was given to me by my mother or grandmother. This is just a proven, classic way, on the basis of which I prepare our restaurant's signature cheesecakes. For them I take cottage cheese 18% fat, to which I add semolina and vanilla sugar. This makes them very fluffy, tender and extremely tasty.


200 g cottage cheese 18% fat
1 egg
2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
1 tbsp. a spoonful of semolina
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp. tablespoons of cane sugar
Frying oil


  1. Mix cottage cheese, egg, semolina, vanilla and cane sugar thoroughly.
  2. Form curd cakes of the required size, roll in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown.


    If you want the cheese cakes to be lighter and more dietary, cook them not in a pan, but transfer them to silicone molds, bake them in the oven.

    Never cook sour cottage cheese pancakes. If you want to end up with a delicious dish, then use only a quality product.

    If the cottage cheese is somewhat dry, soften it by adding sour cream, kefir or milk. This will make the mass more elastic.

Recipe number 2: cheese cakes with raisins and walnuts


Trains Glory Kuptsov, restaurant chef "Budvar"

I love cheesecakes since childhood and I consider them an ideal breakfast dish. Cooking them is simple and quick: cottage cheese, sugar, flour and an egg! But at any time you can dream up and enrich the dish to your taste by adding berries, nuts or raisins.


250 g cottage cheese
3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
2-2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar
1 egg
50 g kernels walnuts
50 g raisins


  1. Mix cottage cheese, egg, flour, granulated sugar and chopped walnuts.
  2. Divide the curd mass into small balls (60 g each), form syrniki from them and fry on both sides in a pan.
  3. Serve cheese cakes with raisins and nuts with jam, condensed milk, sour cream or honey.


    To make the cheese pancakes tender and melt in your mouth, you need to be attentive to the little things. For example, it is better to rub cottage cheese through a sieve and only then mix it with an egg, sugar, flour. And only after that add walnuts or raisins.

    Before adding the raisins, be sure to soak them briefly in water and then let dry. To do this, transfer it to a napkin and wring it out slightly. Thanks to this, the curd mass will not be liquid and it will be easy to form syrniki from it.

    To prevent the syrniki from burning, it is advisable to fry them over low heat in already heated oil.

    Sometimes something goes wrong, and the cheese pancakes don't work out ... In this case, a professional pastry chef and a super show host Oleg Ilyin shared his proprietary recipe, thanks to which the cheesecakes will always be perfect. Watch the video recipe!

Recipe number 3: cinnamon and vanilla syrniki


Trains Kirill Martynenko, restaurant chefs "Torro Grill"

The success of good cheesecakes lies in good fresh cottage cheese. It cannot be sour, fatty or completely fat-free. By the way, if you add a little melted butter to the fat-free one, then it will become quite suitable for cheesecakes. But I prefer cottage cheese 7-8% fat and not "grains", but a homogeneous texture.


200 g cottage cheese
1 egg
2-3 st. tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
a pinch of vanilla sugar
a pinch of cinnamon
2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour


  1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar thoroughly, add vanilla, egg and flour. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can moisten your palms with water or vegetable oil.
  2. Then form a "sausage" from the curd mass, dip it in flour and cut.
  3. Fry prepared cheesecakes over medium heat on both sides.


    You can add whatever you want to cheesecakes: raisins, finely chopped dried apricots or nuts. Not walnuts! They will give the finished dish a bluish color and cheesecakes will look unappetizing.

    Cheesecakes can still be steamed, but then, most likely, it will turn out lazy dumplings... You just need to put the semi-finished syrniki in a double boiler and hold until tender.

    It happens that I don't have enough time in the morning to cook breakfast. In this case, I take out from the freezer the cheese pancakes, made in the evening, and fry them in a pan. It's very simple: ready curd mass roll into a sausage, cut, shape the meatballs and put on a wooden board, lightly sprinkled with flour, and freeze. In the morning, half an hour before cooking, remove the cheesecakes from the freezer so that they thaw and fry.

Recipe number 4: syrniki with sweet syrup


Cheesecakes with sweet syrup

Trains Marina Krutova, restaurant pastry chef "Carlson"

When I was little, my grandmother baked cheesecakes for me and poured sour cream on them abundantly. I still love them and cook them according to the same recipe for my son. For cheesecakes, I recommend taking 9% fat cottage cheese, non-liquid and non-acidic. And replace the flour in the recipe with semolina so, in my opinion, it tastes better.


For cheesecakes:
200 g of cottage cheese
1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
1 egg
100 g butter
1 tbsp. spoon of semolina
a pinch of vanilla

For syrup:
100 g raisins
100 g sugar
100 water
10 g brandy


  1. Knead all ingredients thoroughly until a uniform mass is formed. Then slightly "dust" the table with flour, roll out the "sausage", cut it into equal pieces.
  2. Then press these pieces on both sides so that they look like washers and place them on a hot frying pan with heated vegetable oil.
  3. After that, cover the pan with a lid and fry the syrniki on both sides until the semolina "swells".
  4. Cooking syrup: bring sugar, water and raisins to a boil and simmer for several minutes over low heat.Add cognac and mix.
  5. Pour the prepared cheesecakes with syrup and serve with sour cream.


  • When frying cheesecakes, do not spare vegetable oil! It is advisable to pour it so much that the syrniki "float".

Recipe number 5: cheese cakes with flambéed fruits


Cheesecakes with flambéed fruits and berries

Trains Alexander Marchenko, brand chef of a restaurant holding "Chamomile Management"

The lower the fat content of the cottage cheese, the more pronounced its taste, the more crumbly it is. I usually take 2-3%. It will require fewer binding ingredients and cheesecakes are tastier.


250-300 g of cottage cheese
1 raw egg yolk
1 tbsp. a spoonful of semolina (or flour)
A pinch of salt
Granulated sugar to taste
Ghee for frying

Fruits or berries


  1. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and let stand in the refrigerator for one hour, so that everything disperses and takes on a whole consistency.
  2. We form balls, roll them in flour, shape into balls and fry on both sides in well-heated ghee.
  3. Cooking flambé fruits and berries (apples, strawberries, etc.). Melt the sugar, add pieces of fruit to it, a little packaged juice (fresh in this case is worse) and heat it up. The main thing is not to overheat, so as not to get caramel.
  4. Add a drop of cognac and set it on fire. Stir, put on a wire rack so that excess sugar stacks.
  5. Serve hot cottage cheese pancakes with flambéed fruit immediately.


    In summer, currant leaves or fresh mint can be added to cheesecakes - this will make it more aromatic.

    You can make cottage cheese for syrniki yourself. The simplest is from kefir: make a hole in the package, put it in the oven, then simmer at a temperature of 80-90C for an hour and a half.

Cheesecakes in the restaurant. Watch the video!..

Good day, dear chefs!

Today my son woke up and asked nyaki to get ready. This is what he calls the delicious curd cheese cakes that I cook from time to time. The dish is very helpful, especially in baby food.

Still would! After all, there is a lot of cottage cheese, little sugar, you can put different fruits, semolina. Wonderful option for hearty breakfast and a snack. Cottage cheese is full of calcium, fruits are sources of vitamins, and semolina is good for the stomach.

Everything that is needed for a growing child's body is present. Especially for breakfast, which you have to eat yourself. Therefore, these cottage cheese pancakes can be made a frequent guest for breakfast. In general, many easy-to-prepare meals can be prepared for breakfast. To replenish your culinary piggy bank, take note of or.

What a lot to say! Let's start cooking, in which there is nothing complicated.

The classic recipe for making cheese cakes

The simplicity of making delicious treats according to the classic recipe is off the charts. A minimum of food and effort - and a funky breakfast is ready.

You can serve such cottage cheese (and they are sometimes also called that) with sour cream, jam, chocolate paste... Therefore, we put a minimum of sugar, compensating for everything with a sweet filling.

The main thing in any recipe is to squeeze the cottage cheese well. Sufficiently dry cottage cheese will allow you to put as little flour as possible. The dough will be tender and elastic.

Cheesecakes are primordially our Slavic dish. It is mentioned in ancient Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisines. Note that cottage cheese used to be called cheese and hence its name of the same name.

We need:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • A pinch of salt.


  1. Thoroughly knead the cottage cheese in a bowl.

2. Split one chicken egg into it. We crush the egg well, the cottage cheese should turn yellowish.

3. Combine sugar and salt together. We add them to the curd-egg mass.

4. Sift a small amount of flour, about 2 tablespoons. Knead delicious dough... Now you can work with him.

Secret and speed classic way preparation is that the dough can be used immediately. At the same time, we do not waste time on his rest.

5. Dust the kitchen table with a little flour. Roll a thick sausage out of the dough.

6. Cut off small cakes from the sausage with a dry knife. Each one is breaded in flour on both sides.

7. In a pan with non-stick coating pour in some vegetable oil. We are waiting for it to heat up and put our cakes. Fry for 1-2 minutes on this side.

8. Then gently pry with a spatula and fry on the other side until a beautiful ruddy color.

9. Put the finished cakes on a paper towel lined on a flat plate. This will soak any excess oil into the towel.

Then we serve the treat to the table and knead it on both cheeks. Oh, and deliciousness!

Lush cheesecakes with raisins and semolina

The next option for sweets is richer in ingredients. Add pitted sweet raisins and semolina to the recipe.

We need:

  • Cottage cheese - 320 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Flour - 8 tbsp. spoons + flour for breading;
  • Raisins - 100 grams;
  • Frying oil.


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve into a bowl. This will not bother you, the soft product will easily and quickly grind. Remove the rest of the curd with a knife.

2. Break the eggs into a curd mass. If it is moist enough, then one egg is enough.

3. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and semolina. We knead everything with a wooden spatula until smooth.

4. Leave the tasty mixture for 20-30 minutes to swell the semolina.

5. Select raisins, remove all sticks and twigs. We wash the dried berries in a sieve and dry on a clean towel.

6. Pour the raisins into the dough, stir well.

7. Sift the wheat flour several times, saturate it with oxygen. Pour into the mass and knead the dough.

8. Now you can form our cheesecakes. To do this, take a little flour and dust the clean surface. We bread the required amount of dough in flour, form a cheesecake. It should look flat and round.

9. We send the pan with sunflower oil on the fire to warm up.

To prevent the dish from smelling of foreign odors, use refined vegetable oil for frying.

10. When it gets hot - spread the curds and fry for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown.

First, put the finished treat on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Then serve immediately while they are hot.

Tucked into tea! Bon Appetit!

A delicious treat like in a kindergarten

Watching super here delicious video about how to cook cheesecakes as in childhood. So tender and delicious, we were served for an afternoon snack at kindergarten... Why don't we remember that pleasant, carefree time eating delicious treats?

Diet curd cheese pancakes for a slim waist

Those who are on a strict diet can also eat wonderful cottage cheese pancakes. Well, why not pamper yourself delicious delicacy even if you are losing weight?

Many people like the taste and minimum of calories in this recipe. Such a breakfast can be prepared and eaten at least every day, there would be time!

We need:

  • Cottage cheese 0% fat - 250 grams;
  • Yolk from chicken eggs- 1 piece;
  • Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Low-fat yogurt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Fruit-berries - optional.


  1. Cottage cheese can be taken completely fat-free or 1% fat. We put it in a blender bowl.

2. We also send the yolk there, natural yoghurt, vanillin. Run the blender to mix everything.

3. And then pour out oat flakes into a blender and twist it once more, stir it.

4. We ride from curd dough cheesecakes. To make them easy to form, take a spoon to help, which you dip in cold water... Then scoop up the mass for her.

5. Take a non-stick frying pan. We heat it over a fire and lay out diet cakes.

6. Bake on both sides until golden brown and cooked.

7. Serve the prepared syrniki on a large plate with berries and fruits. If desired, pour with honey or you can serve natural low-fat yogurt in the form of a sauce.

8. Bon appetit and be slim and beautiful!

The most lush and delicious with flour in a pan

Oh, here is the simplest lush and delicious cheesecakes. With a small amount of ingredients, a delicious masterpiece for children and adults comes out.

With sour cream or condensed milk, sweets are subdued, that you don't even have time to cook them. So take 2-3 times more ingredients than indicated in the recipe. And you will be happy!

We need:

  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • Semolina - 1.5-2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tablespoons;
  • Roll flour;
  • Salt.


  1. Knead the cottage cheese. If necessary, you can pass through a sieve. So the cheesecakes will be even more tender.

2. Put the egg, sugar and salt a little. Knead thoroughly with a spoon.

3. We already pour semolina into the mass. If the mass turns out to be too liquid, add a little more semolina. Our dough should be moderately thick and moderately liquid. So that it is convenient to form balls-cakes for frying.

4. Put the pan with oil on the fire to heat it up.

5. At this time, roll the balls and roll them in flour. Do this smartly so the balls don't fall apart when breading.

Try not to stuff too much flour. Otherwise, the cheesecakes will partially lose their tenderness and splendor when cooked in a pan.

7. Well, then quickly turn over to the other side and fry until golden crust... We also cover with a lid.

8. Ruddy cheesecakes are served with sour cream or any delicious filling that you like.

We have fun!

Delicious and simple option in the oven

Everything is simple here - an appetizing dessert is prepared in silicone molds and at the same time you have time to go about your business.

Share your favorite recipes with your friends in in social networks! Leave your comments in the comments.

Feedback is always pleasant. See you soon!

Video recipe

If we are talking about the very simple recipe curd cheese pancakes, then it is quite possible not to add any vanilla or its analogs, not to be smart with baking powder (baking powder) or soda, not to add semolina and not wait for it to swell ... Just the main ingredients, without which, in fact, cheese pancakes are especially and do not work, mix everything and fry.

In general, the taste and density of curd cakes directly depends on the cottage cheese, which can be dry or wet, and maybe even wet, fatty, or vice versa, fat-free. Of course, homemade fatty cottage cheese is great. But I'd rather eat it with raisins and sour cream.

For cheesecakes, most often I take bold cottage cheese from the store, 9% fat. We always have it of medium humidity. The wetter the cottage cheese, the more flour you will need, and the denser our cheese cakes will be. And if I see that the cottage cheese is just too dry, then I always add a spoonful of sour cream.

Let's start. The process is fast. Place cottage cheese, one tablespoon of flour (the remaining two for breading), sugar and an egg (about 55-60 grams) in a bowl and stir.

Sprinkle a table (most conveniently) or a board with two tablespoons of flour, spread the dough with such a loaf and roll a sausage from it, with a diameter of about 4-5 centimeters.
We cut the sausage into washers, about 2-3 centimeters thick, and put each one and shape it slightly. We do all this by rolling in flour on both sides.

We heat a frying pan with the addition of oil and lay out our cheesecakes. Fry them on both sides until beautifully ruddy, make little fire and bring under the lid to full readiness, another three minutes and you're done.

As you can see, I did very little of them, so if you are going to cook for the whole family, then double everything (the number of ingredients). Here is such an unpretentious and simple recipe for cottage cheese pancakes. Since now we still have strawberries in full, I whipped them with sugar in a blender and served them with cheesecakes. Very tasty!

Many people remember the delicacy in the form of syrniki since childhood. In addition to the delicate taste that melts in your mouth, cheese cakes contain a huge amount of protein, and a wide range of cooking options can satisfy both those who are losing weight and those with a sweet tooth who want to eat deliciously, while not moving far from healthy way life. In this article, we will look at possible options making cheese cakes for every taste.

Despite the fact that the process of making cheesecakes is very simple in nature, over time experienced housewives nevertheless, we noticed some secrets of cooking, which help even beginners to cook cheese pancakes “perfectly”.

Failure to comply with these "rules" leads to the loss of the aesthetic appearance of the delicacy, the richness of the taste, the desired shape and level of sweetness. But if you learn enough simple secrets, the result will not disappoint even the most demanding housewives.

  • Secret 1: give priority to fresh cottage cheese without excess whey. If there is an excess, it is better to drain the cheese.
  • Secret 2. There is a myth that the more eggs there are in the pancakes, the tastier and better they hold. But, if there are too many eggs, the mixture for cheesecakes will turn out to be liquid, so you will have to add more flour than necessary. As a result, the cheese cakes will be very high in calories, and the taste of the cheese will be lost in the flour and will not be felt.
  • Secret 3. Cheesecakes should contain moderate amounts of sugar. Excess sugar syrup can also provoke excessive flour addition.
  • Secret 4. To make the cheese pancakes dietary, instead of flour, you can add less high-calorie substitutes: semolina, bran, diet flour.
  • Secret 5. To get soft and tender syrniki, when frying, cover the pan with a lid.

How to make cottage cheese pancakes: a classic recipe

Cheesecakes are not only unforgettably tasty, but also quite an easy-to-prepare delicacy. To prepare it, you do not need any unreal knowledge and tricks of cooking. A little time and good mood - and a simple recipe for cottage cheese pancakes is ready.

We need:

  • Fresh homemade cheese: 350 g
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Egg
  • Vanillin - to taste
  • Sugar - 4 teaspoons

Work process:

  1. We make a cheese mass with cottage cheese and eggs, grinding in a blender. Pour sugar, vanillin and salt into the mixture
  2. Add flour to the mixture until the syrniki start to hold well
  3. We make cheese cakes, rolling them in a small amount of flour so that they do not fall apart
  4. Fry the curds until golden brown over low heat, covering the pan with a lid

The recipe for cheesecakes in a pan is ready! We eat the dessert warm with the addition of sour cream, honey or jam to taste.

Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

Semolina is an excellent substitute for flour in curds, makes them less nutritious, and the taste is richer and more delicate. The recipe for semolina cheesecakes, in addition to the absence of flour, is not much different from the classic cheesecakes.

We need:

  • Not too wet cottage cheese 5-9% fat - half a kilo
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Semolina - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, vanillin - a pinch

The process of making delicious cheese cakes: a recipe with a photo

  • Grind the curd with a blender, gradually adding a mixture of eggs and sugar.

  • Add 4-5 tablespoons of semolina to the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse so that the semolina is saturated and swollen well (20 minutes).
  • Add vanilla sugar, dried fruits or fruits to taste and desire.
  • We sculpt cheese cakes, roll them with semolina or flour so that they do not fall apart.
  • Fry until crisp over low heat on each side until golden brown.

The recipe for delicious cheesecakes without flour is ready!

Cheesecakes with raisins from cottage cheese: a recipe

Adding raisins can add a pleasant taste to the dessert and saturate it with even more usefulness. Raisins are also a healthy alternative to sugar, making curds less nutritious.


  • Cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9% - half a kilogram
  • Sugar - 4 teaspoons
  • Vanillin
  • Handful of raisins
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour or semolina - 5 tablespoons

Cheesecakes with raisins: recipe step by step

  1. Rinse the raisins thoroughly in warm water and pour boiled water over it. Leave the raisins for 10 minutes. Before using it, rinse it again and dry it a little.
  2. Add a pinch of vanillin to the eggs beaten with sugar, and continue beating everything together. We taste the finished mixture: if it is not sweet enough, add sugar to the desired state.
  3. Thoroughly mix the curd mixture, gradually adding flour or semolina to it (if you chose semolina, after adding it, the mixture should be infused until it swells). As a result, you should get a homogeneous curd mass.
  4. Pour raisins and salt into the finished mass. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. We make round cakes, roll them in flour or semolina, fry in a skillet under a lid over low heat.
  6. You can embellish the dish icing sugar, mint, fruit and ice cream.

Delicious and healthy cottage cheese makers are ready to delight you and your loved ones!

Lviv cheesecake: recipe

This dessert, unlike cheese cakes, needs to be baked, not fried. Thus, it is even more useful, and it will take even less time and effort to prepare it.

We need:

  • Cottage cheese - half a kilogram
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 170 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons
  • Raisins, lemon zest, fruit - optional
  • Semolina - 3 tablespoons
  • Vanillin

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, meat grinder or sieve. The advantage should be given to medium moisture cottage cheese.
  2. Separate the whites and yolks into different dishes. Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla with a mixer.
  3. Add cheese, semolina and soft butter to the mixture.
  4. Rinse the raisins several times with warm water and leave in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour washed raisins and grated zest of one lemon into the mixture.
  6. Beat the whites until they are foamy and add to the cheese mass.
  7. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease well butter... We bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about an hour (the time may vary depending on the power of the oven).
  8. For the glaze, we use softened butter, add cocoa powder and 3 tablespoons of sugar to it. Cook until thick over low heat.
  9. Lubricate the finished cheesecake with glaze and put in the refrigerator for about 4-5 hours.

An extraordinarily delicious delicacy is ready to delight your stomachs!

Diet cottage cheese pancakes: recipes and cooking features

Cottage cheese is one of the most relevant foods for people trying to control their pounds and eat right. A large number of easily digestible protein and others nutrients, reduced usage harmful products the recipe makes this dish especially dietary.

How to make cheese cakes dietary:

  • To make the cheese pancakes dietetic, you need to choose cottage cheese with a low fat content or completely fat-free.
  • You can add richness to the taste and benefits of the dessert by using yogurt.
  • You can reduce the calorie content of a treat by eliminating the frying stage and replacing it with baking in the oven or steaming.
  • Also allow the option of frying in a pan, but you need to use a non-stick pan to reduce the required amount of vegetable oil.
  • Much more useful wheat flour are ground oatmeal, flour and bran.
  • Various dried fruits can be an alternative to sugar.

Simple dietary cheesecakes without flour and semolina: a recipe

This version of cheesecakes is simple, affordable, and is also able to guarantee the preservation of athletic body shapes even with daily use.

We need:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - half a kilo
  • Oat flour - 4-5 tablespoons
  • Raisins to taste


  1. Rinse the raisins and soak in warm water until they swell.
  2. Grind cottage cheese with a blender, add eggs, oat flour and dried raisins.
  3. We form cakes and fry them in a non-stick frying pan, greasing it with a little oil.
  4. The dish is ready to delight your figure and cheer up!

Diet cheese cakes without eggs: recipe with photo

We need:

  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - half a kilogram
  • Bran - half a glass
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Oat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons

Cooking process:

  • Making fruit puree

  • Mix cottage cheese with bran and puree
  • We form the desired shape of the curd cakes, lightly roll them in oat flour

  • We put the curds on a greased baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour

  • Lubricate ready meal cinnamon with honey. The recipe for cheesecakes with apples is ready!

Cheesecakes with banana: recipe with photo


  • Cottage cheese - half a kilogram
  • Bananas - 2-3 pcs.
  • Oat flour - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon, raisins - to taste


  • Whisk the banana in a blender along with the cheese and flour

  • Add egg, cinnamon and washed raisins to the mixture
  • Fry until golden brown in a non-stick frying pan, grease it with a little oil

The recipe for tender cottage cheese pancakes is ready!

Lush and delicious cheese cakes: recipe with photo

This recipe is perfect for people who are not afraid of excess calories and like to pamper their stomach with sweet dishes. This dessert turns out to be very lush and sweet, reminiscent of pancakes.

We need:

  • Cottage cheese - half a kilogram
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • Baking powder - 10 g
  • Flour - ¾ glass

The process of making lush cottage cheese pancakes: a recipe with a photo

  • Grind cottage cheese with a mixture of eggs and sugar in a blender

  • Add flour, baking powder, salt and continue to knead
  • We take the cheese mass with a spoon and form the cheese cakes

  • Fry over low heat until golden brown

We decorate the dish to taste and desire and enjoy donut-cheese pancakes!

There are a lot of options for combining ingredients in cheese pancakes, and you don't need to be a venerable cook to try yourself in coming up with "zest" for a recipe. Chocolate, all kinds of fruits, sweets, sour cream, berries - all this will go well with cottage cheese in the form of syrniki. Pamper yourself and your loved ones with healthy and tasty delicacies in all kinds of ways!

Video: Recipe for lazy cottage cheese pancakes

Even such a simple dish as cheesecakes cannot be prepared without knowing some culinary secrets.

  1. For perfect cheesecakes you need fresh curd with a homogeneous texture, without sourness, with a fat percentage from 7 to 18. If the curd is dry, add a little sour cream to the dough. If the curd, on the other hand, is wet, put it in a colander and let the liquid drain.
  2. Eggs and flour are ingredients that shouldn't be too many. When there are more eggs than needed, it becomes problematic to roll cakes from the dough. And the excess of flour makes the cheese pancakes "rubbery", depriving them of their softness.
  3. To get a dietary version of cheesecakes, add only egg whites... But you cannot use fat-free cottage cheese at the same time, otherwise delicious dish definitely will not work.
  4. Don't add too much sugar. If the cheesecakes are not sweet enough, this can be easily corrected with honey, condensed milk, syrup or jam.
  5. Ideally, there is as much dough for one cheese pan as fits in a tablespoon.

1. Classic cheese cakes


  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • frying oil.


Soften the cottage cheese: to do this, pass it through a grater. Add egg, sugar, vanillin, flour and mix all ingredients until smooth. Make a few small cakes (you can additionally roll them in flour before frying). Then send them to the frying pan: you need to fry each cheesecake on both sides until golden brown. To make the syrniki more juicy, at the end, keep them covered over low heat for 2-3 minutes.

2. Cheesecakes with carrots



  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • frying oil.


Peel and chop the carrots. Mix with cottage cheese (also mashed), egg, flour, semolina and sugar. When will it work homogeneous mass, put it in the refrigerator for an hour. After that, you can sculpt cheese cakes and fry in a pan until tender. Serving carrot cheese cakes is best served with thick sour cream.

3. Lush syrniki



  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 tablespoon semolina
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda with lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • frying oil.


To make the cheese cakes more lush and voluminous, part of the flour can be replaced with semolina, and also slaked to the ingredients lemon juice soda - it will serve as a baking powder. Mix semolina and baking soda with grated cottage cheese, flour, sugar, salt and vanilla. Leave the dough for 20 minutes: during this time, the semolina will absorb the liquid and swell. Then you can start frying the syrniki.

4. Potato syrniki



  • 1 potato tuber (boiled);
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ghee for frying.


Grate cottage cheese and potatoes. Mix with egg, sugar, flour, salt. Cool the resulting mass for 20-30 minutes. Then mold the dough into cakes and fry in ghee on both sides until golden brown. At the end, cover the pan with a lid and, reducing the heat, leave the syrniki for another 3 minutes. Serve with sour cream and vegetables.

5. Cheesecakes with raisins and nuts



  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tablespoons flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 50 g chopped nuts;
  • frying oil.


Mix the grated cottage cheese with flour and egg, add sugar and nuts. From the resulting dough, mold the cheesecakes and fry in a pan on both sides (each should take about 2 minutes).

To have breakfast with fresh cheesecakes in the morning without spending a lot of time on preparing them, make the dough in advance and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.