Home / Cupcakes / How to brew red dian hong. Dian Hong tea: varieties, useful properties, how to brew and drink

How to brew red dian hong. Dian Hong tea: varieties, useful properties, how to brew and drink

Dian Hong Cha or Yunnan red tea is traditionally produced in Feng Qing District, Lincang County in southern Yunnan Province. The name Dian is the old name of the Yunnan province, where pressed pu-erh tea was made during the Tang Dynasty (619 - 907). Traditionally, Yunnan tea growers were engaged in the production of sheng pu-erh, which was exported to the neighboring countries of South Asia, and was also widely sold on the domestic market in Sichuan and Tibet. In 1935, in Fohai, a tea grower named Li Fu (Chinese Li Fu) first processed tea using a new technology and sent it to an exhibition in Wuhan. This event is the first mention of "Yunnan red tea", which was later called "Yunnan black" by the British.

Yunnan Dian Hong Gold Tea is grown at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters above sea level. The average annual temperature in this area is 15-18 ° C. Due to the mild climatic conditions, tea is collected for 8 months a year. The spring harvest is considered the best, as the tea shoots are the most delicate. The raw materials of the summer and autumn harvest are characterized by darker leaves and a rich infusion. The presence of golden leaves depends on the season and place of collection. For example, Dian Hong from Western Yunnan has a light orange hue, while raw materials from the southern regions of Menghai and Shun Jiang have a bright gold color. Dian Hong Chinese red tea has three main advantages: large leaves, golden tint and rich taste and aroma that cannot be compared with anything else.

According to the shape and quality of raw materials, Dian Hong is classified into several types:

  • (Chinese. Dian Hong Gongfu Cha) - is the highest grade among the Dian Huns. The tea leaves of this variety have strong leaves in the form of strips covered with villi. Also, this type has a second name - Dian Hong Tiao Cha (Chinese. Dian Hong Tiao Cha or Dian Hong in the form of plates (strips). The infusion of tea has a bright noble taste and aroma.
  • (Chinese Dian Hong Ye Cha) in the form of a leaf. Dian Hong Ye Cha has long, curled leaves with a bright sheen. The presence of villi on the leaves depends on the type of tea raw material. When brewed, it gives a thick, piercing infusion.
  • 3. Dian Hong Pian Cha(Chinese Dian Hong Pian Cha). This variety of tea raw materials has dense, even leaves in the shape of a fan.
  • 4. Dian Hong Shui Cha(Ch. Dian Hong Sui Cha) consists of medium-sized, crushed black leaves with or without villi. The presence of small crumbs in raw tea is unacceptable.
  • 5. Dian Hong Mo Cha(Dian Hong Mo Cha) - is the lowest species among the dian huns, as it is crushed into large crumbs. The dark red tea infusion has a strong taste.

Among the varieties of Dian Hong, the most popular are: Dian Hong Mao Feng (Piley Peaks) and Jin Hao Dian Hong (Golden Monkey from Dian Xi).

Dian Hong production history
For centuries, China has been the main tea producer in the world. However, by the end of the 19th century, tea production in China began to decline. The British government began to invest heavily in the cultivation of black tea in India and Fr. Sri Lanka (Ceylon). New technologies were applied to the processing of tea raw materials, as a result of which Indian and Ceylon black tea began to dominate the world tea market. In the fall of 1938, China was occupied by Japanese troops. The southeastern plantations were set aside for war zones, so the Chinese tea company had to move the cultivation of tea bushes to the southwestern parts of the country.

In September 1938, Mr. Zheng Hechun was appointed general manager of the tea company. To restore the production of Chinese tea, he, together with the leading tea technologist of that time, Mr. Feng Shaoqiu (Chinese: Feng Shaoqiu) had to leave for the Yunnan region of Kunming. Tea growers studied the regions for a long time: Dali, Wei Shan, Shun Ning (now Feng Qing), Bao Shan, collected tea leaves and processed them using different technologies. As a result of repeated attempts, they managed to create a new fermented tea from Yunnan trees with a deep taste and a bright ruby ​​red infusion. Samples of tea were sent to overseas tea experts in Hong Kong for testing. The appreciation of the new tea was overwhelming. According to experts, Yunnan red could compete with the famous Anhui Qihong (Tsimen Hong Cha) and the best varieties of Ceylon and Indian black tea.

At the end of the 19th century in India and about. Sri Lanka began the production of large leaf tea, which in just a few years became the leading tea market in Europe and Asia. The UK claimed that these types of tea trees grow only in India and Ceylon. The Chinese authorities tried to buy several seedlings, but India, under pressure from the British Kingdom, banned their sale to China. It was only thanks to the scientific research of Zheng Hechang and Feng Shaoqing that the Chinese government finally recognized the existence of its own unique large-leaved tea trees in Yunnan province. In 1938, Professor of Jingling University Mr. Lü Zhenzai (Chinese Liu Zhenzai) arrived in Yunnan in order to continue the study of his predecessors. He published his work comparing the tea trees of Assam and Shun Ning, as a result of which he identified certain advantages of the tea trees growing in Feng Qing. Mr. Lü Zhenzai noted that “the leaves of large-leaved trees have a brilliant golden hue, and their inner side is covered with small velvet fibers, the taste of tea is rich and aromatic, tea bushes bud all year round, moreover, the raw materials are suitable for both manual and machine collection ". This discovery moved the production of Chinese tea 10 years forward. The new Yunnan red Dian Hong Cha, in taste and aroma, leaf shape and processing technology, far surpassed Darjeeling and other Indian black teas.

Start of production of Chinese tea Dian Hong
In December 1938, the Yunnan Tea Trading Company was established. Under the leadership of Zheng Hechang, the first experimental factories were founded in Shun Ning (now the Feng Qing Tea Factory), in Fo Hai Hai Tea Works, as well as small factories in Ylang Xiang (Chinese Yiliang Xian). In March this year, new tea processing equipment was delivered to the factories. In May, about 60 workers from the Jiangxi Xiushui Tea Company arrived in Kunming. At the end of June, the first samples of tea processed in Ylang Xiang were sent for testing to Hong Kong's Yihe and Jinlong and London's Charles Hope and Sons Company, Harrison King and Irrin Company, Jardine Mathemson Company). Experts praised the quality of the new Yunnan tea. In contrast to the piercing-tart taste of Indian Darjeelings and Assams, Dian Hong had a balanced sweetish-rich and at the same time mild taste. On July 7, 1938, the first batch of Yunnan red tea was released and shipped to the UK via Hong Kong.

At the end of July, specialists from the Xishuang Bannas's Menghai County Experimental Factory arrived at the Fohai Tea Factory. At this time, it was officially decided to call Yunn red tea - Dian Hong Cha, although for a long time tea was identified by the names of factories: Ylang Hong Cha or Shun Ning Hong Cha. In 1939, the Shun Ning (Feng Qing) tea factory produced 17.5 tons of red tea. In 1949, the People's Republic of China proclaimed Dian Hong Cha "the people's treasure of China." Dian Hong's golden age began in the 1950s. Due to the popularity of black tea in the world, the Chinese had to "replace green tea with black" and increase sales of red tea to Europe and America. The USSR was a major exporter of Yunnan tea. With the advent of red Chinese tea on the world market, the monopoly of Indian tea was instantly undermined.

Useful properties of Dian Hong tea
Drinking Dian Hong red tea is recommended in Chinese traditional medicine. Dian Hong's infusion stimulates the central nervous system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, improves metabolism, and relieves fatigue. Unlike black Indian tea, Dian Hong contains less caffeine. Dian Hong's infusion has anti-inflammatory properties, since the amino acids contained in tea leaves suppress viral and colds. Infusion of hot Yunnan tea also has a warming effect and is ideal for tea drinking in the cold season.

How to brew Dian Hong
Dian Hong Chinese red tea is recommended to be brewed with purified water. The temperature of the brewing water should be around 90 ° C. To prevent water from cooling down during the repeated brewing of tea, it is best to pour it into a pre-heated thermos. The best dishes are the Yixing teapot and bowls traditionally used for the Ping Cha ceremony. Such a tea action contributes to the repeated brewing of Dian Hong and the full disclosure of the taste and aroma of the tea. You can also use a gaiwan or a tea flask to brew Dian Hong. If you are pressed for time, you can use a regular teapot with a strainer. Before brewing, all tea utensils must be warmed up with hot water. 200 ml. water uses about 5 grams of tea leaves. The first brew is drained after 3-5 seconds. 2 is held for 30 seconds, and each subsequent brew is increased by approximately 30 seconds. Dian Hong withstands 3 to 4 infusions. The time and volume of brewing is often chosen empirically and depends on personal preference. Dian Hong's infusion has a thick, rich, but not tart taste, leaves a sweetish aromatic aftertaste in the mouth.

At our place of work, in the room where we dine, there is a printed demotivator hanging on the wall, which depicts a sullen Persian cat and flaunts the aphorism: "He who does not drink tsai, he is tsmo. Cotfucius." And at work I am just such a "tsm": I drink exclusively coffee. But I will never refuse good tea, it's just that it's extremely inconvenient to brew it at work, and the tea bags don't attract me much.

After I made all sorts of purchases - stupid and not so - at Aliexpress and calmed down a bit, most often I began to order different types of tea there. Perhaps, the Chinese varieties attract me the most - they are so diverse.

I don’t know why this nondescript package attracted me so much, but it hung around in my "Wishlist" for a long time, until I waited for a 50% discount, so the purchase of 250 grams of tea cost around 400 rubles. Now with a 50% discount it costs around 600 rubles - the dollar rate has grown!

In general, what we call black tea, the Chinese consider red, but if you look at Ali, then you need to focus on the Black Tea category. I have not yet very diligently combed these sections in different stores, but, as it seemed to me, the variety of black (red) teas is not so great, there is much more pu-er!

I tried "Golden Eyebrows" black Chinese teas, Keemun (I didn't write about him because I didn't know Hayrek yet), I really liked them, and now it was Dian Hong's (or Dian Hong's) tea turn. I began to search for information about this variety only after I tried it, so first I will describe my impressions, and then we will check the information on the Internet.

The package is large, in a completely simple package made of very thick paper, it resembles thin cardboard. Came a little battered by life:

Inside - a dense foil bag with tea:

If you look at a dry tea leaf, you can see a lot of golden tea leaves.

These are tips, or upper kidneys... It is believed that the closer to the top to pluck a tea leaf, the higher the grade of tea. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that in Russia the Extra tea grade was produced from two or three top leaves of a tea flush, and for the highest grade it was possible to collect no more than 5 leaves. The uppermost buds are slightly fleecy, when dried they are velvety and lighter than a mature tea leaf.

By the way, the fact that the brewed leaves are very small and rather narrow speaks in favor of the fact that this tea uses a young tea leaf.

The aroma of this tea is simply amazing! When I nuzzled into the bag, I was simply intoxicated by the smell of fresh tea, very warm, sweetish. It reminded me a little of the smell of good Krasnodar tea, although I may be wrong: I haven't drunk the latter for a long time, perhaps this perception is subjective, but, alas, there is nothing to compare with. In general, such an association has arisen.

Brewed, as usual, with filtered water in a clay teapot, 3 teaspoons per 450-500 ml, 3-5 minutes.

The infusion is very intense, reddish:

The taste and aroma of this drink are unusually balanced: there are notes of dried fruits (like most Chinese red teas). Surprisingly, the tea is strong and rich, but at the same time almost not tart, it has an unusually mild taste and a pleasant aftertaste.

In general, I never brew black tea a second time, I throw it away. And then I decided to prepare an infusion for kombucha. There is some tea leaves left in the kettle, I poured boiling water over it and poured it into the kettle, while I thought that this amount would not be enough for a three-liter jar, and I would have to brew some more fresh tea. However, the infusion turned out to be very saturated, and I poured boiling water a couple more times with this tea leaves and poured it into a large mushroom jar. I was simply amazed that the color of the infusion turned out to be rather dark, other types of tea in such quantities, diluted with water, give a lighter infusion.

In principle, you can, perhaps, brew it a second time, although I don't like that.

Even an ardent supporter of Assam respectfully stated that the tea is simply excellent!

After all this, I began to study what kind of variety it was, and became a bit stumped, because the tea on the seller's page is called like this: "big dian hong tea congou black tea premium black tea maofeng 250- red"So I was trying to figure out what it is: Dian Hong or Congou?

In the end, I decided that it was Dian Hong, because it was produced in Yunnan, and Congou grows in the north of Fujian province. In general, it turned out that the name Congou was applied to all black teas that were brought from China, so this is a somewhat vague definition, besides, the Congou variety has large leaves.

And here is what I found about Dian Hong, and it seems to me that the description fully corresponds to this tea:

Dian Hong, also known worldwide as Yunnan Red Tea (called black by many) has been produced and sold for nearly five decades. It is produced in the southern part of Yunnan province. The content of "golden buds" in tea indicates the quality of the tea, the more "gold" in the tea, the higher its quality and, accordingly, the price.

Strongly fermented red tea in China is a kind of analogue of ordinary black tea in domestic countries. Therefore, those who expect exotic and unusual taste from Dian Hong tea will be disappointed. This drink is more like the same tea that we are used to drinking every day, but despite this, it is not devoid of certain advantages that distinguish it from many other types of tea.

For this tea, the same raw materials are collected as for certain varieties of pu-erh. The finished product includes only tips and young leaves from the highlands in Yunnan province. Tea owes its popularity in Europe to the Queen of England - this variety is still one of Her Majesty's favorites.

What is Dian Hong tea

Dian Hong is one of the most popular and well-known members of the red tea family. This drink is perfect for tea drinking with the whole family due to its excellent tonic and relaxing effect. It has a mild taste with woody nuances and dried fruits, and has a pleasant honey aftertaste. The heart of the tea taste is made up of subtle floral-fruity notes that do not make it overly tart, like black teas, or overly cloying, like some teas with fruits.

Outwardly, Dian Hong tea is practically indistinguishable from other types of red tea, however, it has those visual and taste qualities that make it one of the best.


The color of tea directly depends on the amount of brewed raw materials - it can be either light golden or deep brown.


The taste of this tea is a kind of visiting card. An unforgettable and multifaceted taste, in which notes of chocolate, honey, dried apricots and other dried fruits are caught. Quite an unusual aftertaste and delicate aroma give an excellent aftertaste.


Dian Hong tea is distinguished by its tonic and at the same time relaxing effect, improves the general condition of the body.

Beneficial features

The properties of Dian Hong make this tea not only tasty, but also healthy. This tea has a positive effect on almost every organ system. It accelerates the recovery of the gastric walls and duodenum after a number of diseases, such as gastritis and ulcers, and is also recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. Dian Hong tea speeds up the process of blood renewal, which results in the formation of more red blood cells. The drink perfectly relieves tension and drowsiness and, importantly, this tea allows you to acquire a healthy complexion.

You can buy Dian Hong in our online store with delivery in Moscow and all over Russia!

It is necessary to brew tea for 1-2 minutes, while the water temperature should be 90-95 degrees... The optimal amount of tea for brewing is 6-8 grams for 150 ml of water. Subsequently, you can add water to the kettle 5-6 times and at the same time extend the brewing time by 10-15 seconds.

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Price: 300 rubles.

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Benefits for you

Quality. We carefully monitor the quality of the products presented in our store and cooperate only with trusted suppliers and manufacturers, so you can be sure that you will receive a quality product.

Service. Our experts will be happy to help you in choosing tea, and will also tell you everything about how to brew and store it correctly, how it is beneficial for health, how to conduct a tea ceremony and what dishes to use, and also answer any of your questions.

Price. Since we do not have to pay rent like regular physical stores, we can afford to sell high quality tea at low prices.

Promotions and discounts. Our store has a program of cumulative discounts up to 20%, as well as weekly promotions, thanks to which you can buy the best teas at reduced prices.

Everything is in stock. Is always. The tea presented in our store is always in stock, and when placing an order you will be sure that you will receive what you needed.

Payment upon receipt. We work without any prepayment, you can pay for the order upon receipt to the courier or cash on delivery at your post office.

Convenience of payment. We accept payment by electronic money (Yandex-money, Webmoney, Qiwi).

The process of making elite red tea Dian Hong is rather laborious, because delicate tea buds are processed by hand. Its thick tart taste is mesmerizing, a mug of such a drink warms up and tones up perfectly. What else is this tea useful for the body?

Elite Chinese tea Dian Hong - the sun in your mug

In the Chinese province of Yunnan, which is located on the site of the ancient state of Dian, tea plantations are spread in the highlands and subtropical climate. They give us the famous pu-erh tea and the famous Dian Hong - red tea. According to the European classification, it belongs to black teas. It became popular after the English queen declared that Dianhong was her favorite tea. Now he is especially appreciated in London and Hong Kong.

Dian Hong Red Tea belongs to the group of superior processing quality teas. Thanks to its expressive aroma and strong taste, it is perfect for European tea drinking, for beginners and tea gourmets.

Dianhong is made from young tea leaves and tips (buds). The autumn harvest is considered the best. After collecting, the leaves are dried for several hours in an open place, then kneaded and then bunched by hand to a certain shape - this monotonous process is quite laborious. Twisted tea leaves are fried in a wok over a fire.


The properties of Dian Hong tea depend on its variety, there are 4 main varieties:

  • Broken- an inexpensive variety with few golden buds. Infusion is red-brown with a tart odor, taste with bitterness.
  • "Fuzzy peaks"- an equal mixture of leaves and tips. The infusion is soft, aromatic, with sweet fruity notes.
  • Gold- buds predominate, but leaves are also found. The infusion is red-orange, with a slight sweetness on the palate.
  • "Pure gold"- the highest grade, consists only of golden buds. Infusion of bright red color, sweet and light taste, with honey-fruity notes, long tart aftertaste.

Overall, Dianhong is a strong, masculine tea. Its infusion of transparent red-brown color plays with golden highlights on the surface. The taste and aroma are delicate and light, but at the same time unique and memorable - fruity shades with honey pollen, astringency and woody softness, sweet aftertaste.

How to brew

For a volume of 150 ml, take 7-12 grams. Dianhong tea leaves. The water is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees or large white bubbles appear. The first infusion lasts no more than 7-10 seconds, the next is increased by 5-10 seconds, it is permissible to repeat 8-9 times. If the tea lasts longer than it should be, it will become astringent and bitter.

The strength of the drink is regulated by the amount of brewing. Dianhong is drunk in small sips, you can add milk or lemon to it, combine it with sweets and desserts.

How to store

Dian Hong tea retains its taste, aroma and healing properties for 2-3 years. It becomes softer over time. Store tea leaves in a tightly closed bag that is vented (but no vacuum). Place the bag in an opaque container and place it in a cool, odor-free place.

Benefits for the body

  • The main beneficial property of Dian Hong tea is that it warms and tones up. In China, it is considered winter tea. Dianhong envelops with warmth and helps to sweat, therefore it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of ARVI. Has anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits bacteria.
  • An invigorating effect is also a striking feature of Dian Hong tea. It will quickly wake you up and help you concentrate, improve memory and reaction speed, raise low blood pressure and even out the heartbeat.
  • Due to its diuretic properties, Dian Hong tea removes excess fluid from the body and will be useful for weight loss. The infusion absorbs toxins and toxins, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels.
  • To experience the beneficial properties of Dian Hong tea, it is not recommended to drink it on an empty stomach (this will cause discomfort). In the evening, a mug of strong infusion can interfere with sleep.

  • Pu-erh tea
  • Black tea
  • Tea drinks, herbs, flowers
  • Tea utensils
  • Tea utensils
  • Gift wrap
  • Tea gift sets
  • At the end of the 19th century in India and about. Sri Lanka began the production of large leaf tea, which in just a few years became the leading tea market in Europe and Asia. The UK claimed that these types of tea trees grow only in India and Ceylon. The Chinese authorities tried to buy several seedlings, but India, under pressure from the British Kingdom, banned their sale to China. It was only thanks to the scientific research of Zheng Hechang and Feng Shaoqing that the Chinese government finally recognized the existence of its own unique large-leaved tea trees in Yunnan province. In 1938, Professor of Jingling University Mr. Lü Zhenzai (Chinese Liu Zhenzai) arrived in Yunnan in order to continue the study of his predecessors. He published his work comparing the tea trees of Assam and Shun Ning, as a result of which he identified certain advantages of the tea trees growing in Feng Qing. Mr. Lü Zhenzai noted that “the leaves of large-leaved trees have a brilliant golden hue, and their inner side is covered with small velvet fibers, the taste of tea is rich and aromatic, tea bushes bud all year round, moreover, the raw materials are suitable for both manual and machine collection ". This discovery moved the production of Chinese tea 10 years forward. The new Yunnan red Dian Hong Cha, in taste and aroma, leaf shape and processing technology, far surpassed Darjeeling and other Indian black teas.

    Start of production of Chinese tea Dian Hong

    In December 1938, the Yunnan Tea Trading Company was established. Under the leadership of Zheng Hechang, the first experimental factories were founded in Shun Ning (now the Feng Qing Tea Factory "Fengqing Tea Factory"), in Fo Hai "Hai Tea Works", as well as small manufactories in Ylang Xiang (Chinese Yiliang Xian). In March this year, new tea processing equipment was delivered to the factories. In May, about 60 workers from the Jiangxi Xiushui Tea Company arrived in Kunming. At the end of June, the first samples of tea processed in Ylang Xiang were sent for testing to Hong Kong's Yihe and Jinlong and London's Charles Hope and Sons Company, Harrison King and Irrin Company, Jardine Mathemson Company). Experts praised the quality of the new Yunnan tea. In contrast to the piercing-tart taste of Indian Darjeelings and Assams, Dian Hong had a balanced sweetish-rich and at the same time mild taste. On July 7, 1938, the first batch of Yunnan red tea was released and shipped to the UK via Hong Kong.

    At the end of July, specialists from the Xishuang Bannas's Menghai County Experimental Factory arrived at the Fohai Tea Factory. At this time, it was officially decided to call Yunn red tea - Dian Hong Cha, although for a long time tea was identified by the names of factories: Ylang Hong Cha or Shun Ning Hong Cha. In 1939, the Shun Ning (Feng Qing) tea factory produced 17.5 tons of red tea. In 1949, the People's Republic of China proclaimed Dian Hong Cha "the people's treasure of China." Dian Hong's golden age began in the 1950s. Due to the popularity of black tea in the world, the Chinese had to "replace green tea with black" and increase sales of red tea to Europe and America. The USSR was a major exporter of Yunnan tea. With the advent of red Chinese tea on the world market, the monopoly of Indian tea was instantly undermined.

    Useful properties of Dian Hong tea

    Drinking Dian Hong red tea is recommended in Chinese traditional medicine. Dian Hong's infusion stimulates the central nervous system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, improves metabolism, and relieves fatigue. Unlike black Indian tea, Dian Hong contains less caffeine. Dian Hong's infusion has anti-inflammatory properties, since the amino acids contained in tea leaves suppress viral and colds. Infusion of hot Yunnan tea also has a warming effect and is ideal for tea drinking in the cold season.

    How to brew Dian Hong

    Dian Hong Chinese red tea is recommended to be brewed with purified water. The temperature of the brewing water should be around 90 ° C. To prevent water from cooling down during the repeated brewing of tea, it is best to pour it into a pre-heated thermos. The best dishes are the Yixing teapot and bowls traditionally used for the Ping Cha ceremony. Such a tea action contributes to the repeated brewing of Dian Hong and the full disclosure of the taste and aroma of the tea. You can also use a gaiwan or a tea flask to brew Dian Hong. If you are pressed for time, you can use a regular teapot with a strainer. Before brewing, all tea utensils must be warmed up with hot water. 200 ml. water uses about 5 grams of tea leaves. The first brew is drained after 3-5 seconds. 2 is held for 30 seconds, and each subsequent brew is increased by approximately 30 seconds. Dian Hong withstands 3 to 4 infusions. The time and volume of brewing is often chosen empirically and depends on personal preference. Dian Hong's infusion has a thick, rich, but not tart taste, leaves a sweetish aromatic aftertaste in the mouth.