Home / Bakery products / Homemade cod liver. Cod liver salads: recipes with photos

Homemade cod liver. Cod liver salads: recipes with photos

In the culinary world, cod liver is considered a gourmet product, and nutritionists offer it for medicinal and health purposes. And all why - because this product is just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, and they are very well accepted by the body. The main vitamin that prevails in the composition of the product is vitamin A, it contributes to the maintenance of good vision, normal functioning of the brain, kidneys, strengthens teeth and hair, etc.

She still has many useful properties, but, however, despite all the benefits, use cod liver in large quantities harmful, everything is good in moderation. And it is advisable not to eat it just like that, in its pure form, it is better to cook on its basis various dishes, it will be tastier and healthier.

I cook cod liver on my own - canned food at home, not only because of savings, but because it turns out better with my own hands, and the output of the finished product is much greater than in an ordinary factory jar, what is not planned to be consumed in the near future, you can roll up and store for a long time, taking out as needed, which is very convenient.

In addition, fresh cod liver is not at all expensive, it is quite easy to prepare canned food from it at home - it is nowhere easier, the savings are quite significant, so I recommend it. How to cook cod liver at home - step by step recipe with photo.


  • fresh cod liver (2 kg)
  • salt (2 tbsp / l)
  • bay leaf (2 pcs for each can)
  • black peppercorns (2-3 pcs. for each can)
  • screw glass jars (four half liter)

How to cook cod liver at home recipe with photo

We wash and put in jars

1. Put the cod liver in a colander and rinse it under water, put it on a towel or clean cloth to remove excess moisture, add a little salt on top. We throw peppercorns and bay leaves into clean floor-liter jars (they do not need to be sterilized), spread it out almost to the shoulders of the jar, but rather loosely, there is no need to ram it.

You do not need to add anything else to the jars; during the cooking process, the cod liver secretes a fairly large amount of fat, which will be a good natural preservative for it. Canned food at home - a step by step recipe with a photo.

We put the jars in the pan, cook

2. Take a large pan - I have five liters, you can put a towel on the bottom of the pan, put the jars there, cover, but do not tighten the lids, pour water up to the shoulders of the jars, turn on the gas and wait for the water to boil in the pan. Then we turn off the gas to a very small one and leave the jars to simmer in a saucepan for 2 hours. We periodically monitor the boiling point of the water in the pan, add warm water if required. Canned food at home.

We twist the jars, try the finished product

3. When the cod liver is cooked, take the jars out of the pan and immediately twist them, turn the jars upside down, let them stand and cool, then you can remove the canned food prepared at home on long-term storage... But, I think, you still left at least one jar for testing, we will smear the cod liver on the bread and try what yummy it turned out.

Now we know how to cook cod liver at home and you have a strategic supply of jars for a suitable occasion, which will always help you out if you need to quickly prepare any appetizer or salad.

Video - how to cook cod liver at home:

Dishes with cod liver: tasty and healthy

Dishes that can be prepared from such a wonderful product as cod liver will not only help to feed the homemade tasty food, but will also provide tremendous support to health during the period of spring beriberi.

People have been using cod liver since ancient times: even Avicenna wrote about its benefits in his treatises - he advised giving it to people with poor eyesight (it's all about vitamin A, which is contained in it in a large number- it improves vision, as well as the functioning of the brain, kidneys, the condition of teeth, skin and hair).

Among other beneficial substances contained in cod liver vitamins E, D, C, folic acid, minerals such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iodine, copper, iron - all in a form that is well absorbed by the body. Modern doctors advise to eat this product for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, with a tendency to arrhythmias, suffering from diabetes, they are also useful in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties, reduces cholesterol, strengthens cell membranes.

Contraindications to the use of cod liver are allergies to fish or fish oil, low blood pressure. In the presence of hyperthyroidism (increased function of the thyroid gland), an increased content of calcium and vitamin D in the body, its intake should be limited, they also talk about restrictions in the diet of this product if there are gallstones or kidney stones.

  • Cod liver salad

Classic cod liver salad.
There are already many salads with cod liver, but the dish according to this recipe can be considered a classic. If you really need to start discovering new tastes for yourself, then it is with this salad.


1 can of cod liver
2 potatoes
2 eggs
1 onion
2 tbsp. l. canned green peas
green onions and dill to taste
1/2 lemon

Boil potatoes and eggs in their uniforms. Peel boiled potatoes, cut into cubes. Also, cut the eggs into cubes. Chop the cod liver. Chop the onions, green onions and dill finely. Mix all the ingredients together with the green peas, season with mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Put the prepared salad on a dish decorated with salad leaves. Garnish the salad as desired, such as parsley leaves and boiled carrots.

SNACK "NAPOLEON" with smoked salmon and cod liver

* puff pastry- 500 g
* 300 g smoked salmon (salmon, trout) in thin slices
* 200 g cod liver
* 2 eggs
* 3 green apples
* 1 small bunch of green onions
* 6 tbsp mayonnaise
* juice and zest of half a lemon
* 1 tbsp butter horseradish
* 50 g per grated cheese
* salt pepper

Put the dough plates on a baking sheet without defrosting, put them in a cold oven, set the temperature to 180 and bake the cakes until golden brown.
We prick two apples with a fork and bake in the oven for about half an hour until soft, peel and seeds, grind in mashed potatoes, mix with mayonnaise, horseradish, lemon juice and zest, salt and pepper.
Hard-boiled eggs, cod liver, the remaining apple and green onion, finely chop or (according to the product) knead.
We disassemble the cooled cakes into thinner ones (I got 6), grease the bottom with cod liver pate, on top of the cake + apple mayonnaise and salmon slices, again cake + cod liver pate and so on until the food runs out - we have a little apple mayonnaise left.
We wrap the cake in plastic and put it in the refrigerator under not very heavy oppression for an hour.
Spread the present cake with the remaining mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and green onions.
Serve by cutting into portions (cut only with a knife - file).

Liver salad

Cod liver - 1 can;
... chopped champignons - a can (400 g);
... onions - 2 pcs.;
... garlic - 3 cloves;
... boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
... boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
... pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
... tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
... dill, seasoning for potatoes;
... vegetable oil, black pepper, salt.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry with mushrooms on vegetable oil.

Fry until the onion is bronze and crunchy like a snack. Do not forget to stir so that nothing burns. Remove from heat, salt, pepper and add chopped garlic. We mix.

We take the container for the salad. We put the liver on the bottom, having previously got rid of the oil in which it was floating in the jar. We knead it with a fork.

Chop boiled potatoes and put it on the liver with a second layer. It is advisable to sprinkle with potato seasoning, but if it is not at hand, then you can just salt it. Keep in mind that the combo potato seasoning almost always contains salt and if you used it, you no longer need to salt.

Chop the cucumbers finely - this is our third layer.

Next, add a layer of sliced ​​eggs.

Mushrooms with onions.

And finally, mayonnaise and dill for decoration. We chill in the refrigerator and the salad is ready to eat.

Bon Appetit.

Delicious cod liver salad

Cod liver-1 can
Green onions-1 bunch
Corn - 1 small can (about 150 gr)
A little mayonnaise.
Boiled egg - 2-3 pcs.
White bread - 2-3 slices (or ready-made wheat croutons)

Take the liver out of the jar, put it on a paper towel so that the glass has excess oil, cut into small pieces.

Boil the eggs, peel and grate with a large hole.

Open the corn jar and drain all the liquid

Slices white bread cut into small pieces and place in oven for 5-10 minutes until golden brown. (Of course, you can also use ready-made, store-bought croutons, but I like homemade ones more)

Lay the salad in layers: cod liver, eggs, corn - grease each layer with a small (!!!) amount of mayonnaise, since the liver itself is quite high-calorie and fatty (although if you like a lot of mayonnaise, well, you can indulge yourself in pleasure

Decorate the top with crackers and herbs. Lemon also goes well with fish products, you can use it to decorate this delicious salad.

You can prepare and serve cod liver salad immediately before eating.

Snack cake "Napoleon" with smoked salmon, cod liver and herring caviar.

Puff cakes for Napoleon (purchased) 1 pack.
Smoked salmon 300g.
Cod liver 1 jar.
Herring caviar ½ jar.
Cream cheese Creme Bonjour with cottage cheese and pieces of greens 3 jars (200g each)
For garnishing shrimp and dill.

First, let's prepare the fillings: mix one jar of cream cheese with mashed cod liver, the second with herring caviar. Cut the fish into thin slices.

On a cutting board covered with foil, apply a little curd cheese(so that the structure does not slip), put the first cake layer, grease it abundantly with a mixture of cheese and liver cream, put slices of salmon over the entire area.

On top of the salmon, apply a thin layer of "clean frame" without fish additives. We lay the next cake, it seems to stick to the cheese and does not slip, we apply a lot of mass with caviar on it, carefully level it.

Third puff cake and again a mixture of cottage cheese and liver + slices of smoked fish.

On the fish, a thin layer of cream cheese without additives and the final crust.
Cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream cheese, no fish additives, and leave for a couple of hours to soak.

We cut the cake, with a sharp knife, lengthwise into two halves, we get two long cakes. Lubricate the uncovered cake slices with cottage cheese and sprinkle the top and sides liberally with the remaining crust crumbs.
We decorate as desired.

Cod liver salad

1 can of canned cod liver

1 processed cheese;

3 boiled eggs;

1 head of onion

1 tomato

Lettuce leaves

Greens to taste

Olive oil

Cod liver salad recipe:

Grind the cod liver with a fork or blender. We grate the processed cheese, and finely chop the eggs and onion. Then mix everything thoroughly, season the salad olive oil... Cut the tomato and lettuce, mix everything gently and the cod liver salad is ready!

Sunflower salad with chips

Cod liver - 1-2 cans
Potatoes - 3 pcs.
Green onions - 1 bunch
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Chips - 100 g
Pitted olives - 1 can
Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons g

First, boil potatoes and eggs, cool and peel. Finely chop the potatoes into cubes and place on a plate.

Finely chop the green onion into rings and put on the potatoes.

The next layer is cod. Remove liquid from canned food with cod liver, and mash the liver with a fork and put on potatoes. I would like to note that all canned food is different, and if you are not sure that it contains enough cod liver, then it is better to buy another jar in reserve.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Grate the protein on a coarse grater and put on the liver on top. Protein can be lightly greased with mayonnaise.

Grate the yolks on a fine grater and put on the whites.

Next, we start decorating the Sunflower salad. Here, as you like. Put the chips in a circle of salad. We draw a mayonnaise grid and fill in each square with half an olive. You can simply put the halves of the olives on the yolk in a circle. We put the salad in the refrigerator for 1 hour to soak.

Cod liver salad with crackers "Ostozhensky"

1 can of cod liver
1 processed cheese
2 eggs
1-2 pickled or pickled cucumbers
3-4 slices of loaf
2 medium boiled potatoes
1 onion

Cut the loaf into small cubes and brown on all sides with a little oil:

Lay out the salad in layers, smearing with mayonnaise. Grated boiled potatoes:

Oil-stripped, chopped cod liver:

Finely chopped onion:

Boiled eggs, grated on a coarse grater:

Frozen cheese:

Spread the croutons over the surface. Chill well before serving:

Snake salad

4 carrots

3 potatoes

1 b. cod liver (or sprats)


1 pack. pumpkin seeds

Salt and pepper to taste.

Cook carrots, potatoes and eggs, cool, and grate on a coarse grater, add cod liver / sprats, onion and mayonnaise, mix everything. lay out in the shape of a snake and decorate pumpkin seeds... the eyes can be made with black grapes, and the tongue with red pepper.

But I can only recommend a salad. somehow even I froze this whole mixture, and then after a while thawed it, decorated it and it was also delicious.

Mushroom-shaped cod liver and eggs appetizer

boiled eggs
a jar of cod liver oil or sprats
mayonnaise 1 tsp
greens for decoration

We take boiled eggs and cut them into 2 parts: 2/3 (large part) and 1/3 (small part). The smaller part will be the cap of our mushroom. The big one is the leg. Remove the egg yolk from the halves into a separate bowl.

While the hats are getting Brown color, let's prepare the filling. To do this, add cod liver and mayonnaise to the yolks. Let's mix everything.

Then we stuff our "legs". If a small hole remains from the yolk, then you can carefully enlarge it with a knife.

Our mushrooms are ready

real flavor INTRIGA Snack cake "Sea"

Puff pastry - 3 sheets (750 g),
Cod liver - 460 g,
Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.,
Soft cheese with herbs - 1 jar,
Green onions - a little
Dill and parsley greens (for decoration).

Place the frozen dough in a cold oven, bake at 200 degrees for 25-40 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.

Mash the cod liver with a fork until homogeneous mass and toss with chopped green onions.

Divide each layer of dough into 2 parts, coat each with liver filling.

Smear the top layer with soft cheese, sprinkle the finished snack cake with the remaining crumbs from baking. You can also get crumb by crushing a small part of the finished puff pastry.

Serve the cake garnished with dill and parsley.

Cod liver salad with Iceberg lettuce

1 layer - salad Cut the iceberg into coarse and larger pieces

2 layer-eggs on a grater 3 -4 pcs

3 layer mayonnaise, but not much

4 layer onions, finely chopped

5 layer walnuts

6 layer cod liver 1-2 cans

7 layer lemon juice

8 layer eggs

9 layer mayonnaise

10 layer onion

11 layer-walnuts

12 layer Iceberg lettuce


Delicious and fast. Bon appetit.

Cod liver salad

Cod liver - 1 jar;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Boiled rice - 1 tbsp.;

Onion- 2 medium heads;

Sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;


Salad preparation method:

Boil eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Then peel the onions and cut into thin strips and pour over the marinade, which is prepared like this: mix one part of vinegar with two parts of water and a tablespoon of sugar) and let it stand for three hours. Then drain the liquid. Next, open the liver, drain the liquid, break it with a fork. Well, mix all the ingredients with the mayonnaise.

Cod liver soufflé

Cod liver (canned, in oil) - 1 ban.
Potatoes - 400 g
Egg (protein) - 2 pieces
Lemon - 1 piece
Mint (dried) - 2 tsp
Milk - 100 ml
Salt (to taste)
Black pepper (ground, to taste)
Butter (softened) - 2 tbsp. l.
Recipe "Cod Liver Souffle"
Boil potatoes, cool. Then beat with 100 ml of milk. It will be great if you have yesterday's puree left - consider that half of the work has already been done

But you still have to beat it.

Beat the whites separately with a pinch of salt into a strong foam.

Put proteins and liver in potatoes, add a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of mint. Salt and pepper to taste.


Lubricate the baking dishes butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We spread the prepared mass. Sprinkle with mint and breadcrumbs on top. We send it to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

It remains only to get this beauty out of the oven.

The soufflé is delicious, both hot and cold.

Serve sour cream very well with hot, to which a little lemon juice has been added.

Cod liver pate

Ingredients for Cod Liver Pate
Cod liver (canned food, in natural oil) - 1 ban.
Egg (boiled) - 1 piece
Potatoes (boiled) - 1 pc
Bulb onion - 1 piece
Hard cheese (grated) - 20 g
Mustard (ready-made) - 1 tsp
Recipe "Cod liver pate"
Finely chop the onion, add mustard,

Pour boiling water over

After 2 minutes, fold into a sieve, drain, cool.
This is a great way to marinate onions, of all the ones I have tried so far, I liked the most.

Mash the cod liver with a fork, mix with the onion.

Purée the potatoes, grate the cheese (I prefer the coarse one, then it is felt in the pate), mix with the liver.

Grate the egg, mix with the pate.

Chill, spread on slices of bread

Tartlets with cod liver and mushrooms

1 can of cod liver
50 g champignons,
1 tbsp mayonnaise,
greens - for decoration,

Strain the cod liver from the oil and rub with mayonnaise. Cut the champignons very finely and fry in vegetable oil. Stir the liver and mushrooms and place with a pastry syringe into ready-made tartlets. Decorate with herbs.

Salad with cod liver and shrimps

10 tiger prawns
1 can of cod liver
2 eggs
small bunch of arugula
3 pickled cucumbers
a few pea seedlings

1. Boil and peel the shrimps.
2. Boil the eggs, peel and cut into small cubes.
3. Spread arugula leaves on a platter, on top of it shrimp pieces, a little mayonnaise, then chopped eggs and small pieces of liver.
4. Finely chop the cucumbers and place on top of the cod liver.
5. Arrange the pea sprouts on top. Decorate with a couple of shrimp.

Verrines with cod liver

(for 3 servings)
- canned cod liver - 1 can (180g)
- chicken eggs - 2 pieces
- pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pieces (75g)
For decoration:
- red caviar - 2 tsp
- chives - a few feathers

Boil eggs, cool, peel. Separate the yolks from the proteins, chop.
Finely chop the pickled cucumbers.
Remove the cod liver from the jar, chop finely.

Divide all prepared foods into 3 parts and carefully place them in prepared cups (verrina in French - hence the name of the dish) in layers in the following order:
- proteins
- liver
- cucumbers
- yolks
Top with red caviar and green onions.

Cod liver baskets

Baskets: 4 pcs
Cod liver (canned): 60 g
Broth: 200 g
Pickled champignons: 40 g
Tomato sauce: 60 ml

Cooking method:
V canned liver cod, cut into pieces, put the champignons, stir everything and heat in the broth. Then drain the broth, add tomato sauce, again warm up and fill the baskets baked from butter or puff pastry.

Cod liver tartlets

Tartlets - 6 pcs.
canned cod liver - 1 can
green lettuce leaves - 6 pcs.
pickled gherkins - 6 pcs.
green onions - 3 feathers
kiwi - 6 slices
lemon - 6 slices

Chop the green onion finely, mash the cod liver, add the gherkins cut into rings and mix until smooth. Stuff the tartlets with this filling, garnish with lettuce and kiwi and lemon wedges.

Avocado and cod liver cream

1 avocado
2 cloves of garlic;
1 can of cod liver
1 tsp lemon juice
Salt, herbs.

Cooking method:
Peel the avocado, remove the pit and chop. Finely chop the greens.
Mix avocado, cod liver, garlic and herbs in a blender until smooth. Season with salt, add lemon juice. Mix.

Cod liver soup


200g homemade noodles,

2 onions,

1 bunch of parsley and green onions,

1 can of cod liver

vegetable oil,

ground white pepper, salt.
Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add salt and put the noodles in boiling water, boil until almost cooked over medium heat. Chop the onion finely, fry until soft in butter, put in the soup, bring it to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes, then put the cod liver into the soup, bring to a boil again, pepper and remove from the stove. Sprinkle with cod liver soup before serving with herbs.
You can also put half a boiled egg in the soup, and fry not only from onions, adding other vegetables to your taste.
There are not so many second courses with cod liver. We will tell you about pancakes and stuffed fish.
Pancakes with cod liver


500ml of milk

200-250g flour

150g canned cod liver,

4 eggs,

4 tablespoons vegetable oil,

2 tsp mustard,

1 tsp salt, pepper, oil.
Mix eggs, milk, flour, salt and vegetable oil pancake dough bake pancakes. Boil and finely chop the eggs, chop the cod liver, mix with mayonnaise and eggs, pepper. Grease pancakes with mustard, put on each stuffing of minced meat with cod liver, serve cold.
Pike perch stuffed with cod liver


3.5kg pike perch,

100g suluguni cheese,

100g of crackers and suluguni cheese,

1 each carrot, onion and a can of cod liver,

Gut the pike perch, rinse, rub with pepper and salt inside and out. For the minced meat, cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a medium grater, grate the cheese on a coarse one, cut the liver into 1 cm pieces, mix everything, adding mayonnaise and crackers, stuff the pike perch, sew up. Cut the fish along the ridge in strips of 1.5 cm, coat with mayonnaise, and sprinkle with grated cheese, bake in the oven until browning. Served stuffed pike perch hot with white wine.
The number of different appetizers that can be prepared with cod liver is really great - there are dozens of canapes and tartlets alone! We will tell you about several options delicious snacks from cod liver, but in general - this topic deserves separate coverage.
Tomatoes stuffed with cod liver


10 tomatoes m

Cod liver is versatile seafood delicacy, which is combined with many products familiar to us. The range of its application is very wide. Cold snacks are prepared with him, holiday dishes and even hot soups. Each chef includes classic recipe cod liver salad any special ingredient. Therefore, no recipe can claim to be the only correct one. In a single family, the dish is prepared in its own way. And any housewife will boldly confirm that her salad is exactly "the same", "classic". Although in reality she prepares it in a completely unique and unique way.

A jar of canned cod liver is a real find for those who like to eat deliciously, but don't like fiddling around the stove. What could be simpler: get the finished product out of the package, spread it on a slice of bread and decorate with a slice of boiled egg. Isn't that a snack for you? And if you conjure up a little, add to the delicacy boiled vegetables or cereals, chopped herbs and something else - you get a truly festive dish.

Cod liver can be combined with any components, but it forms the most successful combination with a boiled egg. These products complement each other perfectly and can be the basis for any salad.

A product such as cheese can successfully decorate a dish without disturbing the harmony. It is advisable to select delicate creamy varieties that cannot overpower the aroma of the main ingredient.

For spiciness, fresh finely chopped onions can be added to the salad. To get rid of excess bitterness, it must be doused with boiling water. It is enough to pour the onion hot water twice, drain the liquid, and it will no longer be so sharp.

For those who do not like bitterness, but love crunch juicy pulp onion, we recommend pickling it. This is very easy to do. Cut one large turnip into cubes. Place it in a glass or bowl. First, pour boiling water over and drain the liquid. Then add half a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt to the onion, as well as a teaspoon of preferably natural, apple or grape vinegar... Mix everything and send to the refrigerator. After half an hour, squeeze out the liquid and use the onion for the salad.

To make the dish satisfying, you can optionally add either boiled potatoes, or fig. The combination with both products has a right to exist. Everyone chooses what he likes best.

V puff salad often put carrots, and not always boiled, sometimes fresh. Lovers unusual dishes claim that it is raw vegetable best of all sets off the taste of cod liver.

Both puff and simple salad add green pea... You can put the usual canned. Those who manage to find fresh or frozen food are especially lucky. If the peas are from the freezer, dip them in boiling water for a few seconds, then rinse in cold water, and it tastes like once picked from the garden.

The calorie content of cod liver is high. Not everyone likes an overloaded meal. If you want to make it lighter, add a fresh cucumber to it. And when you prepare a salad with potatoes, put a salted or pickled vegetable in it.

With sauces, everything is also not unambiguous. Lovers can season the salad:

  • mayonnaise;
  • sour cream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fat from canned food;
  • mustard.

Sprinkle onion salad lemon juice... Add ground black pepper or crushed garlic to the dish. Some recipes suggest dressing cold appetizer soy sauce or ketchup.

The classic cod liver salad recipe

This delicious dish can be prepared from both fresh and canned liver. It is not easy to find a raw product, but sometimes it does appear on the market. Most often it can be found frozen.

A fresh delicacy must be prepared before being cut into a salad. The liver is not boiled, but sterilized in a water bath. The whole process takes 1.5-2 hours.

To the bottom glass jars you need to put 7-8 peas of black pepper, two pieces bay leaves... Rinse the liver, salt, pepper, mix with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, then roll in chopped onions. Put in a jar.

Pour water into a saucepan. Place a cloth on the bottom. Place a glass container on it. Cover the product with a metal lid and keep on fire until tender.

At the end, the liver must be removed from the jar, cooled, leaving for an hour in the refrigerator. It will become denser and easier to cut into pieces.

While the main ingredient is cooling, prepare the other ingredients. For a salad of 250 grams of liver, take 3-4 hard-boiled chicken eggs, half an onion and a hundred gram piece hard cheese mild variety (type "Russian").

The cheese should be grated with medium holes. Finely chop the onion. It can be doused with boiling water or pickled. Three egg on a fine grater. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and add the main product to them.

The liver can be lightly kneaded with a fork or cut with a knife. It does not need to be crushed and turned into a paste. Tastes better when the chunks are felt in the salad.

The dish is dressed with mayonnaise or a sauce made from a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream. Add 3-4 tablespoons of the dressing. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the salad will be too greasy. It can also be lightly seasoned with ground pepper. We do not add salt, there is already enough of it in cheese, sauce and ready-made delicacy.

For a beautiful presentation, put the dish in a salad bowl and decorate with parsley sprigs.

Classic Canned Cod Liver Recipe

Now let's figure out how to make canned cod liver salad. It's even easier here. The main thing is to choose a decent product.

Read the label carefully. The name should indicate "natural cod liver", and in the composition only the delicacy itself, salt, spices and nothing more. The product code must begin with the numbers 010. It is worth paying attention to the location of the manufacturer, giving preference to the northern regions.

Shake the can. You shouldn't hear any gurgling. And, of course, we are interested in the price. A select product manufactured to all standards cannot be cheap.

With the choice, everything is clear, let's get down to cooking. Let's move a little aside from the standard recipe and make small changes to it. Let's replace chicken eggs with quail eggs. The dish will only benefit from this. Quail eggs taste softer, and besides, they are richer in composition useful substances... This time we will not use the cheese, but instead of the onions, we will chop the green one.

In addition to a jar of canned delicacy, we need 12 quail eggs and a bunch of fresh herbs. Take the liver out of the refrigerator, take it out of the jar, cut it into cubes and put it in a bowl. Boil the eggs for three minutes, cool them in running water, clean them, divide them into halves, put them in a salad bowl. Add chopped green onions to the ingredients. Season the salad with mayonnaise in the amount of three to four tablespoons.

Other salad recipes:

Cod liver has a strong taste, so it goes well with products that are neutral.

These ingredients can be, for example, potatoes, rice, avocado or green peas.

Cod liver oil is very greasy and can leave an unpleasant aftertaste that is successfully neutralized by sweet and sour foods.

Guided by the simple rules for combining products, you can derive many recipes for insanely delicious salads.

Cod liver salad with rice

This dish, thanks to the excellent taste properties, will not be ashamed to serve to guests. It can also be cooked on regular days for dinner.

You will need a can of canned food, 2 eggs, a glass boiled rice and a bunch of green onions. Free the liver from packaging. Mash with a fork along with boiled eggs. Add rice and chopped greens to the mass. Season the salad lightly with salt. Put in two tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream, season and carefully place on plates.

With egg and fresh cucumber

The combination of cod liver and boiled egg is a classic. Fresh cucumber it will only successfully dilute the existing ensemble, add a touch of lightness, slightly neutralize the taste of the main component.

A jar of delicacy will require three hard-boiled chicken eggs and one medium cucumber. Cut everything into even cubes and season with mayonnaise. Simple and very delicious salad ready. Garnish with herbs before serving.

Puff salad with cod liver

By this hearty dish you can treat for festive table... This salad is adored by lovers of seafood. It has a mild, sophisticated taste.

We recommend taking canned cod liver oil to save yourself the hassle. Boil 4 potato tubers in the skin for a salad. You will also need a couple of eggs and a 100-gram piece of cheese. hard grade... Boil one large carrot. Marinate small red onions.

The salad is stacked in layers on a wide flat dish. Line the pickled onions with the first layer. Put canned liver on it, cut into large pieces. This layer can be smeared with a little mayonnaise.

Distribute peeled and finely grated boiled carrots on top. Lubricate the layer a little with mayonnaise. Place potatoes grated on a coarse grater on the carrots, lightly salt them and smear them more abundantly.

The next layer will be cheese grated on a fine grater. Next, the sauce. And in conclusion, sprinkle the salad with grated boiled eggs. For beauty, you can grind whites and yolks separately. Put the white in one layer, and use the yolk as a decoration.

The salad needs to be covered cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour. When the dish has stood a little, it will soak and become juicy.

Cod liver salad with potatoes

Boiled potatoes are found in many cod liver salads. Here's another option for a delicious, hearty and quick meal.

Boil three medium potatoes and two chicken eggs. Remove canned liver from jar or prepare 200 grams in advance fresh seafood... Rinse a small bunch of green onions under running water.

All components must be diced (chopped onion) and mixed in a deep bowl. Salad needs a little salt. Add ground black pepper if desired. Sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon. Add 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and a spoonful of canned oil. Stir and place in a nice salad bowl. In addition to the dish, you can serve white or black bread croutons.

With green peas

Gentle original salad will definitely please your guests. Peas can be taken both canned and frozen. At the beginning of the article, it was said how to deal with the supplies from the freezer.

For one jar of canned food, hard-boil three eggs, large carrots and three "in their jacket" potatoes. Free the liver from oil, eggs from the shell, vegetables from the peel. Cut everything into cubes.

Take two small pickled or pickled cucumbers and one small fresh one, and if large, then half. Chop the cucumbers, like all the other ingredients, send to a common bowl.

Add 4-5 tablespoons of peas to the salad. Season it with mayonnaise to taste. When preparing a salad, mix it first in a bowl, and then transfer it to a beautiful salad bowl, so it will look much neater.

Cod liver and corn salad

Take note of this unbreakable recipe. Guests will clearly be surprised by such an unusual combination. The salad is delicious. He will definitely take place of honor on your table.

Wheat croutons will be a decoration. Prepare them in advance. Cut 3-4 slices of white bread into neat cubes. Fry them until golden brown in a pan with a drop of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.

While the croutons are cooling, work on other ingredients. Place the canned liver onto a paper towel. For the salad, you need the contents of one jar. Wait for excess oil to drain from the delicacy. Boil 3-4 chicken eggs and rinse the bunch of green onions.

Gently mash the liver with a fork. Chop the eggs with a knife. Chop the onion. Add the contents of a small jar to the mass canned corn, after draining the water. Mix all ingredients.

Prepare the sauce. Dilute 4 tablespoons of thick mayonnaise with a drop of milk or cream. Add salt and sugar on the tip of a knife. Pepper lightly and squeeze one large clove of garlic into the mixture.

Spread the sauce over the salad. Put it in beautiful dish and sprinkle with wheat croutons on top before serving.

Lean cod liver salad without eggs

A healthy delicacy is allowed to be consumed instead of fish on certain days of fasting. Even without eggs and mayonnaise, a salad can be turned into a delicious dish.

Boil a couple of potato tubers in their skins. Peel them. Cut into thin slices. Spread them over the first layer of lettuce.

The second tier will be pickled onions. It must be prepared in advance by cutting it into half rings and soaking it in vinegar. How to pickle onions, it was said at the beginning of the article. Put it in as much as necessary. Sprinkle some chopped herbs on top.

The last layer is cod liver. If using canned, remove from the jar and divide into large pieces.

Use canned oil as a sauce. Pour it into a separate bowl and stir in a teaspoon of mustard. Add some salt and ground pepper. Pour this dressing over the salad.

With prunes

In the menus of cafes and restaurants, this salad is called "Tenderness". It really has a very delicate and mild flavor. Spicy liver and sweetish prunes create an exquisite combination.

For the salad, you need to boil 4 potato tubers. Of vegetables, we also need 3 small boiled carrots... Hard boil 4 eggs. Wash and pour boiling water over about 150 grams of selected pitted prunes.

We will prepare the dish from canned seafood. The mass of the liver without fat should be 200 grams. Finally, add a little spiciness by adding a head of onions.

Vegetables as well chicken proteins rub on a coarse grater. Grind the yolks on a grater with fine holes. Chop the onions very finely. Cut the prunes into small pieces. Mash the liver with a fork until the consistency of a paste.

We will lay out the salad in layers. With the help of a metal ring, we will make separate portions. Place the dish in the middle of the plate and place the potatoes, liver, onions, prunes, white, carrots and yolk in order. We coat each tier with mayonnaise. After the liver, first put onions, and only then mayonnaise.

Under this general name, dishes are united, which are decorated in an appropriate way. The composition of the salad itself can be completely different. Let's take a look at one of the examples.

Take the contents of one can of cod delicacy, a couple of boiled eggs, and three boiled potatoes in their skins. Lovers spicy taste can add pickled onions to the salad.

Put boiled potatoes, grated through large holes, on the first layer. Lubricate it with mayonnaise, lightly tamp it with a spoon. With the second layer, smooth out the liver, mashed with a fork, lightly seasoning with mayonnaise. As the next layer, lay out the grated egg whites... This tier is also missed. Let's decorate the last layer with chopped yolks.

Your guests will not go hungry if salad in tartlets is served for the buffet table.

For the filling, take 120-150 grams of cod liver. Add two boiled eggs to it and knead everything together with a fork until the consistency of a paste.

Grate raw carrots and cut into small cubes one onion. Fry them until golden brown in vegetable oil with the addition of a drop of salt and sugar. We put vegetables on a paper towel, remove excess fat.

Mix the liver and egg mass with pre-fried carrot and onion pieces. Add 4 tablespoons of canned corn to these. Season with mayonnaise to taste. Divide the salad into tartlets. Hearty and spicy appetizer ready.

Do not be afraid to show your imagination, combine products as you see fit. Cod liver works well with many ingredients. Therefore, you can easily take any of the proposed recipes as a basis and add something special to it.

Countless varieties of salads are created based on this particular ingredient. The variety of their content will satisfy even true gourmets... In addition to salads, you can make a lot of snacks, pates and original sandwiches... In addition to treats made using canned food familiar to everyone, culinary masterpieces made from fresh liver are very popular. It has a delicate structure and unique taste.

Most often, cod liver is found in recipes with these five foods:

In the process of stewing with various sauces and seasonings, a wide palette of aroma and taste of the product is revealed. It has a rich vitamin composition and a high content of vitamin A. It is from cod that natural fish oil is produced. It is the liver that is considered the fattest organ of fish, therefore the whole complex of trace elements contained in fish oil is present in it. As a result, we get a product that is not only tasty, but also has a positive effect on health - if consumed in moderate portions. Recipes for dishes with cod liver will not only give you an aesthetic pleasure - the result will be useful in many ways. However, it must be remembered that the ingredient used must meet quality criteria.