Home / Bakery / Bavarian potato salad. Bavarian salad - unique versatility of tastes Bavaria salad recipe

Bavarian potato salad. Bavarian salad - unique versatility of tastes Bavaria salad recipe

Bavarian salad with chicken is one of the most favorite and often found in European restaurants. This is not surprising, since the ethnic roots of Europe are, of course, "Kaiser", which could not but affect the taste preferences of Europeans.

Cooking German dishes is simple and affordable, at the same time it is always tasty, presentable and high in calories, which is important especially in the cold season. At the same time, the calorie content does not compete with the vitamin component of soups, salads and snacks.

Germany is divided into separate regions - lands, each of which has its own well-preserved culture and cuisine. Despite the similarities, the food served with a meal in individual German states is still very different. Informal leadership on diversity and taste characteristics the kitchens belong to Bavaria, the largest German state.

Bavarian salad known all over the world, its fame extends far beyond the borders of Germany. This is definitely one of the most exquisite dishes German cuisine. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation in Bavaria itself, but the main components are seasonal vegetables, cabbage or herbs, beans, apples, bread, meat filler and honey-mustard dressing.

Despite the fact that initially the Bavarian salad was served with traditional veal sausages, but now in Munich restaurants, Bavarian salad is increasingly made with chicken. There are many variations on this theme, including Arabic and Chinese fancy salads based on a Bavarian recipe, the same part of the recipe remains the same. honey mustard sauce.

How to make bavarian chicken salad - 4 varieties

Traditional Bavarian salad: how to make it

To find from a wide variety of salads classic dish, you need to turn to German traditions. Traditional recipe undoubtedly based on traditional products - this meat sausages and hunting sausages, cabbage, potatoes and apples. Bavarian salad, even in the old days, changed depending on the season. In summer it was served with fresh vegetables, in winter with potatoes and sauerkraut.

At all times - it was a dish for every day, so it was prepared from the products available in the kitchen. Bavarian salad is more of a collective name and a whole group of recipes with common ingredients that can vary depending on the cooking conditions.

German cuisine is more "rough" or rather generally accessible, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most beloved and delicious. Do not forget that beer was also served with the salad, so all products should be combined with a traditional German drink, as well as high-calorie ones, in order to absorb the degree when consumed.


Edible greens

  • summer: lettuce, arugula, spinach, Chinese cabbage, finely chopped fresh cabbage with carrots, a little parsley, celery leaves and stalk, asparagus;
  • winter: potatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, Chinese cabbage.

Vegetables and fruits

  • summer: zucchini, zucchini, fresh carrots, sweet peppers, bitter peppers in pods, tomatoes, fresh green pea, apples, fresh potatoes, onion;
  • winter: fresh or pickled apples and pears, beans, canned peas, corn and beans, pickled peppers, Sun-dried tomatoes and peppers, potatoes, onions;
  • Meat dressing: chicken, duck, goose fillets or legs, traditional veal sausages and sausages, as well as ham can also be added.
  • Dried fruits, nuts and seeds: flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, white and black sesame seeds, nuts, raisins.
  • Seasonings: cumin, fennel, black pepper, Bay leaf for cooking chicken.
  • Bread filler: toasted bavarian buns.
  • Sauce: honey, mustard in powder and grains (ready-made mustard), vegetable oil and / or mayonnaise.


When preparing a Bavarian salad, there are no clear proportions of ingredients, Bavarian housewives and chefs do everything by eye, and the amount of ingredients is only approximate. The proportions can be changed depending on preference. It should be borne in mind that salad is a full-fledged main course. Vegetables, in addition to meat, play the role of a side dish, to which you can add various flavors in the form of fresh and dried fruits, canned corn, nuts and dried fruits.

Some cafes serve Bavarian salad with fresh and caramelized apples. This is in keeping with the spirit of traditional German cuisine.

Summer Bavarian Chicken Salad can be prepared as follows. First, make a honey mustard sauce (or get it ready-made at the supermarket), which will serve not only as a dressing, but also as a marinade for the chicken.

For home cooking, you will need 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, a small package of ready-made mustard (2-3 tablespoons). If you use mustard powder in the same volume, you need to add more oil, add mustard seeds to the sauce, 1-2 tbsp. l honey, salt and wine vinegar to taste.

Marinate with sauce chicken fillet and grill, in the oven, or in a skillet. The longer the meat is marinated, the less time it takes to fry.

The sauce can be added to a salad or served in a portioned saucepan. Each variant guarantees its own advantages and flavors.

The salad can be served in a deep platter, on a salad or serving plate. The sauce is added to a Bavarian salad in a portioned plate or served in a separate portioned saucepan. In this regard, there is no single approach, but German housewives advise to mix all the ingredients so that the tastes “get married” and the components of the salad are saturated with juices.

First, lettuce leaves, arugula are laid out, other vegetables are added, for example, ready-made beans, Bell pepper slices, onions in half rings, a little greenery for flavor. All this is gently mixed, chicken pieces are laid out on top of a plate and poured with honey-mustard dressing. Use black sesame seeds for decoration, they also give the chicken a pleasant spicy flavor.

The winter version of the salad can be made from sauerkraut to be stewed with thyme and bay leaf in chicken broth... Fried chicken is placed on top of such a side dish and poured with honey-mustard sauce. For spice add walnuts and pickled apples. Also cumin, fennel, pepper, salt and a little sugar are added to Bavarian salads.

An instructional video on how to make a Bavarian salad with veal sausages and beans can be viewed at the link below. This is one of the traditional recipes.

Bavaria is known for its natural beauty and the best ski resorts. Mushrooms are also included in the diet of the Germans, respectively, there is no reason not to prepare a Bavarian salad with a classic combination of chicken and fried mushrooms... We offer you another recipe for a summer Bavarian salad with honey mustard sauce, claiming to be dietary.

A winter version of this salad can be made with smoked chicken and pickled mushrooms.


For salad

  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • 1 hand onion for salad;
  • 1 mushroom onion;
  • 200-300 g chicken breast;
  • 200 g of any mushrooms, better than forest ones, but you can also replace mushrooms;
  • 1-2 sweet peppers;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes optional.

For the sauce

  • 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 4 tablespoons dijon mustard;
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp white wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp yellow mustard;
  • 0.5-1 tsp paprika.


Chicken is fried in pieces in a pan with a little oil, dried on napkins. Mushrooms are fried with onions in a pan. Vegetables and lettuce are cut and placed in a salad plate, mixed with each other and the mushrooms. Chicken is laid out on top and honey-mustard sauce is added.

The sauce can be prepared with table vinegar and with the addition of ordinary mustard, so that the dressing acquires a yellowish tint, add the grated boiled yolk.

How to prepare honey mustard sauce, you can watch the video:

Another classic Bavarian salad with chicken, spinach and spices

This recipe is a variation of the fried chicken legs and Bavarian salad, as it is served on a salad pillow. These two recipes combine the use of traditional Bavarian herbs, as well as spices borrowed from Asia for a long time - fennel and caraway.



  • chicken legs;
  • a mixture of mountain herbs and spices (can be replaced with Provencal herbs);
  • 1 tsp fennel;
  • 1 tsp cumin;
  • 1 tsp coriander;
  • 1 tsp rosemary;
  • 1 tbsp red pepper;
  • 1 tsp garlic powder;
  • 1 tsp onion powder.
  • wheat flour mixed with ground dill;
  • vegetable oil for the marinade.

Spinach pillow

  • 200 g spinach;
  • 1 onion;
  • a pinch of fennel and caraway seeds;
  • 50 g young garlic or garlic arrows;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • honey mustard 200 gr.


Prepare the marinade by mixing the seasonings with flour and butter. The chicken is coated and marinated for at least 30-40 minutes. Fried until brown. The spinach is heated in oil with garlic and spices. The chicken is served on a spinach pillow and poured with honey-mustard sauce.

Detailed description: Bavarian salad classic recipe from available ingredients and detailed information on cooking taken from several sources.

Bavarian salad - one of the options for traditional german salads... Sufficiently satisfying, moderately spicy, men like him very much. The characteristic fruity-nutty flavor of emmental cheese gives this recipe a special piquancy. But for real gourmets, you can advise a little trick that will give the salad a unique taste and aroma - this is pumpkin seed oil. Just spice it on the salad and you just won't be able to tear yourself away from it. It keeps well in the refrigerator, you can take it with you to a picnic or just eat it freshly prepared.

Ingredients (for 3-4 people):

  • 200 g sausages (Vienna, Munich or any other - no fillers)
  • 150 g emmental cheese (can also be used on any other hard cheese, but emmental is still better)
  • 150 g pickled cucumbers (gherkins)
  • 100 g Yalta onion
  • 4 tablespoons gherkin brine
  • 4 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil (pumpkin seed oil is best)
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • sea ​​salt
  • black bread

Bavarian salad recipe:

1. Cut sausages and cheese into strips, gherkins into cubes and onions into half rings. Mix in a salad bowl.

2. Add gherkin brine, wine vinegar and pumpkin seed oil. Season with salt, pepper and mix all the ingredients. Leave the salad to soak in the dressing for half an hour

3. Serve with a slice of toasted fresh brown bread.

Bon Appetit!

Traditional Bavarian cuisine is distinguished by its delicious and hearty dishes. Even salads are not served as an appetizer in it, but are served separately or as a side dish for meat. This can be explained by the fact that they are very nutritious. These include meat products, cheese and fresh vegetables... Traditionally, the Bavarian salad contains sausages or german sausages, pickles, cheese and herbs. You can add other vegetables, such as tomatoes or the German favorite cabbage. There is another version of the classic "Bavarian" salad - potato. This is also a very satisfying and tasty dish.

Features of Bavarian salads

They all contain meat products. Most often these are sausages, smoked sausage or brisket. But such salads are also common with chicken. The Bavarian salad is distinguished by its aromatic and moderate hot spices... Most often it is vinegar, mustard, black pepper and herbs. Refills mainly special sauce, which is prepared separately. But there are options with mayonnaise, sour cream or olive oil... The ingredients in Bavarian salads are most often cut into strips. But you can cut them into cubes, and sometimes small gherkins are put whole.

"Bavarian" chicken salad

except sausages Lean white meat is often used in traditional German dishes. It is gentle yet nutritious. It is also included in the composition of Bavarian salads.

1. Classic salad with beans and mushrooms - quite satisfying and has unusual taste... It is very simple to prepare it: mix everything and season with mayonnaise. What is included in it? Smoked chicken breast, canned beans, marinated mushrooms, onion and greens. Salt and pepper are added to taste.

2. The "Bavarian" salad with chicken and croutons turns out to be tasty and nutritious. Cooking is quick and easy: smoked chicken, cut tomatoes and hard cheese into cubes and mix, season with mayonnaise with grated garlic and pepper. Before serving, add croutons from white bread, dried with paprika and salt.

The proposed Bavarian salad combines popular German sausages with vegetables and cheese. It is not difficult to prepare and the hospitable hostess will not only welcome guests, but also treat them. hearty salad... It takes about 25-30 minutes for a dish with delicate taste already flaunted on the table. Cheese and herbs will add piquancy to it. At the same time, it is quite economical in material terms. The suggested amount of food is sufficient to prepare 5 servings of salad.

Turning ordinary foods into delicious salad

  • 5 pieces. sausages;
  • 2 pcs. a tomato;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 150 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 bunch of greens;
  • spices (salt, pepper) - to taste.

The sequence of preparation - what for what

  1. First of all, lightly boil the sausages. While the sausages are boiling and cooling ...
  2. We clean and cut onions in half rings. Fill it with boiling water for a few minutes so that the bitterness goes away.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes and pour into a salad bowl.
  4. Cut the cooled sausages into rings and add to the cheese.
  5. Add onions.
  6. Cut the tomatoes into cubes last so that they do not give excess juice.
  7. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  8. We fill with mayonnaise and mix everything gently.
  9. Sprinkle with herbs "artistically" on top.

Bavarian salad, the recipe of which is offered by German cuisine, can be served on the table as holiday dish and good for family dinner.

Bavarian cuisine is a real man's products and dishes, spicy, hearty and aromatic potato dishes with meat, sausage or chicken, as well as with the addition of various vegetables, spices and hot mustard. Even ordinary salads are independent, extremely nutritious dishes here, well suited to various alcoholic beverages, and especially for beer, as a snack. All of them refer to the same win-win options that are always appropriate on any table, be it a hearty home dinner or a festive meal. It doesn't matter what you add to the treat as the main ingredient - spicy sausages, smoked meat, bacon or fish. In the end, you will still end up with a deliciously delicious Bavarian salad meant to be admired.

Recipe one: Bavarian salad with smoked sausage

Those who have ever visited Germany or are just a fan local cuisine, know that a variety of sausages and sausages have long become a real brand there, which is added to most specialty dishes - hot or salad. At the same time, depending on the type of product and its specific taste characteristics, it is possible to obtain completely different dishes at the exit. We offer you a classic recipe for a Bavarian salad with smoked sausage.

We will need:

  • Smoked sausage (your choice) - 350 grams;
  • Medium pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.;
  • Red onion - 4 pcs.;
  • Cheese - 180 grams;
  • Green onions - 50 grams;
  • Fresh parsley - 50 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Hot mustard - 1 tbsp l .;
  • Vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp l .;
  • A mixture of peppers or ground black - ½ tsp;
  • Salt - ½ tsp


  1. We chop the smoked sausage into thin cubes or circles, if we have it of small diameter;
  2. We will cut the cheese into small neat cubes;
  3. Peel the red onion, rinse, then divide along. Then we chop each half very thinly into half rings;
  4. Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly from the brine, chop them into thin long slices, almost straws;
  5. We must rinse all the greens several times, then let them dry until the moisture completely disappears. Next, chop the parsley not too finely, and chop the onion with small rings;
  6. Now let's make the sauce for our treat: mix mayonnaise with a whisk with vinegar, sour cream and mustard, as well as salt and ground peppers. Beat the whole mixture for evenness;
  7. Let's assemble our Bavarian sausage salad as required original recipe: in a deep container, combine the sausage, chopped cheese, half rings of red onion, chopped pickled cucumbers, as well as all the greens. Season with prepared sauce, mix everything;
  8. Let the salad mix "rise" and soak for a quarter of an hour;
  9. Put it in a transparent salad bowl, decorate it at your discretion. And that's all, hearty and moderately spicy Bavarian food is ready!

Tip: if the original recipe for Bavarian sausage salad seems too harsh and spicy to you, soften it with the addition of chopped boiled egg, and replace the smoked sausage with tender ham.

Second recipe: Bavarian salad with chicken, tomatoes and cheese

What is the basic rule of Bavarian "men's" salads? Of course, this is satiety, moderate pungency and unique taste. This is exactly what our next recipe with chicken and tomatoes is. V classic version sauce, it also has Dijon mustard (in grains), which is difficult to find in our country. Therefore, we have simplified the creation process a bit. However, you can always add a couple of tablespoons of ordinary table hot mustard if you want a little spicier.

We will need:

  • Grilled chicken (at worst, fresh) - 250 grams;
  • Dutch cheese - 100 grams;
  • Paprika powder - ½ tsp;
  • Sour cream - 50 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 50 grams;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Fresh garlic - 3 teeth;
  • A mixture of crushed peppers - 1 tsp;
  • White loaf - 200 grams.


  1. First, let's decide on the chicken. With the grill option, everything is simple - we separate the meat from the bones, remove the skin, then tear it into fibers or chop it with a knife. If we do not have a ready-made bird, we must first bake it in the oven with salt and spices, and then cut it in the same sequence;
  2. We're done with the chicken, now let's get to the croutons. We cut the loaf into thin slices, and then each of them into small cubes. On a large baking sheet, cover the bottom with baking paper, carefully lay out the pieces of bread in rows. Sprinkle with ground paprika on top, and then fine salt... Preheat the oven to 150 degrees, put our baking sheet there until the loaf is dry and slightly browned;
  3. Peel the garlic, rinse, then knead it into porridge with a garlic maker;
  4. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly and wipe them off. We will chop them into large cubes;
  5. We will also cut the cheese, but in pieces as small as possible;
  6. Prepare a salad dressing with chicken: mix mayonnaise, garlic and a mixture of crushed peppers with sour cream. Add salt, beat everything with a fork or a whisk;
  7. Now we will complete the creation of our dish: in a beautiful transparent salad bowl, combine cheese with chicken, tomatoes and sauce. Mix everything;
  8. Sprinkle the treat with hot croutons evenly on top, and then quickly serve it on the table, since the tomatoes give juice.

Tip: Use a very sharp knife to cut soft bread into croutons, otherwise the texture of the product will be crumpled and lose its airiness.

Third recipe: Bavarian salad with hunting sausages, bacon and potatoes

Hunting sausages are as popular in Germany as smoked sausages for their amazing taste qualities... Bavarian salad made from them can be a great snack for beer, hearty dish for dinner or, served in a special way, with an original treat on festive feast... Eating just a small portion will leave you feeling full, as this dish is very filling, rich in fats and carbohydrates. Among other things, this recipe is also attractive because it takes no more than 20 minutes to cook it, which makes it a "haste" option.

We will need:

  • Hunting sausages long - 3 pcs .;
  • Pickled gherkins - 14 pcs.;
  • Medium potatoes - 1 tuber;
  • Frozen green peas - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp l .;
  • Sliced ​​bacon - 1 pack;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Parsley - twigs by number of servings.


  1. First, wash, clean the potatoes from the soil, fill cold water and set to cook. After boiling, add salt. We leave for 10 minutes;
  2. While the vegetable is cooking, cut our hunting sausages into thin rings;
  3. Grind the gherkins in the same way;
  4. Heat water in a saucepan, boil frozen green peas in it. For this procedure, 3 minutes will be enough;
  5. Cut half of the bacon into large slices, and leave the second part for decoration;
  6. While we were preparing the rest of the ingredients, our potato tuber had already boiled. Give it another 5 minutes to cool, then peel and chop into 1 cm cubes;
  7. Rinse the parsley thoroughly, let it dry;
  8. Now let's put all the ingredients together: potatoes, chopped bacon, chopped sausages, pickled gherkins and boiled green peas. Stir and season with olive oil. Add salt to your taste;
  9. Using a special forming ring, lay out the salad in a neat slide in the middle of a flat portioned plate, press a little, giving density and shape;
  10. Remove the ring, wrap the diameter of the dish with whole slices of thin bacon. Decorate the top of the dish with a sprig of parsley.

Tip: If you do not have a special ring for serving salads, you can easily make one yourself by cutting it out of a plastic milk bottle. At the same time, you do not have to spend money on this device.

- this is very popular dish, both in Germany and Austria. The dish is common, common and delicious. In our family, I often cook German-Austrian potato salad because we love him very much, and for my husband, this is also the taste of childhood. My mother-in-law, half German, used to make this salad at home often, just like her German mother did. The Bavarian version of the potato salad is slightly different from the German-Austrian version. This salad is made on smoked bacon, speck, as the Bavarians call it, and not on sausages and pickled cucumbers are added to the salad. And this is one of the best potato salads I have ever made or tasted. I didn't even think that pickled cucumbers would enrich this salad with fresh taste and diversify the texture with their crunch.

Ideally, for potato salad, you need to use medium starchy potatoes. Not the kind that completely boiled down, but also not so waxy, which keeps its shape too well. With the first, there will be mashed potatoes, not a salad, and the second will not absorb the aromatic marinade and it will drain from the potatoes. Therefore, a golden mean is needed here. Although this is also a matter of taste. The mother-in-law crumples potatoes in a frying pan so that it absorbs the marinade better and she has more mashed potatoes than a salad. Someone wants perfectly shaped potato slices ...

If you wish, you can leave the potatoes in the marinade for longer. Even for a day. Reheat everything together just before serving. Or you can serve it cold. Someone serves potato salad warm, others chilled. As for me, it is delicious warm, but not hot. Then its spice is most felt and the consistency of the potatoes is very pleasant.


  • 500 gram potatoes, boil until tender in their uniforms
  • 150 grams of bacon
  • 1 small onion, cut into half rings
  • 100g pickled cucumbers, cut into slices, or half circles if the cucumbers are large
  • Salt to taste
  • A generous serving of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/3 bunch of chives, finely chopped

For refueling:

  • 100 ml
  • 2 tsp mustard (not hot)
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil

1) Peel the potatoes, cut each into 4 pieces lengthwise and cut each quarter into thick slices.

2) In a small bowl, combine all the dressing ingredients and stir until smooth.

3) Brown the bacon in a dry skillet. Melt out as much fat as possible.