Home / Khachapuri / Dried meat cooking method. Dried meat - the best recipes for cooking a delicacy at home

Dried meat cooking method. Dried meat - the best recipes for cooking a delicacy at home

In ancient times, drying was one of the most effective ways creating stocks of meat. If a successful hunter brought large prey (for example, deer or elk), they tried to process a significant part of the carcass so that the meat did not deteriorate and was stored for as long as possible. With exact observance of technological conditions, the process was safe and provided quite decent results. taste qualities finished product.

A modern hostess does not need to solve everyday problems, familiar to her distant predecessors. Today, dried meat is considered a delicious delicacy that is easy to prepare even for a beginner who is not too experienced in culinary wisdom. Our article is addressed to those who want to learn how to dry meat properly.

Feedstock Selection and Precautions

You can dry beef, horse meat, goat meat, lamb and even pork, as well as poultry meat (chicken, duck, turkey) and various game. For blanks of this kind, only low-fat raw materials are suitable, preferably taken from adult animals. To dry meat, choose dense muscle tissue (for example, tenderloin); from poultry carcasses, breasts are most often processed. Some experts are skeptical about the possibility of curing pork. The fact is that the density of pig meat is lower, and the fat content is higher than, for example, that of beef or horse meat, which does not have the best effect on the fermentation process itself. In addition, pork is much more likely to be infected with worm eggs, which can be preserved in the finished delicacy.

To avoid health problems, you need to learn the following. During the drying process, the meat is not subjected to heat treatment. The only protection against dangerous diseases in this case is salt, which inhibits the vital activity of pathogens. Of course, products that are sold by official sellers undergo sanitary checks, but this does not mean that the possibility of the presence of pathogenic organisms in them is completely excluded. If you decide to dry the meat yourself, scrupulously follow all the requirements of the technology (especially the salting time) and do not purchase raw materials from random suppliers.

If you decide to dry the meat yourself, carefully follow all the requirements of the technology (especially the salting time) and do not purchase raw materials from random suppliers

Preparation of meat and methods of salting it

The meat intended for harvesting must be washed well, dried and cut into not very thick pieces (strips) that do not contain films and layers of fat (400-800 g each). There are three main recipes for curing meat at home.

wet way

The meat is kept in brine, then dried. We offer detailed recipe:

Dry way

Combined method

The curing process of meat

After you have salted the meat in one of the three ways suggested above, proceed to curing. The first stage is smearing the salted pieces with spices. A mixture of spices is prepared to taste. It may include various types of ground peppers (necessarily hot red pepper - a natural preservative), sweet paprika, coriander, star anise or mustard seeds, cumin, cloves, cumin, juniper berries, dried garlic and any spices. Seasonings are evenly ground and rubbed with a mixture of pieces of meat.

Raw materials are wrapped in gauze (each piece separately) and placed in a clean, dry dish. The meat should lie in the refrigerator for at least 1 week, then it is taken out and again rubbed with a mixture of spices. Each piece is wrapped in clean gauze and tied with a strong thread so that it can be hung.

Pieces of meat are packed in clean gauze and tied with a strong thread so that they can be hung (drying meat in a suspended state is correct)

To create optimal fermentation conditions, raw materials must be kept in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place at an optimum temperature of 4 to 25 ℃ (up to 40 ℃ is acceptable). Important: do not dry meat in the sun.

For poultry meat, the process ends after a few days (maximum after a week), but to completely dry strips of beef or horse meat, it will take from 2 weeks to 1 month. In the cold season, meat is best hung on a balcony or ventilated loggia. You can even lay out a small amount of raw materials on the kitchen window (with the window constantly open), but so that the pieces do not touch each other.

In the photo you see hanging pieces of cured meat (no gauze or other fabric, just rolled in spices)

Those who often dry meat on their own make portable dryers that have special slats or grates for hanging raw materials. In the warm season, keep the product outdoors is not worth it: it can deteriorate from the heat or suffer from flies. In the summer, it is better to bring the meat to readiness right in the refrigerator, hanging small pieces between the shelves or laying them directly on the wire racks (in this case, they will often have to be turned over).

How to dry meat in an electric dryer

To dry meat, you can use the oven and dryer. With an electric dryer, organizing the process is easier. In this case, the raw material is immediately cut into slices no more than 1 cm thick. The pieces are kept for about 1 hour in a marinade made from vegetable oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, sugar, mustard and spices (the ingredients are mixed in an arbitrary ratio, as you like). Then the meat is laid out on dryer trays and processed at maximum convection at a temperature of 60 ℃ for 6-8 hours (in the middle of the process, the slices must be turned over). The finished product turns out to be quite soft, but, according to connoisseurs, it is much inferior in taste to air-dried meat.

We offer you to watch a video in which the owner tells how he makes jerky at home (dried small pieces of pork and turkey) using an electric dryer.

Storage of jerky

Storage jerky provides maximum protection against moisture. Therefore, it is best to place the finished product in a tightly closed container.

Dried meat can be frozen. In an airtight package, it will lie for 10-12 months.

Pieces can be wrapped in parchment or shifted with paper napkins, which will absorb the condensation that has appeared. In this form, the meat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. If you pack the product in airtight bags, which then put in the freezer, it will retain its taste and aroma and remain usable for a year.

Dried meat is not difficult, it is important to preserve it. Storage involves its maximum protection from moisture. Therefore, it is best to place the finished product in a tightly closed container.

Our article is about curing meat at home. In this sense, pork is not the most suitable product (jamon, for example, you can’t make it at home): it is more likely than other types of meat to be infected with “all sorts of filth”. This means that very careful salting is required to minimize the risks. In addition, pork is much softer and fatter than the meat of other animals and rots faster. It turns out that processing it without warming up and without very a large number salt is not safe.
Do you know why religions, originally born in hot countries, are against eating pork? This is an ancient sanitary norm, which turned out to be so important that it was reborn into a religious dogma. The point is not that pigs cannot be bred in the desert (they live and breed anywhere). It is important that their meat in the heat immediately begins to deteriorate, which is fraught with severe poisoning.

We hope that our tips on how to dry meat will be useful to you. Please share your experience in the comments.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

Text: Emma Murga

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Meat has always been, is and will be the main product in the diet of a healthy person, since it is the main supplier of protein to our body.

Against the backdrop of a great variety of meat products, dried meat is of particular value. It is an exclusively natural product in which the necessary nutrients are accumulated in the most natural form.

Dried meat is free from excess moisture due to proper drying. It does not contain "chemistry", any artificial flavors.

Dried meat is a universally recognized delicacy. Everyone has heard the sonorous names of various meat products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry. These are jamon, prosciutto, basturma and many others. In fact, such meat unconditionally bypasses in terms of taste, nutritional value and usefulness of any protein products, including fish and other seafood.

Its only drawback is the use of a significant amount of table salt during drying. Because of this, dried meat products are harmful to people suffering from obesity, kidney and heart diseases.

In general, when using dried meat, moderation is needed; it has no other shortcomings.

Variety of cured meats

There are a lot of recipes for how to cook jerky. This technology has been used since ancient times by different peoples for salting and drying a wide variety of meat.

The technique of nomadic eastern peoples is well known, when pieces raw meat placed under the horse's saddle. The meat under the influence of heat, shaking, the mass of the rider, the salty sweat of the animal was compressed, losing excess moisture. The resulting meat product could be stored in warm weather for a long time.

Farmers quickly adopted this effective technology from the nomads. The meat began to be cooked, salted, and then hung out to dry in the fresh air. This technique made it possible to save all useful material contained in fresh meat: protein, vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.

One of the most famous dried meat delicacies in the gastronomic world, of course, is jamon. This is a purely Spanish "history". Jamon is made from the meat of several specially bred breeds of pigs. The hind legs of animals, that is, hams, are used. Jamon in Spanish means "ham".

There are two main types of this delicacy. The regular serrano jamon is made from white pigs. Much more expensive Iberico jamon is dried from acorn-fed black pigs.

Their hams are produced in almost all provinces of Spain, except for coastal ones. They even have their own quality mark, just like for wines.

The process of making jamon is quite lengthy and labor-intensive. Pork legs are salted for several days, depending on the mass. Then dried from six months to three years. It is important at what temperature to withstand it. Jamon acquires its characteristic taste and aroma during ripening in cellars at temperatures up to 10 degrees Celsius.

It is customary to cut jamon using a special stand, jamonera, into very thin strips (slices). This art is even specially taught. Mastering all the intricacies of the profession in Spain is called a cortador.

Sliced ​​jamon at home can potentially be stored indefinitely. The main thing - do not forget to lubricate the cut with olive oil. In practice, such breathtakingly delicious delicacies do not stay in storage for a long time.

If jamon is a Spanish ham, then prosciutto is an Italian ham. This word in Italy refers to ham made from the ham itself. High Quality, with the addition of only one ingredient - sea salt.

The most famous prosciutto is made in the vicinity of Parma. For this, pigs are specially fattened with corn, fruits, parmesan whey. Pork hams are salted dry, and then dried for 10-12 months. The result is a dry, firm texture with exceptional flavor.

AT Italian cuisine Prosciutto is usually eaten cold, added to any dishes only at the very end of their preparation. The most common prosciutto recipe is bruschetta with ham and other ingredients. It is also traditional to serve this meat with slices of melon, figs, pears.

The prosciutto recipe has long been borrowed by the cuisines of the Balkan countries. For example, a national dish The Republic of Montenegro is called Prshut.

They know a lot about Italy and dry-cured veal. The finished tenderloin there is called bresaola. The meat is covered with a layer of salt and ground black pepper, kept for two weeks. The veal is then hung out to mature outdoors for five weeks. The final stage is ripening in the cellar with more low temperatures another two or three weeks. Dried meat slowly loses moisture, acquiring a bright red color, an excellent salty-sweet taste and a light spicy aroma.

Bresaola is cut into thin slices when serving. They suit her well olive oil, fresh ground pepper, lemon. In restaurants, it is served in the form of carpaccio with mushroom sauce and parmesan.


This is another variation on the theme of beef tenderloin, popular in the countries of Asia Minor and the Middle East.

The tenderloin is salted, pressed to a characteristic shape, removing excess moisture. Then the meat is dipped in a special pasty mixture of fenugreek (chaman), garlic, red and black pepper. Ready meat "cylinders" are dried. When serving, basturma is cut into thin slices and eaten as cold appetizer.

This is a wonderful meat delicacy from Tyrol. It is prepared from the thigh of a pig, cleaning it from the skin, part of the fat, removing the bone. Then the meat is salted for a month with a variety of spices: juniper berries, garlic, pepper, bay leaf.

An important technique in the technology of sinter production is intermediate smoking for ten days using wood (beech, juniper). Final maturation takes about six months.

The result is a very versatile thing. Pink-red speck has a good balance of meat and fat, fragrant, spicy taste. This is an extremely successful version of jerky for beer or wine.

It is also served with cheese or used as a ready-made meat ingredient for vegetables, salads and snacks from them

How to dry meat with your own hands

How to cook flavorful beef

You will need:

  • beef - about 10 kg;
  • for this amount of meat - 2 liters of water;
  • half a kilo of salt;
  • currant leaves;
  • allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ginger root;
  • cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the washed beef from tendons, films. Cut all available meat into slices with a thickness of 5 cm.
  2. Prepare brine. Ginger root, peeled and chopped small cube. Rinse currant leaves, dry. Boil water, add salt, mix thoroughly. Place currant leaves, ginger, cinnamon sticks and all other spices in water. Boil the brine for 10 minutes.
  3. Then lower the meat layers in turn into the bubbling brine, hold for 3 minutes. Then set aside to cool. Dried for 10 days at a temperature of about 20 degrees in a dark and dry room with good ventilation.

How to make lamb in the east

You will need:

  • lamb - about 10 kg;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g ground fenugreek;
  • allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the washed meat from tendons, films, excess fat, cut into layers 5 cm thick.
  2. To boil water. Add salt, mix well. Add finely chopped ginger root, fenugreek seeds and other spices. Boil the brine for about 10 minutes. Soak the meat for 3 minutes in brine, then set aside.
  3. Chilled meat should be properly dried in a dark, dry room that is well ventilated. Lamb will be ready to eat after 10 days of drying at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

Dried meat recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

You will need:

  • two turkey fillets;
  • 250 g of sea salt;
  • 50 g of cognac;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black, red pepper;
  • paprika;
  • turmeric;
  • curry;
  • dry garlic;
  • sugar;
  • oregano.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of all spices, add salt, cognac. Mix everything, rub the poultry meat with the mixture.
  2. Put it on a pre-prepared "litter" of salt, put a few bay leaves on top, sprinkle with salt. Marinate the turkey in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Clean the prepared meat from salt, spices, dry with paper towels. Wrap the turkey in gauze, hang it on the refrigerator rack for two days.

How to dry chicken properly

You will need:

  • chicken carcasses - 10 kg;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • ground black, red pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the washed chicken carcasses, peel the skin, separate the fillet, cut it into slices. Make dressing with salt and two types of pepper. Grate the pieces with the mixture, set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Preheat oven to 50 degrees Celsius. Put the slices on the grate, send to the oven. Leave the door ajar. Dry for 12 hours. You can make jerky in the dryer.

In addition to the widespread beef, pork, lamb, poultry, other types of meat are also dried. Traditionally, this technology is used to cook venison, rabbits, geese, bear meat, locust meat, and wild birds.

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How to cook jerky at home to treat yourself to a delicious delicacy and surprise your family and guests with your culinary skills? Read homemade jerky recipe from tochka.net- real jam!

By the way, if you literally now decide on this recipe, then you will get a great meat treat just in time. So write down the recipe, buy necessary ingredients and cook jerky.

Drying, in addition to smoking and is one of the most effective and delicious ways long-term storage products. With the help of drying, you can prepare meat or fish products for the future, as well as create a truly magnificent delicacy - dried meat.

It will require quite a lot of time and effort from you, and most importantly - endurance. After all, it is unusually fragrant and delicious treat, so it will be difficult for you to resist and not eat it until the end of the production process.

Dried meat cooked by hand allows you to have no doubts about its quality and composition, because it does not contain preservatives and fillers harmful to the body - everything is only natural. Therefore, such meat can not only fit well into cutting into festive table, but also used on weekdays instead of purchased smoked sausage.

To make jerky, you will need:

  • 1 kg pork
  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 st. spoons of salt
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar

spices for brine:

  • 2 pcs. bay leaf,
  • 5 peas of allspice,
  • 1 PC. carnations,

spices for rubdown:

  • red ground pepper,
  • black pepper,
  • allspice peas,
  • Bay leaf,
  • coriander,
  • paprika,
  • caraway,
  • rosemary.

Cooking jerky at home

Jerky at home - step 1

  1. Before you make jerky at home, prepare the brine in which it will marinate. To do this, pour salt into the water at the rate of 5 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 liter of water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved.
  2. The meat placed in the brine should float freely in the liquid, so adjust the amount of water yourself.
  3. Add sugar, bay leaf, allspice peas, cloves to the water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Let the brine stand and cool to room temperature. Take out the spices and discard.

Jerky at home - step 2

  1. Clean the meat from the veins and films, wash thoroughly and let the water drain.
  2. It is better to take fresh meat, interspersed with fat, for example, pork neck. Dried meat in this case will be moderately juicy and tasty. Frozen meat should first be thawed to room temperature and then marinated.
  3. It is advisable to choose an oblong piece of the correct rectangular shape, not very thick, otherwise the meat may not marinate well.

Jerky at home - step 3

  1. Place the meat in an enamel bowl, pour in the cooled brine so that it covers the meat. Cover and refrigerate for 1-3 days depending on how salty you want your jerky to be. The longer the meat stays in the marinade, the saltier it will turn out.
  2. Turn the meat in brine 1-2 times a day.
  3. After this time, take the meat out and dry it with a paper towel. Then put on a cutting board under oppression for about 1 hour, so that the rest of the brine comes out of the meat.

Jerky at home - step 4

  1. Prepare the spice mix for the jerky.
  2. When choosing spices, be guided by your taste. Red ground pepper is a good preservative, so there should be plenty of it.
  3. It is better to use freshly ground spices - they will make jerky more flavorful. Grind in a mortar until smooth black and allspice, coriander, paprika, cumin. Grind the bay leaf and rosemary with your hands and also rub in a mortar. Combine all the spices, add red ground pepper, salt and mix.

Jerky at home - step 5

  1. Thoroughly rub the meat with spices on all sides. Then wrap it in a clean natural fabric or parchment and tie it with a thread. Send the meat to the refrigerator to dry-roll for about 1 week.
  2. After this period, take out the meat, roll it in fresh spices, wrap again in a clean cloth and hang in a ventilated place (in the kitchen, on the veranda) for 2 weeks. The most difficult thing is not to eat jerky ahead of time.
  3. When serving jerky on the table, it is important to cut it correctly. The slices should be thin, almost transparent, so that they melt more easily in your mouth.

Bon appetit!

Dried meat is a very nutritious product that can be stored for a long time, provided that it is well packaged. One piece of such a product is enough for a person for half a day. The meat gradually swells in the stomach and is digested, the feeling of hunger does not appear for a long time. But there will be a slight thirst due to the process of absorbing the liquid, although this is nothing to worry about.

Dried meat

Such meat is a wonderful product for lovers of hiking and extreme conditions, athletes. They are very easy and quick to eat on the go, and at the same time it will provide you with a quick surge of strength and energy. And it means a lot in field conditions.

In addition, dried meat can be easily turned into regular meat. To do this, it is enough to fill it hot water and leave for an hour until it returns to its previous state. Or you can just add a piece of such a product when cooking soup.

How to cook dried meat

At home, it is quite simple to prepare it. This is an easy process. Lamb is well suited for this and better not to take it. It does not produce a normal product.

Of course, the meat must be fresh. This is the main condition. In addition, it should be completely non-greasy, without streaks.

Beef should be cut into pieces. It is better if their thickness is no more than one centimeter. But even if you get thicker pieces, it's okay. It just takes longer to cook.

The thinner you cut it, the faster the meat will dry out. Even when preparing, you need to consider for what purposes you are preparing such a product. If you will use it at home, then feel free to make thick pieces. But if you are going to take it on a hike, then the pieces must certainly be thin. This will facilitate the process of its use on the road. Agree that a thick piece will be difficult to gnaw.

Dried Meat: Homemade Recipe

The meat must be cut across the fibers so that later they do not interfere so much during the meal. We put the prepared pieces in a bowl, and we ourselves begin to prepare the brine, which we will need further.

To prepare it, we need a mixture of peppers. You can purchase a set of a combination of several of its types: red, black, white, green. But you can also independently obtain such a mixture by grinding individual species in a coffee grinder. The result will not be worse. We also need salt, bay leaf, soy sauce, sugar and boiling water.

For two kilograms of beef, the amount of ingredients will be as follows:

  1. Two full teaspoons of table salt.
  2. Also two teaspoons of a mixture of peppers.
  3. Fifty milliliters of soy sauce will be enough.
  4. A teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  5. A few chopped bay leaves.
  6. You can also add some herbs for meat.

We mix all these ingredients in one bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting solution must be stirred so that the salt is completely dissolved.

Next, pour our meat with brine, mix everything so that each piece gets its portion of salt and spices. We cover the pan with a lid, it should not receive excess air. And we send it to the refrigerator for three days. During this time, the meat will soften, soaked with salt and spices.

Sugar makes the taste of meat more tender, enhancing its flavor. Salt provides protection against the development of microorganisms. And the soy sauce gives it a special flavor. With it, dried meat at home is much tastier.

Dry meat

There is a special dryer for meat, which will facilitate the process of cooking at home. After the beef has lain in the brine, it can be placed in the dryer. And you can cook dried meat with the help of the oven. In any case, a good result is obtained.

If you have a meat dryer, place the beef pieces on wire racks. The bottom layer of meat can be stacked from more large pieces because it dries out faster.

Drying in the oven

If you decide to cook dried meat in the oven, then this is done as follows.

The oven must be preheated to seventy degrees. Beef should be cooked until completely dry. In the process, the oven must be kept slightly ajar, as the moisture will need to go somewhere.

Remember that the meat is dried with the gas turned off. Periodically, a baking sheet with beef must be taken out, and the oven must be heated. Then return the meat back to its place.

Drying will take about a day. If you cook the meat less, then it will simply lose some of the moisture, but will not dry out completely. You'll get It won't keep very long. Although it is quite suitable for a two-week trip. At first, it will be possible to eat it without additional cooking, but after a week and a half it is better to use it for making soups or for frying.

For long-term storage without a refrigerator, the meat should dry out to a stone state. The optimum temperature for the cooking process is seventy degrees. It should not be exceeded, but also reduced. At high temperatures, the meat can be fried to an unacceptable state.

You need to store dried meat in a dry place without access to air in the dark. This is very important condition. by the most the best option will pack it either in plastic bags or glass jars.

  • Thinly sliced ​​meat dries out faster and is more convenient to eat while hiking.
  • Ready beef can be held on paper for about a day before packaging. This is done in order to evaporate moisture. As experience shows, this increases the shelf life of meat without a refrigerator. And in weather conditions it is very important.
  • While in the oven, you can place a baking sheet under the wire rack. This will help keep it clean. In addition, the entire oven will have to be washed, as it retains the smell steadily.
  • Gnawing on ready-made slices of dried meat is very tasty. But you need to be careful and take care of your teeth.

Instead of an afterword

Many people want to learn how to cook dried meat. What is the name, meanwhile, of such a product, not everyone knows. Such meat is called basturma. Currently, it is considered almost a delicacy, although it was originally invented as a hiking food option for shepherds, hunters who did not return home for a long time and were forced to take a supply of food with them. And such meat was very convenient in storage and quite high-calorie.

Such a delicacy will be an excellent alternative to store-bought food or sausage. Today I will tell you the intricacies of cooking pork, beef and chicken fillet and you choose what you like more. Let's get started!

Dried pork recipe at home

Kitchen utensils and appliances: napkins or paper towels, a knife, a container with a lid or other convenient container for storing meat, a small container for mixing spices, a refrigerator.


Let's start cooking

  1. Rinse 2 kg of pork in running water and dry with paper towels.
  2. Carefully remove all fat from the meat.

  3. Sprinkle with ground black pepper to taste.

  4. Grind 7 bay leaves with your hands into small pieces.

  5. We put 0.5-1 tsp on the work surface or kitchen board. coriander and chop with a knife or rolling pin.

    In order for the spices to retain the maximum of their flavors, try not to use grinders.

  6. In a convenient container, mix the chopped bay leaf and coriander, and also add 0.5-1 tsp there. thyme and rosemary.

  7. Copiously rub the pork with prepared spices on all sides.

  8. In a container or other container that will fit the meat, pour 150 g of sea salt on the bottom.

  9. We put all the prepared pork on it and pour another 150 g of salt on top.

  10. Close the container tightly with a lid, if you don’t have one, then tighten the container cling film. We send it to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

  11. After a while, we take out the meat and rinse well with water from salt residues. Dry the pork with paper towels. We wrap it in a waffle or paper towel and send it back to the refrigerator.

    Pork is cooked this way for three weeks, while towels should be changed for fresh ones every 2 days.

  12. After a while, we take it out of the refrigerator, cut it into very thin slices and you can serve it to the table!

Video recipe for cooking jerky pork at home

You can see a detailed recipe for cooking jerky at home in the video.

Dried beef or, as they call this delicacy in Italy, Bresaola, cooks a little longer than pork. But taste ready meal well worth the time, patience and effort.

homemade beef jerky recipe

Cooking time needed: 1 month and 10 days.
Servings: 7-8.
Calories: 237 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: spade, kitchen board, grinder or mortar for grinding spices, paper towels, parchment paper, cooking rope or twine, foil, a container for marinating meat, a refrigerator.


Let's start cooking

  1. Grind 1 bunch of thyme. If fresh is not at hand, replace 2 tbsp. l. dried.

  2. Peel 1 head of garlic and pass through a press. Mix chopped garlic with thyme.

  3. Grind through a mill or grind in a mortar 8 pcs. carnations.

  4. To the mixture of thyme and garlic, add chopped cloves, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 12 g of a mixture of peppers and 1/2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

  5. Mix spices well until smooth.

  6. Lean piece of beef, weighing 1 kg, rinse well in running water and dry with paper towels. We spread the meat in a convenient container and rub it on all sides with a mixture of prepared spices.

  7. We cover our container with either a lid or foil and send it to the refrigerator for 10 days. In this case, every day the meat must be turned from one side to the other.

  8. After a while, we take it out, wash it off cold water all the spices and dry the beef with paper towels.

  9. Wrap beef in parchment paper.

  10. We take twine or any thick rope and tie the meat around in order to keep its round shape during the curing process.

  11. We hang it in the refrigerator and leave it like that for about 1 month.

    In the process of cooking, the meat will lose about 30-40% of its volume, so periodically the ropes will need to be tied up so that it is beautifully round when ready.

  12. After a month, the meat can be cut into thin slices and try!

Video recipe for homemade beef jerky

Watch an even more detailed recipe for cooking beef jerky in a short video.

Basic common truths

  • In cooking, special attention should be paid to the choice of meat. Buy exclusively fresh, not frozen, as when defrosting meat retains a lot of moisture, and may lose taste because of this.
  • In choosing the main ingredient, pay attention to its smell, texture and color. It should not have a sharp, unpleasant odor, stick to your hands. And if you press it with your finger, the dent will quickly disappear.
  • Dried meat is more convenient from uniform in width, oblong pieces. So it is best to use fillet, neck, tenderloin or carbonate.
  • You can use any spices for curing meat. But don't rule out red pepper, as it's a preservative.
  • It is not necessary to rinse the spices with water, they can simply be wiped with a napkin or paper towel. Then the taste of the finished dish will be even more intense.
  • To create a “skin” for the meat in which it will dry, you can use cheesecloth, cotton fabric, parchment or collagen film.
  • You can't do without a shell, as the meat will simply dry out and will not be edible.
  • On the finished meat, there is a high probability of the formation of white mold, or the so-called "cultural". You should not be afraid of her, her appearance indicates the correct cooking process. The main thing is that there should be no inclusions of dark dots or an unpleasant odor.
  • If the meat continues to remain soft after a while, then it may have happened that the outer crust is very dry, but inside it cannot dry out. To do this, soak it in water or marinade and repeat the whole procedure again.

homemade fried chicken breast recipe

Cooking time required: 96 hours.
Servings: 4-5.
Calories: 111 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen tools: knife, container, cling film, thin cotton cloth, paper towels or napkins, refrigerator.


Let's start cooking

  1. We wash 500 g of chicken fillet in running water, cut off all the fatty layers and remove the films.

  2. Grind 20-30 g of a mixture of peppers in a mortar.

  3. Add 50-100 g of salt to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.

  4. Marinate the chicken fillet in 50 g of cognac or vodka.

    Alcohol kills salmonella, but if you are sure about the quality of the products you use, skip this step.

  5. Rub the breasts thoroughly with a mixture of salt and pepper.

  6. We put them in a container, cover with cling film and send them to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

  7. After a while, wash off the remaining salt and pepper from the surface of the fillet with cold water and dry it with towels.

  8. We wrap the chicken breast in a thin cloth and send it again to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

  9. Everything is ready and ready to serve!

Did you know? Based on this recipe, you can cook a dried turkey at home. The only thing is to increase the time for "cooking" the meat up to 10 days.

Video recipe for cooking dried chicken breast at home

look step by step recipe, fast and easy way cooking dried chicken fillet in the video.

How to decorate and what to serve

We cut the finished dish into as thin slices as possible, the thinner they are, the tastier. You can serve it as a cut on the festive table. You can also use a cooked treat instead of store-bought sausage to make sandwiches.

In addition, it can be further used to prepare salads or other dishes. For example, you can cook. For cooking - carpaccio - you can use cooked beef jerky. Another cooking option tasty snack is an . Less high-calorie is cooked. From chicken breast It also tastes great when cooked at home.