Home / Bakery / Recipe for meatballs baked in the oven with gravy. Cutlets in the oven with sour cream sauce step by step recipe with photo

Recipe for meatballs baked in the oven with gravy. Cutlets in the oven with sour cream sauce step by step recipe with photo

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

This recipe hardly needs an introduction - cutlets with gravy are familiar to everyone since childhood and many remain a favorite dish for many years. Cutlets in the oven with gravy, step by step recipe with the photo of which you will find below, it is easy and quick to cook, you can serve with different side dishes, make gravy based on tomato sauce or vegetables, pour sour cream, meat broth. Really universal recipe, which should certainly be in the arsenal of any hostess. Look also.
Minced meat for cutlets is easy to cook yourself. It is usually made from lean pork, but for children it is better to cook it from veal or beef in half with pork. You can add chicken breast for an easier option. We will have the simplest and most popular recipe - pork cutlets in the oven with vegetable gravy and tomato sauce.


- lean pork (can be mixed with beef) - 400 gr.;
- onion - 2 pcs. (1 in minced meat, 1 in gravy);
- white bread - 2 slices;
- ground sweet paprika - 1 tsp;
- salt - salt to taste;
- freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
- wheat flour - 2-3 tablespoons;
- carrots - 1 medium;
- tomato sauce - 4 tablespoons;
- water - 1 glass;
- sour cream - 2 tbsp. (optional);
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We clean the meat from the films, cut off the fat. We cut into small pieces. We pass through a meat grinder along with an onion cut in half. We soak white bread in a small amount of water, scroll after the meat and onions.

Of the seasonings and spices in the recipe, only salt, paprika and black pepper are used, but you can add spices in any combination.

All components of the minced meat are thoroughly mixed and beaten until a viscous dense mass is obtained.

We form minced meat into rounded or oval cutlets.

We take a baking dish with sides so that the gravy does not spill out. Lubricate the bottom with oil. Dip each patty in flour and place in a baking dish close to one another. We send it to a hot oven with a temperature of 200 degrees for ten minutes.

While the patties are baking, prepare the sauce for them. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or chop into strips. Fry in a pan in oil until soft.

Add tomato sauce, spices (if needed). Continue frying for another three minutes. Then add sour cream, salt, a glass of water and bring to a boil.

We get the form with cutlets. A thin crust should appear on top, if the cutlets are still quite soft, put back in the oven for another five minutes. Fill with gravy. We bake cutlets in the oven for 20-25 minutes until cooked, set the temperature to 180 degrees. These are very tasty too.

Serve cutlets with gravy with any side dish: boiled potatoes, buckwheat porridge, crumbly rice, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes, pasta. Cooled down, they are very good in quality. cold appetizer with fresh bread. Bon Appetit!


Cutlets are cooked quickly and easily in the oven. The gravy recipe is for those who love meatballs with sauce. Consider one of the most successful options for preparing this incredibly delicious dish.

Whatever cutlets you cook - from meat, fish, with mushrooms, different fillings or vegetables, gravy will only improve their taste. The main thing is to add an egg to the stuffing mass so that it plays the role of a fastening component. Otherwise, the cutlets may fall apart during baking in the oven.

The choice of ingredients from which gravy is prepared is huge:

  • tomato paste or fresh vegetables;
  • dairy-type products - cow's milk, cream, as well as sour cream of any fat content;
  • cheeses of any kind - both hard and processed;
  • vegetable mix.

In order for the gravy to have a thick structure, sifted flour is added to it. Also, the taste of sauces is supplemented with spices, herbs - frozen, dry and fresh. Classic recipe involves frying vegetables for gravy, then they are combined with the rest of the ingredients, and then they are heated and the meatballs are poured with sauce.

Blinded cutlets can be baked both immediately and after frying them in a pan. Gravy is introduced into an almost ready dish. However, some recipes recommend pouring the sauce over the cutlets immediately if they are baked raw.

Cutlets in sour cream sauce in the oven: a traditional recipe

Cutlets baked in sour cream sauce. They are delicious, fragrant, tender! They are easy to prepare, the main thing is to use fresh ones. quality products. Together with cutlets, we will bake a side dish for them - potatoes.

Advice! If you need to defrost minced meat, do it in natural conditions: either put it in the evening on the top shelf of the refrigerator, or keep it until completely thawed at room temperature. Do not use a microwave oven and hot water to defrost the product.


  • minced meat (any) - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • potatoes - six root crops;
  • loaf;
  • Provence herbs;
  • tomato sauce - one table. a spoon;
  • sour cream (with an average fat content) - three to four tables. spoons;
  • onion - one head;
  • garlic cloves - 2-3 pieces;
  • sifted flour;
  • purified water - 120 ml;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


  1. Pour a few pieces of loaf with milk and leave them for five minutes.
  2. Then we knead the loaf well with our hands and leave it for now, let it swell and soften.
  3. Let's clean the potatoes. We wash the tubers and cut them into four parts.
  4. Let's prepare the stuffing. It is better to cook it yourself. And if you buy a finished product, give preference to chilled minced meat.
  5. Squeeze the pieces of a loaf from the milk and combine with minced meat.
  6. We clean the onion and pass it through a meat grinder.
  7. Add the onion to the minced meat, stir.
  8. Salt it and sprinkle with black pepper, stir.
  9. Now with wet hands we will form cutlets.
  10. Sift the flour into a bowl.
  11. We roll our cutlet blanks in it.
  12. Lubricate the refractory form with non-aromatized vegetable oil.
  13. Distribute cutlets around the perimeter. Place potato slices in the middle.
  14. Lubricate the potatoes with unflavored vegetable oil using a cooking brush.
  15. Sprinkle it with salt, Provence herbs and pepper.
  16. We bake the dish at two hundred and twenty degrees for fifteen minutes.
  17. In the meantime, let's prepare the gravy. Put the sour cream in a bowl.
  18. Add tomato sauce to it. You can replace it with ketchup.
  19. We introduce purified water. Add salt and black pepper.
  20. Stir well the gravy until we get a homogeneous structure.
  21. Pour gravy over cutlets with potatoes.
  22. We bake the dish at two hundred degrees for half an hour.
  23. The finished dish can be supplemented with chopped green onions.

  • Delicious and spicy will be fresh tomato gravy. However, it always turns out to be a light shade. To make the dish bright and saturated in color, add a spoonful of tomato paste to the gravy, you can - ketchup.
  • You can give a thick structure to the gravy by adding sifted flour, as well as starch. Starch must be diluted with cold water, otherwise it will take lumps.
  • Not only bread soaked in milk is added to the minced meat mass, but also semolina, as well as potatoes and other fresh vegetables. These ingredients will dilute the minced meat and, by the way, increase the number of finished cutlets at the exit.
  • The gravy will be more fragrant and tastier if cooked in broth, and not in water. You can choose any broth - based on fish, meat, vegetables, mushrooms.

Delicious cutlets in onion-carrot sauce. To do this, peel the vegetables, chop them finely. Fry the onion with carrots in unflavoured vegetable oil. Then add a little broth and a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste to them. Stir the sauce until smooth, and you can pour the cutlets with gravy.

Cutlets are often served not only with a side dish, but also with gravy.

It is the preparation of the sauce that depresses many housewives.

The way out is to make cutlets in the oven immediately with gravy!

Cutlets in the oven with gravy - general principles of cooking

Various cutlets are baked in gravy: vegetable, fish, meat, poultry, with mushrooms and even with fillings.

You can use almost any cutlet mass, but preferably with the addition of an egg or other binding ingredient.

Otherwise, the product may fall apart when stewing in the oven.

Tomatoes, tomato paste;

Cream, sour cream, milk;

Hard and processed cheeses;

For density, flour is sometimes added. Also, all kinds of spices, fresh, dried, frozen herbs are laid in the gravy. IN classic version vegetables are sautéed for gravy, then the rest of the ingredients are added, heated and sent to cutlets.

Formed cutlets are immediately laid out on a baking sheet or pre-fried in a pan. Gravy is usually poured into almost ready cutlets. But there are exceptions when raw products are poured and baked all together.

Cutlets in the oven with gravy "Gentle"

For cooking tender cutlets in the oven with gravy, you will need mixed minced beef and pork. But you can replace one part with chicken. Gravy is preparing tomato.

2 spoons of mayonnaise;

1 carrot, onion and pepper;

1. Soak the slices of bread in a small amount of milk, 100 ml is enough.

2. We cut the pork, onion and beef into pieces, then pass through the meat grinder all together with bread.

3. Add mayonnaise and eggs to the minced meat, season with spices and mix thoroughly.

4. We form cutlets of 100 grams, roll in wheat flour and put into a greased mold.

5. Put in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

6. While the cutlets are fried, we are engaged in gravy. To do this, cut the onion and pepper into cubes, three carrots and fry them all together in a pan with the addition of oil.

7. Dilute the tomato with water or any broth, pour it into the vegetables and warm it up.

8. We take out cutlets from the oven, pour tomato sauce with vegetables and put back in the oven. Now reduce the temperature to 180 and cook for about half an hour.

Chicken cutlets in the oven with cream sauce

The recipe for amazing chicken cutlets in the oven with gravy, which are very tender and juicy. We prepare minced meat ourselves from fillets and in no case do we use a purchased product.

4 slices of a loaf;

2 cloves of garlic;

Rusks or flour;

1. We twist the chicken breast into minced meat along with the onion.

2. Put the slices of a loaf in a bowl and pour over the cream. Let it soften a little and take it out, send it to minced meat. Leave the cream for the sauce.

3. Add the egg to the minced meat, put the chopped dill, salt. Mix well and make small balls. The patties will be round.

4. Sprinkle the products with flour or crackers, do not impose a lot of breading. Fry in a skillet for two minutes on each side.

5. We shift the cutlets into a shape that is suitable in size and put in the oven for 5 minutes (200 degrees).

6. Mix the remaining cream with 100 ml of water, add salt and garlic. You can pepper to taste. Warm up on the stove.

7. Pour the creamy sauce over the cutlets and cook for 15 minutes.

Beef cutlets in the oven with sour cream sauce

Recipe for beef patties in the oven with sour cream sauce. For cooking, you can already take minced meat, bought in a store or twist it yourself.

600 grams of minced meat;

50 gr. butter;

1. Put the chopped onions into the twisted minced meat, add one egg and spices. We clean the potatoes and rub on a fine grater.

2. Stir the cutlet mass and form balls of 70 grams. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. We put 200 degrees.

3. We heat the butter and pour flour into it, stir and fry for a minute.

4. Mix sour cream with broth (water) and add a thin stream to the butter with flour, stir and heat. Salt the gravy, throw any seasonings, you can lay a little garlic.

5. Pour out sour cream sauce into a mold with cutlets and cook the dish in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.

Fish cutlets in the oven with gravy (pollock, hake)

The recipe for ordinary fish cakes in the oven with gravy, which can be prepared from pollock, hake and similar varieties. Tomato sauce from tomatoes.

0.2 kg white bread;

0.12 liters of milk;

Carrots optional.

1. We wash the fillet, cut into pieces, twist into minced meat along with onions.

2. Soak bread without crusts in milk, transfer to minced meat.

3. Add the egg and put the spices.

4. From the minced meat we form fish cakes, roll in flour and fry in a pan until lightly browned. We make the maximum fire.

5. We spread the cutlets, then fry the chopped onion head in the same pan.

6. After a couple of minutes, add grated or chopped small cubes tomatoes, simmer for five minutes.

7. Add water and spices to the gravy, let it boil and turn it off.

8. Pour the fried cutlets with the prepared gravy and bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Turkey cutlets in the oven with gravy

The recipe for healthy and tasty turkey cutlets in the oven, which are poured fragrant sauce cream with garlic.

20 grams butter;

300 ml cream 10%;

2 cloves of garlic;

30 gr. plum oils;

1. Cut the prescription onion into cubes and fry in butter.

2. Soak the loaf pieces in milk or just in water.

3. We twist the turkey and combine it with fried onions, add the soaked loaf to it, put the spices and the yolk.

4. Stir the cutlet mass thoroughly, moisten your hands with water and roll into small balls. The size of a medium chicken egg.

5. We shift the formed products into a mold and bake for a quarter of an hour at 180.

6. In a pan, heat the oil for the sauce and combine it with flour. After a minute, add cream, 100 ml of boiling water and add spices. We heat the sauce until thickened, put the garlic at the end.

7. We take out the cutlets from the turkey and pour over the top cream sauce. We cook another twenty minutes.

Cutlets with cabbage in the oven with gravy

The recipe for vegetable cutlets from cabbage, which can also be called lazy cabbage rolls. The dish is very simple, quick and you can use any chopped meat. In the dietary version, it can be chicken or turkey fillet.

300 ml of broth, water;

1. Shred the cabbage into small strips, rub with your hands and stir with minced meat. Add the egg and spices to them, stir intensively and form cutlets. Roll in flour, but not much.

2. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil.

3. Three carrots and cut onions. Sprinkle vegetables on a baking sheet or any form.

4. Put cabbage cutlets on vegetables and bake for 15 minutes.

5. As soon as the products are browned, pour in a simple gravy. To prepare, simply mix the hot broth with tomato and spices. The gravy will thicken with the flour on the patties.

6. Cook the cutlets for about 15-20 minutes, depending on the type of meat used.

Cutlets in the oven with cheese sauce

The recipe for amazing cutlets in the oven with cheese sauce. This dish goes great with pasta and buckwheat. We use minced meat of any kind.

0.15 kg of processed cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

1. Chop the onion and combine with minced meat. Add the soaked bread, put the egg and spices. We stir the mass and beat it well on the countertop or cutting board.

2. We make cutlets, put them in a mold and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

3. For the sauce you need to mix processed cheese with milk. If it is dense enough, then you can use a grater or just beat everything together with a blender. Add salt, garlic, put dill.

4. We take out the form with fried cutlets and pour everything on top with cheese sauce.

5. Set for another ten or fifteen minutes, the temperature can be added up to 220 degrees.

Cutlets in the oven with mushroom sauce

To prepare a fragrant gravy, you can take absolutely any mushrooms. Minced meat for cutlets is used mixed.

0.05 kg of bread crumb;

0.12 liters of milk;

2 bell peppers.

1. Soak the bread crumb in milk and send it to minced meat.

2. Cut the bell pepper into cubes and also transfer it to the cutlet mass. Salt and stir.

3. We make 8 oval cutlets from minced meat, transfer to a greased form, leaving enough space between the products.

4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180.

5. Fry the onion and mushrooms in a pan for about 10 minutes. If used Forest mushrooms, then pre-boil for half an hour in boiling water.

6. Add salt and pour in the cream, heat the sauce.

7. We take out cutlets and spread mushrooms and onions between them. Just pour the sauce on top.

8. Put it back in the oven and bake with gravy for about 20 more minutes. We take out the finished dish and immediately sprinkle with chopped dill.

Gravy out fresh tomatoes tasty and fragrant, but often it turns out light. Professional chefs recommend adding a little tomato paste or ketchup to the sauce.

You can make the gravy thicker not only with flour, but also with starch. And so that he does not grab lumps, the powder is diluted with cold liquid.

IN meat cutlets you can add not only bread, but also semolina, potatoes and other vegetables. All these products dilute the mass and increase the yield of the dish.

Any gravy will be tastier if you dilute the products not with water, but with broth. You can use meat, fish, mushroom or vegetable broth. But the taste should not contradict the ingredients of the cutlets.

Cutlets are a common homemade dish, always relevant. They can always be served with any side dish for breakfast or dinner and will always be delicious. I suggest cooking cutlets with gravy in the oven, which will make them more useful. This method is very convenient because you do not have to stand at the stove and turn the cutlets over, but form them all at once and bake.

To prepare cutlets, take mixed minced meat, onion, garlic, bread, vegetable oil, milk, salt and pepper. For gravy, we need a thick tomato, flour and broth.

Break the bread into pieces and pour over the milk.

Mix minced meat with chopped onion, garlic and soaked bread. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Let the minced meat rest a little and then form the patties. Put them in a baking dish.

Fry a little flour in a dry frying pan, add a tomato. Mix well so that no lumps form. Slowly pour in the broth.

Pour cutlets with this broth, add Bay leaf.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake cutlets with gravy until golden brown.

Serve cutlets with garnish and pickles or fresh vegetables.

Cutlets with potatoes in the oven step by step recipe


  • minced meat (pork) - 500g;
  • loaf - 100g (2 slices);
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • spices (cumin, thyme, a mixture of peppers) - a pinch each;
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • potatoes - 700g;
  • salt - to taste.

The above amount of ingredients is enough for 6 servings - 1 piece per serving. If you need to change the number of ingredients to increase or decrease the number of servings, calculate them in this way: the weight of one cutlet is about 100 grams, of which 1/5 is a loaf, and the amount of milk is equal to the weight of a loaf. Potatoes can also be determined “by the piece” based on how much each person will eat. I have 2 medium potatoes for 1 cutlet. If you ground the meat yourself and added onions to it, then to prepare our cutlets you will need 1 onion of the indicated 1-2 pieces. The second is needed only if there is no onion in the minced meat and, therefore, you will need to chop it in a blender or finely chop with a knife and mix with it. Now, as for the meat itself. It is better to take either pork or a mixture of pork and beef.


  1. Usually, white bread or a loaf is added to give it more softness and juiciness, although I also like to put grated potatoes on a fine grater. We cut off the crust from the bread, crumble it into a cup and pour it with milk. By the way, stale bread is perfect. Let stand 5 minutes.
  2. Add spices to minced meat. This is optional, I wrote their approximate composition, you can change it to your liking. If there is no onion in it, add it, as I wrote above. Salt.
  3. Squeeze out the soaked bread with your hands and put it into the meat. Mix well with your hands until smooth and shape into patties. I like when they are oblong.
  4. Place the patties in a large baking dish. At first I didn’t calculate and the potatoes with gravy lay on them in a slide, but this is not suitable for baking in the oven, I had to shift them.
  5. Turn on the oven to heat up to 200°C. Once hot, place the patties in the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. In the meantime, prepare the gravy. For her, cut the onion into half rings.
  7. Lightly fry in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil.
  8. Wash tomatoes and cut into random pieces. Put in the pan with the onions.
  9. Adding tomato paste. If you have tomato sauce (like I do), then you can add it instead of pasta.
  10. Pour 1 glass hot water salt to taste and simmer for 5 minutes.
  11. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into slices lengthwise.
  12. We put potatoes in the form on top of the cutlets (you see, in my photo it turned out to be a slide, there was not enough space, this is what I was talking about).
  13. Then pour over the gravy.
  14. Wrap tightly with foil and put in the oven for 45 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked.
  15. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs and serve.

Recipe for juicy cutlets in the oven with milk gravy thick bechamel sauce, cheese crust, hearty lunch

Beef cutlets in the oven are convenient and fast. And cutlets in the oven with gravy are convenient, fast, tasty, juicy and there is gravy!

Everyone loves gravy for meat, generously pour the garnish with gravy and crack it on both cheeks. Look at the recipes of my cutlets on the blog: Cutlets from ground beef with melted cheese - awesomely delicious, recipe for the oven Steamed vegetable cutlets - low-calorie, healthy and incredibly juicy: there little secret. Cutlet in the dough - no comment, this is a hit.

And now another option for cooking juicy cutlets in a conventional oven. Read the recipe and run to cook!

Juicy cutlets in the oven - ingredients:

For cutlets:

  • Lean beef - 1.2 kg
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Bread - 200 g
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Spices, herbs, salt - to taste

For the bechamel sauce:

  • Milk 1.5% - 1 l
  • Flour - 60 gr (3 tablespoons)
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Greens - to taste
  • Salt, spices - to taste

For the cheese crust:

  • Hard cheese - 150 g

This number of ingredients is calculated on a large form. For a small form, you need to take half the products. I use both loaf and gray bread, but more often the second one. Soak in milk or water. Any flour can be used, it is for density, rye is better. I always put a freshly ground mixture of peppers in cutlets. In sauce - nutmeg and paprika. Cheese is often Poshekhonsky, Maasdam or Smetankovy.

To reduce calories and carbohydrates in cutlets, remove bread from the composition, reduce the amount of butter, and it is better to replace it with vegetable oil - Omega-3, after all!

Beef cutlets in the oven with gravy - recipe:

Preparing minced meat. Grind beef, onion, garlic.

Soak the bread, knead it with your hands and add it to the bowl with the meat.

Salt, pepper, add the egg.

Knead with your hands until smooth and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce for the meatballs.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the sifted flour, grind thoroughly until homogeneous mass.

Whisking constantly, pour in milk in small portions. Make sure no lumps form.

We put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook the sauce for a couple of minutes until it thickens.

Remove from heat, add spices, chopped herbs, salt.

Mix until smooth. milk sauce ready.

We make cutlets of approximately the same size and fold them into a mold.

Make a small indentation in each cutlet.

I make a recess with the back of the knife, it's neater and more convenient.

Now pour in milk sauce. First, gently fill the cavities in the cutlets with the sauce, then distribute the remaining sauce throughout the mold. It is advisable to fill all the gaps between the cutlets with the sauce.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 180.

Grate hard cheese.

When the cutlets are ready, remove the form from the oven and sprinkle a little grated cheese for each cutlet.

Optionally, you can cover the cutlets with grated cheese over the entire surface of the mold.

Put in the oven for another 7-10 minutes to melt the cheese.

The temperature in the oven can be reduced to 100 degrees.

Cutlets in the oven with gravy and cheese are ready.

This is what they look like right out of the oven.

Serve to beef cutlets baked in the oven, you can use any side dish that you like, or just fresh vegetables. This is my husband's dinner:

Calorie baked cutlets in the oven in 100 grams = 127.3 kcal

  • Proteins - 11.4 g
  • Fats - 5.3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8.2 g

Cooking time: 1 hour, 20 minutes
I also invite you to try my fish cakes from minced salmon, fish cakes from cod steamed and chopped chicken cutlets no mayonnaise.

I wish everyone delicious lunch and Bon Appetit! Subscribe to updates (subscription form below) and see you in other recipes.


Chicken cutlets in the oven

They can be baked with sour cream, tomato is not very suitable here. But I want to offer you a diet-diet option - in chicken broth.


  • minced chicken - 500g;
  • white bread - 100g;
  • butter - 100g;
  • chicken broth - 1 liter;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • greens (parsley and dill) - 1 small bunch each;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook them

  1. Just like the previous time, we need bread that is not fresh, at least yesterday's. And we will take only the crumb, which we will fill with a small amount of broth (2 tablespoons will be enough).
  2. Butter (frozen) cut into 6 pieces.
  3. We are waiting for it to swell a little and mix with minced meat. Salt and pepper. We divide the whole mass into 6 equal parts, flatten each into a cake, put a piece of butter in the center. We form a ball. And so with all six.
  4. Arrange in a baking dish.
  5. We clean the carrots and rub on a fine grater. My greens and finely chop with a knife. Sprinkle cutlets with herbs and carrots. Pour in the broth.
  6. Put in the oven and bake at 180°C for 40 minutes.

That's all the recipes that I wanted to bring to your attention today. Save yourself, cook and treat.

Bon Appetit!

Pork cutlets with sour cream sauce in the oven

This recipe is for use only pork meat, and the gravy is especially tender thanks to sour cream. If desired, the dish can be given a festive look by decorating it with herbs.


  • minced pork - 0.6 kg;
  • breadcrumbs- 6 tablespoons;
  • sour cream (fat content - 15%) - 0.25 kg;
  • boiled water - 0.2 l;
  • onion- 1 piece;
  • garlic clove - 2 pieces;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • black pepper (ground) and salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml.

Cooking time: 95 minutes.

Calories: 188 kcal.

Cooking progress:

  1. Place minced meat in a bowl covered with enamel;
  2. Pour breadcrumbs into a separate bowl, pour warm water (0.2 l) and let them swell;
  3. Add sour cream to the swollen crackers (but not all, leave a little), mix until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  4. Add the sour cream mixture to the bowl with minced meat and knead everything thoroughly;
  5. Peel the onion and garlic, and grate both using a grater;
  6. Add the onion-garlic mass to the minced meat;
  7. Salt and pepper the prepared base for cutlets, beat the egg into it and knead again so that the egg is evenly distributed throughout the mass;
  8. Remove minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes;
  9. Prepare a baking sheet by covering it with parchment (grease the parchment surface with vegetable oil);
  10. Form cutlets and put them on a baking sheet;
  11. Preheat the oven to 150˚С, put a baking sheet in it for 15 minutes, so that the cutlets let the juice go, cook at a temperature of 180˚С for the next quarter of an hour, and for the last 5 minutes raise it by another 20˚С;
  12. After removing the finished product from the oven, you need to add the remaining sour cream to the released juice and, if desired, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Check out a few more recipes for cutlets with gravy.

The kebab season is coming soon - take note of the Georgian kebab recipe - surprise your friends!

Beet salad with carrots and garlic - simple recipes tasty and healthy for every day.

General principles for baking cutlets in the oven and making gravy

So that the cutlets do not look too fatty, suitable for the nutrition of all family members, you must follow some cooking rules.

For minced meat, it is recommended to choose lean varieties meat - veal or beef, pork, chicken or turkey. And don't forget the fish - it also makes great homemade burgers in the oven with gravy. Suitable pike perch, telapia, cod and those breeds that do not have a large number of bones.

Before you knead the finished minced meat, it must be properly cooked. To do this, it is recommended to scroll the meat at least twice through a meat grinder with the addition of a couple of heads of onions, garlic, fresh and aromatic herbs. And only then you can add cheese, cottage cheese, onions, mushrooms fried in oil, and, of course, a bun soaked in milk or cream.

The main problem of cooking is that the cutlets with gravy (although the recipe is simple and quick to prepare) turn out tender and juicy in the oven. This is especially difficult to achieve if the cutlets are to be dietary - the main product and additional ingredients contain almost no fat in this case. You can use techniques such as:

  • Add a lot of onions to the minced meat, which gives the minced meat juiciness, at the rate of 1: 3;
  • Bread crumb, breadcrumbs and diet cereal retain moisture well, preventing it from evaporating strongly during cooking. To make the cutlets tender and creamy, it is recommended to use not water, but cream or full-fat milk.
  • Minced meat for cooking cutlets should be kneaded for a long time and thoroughly, and then beat off to remove all air bubbles from the product. It is also good to add strongly chilled milk or crushed ice to the minced meat itself.
  • Before placing the cutlets in the oven, they must be greased on both sides with a small amount of vegetable oil, this will allow you to get a crust and make the cutlets juicier.
  • Do not overexpose the cutlets in the oven, in the hope of making them even softer, it is recommended to observe the cooking time, but at the same time cover the baking dish with a piece of foil.
  • You can serve cutlets with gravy with potatoes cooked in any form, buckwheat, pasta, rice and other cereals, stewed and fresh vegetables.

Baked chicken cutlets with mushroom sauce

Time: 1 hour.


  • chicken fillet - 4 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;

for gravy:

  • champignons - 200 grams;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 30 grams;
  • salt pepper.

Step by step preparation:

Wash the breast, dry it, grind it in a meat grinder. Add finely chopped onion, garlic squeezed through a press, mayonnaise. Mix all the ingredients and leave the minced meat to rest for 20 minutes.

Boil mushrooms in salted water for 30 minutes. Cool, grate. Chop the onion, fry in a pan. Add the mushroom mass to it. Fry all 5 minutes. Then dilute the flour in water (100 ml) and slowly pour the solution into the pan. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes, making sure to stir the sauce with a wooden spoon. Add sour cream and butter to the sauce. Salt, pepper, simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove from fire.

Form meatballs from minced meat. Fry them in a pan, pre-breaded in flour, so that they are only covered with a crust. Then put them on a baking sheet, pour gravy and put to cook for half an hour.

On a note:

  • Do not keep the patties too long, otherwise they will fall apart and become dry.
  • If you want to make the dish bright, beautiful, then add a few tomatoes to the gravy. Then the sauce will play differently.
  • Always choose chicken breasts medium size. If the fillet is sold in a huge piece, then the bird was fed with hormones. Also pay attention to the color, smell of the bird. It should not have foreign odors, the optimal color is pale pink without bruises, spots and other defects.

Find out your ideal weight:

Read also:

  • Cutlets in the oven - a step by step recipe
  • Meatballs in the oven with gravy - step by step recipes
  • Lula kebab in the oven - step by step recipes
  • Products that increase hemoglobin

When preparing cutlets with gravy, there are usually no difficulties, but there are still some interesting points:

  • gravy from fresh tomatoes is especially fragrant and tasty, but usually it does not have a sufficiently saturated color, so it is recommended to add a few tablespoons of tomato paste to it;
  • flour or starch adds density to the gravy (so that lumps do not form in it, it should be diluted in a cold liquid;
  • instead of bread, cutlets may include semolina or potatoes (these products are needed to dilute the mass and increase the yield of the dish);
  • more delicious gravy it turns out if broth is used for its preparation, and not water.

But even without these nuances, cutlets with gravy in the oven should turn out quite tasty.

Delicious homemade cutlets with gravy in the oven

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes.


  • pork pulp - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;

for gravy:

  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • cream - 150 grams;
  • flour - 40 grams;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l. or tomato juice- 200 ml;
  • sour cream - 100 grams;
  • meat broth - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • spices, herbs: basil, dill, oregano, cinnamon - to taste;
  • lemon juice- 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Detailed process:

Wash the meat, dry it, cut it arbitrarily. Skip twice through a meat grinder. For the second time, skip the peeled onion and garlic along with it. Season mince with salt, pepper. Leave for 20 minutes in a cold place so that the components contact each other.

Prepare the gravy: fry the chopped onions with carrots in a frying pan. Add flour, tomato paste, sour cream, water, spices, cream, lemon juice, sugar. Add the ingredients one by one, not all at once. Bring sauce to a boil. Wait until it starts to thicken.

Get the minced meat from the refrigerator, beat it several times so that it keeps its shape. Then make cutlets by breading in flour and frying in a pan for 5 minutes.

Put the cutlets in a heat-resistant form, pour them with gravy. Be sure to lift each cutlet so that the gravy flows under it. Otherwise, the cutlet may burn. Bake the dish for 40 minutes.


  • Sugar gives the gravy a sweetish aftertaste. Thanks to him, the gravy becomes tender, you can even eat it just like that, without cutlets.
  • When forming cutlets, it is imperative to wet your hands in water so that the minced meat does not stick to your palms.
  • Grated zucchini can be added to minced meat. IN ready dish it will not be felt, but thanks to it, cutlets will become even more juicy.
  • The more onions in the minced meat, the juicier the cutlets will turn out.

How to cook cutlets in the oven with gravy a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo

Warm milk or low-fat cream. Cut off the crusts from white bread or a loaf. You only need a crumb. Break it into pieces. Put in a deep bowl. Fill with milk. Wait for the bread to absorb the liquid and swell. This usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, you can do the most unpleasant procedure - rubbing onions. In principle, you can grind in a paler. It's even faster and easier. I do not recommend cutting with a knife. Then the bow will lose a large number of juice, which makes minced meat viscous and elastic. Therefore, cutlets are likely to fall apart in the oven.

Add chopped onion to bread with milk.

Put the meat passed through the meat grinder there. Most often I use combined minced meat. I take pork and beef in half. If the meat is lean, then I add a small piece of lard. The stuffing should not turn out dry, because the cutlets will not hold their shape. As you can see, there is no egg in the list of ingredients. Protein makes the cutlets more rigid, although it holds the products together well. I try to do without it. Moderately fatty minced meat, soaked bread crumb and chopped onion in total give an excellent cutlet mass. Cutlets, even in a pan, even in the oven, are tender, soft and very tasty.

Squeeze one or a couple of garlic cloves into a bowl, add ground black pepper and salt. Minced meat should be a little salty, and the spices in it should be well felt. Otherwise, the dish may turn out bland.

Stir. Knead minced meat for 3-5 minutes. And then beat it off - throw it on the bottom of the bowl. The mass will become viscous, soft, pliable, and will not disintegrate during the formation of cutlets.

I decided to cook cutlets not only with gravy, but also with filling. I chose the simplest and most delicious - cheese. Cut it into small sticks so that they fit in an average cutlet in length. Instead of cheese, you can put mushrooms, an egg or other filler inside. Get mini-zrazy. And you can do without the filling.

Take some minced meat, form a flat cake. Place a piece of cheese in the center.

Cover the filling with the second portion of the cutlet mass. Form a round or oblong patty. Line a rimmed baking sheet or baking dish with foil or parchment paper. Lubricate with oil. Lay out cutlets. If desired, it can be breaded in flour. But I added flour to the gravy, so I decided not to use the breading. You can immediately turn on the oven to 180 degrees.

Make a gravy. It literally takes 5 minutes to prepare. Pour a spoonful of flour into a frying pan or stewpan. Fry it (without oil) for 1-2 minutes.

Add tomato paste and sour cream. Stir. Pour hot broth or water in a thin stream. Add salt and spices (black pepper, Provencal herbs, dried dill, etc.) to taste. Stir the gravy. Bring to a boil. Turn off the fire. Try it. If it turns out sour, add a little sugar. You can also add vegetables to the sauce - finely chopped onions with carrots.

Pour the gravy over the cutlets and place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Cook 35-40 minutes.

Serve hot with a delicious tomato sauce that will thicken noticeably as it bakes.


How to cook cutlets in the oven with gravy. Recipe

I make minced meat at home, from lean pork (shoulder blades). I cut the meat into small pieces, cut one onion in half. I broke two slices of a loaf (without a crust) into several pieces, soaked them in cold water. A minute later, he squeezed it a little. Meat, and then onions and bread twisted through a meat grinder.

I mixed everything with a spoon. Seasoned minced meat with black ground pepper, added a little paprika, salt to taste. Instead of pepper, you can flavor with Provence herbs or throw a couple of pinches of cumin.

So that the cutlets are easily molded and do not fall apart in the oven or during frying, the minced meat must be beaten well. I do this: I collect in the palm of my hand and with a little effort I throw it back into the bowl. It is advisable to beat in a deep bowl so that the splashes do not scatter throughout the kitchen. After a couple of minutes, the mass will become dense, as if sticky and almost homogeneous. If it turned out very cool, I pour in a spoon cold water and knead a little more.

I leave the minced meat for ten minutes while the oven heats up to 180 degrees. Cutlets I do not very large, oval. I take a little minced meat, throw it from palm to palm until the cutlet becomes smooth, elastic.

The form was smeared with a thin layer of oil. He poured flour into a plate, rolled the blanks on all sides. Flour is needed for breading, it forms a thin crust and prevents the cutlets in the oven from drying out when baking.

I spread the blanks almost close to one another. I put the mold in the oven on the middle level. I don't cover anything. Cutlets will be baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes. At this time I will prepare the sauce.

Finely chop the onion into cubes. I rub the carrots through a fine grater (you can also cut into cubes or strips).

I heat the oil in a deep frying pan. I fry the onion cubes until transparent, without browning. I pour out the carrots, let them simmer for about two minutes on low heat so that the carrots absorb the oil. You don't need to fry it either.

I dilute tomato sauce with water, pour it over vegetables. Salt, pepper to taste. Cover, let simmer for a few minutes.

For a softer, balanced taste, I add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. If the tomato is very sour, then it makes sense to add a pinch of sugar - it will neutralize the acid. Just before adding, taste the gravy.

I mix sour cream with gravy, bring to a boil, remove from heat. No need to cook, sour cream may curdle.

Cutlets in the oven reached half-cookedness. I take out the form, slightly increase the temperature to 200 degrees.

I fill the cutlets with tomato-sour cream sauce so that they are almost completely covered, and a little carrot and onion hit each one. But the gravy should not reach the level of the mold, otherwise it will pour out when boiling. I put the cutlets with gravy in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

When baking, the gravy will thicken a little, soak the cutlets, they will turn out juicy and very tasty. If you want more gravy, cover the bowl with foil.

While the patties are baking in the oven, cook mashed potatoes for a side dish, I take out tomatoes, cucumbers. Basically, with thick tomato sauce any side dish goes well together: buckwheat, wheat or millet porridge, pasta, rice and much more.

As soon as the cutlets with gravy in the oven are ready, I serve them to the table. Very juicy, soft - well, very tasty! You can do without a side dish, especially when there is fresh bread - soaking the gravy with the crumb is such a pleasure! Bon appetit everyone! Your Plushkin.

Similar version of the recipe in video format

How to make delicious cutlets with gravy with a simple recipe

Time: 1 hour 45 minutes.


  • minced pork and beef - 700 grams;
  • yesterday's white bread - 150 grams;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • meat broth - 0.5 l;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe:

Break bread into large pieces. Place them in a bowl and pour over milk. Let stand for 15 minutes, and then squeeze out the bread.

Add chopped onion, minced garlic, and bread crumb to the minced meat. Salt, pepper. Leave the minced meat for a while (30 minutes) in the refrigerator so that all the components are connected to each other.

Form cutlets from minced meat: take minced meat into a tablespoon, beat it off, shifting it forcefully from one hand to another. So the minced meat will become dense, and the cutlets will not fall apart during baking. Put the formed cutlets in a heat-resistant form next to each other.

Pour flour into a dry but hot frying pan. Stir it with a spoon. When it starts to darken a little, but does not burn, you need to add the diluted tomato paste in the broth. Simmer the sauce for 6-8 minutes, then remove it from the heat and pour it on top of the cutlets. Place bay leaves on top.

Put the filled dish to bake for 50 minutes or until a crust appears on the cutlet

On a note:

  • When baking cutlets, always place them in a well-heated oven. It must first be turned on, warmed up for 15 minutes.
  • Do not use breadcrumbs. It will be felt in the finished dish. It needs to be cut and cooked in the future breadcrumbs.
  • If the flour starts to burn in the pan, then it is better to throw it away and make a new batch. Otherwise, the cutlets will turn out with the smell of burning.

How to cook juicy fish cutlets with gravy

The most common recipe for cutlets with gravy. For him, you can take pollock, hake or similar varieties of fish.


  • fish fillet - 0.9 kg;
  • white bread - 0.2 kg;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • sunflower oil - 25 ml;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour - 0.1 kg;
  • spices, salt - to taste;
  • tomato - 4 pieces;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • carrots - 1 piece.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calories: 174 kcal.

Cooking progress:

  1. Rinse the fillet, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder, adding pieces of onion to it;
  2. Remove the crusts from the bread and soak the crumb in milk, then shift it to minced fish and mix with it;
  3. Introduce an egg into the fish and bread mass and add spices, knead everything;
  4. Give the pieces of minced meat the shape of cutlets, lightly roll in flour and fry in a pan until a light crust appears (the flame should be very large);
  5. Put the fried products on a baking sheet, and place the second chopped onion head in the pan, add a little oil and put on fire again;
  6. After 2-3 minutes, pour chopped tomato cubes to the onion and simmer for about five more minutes;
  7. Pour water into the vegetables, wait until it boils and remove the pan from the heat;
  8. Pour the gravy over the cutlets and bake for a third of an hour at a temperature of 200˚С.

How to cook cutlets in the oven with gravy

Everything is very simple, main ingredient meat and tomatoes, without them in any way.


  • Minced meat - 500 gr;
  • Potatoes - 200 gr;
  • Baton - 2-3 pieces;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Tomato sauce - 4-5 tbsp. lodges;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. lodges;
  • Water - 200-300 gr;
  • Favorite spices.

Step by step recipe with photo

  1. If the minced meat was frozen, then it must be thawed. But I recommend you use fresh. I have pork cutlets, but you can use chicken, turkey, veal. You can even cook fish, lean cutlets according to this recipe.
  2. Grate potatoes on a fine grater.
  3. Finely chop the onion, add salt and black pepper.
  4. A few pieces of white bread or a loaf, soak in water or milk.
  5. Squeeze, knead with your hands and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Mix together the entire contents of the plate. Optionally you can add 1-2 chicken eggs. I didn't add eggs because I didn't have any in the fridge. It happens. I got along just fine without them.
  7. Form cutlets of any size and shape and place on a baking sheet (frying pan), it should be of high sides so that the gravy does not float out.
  8. Tomato, tasty gravy for cutlets with flour

    Fry flour. Dissolve the tomato paste or sauce in water and pour into the pan. Add salt and sugar. Mince a few cloves of garlic and add to the sauce as well. Khmeli-suneli is a great addition to this dish. So if you like Georgian seasonings, feel free to add them. Or any others, it all depends on your culinary preferences and desires. After boiling, add the bay leaf, remove from heat and pour the cutlets with the resulting sauce.

  9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send a baking sheet with a dish there. Cook 30-40 minutes.

During this time, you will have time to prepare a side dish.

It can be pasta, porridge or mashed potatoes.

Now you can serve. As you can see, the cutlets in the oven with gravy are not at all difficult to cook.

Cutlets are a common homemade dish, always relevant. They can always be served with any side dish for breakfast or dinner and will always be delicious. I suggest cooking cutlets with gravy in the oven, which will make them more useful. This method is very convenient because you do not have to stand at the stove and turn the cutlets over, but form them all at once and bake.

To prepare cutlets, take mixed minced meat, onion, garlic, bread, vegetable oil, milk, salt and pepper. For gravy, we need a thick tomato, flour and broth.

Break the bread into pieces and pour over the milk.

Mix minced meat with chopped onion, garlic and soaked bread. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Let the minced meat rest a little and then form the patties. Put them in a baking dish.

Fry a little flour in a dry frying pan, add a tomato. Mix well so that no lumps form. Slowly pour in the broth.

Pour cutlets with this broth, add bay leaf.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake cutlets with gravy until golden brown.