Home / Dough / Beef cutlets with cheese inside the recipe. Cutlets with cheese and butter inside

Beef cutlets with cheese inside the recipe. Cutlets with cheese and butter inside

I often like to surprise my family with a surprise meal or a surprise meal! As a surprise in meat cutlets ah there may be pieces of vegetables, butter, cheese, egg.

I usually cook cutlets with cheese inside as hot appetizer... I make them small in size. I prefer chicken to all the minced meat in this dish, it is both softer and juicier. It is better to take cheese with a pronounced taste so that it contrasts with the sweetish chicken flesh of the cutlet.

We will prepare products according to the list. In addition to the indicated ingredients, I also added a little chili powder, at the request of my husband.

Scroll the chicken fillet in a meat grinder. Add an egg, finely chopped onion and semolina to the resulting minced meat.

We will season the minced meat with spices and add salt. Mix the minced meat well, and then beat it off. Raise the minced meat ball over the plate and throw it with force into the plate. This will remove all excess air from the minced meat, and our cheese will not leak out when frying the patties.

We will cut the hard cheese into cubes slightly smaller than the cutlet you are planning.

We take a little minced meat, put a block of cheese in the middle and shape the cutlets. I most often make cutlets with cheese inside in the form of sticks. We close the seam in the cutlet well so that the cheese does not leak out in deep fat during frying.

Roll the finished cutlets in bread crumbs.

IMPORTANT: at this stage, some of the cutlets can be frozen and cooked later.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan or skillet and fry the patties with cheese in it. The patties should be completely covered in oil. I cook patties in a deep fryer at 180 degrees C.

Turn patties in oil gently to cook evenly. We take out the cutlets with cheese inside from the butter and now we do this:

  • if your cutlets were small, like mine, they were deep-fried completely and the cheese melted inside, then just put the cutlets on a paper towel to blot the excess oil
  • if you cooked full-size cutlets, then put them in a fireproof dish and cook in an oven preheated to 170 degrees C for another 10-12 minutes.

Cutlets are considered the most versatile dish that will always be delicious. You can cook them for future use and forget about cooking for 2-3 days. And you can also surprise guests with them, because you can add various ingredients to the composition of a meat dish.

Cheese will make them gourmet, which can be put into the minced meat itself, sprinkled on top and used as a filling. In a treat, melted cheese looks very appetizing. This addition will appeal to your loved ones and guests. In the recipe with a photo of cutlets with cheese inside, we will take a closer look at the intricacies of their preparation.

Minced chicken cutlets with cheese

Kitchen appliances and utensils: deep bowl and frying pan.


Minced meat for cheese cutlets will turn out to be very tasty if you make it yourself... To do this, you can take the thighs and chicken breast. You can add a small piece of bacon if desired to make it more juicy and nutritious. Also you can use minced turkey... Poultry meat itself is more tender, so our dish will simply melt in your mouth.

Take a soft cheese. Smoked cheese will add an interesting taste to our treat. Mozzarella, Creamy or Russian are perfect. You can adjust the amount of cheese yourself. Some cooks put more of it and add some dill greens.

Step by step recipe

  1. Soak 4 slices of bread in 100 g of milk. You can trim the rind if you like. Leave to absorb.
  2. Cut 100 g of cheese into small cubes.

  3. Squeeze the bread out of the milk and mix with 600 g of minced meat.

  4. Add 1 egg, 2 pinches of pepper and an incomplete teaspoon of salt to it.

  5. Mix until smooth.

  6. Form a cake from the resulting mixture, put 3-4 cheese cubes on it.

  7. Make a cutlet by covering all the cheese.

  8. Dip the meat ball in breadcrumbs.

  9. Using this method, make cutlets from all the minced meat and fry on both sides in a pan with vegetable oil.

Video recipe for making minced chicken cutlets with cheese

Dear culinary experts, I bring to your attention a very short but informative video, which outlines the whole process of creating a meat dish.

Feeding options

Cutlets stuffed with eggs and cheese are very tasty... To do this, use the recipe described above, and add inside to the cheese boiled eggs, chopped on a grater. If you wish, you can put chopped greens in the filling.

  • Pan-fried cheese patties can be served on a flat dish, garnished with sprigs of dill and parsley.
  • Cover the dish with lettuce leaves and place the cutlets on top. Add small cheese cubes and cherry tomatoes for garnish.
  • Sour cream, tomato or mayonnaise sauce can be served with the product.
  • Any vegetable salad will become tasty addition to them.
  • For dinner, you can prepare a side dish of your choice. My children prefer spaghetti to cutlets, and I like mashed potatoes.

Sometimes the most common dish can be a festive treat. This is how you can serve cutlets during any event and surprise guests with their sophistication. In our kitchen, there are often baked meat balls with cheese and tomatoes. I love to cook them during the warmer season, when tomatoes are available from farmers and get their true "tomato" flavor. Let's create together today cooking masterpiece using meat, cheese and tomatoes.

Cutlets with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Servings: for 5 people.
Cooking time: 50 minutes.
Calorie content: 208 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, baking sheet.


Choosing the right ingredients

  • As I have said, the most the best tomatoes for our dish will be farm acquired in the season of their growth. Of course, I want to eat something so fresh and fresh at other times of the year. delicious treat, then any tomatoes from the store will do. By the way, in some cases you can use canned vegetables, but with fresh it turns out much more appetizing.
  • For such a dish it is better to use any minced poultry... So we get not only a tasty and tender, but also a healthy dish.

Step by step recipe

  1. Add chopped 1 onion, salt, pepper and spices to 300 g of minced meat.

  2. Grate 30 g of any hard cheese grated and send to the mass.

  3. Add 1-2 tsp here. mayonnaise and knead well.

  4. Additionally, you can beat off the minced meat.

  5. Cut 2-3 tomatoes into rings.

  6. Make flat round cutlets from the mixture, grease each with mayonnaise, put a tomato on top.

  7. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out the workpieces. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-35 minutes.

  8. After this time, cut the cheese into thin small layers and put on the tomatoes.

  9. Send to oven for 15-20 minutes.

Video recipe for cooking cutlets with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

Feeding options

If you serve oven-baked patties with cheese at an event, be sure to show them ready-made to your guests in the baking sheet. In this case, they will disappear from the table very quickly, without even having time to cool down.
Due to its composition, the product initially turns out to be very beautiful, but the sprigs of greenery will complement it with freshness.

France is considered the birthplace of cutlets. Then they were prepared from beef, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried on a wire rack on both sides, and served with lemon sauce. Over the centuries, the meat dish has received a huge modernization and variety. Now the name "cutlet" is very common, but does not have a single cooking recipe.

Continuing today's topic, we will cook with you a delicious treat not only in a pan, but also steamed.

Cream cheese cutlets

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: for 8-10 people.
Calorie content: 226.2 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: steamer, deep bowl and skillet.

Video recipe for cooking cutlets with steamed cream cheese

From this video you will learn all the details of cooking delicious cutlets.

Feeding options

  • Such cutlets are perfect as an independent dish. You can take them with you on the road or on a picnic.
  • Any greens will decorate your dish and add freshness to it, and vegetable salad will make your food even healthier.

Cooking options

First of all, I want to introduce you to the delicious. It can also be used with any other meat dish... The cooking process itself is simple and quick.

According to legend, the innkeeper Pozharsky gave Alexander I a chicken cutlet instead of veal. For such an act, he was afraid of being punished, but instead received praise from the king, and from that moment the dish began to bear his name. Various changes have been made to the recipe over time. Today I want to recommend you one of the cooking options. Immerse yourself in a deep history by preparing this dish at home.

And the recipe came to us from France. By the way, chopped cutlets can also be cooked with cheese, sprinkling it on top and letting it melt in the oven, or microwave oven... Such a dish will become great dish festive table.

And it all started with, and already in our time, people began to add a variety of ingredients to this meat treat. Perfect for everyday meals. This is an incredibly tasty and juicy treat that can easily complement any side dish. On the festive table cook. This recipe will give you an insanely delicious dish. By the way, you can dream up and make the filling at your discretion.

  • pork tenderloin - 250 g;
  • chicken breast- 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • Wheat flour- 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 40 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • spices to taste.


To prepare cutlets with cheese, the meat is washed, soaked for 20 minutes (if necessary) and cut into small pieces.

Prepared meat portions are ground in a meat grinder or blender. To the combined minced meat, either a piece of soaked white or rye bread, or one grated potato tuber and whipped egg.

The onion is peeled and finely chopped. Chopped meat seasoned with spices, onions and salt and kneaded thoroughly until a specific "creak".

The cheese is cut into small pieces. Cutlets are formed: several slices of cheese are put into equal portions of minced meat. Cutlets are given the desired shape. Each workpiece is rolled in flour.

Cutlets with cheese are fried in oil until light crust with good heating so that the cheese filling remains inside.

The cutlets are baked in a hot oven for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.

The cutlets with cheese inside are served hot, thereby preserving the softness of the cheese filling.

The dish was prepared by Natalya Kuksinskaya (tatka)

Cutlet recipes

16 pcs.

40 minutes

200 kcal

5/5 (1)

What could be better than juicy, tasty meatballs hot and hot? It can only be tender, aromatic cutlets with cheese. I have selected a few of my favorite recipes for you. different options making delicious cheese patties.

Recipe with a photo of cooking cutlets with cheese inside

In this recipe, grated cheese is placed inside a meat cake.... The idea is that when frying, the cheese will melt inside the cutlet and become stringy. The cutlets are tender and soft. Keep them small in size so that they have time to fry inside. Fry them with the lid open over low heat. Then they are guaranteed to turn out juicy.

Kitchen utensils: deep bowl, grater, frying pan, a flat wide plate to serve the cooked patties.


Step-by-step recipe for minced meat cutlets with cheese

  1. Prepare everything necessary products... Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

  2. Put the minced meat in a deep bowl. Peel the onion and chop it on a coarse grater or in any other way convenient for you. Transfer it to the minced meat bowl.

  3. Add an egg there, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and spices (cumin and oregano).

  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Mix better by hand, and you need to do this for about 5 minutes. Make sure that the minced meat becomes viscous and sticky, like plasticine.

  5. Pinch off a piece of minced meat slightly larger than Walnut, shape a cake. Put a little in its center grated cheese and wrap it in minced meat cake.

    Make the patties not round, but slightly flat. This will cook them better and faster.

  6. Make cutlets this way using all the ingredients. You should have about 16 small cutlets that look alike.

    Cutlets can be fried right away if you are limited in time. If not, then put the cutlets in the refrigerator for at least half an hour or in the freezer for 15 minutes to cool. It tastes better that way. And then start frying.

  7. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil to heat up. Cutlets should be dipped only in well-heated oil so that a golden brown crust can form on their surface.

    When placed in a frying pan with cold butter, the cutlets will immediately release all their juice and subsequently become tough and dry.

  8. Turn the patties over when you see that they turn white from the bottom along the rim. This means that one side is already well done. Fry on the other side until tender.

  9. Lay out ready-made cutlets on a wide dish.

  10. Fry the second batch of cutlets in the same way. Add a little more oil to the skillet if necessary.

  11. Fragrant, soft, very juicy cutlets can be served with any side dish. Enjoy.

If you want to transform the classic fried cutlets in more diet dish, but no less satisfying and tasty, you can cook. And so that they acquire even brighter shades of taste and become juicier, make them.

Video recipe for cooking cutlets with cheese

In this video, good detailed recipe delicious cutlets with cheese in a pan. If you are preparing such a dish for the first time, you can safely refer to this instruction.

Cutlets with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

It is not a sin to serve such beautiful, incredibly tasty cutlets on the festive table. The tomato caps, garnished with melted cheese and herbs, look delicious. Grated cheese is also added to the minced meat, so the cutlets themselves are very tender and juicy.

  • It will take time: 50 minutes.
  • The resulting portions are: 7 pcs.
  • Kitchen utensils: deep bowl, knife and cutting board,form for baking, oven.


Step-by-step recipe for cutlets baked in the oven with cheese and tomatoes

  1. Salt minced meat, pepper to your taste. Add chopped onions and a clove of garlic there.

  2. Divide a piece of cheese in half and grate the half on a fine grater. Pour it into a bowl of minced meat and knead it well with your hand.

  3. Then place the lump of minced meat on a cutting board and beat it off. This means that you need to take the minced meat in your hand, lift it off the work surface and throw it forcefully onto the cutting board. Repeat this for at least 5 minutes.

  4. Slice the tomatoes 0.5 cm thick.

  5. Grease a baking dish generously with sunflower oil.

  6. Wet your hands and shape into patties. Nip off a piece of meat slightly larger than a chicken egg from the minced meat. Roll a ball out of it, and then flatten it a little so that your cutlets are no more than 1 cm thick.

  7. Place the patties in the prepared baking dish. Lubricate each with mayonnaise. This will make the cutlets more juicy and tasty.

  8. Place a tomato circle on top of each cutlet greased with mayonnaise. You don't need to put in the cheese yet.

  9. In this form, put the form with cutlets to bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Bake for 30 minutes.
  10. Cut the cheese into slices about 3-4 ml thick. Take out the cutlet mold. Juice should have come out of the cutlets by that time, and the tomatoes above should have already wilted, but in no case burned.

  11. Place a slice of cheese on top of the tomatoes on top of each cutlet. Place back in the oven for another 15 minutes.

  12. Chop the herbs finely. Remove the cooked cutlets from the oven. The melted cheese lies on them like snow on mountain peaks. Decorate this beauty with greenery on top. Place the patties on a platter and can be served on a festive or dinner table.

We have also prepared several interesting recipes cooking cutlets without meat. Here you can find out how quickly and easily you can make chickpea cutlets and no less tasty.

Video recipe for cutlets with cheese in the oven

Watch this video great recipe cooking cutlets with tomatoes and cheese. Agree that such a dish looks very elegant and appetizing.

Chopped cutlets with cheese

The main difference between these delicious cutlets the fact that the meat for minced meat is not twisted in a pan, but very finely chopped with a knife. Cheese crushed in the same way is not put as a filling, but is added to the minced meat. To prepare such cutlets, you can also take beef, pork, or mix these two types of meat. It should be noted that the meat should only be cut across the fibers, then the cutlets will turn out juicy and tasty.

  • It will take time: 25 minutes.
  • The resulting portions are: 7 pieces.
  • Kitchen utensils:Video recipe for chopped cutlets with cheese

    This video shows a wonderful recipe. chopped cutlets... Look and make sure that this cooking option is delicious food not only simple and tasty, but also convenient.

    What are such cutlets served with?

    Cheese patties served with vegetable salad or vegetable slices and preferably with sauce. If desired, you can add any side dish of your choice. A good combination: cutlets with sauce, rice and vegetables, or the same, but with buckwheat. As a side dish, you can cook any porridge (barley, wheat, millet). Not worse, but it will turn out differently with a side dish of mashed potatoes, fried potatoes or stewed vegetables.

    You can also serve our cutlets with mashed pumpkin, green peas, celery or broccoli. And don't forget about the vitamin vegetable salad.

    Cooking options

    Cheese patties are prepared in several ways. First: grated cheese is used as a filling and wrapped inside the cutlet. Second: shredded cheese is simply added to the minced meat. In the first version, if everything is done correctly, you will get juicy cutlets with a pleasant surprise inside - a viscous cheese filling... In the second, the meat of the cutlet acquires a cheesy flavor. It tastes good this way and that.

    Cheese patties are made not only with hard or young brine, but, if desired, with melted cheese. You can also add olives, herbs and other ingredients to the filling. For example, hard-boiled eggs are placed in patties stuffed with eggs and cheese. Cheese patties are fried in a skillet preheated with butter, baked in the oven or steamed. The last option is the lowest in calories and dietary.

I am sharing with you another delicious meat receptor cutlets with cheese and butter inside. Juicy cutlets crispy and tender, juicy filling will appeal to adults and children. They can be served with a side dish to taste or with a juicy vegetable salad. We love making hamburgers with crispy buns and tomato sauce with these cutlets.


To cook cutlets with cheese and butter inside, we need:
500 g minced meat;
100 g of white bread;
100 g bread crumbs;
100 g butter;
100 g of cheese (I cooked with melted cheese);
2 eggs;
2 onions;
any greens (I have dill) - to taste;
salt, pepper - to taste;
vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Soak white bread in water and let it soften, then squeeze from the liquid and grind it in a meat grinder. Minced meat for such cutlets can be prepared by yourself by passing a piece of meat through a meat grinder. Pass the peeled onions through a meat grinder and add to the twisted bread and minced meat.

Add salt and pepper to the resulting mass, mix and the minced meat is ready.

To prepare the filling for cutlets, grate melted cheese and butter, add finely chopped herbs, mix.

Put a small amount of filling on the minced meat cake (as in the photo) and form a cutlet. We form all cutlets in the same way.

Dip the resulting cutlet with cheese and butter inside in beaten eggs.

Fry the cutlets in a pan heated with vegetable oil until a beautiful and golden crust on both sides. We fry the cutlets over low heat so that they are well fried and cooked properly.