Home / Dumplings / Cream caramel is a delicate dessert. Step-by-step recipe with photo Video of the recipe for making caramel-chocolate cream

Cream caramel is a delicate dessert. Step-by-step recipe with photo Video of the recipe for making caramel-chocolate cream

cook caramel.
Pour water into a thick-bottomed saucepan and pour sugar (you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice so that the sugar does not crystallize).

Bring to a boil over medium heat and sugar dissolves.
Periodically wipe the sides of the pan with a brush dipped in water so that splashes of sugar syrup do not caramelize on the sides.

Boil syrup until caramelized (brown).

During cooking, as soon as the syrup begins to turn brown, keep an eye on it very carefully. Because the syrup caramelizes quickly, if necessary, remove the saucepan from the heat to stop the caramelization process and not burn the syrup. The digested syrup is dark brown in color, with a bitter taste. Such a syrup will give an unpleasant aftertaste to the dessert.

Remove syrup from heat, quickly pour into prepared ceramic molds (ramekins) and set aside.

Pour milk and cream into a clean saucepan.
Add half the sugar, stir and place over medium heat.
Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, with a wooden spoon.

Milk can be flavored with orange zest, then caramel cream will acquire a pleasant orange note. To do this, add the zest of half an orange to the milk, bring to a boil and leave to brew for 30 minutes. Then strain the zest and bring back to a boil.

The classic cream caramel recipe is prepared on the basis of milk (without cream). In my opinion, the taste of such a dessert loses its creamy version. Cream makes the dessert both in structure and in taste more tender. Nevertheless, I think that the version of cream caramel cooked in milk will find its admirers. It is prepared similarly to the creamy version, and baked for about an hour.
milk - 350 ml,
sugar - 85 g,
2 eggs,
2 egg yolks,
vanilla sugar (or vanilla essence) - 1 teaspoon

Break the egg into a bowl, add the yolks, add the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract).

Mix everything well with a whisk (do not beat).

Pour boiling milk and cream into a bowl with eggs in a thin stream, stirring vigorously with a whisk.

Strain the egg-milk mixture through a sieve to get rid of air bubbles formed during mixing.
If there are still air bubbles in the strained mixture, scoop them up from the surface with a spoon.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into molds with caramel, filling the molds 3/4 (pierce the remaining large air bubbles with a needle).

Put the molds in a deep pan and pour boiling water into the pan.
The water should reach about half way up the molds.

Step 1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add 1/2 vanilla bean. Put on the stove and bring to a boil, then remove from heat and leave to infuse for half an hour. Note: if there are no vanilla pods, then just boil the milk.

Step 2 In a bowl, beat eggs with cream and sugar. Note: if you do not have vanilla pods, then immediately beat our vanilla in a bag).

Step 3 Remove the vanilla bean from the milk and strain it well through a sieve.

Step 4 Mix milk and beaten eggs, slowly pouring in and stirring with a whisk.

Step 5-6. We prepare caramel by melting sugar in a small saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom).

Step 7 Constantly stirring the sugar, bring to a boil and then cook over low heat until it forms a golden color and becomes caramelized (if you want to make the caramel more liquid, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of water with sugar).

Step 8 Once our caramel is cooked, pour it into the chosen form so that it covers the bottom of the form.

Step 10 Preheat the ovens to about 170-180°. Place the molds in the form in which you will bake and pour boiled water into it, approximately cover one third of the form with it.

Step 11 Cook the Creme Caramel in the oven in a water bath for 50 minutes, and when the cream is hardened, remove the molds from the oven and let the Creme Caramel cool at room temperature, and then place them in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Step 12 When serving, the cream caramel must be pulled out of the molds, gently peeling it off with a knife and turning it over onto a plate, let it fall out gently so as not to gut it. Now you can enjoy your prepared dessert!

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

For one medium cake

30 minutes

350 kcal

4.25/5 (4)

Let's see several options for preparing this cream of varying complexity, and you can choose the one you like the most.

Custard caramel cream

In order not to get confused on how to cook caramel custard according to this recipe, often compare your result with the photo, and you will definitely succeed. First we will prepare the caramel itself for him, and then we will go directly to the cream.

Kitchen appliances: Two saucepans, whisk, mixer, plate.


Cooking process

First stage: 150 g sugar, cream.

Second phase: 70 g sugar, starch, eggs, milk.

Third stage: butter, caramel cream.

video recipe

Although the recipe is quite simple, it is still very voluminous, therefore, in order not to get confused in the sequence, watch this video. The girl explains everything in great detail so it will be easy for you to understand.

Creamy caramel cream for cake

  • Time for preparing: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: for one medium cake.
  • Kitchen appliances: Mixer, plate.


Cooking process

Recipe video for caramel buttercream

Watch the video to learn how to make this quick version of caramel cream and how much to whip the cream to get it right.

Chocolate caramel cream for cake

  • Time for preparing: 2.5 hours.
  • Servings: for one medium cake.
  • Kitchen appliances: saucepan, spoon, mixer, grater, bowl.


Cooking process

First stage: chocolate, cream.

Second phase: oil, condensed milk.

Recipe video for caramel chocolate cream

The recipe is very simple, but it's better to watch the video to know exactly how to make caramel cream for the cake. Then everything will come out the first time, and you won’t have to throw away products.

What to use the cream for

Caramel cream is very popular in the confectionery business, as it is easy to prepare, does not spread and is very tasty. Custard is often used for eclairs, and small beautiful cupcakes are also prepared with it. The use of caramel in cheesecake is also not uncommon for a long time. And if we talk about cakes, then almost any of them can be prepared with the addition of this cream. The most popular are with viscous caramel or the well-known "Napoleon". Light turns out amazingly tasty, thanks to the sweet unobtrusive cream, and it turns out even tastier. Another very interesting is the biscuit cake with caramel and chocolate.

What can be added

Other ingredients can be added to the caramel cream, which will not spoil its taste in any way. For example, my mother often added chopped nuts or candied fruits, and sometimes small pieces of fruit. It turns out very tasty. You can also add some fruit toppings, jams to it to change the taste for your cake. Pairs well with caramel cinnamon. To make the cream thicker, gelatin is sometimes added to it, and if you need a more viscous cream, then flour and condensed milk are put in it.

If you want your cream to turn out to be the perfect consistency and taste, heed the following tips:

  • Do not let the cream boil - it will curdle and spoil the whole cream.
  • When preparing caramel, you do not need to stir it with a spoon. Just shake the pan from time to time.
  • To make the chocolate melt faster, grind it well and let it warm in the cream for a minute before blending.

Tell us which recipe did you like the most and which one will you cook? What else would you add? What was the cream used for and what was the result? All this is very interesting, so please share your thoughts in the comments.

In fact, preparing it is easy. Since there are no complex ingredients in the recipe, the dish will also come out quite easy on the budget.

Recipe #1 Classic


  • 5 eggs
  • 800 ml milk
  • 2 g vanilla
  • 300 g sugar (or powdered sugar)
  • 6 ceramic molds

Start by bringing the milk and vanilla to a boil in a saucepan. Turn off the fire and leave the milk to cool for 15 minutes. While it is cooling, prepare the caramel.

Make sure that there are no children around you, because the slightest drop of hot caramel can harm them. You, too, be careful.

So, mix half the sugar with 2 tablespoons of water in a heavy bottomed saucepan.

After a while, the mixture will begin to boil, the water will evaporate.

Slowly, the sugar begins to melt.

Gradually it acquires a brown tint. Cook over medium heat until browned, stirring all the time to melt any lumps. Watch the caramel so it doesn't burn.

As soon as we have caramel of the color we need, quickly remove the saucepan from the heat.

And while the caramel is hot, quickly pour it into prepared ceramic molds for baking our dessert.

Note! As soon as the caramel hits the mold, it begins to cool. Therefore, quickly turn your hand so that the still liquid caramel spreads over the entire bottom.

So, as I said, pour caramel into the bottom of each mold.

Set the molds aside for the caramel to cool completely. Soak the empty pan in hot water for 4 minutes, and then wash with detergent.

And you can start beating eggs. Beat eggs with remaining sugar. Whisk for 3 minutes.

Then mix the whipped mixture with the cooled milk, stirring well.

Then pour the egg-milk mixture into ceramic molds, filtering it through a strainer.

When all the molds are filled, put them on a baking sheet and pour hot water into the baking sheet so that it covers the molds by three-quarters.

Put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, and bake for half an hour. Exactly half an hour later, take out the baking sheet, remove the molds from the water and let them cool.

Then cover each mold with cling film and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. I must say that such a dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and only benefits from this. I was in a hurry to try it and tried it warm. I do not recommend. It is said - to cool, so you need to wait. A completely different taste.

And then, after 6 hours (well, you can already after 3-4: o) get the molds from the refrigerator. Place each in a bowl of hot water for 30-60 seconds. And then - carefully separate the dessert from the edges of the mold with a knife. Cover the mold with a plate and turn over. If you feel that nothing is happening: the cream with caramel does not come off, then you need to firmly hold the plate near the mold and shake the mold. It pops off like a cutie!

Do this with the number of molds you need. And voila! Cream caramel is ready.

Recipe number 2 "For two"

Due to the current economic situation in the country in the culinary field, you can’t really go wild. However, this is not a problem. If you have several eggs, sugar, cream and milk on hand, then consider that you have an anti-crisis and simple dessert recipe in stock - caramel cream.


  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Words - 33% 300 ml
  • Vanillin - 0.5 tsp
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Water - 60 ml

So, first you need to make caramel. Mix half of the sugar with 60 ml of water in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat until browned, stirring all the time. Watch the caramel carefully so it doesn't burn.

Immediately pour the caramel into the molds and cool.

You can start preparing the cream. Place the saucepan over medium heat. Pour in milk, cream, add half of the remaining sugar and bring to a boil.

Using a whisk, mix the remaining sugar with the egg yolks and the egg.

Remove the saucepan with the milk mixture from the heat and start pouring the egg mixture into it, stirring everything vigorously. If lumps form during whipping, strain the mixture through a sieve.

Now take the caramel molds and pour in the creamy mixture. Take a deep mold and put molds in it. Pour room temperature water into a baking dish so that it half covers the egg mixture and caramel tins. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes.

You can check the readiness of caramel cream by lightly shaking the mold. If the dessert in the mold trembles a little, then it can be put in the refrigerator.

So, take the molds out of the water, cool a little at room temperature and refrigerate for 5-6 hours, preferably overnight.

Take the caramel cream out of the refrigerator. Gently pry it off with a dessert spoon or a thin knife, then set the appliance aside and quickly invert the dessert onto a flat plate.

Video recipes for dessert "Cream caramel"

Cream caramel - a delicious dessert made from simple products without oil and flour

Step by step recipe for cream caramel

. eggs - 3 pcs.
. yolk - - 2 pcs.
. sugar - - 2 tbsp.
. vanilla pod
. milk - 300 ml
. cream (not less than 20%) -300 ml

For caramel:
. sugar - 3 tbsp.
. 1 st. l. water

Cooking process:
1) Prepare caramel. Pour 3 tablespoons into a saucepan. sugar and pour 1 tbsp. l. cold water. Cook over low heat until the syrup has a light coffee color.
2) Pour the finished caramel into the mold. Make a few circular movements with the mold so that the caramel evenly covers the entire inner surface. Set aside.
3) Bring milk and cream to a boil with vanilla bean pulp or vanilla sugar. Let it brew for 10 min.
4) Mix eggs and yolks with sugar, pour in a thin stream while stirring hot milk with vanilla
5) Strain the cream through a fine sieve into a separate bowl.
6) Pour the cream into a mold with caramel.
7) Put in another larger form. Pour hot water into it so that it reaches the middle of the walls of the mold with caramel. Cook in an oven preheated to 165 ° C-170 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
8) Remove the cream caramel from the oven and cool. Cover the form with a serving dish, turn over and carefully remove from the dessert. Serve warm or chilled.

Cream caramel is a simple and very tasty dessert that is easy to make at home. Such a dessert will help you out both on holidays and on weekdays - it has a minimum of components, but the result will leave few indifferent. Delicate and creamy in taste, the dessert turns out moderately sweet, very light and pleasantly refreshing. The combination of a pleasant jelly-like texture of baked custard and the aroma, taste and juiciness of caramel sauce wins you over from the first bite. Try it!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Connect 3 whole chicken eggs and 2 yolks. Add the sugar and beat the mixture thoroughly until the sugar has dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Measure milk, add vanilla sugar or vanilla stick. Bring the milk almost to a boil over low heat. If desired, half of the milk can be replaced with cream.

While stirring, add the hot milk to the egg mixture. Add milk gradually, 1-2 tablespoons at a time, so the temperature will rise gradually and the eggs will not curdle. After pouring about half of the hot milk, the rest can be poured in a thin stream in one go.

Prepare caramel. Measure out 200 grams of sugar and add 50 milliliters of cold water.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. During cooking, do not stir the mixture, otherwise the sugar will crystallize. Instead, periodically shake the container so that the heating is even. The process may take several minutes, but gradually the sugar will melt and turn into sugar syrup. After a few more minutes, the water will evaporate, the syrup will thicken and large bubbles will appear on its surface.

From this point on, keep a close eye on the color of the syrup, as it is the main indicator of the readiness of the caramel. In a few seconds, it will turn from transparent to pale golden, after another seconds it will acquire a deep caramel hue with orange glints. Another important sign of the readiness of caramel is the appearance of the aroma of burnt sugar. As soon as you feel it, the caramel is ready.

Turn off the heat and pour the caramel into dessert portion molds. Wait a few minutes for the caramel to set and completely harden.

Add prepared egg and milk mixture.

Set the dessert molds in a container with high sides. Pour warm water into the container in such an amount that the molds are 2/3 immersed in water.

Cover the container with foil, place the dessert in an oven preheated to 175 degrees and bake for 45-50 minutes.

Check readiness by piercing the cream with a wooden skewer. The finished cream will thicken and will resemble jelly in consistency.

Remove the dessert molds from the water and cool completely. If you let the dessert brew for a few hours before serving, it will only taste better.

Chilled dessert soak for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. When warm, the caramel will become more liquid and separate better from the bottom of the mold.

Then run a knife along the sides of the mold, separating the dessert. Cover the dessert dish with a plate, and then in one motion turn the dessert onto a plate and remove the form.

Cream caramel is ready. Enjoy your meal.