Home / Recipes / Milk gravy. Milk sauce, recipe with photo step by step

Milk gravy. Milk sauce, recipe with photo step by step

Diversify your usual meals with the best recipes milk sauce. On our website - great options with fresh, pickled and soy milk... With herbs, garlic, spices and butter, croutons, mushrooms, spinach and cheese. Classic Béchamel, Cheddar, Blue Cheese and Caesar. Dessert sauces with raisins, oranges and vanilla.

Sauce is not an independent dish, but something that can set off and refine the taste of the main one, add a certain delicacy and even completely change it. The peak of popularity in the invention of sauces was in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Since spices were very expensive then, the authors of the sauces were mainly rich nobles.

The five most commonly used ingredients in milk sauce recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Pour milk into a saucepan.
2. Put the onion, clove, bay leaf in the same place.
3. Warm milk, but do not boil it.
4. Cut off the crust from the stale bread.
5. Put it in the spice mixture.
6. After that, as it is completely absorbed, boil.
7. Remove lavrushka and cloves.
8. Boil again, stirring well.
9. Cool slightly and beat with a mixer.
10. Add butter, nutmeg... Season with salt and add freshly ground black pepper.
11. Serve warm.

The five fastest milk sauce recipes:

Helpful hints:
... If the milk sauce is not stirred when heated, it can stick to the bottom of the saucepan and even burn.
... In addition to nutmeg, you can add curry, Provencal herbs, basil. Depending on the seasoning, a completely different flavor tone will be obtained.
... The sauce is ideal for fish, meat, vegetables.

Those who were lucky enough to enjoy dishes with this gravy as a child know how it goes well with everything. It was served with everything: meatballs, cutlets, pasta and was often used for baking. We can confidently say that this is one of the most versatile gravy that housewives often use. Classic recipe Milk gravy is just what will help take your dish to the next level of taste.


  • Fat milk - 500 ml
  • White flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Salt to taste

How to make milk gravy: a step-by-step recipe

Before moving on to cooking, it is worth noting that the ingredients are designed for medium density... To obtain a liquid gravy, it is enough to reduce the amount of flour and butter by half.

  1. Dry the white flour. This is a kind of "secret" of a successful dairy gravy, which, alas, is neglected by many. Pour two large spoons of flour onto preheated skillet and dry it. In no case bring to a color change, only a light fry is needed. Then cool it down.
    Calcined flour will rid you of the hated lumps and easily mix with any liquid. It will also remove the paste flavor from your gravy.
  2. Clarification "just in case"

    To cool down means pouring the flour into another container, and not leaving it on hot skillet... This is a mistake that newbies often make.

  3. Once you're done with the flour, pour it into a saucepan or saucepan. Add salt and 1/4 of our milk to it.
  4. Stir until all lumps are gone. Try to break them as they appear, the quality of the gravy depends on these actions.
  5. As soon as the lumps cease to form, pour in the remaining milk. Cook 6 minutes over low heat.
  6. Then add the butter, stir well and bring to a boil.

Clarification "just in case"

The concept of "boil", surprisingly to many, seems superficial. Therefore, I will clarify that you should bring the gravy to a boil and turn it off immediately, and not wait until it boils away.

Secrets of milk gravy and what to serve it for

Depending on which dish it is intended for, in your plans, the recipe can be improved. For dessert, it is enough to replace salt with sugar. If you plan to serve it with fish or meat, you can add pepper and chopped greens to the composition. To give the dish delicate aroma, try adding chopped nutmeg, which often comes in handy.

Remember that everyone has their own tastes and it is better to serve gravy to guests separately from the dish.

Everything that we cook in Everyday life, can turn into a culinary discovery with gravies, sauces and dressings.
Sauce adds refined taste, making the dish unique. It is an essential element that is served as an addition to the first, second or third course. They are prepared with thickeners, whether it be flour or starch (potato, corn) or without them. The base of the sauce can be broth (vegetable, mushroom or meat), as well as sour cream, yogurt, milk, etc.
Very famous for her sauces french cuisine, where it comes from and the most popular white sauce Bechamel. The classic recipe for béchamel sauce can be found here. But white sauce is just the base, and nowadays there are many derivatives from this sauce. For example, they cook bechamel with onions, mushrooms, anchovies, cucumbers, cheese, etc.


  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 tsp without a hill of flour;
  • 1-2 pinches of ground black pepper;
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil for frying.

Onion Milk Sauce Recipe

1. Let's start cooking. We take a medium onion, rinse thoroughly, and use a knife to peel and chop it finely.

2. Take a medium-sized frying pan, pour 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Wait a bit for the oil to warm up and add the onion. Fry it until golden brown.

3. Add 1 tsp to the fried onions. flour, mix everything thoroughly.

4. Wait until the flour is fried along with the onions a little more. The flour should absorb the onion juice and swell. Flour fried in this way will not be felt in the finished sauce, but will only add a faint nutty flavor.

5. Add 1 tbsp to the pan. milk, gently mix everything so that there are no lumps. Add salt, a whisper of nutmeg and black pepper to taste. It is very important to stir the sauce constantly so that unwanted lumps do not form.

6. Let the sauce boil and simmer for 5-7 seconds over medium-high heat.

7. The mixture should thicken quite a bit. In this case, the sauce must still be very liquid. Fear not, it will thicken a lot when it cools down.

8. Add green onions and mix everything. We remove from the stove.

9. Let our sauce with onions brew a little and soak in the smell of fresh onions (about 5 minutes). We shift in a saucepan and serve the sauce to the table.

10. Here is such a delicate and tasty milk sauce with onions. White onions, fried until half cooked, will crunch pleasantly on the teeth, green onions and black pepper will add spice and flavor to the sauce. Bon Appetit!

Greetings dear readers. Today I will show you an interesting cooking method. Everyone knows the delicate and slightly sweetened taste of such a gravy, which was also added to cutlets in kindergarten, and sweet to mom's pancakes and pancakes.

Sometimes you just want to diversify your culinary delights with something new, or long forgotten old. It is in such cases that this gravy is needed. It is easily prepared from improvised products and has many types and variations - sweet and spicy, with spices and mushrooms, cheese and nuts. With what they just do not do it. It is easy to prepare it on time when guests are on their way - the cooking time is 10-15 minutes. As such, white, aka milk, sauce, but with the addition of broth, is not the top of cooking and anyone, even a novice housewife, can cook it. While the dressing is extremely simple, it is the staple of classic cuisine.

Milk sauces are also served with side dishes, enriching their taste. Prepared with milk, cream or sour cream, it lends beneficial flavor to dishes. A properly selected gravy shows the professionalism of the cook. Properly cooked will only add to your honor. The lump-free sauce with a uniform consistency can be considered an absolute success. If it was not possible to avoid lumps, you can strain the gravy through cheesecloth or a fine strainer, or break it in a blender.

The preparation of the dressing is extremely simple and quick, so I won't even break it down into separate steps.

In a frying pan, you need to fry the flour in butter, but, most importantly, so that there are no lumps. To do this, the flour in a frying pan can be sifted through a sieve, so the chances of getting a heterogeneous mass are minimized. After that, pour hot milk into the resulting mass, but in no case boiling - a dark, dark lumps are formed. While pouring in, you need to stir continuously. One of the important points that I read out is that you need to interfere with a wooden spatula. Then add salt to taste and boil for 6-7 minutes over medium heat. That's all, the sauce is ready, you can serve it to the table.

It must be remembered that such a gravy does not last long, so it is prepared right before use. Although it can be frozen and then served again if melted in steam and boiled.


Every hostess or owner has everything that we need at home. The amount of flour, milk and butter varies depending on how thick the sauce is needed, but the cooking method is the same. A little later I will tell you what is suitable for a liquid, what for a thick, and a medium gravy. In the meantime, here are the ingredients for the dressing of medium thickness, if you take one glass for 250 grams, and one tablespoon for 20 grams.

I don't think it happens that there is no butter or flour at home. We need very little of them - a couple of spoons. It will be more difficult with milk - it’s suddenly sour or over, it’s still an extremely consumable material. It is also likely that in the kitchen, in some clever cabinet, there is nutmeg. Well, at least a little. And sugar and salt must also be somewhere. If not sugar, then at least salt.

  1. Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Nutmeg (optional) - 1-2g.
  3. Milk - 2 cups.
  4. Salt-sugar to taste.

An interesting fact about nutmeg: if you eat a lot of it, it can cause hallucinations. As they say, and the medicine in large quantities- I.

Thick sauce.

Making a thick milk sauce is as easy as making a medium-thick sauce. To do this, you will need to increase the amount of flour and butter, while reducing or leaving the same amount of milk. You get something like this:

  1. Wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Milk - 1.5-2 cups.

The thick gravy is suitable for stuffing cutlets and some pork and beef dishes. Sometimes herbs, finely chopped boiled mushrooms and spices are added for taste. On the contrary, liquid is used as a gravy for a variety of dishes and side dishes, sometimes served with fruits and desserts. In this case, you can add vanillin or candied fruit to the sauce, then it will look like melted ice cream and will be extremely fond of children. Medium thick sauce is used for roasting meat, fish and vegetables, and gives them a delicate milky taste.

And now that we know the basics - we can proceed to the heading "experiments". We add whatever our heart desires to the sauce, the main thing is not to overdo it and combine it correctly. We will help you with this. Here are some of the most popular milk sauce recipes and what goes best with them.

Milk sauce with spices.

There are infinitely many varieties of dressing - each culinary specialist adds something of his own, be it cloves or even wine. For example, a sauce with spices. The additives do not affect the amount of ingredients in any way, so you can choose whichever milk sauce recipe you like the most.

The most compatible spices with sauce:

  • Ginger - gives a pleasant sourness and makes the meat a little softer. This addition is more typical for American cuisine.
  • Grated on top of the sauce right before serving will make it sweeter and more flavorful.
  • Coriander mixed with gravy will reveal itself in the form of a light smell and taste of anise, giving away all the spice.
  • Ground sesame seeds will give the dressing, and with it the dish, a nutty, spicy aroma.
  • Cinnamon is perfect for a sweet sauce, or a gravy with fish.
  • Ground black pepper will add a spicy taste.
  • Turmeric will give the gravy a yellowish-fiery color and oriental aroma.

Good to know! Cheap spices are unlikely to work for beautiful and expensive dishes... They will have to be added much more in order to somehow feel their taste and smell in a gas station. On the contrary, there are enough expensive ones at the tip of a knife to experience the full range of flavors. Of course, it all depends on the manufacturer, how conscientious he is.

Milk sauce with onions and mushrooms

Sauce with onions and mushrooms is ideal for meat. There are options when one onion is used, or only mushrooms, but then it is worth doubling the amount of one of them, so that it does not happen that someone gets an additional part of the seasoning, and someone does not.

What we need:

  1. Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Milk - 1 glass.
  4. Onion- 100 g.
  5. Champignons - 100 g.
  6. Salt spices to taste.

First you need to peel the onion, wash the vegetables, then finely chop the mushrooms and the same onion. Then pour them into the pan, fry until the moisture from the mushrooms has completely evaporated. Fry the flour in butter. Pour in hot milk, gradually whisking the mixture until smooth. Add mushrooms and / or onions, salt and spices to taste. Don't be afraid to try not yet ready-made sauce, this can be of great help if it is slightly burnt or lacking in something. Cook for another 5 to 10 minutes. The meat dressing is ready.

Sweet milk sauce

Another type of milk sauce is sweet. So soft and stringy, melting in your mouth. Don't know how to pour pudding, pancakes or how to fill a pie - sweet sauce the best solution. Also, it goes well with other dishes - fish, meat and desserts. The main thing is what kind of taste you want to achieve.

The method of making sweet gravy with milk is as simple as the classic one.


  1. Milk - 2 cups.
  2. Flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Butter - 1.5 tbsp. from a spoon.
  4. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Vanillin - 1-2 grams.
  6. Cinnamon - 2-3 grams.
    (image 4)

Step one - boil milk with sugar, let it cool. The second is to heat the flour in oil. The third is to pour in milk, stirring constantly. The fourth is to add vanillin and cinnamon. Fifth, wait about seven minutes for the sauce to cook. The sixth is to enjoy your favorite dish with sauce.

Classic milk sauce (Bechamel).

Here I will show you the oldest and most proven method of making your favorite sauce - Bechanel milk sauce. This versatile gravy will go with anything you want.


  1. Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Butter - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  4. Milk - 3 glasses.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste.

Melt butter, mix with vegetable oil. Gradually add flour, stirring occasionally. Then slowly pour in the milk while still stirring. Add salt to the resulting dairy mass and cook for about ten minutes.

If the consistency of the gravy should be thinner, add a little more milk. If you need a thicker sauce, simmer until the desired thickness is obtained.

Milk sauce with cheese

For various types of cuts and salads, it is used cheese and milk sauce... It is suitable both as a gas station and as an independent addition. It will require a little more sauce, but that's not a problem - it's easy to make.

So what you need:

  1. Ready-made milk sauce - 650 ml.
  2. Cheese, preferably hard, - 100 g.
  3. Butter - 60 g.
  4. Broth - 250 ml.
  5. Ground pepper, salt - to taste.

In a ladle, first of all, we heat the broth to 50 degrees Celsius. But it is not worth boiling it, otherwise lumps will appear during the infusion. Then, gently pour into the sauce, stirring thoroughly. Cheese should be grated finely and finely. If this is not possible - crumble in a blender until an almost homogeneous mixture. Add cheese to the resulting bouillon mass. Mix and heat until the cheese is completely dissolved. Let the sauce cool to room temperature, then dilute it with melted warm butter.

Milk sauce with ginger and garlic

Another of the simple but delicious varieties of sauce is a dairy gravy with ginger and garlic - this is the dressing fish dishes... It has a delicate aftertaste, spicy aroma and a pungent bitterness of garlic. Such seasoning is combined with fish no worse than lemon.


  1. Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Milk - 2 cups.
  4. Ginger (root) - 20g.
  5. Garlic - 2 medium cloves.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste.

Now let's get down to cooking. Prepare the ingredients for use: remove the peel from the ginger, grate the root, press the garlic with a special press. The next step is to warm up the pan and saute the flour in oil on it. After that, pour in hot milk there, stirring constantly, so that lumps do not form. If, nevertheless, they appear, then it is worth driving the sauce through a sieve or whisk thoroughly with a mixer. Then add ginger, salt, pepper and garlic. Boil for about three more minutes and remove from heat. The fish sauce is ready.

Quick Ways to Make Milk Sauce

The dairy sauces themselves are very fast food... Once - ten minutes and the sauce is ready. But when time is running out, you need to remember that increasing the fire to the maximum will not speed up the process, but perhaps it can burn the gravy. Then it only remains to redo if there are products left. Although you can cheat and add strong seasonings to kill the burning smell.

I think it will be interesting for you to know the history of the invention of this sauce. Is it really like that french sauce come from France? Many recipes, not only French, originate in the ancient world, when the elders-cooks mixed milk and flour, and sometimes instead of flour they used eggs, added spices there, and then served them to the table.

According to one version, Bechamel was invented by the Marquis de Nointel, Louis Bechamel, who, having become rich thanks to his ingenuity and knowledge of art, became closer to Louis the Fourteenth. Having perfectly studied painting and woodwork, he always gave the king competent advice on the design of the palace. But with all this, the Marquis considered culinary his vocation. He was captivated by the creation of exotic dishes, experimenting with the size and color of food.

Over time, Bechamel became the personal chef of Louis the Fourteenth. The culinary art critic was awarded the title of Marquis of the Château de Nuantel. He worked from morning to night - the king loves tasty and frequent snacks. Such an appetite of His Majesty the Marquis had to satisfy, each time coming up with something new to please the Vladyka. Bechamel did not like only giving orders, and he himself participated in the creation of almost every culinary delight for the king's table.
Thus, by trial and error, sauce was invented. But, as they say, everything new is long forgotten old. Bechanel, as a sauce, was known earlier, in small provinces. And only closeness to the king gave him a separate name and wide distribution.
This is the basis of the second version - the marquis has only just finalized famous recipe, brought his own and spread. Also, it is indicated that the chef Pierre La Varennes came up with the recipe, but did not give the name to the sauce.

The third version generally proves that the sauce is not at all originally French, but was brought from Italy by the Medici family. By the way, this is confirmed by the fact that even in ancient Italy there was an almost identical seasoning on the tables in terms of composition, with the beautiful name "Balsamella". Yes, and in France, sauce was known long before its "invention" by the royal chef. Even the Duke of Kar wrote about this in his personal diary. He called Bechamel lucky and described the recipe for the milk sauce, which he served on the table along with other dishes, and laments that the sauce, in spite of everything, is not named after him.

But today, rest assured, no one even remembers the history of such a simple and delicious sauce... It is simply prepared and added to dishes. This is the fate of all the most common dishes nowadays. You will know a little more and when you put a stewpan with meat and creamy sauce on the table, slyly drop a few words about the history, it would seem, used at all times of dressing. For example, nowadays meat juice is not needed for its preparation, but sour cream or milk is needed, and some lovers of a particularly delicate taste prepare it on the basis of cream, and it is added more in the second, and not soups, as it happened before, four centuries ago ...

In any case, now the dairy dressing is a worthy decoration for your table and a great addition to dishes. Bon Appetit!

Classic Milk sauces are made from milk and white sauté sauce with the addition of spices. Depending on the purpose, milk sauces can be of different thicknesses.

Purpose of the sauce: thick sauce is used as a filling for stuffed cutlets from chicken or game fillets, croquettes, etc .; medium thick sauce is used for baking vegetables, meat and fish; liquid sauce is served with hot vegetable and cereal dishes.
for thick sauce: milk 900, flour 120, butter 120;
for sauce of medium thickness: milk 1000, flour 90, butter 90;
for liquid sauce: milk 1000, flour 50, butter 50, sugar 10.

Dissolve the white hot sauté with hot milk, stirring continuously with a jelly, add salt and boil for 5-7 minutes. You can add raw egg yolks to the sauce of medium thickness (3-4 pieces per 1 kg of sauce), and add sugar to the liquid sauce, in addition to salt.

Ingredients: Milk 1000, flour 40, butter 40, sugar 120, vanillin 0.1.

This sauce is prepared in the same way as liquid milk sauce (64), but more sugar and vanillin, previously dissolved in a small amount of hot water, are added to it.

Purpose of the sauce prepared according to the 1st method: served with fried lamb, cutlets, etc.
Ingredients: Milk 800, meat broth 150, flour 40, butter 40, onion 250, hot red pepper 0.01.
The first way. Sauté the finely chopped onions in oil so that their color does not change. Then pour a small amount of broth into the sautéed onion and simmer until cooked in a container with a lid.
Combine broth with onions with medium thick milk sauce (64) and cook for 5-7 minutes, then add salt, red hot peppers.
Stir the seasoned sauce, rub and heat with the addition of hot milk.

Purpose of the sauce prepared according to the 2nd method: served with fried rabbit, boiled poultry, boiled meat etc.
Ingredients: Milk 600, meat broth 300, butter 40, flour 4Q, onions 200, nutmeg 0.2, hot red pepper 0.01 or ground white 0.1.
Second way. Onions, coarsely chopped, boil in milk. Then remove the onion from the broth and chop; prepare a white sauté from flour and butter, dilute with milk broth and pour in the broth, add pepper, salt, nutmeg, stir and cook for 5-7 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve. Put chopped onion in the strained sauce and let it boil.

Ingredients: Milk sauce 650, broth 250, cheese 100, butter 50, red pepper 0.01.

Dilute thick milk sauce with broth. Put grated cheese (Soviet, Swiss, etc.) into the sauce and mix thoroughly. Season with butter, salt and red pepper.

Purpose of the sauce: served with boiled and stewed fish dishes.
Ingredients: Milk sauce 300, fish broth 500, cream 150, crayfish oil 100, truffles 150, hot red pepper 0.1, lemon 1 pc.

Gradually pour into the milk sauce fish broth, boiled with truffles, and heat to a boil, stirring with a spatula; after 5-7 minutes, pour in the boiled cream, add salt, red hot pepper and stir. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, season with crayfish oil (88) and lemon juice or citric acid... This sauce can be prepared without truffles.

Purpose of the sauce: served with game, poultry, crayfish tails.
Ingredients: Cream or milk 700, eggs (yolks) 7 pcs., Butter 100, broth (fume) 150, Madeira 100, red pepper 1.

Mix raw egg yolks with cold milk or cream and heat on a stove or water bath, stirring continuously with a broom, without bringing the mixture to a boil. When the mass thickens, remove it from the heat, add highly concentrated brown broth, boiled Madeira, season with salt and red pepper. Then strain the sauce through a napkin, heat, stirring, and season with butter.