Home / Pies / Tortilla cakes in a frying pan. How to make a tortilla

Tortilla cakes in a frying pan. How to make a tortilla

With this tortilla, which is called a tortilla, I "got acquainted" in the summer. I really liked the taste, so I tried to reproduce her cooking at home. However, among the many recipes on the Internet, I could not find a suitable one. I have tried so many and all in vain. In the end, through trial and error, I was able to reproduce required recipe and was pleased with the result. When I tried the tortilla, I realized that my efforts were crowned with success. I know that for Mexican tortilla it is usually made with corn flour, but I also know that we do not sell exactly this kind of flour - the flour from our stores has the wrong stickiness. That is why the tortilla recipe I included corn flour, failed miserably. And I offer you a recipe with which you will not have the hassle that I had.

Tortilla recipe at home

There is different fillings for tortillas: chicken, mozzarella cheese, lettuce, canned corn, ham, olives, Bell pepper... It is very convenient from such cakes, when they are at hand, to prepare breakfast or a snack for yourself.

step by step photo recipe


  • 100 grams of water (half a glass)
  • 350 grams of premium flour,
  • 50 grams butter,
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil,
  • 0.5 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flax seeds.

Cooking process:

Mix dry ingredients (flour, salt and baking powder).

Add butter, grated on a coarse grater.

Mix everything into crumbs.

Add flax seeds and mix too.

Heat the water to a temperature of about 40-50 degrees, pour into the prepared mass and knead the dough. It should not be very tight, but should not stick to your hands. Roll it up into a ball.

Then cover the tortilla dough and let it rest for about half an hour. Then we divide it into 8 equal parts.

Roll out the first ball to make a thin crust, the size of a frying pan. If the pan is small, then it is better to cut off the edges, the main thing is that the cake itself is as thin as possible.

Fry the cake in a dry frying pan over medium heat for one and a half minutes on each side, during which time the edges will not have time to become dry and brittle. Do not overdo it!

We immediately put the finished tortilla cakes in a bag so that they do not dry out. Later, they can be transferred to another bag, because this one will become damp from perspiration. It is also worth storing the cakes in the future in a tightly closed bag.

From the given amount of dough, I got 10 cakes. I cut off the edges while cooking, and I made 2 extra cakes. Our tortilla is ready. And already from it you can make all sorts delicious tortillas stuffed.

Photo recipe for tortillas from Julia Kolomiets.


Part of the national Mexican cuisine is the unleavened tortilla or tortillas. It is made from simple water and cornmeal with salt. Traditionally - without yeast or any other leavening agents. However, the recipe can be varied to your liking. And this will already be the cuisine of another country: Georgian khachapuri, Indian chapatis or khychin Karachais. All these are tortilla cakes, but already with cheese, spices, nuts or cereal flour. They are used in place of bread or to create dishes. fast food- quesadillas (pieces of chicken fried with vegetables in a flat cake). Other variations of quesadillas are burritos or tacos.

Tortilla flatbread - general cooking principles

Classic tortillas is made from corn flour, but with the obligatory addition of wheat flour. This improves the quality of the dough, since corn flour has a weak stickiness and it is hardly possible to make a lump of dough from it.

You can add the filling to the tortilla dough: chopped walnuts, cheese, boiled chopped eggs, spices, dried or fresh chopped spicy herbs. Or you can choose the filling of your choice.

To make the filling in an even layer right in the middle of the flatbread, first prepare the dough. And then roll additional food into it.

Prepare the dish in a pan (regular or pancake) or in the oven.
well and classic cooking involves the use of special wood-burning ovens, where the cakes are evenly fried and become tender-crunchy.

Tortilla flatbread - classic Mexican (with wheat flour)


260 g wheat flour(highest grade);

· 120 ml of boiled water;

· Two tbsp. l. butter;

· A spoonful of salt;

60 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Melt the butter (do not boil it) and combine with warm water. Add salt and flour. Knead unleavened dough.

2. Put it in a bag and leave for a quarter of an hour to "ripen".

3. Then form a sausage out of the dough with your hands and cut it into pieces weighing about 20-30 g. It is possible more, but then the diameter of the cake will be wider.

4. Roll each piece with a rolling pin to a thin cake. It should almost shine through the table, but not tear to pieces.

5. Heat some oil in a skillet and add the first flatbread. Fry it on both sides - this will take about 4 minutes.

6. Lay the finished cakes on a plate with paper towels to remove excess fat.

7. Pour some more oil into the pan and fry the next layers of dough.

8. Remove paper towels before serving. While the cakes are soft, you can wrap a snack salad in them. Roll the baked dough into a bag and insert the cucumber mixture, hard cheese, eggs, herbs and sour cream.
The salad can be fruity.

Tortilla with kefir


· One tbsp. kefir (acidophilus or fermented baked milk);

· Five tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

310 g of wheat flour;

One tsp any salt;

· Some spices;

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, combine kefir and three tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Add spices and salt. Then soda and flour.
Knead the dough until smooth.

2. Spread the remaining butter on the table and divide the dough into small pieces. Roll each into a thin layer.

3. Heat two pans on adjacent cooking zones and place two thin layers in them. Fry at the same time and spend half the time on the whole preparation. And due to the fact that the dough was rolled out with butter, there is no need to add it to the pan.

4. Hot cakes are served with hot dishes, including pilaf. Crisp dough is used instead of a cutlery, grabbing rice with it.

Tortilla tortilla made from cornmeal


260 g of corn flour;

A couple of spoons of wheat flour (or potato starch);

110 ml of water;

· 2 tbsp. spoons of milk;

· A couple of pinches of salt;

· Three tbsp. l. lean oil;

One yolk.

Cooking method:

1. Stir warm water and milk.
Add salt and wheat flour. Knead the dough while adding cornmeal with your free hand.
Stir until a smooth lump comes out soft dough.

2. Grease a work surface with oil and cut the dough into pieces. Roll each with a rolling pin.

3. Turn on the oven at 200 ° C and take a wide baking sheet with low sides. Place layers of dough on top of it, as long as you can. Grease the top surfaces with yolk.
Bake for 10-12 minutes.

4. Serve hot cakes instead of bread with green sauce"Pesto" or tea with jam or jam.

Tortilla flatbread with suluguni cheese


320 g of wheat flour;

One small egg (C2);

A clove of garlic;

60 g of suluguni cheese;

120 ml of milk;

· Five tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Beat an egg in a bowl, add milk and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add flour and dough.
Set it aside for now. Cover up so it doesn't get windy.

2. Pass a clove of garlic through a press and grate the cheese on a fine grater. Stir the mass. Please note that you can take any cheese you want - any hard or pickled.

3. Take the dough and cut it into 6-8 pieces.

4. Roll the first piece into a layer. Place the cheese and garlic filling in the center and gather the edges on top. It turned out to be a closed bag. Pin the edges tightly to keep the cheese from falling out. Place the pinch in the center of the flatbread and roll out the dough with a rolling pin.
Should be thin crust with cheese and garlic inside.
Do the same for all pieces of dough.

5. Heat a frying pan and fry the cakes in oil until cooked on both sides. The cheese will melt at a high temperature, and when it cools, it will give its aroma and taste to the dough.

6. Serve the dish for lunch in addition to the first or second course.

Tortilla with nuts


120 ml of water;

A couple of pinches of baking powder;

260 g flour (wheat);

· handful walnuts(or "Pecan");

· 50 ml of liquid oil.

Cooking method:

1. Walnuts best for this dish, they are soft. But it is better to remove the bitter skin. To do this, fry the nuts in a pan and cool. Use your hands to sort through the peeling skin. Then chop the white nuts into crumbs. Make the crumbs small or large if desired. If you take Pecan, you don't need to peel it - it is soft and sweet.

2. Combine water with salt, 10 ml of oil and nuts.
Add baking powder and flour. Knead the mixture with your hands until a soft dough is obtained. Roll out the dough into a large, thin layer to fit the baking tray.

3. Set the temperature in the oven to 180-200˚С.
Grease a wide baking sheet with oil. Spread a sheet of dough over the butter. Also coat the top with liquid fat. Immediately cut into squares or triangles with a special dough knife.
Reduce to heat for cooking. After 15 minutes, everything is ready.

4. Place the tortillas on a plate.
Top with liquid bee honey if desired.

Sweet honey tortilla


· 1 tbsp. sour cream (or cream);

· A couple of pinches of salt;

· 1.5 tbsp. flour;

1/3 tsp soda;

· 3 tbsp. l. honey;

· A bunch of green basil;

· 3 tbsp. l. raisins (pitted);

2 tsp butter;

50 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Combine soft butter with sour cream, honey, baking soda and salt. Add half the flour and mix thoroughly.
Add the remaining flour and knead a lump of dough.

2. Rinse and fill the raisins hot water for a few minutes.
Sort out the basil greens, for the recipe you only need fresh young leaves. Rinse and dry them. In a blender, grind the raisins (without water) and basil into a smooth, puree mass.

3. Start shaping the dough. Blind the sausage and cut it into small pieces. Roll each thinly. Put some filling in the middle and gather the edges so that the greens and raisins are inside. The cake will come out in two layers. Roll it and all the others one by one. In the same way, you can roll any filling into the dough - finely chopped bacon or bell peppers, grated young carrots or an apple and plum salad.

4. In vegetable oil, fry each cake until golden brown on both sides.

5. Serve the cakes to the table according to the number of guests. If you've baked one large topped tortillas, you can slice it like a pizza.

Diet cheese tortilla tortilla


A couple of eggs;

· Three tablespoons of oat bran flour;

· Two spoons of milk;

A pinch of salt and soda;

· 60 g of cheese (any hard).

Cooking method:

1. Break eggs into a bowl. Mix salt, baking soda and milk with them.

2. Then gradually add flour and knead the dough.

3. Grate the cheese through a small grater and add it to the prepared dough.

4. Mix everything thoroughly and divide into several balls.

5. Roll each ball into a cake.

6. Preheat a nonstick skillet and bake each flatbread on both sides for two minutes under the lid closed.

7. The cakes should take on a golden hue.
Serve immediately after cooking.

The tortilla is made not only fresh, but also sweet and from butter dough.

For the base of the dough, take water, kefir, milk, cream, sour cream or even beer. Do not be afraid to get drunk after drinking a beer cake, only the aroma will remain from the alcohol.

Do not use more flour for the dough than indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, it will burn during frying and absorb a lot of oil.

Serve such cakes to the table right away. Otherwise, they may dry out and harden.

Recipes for the most simple dishes out of nothing

The best step by step recipes cooking mexican tortilla at home with photos and videos. Do you like to surprise your loved ones? Then this dish is for you!

45 minutes

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

Mexican tortilla is one of the most common national Mexican dishes, because Mexican tortillas, like Russian pies, can be fed to a lot of people, and if you also fill it correctly, it will work out at all. holiday dish... It is a thin tortilla made from corn or wheat flour, which is the basis for many other Mexican dishes, such as quesadillas, tacos, burritos, fajitas, enchilada and others. These cakes - tortillas - were baked by the Indians in ancient times, and they received the name "tortilla" from the Spanish conquistadors under the leadership of Hernana Cortez, conquerors of Mexico in the era of colonization of the territory of America.

This short excursion into history is not without reason, since the tortilla is not only Mexican, but also Spanish. Spanish tortilla is an omelet with potatoes and onions, is one of national dishes Spain, so don't confuse it with the Mexican tortilla, which is a corn tortilla.

Today we will consider with you a classic recipe for tortilla with chicken and vegetables, which is easy to cook at home.

Mexican tortilla recipe

In this recipe, we'll look at how to make a corn tortilla. In certain supermarkets, you can find ready-made flatbreads (most often in the amount of six pieces per pack). Buying ready-made tortillas is not an easy task, they are not sold everywhere, but if you already have such a place in mind and you don’t want to mess around with making tortillas, then go to the recipe below, where we will immediately start making tortilla with stuffing.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, frying pan (preferably with non-stick coating), sieve, bowl, dough rocking chair, large cutting board.


The water must be very hot, almost boiling water. If you use cold water, then you won't get any elastic corn tortilla.

Despite the fact that it is customary to make the dough from corn flour, replacing it with wheat flour will not spoil your dish. Dough based on corn flour may not be to everyone's taste, but the preparation of a wheat tortilla is practiced quite often, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just follow the same cooking steps, only replacing corn flour with wheat flour.

Video recipe

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a corn tortilla. It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time to find a store that sells ready-made tortillas, you can take very little time, and corn tortillas homemade will turn out no worse than in Mexico!

We have prepared the base for the dish, now let's start preparing the filling!

Mexican Tortilla Recipe Stuffed with Chicken and Vegetables

  • Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
  • Servings: for 6 cakes.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, frying pan, bowl, cutting board, grater (optional).


  • 6 tortilla cakes;
  • 650 g chicken fillet;
  • a can of canned corn;
  • 400 g cheddar cheese;
  • one large onion (it is advisable to take a red onion, it is lighter);
  • tomato paste;
  • olive oil (can be replaced with refined sunflower oil);
  • salt;
  • ground red pepper;
  • greens to taste.

It is also worth noting that only approximate numbers of grams are given. If you overdo it a little with one or another ingredient, then no trouble will happen, add more of that ingredient, the prevailing taste of which you want to get in the finished dish.

Cooking sequence

Although this is an easy, completely unpretentious dish to prepare, it is not so popular with us. This will play into your hands, spending all of your free time, you will get a wonderful taste of a dish that your guests may have never tasted before and will appreciate it.

Video recipe

Use this video as a cheat sheet for making a chicken and vegetable tortilla!

Other options

Our traditional Mexican flatbread is ready. It's not just that the dish becomes a national treasure local cuisine and is prepared literally in every home and institution. Only best recipes pass the test of time and remain loved and traditional.

The Mexican Tortilla recipe is one of them! All the beauty lies in the simplicity of preparation and the availability of ingredients for this dish. Even if you have only recently started cooking, nothing will prevent you from mastering this recipe, because it is quite difficult to screw up this dish in the preparation of this dish, and even more so if you use purchased tortillas.

Mexican flatbread with various fillings has firmly entered the life of modern Russians along with such dishes. fast food like shawarma or hamburger. We are no longer surprised by exotic tartilla, tacos or fajitos. You don't need any special culinary skills to create a Mexican-style lunch. In this article, we'll show you how to make a tortilla at home. You will also learn how to make yourself from simple products real burritos, enchilado and tacos.

Known all over the world for its traditional appetizers that are delicious and easy to eat. Most of them are bland with various sauces and various fillings. The tortilla is very simple to prepare:

  • In a large bowl, combine three cups of wheat flour, a bag of baking powder, and some salt. Chop two tablespoons of butter with a knife or grate. Rub all the ingredients with your hands until they are crumbled.
  • Gradually add one and a half cups to the flour. Knead soft dough and divide into equal sized pieces chicken egg... Cover the blanks with a towel and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the work surface of the table with flour and roll out of the prepared dough thin pancakes... Mexican tortilla is baked on hot skillet without oil until the surface is browned and bubbled.

To make corn tortillas, use wheat tortillas in a 1: 1 ratio. Ready-made Mexican tortillas can last long in the freezer if wrapped in parchment or To use the tortilla, you just need to defrost it at room temperature and then reheat it in the microwave.

Chicken tortilla

This wonderful dish can replace a full meal, and it is very simple to prepare:

  • Chop the chicken breast small cube and fry in a pan until tender. Don't forget to season it with salt and pepper.
  • We will make the tortilla sauce from sour cream, chopped garlic and ground chili.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices and the cucumbers into strips.
  • Grease the heated tortilla with sauce, put on it a couple of lettuce sheets, vegetables, tomato paste and chicken.
  • Roll the cake into an envelope, and so that the filling does not crumble, wrap the envelope in foil.

The chicken tortilla is ready! It is better to serve it to the table right away so that too much juice does not come out of the vegetables.

Burrito with spicy sauce

This versatile dish can be prepared with any meat, fish or vegetable filling. This time we suggest you make a ground beef burrito:

  • The most important ingredient in this dish is of course the tortilla. At home, these cakes can be made from flour and water as described above. If you don't want to bake, you can buy ready-made ones and use them as a base for burritos.
  • 500 grams minced meat fry in vegetable oil until half cooked.
  • Peel one onion, chop it and place it in the pan with the meat. When it's browned, add the diced chopped chili (to taste) and the canned beans.
  • Season the vegetables with salt and drizzle with lime juice.
  • Place the filling in the center of the cake and wrap it in a straw.

If desired, you can change the amount of ingredients, add other vegetables or sauce.


Like many other Mexican dishes, enchiladas are composed of unleavened cakes, meat and vegetable fillings, as well as salsa (special sauce).


Freshly baked Mexican tortilla with meat filling has such a vivid taste that the tongue does not turn to call it fast food. Natural products combined with fresh vegetables and greens cannot be compared with buns, sausages and sauces of unknown origin. This wonderful dish is very easy to prepare:


This is another popular dish Mexican cuisine made from tortilla, meat, vegetables and cheese:

  • Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and fry in a pan until half cooked.
  • Cut onions, tomatoes and bell peppers into cubes and simmer with the chicken.
  • Add to the pan canned corn, tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater and place on one half of the tortilla. Put the filling on top, and then another layer grated cheese... Fold the tortilla in half, cut in half and fry in a preheated skillet on both sides.

Fajitas with meat

By classic recipe the beef that will be used for this dish must be marinated in a special way for two or three days. However, we suggest that you take advantage of more simple option making this hearty snack:

  • Cut 500 grams of beef tenderloin into steaks, each of which rub with salt and black pepper. Cook the prepared meat in salted water for about 20 minutes.
  • When the meat has cooled, cut it into thin, long fibers.
  • Three red onions and four bell peppers cut into long strips.
  • Preheat a skillet well and fry the meat generously sprinkled with ground pepper on it. Then you can add vegetables and reheat them along with the beef.

Fajitos must be formed independently by each participant in the meal. To do this, take a cake in your hand, put the filling in it, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour sour cream and salsa to taste.

Today I decided to write for the readers of my blog "Spanish Recipes"... This is certainly not Spanish cuisine. But in Spain they also know and love Mexican tacos - tortillas made of corn or wheat flour with various fillings.

At first I wanted to write just the options for the filling for the Mexican flatbread. The latest culinary magazine I recently bought has a lot of them. But I thought that perhaps some readers would be interested in making tacos at home not only from purchased Mexican flatbreads, but also baking them themselves.

Mexican tortilla recipe

By the way, from some of the comments that the Mexicans left, it became clear that even in Mexico, you can not try real ones everywhere. Such cakes are still baked in the outback, in the villages. And they need special corn flour, which you can't buy everywhere. Industrial tortillas are not at all like that. Maseca flour is often used in Mexico. In Spain, it seems, you can buy it in El Corte Inglés supermarkets. But we don't have to choose. We will cook from the flour that is on sale.

Mexican tortilla recipe

To prepare 12 cakes, we take the following products:

  • 175 g corn flour
  • 265 ml. warm water
  • 3 gr. salt.

1. Sift corn flour in a bowl. Mix with salt. Gradually add a little warm water and knead the dough. Important - the water must be warm!

2. The dough should turn out not liquid, but not very steep either. When pressed with a finger, a depression should remain in it. You must regulate the amount of added water yourself.

Here is a video showing a Mexican tortilla recipe. Mexican cooking. Video in Spanish. But the whole process of making the dough is clear.

3. Cooked dough must be divided into balls of the same size. Sprinkle the table with wheat flour and roll the balls into round thin cakes of the required size with a rolling pin.

Mexicans use special presses for this. But you can also roll it out with a rolling pin. It's just that the cakes will not turn out so even. But that's okay.

4. Mexican tortillas can be baked on the electric grill or simply in a frying pan. First, you need to lubricate their surface with a thin layer of vegetable oil and warm it up well.

See the video for how to do this.

5. Fold baked pile, covered with a clean towel. Prepare tacos from them with various fillings. Tortillas quickly stale. Therefore, they need to be used very quickly.

In northern Mexico, tortillas are also made from wheat flour. Recipe