Home / pies / Recipes with mexican tortillas. Mexican tortilla recipe (video)

Recipes with mexican tortillas. Mexican tortilla recipe (video)

Today I decided to write for the readers of my blog ” Spanish cuisine recipes ”. This is certainly not Spanish cuisine. But in Spain they also know and love Mexican tacos - tortillas made from corn or wheat flour With various fillings.

At first, I wanted to write just filling options for Mexican tortillas. The last cooking magazine I recently bought has a lot of them. But I thought that it might be interesting for some readers to cook tacos at home not only from purchased Mexican tortillas, but also bake them themselves.

mexican tortilla recipe

By the way, from some of the comments that the Mexicans left, it became clear that even in Mexico, you can’t try real ones everywhere. Such cakes are still baked in the outback, in the villages. And they need special corn flour, which you can’t buy everywhere. Industrial cakes are not like that at all. In Mexico, Maseca brand flour is often used. In Spain, it seems that you can buy it in El Corte Inglés supermarkets. But we don't have to choose. We will cook from the flour that is on sale.

mexican tortilla recipe

To prepare 12 cakes, we take the following products:

  • 175 gr. corn flour,
  • 265 ml. warm water
  • 3 gr. salt.

1. Sift corn flour in a bowl. Mix with salt. Gradually add warm water little by little and knead the dough. Important - the water must be warm!

2. The dough should be not liquid, but not very cool either. When pressed with a finger, a recess should remain in it. The amount of water added is up to you.

Here is a video in which you can see the recipe for Mexican tortillas. The Mexican is cooking. Video in Spanish. But the whole process of preparing the dough is clear.

3. Cooked dough need to be divided into balls of the same size. Sprinkle the table with wheat flour and roll out the balls into round thin cakes of the desired size with a rolling pin.

Mexicans use special presses for this. But you can roll out with a rolling pin. It's just that the cakes may not turn out so even. But it's not scary.

4. mexican tortillas can be baked on an electric grill or just in a pan. First you need to lubricate their surface with a thin layer of vegetable oil and heat well.

See how to do it in the video.

5. stack baked pile, covered with a clean towel. Prepare tacos with various fillings from them. The cakes get stale quickly. Therefore, they must be used very quickly.

In the north of Mexico, tortillas are also made from wheat flour. Recipe

More recently, Mexican cuisine was far exotic for us. Today, the national dishes of Mexico can not only be found in various cafes and restaurants, but also easy to cook at home. And many of them are based on tortillas.

Basic principles for making Mexican tortillas

Such cakes are baked from two types of flour: corn or wheat, as well as from their mixture. traditional recipe based on special cornmeal. An elastic dough comes out of it. It is difficult to find such flour in our country, and it is difficult to work with ordinary corn dough. Therefore, at home it is easier to bake white flour tortillas or take corn and wheat one to one. The recipe also includes water, salt, butter or vegetable oil.

In Mexico, tortilla is the basis of many dishes. They wrap it in different fillings, added in pieces to the soup, used instead of cutlery, scooping up such a cake, for example, sauce. The traditional components of the filling are meat or chicken, tomatoes, beans, spicy and Bell pepper, cheese, corn.

Mexican tortillas - basic cornmeal recipe


A glass of cornmeal;

half a glass of wheat flour;

a pinch of salt;

a glass of hot water.

Cooking method

Pour into a bowl cornmeal, add wheat, put salt.

pouring hot water. Knead, adding water or flour as needed - we need to get a dense dough. We cut it into a dozen pieces. We each roll into a ball. We put the bun from the dough on a sheet of parchment, cover it with the second one on top and so roll it out with a rolling pin into a thin cake.

We do not grease the pan with anything. Fry quickly until golden brown. You can not let the tortillas burn, you should not overdry either. Cooked corn tortillas can be used for various dishes Mexican cuisine or just as bread with soups and salads.

Mexican tortillas - a basic recipe made from wheat flour


Two glasses of wheat flour;

a teaspoon of salt;

a quarter of a pack of butter;

half a glass of warm water.

Cooking method

The flour must be sifted. Then add to it butter and start rubbing with our hands. The result will be a crumb.

We put it in a bowl, cover it, put it in heat, where it will stand for half an hour.

Divide the rested dough into eight equal pieces. Let's make a ball out of each. Roll out. The blanks should be about two millimeters thick.

Heat up the pan properly. Oil is not required, fry the cakes dry. A minute or two is enough on one side, the same amount on the other.

Mexican tortilla burrito

Simple and hearty meal Basically a type of fast food. As a filling, you can take chicken, finely chopped beef or minced meat with the addition of beans, sweet and hot peppers, onions, tomatoes, and garlic. The spiciness characteristic of Mexican cuisine can be adjusted to your taste, for example, do not put chili.


300 grams of meat (beef);

two cloves of garlic;

200 grams of canned beans;

one sweet pepper;

two tomatoes;

green chili pod;


cheese - eight slices;

tortillas - four pieces;

½ teaspoon coriander (grind);

fresh cilantro;

50 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Finely chop the beef. Also, onion, chili, garlic, tomatoes, sweet pepper should be cut into small pieces.

Stew the pieces of meat until soft, after lightly frying them in vegetable oil. If necessary, add a little water, salt.

When the beef is ready, remove it to a plate and set aside for now.

There will be juice left in the pan after the meat. Fry the onion in it first. Then add peppers - hot and sweet. We fry a couple more minutes.

Now return the meat to the pan, season with garlic and ground coriander. After a couple of minutes, tomatoes go there.

We take out the beans from the jar, slightly knead it with a fork. We spread to the rest of the filling. It remains to add finely chopped cilantro and put out the fire.

In a frying pan without oil, heat the cakes a little. You can form a burrito: put two slices of cheese on top, stuffing on top, still hot. We roll it up, quite tightly. You can submit! Burritos go well with traditional Mexican sauce - salsa.

Mexican tortilla enchiladas

For this dish, the cake is also wrapped meat filling, but then the resulting rolls are also baked under delicious sauce.


Half bell pepper;

one fresh tomato;

100 grams of canned tomatoes (in own juice);

two cloves of garlic;


five tortillas;

250 grams of chicken breast;

chili pepper - optional;

70 grams of cheese.

Cooking method

Chicken meat is cooked until tender.

While we're on the sauce. We cut the tomato, onion, garlic, pepper, lightly fry them in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil, send them there canned tomatoes.

Let's cover with a lid. Simmer for about seven minutes. Now you can salt. If using chili, now is the time to add it. Using a blender, we turn our vegetables into a thick sauce.

Boiled chicken fillet cut into cubes. Mix it with some of the sauce. We distribute this filling among the cakes, twist each roll. We shift to suitable shape, on top - sauce and grated cheese. It's time to put in the oven - 180 degrees, until a beautiful golden brown. This dish is best eaten hot.

Mexican tortilla quesadilla

This appetizer is also prepared very simply - meat or vegetable filling is laid between two cakes, always with cheese. Then the dish is fried until golden brown, cut into pieces and served with sauce.


Ten tortillas;

two bell peppers;

a few cloves of garlic (to taste);

one chicken breast;

canned corn- jar;

200 grams of cheese ( hard varieties);

Cooking method

Marinate the chicken fillet. To do this, cut the meat very finely, add salt and paprika, chopped garlic. Let stand for an hour so that the chicken is saturated with spices. After we fry olive oil.

We also cut the pepper very finely, add it to the chicken. We will send corn there, having previously drained all the liquid from it. Let's put it out for ten minutes. Turn off, cool a little. Mix with grated cheese.

Take the second frying pan, add some oil. I'm having a tortilla. We distribute the filling over its entire surface. On top - the second cake. Fry on both sides. The cheese will melt and connect the two tortillas together. We cut the finished dish into four parts, serve with sour cream.

Mexican tortilla nachos

For nachos, which are triangular chips with various hot and spicy additions, we need corn tortillas. You can bake them following the recipe, or you can buy ready-made ones. Turning tortillas into nachos is easy.


Six to seven tortillas;

50 grams of cheese;

3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

dried onions and garlic - one teaspoon each;

ground coriander, hot peppers- taste;

a dozen olives or olives;

two teaspoons of paprika;

Cooking method

We combine the oil with spices: ground dried onions and garlic, coriander, paprika. With this fragrant oil, we coat the cakes well on each side. Cut into triangular pieces.

We put them on a baking sheet, salt and send them to the oven. 200 degrees, hold for a short time, just a few minutes, as they are browned - we get it.

We've got corn chips. While they are still warm, sprinkle grated cheese on top, you can also add small pieces of olives, chili peppers, and fresh herbs. Nachos can be served with different sauces to your taste.

Chimichanga from mexican tortillas

This appetizer resembles a burrito, here is the same spicy and spicy filling wrapped in a tortilla. The difference is that the resulting rolls are additionally fried in vegetable oil.


Three chicken fillets;

six tortillas;

chili sauce - two tablespoons;

red and black pepper (ground);

one red and green bell pepper;

vegetable oil;

one bulb.

Cooking method

Cut the meat into fairly small pieces. We fry it until cooked. In the process, season with salt, pepper and chili sauce.

Cut the onion into half rings, peppers into thin strips. Add them to the chicken. Fry everything together for a few minutes and hold for another five to seven minutes on low heat. Then let the filling cool slightly.

We put a portion of the filling on each cake, fold the envelopes. Now it remains only to fry them in hot vegetable oil, we need a beautiful golden brown. Serve with spicy tomato sauce.

Mexican tortillas - secrets and tricks

Ready-made tortillas are best eaten immediately, hot, but they can also be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, they need to wrap cling film and place in the freezer. Then just reheat the tortillas in the oven before using. You can also fry them again in a pan.

Do not fry the tortillas for too long - no more than a minute on one side. Otherwise, they will be too dry, and can also burn quickly.

Spicy is a mandatory quality of dishes using Mexican tortilla. To make them especially hot, spices are added not only to the filling, the cake itself can also be sprinkled with ground red pepper beforehand.

Almost every kitchen has own recipe flat, the Mexicans have their own and are called tortillas. The classic tortilla recipe does not include any additional ingredients other than flour, water and salt, but a much wider variety of dishes can be made on the basis of ready-made tortillas.

Mexican tortilla - classic recipe

The tortilla preparation scheme is not much different from the usual one: mix the components together, thinly roll out portions of the dough and fry until browned - you're done.

For variety, you can use different types of flour at the base of the recipe, as well as supplement them. vegetable puree or pureed greens.


  • flour - 265 g;
  • water - 155 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml.


Mix all ingredients from the list together and ready dough knead until it becomes smooth. When the dough is ready, leave it to rest under a film or a damp towel for about 10 minutes, then divide into portions and roll each of them into a thin cake. Fry the tortillas in a dry frying pan until they are browned.

Classic chicken tortilla recipe

An ordinary tortilla can become a shell for a number of different additions. Depending on what the tortilla is served with and how it is folded, the name of the dish is formed. Below, we'll learn how to make a quesadilla, a kind of Mexican pizza that has the toppings hidden between a couple of tortillas.


  • tortillas - 8 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet- 1.1 kg;
  • canned corn - 95 g;
  • canned beans- 95 g;
  • tomato sauce - 115 ml;
  • dried garlic, cumin, chili - a pinch each;
  • a handful of olives;
  • green onion- 2-3 feathers;
  • grated cheese - 115 g.


Chicken can be cooked in any way, most often it is boiled or fried, but you can bake the fillets in the oven or on the grill. When the bird is ready, its flesh is sorted into fibers. Separately, heat the beans with tomato sauce and spices. Sprinkle four flatbreads with a little cheese, top with the chicken and bean filling, and then top everything with the onion and remaining cheese. Having covered the filling with the second cake, fry them in a dry frying pan for a couple of minutes on each side.

Tortilla - a classic recipe in the oven

The second way to make tortillas is reminiscent of Italian canelloni - the tortilla is wrapped around the filling and sent to bake in the sauce.


  • tortillas - 8 pcs.;
  • tomato sauce - 130 ml;
  • water - 65 ml;
  • spinach leaves - 3 tbsp.;
  • cheese - 175 g.


Mix the tomato sauce with water and dip each of the tortillas into it. Let the spinach leaves wilt in a dry frying pan, and then mix them with grated cheese. Put portions of the filling on the cakes and roll them into a tube. Arrange the tortillas in a mold and pour over the remaining tomato sauce. Bake for 20 minutes at 180.

Spanish potato tortilla de patata - classic recipe

In Spanish cuisine, the term "tortilla" does not refer to a thin flatbread made of wheat flour, but to a hearty potato omelet.

Recipes of the most simple meals from nothing

Best step by step recipes cooking mexican tortilla at home with photos and videos. Do you like to surprise your loved ones? Then this dish is for you!

45 min

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

Mexican tortilla is one of the most common national mexican food, after all, with Mexican tortillas, like Russian pies, you can feed a lot of people, and if you also start it right, it will work out at all holiday dish. It is a thin flatbread made from corn or wheat flour, which is the basis for many other Mexican dishes, such as quesadillas, tacos, burritos, fajitas, enchiladas, and others. These cakes - tortillas - were baked by the Indians in ancient times, and they received the name "tortilla" from the Spanish conquistadors under the command of Hernan Cortes, the conquerors of Mexico in the era of the colonization of the territory of America.

This brief excursion into history is not without reason, since tortilla is not only Mexican, but also Spanish. spanish tortilla is an omelet with potatoes and onions, is one of national dishes Spain, so don't confuse it with the Mexican tortilla, which is a corn tortilla.

Today we will review with you classic recipe tortilla with chicken and vegetables, which is not difficult to cook at home.

Mexican tortilla recipe

In this recipe, we will look at how to make corn tortilla tortilla. In certain supermarkets, you can find ready-made tortillas (most often in the amount of six pieces per pack). Buying ready-made tortillas is not an easy task, they are not sold everywhere, but if you already have such a place in mind and you don’t want to bother with making tortillas, then proceed to the recipe below, where we will immediately start making tortillas with stuffing.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, frying pan (preferably with non-stick coating), sieve, bowl, dough rocker, large cutting board.


The water must be very hot, almost boiling water. If you use cold water, then you won’t get any elastic corn tortillas.

Despite the fact that the dough is usually made from corn flour, replacing it with wheat flour will not ruin your dish. Cornmeal-based dough may not be to everyone's taste, but making wheat tortilla is practiced quite often, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just follow the same cooking steps, only replacing the cornmeal with wheat flour.

video recipe

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making corn tortilla. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time to find a store that sells ready-made tortillas, you can spend quite a bit of time, and corn tortillas home cooking will turn out no worse than in Mexico!

We have prepared the base for the dish, now let's start preparing the filling!

Recipe for Mexican tortilla stuffed with chicken and vegetables

  • Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
  • Servings: for 6 cakes.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, frying pan, bowl, cutting board, grater (optional).


  • 6 tortillas;
  • 650 g chicken fillet;
  • a can of canned corn;
  • 400 g cheddar cheese;
  • one large onion (it is advisable to take a red onion, it is sweeter);
  • tomato paste;
  • olive oil (can be replaced with refined sunflower oil);
  • salt;
  • red ground pepper;
  • greens to taste.

It is also worth noting that only approximate numbers of grams are given. If you slightly overdo it with one or another ingredient, then no trouble will happen, add more of the ingredient whose predominant taste you want to get in the finished dish.

Cooking sequence

Although this is an easy, completely unpretentious dish to prepare, it is not so popular with us. This will play into your hands, spending nothing of your free time, you will get a wonderful taste of a dish that your guests may have never tried and will appreciate it.

video recipe

Use this video as a cheat sheet in cooking tortilla with chicken and vegetables!

Other options

So our traditional Mexican tortilla is ready. Not just because the dish becomes a national treasure local cuisine and is prepared literally in every home and institution. Only best recipes stand the test of time and remain loved and traditional.

The Mexican tortilla recipe is one of them! The beauty is in the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients for this dish. Even if you have only recently started cooking, nothing will stop you from mastering this recipe, because it is quite difficult to screw up in the preparation of this dish, and even more so if you use purchased cakes.

Almost all Mexican cuisine, all its recipes use a tortilla as a basis. By the way, Mexican tortilla was a staple in the diet of the Mayan and Aztec tribes. A Mexican tortilla is prepared from corn or wheat flour and its recipe is incredibly simple - flour and water, if we talk about a real recipe.


(12 cakes)

  • dough
  • 2 cups corn or wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • filling
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • 4 things. red lettuce pepper
  • 2 pcs. green salad pepper
  • 1 bulb
  • olive or sunflower oil
  • pepper

    Mexican bread dough

  • So, pour the flour into a bowl and add water a little bit until you get a homogeneous and plastic mass. It is very important to knead the dough well so that the Mexican tortillas are thin.
  • Leave the dough for 10 minutes at room temperature so that it rises a little.
  • We divide the dough into 12 parts, and then we form twelve koloboks. We leave them for another 5 minutes.
  • We crush the table with flour, and then carefully roll each bun to make a thin cake. According to tradition, a Mexican tortilla should not be thicker than 3 millimeters. If you get a little thicker, it doesn't matter)))
  • Raw tortillas can be folded into a pile, generously sprinkling them with flour or shifting with parchment.
  • Heat up the pan well. mexican tortilla prepared without fat. Bake for half a minute on one side, then turn the cake over on the other barrel. Half a minute and remove from the pan.
  • It is very important that the Mexican tortilla does not dry out in the pan. It must remain elastic so that you can wrap the filling in it.
  • Stack freshly baked Mexican tortillas on a plate and cover with a towel to keep them hot while we prepare the filling.
  • Mexican flatbread filling

  • Fry the onion cut into thin half rings in olive oil or sunflower oil. We fry on medium heat.
  • When the onion becomes soft, add the chopped red pepper. Lightly fry, then put the chopped Green pepper. Simmer everything together for 5-10 minutes.
  • Instead of fresh bell pepper, it is convenient to use canned, it does not need to be fried.
  • Cut chicken breasts into strips. They can be fried separately, or they can be fried together with vegetables. It's up to you. Put salt and pepper to taste.
  • We put pieces of meat in each cake, stewed onion, colored stripes of bell pepper. We wrap the stuffing. By the way, you can put a juicy Iceberg cabbage leaf in the cake.
  • Mexican tortilla with meat and fried vegetables served hot.
  • 1. Do not put salt in the dough, as the filling usually contains a lot of salt and spices.
    2. Do not put soda in the Mexican tortilla dough. She's just not needed. Secret delicious flatbread simple - you need to knead the dough well.
    3. Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find a recipe for Mexican tortillas, which includes margarine, refrain from fat. After all, the dish is called a Mexican tortilla, not a grandmother's pie.