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Quick cakes in 10 minutes. The fastest pies

For your attention - 8 recipes for quick and delicious filled pies. A dish that can be served for breakfast, afternoon tea, take with you to school or work, as well as treat guests to it. Learn how to make stuffed pies at home from different types test. Even if you don't have time to cook, baking these pies will take very little time!

Choux pastry pies


Wheat flour (250 ml each) - 4 stack.
Water (1 cup (250 ml) warm for breeding yeast, 1 cup boiling water for brewing the dough) - 2 cups.
Yeast (fresh, can be replaced with dry instant yeast - 10 g) - 50 g
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Since this dough is very fast, the filling should be ready by the start of kneading.
I had two of them. The first is a stew mixed with fried onions and boiled rice.
AND boiled eggs with green onions.
For the dough, we need 2 glasses of water. We put one on the fire to boil.
In another, warm, we dilute the yeast, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil.
Fresh yeast can be replaced with instant yeast, I used a Saf-moment sachet (11g)
Sift flour into a separate bowl.
Add yeast mixture and mix quickly. All the flour, of course, will not be absorbed, but that doesn't matter.
Pour a glass of boiling water on top and start kneading the dough. First with a spoon so as not to burn yourself, then with your hands.
You can add a little flour if necessary.
The dough should be soft and elastic.
The next step is my personal initiative. Since I love mathematical precision, I weighed the dough on an electronic scale of 50 g each. I got 27 identical balls.
However, you can skip this step, and immediately tear off the pieces of dough ...
... roll out into thin cakes, lay out the filling ...
... and sculpt pies.
After the last one has been blinded, we immediately put the pan on the fire, heat the vegetable oil well in it and fry it.
Very important! You should not regret the oil, it should reach at least half of the pie, or even higher. In this case, the pies will be lush and without a white strip in the middle.
That's all! Lush, ruddy and very quick pies ready!

The dough is like fluff


- 1 glass - kefir
- 0.5 cups - vegetable oil
- 1 sachet (11 grams) dry yeast
- 1 tsp - a spoonful of salt
- 1 tbsp. spoon - sugar
- 3 glasses - flour


Mix kefir with butter and heat a little, add salt and sugar, sift flour and mix with yeast, gradually pour in the kefir mixture and knead the dough, cover and put in heat for 30 minutes. While the dough is coming up, you can prepare the filling. Cover the baking sheet with oiled paper, shape the pies, place on the baking sheet with the seam up. While the oven is heating up. let them separate a little (10 minutes), then grease the pies with an egg.
Bake at 180-200 degrees until golden brown.
You can bake absolutely everything from this dough: pizza, pies, buns (you can add vanilla, a little more sugar and a little melted margarine to the dough).

The dough always turns out.
If it seems to you that in 30 minutes it came up, do not be very upset, it should be so, this dough rises when baking.

Pies with cabbage "Cigars"


Wheat flour (about) - 2 stack.
Vegetable oil - 0.5 stack.
Water - 0.5 stack.
White cabbage (fresh or sauerkraut) - 1 fork
Carrots - 1 piece
Bulb onion - 1 piece


Knead a soft and elastic dough from flour, oil, water and salt, divide into 12-14 pieces
We roll out each piece to almost a transparent state and put the filling on the edge - for me it is shredded cabbage stewed in a pan with onions and carrots, I added lemon juice for sourness, vinegar can be used.
We wrap it carefully, forming our "cigar", put it on a baking sheet with the seam down, the pie turns out to be about 10 * 3 cm in size.
Lubricate with an egg and bake at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown
Very tasty, flaky and crispy, I highly recommend it.

Curd pies in 15 minutes

Curd pies - delicious and quick dessert for children and adults, which is pleasant to eat with tea, coffee or cool berry compote. And thanks to the content of cottage cheese, it is also very healthy dish, it can even be included in the diet for those who observe therapeutic diets and refrains from starchy foods.
Best with curd dough combine any fruits and berries: apples, apricots, plums or peaches, gooseberries, strawberries and others. They can be cut into small pieces or rubbed on a coarse grater, mixed with cinnamon, honey, sugar or lemon zest. Thanks to this choice, you will be able to cook different pies every time and constantly surprise your guests.
And as a filling for such a dessert, all kinds of jam or jam, in which there are many large pieces of fruit, and chopped walnuts are suitable. And if you are very fond of cottage cheese, you can make not only dough from it, but also filling. To make it tastier, mix cottage cheese with a little sugar, butter and raisins.
Having decided to fill the pies with jam, discard the liquid one, as it will flow out, which will ruin the whole dish for you. Your best bet is to just use the fruit from it.


To prepare curd pies, mix two eggs with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Combine the resulting mixture with 500 g of cottage cheese, stir and add 10 tbsp. tablespoons of sifted flour. Mix everything well again until it forms. homogeneous mass, put in it two pinches of salt and the same amount of baking soda. Knead a dough that is not too stiff.
Prepare the filling and divide the dough into the required number of pieces. You should end up with about 20 of them in a standard size. For kids, you can make them smaller to make the pies more miniature and attractive.
Shape the dough pieces into a tortilla, place no inside a large number of filling and pinch the edges well. Remember that the filling should not fall out of the pie. Then place the patties on a baking sheet, carefully greased olive oil, separately from each other. Bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes at 200 C.
After the allotted time, take out the curd pies and lightly sprinkle them icing sugar... Let them cool down for a while and serve with tea, compote or milk drinks.

Baby pies

These pies are incredible!
The softest, most delicious! And cooking them is so easy and quick that you just can't believe that such a delicious result is obtained ...
And what an amazing dough! It is not even clear whether it is yeast or not ... Soft, obedient, early ripening, never worked with there before ...
And the pies themselves are prepared in such an unusual way!
You'll like it! Let's cook them ...


flour -3-, 5 tbsp (550 -600 g)
milk -1 glass (250 ml)
dry yeast -11 g
drain. oil -200 g
sugar -1 tbsp
salt -1/2 tsp


Melt butter in a saucepan and dilute it with milk. The milk-oil mixture should be warm
Add yeast, sugar and salt there. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes.
Then we sift the flour. Not all at once, gradually ...
Mix with a spoon. As the dough gathers into a soft lump, put it on the table, dusty with flour
Mix a little and the dough is ready! No lift required. We start cutting right away ...
Divide the dough into 6 pieces
Roll each piece into a rectangle, 50x30 cm in size, about 3 mm thick
Lay out the filling along the long side
We roll up into a roll
We pinch the edges
Dust the hand with flour and make sawing movements from front to back with the edge of the palm. At the same time, our sausage begins to roll on the table and acquire a "waist" ... A little practice and it will turn out quickly and beautifully! Thanks to “sawing” the edges of the patties stick together themselves. The tails can be slightly pressed down for greater beauty. Place on a baking sheet. There is no need to grease the pies. Bake immediately in an oven preheated to 180 C for 25-30 minutes or until browning. If you don't blush them too much, you get the softest ones. If you bake it harder, it will be more crunchy ... There are not enough dough inside, there is a lot of filling! Due to the curling of the dough, the result is slightly flaky ... You must try this! Your family will be delighted!

Delicate homemade cakes

Having tried this recipe once, you will forever become its loyal “fan”. The secret of ethics of delicious pies is in an unmatched dough: soft, elastic, non-sticky and very pleasant to the touch. And what kind of pies you get from it! Delicate, airy, soft as down! And not only pies: girls made sweet and savory pies from this dough, yeast rolls with apples, donuts, buns and cheesecakes, cinnamon rolls, whites, sausages in dough .. - everything turned out just a fairy tale, how delicious


Flour - 600 gr.;
granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
eggs - 2 pcs.;
margarine - 50 gr. (can be replaced with butter);
milk - 250 ml. (can be replaced with water + dry milk 2 tablespoons, or kefir);
salt - 1 tsp;
yeast - 2 tsp dry (or about 24 grams of pressed);
vanillin - 1 tsp (it is possible without it).


I will not describe the filling, since everyone has their own favorite. Anyone will suit these pies that chopped meat that pâté, that chopped chicken legs, onions and herbs, jam, cabbage, mushrooms, cheese, chocolate, etc.
The author made the dough in a bread maker using the main dough program, but if you do it manually, then there is nothing complicated either.
To do this, you need to dilute the yeast in warm milk or water with the addition of 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Let them come to life (yeast), and as soon as they begin to foam, you can make the dough.
To do this, mix all the ingredients and knead the dough, if it is liquid, add more flour.
The dough should not stick to your hands.
Put the dough in a warm place for 2-2.5 hours.
Wrinkle twice, for the third time you can sculpt pies and bake.
Put the pies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, grease with an egg and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until browning.

Pancake pies


2 eggs
500 ml of sour milk (or kefir + milk)
200 gr of cottage cheese of any fat content
1 tsp baking soda
12 heaped tablespoons flour (300 g)
salt, sugar to taste
vegetable oil about 100 ml.


Beat the cottage cheese with eggs, add half the milk.
Add salt, sugar (if the pies are with savory filling then a little more salt and vice versa) and add flour.
Add soda to the remaining milk, mix well and combine with the curd mass.
Beat everything with a mixer or a whisk. The mass is obtained with the consistency of thick sour cream.
Next, prepare the filling to taste. The filling can be any: mushrooms, liver, cabbage, chicken, or sweet - peaches and plum jam, cottage cheese.
Pour a portion of the dough into a well-heated frying pan, reduce the heat and cover with a lid.
As soon as it becomes noticeable that the bottom of the pancake is browned, put the filling (closer to the center), gently, using a spatula, fold the pancake in half. The dough is docile and folds easily.
Cover the pan with a lid for 1 minute, then turn the pancake over and cover it again.

Patties - Delicious without the hassle

The pies are soft, tasty and do not stale for 2-3 days (unless of course they survive :)) The dough is cooked in 5 minutes and the pies are immediately molded, no need to wait until it rises.


1 glass of warm water
50 gr. pressed yeast
1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil
4 cups flour
1 glass of boiling water
any filling


Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar, salt, sunflower oil, mix the flour a little and pour in a glass of boiling water. Knead the dough.After the dough is kneaded, we immediately begin to sculpt the pies. I prepared the filling in advance, I had a potato with a liver, and so any of your tastes will do. What I love about this recipe is that there is absolutely no need to wait - although the dough is yeast. While some were fried, I sculpted the following) The beauty of the pies did not work out very well, but they have no equal in taste and speed.

There are many ways to make pies and pies with beer, soda, and other baking powder. However, none can compare with pies and pies from the present yeast dough... It is a pity, there is not always time to wait for the sour, aged yeast dough. There are recipes for this case. quick test which is also quite good and tasty. So, let's prepare quick dough for pies in 15 minutes.

Let's say right away - it is better to prepare the dough for fried pies in 15 minutes, it is softer and rises more easily during processing with boiling oil.

As for baking in the oven, you will have to add a little time here. This will be the correct real way of making dough with yeast and without dough. For him, it is better to take yeast not compressed raw, but to buy dry type "Saf Moment", they are also called thermophilic. Such yeast is more active, due to which kneading occurs much faster, and proving as such is not required. After kneading, you can immediately cut it up, the pastries will turn out to be lush and tasty.

This is what one of the popular recipes for this quick looks like. unpaired test on dry yeast.

Would need:

  • warm water - 1.5 cups (the dough will turn out to be more rich if you replace the water with milk, but note that baking on water, surprisingly, will be tastier;
  • sugar - a couple of tablespoons;
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sifted wheat flour - half a kilogram;
  • salt to taste, usually a pinch;
  • refined sunflower oil - a third of a glass.


  1. It is extremely important not to overheat the base, so the water should not be hotter than 30-35 degrees, a hotter environment kills the yeast. Therefore, to be sure, drop a little liquid on the back of your wrist and check if it matches body temperature. This is the normal degree for the base.
  2. Add sugar and yeast to a warm base, stirring, let stand for a while so that the yeast swells and starts up. Five minutes will be enough.
  3. Pour in a few tablespoons of flour and, stirring, leave in a warm place. In winter, you can move it closer to the heating radiator. After 15 minutes, even unmixed lumps in the dough will be saturated with liquid, the base will become even, and you will notice small air bubbles on the surface. This means that the yeast is normal, you can continue to work.
  4. Add salt, little vegetable (you need to warm it up a little beforehand so as not to make the yeast unnecessary "stress").
  5. Knead the dough by stretching it with your hands, but not hammering it into the table. A well-mixed dough stops sticking to your hands, and then set it aside for 15 minutes to rise.
  6. After a quarter of an hour in a warm room, the dough will surely rise.

Fast yeast dough ready for pies!

Yeast dough prepared according to the "drowned" principle

It would be wrong to ignore one interesting way of making a quick dough with raw yeast. Due to the unusual method of proofing, the dough goes faster, and it uses just natural raw yeast in its composition. The dough preparation itself will take 15 minutes, you will have to wait a little longer to rise. But the result is worth it!

Would need:

  • a pound of flour;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 1 stick of fresh pressed raw yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

Important: In many recipes of Soviet cookbooks, just such a layout of raw yeast is given - "chopsticks". Many of today's culinary specialists are confused by this concept, because dry yeast in bags is sold in stores, and "sticks" are a thing of the past. But we decided to preserve the old weight for the surroundings, especially since the Moscow Yeast Plant still produces its products in those very sticks - in briquettes wrapped in paper weighing 100 grams. Do not be afraid of such a value. In fact, a 100 gram bag is not much larger than a matchbox. And for the normal process of raising the dough, raw yeast requires about three times more than dry yeast.


  1. Put crumbled yeast in slightly warmed milk and grind.
  2. Mix sugar and eggs, beat, add vegetable oil.
  3. Add yeast pounded in milk into the egg-oil mixture.
  4. Sift flour well into a bowl and make a depression in it.
  5. Pour all the liquid into the flour, knead the dough.
  6. Put the dough on cheesecloth, tie the ends with a knot and lower the knot in a saucepan with warm (40 degrees) water.
  7. At first, the dough will lie on the bottom. As the yeast works, the pores of the dough will become saturated with carbon dioxide, and the dough will float. It happens quite quickly in a warm environment.

As soon as the dough has surfaced, take out your "drowned man", dry it a little and - cut it into pies and pies!

Dough with dry yeast in milk

The recipe for a quick dough with dry yeast with milk and margarine is suitable for fried pies. Let the large amount of fat not be intimidating - they are not felt in the finished product, although this baking will be really high-calorie. But such pies will not become one hundred percent stale, they will be soft. So, everything will take about half an hour.

Getting started:

  1. Prepare half a liter of warm milk, a kilogram of flour, half a glass of sugar, a bag of dry yeast (11 g), 10 g of salt, and fat - in this case, it will be 60 g of vegetable oil and 230 g of margarine.
  2. We sow flour, combine it with dry yeast.
  3. Add sugar to warm milk. salt, butter, and melted and cooled margarine.
  4. Pour milk mixture into flour with yeast. We knead.
  5. After about ten minutes, gently knead the dough and leave to stand, covered with a clean cloth or towel.
  6. As soon as the dough rises, you can cut it into pies. Ready-made pies do not require proofing, they can be fried immediately.

Kefir dough recipe

The recipe for a quick dough on kefir is based on the activity of the same yeast that is found not only in ordinary baker's yeast, but also in kefir. Of course, for the preparation of such a dough, only natural kefir fermented with kefir sourdough can be used.

Little secret: This is the case when the older the kefir, the better it works. Britte kefir with a fat content of 3.2 percent, and let it overripe (be overdue) by five days. The second secret - putting a whole egg into the dough is not worth it, one yolk is better, since the dough becomes heavy from the protein, and from the yolk it becomes crumbly.

You can cook on kefir unleavened dough and sour, that is, with the addition of yeast. Most quick way- fry kefir pies unleavened dough, where soda acts as a baking powder. Here is one such recipe.

Five-minute dough for fried kefir pies

Let's prepare:

  • flour - 0.6 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 60 g;
  • kefir - 250 gram glass;
  • salt and soda - 5 g each;
  • a couple of fresh eggs;
  • sugar - 20 g.


  1. In a deep cup, stir the sugar in kefir, add soda to start the quenching reaction.
  2. Add eggs, salt to the liquid, stir.
  3. Gradually add flour, kneading the dough from the edges.
  4. Finally, add vegetable oil and knead again. If the dough is thin, add a little flour. However, you should not make the dough too steep either.
  5. Now you need to set aside the father-in-law for fifteen minutes, covering the container with a towel.
  6. Now all that remains is to divide the dough into portioned pieces and sculpt pies from them.

The second way to test with kefir is with yeast

Quick dough on kefir is usually made unleavened, as in the above method. However, it can also be prepared using yeast. This dough goes well for fried pies with any filling.


  • dry yeast bag;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • half a glass of unscented sunflower oil;
  • 3 cups sifted flour;
  • salt and sugar, respectively, take 1 and 2 teaspoons.

Getting started:

  1. Mix flour with powdered yeast.
  2. Add vegetable oil, sugar and salt to the kefir heated to a warm (but not curdled!) State.
  3. Add a mixture of kefir and butter to a mixture of flour and yeast, knead the dough until smooth. We leave to rise. In 30-40 minutes it will rise.
  4. As soon as the dough has risen, we knead it and start forming the pies.

This dough is a bit like yeast puff dough in taste and appearance. Products do not stale for a long time, remain soft.

Cooking the dough with sour cream in 15 minutes

Sour cream dough is a more sophisticated version of unleavened unleavened kefir dough.

The ingredients are simple:

  • flour - 0.7 kg;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • sour cream - 370 g;
  • 2.5 grams of salt and soda.


  1. Beat salt, eggs until evenness, add sour cream. Mix again.
  2. Pour in soda, mix.
  3. Gradually add flour in batches to the mixture, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps left.
  4. Fold the ball of dough in a bag and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time, you can do the fillings.
  5. After 30 minutes, the dough can be cut.

Dough with a secret

Finally, the recipe for another simple and quick test, after trying which, your family will never guess what you made them from. You can check!

The dough does not contain yeast, although it tastes very much like yeast. It is mixed with lightning speed, however, it will take a little time for it to "reach" in the refrigerator.

So, we make the dough with a secret from yesterday mashed potatoes and cottage cheese. If you don't have mashed potatoes, just boil three potatoes, peel, remember and cool.

In addition, you will need:

  • 150 g of cottage cheese (preferably not wet);
  • 250 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g of finished baking powder.

This is a basic dough for pies with unsweetened filling; for sweets, you can add sugar to taste, from 30 g or more, as well as vanillin.

You can use the yolk to grease the dough.

The dough is very simple:

  1. Mix mashed potatoes with cottage cheese, eggs, grind until smooth.
  2. Add salt and baking powder to the sifted flour, mix and knead the dough, adding the flour mixture to the potatoes. You can speed up the process even more by kneading the dough on a food processor.
  3. The dough is basically ready, it is quite sticky. If it is very liquid, then add a little flour, but do not get carried away: the more flour, the tougher the pies. And don't knead it too much!
  4. Divide the finished dough into small balls, a little larger walnut... After rolling these balls, send them on the board to the refrigerator while you are filling. Cooling will add density to the dough, it will be easier to roll the balls and mold them into pies.

As a conclusion

As you can see, in order to please your family with delicious and quick baking, it is not at all necessary to spend the whole day in the kitchen, at the stove. There are many interesting and affordable ways to make pies on hastily... Bon Appetit!

Many people are afraid of working with yeast dough, thinking that it will not work. But in fact, there is nothing difficult in working with it. You just need to try to cook it once, enjoy your great result, and everything will go like clockwork.

I suggest quick recipe yeast pies with sauerkraut. Although you can use any filling: potato, meat, eggs or offal. The main thing is to make it in advance so that it cools down and does not take time for cooking the pies themselves.

To make quick pies in 10 minutes, you need to immediately prepare the necessary ingredients.

Prepare the filling: for this you need to heat the pan, pour in 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil, lay out sauerkraut, and stirring occasionally, fry for 10 minutes.

Then add tomato paste and continue frying for 5 minutes.

If you like softer cabbage, add 2-3 tbsp. boiled water and stew the cabbage longer under a closed lid. And if you do not like the sour taste in pies, add 1 tablespoon during the preparation of the filling. Sahara.

Pour yeast and sugar into milk at room temperature.

Then add salt and add chicken eggs.

Pour in the melted butter immediately.

Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Add twice sifted flour. During sieving, the flour will be enriched with oxygen and this will have a positive effect on the quality of our quick pies.

It is necessary to introduce it in small portions, stirring thoroughly each time.

Knead soft dough which does not stick to the hands, it is gentle, docile and elastic.

Cut a small part from the common piece and roll it into a roller. Cut it into small pieces. It must be remembered that the size of the pie will depend on the size of the piece.

Turn each piece in a "column" and press a little with your palm. Then roll it into a cake. If necessary, sprinkle the table with flour or grease vegetable oil.

Place the filling in the center of the cake and pinch the edges.

The dough is very soft and docile, it joins easily, the seam is practically invisible. Put the pie on the surface and flatten a little, giving the pie shape.

Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan and only then lay out the blanks of the pies. Fry the pies over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. To lay out ready-made pies on a napkin to remove excess oil.

Delicate, fragrant, quick homemade pies, cooked with your own hands in 10 minutes - many times tastier than purchased ones, take my word for it, but better cook it and see for yourself!

Bon Appetit. Cook with love.

If you suddenly wanted to, but you have no desire to tinker with the dough, “lazy” or more simplified recipes always come to the rescue, and today I will share with you one of my favorites - pies in 10 minutes. It is very easy and quick to cook them, it turns out insanely delicious. Such pies are prepared on the basis of kefir, the dough is similar to the dough for pancakes. The filling can be any - boiled eggs, cheeses, sausages, toasted minced meat, mushrooms, etc. If you have never tried such a recipe before, I suggest making a test batch of quick pies right now.

- kefir or yogurt - 1 glass;
- chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
- dill - to taste;
- dry herbs - 1 tsp;
- flour - 6-7 tablespoons;
- soda - ½ tsp;
- salt, pepper - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 80 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare a deep bowl, pour in kefir, it is desirable that kefir and all other products are at room temperature. Pour soda into kefir immediately, let stand for a couple of minutes. Drive one large into a bowl egg, mix with a mixer for a couple of seconds.

Pour wheat flour, the amount in the process to vary. Stir the dough with a mixer, in the end it should be thick, not dripping from the spoon, but falling in parts.

Add salt and dry herbs. If desired, you can add chopped fresh green onions, you can also add your favorite spices. Chill with a little ground pepper.

Boil two eggs hard-boiled, peel, cut into medium pieces. Add eggs to the dough, stir.

Warm up a frying pan with vegetable oil, spread the dough with a spoon, fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Remove excess oil with paper towels. Transfer the pies to a plate and serve.

Good appetite!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Our family always cooked deliciously, loved to receive guests. , With
sauerkraut, halibut, dried mushrooms, pies with juicy cottage cheese, sweet pies have always decorated the table. Mom's pastries are a painfully familiar taste of childhood. Flew fast student years but not forgotten are the April Fools' rallies in the hostel, the moonlit path on the dark surface of the Black Sea, and thin sausage-shaped pies with peas fried right on the street. We often bought these hot swarthy pies for the whole group at once and they were breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner for us. And my mother knew how to cook such delicious pies... I have grown up for a long time and spoil my kids fragrant pastries on mom's recipes... I especially like the pies, which are made in 10 minutes: it's not only quick and very easy, but also incredibly tasty. I try to take the filling according to the season. In summer with strawberries, in autumn with sweet pumpkin and fragrant Antonovka, in winter with cabbage, and in spring with cottage cheese. Be with us and quick cakes in 10 minutes will become your family's favorite dish.
- 2 glasses of wheat flour,
- a couple of tablespoons of sugar,
- half a glass of natural sour milk,
- 1 large chicken egg,
- half a tablespoon of baking soda without top,
- 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil,
- a pinch of salt, spices if desired.

- 2 large peeled apples,
- 1 cup of sugar.

How to cook from a photo step by step

V spoiled milk add salt and baking soda, stir and let stand for 10 minutes. The baked goods will turn out to be porous and tender. Mom taught me this culinary technique.

Pour in sugar, add a fresh egg, pounded in a separate bowl.

Gradually pour out the flour, pour out the sunflower oil. Stir everything well and knead our quick dough.

Let's do some magic on the filling for now. Wash and dry the apples, remove the core. If the skin is tough, clean it. Cut the pieces, sprinkle with sugar, add, if necessary, water and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
Put pieces of apples with sugar on the prepared tortillas. We fasten the edges and hide the seam under the bottom of the product.

Place the pies on a pre-coated baking sheet baking paper or oiled.

We put in a hot oven for thirty minutes. Do not be lazy to lay down a tablecloth, put a jug of milk or sour, a jug of cherry compote and you will be rightfully rewarded with a pleasant evening with your loved ones.

It is also very simple and quick to prepare pies from