Home / Cakes / Fried pies. Recipes for fried pies in a pan

Fried pies. Recipes for fried pies in a pan

fried pies- It is not simple delicious pastries, but also a tribute to the centuries-old traditions of Russian cuisine. Of course, a frying pan can hardly be compared with a real old oven, but this cooking method is quite acceptable for modern cooking. The pies still turn out to be very lush, tender and fragrant, and instantly gather the whole family at the table.

Dough for pies is most often used yeast, especially when it comes to cooking in a pan. Today, dry or fresh yeast is put into it. At the same time, dry ones are even preferable, since the dough comes up much faster with them. In addition to yeast, flour, eggs, salt, sugar and vegetable oil are added to it. The dough can be kneaded with milk, water or kefir (in this case, you can use soda instead of yeast).

The main advantage of pies is that even with one dough recipe, you can cook a new dish every day, experimenting with fillings. Potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, meat, liver and many other favorite foods become excellent fillings for fried pies. At the same time, the filling is placed inside the already prepared one, so the cooking time of the dish itself takes a few minutes.

Pies are served on a common plate. They can be used as a main dish, or a nice addition to a hot dish. Any pie will do salty sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, etc.

Secrets of making perfect fried pies

Fried pies are delicious and very homemade dish, which will be an excellent occasion for a joint dinner with all household members. A variety of variations of dough and fillings will allow everyone to find their own perfect recipe. How to cook fried pies for their loved ones, experienced chefs will tell you:

Secret number 1. Whatever filling you choose, it should be lump-free and not too runny.

Secret number 2. The filling for pies should be completely prepared, without raw ingredients.

Secret number 3. To make the pies better fried, and the dough becomes thinner, you can roll them a little with a rolling pin on both sides after adding the filling.

Secret number 4. Before making pies, yeast dough should rise twice.

Secret number 5. In order for the pies to be well fried, the level of oil in the pan should reach about the middle of the patty.

This dough is perfect for potato filling. Puree can be prepared as simple as possible, or you can add liver, mushrooms, etc. to it. You may need a little more flour. It is necessary to regulate its quantity already during cooking.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • Mashed potatoes.

Cooking method:

  • In a deep bowl, mix butter, kefir, eggs, sugar and salt.
  • Dissolve soda with vinegar, add to bowl.
  • Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture.
  • Knead not too tight dough, roll out.
  • Cut out even circles from the dough using a glass.
  • Put the filling in the middle of each circle and mold the pie.
  • Fry the pies in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Fried pies with cabbage on the water

Cabbage pies according to this recipe are very soft and tender. You can not spare the fillings - there is never a lot of cabbage in pies. It is important that the water for the dough is warm, but not boiling water.


  • 600 g flour;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1 ½ tsp dry yeast;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp tomato paste.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the water, add salt, sugar and yeast to it, stir.
  • Pour flour into a bowl, pour water with yeast into the center.
  • Melt the butter, pour it into the flour along with the vegetable oil.
  • Knead the dough with a spoon or spatula, then transfer to the table and knead for 7-10 minutes by hand.
  • Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 2 hours.
  • Chop the cabbage, cut the onion into half rings.
  • Put the onion in a pan with vegetable oil and fry until translucent.
  • Add cabbage, stir and also lightly fry.
  • Add a little boiled water to the pan (about a third of a glass) and simmer the cabbage for 15 minutes.
  • Salt and season the cooked cabbage tomato paste, let cool.
  • Pinch off a small piece of dough and roll it into a cake.
  • Put a tablespoon of the filling in the middle of the cake, pinch the edges.
  • Fry the pies over medium heat in large numbers oil until golden brown.
  • Delicious yeast fried pies in a frying pan

    An easy recipe that goes well with any topping. The dough rises very quickly, and the pies themselves are fried in just a minute. If the dough is too tight, just add another 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


    • 4 cups flour;
    • 1 ½ cups of water;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
    • 1 ½ tsp yeast (dry)

    Cooking method:

  • Dissolve yeast in warm water, add salt and sugar.
  • Pour 3 cups of flour into the same plate and stir.
  • Cover the resulting dough with a towel and put in a warm place for half an hour.
  • Add remaining flour and butter, knead again.
  • Blind pies in the standard way with any filling, fry on both sides until cooked.
  • Fried pies with meat in milk

    Meat pies can easily become a full meal, especially if you do not spare minced meat for the filling. You can take any meat for him, but be sure to bring it to readiness in a pan.


    • 3 cups flour;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • 1 ½ st. l. Sahara;
    • ½ tsp salt;
    • 1 onion;
    • 500 g minced meat;
    • 15 g yeast;
    • 2 eggs.

    Cooking method:

  • Mix the following ingredients in a bowl: flour, milk, salt, sugar, butter, eggs and yeast.
  • Knead the dough well and put in heat for 2-3 hours.
  • Onion cut into cubes and fry in a pan.
  • When the onion becomes transparent, put the minced meat on it.
  • Salt and pepper the contents of the pan and bring to a boil.
  • Roll the dough into a sausage, cut into small equal pieces.
  • Roll each piece into a cake, put the filling on it and make a pie.
  • Fry in plenty of oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.
  • Dough for fried pies with dry yeast

    Dry yeast is much easier to manage, so modern housewives prefer just such a dough recipe. It always makes pies soft and fluffy. It is important that all ingredients are at approximately the same temperature.


    • 12 g dry yeast;
    • 1 egg;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 3 cups flour;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 6 art. l. vegetable oil;
    • 3 cups flour.

    Cooking method:

  • Mix egg, milk, butter, yeast, salt and sugar.
  • Sift the flour, pour 2 cups into a bowl with milk, stir.
  • Gradually adding the remaining flour, make a dough that easily comes off your hands.
  • Cover bowl with dough with cling film.
  • Turn on the oven at the highest temperature for 3 minutes.
  • Turn off the oven and place the bowl with the dough in it for half an hour.
  • Now you know how to cook fried pies according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

    We are used to the fact that pastries are cooked in the oven. However, sometimes you want to find an easier recipe for making a delicious treat for tea or for another snack. Someone immediately thought of pancakes, which can be with completely different fillings.

    Leave them for later, because we will talk about how to properly fry pies in a pan. The delicacy will turn out perfect if you know some of the secrets of experienced craftsmen who have devoted a lot of time to this business. A couple of recipes are offered that make it easy to cook delicious pies with filling.

    Features of pan-fried pies

    It is simply impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without pies. It seems that there are so many varieties of them that it is simply impossible to list them. The most beloved in different cities and villages are pies:

    • with cabbage;
    • with meat;
    • with green onion and egg;
    • with potato;
    • with mushrooms;
    • with cottage cheese.

    They are prepared from different test. Some people prefer yeast-smelling pies, others prefer puff pastries. Our craftsmen, who are always in a hurry somewhere, have even learned how to cook this from pita bread. tasty treat. You can make the base yourself for baking, although the stores are also full of frozen dough, which is ideal for home baking in a pan.

    Basic rules for frying pies in a pan

    There are a number of rules on how to properly fry pies in a pan. They concern both the technology itself and the utensils that will be used.

    1. Choosing a frying pan

    When choosing a frying pan for frying pies, attention is drawn to its depth and bottom thickness. You have to pour a sufficient amount of oil, so it is better to take deep dishes, resembling a saucepan. The bottom should be thick. Good if available non-stick coating. The shape of the dishes does not matter at all, as does the presence of a handle or its color.

    2. Oil selection

    To cook pies with or without filling, a lot of oil is used in the pan. Special requirements for the selection and use of this product:

    • odorless oil is taken;
    • you can combine a plant product with an animal, then the pies will be juicy, but more fatty;
    • you can determine the readiness of the oil for frying in a simple way: a drop of water rushes to the bottom, if it has evaporated, it's time to lay out the blanks;
    • the appearance of foam indicates the low quality of the selected product; in order to reduce its amount, a pinch of salt is added;
    • as the pies are frying, the oil heats up more and burns, so it must be changed to avoid bitterness;
    • pies will be more tender if vegetable oil is combined with butter in a ratio of 3: 1;
    • adding a spoonful of vodka to hot oil will make pastries not so greasy, excess fat drains better when they are taken out onto a plate.

    3. Test preparation

    The main thing is to decide in advance what recipe the pies will be prepared in a pan. It can be different, both in the composition of the products and in the technology of preparation. More often homemade baking made from dough:

    • yeast;
    • puff;
    • rich;
    • insipid.

    No less tasty is a treat made from cottage cheese, sour and even potato dough.

    Each type of test has its own characteristics. Yeast must stand to increase in volume. It can be prepared both sourdough and in a safe way. A lot of fat is added to the puff. It turns out very soft. There are a lot of ingredients in the sweet. It can be flavored with sour cream and cream, eggs and raisins.

    Filling options

    Knowing one dough recipe, you can fry different pies in a pan every day, changing the fillings. With what just do not cook this pastry. Everything that fits inside can be sweet or bland. The simplest fillings include jam, cottage cheese, berries, fruits. But there are also more complex ones:

    • boiled potatoes with onions;
    • mushrooms with meat;
    • stewed cabbage;
    • cheese with ham;
    • minced meat with onions;
    • boiled meat or chicken with onions and vegetables;
    • chicken liver and much more.

    frying process

    The pies are placed in the oil when it is hot. The fire must be reduced so that they are evenly fried. Be sure to turn the semi-finished products while they are fried. You can turn over more than once, as many do, but 2-3 times, but with a shorter period of time. This way the cakes will never burn.

    Do not close the lid until both sides are fried. Condensation always collects under it, which falls down and nourishes the pies. They become watery. You can close the pies on final stage after-frying, when the products are almost ready, but you need to bake them inside.

    cooling down

    Ready-made pies are removed from the pan with a slotted spoon when not only both sides, but also the middle are well fried. Lay them out on paper towels to absorb excess oil. When the fat is gone on one side, you need to turn to the other.

    Sweet pies can be decorated powdered sugar. It is necessary to sprinkle while the products are hot.

    Recipe for pie with onions and eggs

    In the spring-summer season, while the berries are not yet ripe, you can fry in a pan delicious pies with boiled egg and green onions. Mistresses call this pastry lazy or on duty, because it turns out very quickly. However, such simplicity does not affect the taste in any way: the pies are unusually appetizing, as you can see.

    First, we prepare the products that are needed for the test:

    • kefir (any fat content) - 1 tbsp.;
    • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • wheat flour - about 4.5 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • dry yeast - 30 g.

    Separately, we collect the ingredients for the filling:

    For frying pies in a pan:

    • vegetable oil - 300-600 ml.

    The pies are prepared like this:

    1. First you need to put the yeast dough, because it will have to grow. Flour is sifted into a bowl, dry yeast, salt and sugar are added there. Dry ingredients are mixed, then vegetable oil and kefir are added to them. The mass is again stirred until smooth. The dough is quite dense. Then the bowl is covered with a napkin, the dough is sent for settling (40-55 minutes).
    2. With stuffing, everything is simpler. boiled eggs cut into small cube, chopped green onions. The number of eggs and onions can be changed. It all depends on personal preference. Someone wants to wrap more egg-onion mass in the dough, others less. Some prefer onions, others try to reduce its quantity. It remains to combine the chopped products in a bowl, salt and mix: the filling is prepared.
    3. Knead the risen dough, roll with a flagellum. It should be cut into 15-20 pieces. The number of pies also depends on your own desire. You can make them small, medium or large enough.
    4. Each piece of dough is rolled out on the table. 1-1.5 tbsp is placed in the center. l. fillings.
    5. The edges must be tightly pinched so that the filling does not come out through the holes when frying.
    6. All pies are stuck together, but it's too early to fry. They should be left to grow for 10 minutes.
    7. So much oil is heated in a frying pan so that the pies are fried, but do not float. A portion of semi-finished products is lowered, which are fried for 3-4 minutes on each side. Leave some space between the patties as they will expand as they cook.

    Quick pies with mushrooms in a pan

    In the summer, you should definitely cook pies with mushrooms. They are also fried in a frying pan for quite simple recipe. If forest mushrooms No, you can use mushrooms. Dried mushrooms or boletus mushrooms are also suitable, but you will have to slightly change the cooking technology.

    Ingredients for pie dough:

    • flour - 4-4.5 tbsp.;
    • butter (or margarine) - 100 g;
    • milk - 1 tbsp.;
    • salt - ½ tsp

    Filling Ingredients:

    • mushrooms - 300 g;
    • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • salt - to taste;
    • pepper - 2 pinches.

    For frying - vegetable oil - by eye.

    How to make pies:

    1. The dough is prepared from melted butter, sifted flour, milk, slightly warmed up. When kneading, a pinch of salt is added. While the filling is being prepared, it is recommended to send the dough to the refrigerator.
    2. First, the onion is peeled for the filling. It must be cut, then fried in vegetable oil (2-4 minutes).
    3. Minced meat, salt, pepper are added to the onion. You need to fry for at least 7-10 minutes.
    4. When the meat is almost fried, boiled forest mushrooms are added to it. Together, the mass is cooked in a pan for another 10 minutes.
    5. The dough comes out of the refrigerator. Take a piece the size of an average plum. It rolls out on the table. The mushroom filling is laid out in the center.
    6. The edges of the pie are pinched. You can give it an oblong shape by smoothing the seam from the bottom.
    7. In vegetable oil, stuffed pies are fried for about 7-8 minutes. Be sure to turn over so that both sides are golden.

    From the specified norm, approximately 35-40 small pies are obtained. You can make only 20 of them, but then they will be more solid in size.

    Frying pies in a pan is easier than some initially thought. Why not try the suggested recipes first, and then something new. Pies with cabbage, raspberries, sorrel, cheese, cottage cheese are also insanely delicious.

    To please the family with pies, it is not at all necessary to be experienced hostess. Modern detailed recipes they will clearly tell you how to master baking of any complexity even for a beginner. It is especially easy to prepare dough for fried pies. It goes well with absolutely any toppings.

    Such a recipe can be called universal. Surely he will migrate to the cookbooks of most housewives. Ingredients: half a liter of filtered non-carbonated water, 55 g of raw yeast, 2 large spoons of sand (sugar) and the same amount of vegetable oil, a little salt, 5 tbsp. wheat flour.

    1. The water warms up a little. Crushed yeast and sand dissolve in it. Salt should be added a small pinch.
    2. Flour is introduced into the mass, and all components are mixed.
    3. When the yeast dough rises, you need to knead it.
    4. Then you can immediately proceed to the formation of baking.

    Let the pies be flat. In the pan, they will noticeably increase in size.

    With dry yeast in milk

    This is very quick dough. Some housewives call it "guests on the doorstep." The product does not require infusion. It is prepared from: chicken eggs, half a kilogram of flour, 2 small. spoons fast yeast, a large pinch of sugar, salt at the tip of a spoon, 230 ml of full-fat milk, 3 large tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    1. Milk is heated in a saucepan. It is desirable that its temperature is 37-38 degrees.
    2. The liquid is poured into a deep bowl, mixed with sand and fast yeast. The mixture is covered with a towel and left until bubbles appear. While you can take care of the filling.
    3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with salt.
    4. The contents of both containers are combined.
    5. Oil is poured into the dough and oxygenated flour is poured.
    6. After 5 minutes of kneading the yeast mass with your hands, you need to form it into a ball and throw it on the table from a high distance of 40-50 seconds.

    From this amount of products, it will be possible to cook 14-15 medium pies.

    With dry yeast in water

    If there was no milk in stock, then this will not hurt to treat the family with pies. The basis of the test may well be prepared in water (700 ml). In addition to it, you need to prepare: 3 small spoons of quick dry yeast, 2 large spoons of sugar, 1.5 small spoons of salt, 5 large spoons of vegetable oil, 4 half-liter cans of flour.

    1. First, the dough is prepared in the traditional way. To do this, all the yeast and some sand are diluted in warm water (1 tbsp.). When a foam cap appears on the liquid, it can be used further.
    2. The remaining water and sugars combine. Oil and steam are poured onto them. The mixture is salty.
    3. Oxygen-enriched flour is poured to the rest of the ingredients.
    4. When the dough begins to stick well from the fingers, it is placed in a tight whole bag, tied well and immersed in cold water. This will allow the mass to rise quickly.
    5. Next, you can form pies.

    The discussed dough is popularly called "drowned". It allows housewives to save 2 hours required for proofing.

    Opara on kefir

    Such a pie dough will “rest” after kneading no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, it can also be classified as fast. Ingredients: half a liter of kefir of any fat content, a standard package of quick yeast, small. spoon with a slide of salt, 5.5 tbsp. flour, 2 chicken eggs.

    1. Kefir in a small saucepan goes to the fire to warm up. It should be pleasantly warm, but never hot.
    2. 1/5 of kefir with yeast dissolves in heated kefir. Under the film, the mixed products are infused for 20-25 minutes at the heat source.
    3. Slightly beaten eggs with salt are poured into the resulting dough.
    4. The remaining flour is also sifted here.
    5. It will take another 20-25 minutes to proof the mass.

    Sour cream dough

    This is a "grandmother's" recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation. Its basis is fatty thick sour cream (200 g). Great if you can use a homemade product. This will make baking even more delicious. To prepare the test under discussion, in addition to sour cream, you will need to take following products: one egg, a small spoonful of salt and sugar, 1/3 a small spoonful of baking soda, 35 ml vegetable oil, 320+ g flour.

    1. Sour cream with chicken egg thoroughly beaten with a mixer.
    2. Sent to other components vegetable oil and all dry foods except flour.
    3. The flour component is introduced into the future dough slowly and gradually. The recipe says minimal amount flour, which may be required. In the process of kneading, its amount may increase.
    4. After adding flour, the products are connected exclusively with a spoon. You don't need to beat them.
    5. The resulting soft airy dough is wrapped in a bag and infused for at least half an hour.

    While the mass is aging, you can start preparing the products for the filling.

    Fresh water dough

    With the dough according to this recipe, you will be able to fry delicious miniature pies with a crispy base. You can stuff them with any sweet or savory fillings. It is desirable that they are not too wet. From the products you will need to use: 1.5 kg of light flour premium, 2 large spoons of non-flavored sunflower oil, a pinch of fine table salt, water.

    1. It is difficult to determine in advance exactly how much water is required for this test. You just need to pour it to the rest of the components and monitor how much flour absorbs.
    2. This component is sifted from a high distance into a bowl in a slide. Oil and water are poured into the recess in the center of the resulting elevation. Salt is also added.
    3. The kneading must be very intense.
    4. To begin with, it is worth adding a glass of warm water, and then gradually pour in more liquid.
    5. The dough should not be too soft.

    It remains to form pies and fry them in well-heated oil.

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    To prepare a quick dough for fried pies, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

    Heat the milk to a temperature of 36-38 degrees.

    Pour the milk into a deep container. Add yeast and sugar.

    Mix everything well, cover the container with a towel and leave for a few minutes until bubbles appear on the surface of the mixture. Meanwhile, prepare your desired pie filling.

    In a separate bowl, combine the egg with salt and beat until smooth.

    Add the beaten egg to the milk-yeast mixture. Pour in vegetable oil and mix everything well.

    Adding in small portions, stir in the sifted wheat flour into the mixture of liquid components.

    Lubricate your hands and work surface with a small amount of vegetable oil and knead the dough for 5 minutes.

    Then form the dough into a ball and beat it by throwing it onto the work table from a height of about 50 centimeters for 30-40 seconds.

    Quick dough for fried pies is ready. You can start making pies.

    To prepare pies, divide the dough into 15-16 equal parts. Punch down the pieces of dough and roll into a ball.

    Then flatten each portion of the dough with the palm of your hand or roll it thinly and add the desired filling.

    Pinch the edges of the dough and shape the patties.

    Fry the pies for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown.

    Fried pies from quick dough can be served at the table. Bon Appetit!

    Note: a slightly different recipe is used for oven-baked pies. This one, below, is ideal for pan-fried dough products.

    With all my heart I wish your household delicious pies! It is such a pleasure to burn yourself and bite off a hot pie with a little crispy crust, drink it with fragrant tea with milk or cocoa.


    • 250 ml milk
    • 250 ml water
    • 2 chicken eggs
    • 20g dry yeast or 40g raw
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 1 kg flour (may take a little more or less depending on the density of the flour itself or the humidity in the room)
    • vegetable oil

    Start kneading the dough

    We measure out 250 ml of water and 250 ml of milk. The resulting mixture of liquids should be warm. I usually mix cold milk from the refrigerator with hot water - I get a warm base for our dough, which is exactly what we need.

    For dough, I use both dry and raw yeast. To prepare dry yeast pie dough, you need 2 sachets (20 g) of yeast. If you use raw yeast - take 40 gr.

    We check the yeast for performance: we breed it with 1/5 cup of warm water and a teaspoon of sugar. We leave for 5-7 minutes. If the yeast is fresh, of high quality, after a short period of time you will see a lush foam cap. I always check absolutely all packets of yeast, even freshly bought ones, with good term expiration dates on the packaging.

    The head of foam is ready to leave the bowl - this is exactly the result of the action of the yeast that we need. Pies - to be!

    In a large bowl, drive two eggs, pour warm milk.

    Add well-fitted yeast.

    Mix well, add salt. Little by little we begin to add well-sifted flour.

    Note: never add all the flour in the recipe at once. This way you can avoid mistakes. Depending on the density and type of flour, it may need less / large quantity. It is better to add flour gradually, focusing on the consistency of the dough.

    We begin to knead the dough with our hands, gradually adding the sifted flour.

    As a result, the consistency of the dough should turn out to be elastic, rather steep - not stick to your hands. We pick up the palm of vegetable oil, knead the dough and cover with a towel.

    Yeast dough for fried pies (any yeast dough, by the way) works best in a warm, damp, draft-free place.

    On the Internet, you can find a huge number of ways to "raise" the yeast dough: some housewives even pour a bath of hot water to create a humid warm environment in the bathroom and bring the dough into the room for proofing.

    I make do with wetting the towel in hot water and, having squeezed it well, I cover the dough. Then I put the dough in the oven. Naturally, with the oven turned off) the dough is in such conditions for 1 hour and rises perfectly. You can put the yeast dough on a sunny windowsill, just make sure that the window is closed - the yeast dough does not like drafts!

    According to this recipe, you can cook delicious, as well as other homemade cakes.

    After 1 hour, we look under the towel and see - the dough has more than doubled in size! Today my dough came up so well that the top remained on the towel and appearance The photo leaves much to be desired. I apologize for the unpresentable appearance.

    Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead it. We leave for another 20 minutes.

    Then pour vegetable oil into the palm of your hand and pinch off small balls from the dough. Each ball is a future pie. The surface on which you lay the dough balls should also be greased with vegetable oil or sprinkled with flour.

    We leave the balls to "rest" for another 15 minutes, in the meantime we are engaged in the filling.
    So, the dough is ready for baking!
    Flatten the koloboks into cakes with your fingers, put the filling. For example, today we will have potato pies.

    We pinch the pies without leaving holes in the dough. The pies are oval elongated, which can be inconvenient when baking - they are spinning. But if you put the pies a little more compactly, there will be no such problem.
    Fry yeast pies in a deep frying pan with vegetable oil.
    Attention! Vegetable oil should be well warmed up. You can check the readiness of the oil for frying in a simple way: dip a piece of dough the size of a large pea into the oil - if it immediately pops up and starts to fry, then the oil is heated, you can lower the pies.

    It will take about 5 minutes over medium heat to beautifully fry the pies on each side.

    You can try pies!

    This is what the pie looks like

    Here are some frequently asked questions about this recipe:

    For pies and pies in the oven, I use a different dough recipe: with the addition of sugar, milk, butter (without water). It performed better when baked in the oven. Many friends tried to use the recipe for this dough for pies in the oven, but due to the fact that the dough rises well and the baking time is longer than in a pan, the pies increase very much in size, burst, and the filling flows out.

    How many fried pies are obtained from this amount of dough?

    The amount depends on the size of the pies, I get 28-30 (I make them quite large, as you can see from the photo). If you make them small and neat, you get about 40 pieces.

    How long do you need to fry the pies?

    In well-heated oil, the pies are fried very quickly, no longer than five minutes. We put our pies in the heated oil - as soon as the bottom is reddened, we turn over! The dough for fried pies according to this recipe is “bubbly” and a little crispy.

    A question from a newbie that I thought was very important:

    Do I need to fry the pies right away, is it possible to stick first, using all the dough, and then fry?

    If you stick pies and leave them on the table, the dough will continue to rise. If you take the pie in your hands, it can fall off, tear, the filling will fall out. Therefore, it is recommended to sculpt pies from 4-5 pieces (how many fit in a pan) and fry them immediately. There are such recipes for fried pies when the pies are put on proofing, but in this case it is not needed (our dough was already quite suitable).

    If the apartment is cold, will the dough work in the oven turned off?

    In case of coolness in the apartment, it is better to put the yeast dough on water bath for proofing. An example of the organization of such a bath is shown in the photo (taken from the Internet). In a large bowl with warm (close to hot) water, put a bowl of dough, cover our construction with a film.