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Rolling cucumbers for 1 liter. Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter

Canning is perhaps one of the most important activities for every housewife, because on warm summer days, you want to prepare as many fruits and vegetables as possible for the winter. Medium-sized fruits are usually chosen for preservation, but what to do, for example, with large cucumbers? Overgrown vegetables can be used for pickling and cooking a variety of salads... Proven recipes experienced housewives will help prepare a delicious vegetable snack for the winter, which can be served both for everyday life and for festive table.

Pickled large cucumbers

Tasty and crunchy canned cucumber slices will become a favorite snack for the whole family. It is quite simple to make such a preparation, the rich taste of pickled vegetables will surprise everyone.

Ingredients for one 0.5 liter can:

  • several sprouted cucumbers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 branches of fresh dill;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 15 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 15 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 25 milliliters of sunflower oil.

How to cook large pickled cucumbers for the winter:

  1. Before you start canning cucumbers, it is worth preparing the jars. Thoroughly wash the 0.5 liter glass container and then sterilize it. At this stage, boil and cool the water, which will be needed in the future to prepare the marinade.
  2. Prepare all the vegetables you need, peel them and rinse them under running water. Cut off large cucumbers from the sides.
  3. Cut the cucumbers together with the carrots into circles of the same size. If small chives are used, it is not necessary to cut them. Chop large garlic into several pieces.
  4. Put 2 branches of dill and 2 cloves of garlic on the bottom of the prepared jars.
  5. Next, arrange 6 carrot rings in jars.
  6. The next step is to lay the cucumber rings.
  7. Put the required amount of sugar, salt in each jar, add chilled boiled water, as well as oil and vinegar. The liquid should reach to the edges of the cans.
  8. Place the filled half liter jars in a large saucepan, cover them with sterile lids. Then you need to fill the pot with water up to the hangers of the cans. The sterilization process will take 15 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then you can start rolling the cans. Turn the blanks upside down, wrap them well with a blanket.

Canned vegetables must cool completely.

Cucumbers, canned in chunks with citric acid (for large cucumbers)

The taste of such a preparation will pleasantly surprise relatives and guests, at first glance it will be difficult to recognize which vegetable is rolled up in a jar. Cucumbers are aromatic and juicy. This option for preserving overripe fruits will undoubtedly become one of the most beloved, since such recipes for vegetable preparations are simple and at the same time original.


  • 1 kilogram of cucumbers;
  • 50 grams of tarragon greens;
  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • 200 grams of onions;
  • 5 grams of citric acid;
  • 25 grams of salt;
  • 1 head of garlic.

Cooking a delicious piece with tarragon and citric acid:

  1. Wash the large cucumbers, carefully cut the skin off each fruit, peel the seeds. Then you should cut the vegetables in medium pieces or in the form of large strips.
  2. Rinse, peel and cut carrots in the same way as cucumbers.
  3. Purified onion should be cut into half rings.
  4. Disassemble the head of garlic into cloves, then finely chop.
  5. Chop well washed tarragon greens.
  6. At the next stage of preparation for canning, it is necessary to combine vegetables with herbs, add the required amount of salt, citric acid. Now all this should be infused and extract juice.
  7. Next, the salad needs to be boiled for 10 minutes, put in jars. After sterilization, we complete the canning by sealing each jar of salad with a key.

Such preservation can be used as a dressing for pickle, soup, as well as a variety of vegetable dressings. The workpiece is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Cucumbers with bell peppers

This recipe successfully combines two vegetables, each of them acquiring bright, unique flavoring shades. Light spicy notes of spices are successfully combined with the sweetness of pepper, filling the cucumber with a pleasant pungency.


  • 1 kilogram of cucumbers;
  • 500 grams of sweet pepper.

Marinade components:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 250 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 8 peas of peppercorns;
  • 70 grams of coarse salt;
  • 2 bay leaves.

The process of preparing a delicious vegetable preparation for the winter:

  1. Peel large cucumbers, then cut into 8 pieces of equal size or cut into medium pieces. Use a teaspoon to gently remove the seeds.
  2. Prepared vegetables must be blanched in boiling water for 2 minutes, then immediately cooled by placing in a bowl of cold water.
  3. Blanch the pepper for 1 minute. Next, remove the skin from it, remove the seeds, cut into several pieces.
  4. Put the slices of pepper together with slices of cucumbers in pre-prepared jars, cover with hot marinade. Filled cans are pasteurized at 90 degrees. It will take 20 minutes to pasteurize 1 liter cans, 25 minutes for two-liter cans, and 35 minutes for three-liter cans.
  5. After that, it is worth completely cooling the workpiece and transferring it to the pantry or cellar for storage.

"Mother-in-law tongues" from large cucumbers

An appetizer under this name can be prepared not only from zucchini and eggplant, but also from large cucumbers. The taste of the preparation is unusually delicate and refined, no one would guess that it was prepared from overgrown fruits.

Ingredients for 2 750 ml cans:

  • 2 kilograms of large cucumbers;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 5 grams of citric acid;
  • 5 carnation buds;
  • 5 peas of black and allspice.

The process of making "mother-in-law tongues":

  1. Rinse large cucumbers, use a knife to remove the skin from each fruit, and then cut into pieces, the thickness of which will be 1.5 cm.
  2. Take up the preparation of the brine. To do this, add salt with spices and sugar to the required amount of water. Bring the spicy mixture to a boil.
  3. Transfer the cucumber slices to a large saucepan, pour over the boiled brine and let sit for 10 minutes. You can place a press on top.
  4. Transfer the cucumber slices to the prepared glass container, placing them tightly inside the jar.
  5. Bring the brine to a boil again, pour the cucumbers into the jars and seal.

"Caviar" from overripe cucumbers

Fragrant, juicy and very tasty "caviar" is obtained from large cucumbers. Original vegetable snack- an excellent solution for a festive table.


  • 6 large cucumbers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 medium sized tomatoes;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 35 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

How to make caviar based on large cucumbers:

  1. Pepper together with cucumbers must be washed. Peel the skin of the cucumber with a knife, carefully remove the seeds from the inside. Cut the bell pepper into two parts, cut out the partitions, clean the pulp from the seeds.
  2. Cut the peppers, peeled onions and cucumbers into small pieces.
  3. Peel the carrots with a vegetable peeler, rinse them together with the tomatoes under running water, chop everything on a grater.
  4. Preheat a heavy-bottomed saucepan over a fire, add vegetable oil... Place the cucumbers there, wait until the juice that has been released has evaporated by half.
  5. Now you can put the onions in the pan, after a few minutes add the carrots along with the tomatoes and peppers. Season vegetables with spices, salt. Stir all the ingredients in a saucepan while braising to avoid scorching.
  6. When all the liquid has evaporated, you can put the snack in sterile jars. The process of sterilizing cans in a double boiler will take no more than 2 minutes.
  7. Roll up jars of caviar with sterilized lids. The workpiece must cool completely at room temperature, the "caviar" must be stored in the refrigerator.

To enrich the taste of vegetables, you can add a little granulated sugar, vinegar, and Khmeli-Suneli seasoning during stewing.

Overgrown cucumbers: a recipe for the winter (video)

The above recipes will help each housewife prepare great snacks from overripe vegetables, home preservation will surprise your whole family with bright taste. Canning is a great way to experience the "taste of summer" and enjoy it to the fullest.

For some reason, I like canning cucumbers in liter jars. You open an appetizing jar - and served with boiled potatoes, and used the Olivier salad for everyone's favorite salad. But I close pickled cucumbers in three-liter jars.

How to pickle cucumbers so they are crispy

  • The first secret is good water for brine (from filter, well or bottled)
  • The second secret is young green fruits with dark pimples. Remember, if you bought greenhouse or greenhouse cucumbers, then according to any recipe they will not turn out to be hard and crunchy.
  • The third secret is soaking cucumbers in ice water
  • The fourth secret is to just taste them. If they are bitter on their own, then you will spoil the whole dish.

Thanks to these simple secrets you end up with delicious crunchy pickles.

Marinade for cucumbers recipe for 1 liter of water

Most often, each hostess seeks and chooses classic recipe marinade. Canned cucumbers crunchy recipe most delicious - marinade

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 30% - dessert spoon, if 9% - three tablespoons

Crispy cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

  • Cucumbers - about 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • A few peas of black and allspice
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (no need to get carried away)
  • Vinegar - two tablespoons 9%
  • Bitter pepper - slice
  • Greens (dill umbrellas, currant leaves, horseradish)
  • Pieces of onion or bell pepper- optional (recipe for 1 liter can)

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars

  1. We carefully select fruits of approximately the same size. Choose specimens that are plump, dark green with pimples.
  2. Fill them with ice water for 2-3 hours. The water needs to be changed to colder water every 30 minutes.
  3. Banks must first be sterilized. Each housewife does it in her own way - in the opening of the kettle, on a stand, in the microwave or oven. It is most convenient for me to do this in the oven - you can sterilize several liter cans at a time. Boil the lids too.
  4. Put herbs, garlic and pepper at the bottom of the jars.
  5. We lay the cucumbers beautifully - usually I put the first row while standing, and then I report to the top as it already turns out.
  6. Cover the top with a leaf of cherry or horseradish.
  7. We boil water and pour it into jars with cucumbers. Cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and stir everything thoroughly.
  9. Pour the marinade into the jar a little bit not to the top. Add 2 tablespoons to each jar. 9% vinegar and immediately roll up the lids.
  10. Next is the usual procedure - we turn the jars onto a blanket, wrap them up for even more thorough sterilization. After cooling down, we transfer it to the closet or basement for storage.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter with vodka

  • Most quick recipe pickles with vodka for the winter, in my opinion, is one of the most successful. The preparatory stage is the same. Go through, wash and soak in cold water.
  • Wash a three-liter jar with soda and pour boiling water over them.
  • Place the cucumbers in a jar, alternating with herbs.
  • Into the jar (this recipe for three-liter can.) Pour coarse salt and vodka over a stack. The recipe is written down in my notebook "Cucumbers Pile".
  • Pour water from the filter and tie the throat of the jar with gauze. We put it in a saucepan or bowl, because the brine can spill out during fermentation. After three days, the bank is taken to the basement for storage. This option is for the owners of the basement, they cannot be stored in the pantry.

Choose one of these recipes and enjoy their unique taste all winter long. Moreover, cooking them is as easy as shelling pears.

And what is the recipe for crispy canned cucumbers do you have the most delicious and favorite? Share proven recipes!

Cucumbers are among those garden crops that are distinguished by high yields. Even if you have only planted a few rows of cucumbers, the harvest will be so abundant that you can consume all the vegetables in fresh will be unrealistic. But, in order to provide yourself with tasty preparations for the winter, cucumbers can be canned. There are a lot of recipes for winter preparations from cucumbers, and every year more and more canning options appear so that each housewife can stock up on preparations according to her own taste.

Canning cucumbers is considered simple process, but she also has some nuances that must be taken into account. Only if all the details of the process are observed, you will receive tasty preparation that can be saved until the next harvest. Basic rules and simple recipes canning cucumbers for the winter, you will find in this article.

Canning cucumbers for the winter

It is not difficult to collect a rich harvest of cucumbers, but it is almost impossible to eat all the vegetables fresh, even for a large family. But eating the entire crop fresh is not at all necessary, because cucumbers are quite suitable for making homemade preparations for the winter. The taste of this vegetable is perfectly complemented by various spices and herbs, as well as additional ingredients: gooseberries, currants, celery, etc.

There are a lot of recipes for canning cucumbers for the winter. Some of them are simple and suitable even for novice cooks, others require more thorough preparation. We will consider the main methods of preparing winter cucumber preparations at home, and detailed instructions for each recipe will help you choose the one that is right for you.

There are several ways to preserve cucumbers. In the past, our grandmothers used to use the pickling method, but now pickling is considered more relevant. However, pickles by taste are not inferior to pickled ones, so we will give each of these recipes.

First of all, you should understand the difference between the canning process itself when pickling and pickling. In the first case, the safety of the vegetable is ensured by natural fermentation processes and the release of lactic acid. Therefore, such blanks are recommended to be stored in a cool cellar, on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

Pickled cucumbers remain tasty and crispy thanks to vinegar, which acts as a natural preservative. Such blanks can be stored at room temperature, for example, in the pantry of a city apartment.

To make it easier for you to decide which method of preparing cucumber blanks for the winter is right for you, we will consider each of them in more detail.


Pickling cucumbers is a traditional way to preserve the harvest of this vegetable throughout the winter. In the past, cucumbers were salted in large barrels, but now other containers can be used for this purpose, for example, ordinary three-liter cans.

Note: Properly selected salt plays a key role in successful salting. It is better to take ordinary rock salt, but coarse salt without any impurities. Only in this case, the taste of the workpiece will turn out to be bright and rich. Fine salt it is not recommended to use, as it can soften the cucumbers.

There are two main methods of salting: cold and hot. The first method is considered simpler, but you need to store the finished preservation only in the cold (in the cellar or refrigerator). In this case, the washed cucumbers are simply laid out in jars along with the selected spices, poured with cold water with salt dissolved in it and closed with nylon lids. In order for the lids to tightly seal the container, they must be preheated over hot steam. After that, the workpieces just need to be removed to a cold room. With this method of salting, the cucumbers will be ready for consumption in a month.

The hot method is more troublesome, but cucumbers with such salting turn out to be more spicy and crispy. As in the previous case, the cucumbers need to be laid out in jars, but there is no need to add spices, since they will enter the brine. To prepare it, you need to dissolve salt in hot water, and add several dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves and roots, oak, cherry or currant leaves to it. The brine should boil for several minutes, after which it is poured into the jars while still hot. It is not necessary to cover containers with lids, since the main task is to start the natural fermentation processes. We put the cans in a large basin, into which the excess brine will drain, and leave for a week. After this period has expired, add the missing amount of brine to each jar, tightly seal the containers with nylon caps and put them in a cool room for storage.

You can prepare pickles not only in a jar, but also in a large enamel saucepan. To do this, you will need 1 kg of small cucumbers, 2 liters of water, 2 rounded tablespoons of salt, a few cloves of garlic (from 1 to 3, depending on your preference), herbs and dill umbrellas (Figure 1).

Salting cucumbers according to this recipe is carried out as follows:

  1. Cook the brine: dissolve the salt in hot water, let it boil a little and cool to room temperature.
  2. Laying cucumbers: Cover the bottom of the pan with herbs, then put the garlic and washed cucumbers. Layers must be alternated until the entire container is full.
  3. Fill: Pour the prepared cucumbers with brine so that the liquid completely covers the vegetables. Cover the workpiece with a saucer on top. You can also put oppression on top so that the saucer does not float up, and all the cucumbers are in the brine.
  4. Salting: put the pot with cucumbers in a dark place. After a few days you will be able to feast on lightly salted cucumbers, but if you want the vegetables to acquire a richer salty taste, leave them for another 5-7 days. In the process, you can try the workpiece to determine when it will be completely ready.

Figure 1. Correct pickling of cucumbers

If you think the cucumbers are already salted enough, you can always stop the fermentation process. To do this, it is enough to remove the oppression and the saucer, cover the container with a lid and put it in a cool place for storage.

Lightly salted

Lightly salted cucumbers are considered a seasonal delicacy, because it does not take long for vegetables to acquire their characteristic taste. If the cucumbers are in the brine longer, they will become just salty, and this is a completely different dish.

But for lovers of lightly salted cucumbers there is special recipe, which will allow you to feast on your favorite vegetable in winter. To prepare such a winter preparation, you will need the cucumbers themselves, water, Bay leaf, garlic, mustard seeds and black pepper in a pot (Figure 2).

Preparation lightly salted cucumbers for the winter it is carried out like this:

  1. Fresh cucumbers need to be poured with water for 2-3 hours. During this time, their pulp will absorb enough liquid and the winter preparation will turn out to be crispy. After soaking, the cucumbers must be thoroughly washed and the tails removed.
  2. While the cucumbers are soaking, you can prepare the jars and lids. First, the containers must be rinsed with water and soda, and then sterilized. At the bottom of each jar we put several sprigs of fresh dill, two cloves of garlic and a few bay leaves. Then fill the container tightly with cucumbers.
  3. Next, we proceed directly to cooking. First you just need to boil clean water and pour cucumbers in jars with it. The workpieces must be left to cool for 3-4 hours so that the water remains warm, but not hot.
  4. When the filling time has passed, you need to drain the water. It is she who will serve as the main one for preparing the marinade. To accurately calculate its amount, it is better to first pour the water into the floor in a liter jar or measuring glass and only then pour it into a saucepan.
  5. After you have drained all the water, you can start preparing the marinade. For a liter of liquid, you will need 2 tablespoons of salt, 7 tablespoons of sugar, and 150 ml of ordinary nine percent table vinegar. We add all these ingredients to the water, let it boil and simmer for a few minutes.
  6. While the marinade is being prepared, add a teaspoon of mustard seeds and 5 black peppercorns to each jar.

Figure 2. Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard for the winter

After that, you just need to pour the cucumbers with hot marinade and immediately roll up the lid. Next, the jars need to be turned over so that all the ingredients are evenly mixed. But it is not recommended to turn the containers upside down: if they cool in their normal position, the cucumbers will turn out to be crisper.

There are many modern recipes for crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter, but we suggest you preserve according to old recipe, which has not lost its relevance now.

To make the marinade, you will need 5 liters of water, 10 tablespoons of rock salt, 20 tablespoons of sugar, and 500 ml of nine percent vinegar. As for the spices, you will need one horseradish and laurel leaf each, 1 large clove of garlic, 5 black peppercorns and 1 dill umbrella. If desired, you can add a pod of hot pepper to the workpiece (Figure 3).

Note: This amount of marinade is designed for enough a large number of cucumbers, but if you are not canning too many vegetables, you can safely divide all the ingredients in the marinade in half.

Cooking crispy pickled cucumbers looks like this:

  1. Fill the cucumbers with cold water for 8-10 hours and leave for the pulp to absorb the liquid. After that, the vegetables need to be washed and the ends trimmed.
  2. We sterilize glass jars for canning or simply pour over hot water.
  3. Put prepared spices in each jar.
  4. We put a large saucepan on the fire, pour clean water into it and bring it to a boil. Put a batch of cucumbers in a colander and immerse it in boiling water for literally 30 seconds. After that, immediately put the vegetables in the jars. This procedure must be carried out with all cucumbers.
  5. Next, you need to cook the marinade, mixing all its components, and distribute hot to the jars. Cover the containers with lids and leave for 5 minutes.
  6. After that, pour the brine into a saucepan, boil it again and pour it into the jars again. This procedure must be repeated three times.

Figure 3. Steps for preparing crispy pickled cucumbers

Next, the cans just need to be sealed with lids, turned upside down and left to cool at room temperature. These cucumbers are delicious and crispy. If you like a more savory taste, you can take large quantity horseradish, garlic or pepper.

Canning cucumbers: stages

Modern housewives prefer canning and pickling cucumbers, whereas in the past this vegetable was predominantly salted in barrels or other large containers. This is due solely to the convenience of storing winter preparations in jars, but if you have a suitable container and place to store it, you can always pickle cucumbers, cabbage or other vegetables.

Preserving cucumbers for the winter includes several important stages that relate to the preparation of the vegetables themselves, as well as the jars in which they will be stored. Preparatory stages cannot be ignored, since the storage duration of the blanks will depend on this.

Preparing cucumbers and jars

At first glance, it seems that absolutely any cucumber can be rolled into a jar. This is partly true, but the result of such canning may not be at all what you expected.

Note: For pickling and canning, only special varieties are suitable - with large pimples and black thorns. Small cucumbers with small white pimples are only suitable for fresh consumption.

If the harvest salad cucumbers you have a very large one, you can still make a blank out of them, but it is important to consider that they are only suitable for canning in the form of salads with other vegetables. In addition to the variety, it is important to choose the right cucumber and the optimal ripeness. Overripe fruits of a yellowish or brown hue are not suitable for winter harvesting, since their skin is too hard and the flesh is loose. But you shouldn't throw away such cucumbers either: they can be peeled, grated and used as a basis for making brine.

Medium-sized cucumbers are considered suitable for canning, from 7 to 9 cm in length. It makes no sense to harvest smaller fruits for the winter, since they have not yet acquired their characteristic taste and aroma. The only exception can be pickles and gherkins, which can be preserved very small (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Stages of preparing vegetables

There are other nuances of preparation that will help make delicious winter preparations from cucumbers:

  1. The washing up: all fruits must be carefully washed. To do this, it is best to use a soft cloth or sponge, but not a brush, as it can damage the delicate skin of the vegetables.
  2. Soak: after washing, the cucumbers must be soaked in cold water. For a crop harvested from your own garden, 2-3 hours will be enough, and for purchased cucumbers, the soaking time is 7-8 hours, but if you have the opportunity, you can leave the vegetables in cold water overnight. Soaking is necessary so that the fruits absorb as much moisture as possible, and during storage, voids do not form in their pulp. Thanks to this, the cucumbers will be juicy and crispy.
  3. Preparation of containers: in the past, cucumbers were pickled and canned in large barrels and three-liter jars. But such containers are only relevant for large families. If your family consists of only three people, a liter or half will be enough liter cans.

In addition, you need to prepare in advance the spices that will give the workpiece special taste and aroma. In this sense, the modern market provides a wide scope for imagination, but many prefer to use old proven recipes, adding currant, cherry, horseradish or oak leaves, pieces of horseradish root, garlic, mint and mustard to cucumber jars.

Sterilization of cans is a mandatory step in preserving cucumbers. The fact is that it is not customary to sterilize these vegetables together with the brine, since in this case the cucumbers will simply cook and will not be juicy and crispy.

To properly prepare the jars, you first need to rinse them. For this purpose, it is better to use regular baking soda instead of chemical dish detergents. It perfectly cleans dust and small dirt without leaving a chemical film on the glass surface. The jar is simply rubbed with soda, then rinsed with warm water and dried. Next, the containers need to be sterilized. To do this, you can use any convenient method: heat the jars over hot steam from a saucepan or kettle, or ignite in the microwave for 10-15 minutes (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Methods for sterilizing cans

If you are covering a lot of workpieces, you can use a regular oven as well. You need to put jars in it and only then turn on the oven. The temperature inside will rise gradually, so the glass will not burst from the difference in indicators. The duration of sterilization in the oven should be 20-25 minutes. During this time, you can boil lids in a separate saucepan, which also need sterilization.

How to roll cucumbers in jars for the winter

You can preserve cucumbers in jars both hot and cold. To do this, you will need salt, water, and your favorite spices. In the case of using vinegar, salting can only be carried out hot.

Note: It is better to use only ordinary rock salt without impurities. Only she gives the vegetables a bright taste. As a rule, a little more than 2 tablespoons of salt will be needed per liter of brine.

If you are using hot way, dissolve salt in water, add oak and currant leaves to it, as well as several dill umbrellas and pieces of horseradish root. The brine should be brought to a boil and allowed to simmer for a few minutes. After that, the ready-made liquid should be poured over the cucumbers, laid out in jars and left unrolled for a week, leaving them in a dark place at room temperature. The remnants of the brine also need to be saved. After a week, when part of the brine has evaporated, the missing amount of liquid must be poured and the jars must be hermetically sealed.

Cold-prepared cucumbers for the winter can only be stored in the refrigerator or cool cellar. For such a preparation, you need to put the washed and prepared cucumbers in jars and add your favorite spices to it. Salt is simply mixed with cold water and the resulting mixture is poured into jars of vegetables. Next, the containers must be sealed with plastic lids, preheated in hot water. Jars with blanks must be placed in a dark, cool place: vegetables will be ready for consumption in a month, but it is better to let them stand until winter.

Canned Crispy Cucumbers

The main purpose of preserving cucumbers for the winter is to keep the vegetables crisp while giving them a rich, spicy flavor and aroma.

To make such a preparation for the winter, you will need small cucumbers intended for canning, three cloves of garlic, one medium-sized carrot, several branches of dill and parsley umbrellas. Also prepare spices: 5 black peppercorns, two cloves, three allspice peas, a few currant and laurel leaves (Figure 6).

Separately, you need to prepare the components of the marinade. Its amount will depend on the volume of the cucumbers. On average, a liter of water requires a rounded tablespoon of salt, two tablespoons of sugar, and an incomplete teaspoon. vinegar essence (70%).

Crispy pickled cucumbers are prepared like this:

  1. Cucumbers need to be carefully washed and soaked in cold water for several hours so that their pulp absorbs moisture.
  2. Banks must be washed and sterilized in a convenient way. After that, all the leaves and spices need to be laid out in containers. Garlic is laid out with peeled cloves, and peeled carrots - in small blocks.
  3. Each jar is tightly filled with cucumbers, adding garlic and carrots to them (one carrot and three cloves of garlic will be enough for one container).
  4. Bring clean water without salt, sugar and vinegar to a boil and pour cucumbers with boiling liquid. Jars with boiling water and vegetables should stand for 10 minutes, after which the water must be drained and the procedure repeated.
  5. For the third time, the water should already be boiled with the components of the marinade, but the vinegar essence should be added at the very end. When the mixture boils, cucumbers are poured over it and the jars are immediately rolled up with lids.

Figure 6. Marinating crispy cucumbers

After this, the containers must be turned upside down so that all the vegetables are evenly saturated with the marinade. Banks should be wrapped in a blanket and left in this position for a day. During this time, the containers will cool down and they can be hidden in the pantry.

Preservation of cucumbers without sterilization

Not all housewives like to sterilize winter preparations, because this process requires a lot of time and effort, and during the sterilization process it becomes too hot in the house. Fortunately, cucumbers are among those vegetables that can be easily rolled up into jars without the tedious process of sterilization (Figure 7).

The recipe for canned cucumbers without sterilization is very simple. Its main secret is in the right marinade... For a liter of water, you will need 2 tablespoons of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of regular nine percent table vinegar.

Pickling cucumbers without sterilization is carried out as follows:

  1. Soak clean cucumbers in cold water for 2-3 hours, and then rinse again with running water.
  2. Put the spices on the bottom of clean sterilized jars. For a liter container, you will need up to 5 grains of black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, a dill umbrella, and a few sprigs of dill. You can also add some basil leaves.
  3. We fill each jar with cucumbers, laying them out tightly to each other.
  4. Next, he proceeds to prepare the brine. Add salt and sugar to the water, bring to a boil and boil for two minutes. While the brine is hot, they need to pour cucumbers in jars.
  5. Cover the jars with lids, wrap them up and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. After that, you need to drain the brine into one container, bring to a boil again and boil for 3-4 minutes. After that, turn off the fire, add vinegar to the marinade and fill the jars with cucumbers with the resulting mixture.

Figure 7. Canning vegetables without sterilization

After that, the containers need to be rolled up with lids, turned upside down and wrapped. When the pieces have cooled down, they can be transferred to the pantry for storage. Despite the fact that this recipe does not include sterilization, such cucumbers are stored just fine.

Preservation of cucumbers: savory recipes for the winter

Many housewives like to preserve not ordinary cucumbers, but savory vegetables, which will be an excellent addition to dishes. You can use garlic or hot pepper but there are more modern recipes, the component of which is chili ketchup.

Cucumbers canned with such ketchup have a pronounced pungency and serve as an excellent winter snack... Despite the fact that vegetables pass heat treatment, they remain crisp and the ketchup gives them an original taste and aroma.

Cucumbers with chili ketchup

Canning cucumbers with chili ketchup is easy. Having just tried such a preparation once, you will make such preparations annually, since the finished vegetables are really different. unusual taste(Figure 8).

Note: It is better to preserve such cucumbers in liter jars. This way you can be sure that vegetables of any size will fit into the container. In addition, it is better to cut the cucumbers into 4 pieces. So they will soak much better. hot sauce but still crispy.

For one liter jar, you will need the cucumbers themselves, one or two bay leaves, a few black peppercorns and garlic. The ingredients of the marinade are Chili ketchup (300 grams), water (1 liter), vinegar 9% (300 ml), salt (1.5 tablespoons) and sugar (200 grams).

First of all, you need to pour cold water over the cucumbers and leave for 30 minutes. After that, the vegetables need to be washed and the ends cut off. Fill sterilized jars with spices, putting 2 cloves of garlic, 5 peppercorns and bay leaf in each. After that, lay out the cucumbers. If you are canning small vegetables, you can lay them out whole. If the fruits are large enough, it is better to cut them lengthwise into four parts.

Next, we start preparing the marinade. All its ingredients must be mixed in one saucepan, mixed thoroughly and brought to a boil. It is important that the number of components listed above is calculated for 3 liter cans. If you canning more vegetables, then the amount of marinade should be higher. When the marinade is ready, it is poured into jars, the containers are covered with lids and set to sterilize. For a liter can, the sterilization time is 10 minutes, but if you use larger containers, the sterilization time should be longer.

Figure 8. Winter harvesting with chili ketchup

After that, you just need to tightly seal the jars with lids, turn them upside down and let them cool at room temperature without wrapping them up.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter

The salting process is significantly different from canning or pickling. In the case of pickling, the preservation of a vegetable occurs due to the processes of natural fermentation and the release of lactic acid, while when pickling, the preservation of vegetables is ensured by hot water and acetic acid(Figure 9).

Cooking pickles for the winter is very easy. It is necessary to rinse the cucumbers in advance and fill them with cold water. In the meantime, we prepare and sterilize the jars. To do this, it is better to take three-liter containers: even after opening, cucumbers in jars can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

The procedure for salting cucumbers for the winter will be as follows:

  1. Put cucumbers and favorite spices (black and allspice peas, bay leaves, dill umbrellas, currant, cherry and oak leaves) tightly in the prepared jars.
  2. Prepare the brine: for this you need to dissolve the salt in cold water. On average, you will need three level tablespoons of salt per liter of liquid. The amount of marinade is determined individually, depending on the number of cans.
  3. The resulting liquid is poured into jars and covered with plastic lids.
  4. The jars are left at room temperature so that fermentation processes begin inside the containers. Since the brine will flow out of the cans during the process, a large basin or pallet must be placed under them in advance.
  5. After three days, the jars are topped up with brine so that the liquid reaches the top of the neck. After that, the jars must be wiped off with a clean cloth, tightly covered with lids and sent for storage in a cellar or another dry, dark and cool place.

Figure 9. Options for pickling cucumbers

You need to close pickles only with nylon lids, since tin cans do not allow enough air to pass through, and the fermentation processes that are actively taking place in cans can rip off such a lid.

A simple recipe for delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter is presented by the author of the video.

Brothers, they will be very useful in winter on your winter table for lunch or dinner. They will appeal to all household members - both adults and children. They will be welcome at festive feast... It is a great addition to meat and fish dishes, crunchy component for winter salads and for savory sandwiches.

You can find many options for harvesting pickled cucumbers for the winter. I offered you the most best recipes cooking to my taste.

The principle of preparing pickled crispy vegetables is not complicated. Important to have on hand necessary ingredients, hot water and preservatives such as vinegar or citric acid, so that your preparations will delight you during the entire cold period until spring.

In seaming, it is best to use dill in umbrellas, it is the most aromatic and spicy. It is better to cut the garlic into several pieces, so it will give more flavor to the marinade. Be sure to soak cucumbers in water before pickling, they will be saturated with water, which will accelerate the penetration of the marinade into them.

This article is for lovers of delicious seaming and the canning process, for clever hostesses who love to evaluate the rows of jars of vegetables in their bins.

Or maybe you wanted to try yourself in something new? It's time, because now it's cucumber time in the yard, and therefore, be patient, in a good mood, and you will definitely be rewarded for your work. Follow easy step-by-step recipes and you will succeed.

The classic recipe for crispy pickled cucumbers

Here is a classic recipe for harvesting pickled cucumbers, which are crispy without much difficulty. It will be so pleasant to enjoy them in winter, when the cucumber season is long over, and there will be a wonderful snack on your table.

We take into account that from 1 kg fresh cucumbers you get 2 liter jars of pickled cucumbers. Such cucumbers will sound great in various dishes... Good luck with winter preparations!

You will need:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers
  • 1 liter marinade
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. table salt
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 5-6 peas of allspice
  • 2 carnations
  • currant and cherry leaves
  • Dill
  • 2 tsp vinegar essence (16 tsp vinegar 9%)

Cooking method:

Dip vegetables in cool water for 6-7 hours

Prepare the garlic, rinse the cherry and currant leaves

Steam two 1 L jars

Dip the screw caps into boiling water

Place dill umbrellas, garlic, cherry and currant leaves in jars

Cut the garlic into pieces

Place vegetables tightly in jars

Pour boiling water over the jars

Pour 1 l + 50 ml of water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar

Add peppercorns

In a saucepan, bring the marinade to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes

Drain boiling water from vegetables

Fill the jars up to the neck with prepared boiling brine

Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence to each jar

Gently tighten the covers with a wrench

We immediately turn the cans over, additionally sterilize the lids

First, wrap the jars in newsprint, then wrap them in a warm blanket for 1-2 days

Bon Appetit!

Pickled cucumbers with citric acid for the winter

Here is a recipe for pickled cucumbers cooked without vinegar. Here, citric acid acts as the main preservative for storage. Be sure to try preparing green vegetables in such a marinade - everyone will like the result!

You will need for one 3 liter jar:

  • 1.7 kg of cucumbers
  • 3-4 pcs. cherry leaf
  • 5-6 pcs. black peppercorns
  • 2-3 tooth. garlic
  • 70 grams (2 tablespoons) table salt
  • 70 grams (2 tablespoons) sugar
  • 2 tsp citric acid
  • 1/2 pcs. hot pepper
  • celery greens
  • 1 tsp dill seed
  • 1 PC. horseradish leaves

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan
  2. We wash the cylinders well with cold water, put cherry leaves, bay leaves, garlic in it
  3. Throw in pieces of red pepper, coarsely chopped horseradish leaf
  4. Chop 2-3 celery sprigs coarsely, throw 5-6 black peppercorns on the bottom of the jar
  5. We put the cucumbers in cylinders, cut off the edges if desired
  6. Pour boiling water over the vegetables up to the very neck, cover with lids, leave to warm up for 25-30 minutes
  7. Drain the water back into the pan, add salt, sugar
  8. Put the marinade on the fire again, boil for a couple of minutes, pour in the cucumbers, add citric acid, close the lids with a key
  9. Turn the cylinders over, wrap them with a warm blanket until they cool completely

Bon Appetit!

We prepare pickled cucumbers with mustard

You will need:

  • 2 kg fresh cucumbers
  • 6 tsp Sahara
  • 6 tsp table salt
  • 150 ml vinegar
  • 3-6 tooth. garlic
  • 1 PC. red hot pepper
  • 3 tsp mustard seeds
  • currant leaves, cherries
  • Bay leaf
  • Dill
  • peppercorns

Cooking method:

Rinse vegetables well, hold in water for 4-6 hours

Pour boiling water over the lids

Rinse the dill, cherry and currant leaves, scald them with boiling water

Put 2-3 leaves of currants, cherries, dill, bay leaves in sterilized jars

Add 1-2 teeth. garlic, 5-6 peas of black pepper

Cutting off the tails, we immediately put the vegetables in jars

We fill them tightly to the very neck

Pour boiling water over vegetables

Cover the jars with lids for 25-30 minutes

Add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds to each jar

Pour 50 g of 9% vinegar into each jar

Pour with boiling marinade, tighten the screw caps on the jars

Immediately turn the jars onto the lids, wrap them with a warm blanket until they cool completely

Bon Appetit!

The recipe for pickled cucumbers with vodka for the winter

You will need for a 3-liter jar:

  • 2 kg of cucumbers
  • 2 tbsp. l. table salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 100 g vinegar 9%
  • 50 g vodka
  • 1.5 l of water
  • 1 PC. bell pepper
  • 1/2 pcs. red hot pepper
  • 2-3 tooth. garlic
  • 6-7 pcs. peppercorns
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaves
  • dill

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the vegetables, cut off the tails, pour over with boiling water, immediately transfer to ice water for a few minutes
  2. Next, we put vegetables in a balloon, layering with dill, garlic, slices of bell pepper, rings of red hot pepper
  3. Optionally, you can add currant leaves, cherries, horseradish
  4. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, sugar, peppercorns, bay leaves, vinegar to it
  5. Pour cucumbers with hot marinade for 10 minutes, then pour it back into the pan, bring to a boil again
  6. Pour the marinade over the cucumbers completely, then pour in vodka, cover with a sterilized lid, close with a key
  7. Turn the balloon over, wrap it in a blanket for 1-2 days until it cools completely

Bon Appetit!

Pickled cucumbers with chili ketchup

Do you want to try such spicy lightly salted cucumbers? In order to taste them - make them in your reserves according to the proposed recipe, and in winter enjoy bright crispy vegetables.

Please note that we measure sugar, vinegar, water and ketchup with one 200 ml glass

You will need ingredients for four 1L cans:

  • 2.5 kg cucumbers
  • 6 glasses of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 250 g chili ketchup
  • black peppercorns
  • bay leaves
  • currant leaves
  • cherry leaves
  • garlic

Cooking method:

Rinse the cucumbers, let them stand in cold water for 3-4 hours

Cut off the ponytails on both sides

We put dill in clean washed cylinders, a couple of cherry leaves, currants, bay leaves

We put 2-3 cloves of garlic, 5-6 peas of black pepper

They should be filled with vegetables and spices tightly enough.

Pour water into a saucepan according to the recipe

Add and stir salt, sugar, vinegar, chili ketchup in it

Boil the marinade on the stove

At the same time, put a large saucepan on the fire, filling it halfway with water.

When the marinade boils, let it boil for 5 minutes

Place the glass canisters carefully in the pot so that they do not touch each other.

Water should cover the cans up to the "shoulders", no more

After 10 minutes of boiling water, remove the cylinders from the pan

Close the lids on the cans with a key

Immediately turn the jars onto the lids, wrap them with a warm blanket for 1-2 days, wait until they cool completely

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for the most delicious pickled cucumbers for the winter

According to this recipe, cucumbers are aromatic and crispy. Be sure to take note of it, you will succeed!

No matter how many pickles are closed zealous housewives during the conservation period, crispy pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter occupy one of the most important positions in this list. It is impossible to imagine without them meat salad, a hearty sandwich, and a better snack than a sweet and sour cucumber is hard to come up with. But in order to get a true taste pleasure, it is necessary to roll up the vegetables correctly, adding additional ingredients to them, and accurately calculating the proportions of the marinade. We will reveal a few secrets, knowing which you can always brag to the guests the most delicious cucumbers in the world.

There are three immutable rules to ensure you get the best results:

  • high-quality raw materials - ideally, these should be medium-sized young fruits, recently plucked from the garden, with a thick pimpled skin;
  • fragrant spices - horseradish root and leaves, fresh currant leaves, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, dill umbrellas;
  • obligatory soaking - this procedure prevents further saturation of the pulp with brine and allows the cucumber to remain crispy.

Also remember to use plain salt and clean, preferably filtered, water for the marinade.

Recipe for cooking with ketchup for the winter

With this unusual recipe, you can cook spicy spicy pickled cucumbers in tomato sauce.

Calculation for a three-liter can:

  • fresh cucumbers - one and a half kg;
  • shop sauce (it is better to take with a spicy taste - "Chili" or "Garlic") - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons. lies .;
  • rock salt - 1 table. lies .;
  • vinegar 9% - half a glass;
  • seasonings, garlic, fresh herbs.

We wash the cucumbers from the ground and soak them for 5-6 hours in almost ice-cold water. When the fruits are well nourished, cut off the tips. Put seasonings on the bottom of a clean jar - a couple of allspice peas, a dry umbrella of dill, one chopped garlic clove. We fill the jar. Fill with boiling water to the brim, cover with a lid and wait until the temperature of the liquid drops to room temperature. We drain the warm water from the cucumbers into the sink and repeat this action two times. For the last time, carefully pour the water from the can into a saucepan - we will cook the marinade on it. Salt the liquid, add sugar and put a pack of sauce. Cook for a couple of minutes in a sealed container. Before turning off the heat, pour in the vinegar and immediately fill the jars with marinade. We seal the jars with sterile lids, turn them upside down and insulate them.

To prevent the risk of a crack in the glass, while pouring the marinade, direct the boiling liquid to the center, being careful not to touch the wall of the jar with the hot stream.

Rustic cucumbers

The recipe for crispy cucumbers for the winter in a village style consists of the most simple ingredients... The preservation turns out to be appetizing, and resembles a classic cask salting. The peculiarity of the recipe is that for salting, you can use large, slightly overripe fruits, which gardeners collect in large quantities.


  • cucumbers - how much will fit in a three-liter jar;
  • coarse salt - 4 tablespoons. lodge. (in a container) + 2 table. lodge (on the "lid");
  • favorite spices, fresh and dried herbs for the marinade.

Put pre-soaked cucumbers in a jar, mixing with spices. Fill with coarse salt and pour cold filtered water over the neck. Cover the container, take it from both sides, and shake it a couple of times to better distribute the vegetables. After that, remove the metal lid, cover the neck with clean gauze folded in several layers, sprinkle salt on it with a slide, which must be slightly moistened with water - this is how we get a kind of salt "lid". In this state, a jar of vegetables should stand in the room for at least two days. During this time, the brine will become cloudy and a specific "barrel" smell will appear. This means it's time to start canning. Remove the cheesecloth, pour the liquid into a saucepan and cook for 2 minutes. Pour boiling water back into the jar, twist it and leave it under the "fur coat" until it cools.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

This is perhaps one of the simplest and most popular methods for preserving cucumbers with vinegar. Vegetables are prepared quickly, without much hassle, but they turn out to be crispy and very juicy.


  • young cucumbers - about 2 kg;
  • salt without additives - 2 tablespoons. lodges (for 1 liter);
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons. lodges (for 1 liter);
  • food vinegar (9%) - 2 tablespoons. lodges (for 1 liter);
  • fresh garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pepper, lavrushka, dill.

As usual, soak the cucumbers for at least a couple of hours in cool water. Wash dishes with soda, sterilize. We wash the greens well, peel the garlic and cut into plates. We put everything in jars and fill it with boiling water. We change the water twice, and the third time we make a filling of the marinade with salt, sugar and vinegar. We fill the jar with vegetables and seasonings with liquid to the very neck, and immediately twist.

Instant recipe

The "quick" cucumber recipe will help out when business does not allow spending a long time in the kitchen. In this case, you just need to prepare the products and place the jars for sterilization, this method will not require your presence anymore.

You will need:

  • cucumbers - about 1 kg;
  • coarse salt - 2 tablespoons. lies .;
  • sugar - 1.5 table. lies .;
  • acid - 60 ml;
  • half a celery root, a leaf of horseradish, a couple of dill umbrellas, a cherry leaf, hot pepper - just one thing in each jar.

We prepare spices, herbs and put them on the bottom of the jar. If using fresh hot peppers, be sure to remove the center and add no more than half a pod, otherwise the product may be extremely spicy. We fill the container with prepared (washed and presoaked) cucumbers so that there is a minimum of free space. Add salt, sugar and vinegar as indicated in the ingredients. Cover the neck with a lid and put it to sterilize in a saucepan of boiling water. The process time is a quarter of an hour from the moment the bubbles appear. Please note that you do not need to add liquid to the jar at this stage. Our task is to saturate the fruit with vinegar vapor. At the end of sterilization, carefully remove the jars, pour boiling water over and twist. Then we act as with any vegetable preservation - turn over and wrap until it cools completely.

Bulgarian-style crispy sweet and sour cucumbers

During the Soviet Union, many items appeared on the shelves of grocery stores. canned food production of a friendly country to us Bulgaria. And, although this period has long disappeared into the past, the recipe for cucumbers "in Bulgarian" is still carefully stored in the culinary books of our mothers and grandmothers.

Products for 1 liter:

  • gherkins - how much will go into the jar;
  • onion (small) - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons. lies .;
  • 3 - 4 cloves of garlic;
  • rock salt - 1 table. lies .;
  • lavrushka, pepper - peas, dill;
  • vinegar - 3 tablespoons. lies.

Put an onion, cloves of garlic, herbs and all the spices in a jar, cut into 4 parts. We tamp the gherkins tightly. Pour boiling water over the neck of the jar. We wrap it with a towel and let it stand, after which we pour the water into a saucepan. Salt the liquid, throw in the sugar, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar and cook over low heat for 4 minutes. Cover the contents with boiling marinade up to the edge of the jar, twist and set "upside down" for better sterilization of the lid. V original recipe it is not indicated that the banks need to be additionally warmed up under the blanket, so you can abandon this maneuver or act as you are used to.

In apple juice for the winter

Marinade, which is based on apple juice, not vinegar, is optimal for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or those who are allergic to artificial acidifiers.

To get 1 liter of this yummy, take:

  • a kilogram of cucumbers;
  • a liter or more of freshly squeezed apple juice (no pulp);
  • salt and sugar - 30 g each;
  • a sprig of fresh mint;
  • dill umbrella;
  • Carnation;
  • black pepper - a couple of peas.

Place the spices, herbs and cucumbers in the prepared container, steam twice with boiling water for 15 minutes. Apple juice boil with salt and sugar, boil for 5 minutes under the lid. Pour boiling liquid over the jars and roll up. Store finished products no more than six months, a longer period can negatively affect conservation.

Juice from fresh apples in the recipe, you can replace it with grape or apple - pumpkin, and, in addition to traditional dill, add lemongrass, cherry or currant leaves to the jars.

With mint leaves, onions and carrots

The recipe is similar to the classic one, however the presence onion rings and mint sprigs give the marinade a unique aroma, and bright carrot mugs not only decorate the preservation, but also make it more useful.

Calculation for a 1.5 liter can:

  • cucumbers - about 1 - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • onions (it is better to take white, salad) - 2 heads;
  • fresh mint - 3 - 4 branches;
  • horseradish, cherry and currant leaves - 3 pcs. each grade;
  • sugar - 2.5 table. lies .;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons. lies. (no top);
  • vinegar - 4 tablespoons. lies .;
  • water - how much will merge from the can.

We cut vegetables - onions into rings, carrots into slices, cucumbers - into cubes. Since the structure of the carrot is denser, it must first be blanched for a couple of minutes, then put in a sieve or colander and cool. Together with herbs and spices, put the prepared vegetables in a container, steam them twice with boiling water, and on the third, fill them with hot marinade. We cook the marinade, as usual - pour the last fill (the second) into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, boil until the crystals are completely dissolved, pour in vinegar and immediately fill the jars.

Crispy pickled cucumbers with beets

Cucumbers with beets are a traditional Russian recipe, according to which hostesses have been preparing food since the beginning of the 19th century. And although today the methods of rolling have changed a little, but the combination of young sweet beets and pickled cucumbers is still relevant.

Components per liter:

  • a pound of young cucumbers;
  • 2 medium beets;
  • half-table lodges. salt;
  • tea lodge. Sahara;
  • dining lodges. acids (9% edible vinegar);
  • garlic;
  • seasonings for the marinade: dill, tarragon, allspice, pure cherry, currant or horseradish leaves - to your taste.

We soak strong young cucumbers in ice water in advance, dry them with a paper towel and cut off the ends. Put seasonings in a dry container, garlic chopped into plates and beets grated on a coarse grater. We lay the main component to fill the empty space as much as possible. Stir salt together with sugar in a saucer and pour into a jar. Fill the contents with boiling water, pour in the acid, cover the neck and sterilize the jar for at least a quarter of an hour at 100 degrees. After that, roll up with the same lid, turn over and leave to cool slowly under a towel or blanket.

The full taste of pickled cucumbers appears not earlier than two weeks after harvesting. Therefore, if you are in doubt about the proportions, it is better to make a sample jar in advance in order to adjust the number of components to suit your preferences.

With grated horseradish and tarragon for the winter

Everyone who has been preserving for several years knows that horseradish has a powerful antibacterial effect and allows you to preserve food for longer. It is also added to cucumbers so that they are crispy and dense, and tarragon (tarragon) will give the dish a specific, slightly sweetish aroma and flavor.

For a liter jar:

  • gherkins (no more than 7 cm) –1 kg;
  • horseradish root;
  • table salt - 40 g;
  • granulated sugar - 35 g;
  • table vinegar - 70 ml;
  • tarragon, parsley, currant leaves, lavrushka - the amount to your liking.

We prepare food - wash cucumbers thoroughly and soak for 2 - 3 hours. We clean the horseradish root and rub it on a grater. Usually, it is enough to use no more than 4 - 5 cm of a plant per liter jar, but you will be guided by your taste. Put the seasonings on the bottom of a clean jar, fill the rest of the volume with cucumbers. Pour boiling water up to the neck and leave to cool under the lid. After a quarter of an hour, pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and boil until dissolved. Pour in vinegar. Fill the contents of the jar with boiling liquid. We seal it with a lid and store it in a cool place.

Original recipe with bell pepper, basil and coriander

For a change, we suggest you cook cucumbers with the addition of ripe fleshy Bulgarian pepper and aromatic herbs - basil and coriander. As a result, in winter you can enjoy delicious autumn assortments, rich in vitamins and microelements.

For 3 liters, take:

  • strong cucumbers - how much will fit;
  • sweet bell pepper (it is better to take both red and yellow) - 3 pcs.;
  • 2 - 3 sprigs of basil;
  • h. l. coriander kernels;
  • other spices - horseradish root, dill, allspice, laurel - optional;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons. lies .;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons. lies .;
  • table vinegar - 3 tablespoons. lies.

Wash ripe, multi-colored peppers, core and cut into slices. Put in a jar together with spices. Tamp the cucumbers there. Pour boiling water over, cover the neck with a lid and leave for half an hour at room temperature. Over time, drain the water and repeat the action, also leaving the jar to cool on the table. Drain water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, stir well and bring to a boil. Pour in the vinegar and fill the container with the vegetables with the boiling marinade. Twist, wrap up in a warm blanket for 7 hours. Check if the lids are leaking, and if everything is fine, you can safely hide the cans for long-term storage in the cellar or pantry.

All the above recipes for pickled cucumbers for the winter have been tested by many years of experience and are loved by many housewives. Try it and maybe crispy cucumbers will be yours. signature dish, able to decorate any festive table or complement the usual home dinner.