Home / Cupcakes / Complex fish snacks. The most delicious hot fish snacks

Complex fish snacks. The most delicious hot fish snacks

Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are cooked in links, beluga - in large pieces 40-60 cm long, 10-12 cm wide, sterile - most often in portions. Chastikova fish is cooked in portions, with the exception of pike perch and pike, intended for stuffing whole, pike perch, trout, smelt, used entirely for aspic dishes.

Fish served with mayonnaise or for salads mashed with mayonnaise is sometimes allowed. Fish drenched

marinade, lightly fried, not much tinting. Fillet of peeled herring is soaked and stored in tea broth or milk.

Lightly salted fish (salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) are washed and plastered along the spine, rib bones are removed, the skin is trimmed and, starting from the tail, portions are cut, holding the knife at an angle of 30 - 45 °. Portions are placed on snack plates and garnished with a lemon wedge and herbs.

With multi-portion serving, lightly salted fish is placed on an oval dish or herring, the portions are given a beautiful shape (rolled up with a rose or laid with a ladder). Lemon slices are placed at the ends of the dish (for stability, the skin is folded at the slices), and sprigs of greenery are laid on the sides.

For small products, the skin is trimmed, the cartilage is removed and the flesh is cut from the skin in thin, wide pieces, holding the knife at an angle of 30 - 45 °. To prevent the flesh remaining uncut from getting aired, it is covered with leather or wrapped in parchment. Balych products are released in the same way as lightly salted fish, garnished with lemon and herbs.

Hot smoked fish (stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sea bass, cod, omul, etc.) are cleaned of skin and bones, and sturgeon - from cartilage and portioned. Sturgeon is cut into portions of the prescribed mass, holding the knife at a right angle.

Portions are placed on snack plates or in multi-portion dishes (oval dish, herring), garnished with lettuce, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, you can also serve a complex garnish of boiled vegetables, green peas, potatoes with soway mayonnaise.

The fish is served separately with horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce

For the assortment, several, but at least three types of fish gastronomy are used: salmon, salmon, cold and hot smoked fish, also cold boiled fish, caviar (chum, pressed, granular), canned crabs, sprats, sprat. Beautifully cut pieces of various types of fish gastronomy are placed on an oval dish or herring, alternating in color. The assortment often includes caviar, which can be arranged in baskets or puff pastry hairs.

The crabs are placed in tartlets and covered with a jelly net with mayonnaise or jelly.

The sprats, peeled and freed from the bones, are rolled up into a ring and placed on circles of a boiled egg.

The assortment is garnished with fresh or pickled ida cucumbers, tomatoes, jelly figurines (flurons), lemon wedges and garnished with sprigs of herbs and salad. Separately, mayonnaise or horseradish sauce with vinegar is served in a gravy boat.

Canned fish is a very nutritious product. At enterprises Catering they are used as a cold snack, as well as for making snacks, sandwiches and cold dishes. Canned snacks - fish in oil, fish in tomato, cod liver, pates.

Sprats and sardines in oil are served on snack plates or herring boxes, garnished with lemon and herbs. The carcasses are laid in a ladder or fan so that all the tails are facing one side, and the backs of the carcasses cover the abdomen of the neighboring ones, pour the oil in which they were cooked on top.

Fish in a tomato or own juice taken out of cans and released in portions of the set mass together with sauce or juice in salad bowls or on snack plates, sprinkle with chopped green onions or chopped herbs on top

The cod liver in oil is removed from the jars, crushed, combined with shredded boiled eggs, finely chopped onions, seasoned with oil, in which the liver was. The cooked liver is released in salad bowls, sprinkled with green onions on top.

Sprat, anchovy and herring of spicy salting are cleaned, removing the head and entrails, washed, carefully placed on a snack plate or herring with backs to one side and garnished with slices or slices of a boiled egg with finely chopped onions.

You can release canned food with onions, chopped into rings. On vacation, pour over mustard dressing.

Caviar. Grain or chum caviar is placed in torquey on a rosette of caviar, and finely crushed ice is placed in the caviar: crush with butter. Crushed caviar is kneaded on dos-se, cut in the form of a rhombus, triangle, square and placed on a small dessert plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley on the sides. Served separately shredded green onions, a slice of lemon, a slice of butter.

Natural herring with potatoes and butter. Prepared fillets of salted herring are sometimes served whole, uncooked, but more often they are cut across or diagonally into pieces 2.5-3 cm wide. They are laid on a herring tray in the form of a whole fish, the head (without gills) and tail are applied; on the sides are decorated with sprigs of greenery. Served separately boiled hot potatoes and a piece of butter.

Herring with garnish. On the seasoned vegetables, cut into slices, they put slices of herring fillets cut across or obliquely, and a side dish of potatoes, cucumbers, carrots or beets, onions and eggs is beautifully placed on the sides. The herring is watered with mustard or vinegar dressing.

Chopped herring withside dish. Fillet of prepared herring, peeled apples, wheat bread soaked in water (or milk) and lightly sautéed on vegetable oil onions are passed through a meat grinder. The crushed mass is seasoned with vinegar, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and placed in the form of a whole fish. Sprinkle herring with chopped egg and green onions, and garnish on the sides with butter flowers, carbated boiled carrots, slices fresh cucumber and tomato.

Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish. From chilled stripped link boiled sturgeon fish cut slices 1-1.5 cm thick.Serve the fish with boiled potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, cucumbers, cut into small cubes, green peas etc. Garnish is put in bouquets and watered with salad dressing.

Served separately horseradish sauce with vinegar. As an additional side dish, you can offer diced fish jelly.

Particular fish is also prepared and decorated, but it is boiled in portions, cooled and slightly dried before leaving.

Fish with mayonnaise. One third of the vegetable side dish, seasoned with a small amount of mayonnaise, is placed in a portion boiled fish and pour it from a scalloped paper envelope with mayonnaise sauce. On top of the dish, you can decorate with crabs and sprigs of herbs, slices of fresh tomatoes, and place a vegetable garnish around with bouquets.

For custom-made dishes, the mayonnaise sauce is prepared with fish jelly in a 1: 1 ratio, the fish is poured, decorated and the top is poured with transparent jelly.

A fishjellied. This dish can be prepared in two ways.

The first way. Portion pieces of pike perch fillet or other fish are boiled and cooled on a sieve. Broth remaining

after boiling fish, combine with broth from fish food waste and filter. Put soaked and squeezed gelatin into the hot broth, dissolve it, cool the broth to 50-60 ° C, introduce a pull, boil for 20-30 minutes, season with salt and filter. A layer of 4-6 mm jelly is poured onto a baking sheet and, when it hardens, dried pieces of fish are placed on it at intervals of 2 cm. Decorate them with boiled carrots, lemon, parsley, crayfish tails, attaching decorations with jelly. After that, the decorated pieces of fish are cooled again, poured with jelly (with a layer of at least 0.5-1 cm) and cooled again. Pieces of fish are cut on a baking sheet so that the edges are corrugated, and the jelly layer around the pieces of fish is at least 5-8 mm. Served separately horseradish sauce with vinegar.

Second way. The fish is cooked in a mold. First, a "shirt" is made of jelly: the mold is placed in the refrigerator, cooled and warm (45-55 ° C) lanspig is poured to the very edge of the mold. When a 3-5 mm thick layer of frozen jelly forms on the walls of the mold, the mold is quickly removed from the refrigerator, wiped off with a cloth, the uncured part of the jelly is poured out, and the mold is put back in the refrigerator, the jelly is allowed to solidify completely. Decorations of brightly colored vegetables and herbs are placed on the jelly inside the mold, their jelly is fixed, then pieces of boiled fish are placed in the mold with the front side to the jelly, leaving intervals between them. The forms filled with fish are placed in the refrigerator, poured to the very edge with semi-solidified, but still liquid jelly and allowed to solidify completely.

Before the release, the molds with the filler are lowered for 3-5 s in hot water, taken out of the water, turned over, holding it slightly obliquely, shaken and placed as jellied on a round or oval dish. Serve separately horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise.

Jellied pike perch (whole). Prepared pike perch is boiled, cooled in a broth, removed from the boiler on a wire rack, dried well, put on a dish and decorated with various vegetables with bright colors, greens, li-I monom, crayfish tails on the sides and back. All decorations are glued with po; the power of jelly. After that, the fish is poured with semi-solidified jelly completely or in the form of a grid, using a pastry bag with a tube with a diameter of 1-2 mm. Around pike perch in bouquets are laid vegetable side dish, diced jelly and vegetables; watered with salad dressing. The sides of the dish are decorated with stars, crescents, jelly triangles. Horseradish sauce with vinegar and mayonnaise are served separately.

Stuffed fish (pike perch, pike). Fish prepared for stuffing is filled with minced meat from fish pulp, bread, milk, sautéed onions, fat, and garlic. The fish is given the appearance of a whole carcass, wrapped in cheesecloth, tied with twine at the head and tail, placed on the grill of a fish kettle and allowed to cook with spices and seasonings (30-40 minutes). The cooked fish is cooled, cut across into pieces and served.

The fish can be laid on a platter in the form of a whole carcass; a vegetable garnish is placed around it in bouquets. Serve separately horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise.

Fish in a white marinade. Peeled whole smelt, small navaga or pieces of pike perch fillet, perch are breaded in flour, fried in vegetable oil, placed in a non-oxidizing dish and poured with marinade. After 3-4 hours, the fish is transferred to a salad bowl, the marinade is finally seasoned with salt, sugar, vinegar and the fish is poured, evenly distributing the roots on the surface of the fish. Sprinkle fish with herbs.

Fish in tomato (red) marinade. Pieces of fish fillets are fried in vegetable oil, slightly tinted and not dried, laid out in a deep bowl, poured with warm marinade with tomato and cooled. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Non-fish snacks military raw materials

Crayfish in Russian. Live crayfish are washed, placed in boiling highly salted water with roots, onions, dill and parsley stalks, bay leaves and allspice. Cook them, stirring occasionally, until they turn red and a crack appears between the body frame and the neck (8-12 minutes). Cooked crayfish are cooled in a decoction. They are laid in a slide, vegetables, spices, sprigs of parsley or dill are placed on top. Rakov can be brewed in kvass or beer.

Salad with crab, shrimp and crayfish necks. Boiled, chilled and peeled potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, as well as fresh tomatoes, pickled or fresh cucumbers are cut into cubes (6 mm) and green peas are added. One quarter of all vegetables are seasoned with mayonnaise and stacked in a vase or salad bowl. On top, they put pieces of boiled crabs or necks of shrimps, crayfish with the red side up, and around in neat bouquets of the rest of the vegetables. Before leaving, the vegetable side dish is poured with salad dressing.

Jellied shrimps. Fish jelly (lanspig) is poured into a mold or baking sheet with a layer of 3-5 mm and allowed to harden. After that, bright vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, parsley) are beautifully placed on the jelly and fixed with a lanspig.

Boiled shrimp is peeled from the shell, cut into slices, placed in molds without touching the walls, or on a baking sheet (at intervals), poured with fish jelly and cooled.

Before leaving, aspic on a baking sheet is cut into portions, and the molds are lowered for 3-5 seconds in hot water and the contents are transferred to a plate, dish or vase. When served on a platter, aspic is garnished with bouquets of boiled and raw vegetables (carrots, rutabagas, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad etc.). Mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Oysters. The shells with baby fish are washed in cold water, the shutters are separated with a special knife, the upper shutter is removed, washed again in salted water, the shellfish pulp is cut under the place of attachment to the shell and served in it on a napkin with pieces of food ice.

Squids. Squid fillets are cooked in the same way as for hot dishes. Boiled squid shredded with a breakdown. After that, they can be served with mustard dressing, under a red marinade, added to vinaigrette and salad to make aspic from them.

Lobsters and lobsters. These large sea crustaceans are boiled, the flesh of the necks and claws (from lobsters) are taken out. You can serve them with mayonnaise. When serving at a banquet, the shell of a boiled lobster is placed on a dish, the neck, cut into slices, is placed on it, and the chopped pincers with pulp are placed next to it. Mayonnaise is served separately. Lobster is processed, prepared and served in the same way as lobster.

Marinecabbage. Dried seaweed is sorted out and soaked in cold water within 10-12 hours (for 1 kg of cabbage 7-8 liters of water), then thoroughly washed. Frozen cabbage is thawed in cold water and washed.

Prepare cabbage like this: pour cold water, quickly bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes; after that, the broth is drained, the cabbage is again poured with warm water and boiled for another 15-20 minutes; you can repeat this operation a third time. Canned cabbage is not pretreated.

Seaweed salad. Raw carrots are grated on a coarse grater, apples and cucumbers (salted or fresh) are chopped and everything is mixed with seaweed. The salad is seasoned with salt and poured over with sour cream or mayonnaise.

With pickled seaweed you can cook vinaigrette, fish salads, serve it with mayonnaise, add to mushroom or vegetable caviar, or chopped herring.

Blues and snacks made from meat and ptiya

For cold appetizers, mainly tenderloin, thin or thick edges, loin, pork, lamb, veal hams and young well-fed poultry are used. Lamb fat has a high melting point and is therefore rarely used in cold meals. Boiled and fried meat is cooled and stored at 2-6 ° C, cleaned and cut before serving. All cold meat dishes are served with horseradish sauce or mayonnaise and a vegetable side dish.

Ham with garnish. The peeled ham leg is cut into 2-3 thin wide slices per serving, fresh cucumbers, fresh tomatoes and green salad cut into slices are placed on the side. Served separately horseradish sauce with vinegar, mayonnaise or mayonnaise with gherkins.

Any cold fried or boiled meat is also served. Diced meat jelly can be added to the garnish.

Assorted meat. Typically, this dish contains 4-5 types of different meat products (roast beef, veal, ham, game fillets, etc.). It is served in the same way as ham with a side dish.

Fried poultry. Small chickens, hazel grouses or partridges are served whole or cut in half near the keel bone along the carcass, and the legs are separated from the large bird and part of the fillet is cut into wide thin slices. The legs are cut into several pieces, placed on a dish, thinly sliced ​​fillets are placed fan-shaped on the legs, and garnishes (cucumbers, gherkins, fruits, lettuce and meat jelly) are placed around them in bouquets. Served separately mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

Veal and tongue aspic. Prepare in the same way as jellied fish, but use meat jelly (a transparent broth drawn with a meat pull with the addition of gelatin). Pieces of meat are cut so that a layer of jelly around the circumference

was at least 3-5 mm, placed on a dish, and a garnish is laid out around the bouquet: salad from red cabbage, green salad, boiled green peas and sliced ​​fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. In winter, non-female cucumbers, gherkins or pickles are served. Separately - horseradish sauce with vinegar.

Jellied piglet. A young pig is scalded, hair is smoothed, dried, rubbed with flour and singed (especially at the nose, eyes, ears and between the legs). Then the abdomen and breast are cut open and the insides are tucked away. The cleaned piglet is washed in cold water, laid on its back and cut along the interscapular part of the spine and the pelvic bone with a large knife at half their height. After that, the pig in a fish kettle is poured with holol ox for 6-8 hours, changing it after 2 hours and washing the pig each time beforehand.

Before cooking, the skin of the prepared pig is rubbed with lemon (or diluted citric acid), laid back on a napkin and the ends are tied at the front and hind legs, put into a fish kettle, filled with holol water and set to cook. As soon as the ox boils, the heating is reduced and at an ox temperature of 90-95 ° C the piglet is boiled for 1-2 hours. When the pig is pierced with a needle to the bone of the spine between the front legs, a colorless transparent juice should appear in the finished pig.

The cooked piglet is cooled in a decoction (but in order to preserve the white skin, it is better to put it in a salted cold boiled ox with food ice), then cut it lengthwise along the spine in half and across into portions. Dressed potato salad is piled on a large oval blue. Then chopped pieces are put on the salad, so that a pitchfork of a whole pig is obtained. Each piece is decorated with slices of eggs, pieces of vegetable, herbs. After that, the pig is poured completely or in a mesh of transparent jelly and cooled. Bouquets of vegetable garnish and diced jelly are beautifully laid on the sides. Horseradish with sour cream is poured separately.

Piglet can be poured in individual portions or served uncooked in the same way as ham with a side dish.

Chickens and game with mayonnaise. The chicken or game fillets, removed from the bones and stripped, are simmered and cooled. Chopped small cubes(5-6 mm) boiled carrots, potatoes, pickled cucumbers and boiled green peas are seasoned with mayonnaise, put on a bluer. A bird fillet is laid out on top, covered with mayonnaise from an envelope with a scalloped cutout, decorated with brightly colored vegetables, and the rest of the vegetable garnish is laid around with bouquets.

Game cheese (fromage). Poultry (hazel grouses, partridges, wood grouses, black grouses, pheasants) are fried or boiled, cooled, meat is removed from the bones, finely chopped, passed 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a frequent grill, strongly softened or slightly melted butter is added,

cheese, beat well with a mixer. Add salt, red pepper to the foreheadmahler, nutmeg, mix well.

In the form of a "shirt" made of meat jelly, on which they lay v vile picture products bright color and fix them with semi-hardened jellythen fill out the form with a bag of cheese so that it4-5 mm didn’t suckaothe edges of the "shirt."wash the jelly and refrigerate.

Before the polach, the uniform is dipped into a hot ox, held for 3-7 s, quicklytake out, turn upside down, but at an angle of 45 °, shake and spread cheese (fromage) on a dish. Pieces of jelly are laid around the cheese,chopped or carved in beautiful shapes, and sprigs of parsley. FromSeparately, mayonnaise sauce is served in a gravy boat.

Stuffed chicken (galantine). Prepared, but not dressed, chicken is placed on the breast, the skin and flesh are cut along the spine and carefully cut off the skin with the flesh in one layer. The pulp is carefully removed from the skin, frame and legs. Fillets are cleaned of tendons and films, beaten off and placed in the middle of the removed skin. A dumpling mass is prepared from chicken and veal or lean pork, seasoned with salt, pepper and, if desired, grated nutmeg. Then add scalded and peeled whole pistachios, cut into small cubes (5-6 mm) bacon and boiled tongue.

The skin and fillets of the chicken are transferred to a wet napkin. Minced meat is placed on the skin and fillets in length, it is completely wrapped in leather in the form of a roll or carcass, roll or carcass is rolled up tightly in a napkin, the ends of the napkin are tied with twine. Then the chicken is dipped into a broth cooled to 60-70 ° C (cooked from bones, films and tendons of chicken and veal) and boiled for 60-90 minutes at a low boil. The cooked stuffed chicken is taken out on a sheet, slightly cooled, unwrapped, the napkin is cleaned with the blunt side of a knife from protein clots, the chicken is again placed on a napkin, wrapped tightly, the ends are tied, cooled and placed under a light press. If the chicken is served whole (to order), it is cut and folded in the form of a carcass, decorated with vegetables, herbs, poured over with transparent jelly and served.

Before serving, the chicken is cut in portions across into pieces 0.5 cm thick and laid out on an oval dish, side by side or separately in a large salad bowl, put in bouquets of vegetable garnish. Served separately mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

Meat jelly. Prepared heads, legs and lips are chopped, poured with cold water (2 liters of water per 1 kg of offal), brought to a boil, skimmed and cooked at a very low boil, periodically removing fat, 5-6 hours until cooked. Onion and roots are added 1.5 hours before the end of cooking, and 30-40 minutes before Bay leaf, pepper, salt. The meat is removed from the bones, cooled and diced (approx. 1x1x1 cm). Filter the finished broth, remove the fat, dip the chopped meat into the broth, boil for 10-15 minutes, salt to taste, cool until slightly noticeable thickening and mix gently. Chopped garlic can be added to the jelly before bottling or at the end of the secondary boil. After that, the broth with meat is poured onto a baking sheet or into molds and cooled. Before the vacation, the jelly is laid out from the mold, cut into portions and garnished with green salad, cucumbers and tomatoes. Horseradish with vinegar is served separately in a gravy boat.

Game pate. The flesh is cut from prepared pheasants, black grouses, hazel grouses or partridges. The stripped fillet is cut into cubes (1-1.5 cm in diameter), which are wrapped in thin slices of bacon and marinated for 4-6 hours in Madeira; boiled tongue and bacon are cut into the same sticks. The rest of the bacon is cut into small cubes, lightly fried, finely chopped onions and roots, thyme, marjoram, bay leaf and pepper are added and lightly fried again. Then put the liver cut into cubes, fry well, cool and pass 2-3 times through a meat grinder together with the pulp of raw poultry. The chopped mass is beaten with a mixer, diluted with Madeira (in which the fillets were marinated), stirring well, season with red pepper, nutmeg and salt.

If the pate is prepared in a simpler way, the fillet pieces are not wrapped in bacon and marinated, but simply added to the mashed mass. You can make a pate without fillet pieces.

Butter unleavened dough is rolled out, 3-8 mm thick, and the bottom and walls of the pate are laid out with it. Thin slices of bacon are placed on the dough, then a layer of minced meat, and on it - cubes of game, tongue, bacon (so that later on the cut they are staggered) and so on to the top of the form. The minced meat is covered with thin slices of bacon, covered with dough, the edges of the dough are pinched, a decoration is made from the dough, greased with an egg, holes are left for steam to escape and the pate is baked at a temperature of 180-200 ° C in an oven for 40-90 minutes.

The baked pate is cooled, the gaps between the minced meat and the dough are poured with semi-frozen jelly and cooled again. Before serving, the pate is cut across, and the round pate is cut along the radius, placed on a dish or plate. Served separately mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

Liver pate. Fry finely chopped bacon, add chopped vegetables (onions, carrots), fry again, put the diced liver, fry until tender, cool slightly and pass 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a fine grid. The crushed mass is combined with butter, broth, seasoned with salt to taste, shaped in the form of a fish, square, cue ball and garnished with chopped egg, herbs and butter.

Stuffed chicken or game fillet (shofrua).Scrambled Lychee Filletbeat off with a hoe, put the minced meat on it, cooked likealapâtéthat, from the liver and bacon with vegetables and spices, cutlets with both pointed ends are molded in a vila and allowed. The finished fillet is chilled and filledThey are served with a red skim sauce with wine (mahler) and gelatin, decorated with boiled egg white and again filled with meat dark jelly with a layer of 1 - 2 mm, made from fried poultry bones (except for the spine) with the addition of gelatin. Poop 1-2 pcs. per serving.

Fish snacks, which can be served both hot and cold, have a unique ability to perfectly eliminate hunger, in addition, they are simple and quick to prepare, useful for our body, go well with almost all foods and look great on a festive feast ...

If you worry all day long and puzzle over what to treat your guests to, feel free to choose any recipe you like from the "Fish Snacks" category and start cooking right away - everyone will be happy and happy!

Forshmak, tartlets or volovany with red caviar, fish cake, profiteroles with salmon, fish rolls, dried, salted and smoked fish- an enterprising hostess will always come up with what fish snacks to cook for her guests and how to surprise family and friends.

In addition, any fish is also good in that it will look safe when surrounded by a wide variety of products, and fragrant herbs, condiments, spices and white dry wine will emphasize her aristocratic and impeccably delicate taste.

And it doesn't matter at all what you decide to cook - tuna in apricot wedges, trout wrapped in pita bread, saury with boiled rice or the most ordinary sandwiches with mayonnaise and sprats, all these dishes will undoubtedly turn out amazingly tasty, especially if they are served with lemon wedges and various aromatic sauces from herbs and spices.

Delicious fish appetizer recipes do not need a large number time for preparation and preparation, but at the same time you are guaranteed to get a beautiful, refined, original, tasty and very healthy dish on your table.

For the preparation of cold fish snacks, it is customary to use river and sea ​​fish in boiled, fried, stewed, salted and pickled form. There are fish that are most often used for everyday table, and there is one that is ideal for the festive table.

Before serving, smoked fish products are cut into thin slices, holding a wide and sharp knife slightly obliquely so that the slices are wider and beautiful shape... So that the slicing does not lose its freshness, it is recommended to cut it just before serving, and, if necessary, store it for a short time, wrapped in parchment paper.

Salty salmon fish- salmon, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon are cut into thin wide slices and put on the table in this form.

Ready boiled hot smoked sturgeon is cut into thick pieces so that it does not crumble. If you need to remove the skin from a hot smoked fish, do it with the utmost care, because the flesh of the fish is too delicate and can easily deform.

Herring, seasoned with a wide variety of ingredients: vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise or vegetable oil, is considered a traditional and always irreplaceable fish snack for any occasion. It is good always and everywhere, it can be served to the table just for dinner or for a holiday - you won’t go wrong.

Jellied fish is also a favorite dish on any festive table, complemented by a variety of bright vegetables under transparent jelly. To prepare such a dish, it is advisable to use fish from the salmon family.

A real masterpiece culinary arts is an gefilte fish, which is most often made from meaty fish such as pike perch, pike or burbot.

Of the cold fish appetizers, it is also worth highlighting our favorite marinade fish, which is best prepared from medium-sized fish such as halibut, perch or cod.

The site contains a wide range of simple recipes and step by step photo recipes the most delicious, original and best fish snacks, which are updated daily with new ideas and cooking options from our team and regular readers.

Cook fish snacks with us, because fish is the best dish for any mood and for any occasion!

Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are cooked in links, beluga - in large pieces 40 ... 60 cm long, 10 ... 12 cm wide, sterlet - more often in portions. Partial fish is cooked in portions. Pike perch, pike and trout, intended for stuffing and cooking jellied fish cooked whole.

Fish served under mayonnaise or for salads masked with mayonnaise is sometimes allowed. The fish, covered with marinade, is lightly fried, not tinted too much. Fillet of peeled herring is soaked and stored in tea broth or milk.

Lightly salted fish(salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) are washed and plastered along the spine, rib bones are removed, the skin is trimmed and, starting from the tail, portions are cut, holding the knife at an angle of 30 ... 45 °. Portions are placed on snack plates and garnished with lemon wedges and herbs.

When serving in multiple portions, lightly salted fish is placed on an oval dish or in a village-trough, portions are added

gray form (rolled up with a rose or laid with a ladder). Lemon slices are placed at the ends of the dish (for stability, the skin is folded near the slices), and sprigs of greenery are placed on the sides.

Have baptism trim the skin, remove the cartilage and cut the flesh from the skin in thin wide pieces, holding the knife at an angle of 30 ... 45 °. So that the pulp, which remains uncut, does not wind up, it is covered with leather or wrapped in parchment. Balych products are released in the same way as lightly salted fish, garnished with lemon and herbs.

Fish hot smoked(stellate sturgeon, osetrina, sea ​​bass cod, omul, etc.) are stripped of skin and bones, and sturgeon - from cartilage and portioned. Sturgeon is cut into portions of the prescribed mass, holding the knife at a right angle.

Portions are placed on appetizer plates or in multi-portion dishes (oval dish, village dish), garnished with lettuce leaves with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, you can also serve a complex garnish of boiled vegetables, green peas, potatoes with mayonnaise.

The fish is served separately with horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise.

For assorted use several, but not less than three types of fish gastronomy: salmon, salmon, cold and hot smoked fish, also include cold boiled fish, caviar (chum, pressed, granular), canned crabs, sprats, sprat. Beautifully chopped pieces of various types of fish gastronomy are placed on an oval dish or in a village, alternating in color. The assortment often includes caviar, which can be arranged in baskets or puff pastry bullocks.

The assortment is garnished with fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, jelly figurines (flurons), lemon wedges and garnished with sprigs of herbs and lettuce. Mayonnaise or horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately in a gravy boat.

Crabs placed in tartlets and covered with a net of yellow and mayonnaise or yellow.

Sprat, cleaned and freed from bones, rolled up into a ring and placed on circles of a boiled egg.

Canned fish - very nutritious product. At catering establishments, they are used as cold food.

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a piece, as well as for preparing snacks, sandwiches and cold dishes. Canned snacks - fish in oil, fish in tomato, cod liver, pates.

Sprats and sardines in oil are served on snack plates or in village-troughs, garnished with lemon and herbs. The carcasses are laid in a ladder or fan so that all the tails are facing one side, and the backs of the carcasses cover the belly of the neighbors, pour the oil in which they were cooked on top.

The fish in tomato or its own juice is taken out of the cans and released in portions of the prescribed weight together with sauce or juice in salad bowls or on snack plates, sprinkled with chopped green onions or chopped herbs on top.

The cod liver in oil is taken out of the jars, crushed, combined with chopped boiled eggs, finely chopped onions, seasoned with oil in which the liver was located. Cooked liver is released in salad bowls, sprinkled with green onions on top.

Sprat, anchovy and spicy salted herring are cleaned, removing the head and entrails, washed, carefully placed on a snack plate or saturate with backs to one side and garnished with slices or slices of boiled egg and finely chopped onions.

You can release canned food with onions, chopped into rings. On vacation, pour over mustard dressing.

Caviar. Grain or chum caviar is placed in a heap on the rosette of caviar, and finely crushed ice is placed in the caviar and decorated with butter. The caviar is kneaded on a board, cut into a rhombus, triangle, square and placed on a small dessert plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley on the sides. Shredded green onions, a slice of lemon, a slice of butter are served separately.

Natural herring with potatoes and butter. Prepared fillets of salted herring are sometimes served whole, uncut, but more often they are cut across or diagonally into pieces 2.5 ... 3 cm wide, put them on a herring tray in the form of a whole fish, put the head (without gills) and tail; on the sides are decorated with sprigs of greenery. Boiled hot potatoes and a slice of butter are served separately.

6.10. Cold meals and snacks

Herring with garnish. On the seasoned vegetables, cut into slices, they put slices of herring fillets cut across or obliquely, and a side dish of potatoes, cucumbers, carrots or beets, onions and eggs is beautifully placed on the sides. The herring is watered with mustard or vinegar dressing.

Chopped herring with garnish. Fillet of prepared herring, peeled apples, soaked in water (or milk) wheat bread and onions slightly sautéed in vegetable oil are passed through a meat grinder. The crushed mass is seasoned with vinegar, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and placed in the form of a whole fish. The herring is sprinkled with chopped egg and green onions, and the sides are garnished with butter flowers, boiled carrots, slices of fresh cucumber and tomato.

Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish. Slices are cut from the chilled peeled link of boiled sturgeon fish

1_ 1.5 cm thick. Garnish the fish with boiled potatoes,

carrots, swede, cucumbers, diced, green peas, etc. Garnish is put in bouquets and poured over with salad dressing.

Served separately horseradish sauce with vinegar. As an additional side dish, you can offer diced fish jelly.

Particular fish is also prepared and decorated, but it is boiled in portions, cooled and slightly dried before leaving.

Fish with mayonnaise. On one third of the vegetable garnish, seasoned with a small amount of mayonnaise, a portioned piece of boiled fish is placed and poured from a paper envelope with a scalloped cut with mayonnaise. On top of the dish you can decorate with crabs and sprigs of herbs, slices of fresh tomatoes, and place a vegetable garnish around with bouquets.

For custom-made dishes, the mayonnaise sauce is prepared with fish jelly in a 1: 1 ratio, the fish is poured, decorated and the top is poured with transparent jelly.

Jellied fish. This dish can be prepared in two ways.

The first way. Portion pieces of pike perch fillet or other fish are boiled and cooled on a sieve. The broth left over after cooking

6. Production finished products

ki fish, combine with broth from fish food waste and filter. Put soaked and squeezed gelatin into the hot broth, dissolve it, cool the broth to 50 ... 60 "C, introduce a pull, boil for 20 ... 30 minutes, season with salt and filter. Pour a layer of yellow 4 ... 6 mm and, when it hardens, put dried fish pieces on it at 2 cm intervals. boiled carrots, lemon, parsley, crayfish tails, attaching the decorations with a jelly. After that, the decorated pieces of fish are cooled again, poured over the jelly (with a layer of at least 0.5 ... 1 cm) and cooled again. Pieces of fish are cut on a baking sheet so that the edges are corrugated, and the layer of yellow around the pieces of fish is at least 5 ... 8 mm. Served separately horseradish sauce with vinegar.

Second way. The fish is cooked in a mold. First, a "shirt" is made from the jelly: the mold is placed in the refrigerator, cooled and warm (45 ... 55 ° C) fish jelly (lanspig) is poured to the very edge of the mold. When a 3 ... 5 mm thick layer of solidified yellow forms on the walls of the mold, the mold is quickly removed from the refrigerator, wiped off with a cloth, the uncured part is poured out, and the mold is put back in the refrigerator, the mold is allowed to freeze completely. Decorations of brightly colored vegetables and herbs are placed on the inside of the mold, fix them as desired, then put pieces of boiled fish in the mold with the front side to the yellow, leaving intervals between them. The molds filled with fish are placed in the refrigerator, filled to the very edge with half-frozen, but still liquid, and allowed to solidify completely.

Before the release, the forms with the jellied are lowered for 3 ... 5 s into hot water, taken out of the water, turned over, holding it slightly obliquely, shaken and placed on a round or oval dish. Serve separately horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce.

Jellied pike perch (whole). Prepared pike perch is boiled, cooled in a decoction, removed from the kettle, dried well, put on a dish and decorated with various brightly colored vegetables, greens, lemon, crayfish tails on the sides and back. All decorations are glued with a piece of iron. After that, the fish is poured with a half-frozen yellow solid or in the form of a net, using a pastry bag with a straw

6.10. Cold meals and snacks

with a diameter of 1 ... 2 mm. Vegetable garnish, diced jellies and vegetables are laid around the pike perch in bouquets; watered with salad dressing. The sides of the dish are decorated with stars, crescents, yellow triangles. Served separately horseradish sauce with vinegar and mayonnaise sauce.

Stuffed fish (pike perch, pike). Fish prepared for stuffing is filled with minced meat from fish pulp, bread, milk, sautéed onions, fat, and garlic. The fish is given the appearance of a whole carcass, wrapped in cheesecloth, tied with twine at the head and tail, placed on the grill of a fish kettle and allowed to cook with spices and seasonings (30 ... 40 minutes). The cooked fish is cooled, cut across into pieces and served.

The fish can be laid on a platter in the form of a whole carcass; a vegetable garnish is placed around it in bouquets.
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Serve separately horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce.

Fish in a white marinade. Peeled whole smelt, small navaga or pieces of pike perch fillet, perch are breaded in flour, fried in vegetable oil, placed in a non-oxidizing dish and poured with marinuzhny. After 3 ... 4 hours, the fish is transferred to a salad bowl, the marinade is finally seasoned with salt, sugar, the fish is poured with vinegar, evenly distributing the roots on the surface of the fish. Sprinkle herbs over the fish.

Fish in tomato (red) marinade. Pieces of fish fillets are fried in vegetable oil, slightly tinted and not dried, laid out in a deep non-oxidizing dish, poured with warm marinuzhny with tomato and cooled. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Ingredients: pike perch, gelatin, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns, spices, lemon, boiled egg, parsley

Fish aspic always turns out delicious, so you can safely serve it to any festive table- such an appetizer will always be appropriate. And preparing aspic is not so difficult as it might seem.
- 250 g of pike perch;
- 1.5 tbsp. gelatin;
- 1 \ 5 tsp salt;
- 1-2 bay leaves;
- 5-6 peas of black pepper;
- 1 \ 5 tsp spices;
- 2-3 slices of lemon;
- 0.5 boiled eggs;
- 4-5 sprigs of parsley.


Fried shrimps with garlic and lemon

Ingredients: shrimp, butter, garlic, lemon, parsley

If friends unexpectedly come to visit you, prepare for hastily fried shrimps with garlic and lemon - a glass of white wine will make an excellent treat, delicious and refined.
- 400 g shrimp;
- 70 g butter;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 bunch of parsley.


Heh from pike

Ingredients: carrots, pike, seasoning, garlic, vinegar, oil, onions, salt

Heh can be made from different fish, but this time we advise you to prepare such a pike appetizer. It turns out very tasty, don't even hesitate!
- 1 large carrot;
- 0.5 freshly caught pike;
- 10 grams of dry Korean seasoning;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 40 ml of wine vinegar;
- 50 ml of sunflower oil;
- 1 onion;
- salt to taste.


Herring spicy salted at home

Ingredients: herring, salt, pepper, laurel, mustard

Salting your own fish is always better than buying it in the store. So if you like delicious spicy salted herring, then cook it at home using our simple recipe.
- 500 g of herring;
- 30 grams of table salt;
- 2-3 pieces of allspice;
- 5 pieces of peppercorns;
- bay leaf to taste;
- 0.5 tsp mustard beans.


How to cut a pike into minced meat

Ingredients: Pike

Pike is a very tasty and satisfying fish. Today I want to tell you how to cut beautifully and neatly a pike into fillets or minced meat for cutlets.


- 1 pike.


Whole stuffed pike in the oven

Ingredients: pike, mushroom, orkovb, onion, bread, cream, piprika, lovage, salt, pepper, oil, herbs, lemon

The pike is very delicious fish, which I am happy to prepare for the festive table. Today I will tell you how to cook whole stuffed pike in the oven.


- 1 kg. pike;
- 120 grams of oil;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 150 grams of onions;
- 150 grams of white bread;
- 100 ml. cream;
- 1 tsp sweet paprika;
- 1 tsp dried lovage;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- vegetable oil;
- fresh herbs;
- lemon.


Pike perch cutlets in a double boiler

Ingredients: pike perch fillet, onion, celery, egg, milk, dill, bran, pepper, salt, sesame, tomato

Pike perch is very tasty, fatty and satisfying fish. It's not difficult to cook it, but today I will tell you how to make delicious pike perch fish cakes. The dish, I tell you, tastes great.


- 500 grams of pike perch fillet;
- 70 grams of onions;
- 80 grams of celery stalk;
- 1 egg;
- 65 ml. milk;
- 30 grams of dill;
- 30 grams of oat bran;
- pepper;
- salt;
- black sesame;
- Cherry tomatoes.


Pike perch fish cakes

Ingredients: pike perch, cream, butter, onion, rusk, paprika, salt, pepper, rice, cucumber

I suggest you cook delicious and hearty cutlets from pike perch. The recipe is quite simple. The taste of the cutlets will amaze you.


- 450 grams of pike perch;
- 50 ml cream;
- 30 grams of ghee;
- 90 grams of onions;
- 80 grams of bread crumbs;
- 5 grams of ground sweet paprika;
- 3 grams of fish seasoning;
- salt;
- chilli;
- vegetable oil;
- boiled rice;
- salted cucumbers.


Mussels in shells

Ingredients: mussel, garlic, pepper, oil, wine, tomato, salt, parsley, bread

For lovers of the unusual, I propose today to cook mussels in shells. It is not difficult to prepare a dish, but you still need to know some subtleties.


- 1 kg. mussels in shells,
- 1-2 cloves of garlic,
- hot peppers,
- 1-2 t. L. olive oil,
- 80-100 ml. white wine,
- 1-2 tomatoes,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 2-3 sprigs of parsley,
- 3-4 slices of white bread.


Salted silver carp in slices

Ingredients: silver carp, water, vinegar, onion, laurel, pepper, sugar, salt, oil

I really like salted fish. My husband is a fisherman, so I often salt the fish myself. Most of all I like salted silver carp slices. Today I will also teach you how to cook this delicious appetizer.


- 1 silver carp,
- 1 glass of water
- 2 tbsp. vinegar
- 1 onion,
- 5 bay leaves,
- 7 pcs. black peppercorns,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Delicious homemade salted hump for salmon

Ingredients: pink salmon, sugar, salt, pepper

Having bought one pink salmon, you can independently pickle pink salmon at home, which will taste like salmon. The recipe is very simple and quick enough.


- 1 pink salmon;
- 1 tsp Sahara;
- 3 tbsp. salt;
- 20-25 black peppercorns.


Pollock in batter

Ingredients: Pollock, flour, egg, salt, spices, oil

I really love fish and would eat it in any form. Today I will tell you how to cook fish in batter. In such a breading, the fish will be much tastier. This cooking method is quite popular in France. In this dish, the main thing is not how the fish is prepared, the main thing is to learn how to cook batter. In this I will help you.


- 300 grams of pollock,
- 3 tbsp. flour,
- 1 egg,
- half a tsp salt,
- ground pepper to taste,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Pollock marinated with carrots and onions

Ingredients: pollock, carrots, onions, tomato paste, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, bay leaf

A recipe for fish lovers. Cooking a delicious hot appetizer - pollock marinated with vegetables. Simple, affordable, tasty and healthy for the whole family.

- 1 kg of pollock,
- 4 onions,
- 4 carrots,
- 3 tablespoons of tomato paste,
- 2 tablespoons of table vinegar (lemon juice),
- pepper to taste,
- salt to taste,
- Bay leaf.


Fried sea bass

Ingredients: onion, oil, flour, perch, rusk, salt, spice

Sea bass is a very tasty fish. Very often it is baked, but today we will fry it in a pan.


- 1 onion,
- 3 tbsp. sunflower oil,
- 1 tbsp. flour,
- 800 grams of sea bass,
- 2 tbsp. bread crumbs
- 2 pinches of salt,
- 5 grams of fish spices.


Mackerel in onion skins

Ingredients: mackerel, onion, water, salt

I suggest you cook delicious a fish dish- mackerel in onion skins... The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 1 mackerel,
- from 5 onion peel onions,
- 1 liter of water,
- 5 tbsp. salt.


Fried mussels with garlic

Ingredients: oil, garlic, mussel, sauce, pepper

If you love seafood, then I advise you to fry mussels with garlic in soy sauce with ghee.


- 1 tbsp. ghee,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 300 grams of mussels,
- 3 tbsp. soy sauce,
- black pepper.

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Hello dear readers of the blog site!

Today we will talk about fish and snacks from it. Fish is generally a very healthy and nutritious product. Its meat contains a huge amount of phosphorus, calcium, valuable protein and other trace elements. Thousands of different dishes are prepared from fish.

N Required ingredients:

1.400 gr. fish fillet;

2. 1 spoonful of butter;

3.1 head of onion;

4. 2-3 potatoes;

5.1 chicken egg;

6.50 gr. hard cheese;

7.1.5 tbsp. breading (crackers);

8.1.5 tbsp. flour;

9.24 pitted olives;

10. some seasoning for fish;

11. a little salt and pepper;

12. vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

To begin with, boil the potatoes, drain the water, and turn the potatoes into mashed potatoes while still hot. We clean the onion and finely chop it. Fry it on butter until soft (no need to brown).

Scroll the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with the onion. Mix the resulting minced meat with mashed potatoes, season with salt, pepper, fish seasoning. Add the grated solid there. Mix the mass well.

We form 24 balls from the minced meat obtained. In the middle of each of them we hide an olive.

Now we put the oil for deep-frying to hot. We place three plates on the table: one with flour; in the second, slightly diluted with water, eggs; in the third crackers.

We take each ball, bread it in flour, then dip it into an egg, and, finally, roll it into bread crumbs... Deep-fry the croquettes and fry until a beautiful golden brown. We spread the croquettes with a slotted spoon on paper towels to get a little blotted out the excess fat. We place the croquettes beautifully on a plate, decorate with parsley sprigs and serve to the guests. Bon Appetit!

Fish with cheese

To prepare this gourmet hot fish snack you will need:

1.500 gr. smoked fish;

2. 1 onion;

3. 2 chicken eggs;

4.1 spoonful of butter;

5. ¾ a glass of sour cream;

6.1 tsp mustard;

7. 4 tablespoons of grated hard cheese;

8.1.5 tbsp. heavy cream;

9.half a bunch of dill;

10. a little salt and red pepper.

Cooking method:

Making such a julienne is quite simple. First, cut the fish, remove the skin and bones. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Fry the onion in butter, when it starts to brown, send the fish there, stir everything and remove from heat.

Distribute the contents of the pan over the cocotte makers.

Now we are preparing the cheese mass for the julienne. To do this, break the eggs into a bowl for beating, add mustard, grated cheese there, and begin to beat with a mixer. Without stopping to work as a mixer, slowly introduce the cream. Add salt and pepper at the very end. We carefully spread the resulting mass on top of the fish.

We put the cocotte makers in the oven for 10-15 minutes, add the snack until tender at 200 ° C. Cook and enjoy….

The most delicious hot fish snacks, 2.1 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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