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How to quickly cook spelled porridge. What is spelled

How is spelled porridge prepared? The recipe for this dish will be presented in the materials of this article. You will also learn about what the mentioned cereal is.

What is spelled? Recipes for making porridge from this cereal are known to few housewives. Moreover, not all cooks know about its existence.

According to experienced cooks, spelled, or spelled wheat, is a group of species of the genus Wheat with a filmy grain, as well as with brittle ears.

The mentioned plant includes such wild species as two-grain wheat, one-awned einkorn, two-awned einkorn and Urart wheat. There are also cultural types: two-grain, einkorn, spelled, macha and Timofeev's wheat. Of the listed species, which are directly related to spelt, the most commonly cultivated is the two-grain.

Spelled differs in grain with non-threshing films. Also, this culture is characterized by fragility of the ear, brick-red color, unpretentiousness and precocity. It cannot be said that it is extremely resistant to various fungal diseases.

Spelled porridge: step by step recipe

There are many options for how to make such a tasty and nutritious dish. Most people cook spelled porridge using milk. However, some cooks prefer to make it on the basis of ordinary drinking water. Of course, in this case, the dish turns out to be less high-calorie and tasty. But for diet food it fits best.

So how is spelled porridge prepared? The recipe, implemented on water, requires the use of:

  • spelled - about one glass;
  • beet sugar - apply to taste (you need about one large spoon);
  • olive oil - about one dessert spoon per adult serving.

The cooking process

Diet spelled porridge, the recipe of which we are considering, is prepared quite simply. First, the groats are carefully sorted out and washed several times in cool water. Then it is laid out in a deep pan, in which it is planned to cook the dish. Filling spelled with one and a half glasses of water, put it on a low fire. After boiling the liquid, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The porridge should be cooked for about five minutes. Then it is again required to pour in drinking water in the amount of two glasses. If you would like to receive less thick dish you can use a little more liquid.

At the same time, sugar and salt are added to the spelled (to your liking). After mixing the components, they are covered with a lid. In this form, the dish is cooked on the smallest fire for about forty minutes. At the same time, the porridge is periodically stirred with a spoon so that it does not stick to the bottom of the dish.

20 minutes after the start of cooking, the spelled should swell noticeably. At the end heat treatment the cereal will completely absorb water, become soft and large. In this case, the porridge itself will turn out to be either viscous or crumbly (depending on the amount of water added).

As soon as the dish is cooked, it is tightly closed with a lid, removed from the stove and wrapped in a thick blanket. In this form, the porridge is allowed to rest for ¼ hour.

How to serve porridge for dinner?

Now you know how spelled porridge is prepared. Recipe for this delicious dish was presented above. Serve it to the table only hot. Putting the porridge on a plate, it is flavored olive oil(if desired, you can add butter).

It should be immediately noted that porridge from spelled in milk is prepared in a similar way. In this case, use 1.5 cups of water and 2-2.5 cups of milk.

Spelled porridge: Armenian recipe

In Armenia, the dish in question is usually prepared using mushrooms and meat. How exactly is this culinary process, we will describe right now.

So what needs to be prepared to make a very tasty Armenian spelled porridge? The recipe, implemented in a slow cooker, requires the use of:

  • spelled - about one glass;
  • ordinary drinking water - 3.5 cups;
  • table salt - add to your taste;
  • olive oil - optional;
  • fresh champignons - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - at will;
  • bulbs, carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • poultry breast - 300 grams.

Component processing

How is spelt processed? Recipes (porridge from this cereal is very tasty) always require thorough washing of the product through a sieve. As soon as the water flowing from the spelled becomes transparent, it is shaken strongly and the other ingredients are processed.

Fresh champignons and chicken breast are thoroughly washed, and then chopped into cubes. Also clean fresh vegetables and grind them in the same way.

frying process

To make Armenian-style spelt porridge tasty, meat, mushrooms and vegetables should be fried first. To do this, they are laid out in a multicooker bowl, olive oil is added and the baking mode is turned on. Periodically mixing the components, they are fried for fifteen minutes. After that, the products are salted to taste and poured with water.

Having closed the multicooker with a lid, set the quenching program. In this mode, the ingredients are cooked for another 10 minutes. Next, the previously processed spelled is laid out to them. Without mixing the components, they are again covered with a lid and continue to simmer for a whole hour. During this time, the cereal will absorb all the broth and swell well. As for the rest of the ingredients, they are completely cooked.

After the multicooker gives a signal about the completion of the program, no more is added to the porridge a large number of butter. Then it is thoroughly mixed so that the chicken breasts are evenly distributed throughout the spelled. After closing the lid of the kitchen device, the dish is heated for another five to seven minutes.

How to serve?

Like regular porridge from spelled on water or milk, Armenian dish should only be served hot. It is laid out on plates and immediately set. If there is a desire, then such porridge can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

Summing up

There are many recipes based on cereals such as spelt. In our country, porridge from this product is not prepared very often. Many housewives believe that they will need a lot of free time to completely soften the cereal in question. And indeed, spelled, unlike buckwheat or rice, is cooked for quite a long time. To significantly shorten this process, many chefs recommend soaking the product in advance in cold water and keep it that way for about half a day. During this time, spelled will absorb some of the liquid, become softer and looser.

What do we know about spelled? Philologists and bookworms will immediately remember the lines from Pushkin's fairy tale about the cunning Balda about "boiled spelt". Gourmets and experimenters admit that they met on store shelves with fashionable and inconspicuous groats with an old Russian name. And nutritionists will joyfully exclaim: “What are you, friends? This is the food pride of Russia - in Europe, spelled dishes are considered a real delicacy!

And while fashionable import substitution praises buckwheat as the main national product, it's time for you and me to take a closer look at spelled. If Alexander Sergeyevich himself wrote about it, the cereal is clearly not simple ...

Spelled, spelled or dvuzernyanka?

As soon as they didn’t call spelled names - both spelled, and two-grain, and emmer ... But all these intriguing names are just late varieties of spelled wheat, which first grew in the Mediterranean almost 7-8 thousand years ago.

Spelled was mentioned in the Old Testament, in Homer's Odyssey, in the writings of the historian Herodotus. And after a few centuries, spelled fields smoothly migrated to the territory of Russia, and since then, spelled has forever remained “Russian” groats for the whole world. Why, even in the USA they learned about spelled thanks to the fertile land of the Yaroslavl province - from there they brought the seeds of our native cereal to America.

The spelled peak in Russia fell on the 18th century - in those days, cereals were fried, steamed, boiled porridge, put in soups, and baked cakes. Our peasants especially liked the harsh and independent nature of spelled - the grain did not recognize any fertilizers, no processing. Only natural conditions! Collect such wild groats it was problematic, hard grains were grinded into flour with difficulty, but no pest did not take spelled. But over time, when the price and availability of bread became more important than usefulness, the cultivation of spelled practically ceased.

Return of the King

Black caviar of cereals - so called spelled wheat for its unusual brown hue and most useful composition. Polba - what is it? The photos will show an ordinary-looking cereal, very similar to whole oats, only more elegant and spectacular brick red color.

V modern world they started talking about the half-forgotten spelled - no, they practically screamed! - a few years ago, when the fashion for everything natural quickly returned. Red wheat turned out to be almost perfect in this matter, because the main condition for its cultivation is exceptional naturalness. No GMOs for you, no fertilizers - on the "dirty" land, cereals simply refuse to grow. No radiation and heavy metals - a hard wheat shell will not let them through, no pests - a beetle and a harmful turtle (yes, yes, this happens!), Insects will not gnaw through these grains.

Will this beautiful spelled pass the hypoallergenic test? Does it contain gluten or not? It's wheat, albeit red. But compared to ordinary soft wheat, there is practically no dangerous gluten in spelled, but there are much more healthy vegetable proteins. Therefore, with an allergy to gluten, and with intolerance, spelled porridge and spelled flour bread will be an excellent solution.

Good health gift

Each cereal is unique in its own way - any nutritionist will tell you about this, and scientific studies will prove it, and a certificate on the package with porridge will notify you. Oatmeal, couscous, millet, quinoa, brown rice - all these are the basis of a healthy diet. But even against such a bright grain background, spelled is not lost - its useful properties only expand over the years.

  • Spelled is a real champion in the content of vitamin PP - nicotinic acid. It helps and does not allow fatty plaques to clog our blood vessels.
  • Magnesium, potassium and phosphorus are the main mineral trinity of red wheat. Magnesium and phosphorus strengthen bones and nerves, potassium protects the heart and relieves swelling.
  • Slow carbohydrates and vegetable proteins make spelled porridge one of the most nutritious, and this is with a minimum calorie content of 127 kcal. Salads and spelled casseroles will instantly relieve you of hunger and allow you to do without unnecessary snacks.
  • It is no coincidence that Pushkin's Balda asked his employer for boiled spelt as a main dish. Croup improves immunity, helps to think faster, gives strength and endurance. Indeed, health is a good gift, as the classic said in another work.
  • Spelled is also a universal culinary product, its delicate nutty taste is combined with any ingredients. Do you want Mediterranean exoticism? Add Italian herbs and simmer risotto. Ready for a vegetarian lunch? Casserole with or - as easy as shelling pears! And if you love your native cuisine, you can cook the old Russian spelled porridge - with milk, butter and berries and fruits.

Spelled for weight loss

Tired diet oatmeal? There is a great alternative - spelled! The benefits and harms of red wheat for weight loss have been discussed by lovers of a healthy diet for a long time. And it has been unequivocally proven that there is no harm to the spelled figure.

The main weight loss advantage of spelled wheat is its low calorie content. Croup saturates the body with proteins and vitamins, makes the intestines work, and evens out metabolic processes. As a result, kilograms evaporate slowly but surely.

One caveat - spelled groats for weight loss and should be cooked in a special way. Only on water, add less oil to the porridge, and better than vegetable oil. And as a bonus, just mix nuts, dried fruits and apples and pears into your breakfast plate - in the morning your body will only say “thank you” for this.

We cook spelled correctly

With the title, we were a little cunning - it is almost impossible to cook spelled incorrectly. There are several basic recipes spelled porridge, the main ones are dietary on the water and the old Russian version. And already on their basis you can build your own signature recipes, adding all those goodies that you used to put in oatmeal, pastries and even omelettes.

Porridge for weight loss

How to cook spelled depends entirely on the type of cereal that you found in the store - regular or steamed.

First, wash the spelled - regardless of the variety. We fall asleep in boiling water (proportion 1: 2), salt and wait for the water to boil already along with red wheat. And then we cook like ordinary porridge: steamed for 15-20 minutes, regular - 35-40.

Old Russian porridge

We stock up on the necessary products - a glass of spelled, a glass of milk, yogurt and cold water. First, soak spelled in yogurt and water. The proportions can be different - someone advises half a glass of water per glass of curdled milk, someone assures that this water needs 2 times more. Our advice to you is to try both options and decide which porridge tastes better.

Soak the porridge for 5 hours, then rinse it to remove all traces of curdled milk, and cook on a mixture of milk and water (proportions with cereals, as in diet recipe). Cooking time - 20-30 minutes, or until milk and water are absorbed. Then throw butter, salt and simmer under the lid (or you can wrap it with a towel) for about an hour.

Spelled recipes for lunch and dinner

If spelled is hiding in your kitchen cabinet, you can look for recipes for dishes not only for breakfast. Lunch, afternoon tea, light dinner– red wheat is good everywhere.

Corsican Spelled Soup

You will need: 1.5 liters of broth - chicken or vegetable, one glass of spelt and small red beans, onion, and 2-3 sprigs, 100 gr hard cheese(for piquancy, you can replace it with goat), salt, spices, 2 tablespoons.

  1. To get a hot French soup for dinner, culinary activities start in the morning. We soak the beans for 6-8 hours, spelled - for 4. The beans are boiled in two waters, so we prepare them in advance - pour cold water, and when it boils, cook for an hour over low heat. Then in a colander - and let it rest for now.
  2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan, fry the onion until golden brown, add the garlic. After 30 seconds, pour the broth, when it boils, pour spelled. After 15 minutes, we throw the beans and wait another half hour.
  3. In the meantime, put the kettle, three cheese and cut the mint (set aside 8 leaves for decoration). When the soup is ready, add cheese, mint, add half a cup of boiling water - and you can pour it into plates. In each - 2 mint leaves for beauty.

Spelled Salad with Tomatoes

You will need: a glass of spelt (preferably steamed), a head of red onion, 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar, 4 tomatoes, one cucumber, a handful (, lettuce, etc.), salt and pepper and olive oil.

Pour the chopped onion with vinegar and leave to marinate. At this time, cook spelled on the water and let cool. We cut vegetables and herbs, mix with onions, butter and spelled. Ready!

Imagine, in one of the bakeries in Wales, in Britain, whole-grain spelled bread is sold 4 times more expensive than usual! And we were unspeakably lucky - in almost every large supermarket both flour and spelled itself are sold at a reasonable price - how to cook, the hostess's fantasy and culinary forums will tell. Not just buckwheat...

Cereals are a classic type of food consumed by a wide variety of peoples. However, among them there are species that are underestimated or undeservedly forgotten. One of them is just spelled groats.

Product description


Spelled is a product that is now known only to a narrow circle of people. Moreover, even many certified chefs with experience have never taken such cereals in their hands. Biologists refer spelled to the genus Wheat. Its grains are covered with a film, and the ear breaks easily. Strictly speaking, spelled is not one plant, but several species at once:

  • two-grain wheat;
  • einkorn with one or two awns;
  • wheat "Urart".

These are the wild species. In agriculture are used:

  • einkorn;
  • two-grain;
  • spelled;
  • Timofeev's wheat;
  • Maha wheat.

The most valuable among the plants commonly called spelt is the two-grain. Films in any spelled are not broken during threshing. The ear is painted in brick color. The vuzernyanka is a plant with minimal capriciousness, moreover, it ripens quickly. The cereal resists fungal infections well.

Spelled was first cultivated 7,000 years ago. In any case, this is precisely the latest data from archaeological research. But the peak of success for this cereal was achieved in ancient Roman and ancient Greek civilizations. Then it began to be used even in religious rituals. In Eastern Europe, spelled began to be used from the 10th century.

The two-grain, with its unpretentiousness to weather conditions, survived both harsh winters and prolonged droughts. However, already in the Middle Ages, farmers were upset by the difficulty of cleaning the ear and the low fertility of the plant. Getting flour from wheat and rye turned out to be much easier. Therefore, in the 19th century, spelled was rapidly replaced by softer and more convenient crops to handle.

But modern nutritionists believe that this was completely unjustified. They argue that the increase in the prevalence of many diseases is associated precisely with the departure from the use of spelled and other ancient plants.

The benefits of an ancient relative of wheat are also associated with the fact that it is not very susceptible to processing with mineral fertilizers. Therefore, even large farms are unprofitable to use them. For the consumer, this point is useful in that the grains do not contain harmful components. Another plus: spelled products are exclusive and allow you to be proud of your status.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content

Spelled is far ahead of cultivated wheat in terms of protein concentration. It accounts for 37%, which guarantees long-term saturation. Wild wheat has preserved the original genetic code. And in terms of chemical composition, it meets environmental standards. Spelled is rich in folic acid (100 g of the product contains 14% of the daily requirement).

Also, cereal grains include a noticeable amount of tocopherol and B vitamins. They also contain minerals. The highest concentration (in relation to the daily consumption):

  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • gland;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • Selena.

It is also worth noting the presence of zinc and sodium, potassium and calcium. Aspiring to reduce body weight can safely use spelled porridge. Thanks to the vitamin B6 contained in it, the removal of bad cholesterol is activated. This porridge can also be included in the diet of children and professional athletes. The absence of gluten helps to fearlessly eat spelled dishes, even for celiac patients.

The shell of the grain of the dicorn, even when ground, remains healthy. Those who systematically eat spelled porridge are less likely to suffer from digestive problems. There is a stabilization of the emotional sphere. The nervous system works more efficiently, metabolism and heart activity are normalized. Spelled reduces the risk of oncological processes, and the only potential danger of its use is personal intolerance.

To get an attractive result, it is advisable to buy spelled groats in specialized stores that sell healthy food. It is recommended to check whether the packaging is airtight, whether the cereal has expired. But you should not take a fast food product. Much better coarsely ground cereal. A high-quality product does not include unprocessed grains, in addition, it necessarily has a golden color.

The traditional storage method involves the use of linen bags. Nowadays, airtight containers that are placed in the refrigerator are much more often used. Even this technique allows you to increase the shelf life of just up to 9 months. At the same time, humidity is limited to 80%, temperature - 20 degrees. You can not put cereals near food that smells strongly; especially bad neighbors are jerky and seafood.

What is very important, spelled contains healthy substances in a water-soluble form. Therefore, their assimilation is close to 100% and occurs very quickly. The concentration of important components is equally high inside the grain and in its shell. And because you can safely choose cereals, ground in any possible way. It will not affect its properties.

The attractiveness of spelled is also enhanced by the fact that it is made without heat treatment. The main components are just in such a proportion that meets the needs of a person. Regular consumption of spelt helps to strengthen immunity and optimize blood circulation. It has a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system and helps to get rid of chronic fatigue. There is an increase in memory, the ability to concentrate on something increases.

  • diabetes;
  • systematic respiratory diseases;
  • beriberi;
  • excess body weight;
  • problems with nails;
  • unreasonably large physical and intellectual loads;
  • hair disorders.

Calorie content of 100 g of dry spelled groats is 339 kcal, or 16.4% daily allowance adult person engaged in intellectual work. After cooking, the nutritional value of spelled is reduced to 127 kcal, or to 6.1% of the standard daily allowance. A teaspoon of cereal contains 3 kcal, a tablespoon contains 15, and a glass contains 254 kcal. Spelled groats are acceptable on the menu during pregnancy, without hesitation, you can give it to small children.

Ways to cook wild wheat

Spelled groats, pure and ground to a state of flour, can be used to obtain:

  • pasta;
  • soups;
  • side dishes;
  • of bread.

In the old days, the main use of wild wheat and dicorn was cooking porridge. For this purpose, Russian stoves were used. But even the most ordinary stove with gas or electric heating performs no worse. From spelled you can also get cookies, muffins and pies. In that case, use traditional recipes, only replacing the usual types of flour.

Recipes for meals at home

Most consumers try to cook spelled porridge with milk for breakfast. But there are some cooks who recommend boiling it in water. Of course, the absence of milk in the recipe lowers the calorie content. At the same time, the taste of the dish is worse.

How delicious to cook crushed spelled groats?

Standard proportions:

  • about 200 g spelled;
  • 700 g of pure water;
  • table salt, butter and beet sugar (selected individually);
  • olive oil (15 g).

This dosage is for 1 adult serving. Groats need to be thoroughly sorted and washed. To vary the consistency, add less or more water. Cooking time is approximately 5 minutes. But if the heating is very small, it increases to 40 minutes - while the dish needs to be stirred systematically.

It will be correct to serve the cooked porridge immediately, as soon as it is ready. You can improve the taste of the dish by adding olive or butter to it. Approximately the same approach is practiced when cooking spelled milk porridge. Then 400-500 g of milk should be consumed per 300 g of water.

Armenian porridge

The Armenian version is different from the two classic recipes, it is necessarily prepared with meat and mushrooms.

For 1 serving there are 4 champignons, 2 onions and 2 carrots, 300 g chicken breast. Pre-frying peeled and diced mushrooms and vegetables helps to improve the taste of the finished dish. Fry them strictly in olive oil. Ideally, you should use the multicooker in the baking mode. Soaking for 12 hours in cold water helps to reduce the duration of processing cereals.

Steamed spelled is perfectly prepared on the water. You can also get high-class bread and buns from it. Softness of taste and a nutty surface shade will please any gourmets, aesthetes. If you decide to cook porridge, you need to use three times more water than cereals. Soaking the steamed product is not necessary, unlike the wild variety.

You can also get sweet cereals from spelled. They are prepared by supplementing the dish with an increased amount of sugar. More natural version involves the use of chopped dried fruits, fresh fruits, raisins and nuts. Another way: just before serving, add a small amount of honey.

Spelled is well suited for cooking not only cereals, but also soups. Moreover, it is suitable for dessert and various salads. There are options for cabbage rolls and pilaf, where this cereal successfully replaces rice. Spelled is suitable for stuffing various stewed vegetables. It is also a good idea to share an old plant with other cereals.


Diets and healthy eating 07.04.2018

Doctors never cease to remind us of the importance of including cereals in the diet. Cereals such as buckwheat, barley, oatmeal improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and saturate the body with essential nutrients and vitamins. All these cereals are well known to us since childhood, but have you heard of spelled?

Spelled is familiar to many from the children's fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda". Balda says: “I will serve you nicely, diligently and very regularly. A year for three clicks on your forehead. Give me some boiled spelt.”

And it's not for nothing that the great poet sang this mess in his fairy tale. More than two thousand years ago spelled was the progenitor of today's wheat, so it often appears in children's fairy tales and poems. Let's find out together what is the uniqueness, benefit and harm of spelled for the human body.

What is spelled

This truly unique product was first mentioned in scientific papers in the first half of the 20th century. You can also find other names for this cereal crop: spelled, emmer, two-grain. So, what is spelled groats?

For a long time it was believed that spelled is a separate variety of wheat, but this is not so. In the botanical reference book “Cultural Flora of the USSR”, spelled has already been described as a separate species of Triticum dicoccon, which indicates that it is the progenitor from which various types of wheat were derived. Let's see how spelled looks in the photo.

Its grains are in many ways similar to wheat, but larger in size and the shell is protected by hard scales. Thanks to this botanical structure, spelled was protected from harsh climatic conditions, wild weeds, drought, and pests.

A bit of history

In ancient Babylon, Egypt, spelt was eaten daily. In Russia, the popularity of this cereal falls on the XVIII century. Spelled grains contain a large amount of protein, fiber, so this product was given special importance. It was believed that the one who ate spelled porridge would be strong and healthy in Mother Russia.

Despite the ease of growing spelled, there was one significant drawback: the plant produced a small amount of grains, which, moreover, were poorly processed (cleaned, threshed). Therefore, when new varieties of wheat were bred, spelled faded into the background.

Interest in this cereal crop has recently increased as the popularity of the wellness industry has grown. Many nutritionists agree that spelled is a prime example of a plant that has retained its properties in its original form.

Today, in remote areas of Bashkiria and Dagestan, attempts by breeders to revive this cereal crop continue. In Russia, spelled can be found on the shelves of supermarkets under the trade name "kamut". This product is imported from USA.

In Italy and India, spelled received interesting name"black caviar of cereals", which only emphasizes the importance of this cereal.

What is the main difference between spelled and wheat

Cultivated wheat contains its most useful substances in the seed coat, in the so-called bran, white flour, purified from everything, practically does not carry useful properties body, in spelled, valuable substances are evenly distributed and are even in crushed cereals, a priori freed from embryonic membranes, a difficult-to-separate protective film, and other things.

The protective film does not allow pesticides and radioactive elements to penetrate into the grain. There are much more vitamins and microelements in spelled than in wheat.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The growing interest in spelled is based on its chemical composition. For 100 g of cereal there are:

  • proteins - 15 g;
  • fats - 2.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 70 g.

Nutritionists recommend including this high-protein product in the diet if you want to lose weight and keep fit. This is due to the low calorie content: 338 kcal per 100 g of dry spelled. and if cooked - 127 kcal per 100 grams.

The table provides data on the calorie content of cooked spelled for the main units of measurement of its weight at home:

The benefits of spelled for our body

As already noted, spelled is often compared with ordinary wheat, but it contains several times more macro- and microelements, vitamins: iron, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), (vitamin B9), manganese, copper . It should be noted that it contains almost the entire set of B vitamins, and this is our vision, memory, immunity.

Spelled is rich in protein! Not a single porridge can boast of this! In addition, gluten protein contains all the essential 18 amino acids that are essential for human health and cannot be obtained from animal foods.

The nutrients in the grains of this cereal crop are selected by nature in a balanced form, and when they enter the body, they are quickly dissolved and absorbed.

Nutritionists recommend using spelled dishes, since its nutrients are evenly distributed not only along the shell, but throughout the grain. This means that the benefits of spelt are preserved even with the finest grinding.

Speaking about the significance of spelled for human health, I would like to start with the fact that in recent years the number of patients (especially among preschool children) suffering from asthma and allergies has significantly increased. What is the uniqueness of spelled? It is this cereal that contains a small amount of gluten, which often causes the development of these autoimmune diseases.

Spelled gluten does not cause digestive disorders and is allowed for patients with celiac disease.

Useful properties for the human body

Regular consumption of spelled contributes to the normalization of the work of many internal organ systems:

  • reducing the risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • antitumor effect due to the removal of toxins and carcinogens from the body;
  • improvement of intestinal motility, secretion of intestinal glands, digestion due to the high fiber content in grains;
  • anemia prevention;
  • strengthening the skeletal system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of the endocrine system;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases: stroke, heart attack, ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • blood sugar control;
  • increased libido in men;
  • improvement of vision and condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • lowering blood cholesterol.

Given the beneficial properties of spelled cereals, the range of its application is quite wide, but it is not limited to health purposes. This product has become the basis of dietary nutrition, and various cosmetic services are carried out on its basis.

Groats help to reduce weight gently and without harm to the body. Nutritionists explain this effect by the fact that this organic product is well absorbed by the body and does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Spelled porridge is rich in complex carbohydrates, so it is slowly digested and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, which means that after such a tomorrow there will be no desire to eat something high-calorie and “forbidden”.

It is no coincidence that spelled is called black caviar, because it is very nutritious. A small portion of cooked spelled dishes will saturate the body and prevent the feeling of hunger from appearing quickly.

This organic product contains a large amount of B vitamins, the action of which is aimed at the rapid absorption of fats, which is important when losing weight. In addition, spelled dishes improve peristalsis and the overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which helps in the fight against obesity.

Basic rules for use

  1. Porridge should be boiled in water or vegetable milk to reduce calories.
  2. It is allowed to add nuts, honey, dried fruits instead of sugar.
  3. Nutrition should be fractional: 5-6 doses per day.
  4. It is advisable to eat spelled dishes before lunch, as metabolic processes slow down in the evening.
  5. Half an hour before meals, you should drink 150-200 ml of water.
  6. Other meals should include lean varieties fish and meat, plenty of fresh vegetables.

If you follow a diet based on this cereal, you can lose up to 5 kg per week.

Let's watch a video about the benefits and possible harm spelled for the human body.

Storage features and where to buy

It is rather problematic to find spelt in supermarkets, since this product is still rare. In some stores that sell their own pastries, there are lush muffins based on this cereal crop. You can meet other names of this product: kamut, emmer, spelled, two-grain. But it's all the same grain.

You can buy spelled in specialized stores or order it online. Most often, it is sold in 4 types: cereals, flour, for sprouting, ready-made germinated sprouts. Remember that the storage conditions affect the safety of the useful properties of the product.

When purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. There should be no impurities. It is better to buy spelled in cardboard or paper packaging. So the cereal "breathes" and retains its beneficial properties.

Store spelled in the refrigerator in a sealed glass or ceramic jar. It is undesirable to keep a package of spelled in a cabinet with other strong-smelling products, as it absorbs foreign odors. The maximum storage period is six months. You can store it in the refrigerator.

Possible harm and contraindications

Can spelled harm our body? Spelled is not recommended to be eaten by people with individual intolerance to the constituent components. Patients with irritable bowel syndrome should refrain from using this product. These are the only contraindications to consider. If you are not sure about the neutral reaction of the body to spelled, start using it in small portions, watching your well-being.

Simple spelled recipes

Nutritionists remind that the consumption rate of spelled per day is 100 g. These cereals are used to prepare cereals, casseroles, soups, pasta, served as a side dish to fish and meat dishes, used as breading. Let's look at popular spelled recipes.

Spelled porridge according to the classic recipe

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 g of cereals;
  • one liter of water;
  • butter;
  • salt and sugar.

To begin with, rinse the cereal thoroughly until the water runs clear. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove. As soon as the water boils, you can pour in the washed spelt.

Cook the porridge for about 30 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. At the end, add butter, salt or sugar to taste. Cooked spelled porridge according to this recipe is perfect for a diet breakfast or as a side dish.

Sweet spelled porridge in a slow cooker

Now in the kitchen of every hostess there is a slow cooker, which has become a real indispensable assistant. If you do not have time to constantly monitor the cooking process, then this unit will help you out.

In order to cook spelled porridge in a slow cooker, you will need:

  • 500 g of cereals;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • fresh berries, fruits, dried fruits.

Pour 500 ml of milk into the multicooker bowl and turn on the "Cook" mode for 10 minutes. Pour cereal into warm milk and set the “Porridge” mode for 30 minutes. V ready meal add berries, dried fruits. If you want to unusually serve spelled porridge for breakfast to children, try whipping raspberries, bananas, persimmons in a blender. Put the porridge on a plate and make a well in the center, into which then add the fruit puree. The treat is ready!

spelled pasta

I recommend visiting shops that specialize in healthy eating. It is there that you can find spelled pasta, which is made from ground cereals with the addition of water and table salt. As you can see, the composition is completely natural, and such a product will bring a lot of benefits. The calorie content of such pasta varies depending on the ingredients used and can be 340-370 kcal per 100 g.

Boil spelled pasta in the same way as regular wheat pasta, but pay attention to the label. Some manufacturers have different cooking times. Add a piece of butter to the finished dish, sprinkle with dill and serve.

If you want to cook more hearty meal, serve it with thick vegetable sauce. For 400 g spelled pasta you will need:

  • champignon mushrooms 200 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper 100 g;
  • one medium-sized bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • tablespoon tomato paste;
  • green onion.

Boil the pasta until tender and make the sauce. To do this, cut the vegetables into small slices. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and add mushrooms. When the liquid boils away (after about 10 minutes), add the rest of the vegetables.

Reduce heat and continue to simmer until done. Add a tablespoon of tomato paste, 100 ml of water and simmer vegetable mix 10 minutes more. Serve the spelt pasta drizzled with a thick vegetable sauce and sprinkled with green onions.

Armenian Spelled Salad

If you want to surprise your guests, then be sure to try the salad recipe from the host of the culinary program Eat at Home, Yulia Vysotskaya.

You will need:

  • 100 g spelled;
  • 100 g lentils;
  • 100 g of green beans;
  • 50 g of feta or Adyghe cheese;
  • 1 tomato;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • greens: mint, cilantro, basil, parsley;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • olive oil.

Boil the lentils according to the instructions on the label until tender. Spelled pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Dip the string beans in boiling water for a few minutes, and then rinse with ice water.

In a container with cooked lentils, add lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, chopped herbs and green beans. Season the dish with salt, pepper to taste, add spelled and mix thoroughly. Cut the cheese into cubes and sprinkle over the salad.

Cut the tomato into thin slices and put it along the edges of the plate, and in the center - ready salad. It remains to sprinkle everything with olive oil and serve. Be sure to watch the video about what kind of spelled groats is and how it is Three dishes with Starorusskaya spelled.

Application in cosmetology

With regular consumption of spelled dishes, the complexion is evened out, hair is restored, and nails are strengthened. Cosmetologists know firsthand how useful spelled is and successfully use it.

Flour from this cereal is added to face and hair masks, scrubs and body wraps are made on its basis.

Adherents of traditional medicine willingly share tips on how to use spelt for cosmetic purposes at home.


Grind in a blender or coffee grinder three tablespoons of spelled beans and mix with the same amount ground coffee. If your skin is very sensitive and prone to rosacea, use coffee grounds. Add a spoonful of honey to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. Apply the scrub in circular motions, carefully working through the problem areas. To fight cellulite, add 2-3 drops essential oil(orange, lemon, cypress, lavender, thyme).

Lifting mask

Mix a tablespoon of spelled flour with one egg and ½ tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to a previously cleansed face three times a week. According to reviews, skin tone improves after one month.

Spelled is recommended by gastroenterologists and nutritionists around the world for healing as a completely natural and safe product. Be sure to try the progenitor of wheat and make sure that it is not only healthy, but also tasty.

We have such an interesting article today! I am glad that old Russian products are returning to their former popularity. This once again proves the fact that more and more people are striving for healthy lifestyle life. Spelled has been valued for many centuries for its valuable composition and beneficial properties.

Dear readers, are you familiar with this cereal? Maybe, you know interesting recipes spelled based? Be sure to share your experience and be healthy!

I suggest reading other articles about useful specks:

Plum. Health benefits and harms

How to cook spelt at home and what dishes can be made and using it, find out from our large selection!

The taste of the finished spelled is amazing - a light nutty shade with a bright wheat flavor! The grains do not boil soft, remaining intact, have a beautiful color with yellow and pinkish hues, soft, perfectly saturate.

If you are not fasting, then when cooking porridge, add butter, and replace half of the water with milk. Spelled porridge with butter can replace meat, as it contains up to 25% protein and 18 essential amino acids.

  • Spelled 1.5st
  • Water 4.5st
  • Greens to taste
  • Tomatoes to taste

Rinse the grits, put in a Teflon bowl, pour water. (1:3) Set the cereal-rice program. (boil for 30-35 minutes).

Salt to taste at the end of cooking. Decorate with greenery.

If there is no slow cooker: rinse the cereal in cold water, put in a pot of water (1 serving of cereal: 3 servings of water).

Mix everything and cook over low heat until the liquid boils completely, in ready porridge add salt, sugar to taste, let the porridge stand for 10-30 minutes.

Recipe 2: spelled with champignons (step by step photos)

This cereal goes well with any meat. For the preparation of the side dish, it took spelt, onion, garlic, herbs and champignons.

Cut the onion and garlic, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. Add washed and chopped mushrooms to the pan.

Fry the mushrooms until done. Fill spelled with cold water, salt and cook for 15-20 minutes.

On the packaging with cereals, the time is slightly incorrect. 10 minutes of spelt is not enough, aldente does not suit her.

The spell is ready. Mix it with fried mushrooms.

Recipe 3: sweet spelled with nuts and fruits

Very tasty, sweet porridge, with juicy fruits and nuts. It is served cold, so it can be healthy dessert for adults and children. Bon Appetit!

  • spelt (whole wheat) 2 cups
  • walnuts 1 cup
  • honey 2-4 tbsp
  • dry prunes 15 berries
  • pomegranate 1 pc
  • orange 1 pc
  • tangerine 1 pc
  • zest of 1 lemon

Take the right amount of cereal and sort it out - separate all impurities.

Wash the spelt and put it in a colander to drain the water.

Put the cereal in a saucepan, pour boiling water (6 cups). While stirring, bring to a boil, add a pinch of salt and cook over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Try it, spelled should not be very boiled, let it be elastic.

To fill the porridge, we need a decoction, about 0.5 cups, so before draining the water, take a little decoction from the pan.

Throw spelled in a colander to glass the rest of the water and cool.

While the spelt is cooling down, prepare the porridge dressing. Dry the peeled nuts (1 cup) in a frying pan over low heat. Stir and watch not to burn.

Grind the nuts in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. The finer you chop the nuts, the better.

Prepare fruit. Wash them and peel them.

Disassemble the pomegranate into grains, divide the orange and tangerine into slices and cut, chop the prunes finely.

Place the boiled and cooled spelt in a large bowl. Dissolve honey in 0.5 cups of cereal decoction.

Add honey dissolved in the broth, chopped nuts and lemon zest to spelled.

Mix thoroughly.

Spread the porridge on a dish in layers, sprinkling with chopped fruit.

Form a hill from cereals and fruits.

Decorate the surface and top.

Recipe 4: spelled porridge with caramelized pear

Let's cook delicious and satisfying porridge from spelled with a delicious addition, pears in fragrant caramel.

  • Spelled (glass - 250 ml.) - 1.5 stack.
  • Water - 1 stack.
  • Milk - 2 stack.
  • Cane sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt (a little)

caramelized pear

  • Pear (large) - 1 pc.
  • Cane sugar (Mistral) - 150 g
  • Water - 70 ml
  • Vinegar (balsamic) - 50 ml

Rinse spelled groats and soak in warm water for 1-2 hours, so it will cook faster, but this is not a necessary step. Then drain the water, pour a glass of fresh water, add sugar and a little salt, bring to a boil and cook on quiet gas until all the water is absorbed.

In parallel, heat the milk, you can in the microwave, when all the water is absorbed into the cereal, add hot milk, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

While the porridge is cooking, prepare a delicious caramel. For caramel and porridge, I used cane sugar from Mistral.

Boil the caramel without stirring for about 5-7 minutes, then add vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes.

When the caramel boils like this bubbles:

Add in medium-sized pears.

Stir, bring to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes, no more and remove from heat. Keep caramel warm.

Put the finished porridge in a bowl.

Top with caramelised pears.

You can optionally sprinkle with caramel when serving. This is delicious!

Recipe 5: spelled porridge with milk at home

  • Spelled 1 cup
  • Milk 2-2.5 cups
  • Water 1.5 cups
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste (I have 1 tablespoon)
  • Butter as desired
  • Olive oil 1 tsp per adult portion, 0.5 per child portion

To begin with, select a glass (larger or smaller), we will measure everything with it. I took a small glass and filled it with cereal.

I take a pot in which I will cook porridge (I have 2.5 liters). Pour cereal from a glass into a saucepan, pour water and rinse, drain the water. I wash the grains three times.

Now I take the same glass that I filled with spelt, measure out the water in the amount of 1.5 cups and pour it into a pan with cereals. I measure milk in the amount of 2 cups (if you want liquidish porridge, you can add 2.5 cups), I also pour it into a saucepan with cereals.

I add salt and sugar to taste (1 tablespoon). I put the pan with all the added ingredients on the stove for big fire and bring the porridge to a boil.

The main thing is not to go far before boiling, so that the porridge does not run away. As the porridge boils, I reduce the fire to the very minimum. If it’s not possible to stand at the stove, then I leave a spoon in a saucepan, as in the photo (the probability of porridge escaping is reduced) and I immediately set the cooking mode to the very minimum (it turns out a little longer, but sometimes it’s more convenient).

After boiling the porridge, cover the pan with a lid and cook on a small mode for 30-40 minutes. I stir the porridge from time to time.

The porridge has thickened, the cereal is soft. Now important point- leave the porridge for 20 minutes to walk. Spelled groats do not boil during cooking, but swell and caviar porridge is obtained.

I serve hot porridge. You can add butter if you wish. If you are feeding your beloved child, then it is useful to add 0.5 tsp. olive oil. The porridge turns out to be very tasty (wheat flavor with a nutty note). Good appetite!

Recipe 6: how to cook lean spelled porridge

Porridge from spelled old Russian dish, most often it was cooked in a Russian oven. The cooking process, or rather the languor of porridge, is long. Such a dish will be quite relevant for Lenten table. The porridge is very rich and tasty. Before cooking, I recommend soaking it in cold water overnight, which reduces the cooking time. I don’t soak the cereal, but I cook it a little longer than the allotted time. So that the porridge does not turn out dry, for example, honey with dried fruits is added to it.

  • spelled groats 1 stack.
  • water 2 stack.
  • salt to taste
  • onion 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp.

Recipe 7: how to make spelt with vegetables (step by step)

The forgotten cereal, which is remembered only in the context of Pushkin's fairy tale, is now experiencing a rebirth. The ancestor of modern wheat - spelled is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements and various useful material. Let's try pairing it with vegetables, shall we? We are sure that this union is worthy to try it!

  • water 500 ml.
  • spelled 175 gr.
  • onion 15 gr.
  • carrots 100 gr.
  • zucchini 100 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper 100 gr.
  • tomatoes 150 gr.
  • parsley
  • dill 10 gr.
  • olive oil

Boil two glasses of water. Rinse the groats in cold water, pour into boiling water. Add a pinch of salt and cook for 15 minutes.

Finely chop the onion, cut the carrot into cubes. Heat a saucepan, pour in half a tablespoon of olive oil. Saute the onion until translucent, add the carrots and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Cut the zucchini into cubes.

Remove seeds from pepper and chop coarsely. Add to saucepan, stir, cover. Simmer for 7-10 minutes.

Wash and chop the tomatoes randomly, add to the saucepan with the vegetables. Salt, mix. Add spelt to vegetables, cook everything together for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Switch off and remove from fire.

Wash and chop the greens, add to the saucepan. To mix everything.

Serve hot.

Recipe 8: Italian Salad with Spelled and Vegetables

  • Spelled or barley - 400 g
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Red Bell pepper- 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Red onion - 1 pc.
  • Balsamic vinegar or lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Ground black pepper

Boil the cereal in lightly salted water until tender. Of course, al dente is better. Cooking time depends on the type of cereal you will be using. Drain the water and let the grains cool.

Remove seeds from peppers. Cut all vegetables small cubes, onion - as small as possible. Chop basil leaves.
Mix vegetables with cereals and basil, season with salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar or lemon juice to your taste.

I am absolutely sure that you will love him very much too. Unexpectedly delicious.

Recipe 9, simple: lazy spelled peppers

  • onion 2 pcs
  • butter 40 g
  • spelled 1.5 stack. she is spelled
  • carrots 3 pieces medium
  • chicken fillet 700 g I have filet mignons. And you can replace it with any other meat. Or maybe no meat at all.
  • oyster mushrooms 300 g
  • sweet pepper 6 pcs
  • salt 30 g
  • chipotle pepper 5 g
  • dried oregano 10 g
  • dried marjoram 10 g
  • ground coriander 10 g
  • fresh basil 2 sprigs
  • tomatoes in own juice 400 g without skin, chopped
  • vegetable oil for frying 20 ml

Melt the butter in a cast-iron patch or a large thick-walled saucepan. Let the diced onion in oil.

Add thoroughly washed spelt. Cook the onion and spelled over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the spelled begins to turn slightly white.

Add carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Cook for ten minutes until it starts to soften.

Pour boiled water into the patch so that the water is not higher than the food level :). Close the lid and leave on medium heat for 40 minutes.

We wash the chicken. Heat up the pan with vegetable oil. We lay out the chicken and salt it.

Roast the sliced ​​oyster mushrooms.

After 40 minutes of cooking spelled, put the slightly fried chicken in a patch.

Then add the fried mushrooms.

Washed, peeled and cut into rings peppers, chipotle peppers (here, as they say: “Jews! Do not spare tea leaves!”), Oregano, marjoram, coriander and, of course, salt go there.

Mix thoroughly, add tomatoes, pour boiling water so that the water does not cover the dish, but almost reaches the top. Let it cook for 30 minutes.

Turn off the heat, put a couple of sprigs of basil on top and leave to stand under the lid for 10 minutes.

Recipe 10: Armenian Spelled Onion Soup (with photo)

Sohapur is very gentle and unusual soup, Caucasian variety onion soup. In this recipe, the leek is used almost entirely, along with the green part.

  • leek - 200 g
  • potatoes - 1-3 pcs. (100 g)
  • spelled whole - 100 g
  • spelled flour tsz - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • melted butter Ghee - 10 g
  • salt pepper
  • cilantro or tarragon for serving

Wash the leek and cut into rings.

The green, coarser part can be baked in a dry frying pan until lightly tanned - for a baked flavor.

Pour onion with cold water (1.5 - 2 liters) and cook over medium heat.

Fry the flour in oil until a pleasant nutty flavor, remove from heat and pour in a little water from the pan with onions, stir until smooth, then gradually add a little water, stirring, achieve a consistency liquid sour cream.

, http://nyam.ru , http://tul.vkusvill.ru

All recipes are carefully selected by the site's culinary club site