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Overlay hermelin. Czech cuisine

Paprika after grinding is very concentrated in taste, sweet with spiciness, deep carmine color and very fragrant with "smoke".
All these advantages of it allow you to turn any dish into a work of culinary art.

At first, this smoke seemed too saturated to me and I added it only to meat, then I noticed that during heat treatment, the taste gradually disappears, leaving a hint of smoked meat. Then she grew bolder and began to add it to stews, soups, to scrambled eggs, and even sprinkled it on ice cream. Nowhere was the seasoning superfluous and did not interrupt the taste of the dishes.
Well, where I especially liked to add it, so it's in marinades. The ribs are outstanding!
Oh, sorry, if you have been on a diet since September and have been reading all this, for you I have a simple and tasty recipe for an assortment of cheeses marinated in Czech style, where the paprika opened up for me on one more side.
We spied this dish in Prague, very tasty snack to blame. The bottom line is that cheeses are marinated in oil, which has drawn all the flavors from herbs and spices.

We need cheeses 200g each:

  • camembert or brie
  • Suluguni or Adyghe
  • Dor blue
  • Parmesan
  • Brynza
  • Sheep cheese (very tart, so optional)
Spices and herbs:

  • Rosemary couple of branches
  • Thyme also a few branches
  • Garlic 5-6 cloves
  • smoked paprika 1/2-1/4 tsp
  • mustard seed
  • Chilli
  • Pepper black, red, and white
  • Onion a couple of circles (not rings)
  • Olive oil, not necessarily Extra Virgin
  • Salt is not needed here, but you can add to taste
All cheeses can be easily obtained, we sell them freely at the Central Market. I gave about 700 rubles for cheese, this was enough for 2 jars of 300 ml and even left. I cut the cheese into cubes of 1-1.5 cm, tore the suluguni into fibers. Grass on the bottom, spices in layers, as I laid out all varieties. Top with olive oil to the top of the cheese.

I poured half a teaspoon of smoked paprika into one jar, and decided to leave the other only on herbs. Everything stayed for about a month. The cheese on herbs seemed to me tender, Provencal, herbs and garlic were felt most of all, but there was not enough spice. I liked the cheese with paprika more, it was softer in texture and the sharpness was very relevant, with a slight hint of smoking. In short, a jar of herbs went to the far shelf of the refrigerator, and when I took it out after 2 weeks, I noticed mold breaking through, not that noble blue, but noble, ordinary mold. Whereas the jar of paprika was mold free. It turns out that smokey paprika is also a kind of preservative. I use this feature of it when drying tomatoes, usually Sun-dried tomatoes stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.
The marinade oil that remains from the cheese is more valuable to me than extravergen. Very fragrant, tasty, with cheese sediment. I love to eat just boiled spaghetti with him!
Expand your flavors!

Marinated germelin - spicy, very fatty, but tasty cold appetizer Czech cuisine. Hermeline is the Czech genus of Camembert, which got its name from the white fluffy shell associated with the snowy fur of the hermeline ermine.

If you do not take into account the fact that pickled germelin is just very unusual and tasty, the Czechs believe that with the help of pickling it can be stored longer, and thus they add excess cheese to the case, which there is no desire and opportunity to use "right now".

Pickled germelin is eaten as a snack with beer or with bread - well, like a sandwich. I came across him in Prague in a restaurant as part of a snack platter along with. I think you can use it in salads too.

For three or four mugs of hermeline (can be replaced with Camembert), you will definitely need 1 onion, a couple of bay leaves, a couple of chili peppers or chili flakes. Everything else is optional (I shoveled quite a lot of Czech recipes, the range of seasonings, except for the three main ones, is huge). It can be peppercorns (green, white or black, or a mixture), paprika, coriander, ginger, just a little bit of vinegar, olives or black olives, some kind of herbs like sage or thyme, a little bit of salt ... Another essential component - oil, olive or sunflower. LOT. The exact amount depends on the volume of the jar, as a result, the cheese must be completely filled in the jar.

We cut the onion into thin rings, pour over the vinegar, lightly zhamkay so that the vinegar is absorbed.

If you have a jar with a neck that is wide enough to fit a whole circle of hermelin, then cut the cheese in half lengthwise. If there is no such wide-mouth jar, then you can first cut it in half lengthwise, and then into triangular slices, like a cake. If you definitely want whole circles, but there is no jar, then you can take a plastic container of a suitable size.

Peppercorns and coriander are crushed (you can grind, you can in a mortar).

A piece of onion is laid out at the bottom of a clean jar. If you use cutting into triangles, then, in principle, you can put it all.

On top of the onion, half of the hermelin is laid with the cut up. It is sprinkled with onions and ground spices.

We close the first half of the second, well, and then repeat the procedure until the cheese and onions run out: a layer of cheese, onions with seasonings, a layer of onions.

Put the whole chili in the jar and Bay leaf(and other greens, if used) and fill the jar with oil completely so that the cheese is covered.

Close the jar with a lid, shake and leave AT ROOM TEMPERATURE for at least 1 week, maybe 2.

After marinating at room temperature for a week, germelin can be placed in the refrigerator. It is believed that pickled hermelin can be stored in this way for up to five weeks.

Bon Appetit!

To prevent flies from appearing in glasses, once upon a time in Castilian taverns they began to serve wine covered with a piece of bread. Or maybe the bread did not serve as a lid at all, but was served on purpose so that the soldiers would have a snack and not get very drunk. Or maybe the Aesculapius advised Alfonso X the Wise to eat less at night, and he ordered that only appetizers be served with wine.

When and how the theme of small appetizers-tapas appeared in Castile, now no one will say for sure, however, the Castilians consider themselves to be its pioneers.

It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, but the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula honor their tradition and it brings considerable income to today’s Spain.

Tapas with fine southern wines are what the cunning Spaniards use to lure millions of gourmets from all over the world.

Conscientiously developing their “snack” theme, which also has more than one hundred years behind it, the Czechs lure millions of beer lovers in the same way.

For some time now, pickled cheese hermelín has become very popular with beer experts. This Czech cheese is similar to the French camembert. Having brought it from the store, the Czechs conjure with it for a long time, deriving new and new formulas for taste contrast cheese snack and beer. The essence of this "alchemy" comes down to pickling ripening cheese and experimenting with the addition of various seasonings and spices.

So. Czech cuisine. cheese pickling recipehermelin.

What to stock up:

  • 3 - 4 cheese "washers",
  • 1 - 2 large onions,
  • 1 - 2 pieces of chili pepper,
  • 1 teaspoon ground sweet paprika
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 15 - 20 grains of black pepper,
  • 4 - 5 grains of Jamaican pepper,
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds.
  • 4 garlic cloves,
  • Sunflower oil, salt.

What to do:

  • Grate the garlic on a fine grater, and then mix the resulting garlic gruel with salt and ground paprika.
  • Cut each cheese "washer" along the equator and spread the resulting halves from the inside with the contents of the previous paragraph, after which the cheese halves are collected back into the "washers".
  • Now, in a specially prepared container, place our “washers”, bay leaves, black and Jamaican peppers, mustard seeds, chili peppers cut into rings and thin onion circles. All the resulting should be abundantly poured with oil and, tightly closed with a lid, leave for a week in the refrigerator.

  • When it comes to a meal in a week, the first mug of real Czech beer should be drunk slowly and without anything, but this very appetizer will come in handy for the second.
  • Fry slices of black bread in oil saturated with a bouquet of spices.

Cheese Hermelin (Hermelin) refers to soft varieties with the addition of white mold. It is produced in the Czech Republic and outwardly it is very similar to the equally famous cheese - Camembert. This cheese is made from cow's milk. High Quality. This product is characterized by a fairly dense white crust and a soft milky texture. On the surface of the heads there are deep grooves that appear during aging in special containers (see photo). Most often, Germelin cheese is sold in small heads, the weight of which is approximately 120 g.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Germelin cheese are the presence of vitamins and minerals. It contains B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and for the functioning of the whole organism. It contains vitamin A, which is important for vision and other substances useful for the body. Thanks to the combined action of phosphorus and calcium, bone tissue is restored and strengthened, and they also improve the condition of nails, hair and teeth. It also contains minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system - potassium and magnesium. This is just a small list useful substances that are needed for life.

Use in cooking

Based on Germelin cheese make a large number of snacks that are very popular in the Czech Republic. This product matches perfectly with good beer and white wine. Czech cheese Germelin can be consumed in fresh and also heat treated. Famous chefs and gourmets say that in order to feel all the fragrant and taste qualities, Germelin cheese must be baked, fried or grilled. This product is also served marinated in olive oil with different spices.

Harm of germelin cheese and contraindications

Germelin cheese can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth limiting consumption during weight loss and obesity, as it has a high calorie content.