Home / Khachapuri / Profiterole cake recipe with sour cream. Delicious ladyfingers cake at home

Profiterole cake recipe with sour cream. Delicious ladyfingers cake at home

"Profitrole" - this is how a small prize used to be called in French, but now this word means small, but very tasty cakes.

They are made from traditional choux pastry which can be sweet and neutral. But the filling can be all kinds, and depending on this, profiteroles are served before dinner as an appetizer or complete it and are used as a dessert.

Profiteroles may not be stuffed. Empty inside, they are perfect for soups like small donuts.

The filling for profiteroles can be cheese, meat, mushroom, chicken, fish, salad, sweet cream and ice cream. By bonding these sweet balls with caramel or condensed mass, you can get excellent cakes.

There are no difficulties in cooking. The secret to successful profiteroles is proper preparation test for them. The products for them are also quite simple, therefore, having learned how to cook these small, mouth-watering cakes, you can delight your family or guests with delicious pastries.

And you can drink tea with colleagues for a pleasant conversation. Observing step by step instructions cooking, the profiteroles will turn out lush, and the cream will be thick and not flowing out of them when filling.

Profiteroles: recipe step by step cooking

Ingredients Quantity
flour premium - 1 glass
butter (store or homemade) butter (you can replace it with margarine) - 125 g
water - Full glass
eggs - 5 pieces.
salt - pinch
butter (or fat) and flour - for baking
milk - 300 ml
sugar - 200 - 250 g
butter (peasant) butter for cream - 400 g
eggs for cream 2 pcs.
cognac - Little
Cooking time: 180 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 330 kcal

All products are stocked, if something is not at home - buy more. The process of making profiteroles butter cream begins with the preparation of the dough, which will turn out savory.

Put water on fire, add oil and salt to it, bring to a boil.

Gradually add the flour to the boiling water, stirring continuously and quickly until the lumps completely disappear.

Then heat the mixture for 1-2 minutes.

The whole procedure should be carried out over low heat until the dough is even, smooth and shiny.

When this happens, remove the mixture from heat and cool to 60 degrees.

Add one egg at a time to the chilled mixture, but only when the previous one has already been absorbed into the mass.

Then this resulting mass should be stirred until it is completely cooled.

The finished dough is a thin, viscous mass.

Lightly grease a baking sheet with butter or fat and lightly sprinkle with flour.

Put small balls on it with a dessert spoon not too close to each other, as they increase in volume.

Bake in the oven at 190 - 200 degrees until the buns are dry and have a beautiful ruddy golden color. The baking process will take approximately 27 - 30 minutes.

Then fill the buns with cream, which can be prepared while the profiteroles are baking.

The cream is best prepared in an aluminum bowl to avoid protein clotting.

Mix milk, sugar and eggs thoroughly. Then put this mixture on fire and bring to a boil, stirring all the time.

Remove the boiled mass from the fire and cool it in cold water, and if not in a hurry - let it cool like that. Soften the butter and pour the cooled milk-protein mixture into it in several steps.

Beat the cream and add a spoonful of cognac to it.

It is better to start profiteroles hot, using a pastry bag for cream.

Profiteroles with various fillings

As it turned out earlier, the fillings for profiteroles can be very different: sweet and salty. Combining various products with each other, profiteroles can be stuffed in the most unexpectedly variable ways.

But it is better to start with fillings that are easier to prepare.

Profiteroles stuffed with condensed milk

Put the custard dough, prepared in the manner described above, in small pieces on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Brush top of each bun with beaten egg white. You can use an ordinary brush for drawing or a chicken pen.

The filling for these profiteroles, which are baked in an oven heated to 200 0 for 25 minutes, will be a cream of condensed milk.

What do you need to make cream? A can of condensed milk or a little less - it all depends on the number of profiteroles received. But the remains of the cream can always be used in cooking. Even just spread on a white loaf and serve with tea.

It is good to beat condensed milk with butter, 150 g of which must be softened, but not melted. If desired, you can add 2 tablespoons of cocoa to the resulting cream, or you can fill baked mini-cakes with condensed milk cream without cocoa.

This filling option can be simplified by using as a cream boiled condensed milk. All other procedures remain the same. The condensed milk cream is placed in a pastry bag and squeezed into ready-made, warm profiteroles.

Profiteroles with curd cream

Curd cream used as a filling for profiteroles can be sweet and unsweetened. In the first case in low-fat cottage cheese sugar is added. The proportions depend on the amount of profiteroles obtained and taste.

For 40 servings, obtained from the choux pastry above, you will need:

  • 200-gram pack of cottage cheese;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a glass of thick sour cream;
  • A handful of steamed raisins.

Mix all the ingredients together into a homogeneous mass. Sugar can be added more or less, as you like more.

If an unsweetened cream is used as a filling, then to curd base chopped dill is added, 2 - 3 cloves of crushed garlic, a little salt and pepper, 1 grated on a fine grater processed cheese. Profiteroles with this filling are served as a snack.

Profiteroles with seafood

This version of profiteroles is a snack.

For a salad used as a filling, use:

  • 300 g thawed shrimp (or boiled in salted water for a minute and folded into a colander);
  • Package crab sticks, grated on a fine grater;
  • 4 finely chopped boiled eggs;
  • 200 g of grated cheese;
  • 2 cloves of crushed garlic;
  • Finely chopped dill;
  • Salt, pepper, mayonnaise for dressing.

Profiteroles are being prepared in the usual way from choux pastry, but before filling them with salad, cut off their tops. They can then decorate a snack or just eat.

Mix cooked products, season with salt and pepper. Fill with mayonnaise. Stuff the profiteroles with the resulting salad.

can be prepared from ready dough, and do it yourself. And the toppings...

Cake layers in a frying pan. step by step photos and recommendations.

Fried zucchini with garlic - simple and tasty snack, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a summer feast.

"Tower" profiterole cake

This cake in the shape of a tower can be prepared for various holidays, or on weekdays you can cheer up your family and friends by surprising them with the extraordinary taste of a French dessert.

Products that will be needed for the test:

  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 125 ml of water;
  • 50 g butter (not spread) butter;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A little bit of sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs first category.

For cream:

  • Whipped cream.

For fondant:

  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 40 ml of water.

For decoration:

  • Sugar mastic.

To get a choux pastry, pour milk and water into a saucepan, add butter, salt and sugar (a teaspoon will be enough). Bring the mixture to a boil, and pour the sifted flour into it. This must be done quickly and with continuous stirring, so that the dough is brewed without lumps.

Boil the dough for a few minutes to evaporate excess moisture. The resulting dough should be well formed. And before adding eggs to it, the dough should be cooled, constantly beating it with a mixer. If the dough is hot, the eggs will simply boil in it. Add eggs one at a time.

The finished dough should not be liquid or tear. It should hang from a wooden or plastic spatula in an even triangle, without dripping from it.

On a greased baking sheet, drop even small balls from a pastry bag filled with choux pastry, not forgetting the distance between them. The bulges formed on top should be pressed with a finger dipped in water.

Heat the oven to a temperature of 250 degrees and turn it off, put a baking sheet with profiteroles there. After 10 minutes, turn on the oven at 75 degrees, and bake the profiteroles for another 15-20 minutes.

This option for baking profiteroles is French, but you can also use the usual one. 30 minutes in an oven heated to 180 - 200 degrees.

While profiteroles are baking, use metal molds to make flowers for decoration from rolled sugar mastic. Mastic can be used ready-made or prepared by yourself from a mixture of powdered sugar, lemon juice, gelatin and starch. Dry the sugar flowers on a plate.

Ready profiterole stuffed with butter cream. If you do not use ready-made, then you need to whip chilled high-fat cream to get the cream.

Glaze a part of the filled profiteroles in sugar fudge, dipping each one in the mixture, which is prepared as follows. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and boil in a container with a closed lid.

Then the resulting syrup is quickly cooled in a cold water bath. Beat the cooled mass until white. The finished sugar fudge is ready to use if it will stretch.

To give a rich yellow or orange color, add carrot juice or food coloring to it.

On a dish, build a tower of profiteroles, using unglazed ones in the center, and dipped in fudge sugar on the sides. To give stability to the structure of the future cake, grease all profiteroles with whipped cream. Decorate the finished cake with sugar flowers and serve.

  1. The readiness of profiteroles is determined by touch by their side parts: they must be firm. Profiteroles with soft barrels are not ready and they may settle;
  2. Instead of oil, fat and baking paper you can use a special silicone mat, which is sold in hardware stores;
  3. Before stuffing ready-made profiteroles, they must be slightly pierced with a knife for better shape retention;
  4. Profiteroles can be stored for some time in the refrigerator, and then used for desserts or snacks;
  5. In no case should you open the oven where profiteroles are baked, otherwise they may lose their shape.

Learning to cook choux pastry and bake profiteroles, you can experiment with different fillings and decorations, use them in everyday and festive menus.

Step 1: prepare the dough for profiteroles.

Many people think that making choux pastry is difficult, don't worry, everything is much easier than it seems. If you follow all the instructions, even a beginner can handle it.
First, pour water into a saucepan, add pieces of butter, a pinch of sugar and salt to it and put on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil, stirring all the time, and then pour all the wheat flour. And then start stirring until you break all the lumps, and the dough itself is not dried out so much that it starts to easily lag behind the walls of the saucepan. Please note that all these actions take place on the included stove, due to which the dough is brewed.

And now you get a not quite homogeneous mass, remove it from the heat and cool a little. Then, already in the cooled dough, start adding eggs. Add one at a time, mixing thoroughly each time. Use a mixer to simplify the task, although I often meet housewives who claim that choux pastry should only be mixed by hand. One way or another, in the end you should get a homogeneous mass that comes off the whisk or spatula with a ribbon.

Step 2: bake the profiteroles.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with parchment or foil, lay out the profiteroles. It's great if you have a special device or a pastry syringe for this, but ordinary tablespoons will also work, and so that the mass does not stick, dip them occasionally in cold water.
Send the profitorli to bake. Once they are in the oven, lower the temperature to 190 degrees and bake on it for 10-15 minutes, then subtract more to 180 and keep cooking 20-40 minutes, depending on the size of your products. The main thing is not to open the door oven otherwise the profiteroles will fall. I usually start checking doneness when the pastries are well browned.
Remove the finished profiteroles from the oven and cool to room temperature, only after that they can be removed from the baking sheet.

Step 3: prepare sour cream.

While the profiteroles are cooking and cooling, make sour cream. To do this, pour the sour cream into a deep plate, pour granulated sugar into it (if it is powdered sugar, then it’s generally wonderful) and whisk until the cream becomes homogeneous and airy. I usually whip over 7-10 minutes by gradually increasing the mixer speed.

Step 4: stuffing the profiteroles.

Open a jar of boiled condensed milk, and make cuts in the cooled profiteroles. With a tablespoon or a teaspoon, fold the filling inside the air baking. Be careful not to damage your profiteroles, but if the filling oozes a little or sticks out of the cut, it's okay.

Step 5: Prepare the Profiterole Cake.

And here we come to the final stage. There was very little left. Take each profiterole filled with condensed milk and dip it into the sour cream, one by one, and then lay it on a flat dish in several layers. When the cake is folded, sprinkle it with a little grated chocolate, which is more for color than flavor. Now the dessert needs to brew and soak. To do this, send it to the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours, but better at night, then the profiteroles will soak and the cake will become especially tasty.

Step 6: serve the profiteroles cake.

Remove the profiteroles cake from the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving to warm up a bit. Serve it as a dessert, cutting it with a knife and serving it in portions. As a drink, unsweetened tea or coffee is perfect.
Bon Appetit!

Can be sprinkled instead of grated chocolate if desired. finished cake chopped nuts, thin slices of almonds or pour syrup, berry jam, or you can leave it without anything, it won’t hurt the taste much, but the outside will be a little more boring.

If you do not like the recipe for profiteroles indicated in this article, you can cook them according to this recipe or use any other.

In the summer when it's full fresh berries, use them as a filling or garnish for a profiterole cake, whole, in slices or rubbed with sugar.

Cooking custard dough. I put it in a saucepan butter, pour 2 tbsp. water and heat over low heat until butter melts. Add flour and begin to beat vigorously with a whisk until the lumps are completely dissolved. Whisk the eggs in a separate bowl and add them to the butter-flour mixture. Mix well until smooth.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment and spread the dough for profiteroles with a spoon or a pastry syringe. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 25 minutes. Then we take it out, pierce it with a toothpick and return it to the oven to dry and cool.

Cooking custard. Three orange zest on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Separate the yolks from the proteins and quickly beat with a mixer with sugar until fluffy. Add 170 g of milk, flour and beat again. Meanwhile, heat the remaining milk in a saucepan. Do not bring to a boil! Pour in hot milk in a thin stream egg mixture, stirring constantly. We brew the cream until it begins to thicken and completely "turns yellow". Remove from fire and cool slightly. Then add the zest, juice and diced butter at room temperature. Beat well again and let cool completely, after which we send it to the refrigerator.

Ready for frosting. Mix all ingredients, then heat over low heat until thickened. You can also add some butter.

We start the cooled profiteroles with cold cream. The easiest way to do this is with a pastry syringe. Next, take a deep salad bowl and put it on the table. Dip the profiteroles one by one into the icing and place tightly in a salad bowl. The result should be a dome upside down. A few profiteroles should be left empty for the "bottom" of the cake. We press on the finished inverted "dome", cover with a flat large plate and carefully turn it over. Leave overnight for soaking. If you leave the cake upside down, the profiteroles will compress too much, and it will be completely ugly. The next morning we remove the salad bowl, not being afraid that the cake will fall apart. Can be cut into pieces!

To prepare the choux pastry, you must first boil water with a pinch of salt and then add butter.

Drive the eggs all into one dish, and their number will already depend on their size.

After the butter is completely melted, it is necessary to pour out all the flour and mix quickly so that no dry flour remains. And only then take it off the fire.

Cool the custard dough for two to three minutes so that the eggs do not curl and then add the eggs one at a time. It is best to knead the dough with a whisk, as it will be quite difficult to do this with a spoon. Be sure to add just one egg at a time and knead until smooth.

It took me three eggs, since I took large eggs. In no case should the dough turn out to be liquid, otherwise the profiteroles will not rise during baking. It is better to let the dough be slightly thick than liquid.

To make the profiteroles the same size, you need to draw lines on the parchment. Step back from the edge 2 cm and draw a line, then another 2 cm later. Then retreat 6 cm, then 2 cm and again 2 cm, etc.

Turn the parchment over (all lines will show through) and use a pastry bag to form profiteroles of the same size. Place profiteroles in a checkerboard pattern. From this amount of dough, there will be quite a lot of pieces that look like fingers, so you have to bake them in turn 2 times. Put a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven and bake the profiteroles in a preheated oven at 185 degrees for 30-35 minutes. It's better to have the profiteroles browned a little than if you take them out raw and they just fall off.

If you don't have a pastry bag, it will be convenient to use the leftover milk carton. The bag will need to cut off a corner on one side, and on the other side, cut its base to put the dough.

For cream, mix sour cream with powdered sugar, beat with a mixer.

Take thick and fatty sour cream for this dessert (25-35% fat). If purchased liquid sour cream, it can be made thicker using a special thickener, which is sold in the confectionery departments of stores. And you can fold the gauze in several layers, put it on the bottom of a colander and pour sour cream on it, leave for 2 hours. During this time from fermented milk product excess whey will leave, and it will thicken.

If you like juicy and well-soaked desserts, then take 250 g more sour cream than indicated in the list of ingredients. Increase the amount of powdered sugar accordingly by 75g.

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar with a mixer for no more than 5 minutes, so that the cream does not separate into butter and whey. Do not replace powdered sugar with granulated sugar, as it takes longer to dissolve, resulting in more than 5 minutes of whipping.

Profiteroles should cool down well before you put them in the cream. If you put the sticks in a hot form, the sour cream will begin to melt and spread.

In order for the cake to turn out beautiful and neat, we will lay it out in a detachable ring, taking only its side walls. Put the form on the center of the tray and put the foil around the form so that you can later remove it, and the tray remains clean on the sides.

Transfer the finished profiteroles to a large bowl and leave to cool. In the meantime, bake the second part of the profiteroles.

Pour profiteroles sour cream and mix gently so that they do not break. Leave a little cream in order to grease the sides of the cake with it later.

Arrange the profiteroles tightly in two rows. The second layer should be perpendicular to the first. Then put the cake in the refrigerator for two hours so that the cream hardens a little.


You can lay out the blocks in the form both “lying” and “standing”, like a palisade in several rows in a circle. The laying should be tight so that the “logs” do not “disperse”. For convenience and not to get your hands dirty, put on oilcloth or silicone gloves.

Now you need to prepare caramel curls for decoration. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add vinegar to the center. Put it all on big fire. In no case do not mix anything with a spoon, just move the stewpan in different directions, evenly moving the sugar.

Pre-prepare dishes with cold water, in which you can quickly put the saucepan. After the sugar has completely melted and the caramel has turned light brown, remove the saucepan from the heat and put in cold water.

And very quickly, using a teaspoon, pour the caramel onto the parchment in any shape. The shape of the curls can be invented by yourself. Just remember that caramel hardens very quickly.

Literally after 10 minutes, you can remove the caramel curls from the parchment and put them on a plate so that in the future you can choose the most beautiful ones for decoration.

After the cream has hardened a little, take the cake out of the refrigerator and remove the side of the form. Using a spatula, brush the sides of the cake with the remaining cream.

Melt the dark chocolate and spoon over the dessert. Pour especially a lot on the sides so that the chocolate flows well along the edges.

Finely chop the nuts and sprinkle on top.

Decorate the cake to your liking with caramel curls and refrigerate overnight. Put together with foil.

The next day, carefully remove the foil from under the cake.

Top with strawberries or other berries if desired. The cake is ready and you can treat your guests and loved ones.

Profiteroles are a delicacy from France. This unusual word is called light cakes with sweet cream, ice cream, jam and other fillings. The resourceful French noticed that their dessert was in unprecedented demand, and they came up with a profiteroles cake - a whole design based on these most delicious cakes. Exactly like this unusual recipe presented below.

Croquembush - traditional french recipe from profiteroles, which for many years in a row accompanies all major celebrations in the country. You have probably seen at least once what such a design looks like: usually it is a tall cone of cakes with thin stuffing inside. The elements are fastened together with a sweet sauce or caramel. The product is decorated with threads of caramel, nuts and fruits in sugar.

Below is one of the simplest variations on this theme. This cake will not require too much time and effort from you. The most important thing is to clearly follow the recommendations and keep the recipe in front of your eyes.

So, to make a cake from Croquembush profiteroles, we need:

  • 1 glass of non-carbonated water;
  • 150 grams of butter;
  • 4 whole eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 2 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • 1 liter of confectionery cream;
  • 1 chocolate bar with a high cocoa content.

And now let's break down the process of making Krommbush cake, point by point.

  1. The first step is to make "spare parts" for our cake, that is, the profiteroles themselves. To brew the dough for cakes, first you need to boil salted water with butter and, stirring, pour flour into boiling water.
  2. Then the fire is turned off, and the mass is kneaded until it itself gathers into a ball. Beaten eggs are carefully mixed into the cooled dough. Better to add them one by one.
  3. The next step is baking profiteroles. The dough is laid out with a spoon on a carefully greased form. Profiteroles are baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, then the temperature should be reduced to 170 and bake for another ten minutes.
  4. Cream time. It will be universal for us: both the filling for profiteroles, and the “cement” for connecting them together. We mix condensed milk with half of the existing cream, after which we add the second half of the cream, only already whipped with a mixer, to the future cream. Homogeneous mass cools down to room temperature.
  5. When the cream and dough are ready, use a confectionery syringe to fill future profiteroles with cream, carefully cutting them in the side.
  6. The recipe is simple, and with some skill, the entire previous process will take you about fifty minutes. Now the hardest part is building the cake. Croquembush must be collected very carefully and slowly.

Freshly stuffed profiteroles are laid out in layers in the shape of a Christmas tree. Moreover, each layer must be carefully lubricated with cream in order to fix it with the rest. The recipe does not provide for this, but the higher you climb, the more cream should be used between layers.

You can decorate the yummy with melted chocolate, then let the cake cool and serve.

Cake with profiteroles

This recipe is a little closer to the classic, and has an incredible taste. It is inferior to the previous one only in the speed of implementation. Unfortunately, it will require a little more time and effort, but the result is worth it.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • 1 biscuit of your choice;
  • 125 grams of margarine;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 7-8 whole eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • vanilla essence;
  • 12 grams of gelatin;
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 100 grams of white chocolate;
  • 150 grams of cream;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar.

So, the recipe is as follows:

  1. We bake a biscuit according to our recipe in a mold. It can be absolutely anything.
  2. In order not to waste time while it is baking, you should brew the dough for profiteroles. The recipe remains about the same as in the previous cake: put a saucepan on the fire, pour a glass of water into it, dissolve margarine and salt in it, remove the mixture from the heat, add flour and mix thoroughly (and most importantly quickly).
  3. When the dough has cooled a little, add 5-6 beaten eggs to it. It is very important that the mass is not too thick or too liquid.
  4. Time to bake the profiteroles. We spread the dough on a greased baking sheet with a teaspoon. Take half a spoonful of dough and lay out the cakes so that there is space between them.
  5. The recipe involves baking profiteroles for forty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  6. The next step is cream. Cream, flour residues, a glass of sugar and a small amount of milk are kneaded until smooth. The yolks from two eggs are also added there, the whites should be immediately put in the refrigerator. After mixing the eggs, the remaining milk is added.
  7. Next, put the mixture on the fire and slowly cook it for 20 minutes until it thickens. It is very important not to bring the mass to a boil and stir it constantly. Before removing from the stove, add gelatin to the saucepan.
  8. The cream mass is divided into two containers. About a third of it goes to the filling for cakes. Stir melted dark chocolate into the filling. Pour the remaining cream mass into the second container and pour melted White chocolate. This mass is needed for a biscuit.
  9. Both bowls are placed in the refrigerator, and after cooling, for greater splendor, beat with a blender.
  10. Profiteroles are filled with dark cream.
  11. Carefully cut off the top from the biscuit (about a third of the thickness), and the rest is covered with a thick layer of cream with white chocolate. Cakes and the remaining cream with white chocolate are placed on the cream.

We put in the refrigerator for several hours. The authentic recipe calls for leaving the cake overnight, but this is not necessary. The top of the cake is decorated with icing from egg whites previously put in the refrigerator, whipped with sugar and vanilla sugar. The removed top of the biscuit crumbles and also serves to decorate the cake.

Here is a simple recipe for sweet lovers. Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for making Croquembush