Home / Patties / Recipe for soufflé with shortcrust pastry. Sand cake with cottage cheese, cottage cheese cream and cottage cheese soufflé

Recipe for soufflé with shortcrust pastry. Sand cake with cottage cheese, cottage cheese cream and cottage cheese soufflé

For some reason, sand cakes are not very popular with us. We all somehow bake biscuits and cupcakes. We love to make something like this from ready-made puff pastry or from honey cakes. But shortbread dough is prepared exclusively for homemade cookies. But why? After all, a sand cake can turn out no worse fluffy biscuit or crispy puff. Especially if it is a sand cake with cottage cheese: with curd filling or with curd cream. So we urgently correct our oversight, choose a recipe and learn how to cook shortbread cheese cake.

Sandy curd cake with meringue

Very a tasty cake with cottage cheese and meringue. If you don't know, meringue is baked meringue that is hard and crunchy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. Usually meringues are prepared like dry cakes. But we use meringue for a cake with cottage cheese.


  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 125 grams of butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


Pour egg yolks into a bowl, put softened margarine or butter, pour sugar and grind everything until white. Now pour the sifted flour and baking powder into this mixture and add two teaspoons of lemon juice. Gently mix the dough until smooth. We spread the dough in a mold and set to bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

In the meantime, put the cottage cheese in a bowl, break one whole egg there, add vanilla sugar, two tablespoons of granulated sugar and rub everything well. Next, we need to put this mass on the one that has begun to brown. sand cake. This should happen about fifteen minutes after we put the mold in the oven. So, we lay out curd mass on the cake and continue to bake the cake for another ten minutes. During this time, the curd layer should grab, and the top of the cake should become glossy.

Now we need to make meringue. To do this, first beat the egg whites into a strong thick foam, and then add three tablespoons of granulated sugar to them one by one and beat everything into a smooth homogeneous mass. When the curd layer becomes glossy, take the cake out of the oven again and lay out the third protein layer. We reduce the temperature in the oven to 150 degrees and wait for the whites to brown. If your oven has a convection function, then bake proteins in this mode.

Let the finished cake cool, and then take it out of the mold. Such a curd cake does not require any additional decorations. However, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar or chocolate chips.

Sand cake with cottage cheese soufflé and marmalade


  • Flour - 2 incomplete glasses;
  • Butter - half a pack;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.

For the soufflé:

  • Cottage cheese (at least 9% fat) - 750 grams;
  • Milk - 1 incomplete glass;
  • Cream - half a glass;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Water - a quarter of a glass;
  • Gelatin - 20 grams;
  • Half a lemon;
  • Orange.

For decoration:


Sift wheat flour into a bowl and mix with sugar. We spread the softened butter into the flour and rub everything with our hands until a coarse crumbly mass is obtained. After that, add two eggs and knead a dense smooth dough, which we remove for an hour in the refrigerator.

After an hour, turn on the oven and let it warm up to 180 degrees. We roll out the dough in a thin layer along the diameter of the mold with removable sides, put this layer on the bottom of the mold and send the cake to the oven, where we bake it until light golden brown. Finished cake leave to cool right in the form, and in the meantime we prepare the curd soufflé.

Soak gelatin in the proportions indicated on the sachet. Squeeze the juice from the orange, and remove the zest from the lemon (on a fine grater). We put cottage cheese, sour cream in a bowl, lemon peel, sugar and pour orange juice and cream. First, grind it all into a homogeneous mass, and then beat with a mixer until fluffy. We boil milk. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath and mix with hot milk. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, pour it into the curd mixture. We spread the mass in the form with the cake in the second layer, carefully level it and put the form in the refrigerator until the curd soufflé has completely solidified (gelled).

We decorate the finished cake with marmalade and fresh fruit. To do this, put the marmalade in a saucepan and dissolve it to a liquid state in a water bath. Pour the top layer with cottage cheese with liquid marmalade, and put fresh or canned berries and (or) fruits on top.

Sand and curd cake "Africa"


  • Flour - 2 cups with a slide;
  • Sugar - 1 incomplete glass;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Tomato paste - 6 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet.

For cream:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • Sour cream 30% fat - 200 grams;
  • Condensed milk - 10 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 200 grams.

For decoration:

  • 1 bar of chocolate (100 grams).


Break the eggs into a bowl, pour out all the sugar and beat the egg-sugar mixture until a white fluffy mass. Melt the butter and cool, and then pour it into a bowl with beaten eggs. Add it there tomato paste, pour out the baking powder and sift the flour. Knead soft shortbread dough, which is then removed for half an hour in the refrigerator.

After thirty minutes, take out the dough and divide it into five equal parts. We roll each part into a thin layer and bake on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. We preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake each cake for no longer than five minutes. We cut off the still hot cakes, aligning the edges - the trimmings will go to sprinkle the cake. Leave the cakes to cool and proceed to the preparation of the curd cream.

Putting in a saucepan soft curd. If your cottage cheese is granular, then you need to rub it through a sieve so that the mass becomes homogeneous (without grains). Pour sour cream and condensed milk into a saucepan with cottage cheese and beat everything with a mixer or blender. Separately, beat the softened butter until fluffy, and then add it to the cottage cheese and mix or beat again at the lowest speed of the mixer. Put the cream in the refrigerator and let it cool down.

We collect the cake, spreading each cake with curd cream. We also coat the top and sides of the cake with cream and leave the cake to soak at room temperature. To decorate the cake, dissolve a chocolate bar in a water bath and pour liquid chocolate onto parchment paper, cling film or silicone mat. When the chocolate is completely hardened, break it into large pieces of arbitrary shape. Grind the scraps from the cakes into crumbs.

We decorate the cake soaked with cream. Sprinkle the sides generously sand crumb, and lay out the top of the cake with flat pieces of chocolate, imitating the cracked soil of the desert or the pattern on the skin of a giraffe. It's the way you like it! Chic sand cake "Africa" ​​with curd cream is ready!

This is how you can make a sand cake with cottage cheese or with cottage cheese cream. Combination crumbly dough and a little moist sweet and sour cottage cheese, many will be able to appreciate it. Cook with pleasure, and enjoy your meal!

2016-05-25T13:00:06+00:00 admin desserts

Contents: Shortbread-curd cake with meringue sand cake With curd soufflé and marmalade Sand-curd cake "Africa" ​​For some reason, sand cakes are not very popular with us. We all somehow bake biscuits and cupcakes. We like to make something like this from ready-made puff pastry or from honey cakes. But shortbread dough is prepared exclusively for homemade cookies. But why?...

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By Machine (Hi, Masha) request, I share secrets.

For the cake you need Pate Brisee. Chop 250 g of flour with 125 g of cold butter until crumbs form. It is convenient to do this with a machine, you can use a knife or your hands, but in this case you need to act quickly enough so that the butter does not melt. Add one egg and a small amount of cream to form a ball (instead of cream, water or broth can be used if expected meat pie). Wrap the ball in cling film and place in the freezer for half an hour. It is not a sin to distribute the dough in a form (so as not to suffer with rolling later), and then put the form into the freezer along with the dough.
In 30 minutes pierce the dough with a fork, cover with baking paper and sprinkle with stone "beans" (you can use ordinary beans as a food product, they will be lost, but they will become multiple "stone beans"). Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C until done. About 20 minutes after the start, the "beans" need to be removed.

Put the finished cake to cool, get busy souffle. In a saucepan, place a finely chopped bar of dark chocolate, half a glass of cane sugar (you can use ordinary, but I would reduce the amount so that the butt does not stick together), two yolks, three tablespoons of butter. Dissolve two tablespoons of cornstarch in two tablespoons of water, and then add the starch paste to the saucepan. While stirring vigorously, pour 240 ml of hot water into the saucepan. Simmer the mixture over low heat until it thickens. Whisk to oxygenate the soufflé. Pour the hot mixture into the cake, the mixture will thicken fairly quickly. Cool the soufflé to room temperature and then refrigerate.

The last part of the Marleson ballet - Italian meringue . Mix 145 g of sugar and 80 g of water in a saucepan and heat to 120°C (never to 118°C - this is how we do it for macaroons ;-]). In a mixer with a metal bowl (you can take a chance with a plastic one, but don't complain later), beat 80 gr egg white to the peaks. Pour in the syrup in a thin stream while continuing to whisk. Leave the shaitan machine to beat until the meringue has cooled to room temperature. Using a piping bag, pipe with spades onto the chilled tart.
I failed this step (you can't rush, you can't!), so the meringue turned out to be sad, but you don't do it, you do it well.

If with a thermometer and a devil-machine of complexity, then make a Swiss meringue - beat the whites with powdered sugar to sooooo steep peaks.

When serving, burn the meringue with a gas burner. Do not do this in advance, otherwise the meringue will melt and it will be completely sad.

Indeed it's incredible tender treats, plus, they are usually very appetizingly decorated, but at the same time, they are much less satisfying than sweet treats, consisting of nutritious cakes that are smeared thick creams. Soufflé cake recipes are varied. Pastry can be prepared with or without a biscuit base, there are various modifications of the main element - it can be curd, chocolate, fruit, berry, cream.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

What can we say about the presentation - when decorating a cake, you can find many profitable author's design variations that will emphasize the originality of the dessert, its uniqueness. Pieces of fruit, berries and chocolate are used for decoration - in combination with jelly or whipped cream, bright slices look very appetizing. Thus, the dish cheers up not only due to excellent palatability, but also thanks to an interesting presentation.

Easy to make, yet incredibly delicious soufflé cake. Such a dessert is ideal for dinner and is especially popular in the hot season, when you don’t want to stand by the stove. Based on this recipe, it can be improved all the time, adding more and more new notes of taste.

Soufflé cake delicious and fast

The basis of this cake can be biscuit, shortbread or muffin. Choose the one that suits you the most. With a biscuit, the cake turns out to be tender, light. shortcrust pastry will create a contrast of crispy base and tender soufflé. The cupcake base is a compromise between the two previous ones. First of all, decide on what basis you will cook the soufflé cake. Biscuit will be the most juicy and tender.

Soufflé cake delicious and fast

Biscuit base:

  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 100 g
  • wheat flour top grade- 100 g
  • salt - a pinch


  1. Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy. Mix gently sifted flour, salt, vanilla sugar. If you want to play it safe, you can add a pinch of soda. Shift biscuit dough into a greased mold, level the surface and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Gently stir in the sifted flour.
  3. During the baking process, do not often look into the oven, otherwise the biscuit will “settle”. To check the readiness of the biscuit, pierce it in the center with a toothpick, if it remains dry, then it is ready and can be removed from the oven. Leave the biscuit in the form until completely cooled.

Cake base:

  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 150 g
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 200 g
  • liquid sour cream - 100 g
  • salt - a pinch
  • baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon
  • vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp


  1. For those who decide to cook a cupcake base. Remove the butter and eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature. You cannot beat cold butter, and if you add cold eggs to beaten butter, it will flake and not get a creamy dough consistency.
  2. Beat room temperature butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time and continue beating. Then add flour, salt, vanilla sugar, add soda slaked with vinegar and sour cream.
  3. The recipe indicates 100 grams of sour cream, but it can be of different thickness and fat content, so do not add all at once, you may need a little less. Or you may need a little more. Ready dough should be of medium thickness. Put it in a greased form.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until cooked through, about 15 minutes.

Sand base:

  • butter - 200 g
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 300 g
  • powdered sugar- 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • table vinegar - for extinguishing soda
  • vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon


  1. The sand base is the simplest and fast option. You don't need to do anything in advance. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, throw it into a bowl of flour, chop with a knife. Add all other ingredients: sugar, egg, salt, soda (slaked with vinegar) and knead the dough.
  2. Roll out the dough and shift it then into the form you are tormented. You can make everything much easier: divide the dough into small pieces and evenly distribute them in a mold, which you must pre-grease with oil.
  3. Mash the pieces of dough into a solid cake. Don't worry it will even out while baking. Before putting the cake in the oven, be sure to prick it with a fork in different places so that bubbles do not form. Bake the shortcake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.
  4. It is easiest to take it out of the mold after it has cooled completely.

Impregnation syrup (for biscuit and cake base):

  • canned peach syrup - 1/2 cup
  • lemon juice- 2-3 tablespoons
  • brandy or cognac - 3 tablespoons


  1. Open a can of peaches and drain peach syrup into a suitable container. Part of the syrup will go for impregnation, the other - for jelly.
  2. Add sugar to peach syrup, heat until completely dissolved. Remove from heat, add lemon juice, brandy or cognac (if the cake is for children, then, of course, do not add alcohol). Leave the syrup to cool.


  • gelatin - 2 teaspoons
  • peach yogurt - 500 g
  • lemon juice - 1/2 lemon
  • cream (33%) - 250 g
  • sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet


  1. Cream and yogurt should be straight from the refrigerator, well chilled. Soak the soufflé gelatine with a little water (2-3 tablespoons) for about 15 minutes. Whip the cream with sugar into a thick dense foam, add yogurt to them, mix until smooth. Yogurt should be taken thick, which is eaten with a spoon (for example, with a fat content of 3.2%), and not drinking.
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved, heat a little. Pour the gelatin with the juice in the souffle a little warm so that it does not freeze instantly from the cold of the cream and yogurt (if it freezes right away, then it will not be realistic to mix it later), mix.
  3. Place the finished soufflé in the refrigerator.

Peach Jelly:

  • Gelatin - 1 teaspoon
  • canned peaches- 1 bank
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Lemon juice - to taste
  • Orange juice - 1/2 cup


  1. Cooking jelly. The syrup in peaches is colorless, to make a beautiful bright jelly, add orange juice to it. We heat a little syrup, add sugar, prepared gelatin (fill it first with 1 tablespoon cold water for 10 minutes and add lemon juice) and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add orange juice. Taste and add more sugar if needed.
  2. The cake is best assembled in a form with removable sides. Lay out the base. Evenly soak the biscuit or cupcake with the cooled syrup. If you have a shortbread cake, then it does not need impregnation.
  3. Spread the soufflé on top.
  4. Smooth it out and place the cake pan in the refrigerator. We need the top layer of the soufflé to harden a little, become elastic, and you can safely put peaches on it. Check the readiness of the soufflé with your finger: if the surface is springy and the finger does not fall through, then you can get it.
  5. The peaches in the jar can be already cut or in the form of halves, in the latter case, you need to cut them into slices.
  6. Lay out the peaches on the soufflé in random order, or you can show artistic skills and depict any pattern. Fill the peaches with half the jelly.
  7. Important! The jelly should be completely cool, if it is even a little warm, it will dissolve the soufflé.
  8. Return it to the refrigerator so that the jelly is completely frozen. Then take out the cake and fill with the remaining half of the jelly, lay out the berries and return to the refrigerator again. This time, until completely frozen.

A simple and quick recipe for soufflé cake “Bird's milk”



  • Yolks 3 pcs.
  • Flour ¾ tbsp.
  • Sugar ½ tbsp.
  • Butter (softened) 100 gr.
  • Soda 1/3 tsp


  • Proteins 3 pcs.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon acid
  • Gelatin 1 tbsp with a slide

For glaze:

  • Cocoa powder 2 tbsp
  • Sugar 3 tbsp
  • Sour cream 2 tbsp
  • Vanillin
  • Butter 30 gr.

Dough preparation:

  1. Beat the yolks with softened butter, add sugar and soda quenched with vinegar.
  2. Gradually add flour.
  3. Put the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. This amount of ingredients is calculated on a baking sheet measuring 12x18 cm.
  4. Place in oven and bake over medium heat until done.
  5. Remove the cake from their forms and cool.

soufflé preparation:

  1. Pour gelatin with a small amount of water, let it swell.
  2. Put the dissolved gelatin on a small fire and let it completely disperse, without boiling.
  3. Cool gelatin to room temperature.
  4. Beat whites gently. In order for the proteins to beat better, they must be beaten in a cold, dry bowl, the proteins must also be well chilled.
  5. When whipping proteins, add citric acid to taste.
  6. Gently insert a little bit into protein mass sugar without stopping beating.
  7. Add chilled gelatin to the protein soufflé.

Preparation of chocolate glaze:

  1. Mix sugar with cocoa, add vanillin, mix everything.
  2. Add sour cream, mix and put on a small fire.
  3. Add butter, stirring, bring to a boil.
  4. Cool glaze.

Put a part of the protein soufflé in a thin layer on the cooled cake, let it harden slightly, put the remaining soufflé, distributing it in an even layer over the entire surface of the cake. Cool the cake, let it harden well. Drizzle the cake with icing and decorate with nuts.

Cream soufflé for cake

It seems to many novice cooks that it is very difficult to make cream soufflé for a cake at home. In fact, this is a fairly simple recipe. You just need to do everything carefully and clearly follow step by step instructions. After a while, you will be able to improvise with proportions, introduce new ingredients and create new flavors.

What are we preparing from:

  • 3 eggs
  • 50 g butter (butter)
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 0.5 cup powdered sugar
  • 200 ml cream 20%
  • 20-25 g dry gelatin
  • 0.5 cup milk
  • 0.5 cups of water
  • vanillin for flavor


1. Separate the whites and yolks.
2. Rub the yolks with sugar, vanilla and milk into a homogeneous white mass.
3. Put the resulting mass on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes (the mass should thicken slightly). Cool down.
4. Add softened butter to the warm yolk mass, pour in the cream. Stir or beat with a mixer.
5. Pour powdered sugar into the proteins, beat into a stable foam.
6. Add the yolk mass to the whipped proteins and pour in the gelatin prepared according to the instructions on the package. Beat into a homogeneous mass.
7. Very quickly apply the resulting soufflé to the prepared cake. Do not hesitate, the cream instantly hardens.

Coffee, cocoa, various fruit essences are used to flavor and tint the soufflé cream for the cake. You can use less gelatin by replacing the missing amount with a sachet of dry cooking mix fruit jelly. Then the cream will acquire the color, aroma and slight aftertaste of this jelly.

Curd soufflé cake


  • Chicken egg 4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar 240 g
  • Wheat flour 80 g
  • Vanilla extract ½ tsp
  • Cottage cheese 5-9% fat 250 g
  • Cream 30-33% 500 ml
  • Gelatin 10 g
  • Blueberries 200 g
  • Blueberries 150 g
  • Powdered sugar with vanilla 40 g

Cooking method:

  1. The cake begins with the preparation of a biscuit. To do this, the yolks must be separated from the whites. At the same time, for yolks, choose a larger container, because. it will mix all the ingredients for the dough. Put the whites in the refrigerator.
  2. The next step is whipping. Add 4 tablespoons of warm water to the yolks. Warm, i.e. body temperature, not hot. Beat with a mixer in a light fluffy foam for 2-3 minutes. Then add half of all the sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. The result will be a dense, almost white foam, the stages of whipping the yolks are shown in the photo in the top row - first at the end of whipping without sugar, and then already whipped with sugar. As you can see, embossed traces from the mixer remain on the surface. Set the yolks aside.
  3. We take out the proteins from the refrigerator. There is a lot of debate now about what temperature they should be for whipping, in my opinion they are perfectly whipped both warm and cold. I always beat them cold, so I put them in the fridge. I also add a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Whisk the whites gradually increasing the speed and, like the yolks, first without sugar, until a stable white foam (first photo in the bottom row). This takes 3-4 minutes.
  4. Now gradually add the rest of the sugar and continue to beat for several minutes until it is completely dissolved (it is better to take small sugar). With sugar, proteins become more dense and airy like cream. At the end of whipping, they leave very embossed traces from the mixer and they hold well on the whisk.
  5. It is very important to beat the eggs well for the biscuit, do not spare time for this. main ingredient this stage is our patience. Now sift the flour into the bowl with the yolks, mix gently on low speed, then add the whites and mix in the same way. Here you need to act carefully and quickly so that the proteins and yolks do not lose airiness. Pour the dough into a round shape and bake in an oven preheated to 180 °.
  6. Bake the biscuit for about 30 minutes. During this time, do not open the oven door. To make sure that the cake is ready, lightly press on the top crust, if the recess remains, then you need to hold it in the oven a little more, but if it recovers immediately, the biscuit is ready. Turn off the oven and leave it there for another 5 minutes. Now you can take it out, cool it down and leave it for several hours, and preferably overnight.
  7. The finished biscuit can be soaked. Mix three tablespoons of sugar with half a glass of water and boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup and mix with vanilla extract (you can also mix with vanilla, vanilla essence or a tablespoon of cognac, rum). Cut the biscuit into two cakes and thoroughly soak each with the resulting syrup. Be sure to carefully saturate the edges.
  8. For the filling, mix the cottage cheese with a couple of tablespoons of sugar (the filling is not very sweet so that the taste of the berries is better felt), leave for a minute, then rub more thoroughly. During this time, the cottage cheese will dissolve the sugar and it will be more convenient to mix.
  9. Whip the cream in a tall bowl. Since they beat much better in the cold, it is better to put the container in another, larger one, where to pour cold water and put ice from the freezer. The cream itself can also be removed in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping.
  10. While whipping, increase the mixer speed gradually so that the liquid cream does not splatter everything around. Don't stop until the cream is very thick.
  11. Prepare gelatin. Look at the instructions, usually one sachet is for 500 ml of liquid. We will take half of the bag for the filling, and leave the other half for decoration. Pour half a packet of gelatin with two tablespoons of cold boiled water, leave for 10 minutes, then dissolve in small fire without bringing to a boil. Cool, but make sure the gelatin does not set.
  12. Mix whipped cream with cottage cheese and cooled gelatin using a mixer. After that, carefully mix the berries with a spoon so that they do not crumple. Rinse the berries in advance and dry with a napkin. Blueberries paint everything around with a lilac color, so you can make beautiful stains. While the gelatin has not seized, we will collect the cake. Put the cake in a baking dish, carefully smooth the filling on it and cover with a second cake. Place the structure in the refrigerator to solidify completely. This may take a couple of hours.
  13. Remove the finished cake from the mold. You can trim the edges neatly.
  14. For decoration, whip the remaining cream and fix it with gelatin as for the filling. Soak the remaining gelatin in three tablespoons of water (we take more water so that the cream turns out to be fluid and lay on the surface with a beautiful cap), heat over low heat.

Chocolate cake with soufflé


For the chocolate biscuit:​

  • Wheat flour 100g
  • Butter 100g
  • Sugar 30 gr
  • Chocolate black 1 bar (100g)
  • Salt on the tip of a knife
  • Vanillin
  • Baking powder for dough 11 gr
  • 4 eggs (divided into whites and yolks)
  • Sugar 130 gr (for proteins)

Chocolate mousse:

  • Chocolate - 200 grams
  • Cream - 450 milliliters
  • Gelatin - 8 grams
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Yolks - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 40 grams
  • Cream Wet Meringue:
  • 4 proteins
  • 1st sugar
  • 1/4 tsp citric acid
  • vanillin

How to cook:

For biscuit

  1. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat butter at room temperature with sugar, add salt and melted black chocolate, beat Then add the yolks, beat again. Separately, beat the whites with sugar (130 g) until stable "peaks" Sift the flour.
  2. Combine with baking powder and vanilla
  3. Combine the chocolate mass, whipped proteins and flour, mix. bake at T 160 ° C for 25-30 minutes. Readiness to check with a wooden skewer (if the stick is dry, the biscuit is ready). Read more


  1. Pour 8 grams of gelatin with 2 tablespoons of cold water or cold strong coffee and leave to swell.
  2. 450 milliliters of cold cream, with a fat content of at least 30%, beat into soft foam and put in the refrigerator. 200 grams of dark chocolate, crushed, put on water bath and, all the while, stirring, melt.
  3. We set aside. We put the soaked gelatin on the fire and, stirring from time to time, bring it to a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees Celsius. We set aside.
  4. In a bowl, mix 2 eggs, 2 yolks and 40 grams of granulated sugar, put the bowl with the resulting mixture in a water bath and, stirring all the time, bring it to a temperature of 57 degrees Celsius. Pour the resulting heated mixture into the bowl of a mixer and beat at medium speed until a white fluffy mass is obtained.
  5. Without stopping beating, pour the resulting gelatin into the egg-sugar mixture and beat for another 1 minute.
  6. Pour the resulting mass into the melted chocolate, mix until a homogeneous chocolate mousse is obtained. Take the whipped cream out of the fridge and add it to the chocolate mousse and mix gently.
  7. Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared baking dish on top of one cake, cover with a second cake and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
  8. Cake flooded chocolate icing and decorated Wet meringue: mix everything and beat in a water bath for 7 minutes, then remove from the bath and beat for another 3 minutes.

Soufflé cake is tasty and quick to prepare with or without the main one. The number of layers in the cake can also be different. The easiest way is a three-layer device system: base, soufflé, peaches with jelly.

Soufflé cake.

The basis of this cake can be biscuit, shortbread or muffin. Choose the one that suits you the most. With a biscuit, the cake turns out to be tender, light. Shortbread dough will create a contrast between a crispy base and a delicate soufflé. The cupcake base is a compromise between the previous two.

1. First of all, decide on what basis you will cook the soufflé cake. Biscuit will be the most juicy and tender.

Soufflé cake is delicious and fast. Biscuit base.

You will need:

eggs - 3 pcs
sugar - 100 g
wheat flour of the highest grade - 100 g
salt - a pinch

Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy. Mix gently sifted flour, salt, vanilla sugar. If you want to play it safe, you can add a pinch of soda. Transfer the biscuit dough to a greased mold, level the surface and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

During the baking process, do not often look into the oven, otherwise the biscuit will “settle”. To check the readiness of the biscuit, pierce it in the center with a toothpick, if it remains dry, then it is ready and can be removed from the oven. Leave the biscuit in the form until completely cooled.

Cake base: You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 150 g
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 200 g
  • liquid sour cream - 100 g
  • salt - a pinch
  • baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon
  • vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

For those who decide to cook a cupcake base. Remove the butter and eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature. You cannot beat cold butter, and if you add cold eggs to beaten butter, it will flake and not get a creamy dough consistency.

Beat room temperature butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time and continue beating. Then add flour, salt, vanilla sugar, add soda slaked with vinegar and sour cream.

The recipe indicates 100 grams of sour cream, but it can be of different thickness and fat content, so do not add all at once, you may need a little less. Or you may need a little more. The finished dough should be of medium density. Put it in a greased form. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until cooked through, about 15 minutes.

Sand base:

You will need:

butter - 200 g
wheat flour of the highest grade - 300 g
powdered sugar - 100 g
egg - 1 pc.
table vinegar - to extinguish soda
vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon
baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon

The sand base is the easiest and fastest option. You don't need to do anything in advance. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, throw it into a bowl of flour, chop with a knife. Add all other ingredients: sugar, egg, salt, soda (slaked with vinegar) and knead the dough. Roll out the dough and shift it then into the form you are tormented. You can make everything much easier: divide the dough into small pieces and evenly distribute them in a mold, which you must pre-grease with oil.

Mash the pieces of dough into a solid cake. Don't worry it will even out while baking. Before putting the cake in the oven, be sure to prick it with a fork in different places so that bubbles do not form. Bake the shortcake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown. It is easiest to take it out of the mold after it has cooled completely.

Soufflé cake is delicious and fast. Syrup for impregnation(for biscuit and cupcake base):

canned peach syrup - 1/2 cup
lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons
brandy or cognac - 3 tablespoons

Open the can of peaches and pour the peach syrup into a suitable container. Part of the syrup will go for impregnation, the other - for jelly.

Add sugar to peach syrup, heat until completely dissolved. Remove from heat, add lemon juice, brandy or cognac (if the cake is for children, then, of course, do not add alcohol). Leave the syrup to cool.


gelatin - 2 teaspoons
peach yogurt - 500 g
lemon juice - 1/2 lemon
cream (33%) - 250 g
sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

Cream and yogurt should be straight from the refrigerator, well chilled. Soak the soufflé gelatine with a little water (2-3 tablespoons) for about 15 minutes. Whip the cream with sugar into a thick dense foam,

add yogurt to them, mix until smooth. Yogurt should be taken thick, which is eaten with a spoon (for example, with a fat content of 3.2%), and not drinking.
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved, heat a little. Pour the gelatin with the juice in the souffle a little warm so that it does not freeze instantly from the cold of the cream and yogurt (if it freezes right away, then it will not be realistic to mix it later), mix. Place the finished soufflé in the refrigerator.

Peach Jelly:

Gelatin - 1 teaspoon
Canned peaches - 1 can
Sugar - to taste
Lemon juice - to taste
Orange juice - 1/2 cup

Cooking jelly. The syrup in peaches is colorless, to make a beautiful bright jelly, add orange juice to it. We heat a little syrup, add sugar, prepared gelatin (fill it first with 1 tablespoon of cold water for 10 minutes and add lemon juice) and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add orange juice. Taste and add more sugar if needed.

The cake is best assembled in a form with removable sides. Lay out the base. Evenly soak the biscuit or cupcake with the cooled syrup. If you have a shortbread cake, then it does not need impregnation. Spread the soufflé on top.

Smooth it out and place the cake pan in the refrigerator. We need the top layer of the soufflé to harden a little, become elastic, and you can safely put peaches on it. Check the readiness of the soufflé with your finger: if the surface is springy and the finger does not fall through, then you can get it.

The peaches in the jar can be already cut or in the form of halves, in the latter case, you need to cut them into slices.

Lay out the peaches on the soufflé in random order, or you can show artistic skills and depict any pattern. Fill the peaches with half the jelly.

Important! The jelly should be completely cool, if it is even a little warm, it will dissolve the soufflé.

Return it to the refrigerator so that the jelly is completely frozen. Then take out the cake and fill with the remaining half of the jelly, lay out the berries and return to the refrigerator again. This time, until completely frozen.

For decoration:

mint leaves

Berries to choose from: blueberries, currants, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries

Take the cake out of the mold before serving. Before removing the sides, carefully go over with a knife separating the soufflé and jelly from the edge. The easiest way to cut the cake is with a warm knife (hold it in hot water 10-15 seconds and pat dry) with a sawing motion to avoid crushing peaches and jellies.

Do not forget that such a cake needs to stand in the refrigerator for at least one hour so that the soufflé and jelly are well frozen. And even better, 4-5 hours so that the cake can be easily removed from the mold and simply cut.


The cake can be prepared completely without a base - only soufflé and jelly. Before pouring the soufflé into a mold, the bottom must be covered with parchment or cling film.

Soufflé cake is delicious and fast! Bon Appetit!

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