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Armenian dish piti. Recipes for making homemade piti soup in azerbaijani

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In every country you can taste National dish, which you then fall in love with from the first spoon. Piti is just such a dish, hearty, tasty, insanely aromatic. Piti is considered a national Azerbaijani dish, although in Armenian cuisine a similar dish is also called "putuk". The specificity of the preparation of the dish is the same, but the dish was widespread only as a national azerbaijani soup.

Piti - lamb brisket soup. It is cooked in one-liter clay pots in the oven, which makes the soup with a rich taste and aroma. Piti can be thick soup and runny. Thick soup eat with a fork, liquid - with a spoon. Lamb soup gives all its taste and aroma, which is pleasantly set off by cherry plum and fragrant mint. Modern chefs in piti put ginger, edible chestnuts (baked or cooked in advance), chickpeas ( chickpea), potatoes, garlic, onions. But before, piti was a piece of lamb stewed in pots in a broth with dried cherry plum to neutralize and easier assimilation of fat, chickpeas and mint.
An important point in making piti is hermetically sealed pots. Caps can replace unleavened dough, which is then thrown away, the most daring eat the dough, tk. it becomes very hard in the oven or fat tail fat slices the size of the hole in the pot.

Where to buy piti products?

Chickpeas are sold in retail chains in the "groats" section; the packs may have the inscription chickpeas, nakhat or chickpeas. Replacing chickpeas with regular yellow peas is not recommended, because in taste and consistency, these are two perfectly different products.

Dried cherry plum can be asked at the market from dried fruit vendors, and chickpeas can also be purchased there. Cherry plum resembles dry dried apricots in appearance, but unlike dried apricots, cherry plums are not fleshy. If it is difficult to find cherry plum, cooks advise replacing it with lemon juice or quince.

Edible chestnuts are available in the market. Choose large, shiny and whole chestnuts that are firm and free from damage. It is better to buy lamb in the market. You can use pulp or lamb on the bone, it is better if it is the back part.

How to prepare piti?

Take 1 kilogram of lamb pulp, 300 grams of large dried chickpeas, 1 onion, 300 grams of potatoes or chestnuts, 150 grams of fat tail fat, 120 grams of fresh or 50 grams of dried cherry plum, 1/2 gram of saffron, 250 grams of tomatoes, a teaspoon of dried mint , salt and pepper to taste.

Chickpeas are soaked in cold water at night. If the room is hot, the peas are removed with water in the refrigerator. Then the peas are washed, poured in a saucepan with clean water, brought to a boil, skimmed, salted and boiled for 15 minutes (the peas can not be boiled, but placed in the soup raw). Chestnuts are boiled for 10 minutes, cut, whole kernels are removed.
Lamb is cut into pieces weighing 30-50 grams. Put the lamb in pots or one large pot. Add chickpeas, chestnuts, or peeled and sliced ​​potatoes. Pour water almost to the top. Cover tightly and put the pots in a cold oven. The oven is turned on, setting the average temperature, cook for 1 hour. After a while, remove the foam, if necessary, and add diced onion to the pots, dried cherry plum (if the cherry plum is fresh, cut and remove the seeds), fat tail chopped and pounded. Saffron is poured with a spoonful of boiling water, insisted, poured into pots, tomatoes, cut into 6 parts, salt and pepper are added there. Cover and return to the oven for another hour. Sprinkle with mint when serving. If the piti was cooked in a large pot, the soup is served like this. With the help of a slotted spoon, they take out the meat and everything else, put it in deep plates. Then, with the help of a ladle, pour everything with broth and sprinkle with mint. Piti is eaten very hot.

Piti according to the recipe of Stalik Khankishiev

You will need lamb (back thigh - pulp), fat tail, onion, chickpeas, albukhara, chestnuts and saffron.
Put the meat in a saucepan, add water, wait for it to boil (after about 20 minutes) and remove the foam.
Put meat, peas, onions in pots. Salt (put a pinch of salt in each pot), add water. Put a slice of fat tail fat on top, which will act as a lid. Put the soup on the surface of a wood-burning stove or on a cast iron! a frying pan and on gas, on a quiet fire. Simmer the soup for 5-6 hours without boiling.
Dissolve the saffron in a boiling broth, pour a spoonful into each pot, add 2 pieces of albuhara and 3 whole, pre-cooked chestnuts to the pots. You can serve the soup like this. Crumble into plates unleavened cake or pita bread, pour with broth from a pot, add thinly sliced ​​on top onion, sprinkle with a pinch of dried mint and a pinch of sumac. First, the broth with lavash is eaten, and everything else is transferred to a flat plate, kneaded in mashed fat tail with a fork. Meat with peas can also be sprinkled with mint, sumac and onions and eaten with gusto.

No, well, I'll finish you off with this soup. I will be posting different variations of the recipe until you finally make it.

No, well, just think about why I cook this soup from time to time? Well, probably not because it is so nasty and tasteless, right? Probably because, firstly, it is very simple, and secondly, it is drop dead tasty! And because I fucking want to get you to finally try it!

Well, you don't like lamb, well, cook it with veal, or with pork. But, in the end, before you say that you do not like lamb, maybe you still try it first? And then you will fukk-fake-beat and beat?

We take:
Lamb bones for boiling broth. No seeds - okay, don't boil the broth, or cook on the pulp. The bones will just be rich.
Cherry plum, or Al-Bukhara, or Uzbek sour plum.
Fat tail fat.

For dressing: red onion, sumac, lavash or tandoor flatbread. Some kind of bread that does not ferment, but softens in liquid.

This time we will try to make Piti in pots. This is also delicious and adds some nuances to the taste.

To do this, we first cook the bone broth. No seeds - don't cook. Just take water.

Well, if you cook, then put the bones (from my shank) in cold water and start cooking.

As it boils, so carefully remove the first foam. This will not take much time, and the broth will turn out to be transparent. No, the foam, of course, can not be removed, but we need a transparent broth, right? Then let's take off.

Cook for an hour or two - this is how much patience you have. I have a lot of patience, so I cooked for two hours. We catch the bones and, if desired, separate the remaining meat from them. If there is no desire, we give it to the dogs.

And we happily dip it into the broth for a little boil. Why do we need it? And all for the same, so that the broth was transparent, and to remove the foam.

And now we begin to distribute all this splendor to portioned pots. A couple of pieces of lamb each.

A handful of onion, cut into cubes.

Soaked chickpeas in advance (in a tablespoon).

Here I will dwell on chickpea additionally.
How to soak it correctly? I've read different variations. Like:
1. It is imperative to soak overnight in cold water.
2. It is necessary to soak for no more than two hours, otherwise it will become wooden and in warm water.
3. It is necessary to soak for no more than two hours, but only in cold water.

I will tell you that I tried different variations and the result was always the same - chickpea peas that do not boil down to dust. And it will not become wooden either after cold or warm water. And it is not necessary to soak it overnight.

What's the difference between chickpeas soaked overnight and chickpeas soaked in water for two hours? - Virtually none. Unless it grows in size better overnight. And if you didn't soak it overnight, then after two hours of soaking, just cook it for an hour longer and the effect will be the same, I assure you.

This is, by the way, a photo of dry chickpeas and nutina, lying in the water overnight. And if you hold it in water for a couple of hours, then it will not be that much different in caliber from the one that swelled overnight. So choose for yourself what is easier for you. The result will not be worse!

And now we put either cherry plum, or al-bukhana, or Uzbek sour plum. This time I decided to try with plums. One thing or two per pot. Keep in mind that the amount of plum will affect the acidity of the soup.

And now we conjure with spices. You can salt without witchcraft, right?
But we grind the saffron in a mortar with or without salt, fill it with boiling water and let it brew (not for long, five minutes is enough, but longer is better). Rub the mint in our hands.

Pour one or two teaspoons of saffron infusion into each pot, sprinkle with mint.

And we fill our whole business with broth or water (I don't know where you stopped there).

See how beautiful the broth is? And this is also because after cooking we gave it to stand for some time. And then it becomes even more transparent (I don't know why).

Here they are, pots filled with broth.

And now the final chord - we drop a thin plate of fat tail fat into each pot. What does it give us? First, it will act as a cover. Secondly, it is pleasant to brown and will give an additional rich taste to the soup, and thirdly, it will give the second dish that we will depict from Piti with additional juiciness. So give it a try! If you don’t like it, you’ll spit it out later, or you just don’t put it on the plate.

Place the pots in the oven.

Here attention!
1. Do not close the lid! Remember - we already have a lid - a fat tail.
2. Big fire only the first 10 minutes to warm up.
3. After 20 minutes, turn down the fire to 150 degrees so that the fat tail is grabbed.
4. As soon as the fat tail has acquired a golden color, we immediately dodge the fire to a minimum (for me it is 100-120 degrees) and simmer our soup for several hours.
5. We simmer so that it does not boil. He just has to stand in a hot stove and languish.
6. Be patient. No, you can take it out and eat it with pleasure after a couple of hours, but after four hours it will become even tastier and even the meat will just melt in your mouth.

Time has passed. Here is our ready-made soup. In principle, now we can eat it straight from the pot, and it will be delicious ...

Or we can do this.
Crumble pita bread at the bottom of the bowl.

And fill it with only the broth from the soup.

Add red onion in thin half-rings or rings, sprinkle with sumac. This will be the first.

And for the second, put all the thick that is in the pot in a separate bowl.

And mash it with a fork, sprinkling it on top with onions and sumac.

We eat the broth, like the first, thick, like the second. So much for two dishes in one pot. Try it however you like best and tell me.


P.S. Those who have a post pass by, it is not necessary to inform me about it.

Piti soup - popular a traditional dish Azerbaijani cuisine, has a very bright and unusual characteristic taste. Usually, piti soup is made from lamb with the addition of various vegetables, chickpeas, plums, cherry plums, quince, and sometimes chestnuts. To cook this dish, instead of chickpeas, take ordinary peas, which are boiled in mashed potatoes, and instead of lamb, you should not take beef: then you just get a completely different dish. Traditional recipe making piti soup involves the use of ceramic portion pots (although alternatives are possible). Products are placed in pots in layers


  • young lamb - 150-180 g;

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs. medium size;

  • chickpeas (nagut) - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • lamb fat (preferably fat tail) - 15-20 g;

  • onion - 1 pc .;

  • cherry plum (or prunes, or another plum, better sour) - 2-4 pcs.;

  • hot red pepper fresh - 0.5-1 pod;

  • hops-suneli - to taste;

  • salt;

  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp a spoon;

  • garlic - 1 clove;

  • different fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, tarragon, etc.).

Rinse the chickpeas and soak them in cold water for at least 4 hours, or better overnight. Rinse the meat thoroughly, dry it with a clean napkin and chop it into small pieces (with an approximate weight of 30-50 grams). Put them in pots, 3-4 pieces in each, fill with water, lightly salt, cover the pots with lids (if there are no lids, you can close them with foil) and place them in an oven, heated to medium temperature, for 40-50 minutes, so that the meat is good boiled. After this time, add finely chopped fat tail fat, peeled and chopped potatoes, chopped onions, pitted cherry plums (or prunes), peas, tomato puree, spices and pepper to each pot. Mix everything, cover with lids and again place in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve to the table in pots, season with chopped garlic and fragrant fresh herbs.

  • young lamb - about 600 g;

  • onions - 2 pcs.;

  • chickpeas (nagut) - 2 tbsp.;

  • lamb fat (preferably fat tail) - about 80 g;

  • potatoes - 4 pcs. medium size;

  • cherry plum - 12-16 pcs.;

  • fresh quince - 1 pc.;

  • sweet red pepper - 2 pcs.;

  • ripe red tomato - 4 pcs.;

  • hot red pepper fresh - 2 pods;

  • spices for broth (peppercorns, Bay leaf, cloves) - to taste;

  • salt;

  • garlic - 4 cloves;

  • fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, tarragon, etc.).

Put the lamb chopped into pieces in a saucepan or stewpan and cook in a little water with onions, bay leaves, cloves and peas until the meat is tender. Carefully remove foam and grease with a slotted spoon. We extract the meat from the broth, filter the broth. Throw away the boiled onions and used spices. We put 3-4 pieces of meat in pots in each, along with chopped potatoes, quince slices and pitted plums and Bell pepper chopped into short strips. Before laying tomatoes, you can blanch with boiling water, but this is not important. Pour a little broth into each pot, season with spices (optional), close the lids and place the pots in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. This method is, in some way, even more convenient, and the taste will be practically the same. Serve piti soup, seasoning with chopped garlic, hot pepper and fragrant herbs.

Petey is a soup that belongs to Azerbaijani cuisine... For the first time I tried this soup at a party, and honestly, I was instantly subdued and in love. Of course, now this soup has been interpreted a little more available ingredients that can be bought anywhere and anytime. So, for example, chestnuts began to be replaced with potatoes, lamb or beef - a matter of taste preferences. But it is imperative to add sour plum or cherry plum, mint and chickpeas to the soup.

The soup is cooked in the oven, instead of a lid, lard is used, which is used to cover the pots of soup, in the process of baking the lard is browned. Traditionally, piti is served to the table as two separate dishes: in one plate - yushka with lavash, in the other plate - meat, potatoes, chickpeas and onions with tomatoes. I propose to go from words to deeds, we will cook Azerbaijani piti soup at home.

Prepare all the ingredients according to the list, also prepare two pots or one large clay pot for the oven.

Chickpeas should be soaked in cool water in advance, you can leave it overnight or for three hours. My chickpeas increase in volume in three hours. Then drain the water.

Cut the young onions and potatoes into medium-sized pieces.

At the bottom of each pot, put 6-8 pieces of beef or lamb. The meat should completely cover the bottom of the mold. When we start filling the pots, turn on the oven and heat it up to 150 degrees.

Then spread the potatoes and onions over the meat. You can take an ordinary onion, it should be cut into rings or half rings.

Lay a handful of chickpeas on top, which has been soaked in advance. Also, one or two plums should be added to each pot.

Cut the tomato into cubes, add to each mold. Pour in a little water or broth. Add dry mint.

Cover each dish with lard. Also add sumac, salt and pepper to your taste. In addition, it is worth putting at least a clove of garlic in each mold. Bake piti at 150 degrees for an hour, then lower the temperature to 100 degrees, bake for another hour.

Serve the Azerbaijani piti soup to the table directly from the oven.

Good appetite!