Home / Pies / Pies with egg, rice and onions. Pies with rice, eggs and green onions: recipes for dough and toppings

Pies with egg, rice and onions. Pies with rice, eggs and green onions: recipes for dough and toppings

Rice filling for pies is by no means boring filling.

With the right approach, it can be delicious and juicy.

There are a huge number of recipes for pies with rice and onions, as well as options for fillings.

Shall we prepare?

Pies with rice and onions - general cooking principles

The type of dough for pies and the way it is prepared depends only on personal preferences and free time. You can make a traditional yeast dough or limit yourself lazy recipe... It's even easier to buy ready-made dough, although this is not always tasty option.

General principles minced meat preparation:

Rice. Always boiled and never laid raw cereals... The variety and type of rice do not matter. You can even use a chopper.

Onion. For pies, green onions or onion heads are used. Feathers are chopped and always added to fresh... Onions can be put raw, but more often they are sautéed in oil.

Eggs. They are often added boiled and chopped. But sometimes they put it in minced meat a raw egg, which connects all the components and does not allow the filling to crumble.

Modeling pies is rarely difficult. Even children are familiar with the technique. Minced meat is laid out on small cakes, and the edges are connected. Finished products are fried in oil or baked.

Recipe 1: Fried pies with rice and onions

The recipe for the simplest pies with rice and onions from yeast dough... If you do not add an egg when kneading and use vegetable oil for the filling, then they will fit for fasting.


One egg;

4 tablespoons of oil;

10 grams of yeast;

500 ml of water;

2 tablespoons of sugar;

0.3 tablespoons of salt;

4-5 st. flour.


0.2 kg of rice;

0.2 kg of onions;

60 grams of butter;



1. We make the dough first, as it needs to stand warm for at least 2 hours. We dilute yeast with sugar and salt in water, add an egg and flour with butter. We send it to a warm place to climb, after an hour it is advisable to knead the mass a little.

2. Rinse the rice and cook until tender, pour out the liquid.

3. Fry the onion with butter, add at the end boiled rice and spices, mix and cool.

4. Divide the dough into 100 gram pieces and round. Let them lie down for five minutes, then flatten them into flat cakes.

5. Put the filling into pies, one full spoonful at a time, pinch the edges.

6. When placing in hot oil, flatten the items in the palms of your hands.

7. Fry the pies on both sides and serve immediately.

Recipe 2: Pies with rice and green onions from curd dough (in the oven)

A variant of the most tender baked rice pies with green onions... For the dough, you will need cottage cheese of medium moisture and absolutely any fat content.


A spoonful of sugar;

2 cups of flour;

1 bag of baking powder;

0.25 kg of cottage cheese;

120 grams of plum oil;

120 grams of rice;

1 bunch of onions.


1. We immediately set the rice to boil, since the dough is prepared quickly and does not require a long rest.

2. Also boil 3 eggs.

3. Grind the cottage cheese with the two remaining eggs, add sugar with a pinch of salt, 100 grams of melted butter and flour, previously sifted with a ripper. Making a cool dough.

4. For the filling, mix boiled rice with peeled and chopped eggs, add chopped green onion feathers and spices, add the remaining butter and stir.

5. We form from curd dough pies and transfer to a greased or covered baking sheet.

6. Beat the remaining egg and grease the pies. You can use only the yolk, the color will be brighter. Bake at 200 until golden brown.

Recipe 3: Pies with rice, eggs and onions in a pan

A variant of fried pies with rice, eggs and onions in a skillet. The dough for them is prepared in milk, but you can dilute it a little with water.


1 bag of yeast;

100 grams of dry rice;

80 grams of butter for dough;

2 tablespoons of sugar;

0.7 kg flour;

400 ml of milk;

1 bunch of green onions;

Salt, fat for frying.


1. We heat the milk, it should become pleasantly warm. Pour sugar, two glasses of flour with dry yeast mixed in it. We put the dough for half an hour in the heat. Then add melted butter, salt, one egg and bring to the desired thickness with flour. We leave to wander for another hour and a half.

2. Cook the rice, cool, drain all the liquid.

3. We also boil the eggs, cut them into cubes and send them to the rice.

4. Add chopped green onions and spices to the filling, stir. If you want to make the filling more juicy, then you can fill the minced rice with a spoonful of sour cream or pour in a little melted butter.

5. Divide the dough into small but identical pieces. We form ordinary pies with filling from them.

6. We fry the products on both sides in oil and you can delight your household!

Recipe 4: Pies with rice, onions and mushrooms

A variant of wonderful pies with rice, onions and pickled mushrooms. They can be fried or baked. For oven baking, you can make the dough a little cooler.


250 ml of water;

2 tsp yeast;

4 cups flour;

0.1 kg margarine;

Salt, sugar;

0.15 kg of rice;

0.15 kg of mushrooms;

2 onions.


1. We combine water with dry yeast, the liquid should be warm. We put a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon without a slide of salt. Then pour in the melted margarine, add the egg and knead the dough with flour. We put it away in the warmth and forget about it for an hour, then we knead it and wait another hour.

2. Cook the rice, cool it, drain all the liquid.

3. Chop onion heads and fry with oil, send to rice.

4. We also cut the mushrooms, preferably finely so that the filling is evenly salted. We send them to rice with onions, add spices to the desired taste and break one egg, the minced meat is ready! It remains to stir it thoroughly.

5. From well-risen dough and minced meat with mushrooms we make ordinary pies.

6. Fry in oil until tender.

7. Or put it on a baking sheet, let it come up for half an hour, grease with yolk and bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

Recipe 5: puff pastry pies with rice and green onions

A variant of the simplest pies with rice and green onions. Still would! They don't even need to knead the dough. We will bake the formed products in the oven.


A pack of dough;

0.2 kg of rice;

A bunch of onions and any spices.


1. Boil rice, mix with two finely chopped boiled eggs. Add a spoonful of oil and chopped onion, season the minced meat with salt and seasonings.

2. Roll out puff pastry thin layer, cut into squares.

3. Beat the egg and completely grease the entire layer.

4. Put the filling on the center of each square and sculpt the envelopes. We do this quickly until the egg is dry. Otherwise, the edges need to be greased. The egg will provide a strong grip and prevent the patties from sticking out in the oven.

5. We transfer the products to a baking sheet. If the dough is yeast, then let the pies rise for thirty minutes.

6. If the dough is without yeast, then immediately grease the rest of the eggs and bake the pies until tender. Oven temperature 200.

Recipe 6: Quick Dough Rice, Egg and Onion Pies

Option for quick patties with onions, rice and egg from kefir dough... He does not need to stand for a long time and ferment, you can sculpt products immediately after kneading. Therefore, we prepare the filling first.


250 ml of kefir;

1 spoon of sugar;

0.5 tsp salt;

2 tablespoons of oil;

1 tsp soda;

3.5 tbsp. flour.


0.15 kg of rice;

2 bunches of green onions.


1. Boil rice until tender, cool.

2. Cook eggs and cut into cubes, transfer to rice.

3. Add chopped onion and spices to the minced meat, stir.

4. For the dough in kefir we extinguish baking soda, put salt and sugar, then throw eggs, pour in butter and add flour. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed each time, otherwise it will be difficult to do later.

5. We make pies with rice filling from the dough.

6. Heat the oil in a skillet and fry the formed products.

Recipe 7: Pies with rice, onions and sausage

A variant of very tasty pies with a hearty filling, which is made with any sausage. You can take boiled, smoked sausage, products with or without bacon. Tasty with sausages or wieners. Even liver sausage can be added here. Any yeast dough is prepared in milk or water.


0.15 kg of rice;

3 onion heads;

1 kg of dough;

0.3 kg of sausage;

Oil, spices;

A slice of garlic.


1. As usual, immediately boil the rice and drain all the water from it.

2. Cut the onion into any pieces, but not very coarsely. We send to fry in a frying pan.

3. As soon as the onion begins to brown, add the chopped sausage to it, and then add the boiled rice.

4. Lightly fry the filling and season with spices. Cool and add the garlic clove. You can also sprinkle some herbs, such as dill, to taste.

5. It remains to get the dough, form the pies.

6. We fry products with delicious filling in a skillet or bake them in the oven.

Recipe 8: Pies with Rice, Green Onions and Fish

The specialty of these pies with rice and green onions is the addition of canned fish... You can use fish in oil or in own juice... Anything is suitable for such a filling. yeast dough, including puff.


0.18 kg of rice;

50 grams of green onions;

1 can canned fish;

0.8-1 kg of dough;

Oil for frying pies.


1. Cook the washed rice until tender, but try to keep the grains whole and dense. We put it in a colander so that all the liquid is glass.

2. Open the jar of fish, take out the pieces and remove the backbones, if they are large and hard. We knead everything else. There is no need to drain the oil or marinade, the rice will absorb it.

3. Combine fish with cooled rice, stir and add green onions. Salt and pepper to taste.

4. We make pies from the dough, fry immediately.

If onions are added to the filling for pies, then it is better to fry them in butter. You can use ghee. It will turn out much tastier.

Delicious pies are only fresh. If you managed to cook a lot more than you need, then it is better to freeze it right away. To do this, the pies are cooled, placed in an airtight bag and sent to the freezer. At the right time, all that remains is to reheat the frozen product in microwave oven by freeing from the package.

If you use butter rather than flour to cut the dough, then when frying in the room there will be much less burning, the fat will be transparent and nothing will stick to the finished products.

To prevent the rice from boiling over and the grains to retain their shape, cook it for less than 2 minutes than indicated on the package.

Minced meat for pies can be prepared not only from polished rice. Surprise the household with baked goods with wild, brown, black or any other rice. In addition, these types are much more useful.

The incredible flowers on your favorite cacti and succulents always seem even more attractive because of the amazing endurance of the plants themselves. Luxurious bells and dazzling stars remind that nature has many miracles in store. And although many indoor succulents need special wintering conditions for flowering, they still remain crops that are content with minimal maintenance and are suitable for everyone. Let's take a closer look at the most spectacular of them.

Summer snack with quail eggs and red caviar - simple vegetable salad with a spicy sweet and sour dressing, which is successfully combined with eggs and caviar. The salad contains an explosion of vitamins - fresh cucumber and radish, sweet pepper and ripe tomato, and also creamy cottage cheese which perfectly complements the vegetable mix. This dish can be served before dinner as light snack with toasted toast. For refueling, unrefined oil and balsamic vinegar are suitable.

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Infant formula candies with coconut flakes and waffles - a simple homemade dessert made from inexpensive and available ingredients... Homemade sweets are tastier than store sweets, even if they do not have chocolate, of course, we do not take into account luxury brands chocolate masters... In times of total shortage of products, housewives passed on to each other home recipe, added something of their own to it, fantasized, the result was delicious sweets, which are easy to cook in half an hour.

Sultry, bright, and inviting to rest in the garden, July leaves not so much time for a lazy pastime. Dependence on the weather, the need to make up for the lack of rainfall and compensate for the heat forces all efforts to be directed to caring for plants. And a ripening crop requires a lot of time not only for harvesting, but also for proper processing. There is so much trouble in the ornamental garden and vegetable garden that it is extremely problematic to plan the work in advance.

Freezing berries and fruits is the best way to provide yourself with vitamins for the whole winter. Cold is a natural preservative. Frozen berries and fruits almost completely retain their benefits. And frozen currants, for example, contain many times more vitamin C than fresh ones! You can freeze whatever you want. Usually these are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, mulberries, currants, sea buckthorn, even watermelon. From fruits - apricots, plums, pears, peaches, grapes.

The Mediterranean style in the garden is ideally embodied by narrow-leaved lavender. Many gardeners would not only like to add this plant to their flower garden, but even plant their own lavender field. But lavender seedlings are quite expensive, and a lot of lavender remains a pipe dream for most. Try growing this herb from seeds. In this article we will tell you about the features of seed propagation of narrow-leaved lavender and its best varieties.

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Chickpea snacks - hummus with sun-dried tomatoes and fried chickpeas are a great solution for a friendly beer party or home gatherings with a glass of wine. This is a budget snack that doesn't take long to prepare. Chickpeas need to be soaked in cold water in the evening, this is a must. Chickpeas are soaked for 8 to 24 hours, during which time the beans soften, so they cook quite quickly. Chickpeas are cooked for about 1.5-2 hours, no attention is required.

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In the summer, many growers expose plants to the air, taking them out to the balcony or taking them with them to the country. But only some indoor flowers will become a worthy decoration of the garden, forming harmonious compositions together with popular annuals. Today, it is in vogue to use indoor plants as a highlight of container compositions. In this article, we'll look at how to do it right, and which houseplants are best for this.

Appearing on plants, rust leads to the death, first of all, the leaves, then the shoots. A diseased plant, even if it does not die immediately, most likely will not survive the frosty winter. The disease reduces winter hardiness and affects the plant's immunity. Rust is not difficult to recognize. It appears on the underside of the leaf in the form of small outgrowths of a brown-rusty color, which are called pustules. The growths can be different in shape and size.

Protecting plants from various diseases takes the lion's share of summer residents' time in summer. And, unfortunately, this struggle does not always end with a positive result for plants. One of the most harmful diseases affecting gooseberries is American powdery mildew, or gooseberry spherotheca. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to prevent the onset of the disease, and what to do if American powdery mildew does appear on gooseberries.

What is not prepared from zucchini - pancakes, pancakes, pies, casseroles, you can't list everything. The easiest way to fry is on the grill, or in a frying pan, with garlic-dill sauce it turns out just a magical dish. There are products that are made for each other, in my opinion, this is zucchini, garlic and dill - one of the most successful culinary combinations. So simple recipe with a photo, it is also delicious to fry eggplants or pumpkin, it turns out something new every time, but the recipe is the same.

Homemade pies with egg, rice and green onions are not in vain popular with children and adults. They are cooked in a skillet or oven. And as a base, yeast, puff, unleavened or kefir dough... In today's article, you will find several simple recipes for such baked goods.

Option on the water

Using the technology described below, incredibly tasty and soft products are obtained that remain fresh for a long time. Since yeast dough is used as the basis for making fried pies with egg, rice and green onions, you only need to start the process when you have the necessary amount of free time. Among other things, you should have at hand:

  • 100 grams of good butter.
  • A couple of large spoons of sugar.
  • 11 grams of dry yeast.
  • A couple of glasses of filtered water.
  • 10 grams of green onions.
  • 100 milliliters vegetable oil.
  • 100 grams of rice.
  • 6 eggs.
  • 600-800 grams of fine flour.
  • A pinch of salt.

Since the preparation of dough for pies with yeast is a rather laborious and lengthy process, you need to start with it. Dissolve sugar and a little salt in a bowl of warm water. Fast-acting yeast, a couple of large tablespoons of vegetable oil and oxygen-fortified flour are also added there. The resulting elastic mass is covered with a clean linen napkin and left for at least an hour.

While the dough is coming up, you need to do the filling. To create it, the washed rice is poured with slightly salted water and brought to readiness. Then it is combined with chopped boiled eggs, finely chopped green onions and ghee. If desired, you can also add a little salt and aromatic spices here.

Pinch off small pieces from the risen dough, flatten them, fill with the resulting minced meat and fasten the edges. Such pies with egg, rice and green onions are fried in a well-heated frying pan, at the bottom of which vegetable oil is poured.

Option on kefir

This technology is interesting in that it allows you to relatively quickly prepare soft homemade pies. Therefore, it is possible that many working women who are not used to feeding their families will appreciate it. store semi-finished products... To create it you need:

  • 500 milliliters of kefir.
  • A teaspoon of baking soda.
  • A raw egg.
  • A pinch of salt and white flour (as much as the dough requires).

To get the filling, you will additionally need:

  • 3 boiled eggs.
  • A glass of boiled rice.
  • A little butter.
  • Boiled carrots.

First you need to prepare the dough, from which you will subsequently get delicious pies... To create it, kefir and baking soda are combined in one vessel. The resulting liquid is mixed with egg, salt and oxygenated flour.

Not too large pieces are pinched off the finished dough with your hands and flattened. The resulting tortillas are stuffed with a filling consisting of rice, chopped onions, chopped eggs, grated carrots and ghee. The edges of the products are neatly fastened together and sent to a hot frying pan. Fried pies with egg, rice and green onions in preheated vegetable oil a few minutes on each side. The browned products are laid out on disposable paper towels and only then served on the table.

Puff pastry option

These baked goods will be a real godsend for those who do not have too much time for household chores. She prepares from purchased test, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the whole process. This recipe for egg, rice and green onion patties involves the use of simple ingredients, among which:

  • A pound of store-bought puff pastry.
  • 150 grams of rice.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 200 grams of green onions.
  • Several sprigs of fresh parsley.
  • 50 grams of butter.

The washed rice is poured with salt water and brought to readiness. Then it is combined with chopped onions, chopped parsley, butter and chopped boiled eggs. Now it's time to get started with the test. It is rolled out in a not too thin layer and divided into squares. Half of them are filled with filling, covered with the remaining pieces of dough and the edges are fastened. Future pies with egg, green onions and rice are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. Cook them at a moderate temperature for about half an hour.

Option with the addition of minced meat

Using the technology described below, it turns out very tasty and aromatic pastries... It contains any non-greasy chopped meat, giving it a special juiciness. And as a basis, lush and tender dough for yeast pies. It goes well with the rice filling and stays fresh for a long time. To prepare such baked goods, you will need:

  • 3.5 cups fine flour.
  • 8 grams of fast-acting yeast.
  • A glass of filtered water.
  • 100 grams of good butter.
  • A couple of large spoons of granulated sugar.
  • Large egg.
  • A teaspoon of salt.

All this is needed to knead the dough. To make the filling, you will have to add to the above list:

  • 600 grams of minced meat.
  • A glass of rice.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Several green onion feathers.
  • A pinch of salt and pepper.

Warm water, ghee, sugar and an egg are combined in a large bowl. The resulting liquid is mixed with salt, yeast, and oxygen-fortified flour. Ready dough covered with a clean napkin and put away for a couple of hours in a warm nook.

After that, small pieces are pinched off from it and flattened. Stuff each bite with a mixture of fried minced meat, boiled rice, chopped eggs and chopped green onions. Formed pies are spread on a baking sheet and baked at moderate temperature until cooked.

Option with curd dough

We draw your attention to one more interesting recipe homemade baked goods... It has a delicate structure and a delicious curd aroma. To make delicious pies you will need:

  • A couple of glasses of fine flour.
  • A spoonful of sugar.
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content.
  • Baking powder bag.
  • 120 grams of good butter.
  • 6 fresh eggs.
  • 120 grams of rice.
  • A bunch of feather onions.

Process description

The first step is to tackle the rice. It is washed, poured with salt water and brought to readiness. While it's cooking, you can make a dough. To do this, mix grated cottage cheese, two eggs, sugar, 100 grams in one bowl soft butter, salt, baking powder, and oxygenated flour.

Pinch off small pieces from the finished dough and flatten them. Each cake is filled with a filling consisting of rice, chopped onion, three boiled chopped eggs and the remaining ghee. The edges of the products are carefully pinched so that they do not fall apart. Formed pies are greased with a beaten egg and put into the oven. Cook them at two hundred degrees until golden brown.

To be honest, I've heard about pies with rice and eggs, but I've never tried them.
I make pies with rice and canned food and other fillings, but I never baked with rice and eggs.
The recipe for pies is very common, but for some reason I have never tried them.
I decided on the weekend to fill this gap and bake pies with rice, eggs and onions.
I looked through many recipes and for some reason in many recipes for pies with rice and eggs there is no onion or green onion, but since I like to add onions everywhere, so I added fried onions to the filling.
The dough was kneaded by an automatic machine, and I had to take my time to prepare the filling for pies with rice, eggs and onions.
The filling for pies with rice, eggs and onions is not difficult to prepare.
Three stages of preparation can be distinguished, the first is boiling eggs, the second is boiling rice, the third is frying onions.
I chose the simplest recipe for pies with rice, eggs and onions, which includes water, but I replaced the water with warm milk.
You can add any onion to the filling, both onions and green ones.
I used round grain rice for the filling, as it is more tasty and aromatic.
I suggest you step by step photo recipe for making pies with rice, eggs and onions.

As usual, I put on the pie dough first, while it comes up, I will prepare the filling for the pies with rice, eggs and onions.
I put all the ingredients for the dough in a bread pan, put them in an automatic bakery and set the time to 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Now, while the dough for the pies is kneading, you can safely start preparing the filling for pies with rice, eggs and onions.
4 boil hard-boiled, set aside 1 egg to grease pies with rice, eggs and onions.
Now you need to start boiling rice.

Rinse round grain rice cold water, then pour two glasses of cold filtered water, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
When the rice boils, remove the foam, cover the rice and cook the round grain rice over very low heat until the liquid evaporates completely.

chop finely and put in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
Fry the onions until soft and transparent over low heat.
Ready eggs turn off, put under cold water, then finely chop.
Turn off the finished round grain rice, put 50 grams of butter and let the rice cool down.

Remove the finished dough for pies from the mold, separate a small piece from the dough.
Roll out the dough for pies with rice, eggs and onions with a rolling pin into a layer, then cut out circles of the required diameter.

Put the filling of rice, eggs and onions on the cut out dough circles and pinch the edges of the pie. Place the pies with rice, eggs and onions on a greased baking sheet. Grease pies with rice, eggs and onions with a beaten egg, this is done so that they turn out beautiful and ruddy, then put in the oven 180 degrees until the pies are browned.

Pies ... Immediately the soul becomes warm, because it is tasty, cozy, soft, tender ... You can list it endlessly. In general, I think no one will refuse pies. They will always come to the table and to the shower)))

We are preparing today yeast pies with rice, green onions and an egg in the oven. The pies are very soft, tender, of course delicious.

For their preparation we need following products... First, prepare the yeast dough.

In a convenient container, mix warm kefir, sugar and salt. Pour in vegetable oil and mix.

Sift a glass of flour with dry yeast. Be sure to read the instructions on the yeast packaging on how to mix them correctly. My yeast is mixed with flour. Then gradually add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. You may need a little less flour to make the dough sticky and soft.

Leave the dough to rise in a warm place, cover it with plastic wrap or a towel.

In the meantime, prepare the filling. For her, we need the following products.

Rinse the green onions, trim the tails and chop finely.

Boil rice in salted water with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, after rinsing it until clear water. Usually take one measure of rice and two measures of water, that is, in a ratio of 1: 2. After boiling water, cook the rice on very low heat, under a slightly open lid. Once the water has boiled away, the rice is ready.

Boil the eggs, peel and chop finely.

Combine green onions, boiled rice and chopped eggs. Season with salt and pepper and you can add your favorite spices. For juiciness, you can add a couple of tablespoons of melted butter to the filling. The filling for the pies is ready.

In the meantime, the dough has already come. Transfer it to a table sprinkled with flour.

Divide the dough into equal parts. I sculpted small pies, so I divided the dough into balls a little more walnut... Form into even balls and leave to proof under a towel. Enough 15 minutes.

Then flatten each bun, put the filling in the center and form a pie, carefully sealing the edges. For me, for example, it is more convenient to do this in my hand, because more filling fits inside.

Place the patties on a baking sheet, let rise in a warm place, then brush with a beaten egg. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until golden brown. Monitor your oven for readiness.

Remove the baked pies from the oven, sprinkle with water, cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Thereafter brass pies with rice, eggs and green onions will become even softer and airier. From this amount of products, 19-20 medium-sized pies are obtained.

Enjoy your tea!

Weightless ...