Home / Cupcakes / Moldavian mamalyga recipe. Real Moldavian hominy

Moldavian mamalyga recipe. Real Moldavian hominy

Previously, hominy was used instead of bread, especially in Romania and Moldova. To prepare it, a small amount of ingredients were used, namely: water, salt, cornmeal or grits, but finely ground. After a certain amount of time, this dish appeared in all restaurants. The water was replaced, oil and various delights began to be added to it. However, the real hominy does not require a variety of tricks. The taste of the finished dish depends only on two components, the quality of the flour / cereal and the abilities of the hostess.

There is an abundance of recipes for how to cook hominy, each of which has its own flavor, difference and uniqueness. There is even such a dish as hominy cheese recipe.

Mamalyga can be prepared from corn grits or flour. If you take corn flour for cooking, then the dish turns out to be more tender, and from corn grits mamalyga, the recipe for which is provided below, turns out to be more porous. Remember that corn hominy is very fond of butter, so season it generously.

Our recipe for making hominy from corn grits is quite simple. The secret is as follows: be patient, cook with love and a good mood, then you will get the most delicious recipe porridge. Mamalyga is not easy, tasty, aromatic and appetizing, it is very useful, nutritious and valuable for the health of your whole family. Cooking takes a little time, and your household will be able to taste a traditional Moldovan dish.

So, how to properly cook corn grits hominy? To prepare the dish, you will need the following list of ingredients:


Step by step cooking with photos:

1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients for making the best hominy. Then take a chopping board and a very sharp knife. Wash the meat and lard under running water, dry them and chop small cubes... The pieces must be the same!

2. Put a cauldron or a thick-walled saucepan on fire, pour in water, salt it and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and you can add a thin stream of corn grits. In our case, finely ground hominy groats. Do not stir!

3. After pouring out all the cereals, you should get a small slide. The water will start to boil and cover it.

4. The next step is very important in preparing this recipe. After five minutes of boiling, take the mashed potatoes. Remove the cauldron from the heat. Then try to knead the porridge as vigorously as possible.

5. After a certain amount of time, the water will be absorbed, the porridge will become thick. In such a situation, it will be difficult for you to turn it. After that, you do not need to knead. Remember, in this process it is necessary to remove all formed lumps, as they are not needed. You will do this with a crush. Send the cauldron to the fire, continue to cook the hominy over very low heat. Using a pusher - level the dishes up, cover and leave for thirty minutes in this state.

6. In the meantime, you can do lard and meat. Put a frying pan on the stove, heat it well and send the bacon into it. Melt it until greaves form. After that, add the prepared pieces of meat. Stir well so that everything is cooked evenly. Remember, you don't need to salt.

7. Take a deep plate. Rub feta cheese into it. It is best to take salted and old ones, as you need a bright smell and pronounced taste.

Mamalyga traditional Moldavian National dish... It came into use since the end of the 17th century in connection with the spread of corn crops in Moldova. It is widely believed that hominy is supposedly replacing bread in Moldova. This is not true.… … Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

National Moldovan dish porridge from corn flour... It is prepared in a special way in a cast iron using a special stirrer stick. To taste, consistency and outward appearance different from all other cereals. Cut with a waxed thread or ... ... Culinary vocabulary

- (mold.). Cool brewed porridge (paste) made from corn flour. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. MAMALYGA [rum. mamaliga] a dish popular in the countries of South-Eastern Europe, a thick mass (porridge) from ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

MAMALYGA, hominy, many others no, wives. (Romanian mamaliga) (region). Corn porridge. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

MAMALYGA, and, wives. A thick porridge made from cornmeal or cereal. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Female, novoros. steeply boiled porridge or cornmeal paste; ital. polenta. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Nus., Number of synonyms: 1 porridge (53) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

HOMINY- cool corn porridge, replacing bread, among the peoples of South-Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Synonym for GOMI, POLENTA ... Ethnographic Dictionary

hominy- hominy, a steep corn porridge that replaces bread, among the peoples of Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus. Wed Gomi, Polenta ... Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religions of the World"

Steep corn porridge that replaces bread, among the peoples of Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus. Wed GOMI, TAPE ... Ethnographic Dictionary


  • Cardiocerebral disorders and intracellular changes in the central nervous system during seizure activity and its treatment. Monograph, Mamalyga. The monograph is devoted to the analysis of modern ideas about the functional interdependence of cerebral and cardiovascular disorders in comorbid cardiocerebral dysfunctions, ...
  • Diabetes mellitus and its role in the formation of cardiovascular disorders, Mamalyga M. clinical research forming new conceptual ideas about pathogenesis diabetes mellitus, its connections with the formation ...

Mamalyga is considered a traditional Moldovan dish... In fact, this is ordinary corn porridge that needs to be cooked to a certain density. Such a dish is usually prepared as a side dish and served with fresh herbs, feta cheese, cracklings or sour cream. Properly cooked porridge turns out to be very dense, satisfying and incredibly tasty.

Try and cook hominy for your family, and my recipes will help you do it quickly and easily.

Step-by-step classic recipe for hominy with photo

Inventory: cast iron cauldron, wooden spatula, wooden board.


Step by step cooking

The finished hominy is cut with a thick thread or a special wooden knife... This dish is usually served with grated cheese, cracklings and any sour cream sauce... Also, hominy can be served with fried fish, vegetables and herbs.

Video recipe

For a detailed look at all the stages of making hominy, watch the video.

Moldavian mamalyga with cracklings

Cooking time- 40 minutes.
Servings – 3.
Calories per 100 g- 158 kcal.
Inventory: a cast-iron cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom, a wooden spatula, a board, a frying pan.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe

Check out how to make corn grits hominy using this recipe.

Mamalyga is considered a dish of Moldavian, Romanian and Western Ukrainian cuisine. In fact, such a dish exists in a number of Caucasian countries, and in Italy polenta is an analogue. It is prepared from corn flour and is a kind of porridge - dough.

To make cornmeal hominy, you need the ingredients from the list.

Almost all recipes for making hominy say that salt should be put in boiling water and flour slowly, stirring confidently so that there are no lumps. I want to propose another way, spied on by an Italian woman who cooked palentos, and they are very similar. With this method, there will be no lumps. Pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add salt.

Add a third of the cornmeal to cold water and stir. The flour will settle to the bottom without forming lumps.

Here you can see that there are no lumps.

Now we put the pan on medium fire and while stirring, bring to a boil. You will have a smooth, creamy mass. Cook, stirring with a wooden spoon for 10 minutes. Then gradually add the remaining flour and stir well. It is most convenient to stir it with a wooden spoon. Mamalyga will begin to thicken gradually.

Continue to cook it for another 25 minutes, until it becomes one lump. When crusts form on the sides of the pan, the hominy is ready.

Put the finished hominy on a dish and pour over butter.

Traditionally, corn flour hominy is served with feta cheese, milk, cracklings. It is ideal as a side dish for meat and fish.

Bon Appetit!

Mamalyga - corn porridge from simple products... Cook by interesting recipes at home!

Mamalyga - thick corn porridge, used to be eaten like bread.

  • corn flour - 500 gr
  • water - 1.3 l
  • salt to taste

Boil water in a cauldron or heavy-bottomed saucepan and add the sifted flour.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium, and stirring constantly for 5-10 minutes, allow to thicken.

Turn off the heat, cover the lid, leave for 5 minutes, so that the water is absorbed and the porridge becomes very thick, but do not stir with a spoon.

Turn the contents of the cauldron onto a wooden plank. Cut into pieces with waxed thread or knife.

Recipe 2: cornmeal hominy

Mamalyga is a traditional Moldavian and Romanian dish, a kind of thick porridge made from corn flour. The recipe for hominy is very simple, it is an old folk dish, as everyday as bread.

  • Corn flour - 100 g
  • Water - 330 g
  • Salt - 3 g (to taste)

How to cook hominy: pour water into a cauldron, put it on fire, bring to a boil.

Pour salt and a little corn flour (20 g) into boiling water.

While stirring, bring to a boil.

After the water boils again, pour all the flour in a heap at once.

Then divide it in two with a stirrer. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, covered.

Then thoroughly stir all the flour, pressing the mixer to the sides of the pan. If the hominy is liquid, add a little more corn flour, stirring continuously.

To determine the degree of readiness of the mamalyga, a mixer is vertically lowered into the pan and quickly rotated between the palms. If there are no traces of hominy left on the mixer, the dish is ready. Otherwise, hominy should be left on fire.

Before laying out the hominy, the mass is raked from the sides of the pan to the center with a spoon soaked in water, left for some time on the fire (2-3 minutes).

Then the pan is shaken several times and dropped onto the board. The hominy is ready.

Cut the hominy with a thin cord or a wooden knife.

Mamalyga is served with cracklings, fried onions, feta cheese, sauce. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3: corn hominy

The languid, aromatic and melting in the mouth hominy is not only a porridge cooked from corn flour, but also a hearty independent dish. It is suitable for all ages, but sweet and liquid hominy is cooked for children, and for adults it is salted and kneaded to such an extent that when served, corn hominy resembles a round bread, especially when it is turned from a container onto a wooden board or dish. Eaten in the morning, such porridge allows the body literally the whole day not to feel hunger, as it perfectly saturates the body. Despite the fact that this porridge was created for the poor and they replaced bread with it, now hominy from corn grits is a dish served in famous restaurants and cafes in different interpretations.

  • 200 g corn flour;
  • 600 ml hot water;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (no top);
  • 1-2 pinches of turmeric or curry mixture for a juicy yellow color.

Additional ingredients:

  • 100 g ham or a few strips of bacon;
  • 100 g salted or fresh lard;
  • 100 g feta cheese (sheep's or cow's pickled cheese).

Since hominy is cooked only in a cauldron or dish with dense non-stick walls, it is in such a dish that we pour hot water and put it on the stove, bring to a boil and add salt.

Add butter to the water. Moldavian hominy is madly in love with everything fatty and that is why so many fatty and high-calorie additional products are used in its preparation. By the way, this is the only porridge that not only loves fat, but also water! If the rest of the cereals, for example: buckwheat, rice, etc., maintain a ratio of 1: 2, that is, 1 part of cereal to 2 parts of water, then corn grits so strongly absorb water that it is necessary to knead it only at a ratio of 1: 3!

Sift the cornmeal through a strainer.

Pour a few pinches of turmeric into it.

We are waiting for the water to boil and with the help of a spatula we begin to introduce flour.

Pour flour in small portions;

As soon as we fall asleep a portion of flour, immediately stir the porridge with a spatula.

If you are preparing hominy for the first time, then it is best to use a whisk or even a mixer, turning it on at the minimum speed, since the corn porridge is instantly brewed and knocked into lumps. Do not be alarmed by this - it is necessary to knead the hominy for 20-30 minutes, constantly pouring flour into it. This is a long process, but it is very important for correct preparation dishes, so be patient and go! By the way, in the process of kneading into hominy, the recipe for which is not so laborious, you can add all kinds of aromatic spices and seasonings - of your choice.

After the porridge begins to "puff" in a cauldron or non-stick cookware, knead it for about 5-10 minutes and put it in a round shape: a bowl, a baking dish or a silicone mold.

We cover with a clean towel and place in a warm place - the cooked porridge should still reach the desired condition and grab within 15-20 minutes. Don't worry, it stays hot and aromatic in the middle.

While the hominy reaches it, it's time to prepare a framing for it from additional products. Cut the bacon into small proportional pieces and the ham into slices.

In a hot skillet without adding fat, fry both lard and ham until golden brown at both sides.

Rub the cheese on a coarse grater. But it is also possible to cut it into cubes - this design also looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing!

After the specified time, remove the towel and touch the top layer of porridge in the container. If it is frozen, then the porridge can be turned over on a wooden board or serving dish. So that your hands don't tremble, just cover the container on top with a board and turn it over sharply, pressing the board to the edges of the container. The hominy should easily separate and fall onto the board, keeping its shape.

Corn porridge is cut with a wide knife dipped in cold water or oiled with any edible oil. But, ideally, such a Moldavian dish is cut with a thin rope soaked in vegetable oil.

Recipe 4: Moldavian mamalyga (step by step)

Moldavian mamalyga is prepared very simply at home and is a very densely cooked porridge made from corn flour.

Our step by step recipe with a photo, he will tell you in detail and clearly about all the details and subtleties of cooking Moldovan cuisine, and you can easily reproduce the whole process yourself.

To prepare this dish, you need a minimum of ingredients and, despite the fact that porridge is considered practically bread, there is no need to bake it.

In no case should you use ceramic dishes in the preparation of such porridge, even after cooking it should be laid out on a wooden board. In any other case, the porridge will be covered with perspiration, soften and will no longer resemble Moldovan hominy in taste and appearance.

You can serve Moldavian mamalyga with absolutely any dish, be it meat, pasta or vegetables. Such corn porridge will be very appetizing and will charmingly please your whole family.

Let's start cooking corn hominy in Moldavian.

  • corn flour - 2 cups
  • water - 6 glasses
  • edible salt - 1 tsp
  • butter - 20 gr

Pour the specified amount of water into a deep saucepan with thick walls or into a kettle. We put salt in a saucepan and send a small piece of butter there, pour a handful of corn flour into the water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and bring the liquid to a boil.

After the water has come to a boil, pour all the remaining flour into a saucepan, quickly and thoroughly mix it with water. We make a small fire and cook porridge for 20 minutes.

Stir the contents of the pan constantly with a wooden spatula so that all the lumps of flour are dispersed and it is cooked evenly. We continue to cook the porridge for another 15 minutes.

Stir the porridge lightly in a saucepan or cauldron again, visually divide it into quarters and draw them with a spatula on the surface of the hominy. Cook for another 10 minutes.

When the water has evaporated enough as shown in the photo, stir it very quickly and thoroughly with a wooden spatula.

We make the fire even smaller, stir it and continue to cook the hominy, with the same spatula or spoon we separate the porridge from the sides of the pan. We check the readiness of the porridge in any way convenient for you. You can pierce the center of the porridge with a wooden skewer and twist it: if the porridge easily lags behind the skewer, then it is ready. We cover the pan with a wooden cutting board and turn it over: this way our hominy will be on the board without damage.

Cut the slightly cooled porridge with a thread and serve. Now you know how to cook Moldavian mamalyga in a simple and convenient way.

Recipe 5: hominy with cheese and cracklings

Mamalyga is a steep porridge made from corn grits or flour, boiled in water or in water with the addition of milk. Once in Moldova and Romania, hominy was eaten instead of bread, although now it is cooked very often. As a rule, fresh hominy is boiled or salted a little so that you can serve it with any food - cottage cheese with sour cream, meat, fried fish with spicy garlic sauce, cracklings, feta cheese, fried eggs or vegetable salad... Often, hominy is poured with hot milk and eaten sweet or salted, and the crust that remains on the walls of the cauldron is dried like crackers. We will cook hominy with cracklings and feta cheese.

  • lard with streaks of meat - 400 gr;
  • pork of moderate fat content - 400 gr;
  • salted sheep cheese - as much is needed;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • finely ground corn grits - 3 cups;
  • salt to taste.

Free the lard from the skin, cut into small pieces (2 × 2 cm in size). Cut the meat into smaller pieces. To make the meat easier to cut, put it in the freezer for half an hour - it will harden and will not slip under the knife.

Heat a skillet with high sides. First put the bacon, melt it a little. Make the fire small and add the meat. Fry the meat until it is browned and reddened. Then you need to get it out and put it on a plate, and continue to melt the bacon. The pieces of bacon should be very small, ruddy in color, with a crispy crust. These are the cracklings. Remove the frying pan with greaves from the stove and cool.

Boil 3 glasses of water in a cauldron with a convex bottom. Then pour in 1.5 cups of milk and boil the liquid again.

Add a heaping teaspoon of salt to the milk and water.

When the milk starts to boil vigorously and foam appears on the surface, it's time to add the corn grits. Pour the cereal into the center of the dish, the milk continues to boil at this time.

Corn grits are poured into the liquid so that a small mound is formed on the surface. Do not stir the cereal, after pouring it into milk, leave the cauldron over low heat, do not cover with a lid. The milk will gradually saturate the cereal, it will steam out and swell. You need to wait about 15 minutes, and select the fire so that the milk boils, but does not run away.

When the cereal swells, it will gradually descend, settle. Now you need to remove the cauldron from the fire and crush the hominy with a crush, knead it well, knead all the lumps, even the smallest ones (dry cereals may remain in them).

After stirring, the mamalyga will become thick, lumpy, but there will still be a lot of liquid in it, and the cereal itself will be poorly steamed. Reduce the fire to a minimum, cover the hominy with a lid and simmer for 25-30 minutes. After that, open the lid slightly, the excess moisture needs to be evaporated. When all the liquid has evaporated and the mamalyga becomes dense, cool, make the fire strong, keep the mamalyga for another 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the groats grab onto the edges and on the bottom of the cauldron, and the hominy can be easily removed from the cauldron.

The finished hominy is turned over on a wooden board, the cauldron is removed. If the mamalyga is cooked correctly, it will remain on the board as a high slide, it will be dense, but not crumbly. Serve hominy to the table hot, with cracklings and fried meat(greaves and meat can be heated), with grated sheep cheese and a glass of good homemade wine.

Recipe 6, step by step: Abkhazian mamalyga

Abkhazian mamalyga differs from other recipes in that special salted cheese is used in its preparation, namely suluguni and corn flour, and not cereal. The cooking recipe is quite simple, any novice housewife can handle it. It is very important to follow the cooking technology and act strictly according to the recipe, without adding your own innovations.

Abkhazian mamalyga differs from Moldavian and Romanian in that it is cooked like porridge, not like bread. The Abkhaz recipe involves cooking porridge without the use of salt, since it will contain salted cheese. The preparation should not be difficult. The cooking process is fast enough, the dish is eaten instantly, especially together with various flavors and sauces.

  • Corn flour one glass
  • Two and a half glasses of water
  • Suluguni 100 grams
  • Butter 25 g.
  • Parsley for decoration

The porridge must be cooked in water. There are a few tips and tricks for cooking. It is very important that during the cooking process it does not come in lumps. To do this, you can pre-dilute the cornmeal with cold water using a whisk.

Only after you mix everything thoroughly and do homogeneous mass, you can pour the mixture into a non-stick dish or a cauldron. Then bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk.

The next step is very important in preparation. After the porridge begins to acquire a thick consistency, it is necessary to knead it vigorously. For this, a wooden spatula or a whisk is suitable.

Then you can add a lump of butter and continue the thorough kneading process. Stir everything and simmer over low heat for two minutes.

At the next stage of preparation, according to original recipe, you will need a deep dish. Lubricate it with butter and then transfer to it ready-made porridge... Tamp thoroughly.

Cover the dishes with a wide plate, leave for five minutes, so that the porridge grasps and connects. After that, you can turn the dish over and put it away. Thus, a semicircular mamalyga will remain on the plate.

At the last stage of cooking hominy, you can decorate ready meal using your favorite greens. In addition, take salted cheese, preferably suluguni, cut it, put it on top and on the sides.

The Abkhazian hominy is ready. You can safely serve and delight your household with a delicious, satisfying, healthy culinary invention.

Recipe 7: Moldavian hominy (step by step photos)

Mamalyga is a favorite Moldovan national dish. This is not just corn porridge, this is a traditional treat, it can be both festive and everyday. Cooking this dish requires skill and a certain skill. Perfect consistency hominy can only be achieved with experience.

  • corn flour 750 g
  • water 2 l
  • milk 200 ml

The flour must be sifted through a sieve to get rid of lumps and debris.

Hominy is always prepared in a cauldron with thick walls and a bottom. Nothing will work in a regular saucepan. Pour water into the cauldron, salt it right there and bring it to a boil. Throw a small handful of cornmeal into boiling water. This is done in order to bring down the strong boiling of water and so that the next main portion of flour does not immediately collapse into lumps.

After the water boils again, put the remaining flour into the cauldron. Let it boil and reduce heat to medium.

Now we take a wooden rolling pin with a blunt end or a wooden spoon and stir the hominy all the time. The most important thing is that we leave the rolling pin in the cauldron, do not pull it out! Hominy should be cooked with a wooden rolling pin. This is done so that lumps do not form. Cook in this way for 20-30 minutes.

Then add a little milk to the hominy, if its consistency is thick. The correct consistency is similar to soft plasticine - plastic, but at the same time holding its shape. Quickly mix the hominy with a rolling pin, pressing it to the walls of the cauldron.

After that, we reduce the heat to the very minimum and also, stirring constantly, cook for another 10 minutes. Then we moisten a spoon in water and separate the hominy from the walls of the cauldron.

We stretch the cauldron and turn it over with a quick sharp movement and put the hominy on a cutting board or linen napkin. When shifting, it should not fall apart and spread, properly prepared hominy keeps its shape well.

We cut the hominy into portions. To do this, take a thick thread, folded two or three times, pass it under the mamalyga and cut it into pieces, first along, then across.

Hominy is always served with sour cream, sheep cheese, pork rinds, optionally with a mixture sunflower oil and minced garlic boiled egg and cottage cheese. And of course with a glass of homemade red wine!