Home / Buns / Chicken breast pancakes with cheese. Quick cooking pancakes from chicken breast: the secrets of craftsmanship

Chicken breast pancakes with cheese. Quick cooking pancakes from chicken breast: the secrets of craftsmanship

Chicken meat, in any interpretation of its preparation, is almost always a win-win option for the hostess. Whether it's dinner at home or meeting guests, chicken dishes appear in our diet almost daily. Their main advantages are the speed of preparation, availability, and invariably tasty results. We offer a few more simple recipes, which will enrich your culinary knowledge, will allow you to create an incomparable and at the same time healthy dish in a short time. This is chicken fritters.

For them, you will need the actual chicken meat, most often fillet or minced meat. But the rest of the components you can choose based on your preferences and mood. Try to cook such pancakes according to the recipes below, and among them there will definitely be those that are right for your family.

Classic fillet fritters

Chicken fillet is an indispensable source of easily digestible protein and amino acids for the body. White meat should be present in the diet daily. This recipe is simple and easy to make. Prepare these pancakes with a side dish of vegetable salad- and a light, tasty, healthy dinner is ready!

  • fillet - 500g;
  • onion - 3 pieces;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Washed chicken fillet cut into small pieces. You should not grind it in a blender, because it is in the pieces that the whole feature of the recipe is. They give a more structured look.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Combine fillet, onion, salt, pepper. You can add any spices to taste, the dish will only benefit from this.
  4. Add eggs, sour cream, flour and knead the dough in a bowl. By consistency, it will resemble the dough for ordinary pancakes.
  5. Spoon the dough onto a heated pan with oil. Since chicken meat, especially chopped, does not require much time to cook, it is important not to overcook them on fire. Flip when one side is lightly browned.
  6. Bring the pancakes to readiness on both sides. You can cover the pan for a minute to steam a little and make them more tender. If you like a crispy crust and a soft center, remove them from the pan as soon as the second side is browned.
  7. Serve hot with veggies, salad or your favorite sauce.

Do you love chicken? Then don't skip the recipe.

Tender chicken fritters

charm chicken pancakes with cheese that, even without a meat grinder at hand, you can cook a wonderful dish from minced meat, from which the whole family will be delighted. Cheese gives a little piquancy and ductility. According to the same recipe, you can cook chicken pancakes with cheese on kefir, replacing sour cream with them.

Fried on a mixture of vegetable and butter, they acquire a delicate creamy taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  2. Cheese of any durum varieties grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Chop greens. You can use any of your choice.
  4. Put meat, cheese, eggs, sour cream, greens in a bowl. Salt everything and mix well.
  5. Add flour and knead into a soft dough.
  6. Leave the dough to infuse for about half an hour. During this time, the meat will marinate a little and be saturated with the aromas of greens.
  7. Heat a skillet over medium heat with vegetable and butter. Fry pancakes until done on both sides.

Hearty chicken pancakes with mushrooms

This type of chicken pancakes with mushrooms can be very popular with men, as it contains two ingredients that are a source of protein. When using a minimum of products, you get a complete hearty meal. Such pancakes with tender sour cream or cream sauce with the addition of lemon juice.

  • chicken fillet - about 700 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • champignons - 6-8 large pieces;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • starch or flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Slice small cubes fillet, mushrooms and onions.
  2. Slightly shake the egg in a bowl to disperse the yolk.
  3. Add sour cream or mayonnaise, garlic, salt, spices, flour or starch to the eggs in stages, and mix until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.
  4. Pour the egg mass into a bowl with fillets, mushrooms and onions, kneading a homogeneous dough, as for ordinary pancakes.
  5. In a well-heated oil, carefully spread the dough, forming rounded cakes with a spoon.
  6. Turn them over to the other side, cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes to get even frying.
  7. Transfer the cooked pancakes to a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Fritters for every day

Very a good option for those who love freshly prepared food. The dough for these pancakes can stand in the refrigerator for several days without losing any. palatability. Every day you can fry a new portion and enjoy them delicate taste. The recipe is not dietary, as it contains mayonnaise, which adds calories to the dish. These pancakes go well with any side dish or salad.

  • chicken fillet - 2 halves;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • curry powder;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet, pat dry and cut into small pieces.
  2. Chop the onion into small cubes.
  3. Squeeze the garlic through a press or chop with a knife.
  4. Mix meat, onion, garlic, adding eggs, spices and salt to taste.
  5. Add starch and knead the resulting mass well.
  6. Add mayonnaise and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  7. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  8. Spread the mass with a spoon in the form of pancakes.
  9. Fry over medium heat until crispy on both sides.

Vegetable fritters with chicken

In the summer, when you want to have more in your diet fresh vegetables You shouldn't give up meat either. Why not combine them in one recipe and make chicken pancakes with zucchini. And then invite loved ones to the table to enjoy a light, truly summer dish.

  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • zucchini - 1 small;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • flour or starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, squeeze the resulting mass a little with your hands to get rid of excess liquid.
  2. Cut into cubes about 1x1 cm meat.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Flour can be safely replaced in this recipe with starch, then the pancakes will have a denser texture.
  4. Spoon into a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry until cooked on both sides.

Fritters with mushrooms, cheese and chicken

Cheese, mushrooms, chicken fillet - this is a classic combination of products, when used together, you always get an excellent result. Such pancakes with mushrooms can be prepared even for festive table served them with some unusual sauce.

  • chicken fillet - 1 half about 300 g;
  • champignon mushrooms boiled or canned - 300 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • parsley;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • sour cream for serving.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the meat with a knife into small pieces.
  2. Finely chop the pre-boiled mushrooms (you can use canned ones).
  3. Chop a large onion into small cubes.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Mix together meat, mushrooms, onion, egg.
  6. Chop greens. Instead of parsley, you can use any that you have.
  7. Add sour cream, flour, cheese, herbs and knead a dough-like mass.
  8. Cook pancakes in a heated pan using vegetable oil. Since the dough is watery, it should be carefully turned over with a thin spatula.
  9. Pour sour cream or sauce over ready pancakes before serving.

Fritters with oatmeal and minced meat

Minced chicken pancakes with the addition of oatmeal, cooked on kefir - unusual recipe, which will attract those who care about their figure, as it does not contain flour at all. And at the same time, they are hearty and tasty. You can make small sandwiches with them, using them as a small snack.

  • oat flakes- 1 glass;
  • kefir - 1 cup (or milk, or diluted sour cream);
  • minced meat - 400 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • seasonings, spices, salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  • Soak oatmeal in warm water in advance to swell.
  • Combine chopped onion and garlic with minced chicken.
  • Add egg, spices, salt, oatmeal and mix everything well.
  • Put the resulting thick mass into small cakes in a pan.
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Put the fried pancakes together in a pan, cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Baked chicken pancakes

Sometimes you need to quickly prepare lunch or dinner, and there is absolutely no time for any culinary delights. In this case, minced chicken pancakes will become simply indispensable. The minced meat used is cooked in just a moment, and cooking in the oven will save you from having to stand near the stove all the time. The result will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones.

  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the pan.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the onion on a fine grater or blender into gruel.
  2. Add grated onions, eggs, sour cream, flour, salt, pepper to the minced meat and mix everything well until a homogeneous consistency.
  3. For a richer taste, you can add pepper, spices and finely chopped greens.
  4. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  5. With wet hands form small flat cutlets, put them on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil.
  6. Put to bake for 20 minutes, while reducing the temperature to 160 degrees.
  7. Ready-made pancakes are served hot, with a side dish of potatoes, porridge or vegetables.

Pumpkin fritters with minced chicken

Diet meals cooked without excess fat in the oven often turn out dry and tough. In this recipe, usefulness and low calorie content are complemented by tender juicy taste. As a sauce, you can use low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt whipped with dill and lemon juice.

  • minced chicken- 500 g;
  • pumpkin - 250 g;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • cornstarch - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • salt, ground white pepper.

Cooking method:

  • Grate the pumpkin pulp on a fine grater, squeeze the resulting mass a little.
  • Add minced chicken, cottage cheese, starch, egg and mix everything.
  • Squeeze the garlic through a press.
  • Finely chop the dill.
  • Mix everything together, salt, pepper and mix again.
  • Line a baking sheet with foil.
  • Form fritters into small thicknesses with wet hands and place on a baking sheet.
  • Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and cook for about half an hour.
  • Turn them off and steam them for another 15 minutes.

Pancakes from the oven

Eating right doesn't mean tasteless. You can always pick up such dishes that will give pleasure and will not damage the figure. These are the dietary chicken fillet pancakes baked in the oven.

  • white chicken meat - 500 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed and dried fillet into small cubes.
  2. Mix chopped garlic with meat, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Combine eggs and kefir together, whisking in homogeneous mass. Add flour, soda and mix thoroughly, turning into a homogeneous dough in consistency resembling thick sour cream.
  4. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and potatoes on a coarse grater.
  5. Combine all vegetables, meat and dough in one bowl and knead with a spoon.
  6. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  7. Spread the mass with a spoon, frying on both sides until golden brown.
  8. Meanwhile, prepare a baking dish by greasing it with butter.
  9. Transfer the pancakes from the pan into a mold and put in a preheated oven to 160 degrees for 20 minutes. Roasting will give them extra softness.

Diet pancakes on a vegetable pillow

Another recipe for chicken pancakes with vegetables will not leave you indifferent. They can be safely prepared for the holiday, they do not require large financial costs. And you can surprise your guests with an unusual, but quickly prepared dish.

  • meat from the breast - 500 g;
  • zucchini - 300 g;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • suneli hops - 1 tsp
  • chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • tomato - 2-3 pieces;
  • cheese - 100-150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the meat from the breast with a blender or in a meat grinder, you can use ready-made minced meat.
  2. Peel the zucchini from the skin, grate on a fine grater.
  3. Squeeze the garlic through a press.
  4. Combine all ingredients, except for the tomato, into a homogeneous minced meat.
  5. On a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper lay out circles of tomatoes. Put small portions of minced chicken on top of them.
  6. In a preheated oven to 180 degrees, put a baking sheet with pancakes and bake for 20 minutes. Then take it out of the oven, sprinkle them with grated cheese and then bake until golden brown.

Baby meat pancakes

What could be tastier for children than pancakes and pancakes prepared by caring mother's hands. But they can be not only a dessert, but also a main course. Especially if they are made with meat. When preparing them, they can be used as minced meat, and any part of chicken or turkey meat that suits your baby. Instead of milk, the dough can be kneaded on kefir. And if it is also interesting to serve it by drawing a funny face on top with sour cream, then not a single child will be able to refuse such a dish.

  • minced meat or meat - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. flour;
  • cheese - optional;
  • greens - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. When preparing a dish for a small child, it is better to use a blender or a food processor, as it is necessary to achieve a tender, homogeneous meat consistency. Therefore, the resulting minced meat is mixed with egg, milk, flour, cheese and herbs until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Fry pancakes in hot vegetable oil until cooked on both sides.
  3. They cook very quickly, but if you are not sure of the degree of their readiness, you can additionally stew them under the lid of the pan for a couple of minutes.
Stories from our readers

Step-by-step recipes for hearty chicken fritters with cheese on sour cream and kefir, in a frying pan, oven and slow cooker, with herbs, mushrooms and pickles

2017-12-26 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

14 gr.

18 gr.


19 gr.

307 kcal.

Option 1: Chicken Pancakes with Cheese - Classic Recipe

Presented chicken pancakes with cheese are unique in their own way. You can call them - "two in one". Yes, it is at the same time meat dish, and a hearty side dish. Moreover, pancakes can be served hot, and warm, and cold. And if you try and make pancakes smooth and beautiful, then it is permissible to include them even in the holiday menu.


  • 950 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 195 grams of cheese "Russian";
  • 145 grams of flour;
  • refined oil (for frying);
  • four chicken eggs;
  • to taste spices (salt);
  • 85 grams of sour cream;
  • half a bunch of greens.

Step by step recipe for chicken fritters with cheese

Crack four eggs into a wide bowl. Beat with a whisk. Enter spices. Salt.

Pour in sour cream and mix. Add chopped herbs and finely grated cheese. Mix the ingredients well with a spatula.

Separately, cut the washed and cleaned poultry fillet into small pieces. Pour into bowl with eggs and cheese. Stir chicken into mixture.

Now sift in the flour. Do not stop mixing. And it is important to avoid the appearance of lumps. The result is a sticky dough for chicken fritters with cheese.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Lay pancakes in turn on the hot bottom. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Times are listed for each side.

It remains to wet the pancakes with napkins, removing excess fat, and serve with sour cream and bread for lunch.

In addition to the usual hard cheese, you can try salty white. For example, cheese or suluguni. In this case, significantly reduce the amount of salt used so as not to spoil the snack.

Option 2: A quick recipe for chicken fritters with cheese in the oven

Do you want to try your favorite chicken pancakes, but there is absolutely no time for long preparation and frying? There is an exit!. It is enough to replace the fillet with minced meat, and culinary process transfer to the oven, where all the pancakes will cook immediately and very quickly.


  • 395 grams of minced chicken;
  • 85 grams of cheese;
  • four tablespoons of sour cream;
  • two eggs;
  • 75 grams of flour;
  • refined oil;
  • salt and spices.

How to quickly cook chicken pancakes with cheese

Transfer the minced meat to the bowl of a food processor or blender. Crack two eggs inside. Add salt and a couple of pinches of spices.

Start mixing at medium speed. After a couple of minutes, pour in the sour cream. Also introduce hard cheese, which must first be rubbed on the fine side of the grater.

At the last stage, add flour. Knead a sticky thick dough. Send to the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

At the end of the specified time, cover the baking sheet with parchment. Lubricate (lightly) with oil and place the blanks (shape - round) over the entire surface. Smooth out.

Bake chicken pancakes with cheese for 5-7 minutes. The temperature is 185 degrees. Then turn all the pancakes over and continue cooking the same amount.

It is not necessary to leave the dough for pancakes in the refrigerator. But this way it will keep its shape better. In addition, the flour will swell well and absorb moisture, due to which the workpieces can spread over the baking sheet.

Option 3: Chicken, cheese and greens pancakes in a slow cooker

Cooking pancakes in a slow cooker is not much different from a similar process in a frying pan. Why cook them there? First, the depth of the bowl and the closed lid will keep your hands and kitchen surface safe from oil splashes. And, secondly, the pancakes will turn out more tender.


  • 405 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 105 grams of cheese;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • frying oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • two eggs;
  • three to four tablespoons of sour cream;
  • half a glass of flour.

How to cook

Sort fresh parsley, separate the stems and wash. Then dry and chop finely.

In addition, cut the cleaned fillet into cubes, then chop. Set aside.

In a saucepan or bowl, beat the chilled eggs with salt. Pour in sour cream. Mix until smooth.

Move the chicken and greens inside. Continuing to mix with a spatula, add wheat flour.

Knead a sticky dough. Send to the cold. At the same time, heat the oil in a bowl in the "Frying" mode.

Forming round pancakes with a spoon, cook them without changing the multicooker mode for 3-4 minutes. It is better to cover the lid so that the fat does not splash out.

After frying the last batch, turn off the machine and return all chicken pancakes with cheese to the bowl. Close the machine with a lid. Keep warm until serving. By the way, do not forget about cool sour cream or spicy tomato sauce, which will perfectly shade the taste of our snack.

Option 4: Chicken Fritters with Cheese and Pickles

Pickled cucumbers are rarely used in hot dishes. But who said we can't include them in today's pancake recipe? Have you ever tried these pancakes? Then do it right now. We guarantee it will be delicious.


  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • 95 grams of Dutch cheese;
  • 405 grams of chicken fillet;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 85 grams of flour;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • three tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • two eggs;
  • salt if necessary.

Step by step recipe

Grate medium pickled cucumbers. Leave to stack juice and remaining marinade.

At this time, cut the washed chicken fillet into small pieces.

Now beat until a homogeneous strong mass chicken eggs with a pinch of salt. Pour in mayonnaise and mix.

Add pepper, grated (finely) cheese and wheat flour to the mass. Replace the dough, similar to a very thick and heterogeneous sour cream.

Fry chicken pancakes with cheese in hot oil until tender. Time for one side - 3-5 minutes. The fire on the stove is medium.

It is quite acceptable to replace pickled cucumbers with pickled ones. From this, the taste of the snack will only benefit. However, it is still worth squeezing them from the juice, otherwise the liquid will make the dough watery. Which, in turn, can provoke poor baking in a pan.

Option 5: Chicken Pancakes with Cheese and Mushrooms

Since mushrooms, especially forest mushrooms, are ideally combined with chicken, we decided to bring to your attention, of course, interesting recipe pancakes with mushrooms or chanterelles. The main thing is to buy mushrooms from trusted manufacturers.


  • 95 grams of mushrooms or chanterelles;
  • 95 grams of cheese;
  • refined oil;
  • 345 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 95 grams of flour;
  • salt to taste;
  • spices "Mushroom" to taste;
  • two eggs;
  • four tablespoons of sour cream.

How to cook

Pour fresh mushrooms or chanterelles cold water. Leave for an hour, not forgetting to salt them.

When time is running out, beat the chicken eggs with a small amount of salt. Pour in sour cream.

Continuing to mix, add grated cheese. Also add small pieces of washed and necessarily cleaned fillet.

Now add flour and squeezed forest mushrooms chopped into small neat cubes.

Sift in half a cup of flour. Knead with a spatula the thick dough traditional for pancakes.

Heat refined oil in a wide frying pan. Pour round pieces of chicken fritters with cheese. Cook 4-5 minutes. Turn over and continue frying for the same amount.

Using dried mushrooms soak them in boiling water beforehand. Better yet, boil strong fire approximately 10 minutes. If you do not include forest gifts in your diet, replace mushrooms or chanterelles with purchased champignons or shiitake.

Option 6: Chicken Pancakes with Kefir Cheese

To fill tender and at the same time satisfying pancakes with unique milky notes, we recommend paying attention to this recipe. It is proposed to use fresh kefir and unique suluguni.


  • 90 grams of kefir;
  • 90 grams of flour;
  • 90 grams of suluguni;
  • a third of a bunch of cilantro;
  • 420 grams of fillet;
  • salt to taste;
  • two eggs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • spices.

Step by step recipe

Wash the fillet and pat dry. Then finely chop. Also chop fragrant suluguni and fresh cilantro.

Beat eggs in a dry bowl with salt. Then pour in kefir and add flour. Enter spices. Knead a sticky dough.

Add prepared poultry and cheese with herbs. Mix everything again.

Gathering a small amount of dough, put the classic blanks with a spoon into the heated oil at the bottom of the pan.

Fry chicken pancakes with cheese one by one. Each side of the workpiece will take approximately 4-5 minutes. Fire is medium. When serving, be sure to complement the pancakes with sour cream or tomato dressing and a slice of crispy baguette.

Since cilantro has a very bright taste and aroma, you can not use additional spices. But if you prefer deeper notes, include dried Caucasian herbs in the recipe.

Recipe from a series of quick and tasty. Very sought after, very homely, very simple and delicious recipe! It seems to be not new, but is always perceived and prepared with interest. Fritters from minced chicken turn out juicy, ruddy and tasty, both hot and chilled. Children eat chicken pancakes with even more pleasure than chicken chops.


600 gr chicken fillet

100 gr cheese

1 bulb

2 garlic cloves

3 tbsp starch

150 ml kefir

1/2 tsp salt

chicken seasoning to taste

black pepper to taste


Washed and dried chicken fillet and cheese cut into small cubes.

I finely chop the onion.

I combine chicken fillet, salt, chicken seasoning, black pepper, garlic passed through a press, cheese, finely chopped onion, eggs, kefir.

I mix everything well.

Now I add three tablespoons of starch and mix again. Starch here serves as a thickener, which will take away excess moisture and glue the mass of minced meat.

I cover cling film and let the stuffing stand for 15 minutes.

I fry the pancakes in vegetable oil until golden brown under the lid. I put the finished pancakes on a dish lined with paper towels to drain excess fat.

See my short video for details and cooking details.

Bon Appetit!

Chicken pancakes with chopped chicken fillet cheese are a worthy alternative to regular cutlets. Very tasty, juicy and tender - these pancakes cannot but be liked! The recipe is very simple, accessible to everyone, and the dish is prepared quite quickly.


  • 5oo g chicken breast fillet
  • 100 g hard cheese or 1 processed cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of flour or starch
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 1 small onion (50 g)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying


My chicken fillet, dry it with a paper towel and cut into small pieces, as small as possible. You can, of course, skip through a meat grinder, but these will be completely different pancakes.

Add cheese, grated on a coarse grater, 2 eggs, flour or starch (or 1 tablespoon in half), mayonnaise, onion, grated on a fine grater or finely chopped, garlic, salt, pepper.Any cheese will do, it gives chicken pancakes some softness. Of course, if you take cheese with a pronounced spicy taste, the taste of pancakes will be better, but processed cheese like "Friendship" is also suitable. It does not have to be grated, you can just cut it into small cubes.

My reader Marina from Sochi advised me to add starch to the dough instead of flour (or together with flour), for which many thanks to her. Indeed, much tastier! Since then, I've tweaked the recipe a bit.
We mix the ingredients well and get the following minced dough for chicken pancakes with cheese:

We heat the pan, pour vegetable oil, spread the minced meat with a spoon, forming oval pancakes.

Fry the fritters on both sides over medium heat until golden brown. Turning them over to the other side, cover the pan with a lid so that the pancakes are guaranteed not to remain raw inside.

Place cooked pancakes on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Chicken pancakes with cheese can be served with any side dish, for example, or, but they also go well as an independent dish. From the table, these pancakes "fly away" instantly.

Ruddy pancakes from chicken breast with cheese and herbs - a nutritious, tasty, quick-to-cook dish that will appeal to the whole family and will not cause trouble in the kitchen. Cooked with the addition of sour cream, a small amount of cheese and fresh herbs, pancakes are soft, juicy and delicate in taste, easy to prepare and equally appetizing both hot and chilled. Great option for hearty breakfast or a snack. Try it!

To prepare chicken fritters with cheese and herbs, you will need the ingredients listed in the list.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Grate the cheese. Finely chop the parsley and green onion.

In a separate bowl, combine sour cream and eggs. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste and mix well until smooth.

Combine chicken fillet, cheese and green onions. Pour in the egg and sour cream mixture and mix well.

Adding gradually, stir in the sifted wheat flour.

You should have a thick dough that does not drip off a spoon. Leave the finished mixture at room temperature for 10-15 minutes, so that it brews and thickens a little more.

Then, in portions of 1-1.5 tablespoons, put the dough into a greased pan.

Fry the resulting pancakes over medium heat on both sides until golden brown and cooked chicken (about 3 minutes on each side).

Chicken pancakes with cheese and herbs are ready.