Home / Buns / The best vegan pancakes with mineral water. Vegetarian pancakes - health with pleasure

The best vegan pancakes with mineral water. Vegetarian pancakes - health with pleasure

Hello everyone! I keep my promise - I tell you how I make pancakes from chickpea flour. Since I am a fan of veganism and a healthy lifestyle in general, I fry pancakes without milk, without eggs, without sugar and without wheat flour. And yes, you can! 🙂

Before the recipe for vegan chickpea flour pancakes, I will say a few words about the chickpea itself.

I think many people know what is chickpea. Especially vegans, vegetarians, healthy people. This is a popular in the Mediterranean countries (and all over the world) legume, nutritious, rich in protein, while practically not causing the same "pea effect", because of which some are afraid to eat legumes. Besides, chickpeas are richpolyunsaturated fats, zinc, folic acid, lysine, B vitamins, all sorts of minerals. And very tasty.

Hummus (I have already shared), falafel and other goodies are prepared from chickpeas in the Middle East. In the beginning, I often ate soaked chickpeas. Very tasty, a bit like nuts.

This is how dry chickpeas, soaked chickpeas and chickpea flour look.

I recently discovered chickpea flour when I was looking for another replacement for wheat flour. In recent years, I prefer to eat as little gluten-containing wheat and its derivatives as possible. And before that I ate. Even this blog has several articles about wheat, etc. Now I prefer to replace wheat flour to something else.

The traditional replacement is oat flour- already boring (note dated 03/01/2018 :), I wanted something new. And then in the store I came across chickpea flour.I tried to make pancakes out of it (and also use it in vegetable cutlets) and was very pleased. Now I practice these dishes quite often (on days when I am not sitting on a pure raw food diet).

So, here's how to make vegan pancakes from chickpea flour.

The recipe is simple. The ingredient list is simple too:

  1. chickpea flour,
  2. water,
  3. salt.

You can use any spice you like. For example, I can add zaatar or curry to suit the mood.

So. Pour the required amount of chickpea flour into a bowl (according to my estimates, out of 100 g, about 4 pancakes are obtained at the output), salt and, gradually and little by little (literally on a spoon), adding water, mix until homogeneous mass pancake consistency. In terms of density, the dough should resemble liquid sour cream... 🙂 I knead with a fork.

If you add a lot of water at once, it will be more difficult for you to achieve a uniform consistency. V batter lumps will float, which is difficult to chase. Just like making traditional pancakes.

Next, we begin to fry. This can be done either with oil. Being a vegan advocate, I am. I'm frying on great frying pan with non-stick coating, adding a drop of vegetable oil at the very beginning (I like olive and coconut). It turns out very tasty on coconut.

In a frying pan, the dough “grasps” perfectly, there are no problems due to the fact that we do not use eggs. Chickpea flour is much better than the others that I have tried (wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn), it “holds” the dough and all the fillers you want to add. I mixed finely chopped spinach, cilantro, grated cabbage, carrots with the above-described chickpea dough. Spread out with a spoon in a frying pan in the form of pancakes. It turned out to be the perfect vegetable cutlets.

Let's go back to the pancakes. You can eat pancakes made from chickpea flour as an independent dish, or instead of bread with other food. If you do not eat bread (and now there are more and more such people), and your hand is still looking for a piece, then chickpea pancakes are your option. 🙂

This is how they are, chickpea flour pancakes. 🙂

I wish all readers health, activity and longevity! Be friends!

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Food is one of the main sources of pleasure and happiness hormones. So is it possible to keep track of your health and figure without denying yourself delicacies? Can.

In this article, we offer recipes for vegetarian and vegan pancakes, openwork, toasted with a beautiful crispy rim, which will delight children, husbands and guests alike.

We hope that out of the 7 suggested recipes for how to make vegetarian pancakes, you will find those that will suit your liking. At the very end of the article, we will tell you what fillings can be prepared for our pancakes for all occasions.

And now a few secrets for hostesses so that pancakes turn out to be for everyone's joy:

  1. The lack of flour in the dough leads to the fact that the pancakes break and are difficult to remove. If this happens to you, add flour to the mixture.
  2. Excess flour, on the other hand, will make the dough thick and the pancakes thick. Add warm milk.
  3. With a large amount of sugar, it caramelizes; when frying, the pancake will darken or burn.
  4. An overabundance of eggs will make the pancakes look like an omelet, and a small number of them will not be durable.
  5. From oat or buckwheat flour, thin vegan pancakes are looser, from wheat - elastic.
  6. To prevent the first pancake from coming out lumpy, grease the pan with a thin layer of oil.
  7. Ideal dough for vegetarian and vegan pancakes with a consistency similar to liquid sour cream, homogeneous. Only small lumps are allowed, large ones must be carefully broken.
  8. It is better to turn vegan pancakes with two scoops at once.
  9. Or you can cook pancakes in two pans at the same time: one is still baking, and the other can be removed.

You can start reading the recipes!

Vegetarian pancakes (no eggs)


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 table bed vegetable oil
  • 2 stacks flour
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt and soda
  • 3 tablespoons Sahara
  • 70 g butter


Thoroughly mix half of the milk with flour, salt, sugar and soda, avoiding the appearance of lumps. A properly prepared dough will turn out to be homogeneous, in density - like store sour cream.

Add butter to the dough, mix well again. Bring the remaining milk to a boil and gently pour into the resulting mixture, stirring occasionally.

Softened in a pan butter pour into the dough, mix again. Our dough is ready, you can bake it!

Fry pancakes over medium heat. When you see that they are browned and the edges are slightly dry, turn the masterpiece over to the other side. After a minute, the finished pancakes can be removed and put on a dish.

Serve such pancakes with butter, sour cream or other sauce of your choice, decorating icing sugar and pieces of fruit or berries.

Vegetarian pancakes without milk and eggs in mineral water

This recipe will appeal not only to weight watchers, but also to those who observe church fasts. After all, they are prepared in the complete absence of protein products!


  • 1 stack flour
  • 250 ml mineral water(with gas)
  • 50 ml of water, pre-boiled
  • 3 tablespoons Sahara
  • 0.5 teaspoon soda


We combine all the ingredients, except for vegetable oil and beat with a mixer / blender.

A little trick - if you heat the mineral water a little, the dough will knead much better.

Add vegetable oil, this is necessary so that the dough is "coherent" and the pancakes do not burn. We heat the pan, grease it a little with oil, and bake our vegan pancakes as usual.

These pancakes are so lean they can be served with chocolate or peanut butter.

Vegan Flaxseed Pancakes Using Coconut Milk

This recipe is exotic. But currently buy coconut milk-not a problem, it can be found in sufficient quantities in large retail chains. If you do not find it, you can replace it with a regular cow or goat milk... The presence of flaxseed flour will make these vegan pancakes taste extraordinary.


  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 3 tablespoons flax flour
  • 80 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons Sahara
  • 1 teaspoon soda
  • 100 g wheat flour


Add a little (a pinch) of salt, soda, sugar and flaxseed flour to the coconut milk, mix.

It is necessary for the dough to settle for about 10 minutes. This time is required for the flaxseed flour to swell. Next, add water and wheat flour to the mass, mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. A properly prepared dough resembles sour cream in consistency.

Leave the dough on the table for another 15 minutes before baking. There is one subtlety in frying such pancakes - they are spread over the pan with a silicone brush.

Ready-made pancakes are very thin, but dense, elastic, well suited for any fillings.

By the way, coconut milk in the recipe can be replaced with almond milk.

Vegetarian pancakes with soy milk


  • 0.5 stack flour
  • 1 stack soy milk
  • 30 g vegetable spread
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon soda

How to bake:

Pour apple cider vinegar into soy milk and set it aside for 5-7 minutes so that it does not curl up. At this time, separately mix starch, flour, salt and soda on the tip of a knife.

Now you need to pour the settled soy milk into the dry mixture and beat until a homogeneous mixture without lumps. The turn has come to add the melted spread. Mix thoroughly again.

We bake these veggie pancakes as usual in a hot skillet on both sides. These pancakes with cottage cheese or tofu with garlic and herbs are especially good.

Vegetarian buckwheat pancakes


  • 1 stack boiled water
  • 100 g buckwheat flour
  • 2 teaspoon honey
  • 1 egg
  • soda (pinch), slaked
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil


Dilute honey in slightly warmed water, add soda slaked with vinegar and sunflower oil... After that, gently beat in the egg and stir vigorously.

Slowly introduce into the mixture buckwheat flour, knead the density like sour cream. Fry buckwheat vegetarian pancakes in a preheated pan.

We serve the dish with butter, and fried mushrooms with carrots and onions are most suitable for the filling.

Buckwheat pancakes have unusual taste, and your friends will ask the secret of their preparation.

Vegan banana pancakes with mineral water

300 ml wheat flour
200 ml coarse flour
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/3 teaspoon baking powder
2 medium bananas
2 stacks mineral water with gas


Combine both types of flour and baking powder, add a little salt.

From bananas and half water we make mashed potatoes like potatoes. Pour the oil here.

Combine mashed potatoes and dry mixture, mix everything with a blender at low speed or with a whisk, add the rest and mix again.

Let the dough rise within 15-20 minutes and bake!

These vegan pancakes go well with a grated poached apple (or peach chunks) filling with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Vegetarian pancakes with kefir

  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 2 stacks flour
  • 1 teaspoon soda.
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 table bed Sahara
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


Stir soda, salt and sugar in kefir. We pour out the vegetable oil. In parts, gradually add the pre-sifted flour. Actually, the dough is already ready.

Remember general rules that we covered in this article:
- no lumps,
- the consistency of thick sour cream,
- fry until golden brown on both sides on hot skillet with the addition of oil.

We cooked these pancakes without eggs, which means that their calorie content is as low as possible.

Barley pancakes

250 g barley flour
400 ml of kefir
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 table bed Sahara
1 egg


Whisk an egg with sugar and a pinch of salt in any suitable container. The finished mixture should stretch without interruption. Pour flour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, add oil.

It is better to let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes, then our pancakes will turn out to be more fluffy.

Preheat the pan to the maximum temperature and bake!

Toppings for pancakes

Each veggie pancake recipe you can use as often as you wish! As for the filling for our pancakes, you can use any of your choice:

  • for breakfast, as well as for children, fillings with dried apricots, raisins, sweet cottage cheese, fruits and berries are suitable
  • men or guests, serve pancakes with chicken liver, cheese or salmon.

But this can be a vegetarian filling for pancakes:

  • grated baked apple with cinnamon and honey;
  • cherries mashed with powdered sugar;
  • currant puree with starch and sugar;
  • pumpkin puree, slightly sweetened;
  • small pieces and fried zucchini;
  • mushroom caviar.

Bon appetit and enjoy your meal!

Almost all traditional dishes can be prepared with a vegan diet. Animal products are quietly replaced by plant products. Today I will tell you how to cook vegan pancakes... We will do this without eggs, milk and yeast. Yes, it’s possible and it’s delicious.

Vegan Pancake Recipe


  • Mineral water with gas 2.5 cups
  • Flour 2 cups
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Mix mineral water with salt and sugar. Add flour, we used whole grain, but regular white will do. Let it brew for 25 minutes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and pour into the dough. Stir well, most conveniently with a broom.

Bake pancakes. If it does burn, add more oil to the skillet. If you wish, you can grease each pancake with coconut oil, but this is not necessary, because sunflower oil is already present in the dough.

You can even cook classic pancakes, replacing milk with vegetable, and eggs with bananas or flaxseed flour... You can eat with vegan sour cream, jam, jam, tofu, walnut or chocolate paste... You can wrap vegetables or make minced tofu. In any case, vegan pancakes will be "lighter" than classic ones. These pancakes are great for fasting or for festive table... Bon Appetit!

  1. First you have to make your own vegan "egg"! Take 1 tablespoon of crushed flax seeds and cover with 2.5 tablespoons of water. Stir and leave to thicken for 5 minutes.
  2. Take a medium bowl and add all dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, salt). Stir milk in a separate bowl, Apple vinegar, melted coconut oil and flax "egg". Make a funnel in a bowl of dry ingredients and then carefully pour the liquid mixture into it. Now whisk gently, but do not stir for too long. Lumps should remain in the dough, otherwise the pancakes will turn out too dense.
  3. Heat a skillet over medium heat and brush with coconut oil. Add the dough and cook for about two minutes, until bubbles begin to appear on the pancake. Flip the pancake over and leave for another minute.
  4. Put the finished pancakes in a stack on a plate, garnish with strawberries, pour maple syrup or agave syrup if you want to keep your blood sugar normal. And finally, the hardest part: cut calories in pancakes! Share with your family, neighbor, or at least a cat. Bon Appetit!

Many people find that eating a diet or fasting diet is beneficial and at the same time delicious meals will not work. Especially in such cases, it comes to baked goods or sweet desserts. The opinion is completely wrong, because you can quickly and easily prepare amazing delicacies that you can safely use without worrying about your figure. Taking advantage of interesting recipes showing a little culinary fantasy and skills, the result will certainly please - delicious vegan pancakes will appear on the table.

A simple recipe for delicious vegan pancakes with vegetable filling

You can serve such yummy with anything, sweet sauces or favorite vegetable fillings will turn simple vegan pancakes into real holiday dessert or an appetizing snack.


  • 485 g flour;
  • 460 ml of water;
  • 45 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 7 g of soda;
  • 55 ml of refined oil.


  1. Sift half the flour.
  2. Dissolve crystals of salt and sugar in water. After complete dissolution, add prepared sifted flour. Add baking soda and stir with a spatula until all lumps are gone.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil.
  4. Take the remaining flour and in small portions (on a spoon) add to almost ready dough... You may need a little less, be sure to monitor the consistency.
  5. Take the dough necessary for one pancake with a ladle, pour into a previously prepared frying pan (hot, oiled). Be sure to turn over, toasting on both sides.

On the first pancake, see if there is enough liquid or flour, add if necessary.

With mushroom filling

Delicate pancakes, the aromatic mushroom filling will certainly delight all family members and guests. If you take ready-made boiled mushrooms, the cooking process will be much easier, all you have to do is grind and fry them.


  • 975 g wheat flour;
  • 10 g yeast;
  • 90 ml vegetable oil;
  • 800 g of mushrooms;
  • 550 g onions;
  • 510 ml of water;
  • 65 g of sugar sand;
  • 20 g of salt.


  1. Prepare the dough by mixing slightly warmed liquid, yeast, granulated sugar, a little flour and salt. Leave until warm until a frothy cap appears.
  2. Sort the mushrooms carefully, rinse several times in cool water, boil (with the addition of salt and a pinch of citric acid). Drain, cool and grind small cubes... Fry, not forgetting to pour in a little oil.
  3. Cut the onion into small cubes, fry separately, then mix with the mushroom mass and taste with your favorite seasonings and spices.
  4. Pour the remaining flour into the finished dough, you should get a dough with a consistency like kefir.
  5. Fry the pancakes without turning them over.
  6. Put the filling on the ruddy side, wrap each pancake in a neat envelope and fry in oil.

If there is no fasting or diet, you can beat the egg well, dip the envelopes in it and only then send it to the frying pan for frying.


Fragrant pancakes with orange jam will certainly appeal to all housewives on a diet. It is worth remembering the recipe, because you will have to cook them very often. You can slightly increase the amount of buckwheat flour, and reduce the amount of wheat flour.


  • 450 g oranges;
  • 100 g lemons;
  • 290 g of sugar sand;
  • 710 ml of water;
  • 155 g of wheat and buckwheat flour;
  • 6 g of yeast and salt;
  • 65 ml of vegetable oil.


  1. Before you start making pancakes, you need to do jam. To do this, remove the zest from the citrus, squeeze the juice into a separate container.
  2. Pour some water into a small saucepan, add the zest here and boil for a few minutes. Pour in the juice and continue to cook, stirring and making sure that the mass does not burn. After a quarter of an hour, add ¾ of all the sugar and cook until the mixture thickens.
  3. Mix flour with yeast in a container, then add crystals of salt and sugar, pour in water little by little and knead the dough to a semi-liquid consistency.
  4. Last but not least, add oil and fry the pancakes as usual.

Serve hot, sprinkled with aromatic jam. You can simply apply a thin layer of sweet jam and roll up.

With oat flakes

It is best to prepare sweet jelly or fruit sauce for pancakes, but they are tasty and stuffed with vegetables... The filling can be prepared in advance, and slightly warmed up before stuffing the pancakes.


  • 110 g oat flakes;
  • 90 g flour;
  • 310 ml mineral water;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 56 g salt;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 65 ml of sunflower oil.


  1. In a small container, pour the flakes with mineral water, leave until swelling.
  2. Mix the swollen flakes with the rest of the ingredients, adding them one by one and stirring thoroughly after each addition.
  3. Bake the pancakes, making sure to brown each side.
  4. Finished products can be lightly sprinkled with sugar sand.

Pancakes stuffed with apples

What can we say about such a delicacy - insanely tasty, healthy and very, very simple! Kids especially like this delicacy. You can add a little raisins steamed in boiling water to the finished filling, which will bring a completely different taste to the pancakes.


  • 480 ml of water (can be replaced with mineral water, but then exclude soda from the recipe);
  • 520 g flour;
  • 8 g salt;
  • 16 g of soda;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g apples (preferably sour hard varieties);
  • 75 g of sugar sand.


  1. Pour half of the liquid into a separate container and combine it with a small amount of granulated sugar, flour, salt.
  2. Boil the remaining water, add soda to it, after thorough mixing combine both masses. Pour in oil.
  3. Fry thin pancakes... You can simplify the process by frying only on one side, because then you will have to fry the wrapped products.
  4. Prepare the filling - rub the apples (you must first peel and remove the seed pods), cover with the remaining sugar sand and simmer in a thick-walled frying pan.
  5. Put a little filling on each pancake, wrap it nicely with an envelope or a triangle.
  6. Fry in hot oil (always turning over so that the wrapped pancakes are evenly covered with a crust).

Delicious vegetable pancakes from familiar products

The ingredients for these flavorful vegan pancakes can be found in almost every kitchen. A simple recipe, yet healthy and delicious, will appeal to the whole family.

You will need:

  • Three tablespoons of flour
  • Two zucchini
  • Five potatoes
  • Two onions
  • Pepper
  • Head of garlic

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and peel vegetables.
  2. On a fine grater, grate the zucchini, potatoes, onions and garlic.
  3. Add salt and pepper to the mixture. Add flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Bake the pancakes with a generous amount of oil on the pan.

You can change the proportions of vegetables for pancakes depending on your taste preferences. The richness of the taste of vegetable pancakes depends on this.

What are vegan fillings?

There are many options for how you can start lean pancakes.

You can make both hearty and sweet fillings:

  1. Potato filling. For cooking potato filling boil a few medium-sized potatoes. Mash the potatoes until puree. Fry the carrots and onions in a skillet until golden brown. Add mashed potatoes to them, as well as herbs. Dill goes very well with potatoes; an interesting solution would be to add dried basil.
  2. Mushroom filling. Many Slavic countries national dish pancakes with mushrooms are considered. You can stick to tradition and cook mushroom filling for pancakes. To cook it, you will need mushrooms, onions, salt, and pepper. It is worth frying onions and mushrooms on vegetable oil... The champignons should darken sufficiently. Add seasoning and fill the pancakes.
  3. Banana filling... This is ideal delicious filling for sweet lovers. You only need two ingredients - dates and bananas. Place them in a blender for two minutes and you have the perfect sweet filling.
  4. Orange filling. It is quite time consuming, but the taste is worth it. Take a few large oranges and peel them. Squeeze out the juice, you will need it in preparation orange filling... The orange peel must be placed in boiling water and cooked for five to ten minutes. Then add the juice and simmer for another fifteen minutes. Remember to stir the treat continuously. Add half a cup of sugar (for a few oranges) and remove from heat when thickened.

Vegan pancakes (video)

It turns out that making veggie pancakes is not difficult at all, and the appetite comes from even reading the recipes. There is nothing left to do here but to go to the kitchen and cook a wonderful delicacy. It's great that taking advantage of simple ingredients, you can experiment with fillings by adding your own proven ingredients.