Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Rye buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes

Rye buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes

Pancakes are a forbidden word for many of us, despite all our disinterested love for them. This is flour, they get fat from it! And that's not necessary. Buckwheat flour is an exception to many rules. And buckwheat pancakes on your table, the recipes of which we offer, are not a threat to the waist, but a pleasure with health benefits.

History reference

Historical information about the origin of buckwheat can rather be called historical guesses. For to this day there is no reliable information about this. According to some reports, Greece is considered the birthplace of buckwheat (perhaps the reason for this is its name). According to others, the foothills of Altai and Southern Siberia are called the botanical homeland.

As soon as the plant was not called in different countries- black wheat, brown rice, pagan grain, etc. Its further history developed over more than two millennia. Buckwheat was mainly distributed in places of Slavic settlements. As a result, porridge made from such cereals has become a primordially Russian national dish.

Benefit plus safety

If we listened more to the advice of nutritionists and adherents of all kinds healthy eating, then buckwheat flour would have replaced wheat flour in our kitchen long ago. And buckwheat pancakes, accordingly, would appear on our table much more often than traditional ones. What is the use of buckwheat and products with its use?

Low calorie content, lack of gluten, high content of iron, zinc, useful amino acids, a full set of B vitamins - the list is far from complete. A very serious plus is environmental friendliness. The buckwheat crops are not treated with pesticides and other synthetic fertilizers - this is the peculiarity of the cultivation of this plant.

Buckwheat pancake recipes can include wheat flour, but they can do without it. Buckwheat pancakes prepared with yeast and yeast-free, milk, kefir and water, with or without filling, sweet and unleavened, thick and thin - there are many options.

But buckwheat pancakes are not as simple as they seem. Their preparation can bring some surprises. Therefore, a few words about the secrets and pitfalls of this dish.

  • If the recipe for buckwheat pancakes is based on yeast dough, you need to wait for the bubbles to appear on its surface. If they never appeared, then delicious buckwheat pancakes you, apparently, will not see this time.
  • Do not place the whole egg in the buckwheat pancake batter. Whisk the whites well separately from the yolks to a stable foam. You need to add them at the very end.
  • If you increase the number of yolks, the pancakes will be less brittle. You can also add a slice of butter for this purpose, after melting it.
  • Before putting the dough into the pan, it must be heated very well.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the pan completely. If a brush is not available, use a half of an onion with a fork in it.
  • Use sifted and dry flour.
  • If the recipe for buckwheat flour pancakes contains water, add salt to it - the dough will be less clumpy.
  • If you do not have ready-made buckwheat flour, you can make it at home by carefully grinding ordinary buckwheat.
  • If you want to make pancakes with filling, pour into the pan less dough... Otherwise, you will not be able to fold them due to fragility. Wrap hot.

Buckwheat pancakes: a recipe without adding wheat flour

The lack of gluten in buckwheat flour greatly complicates the process of baking pancakes. Finished products are more brittle, it is difficult to wrap something in them. To facilitate the process, many buckwheat pancake recipes prescribe replacing part of the buckwheat flour with wheat. This solves the problem, but is not always acceptable. Therefore, we offer a gluten-free buckwheat pancake recipe.


  • 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar - optional;
  • 1/4 tsp each. baking powder and baking soda;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • honey for serving.


Read also:


  • 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 10 g dry fast-acting yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Separate the proteins, beat them with sugar into a foam.
  2. Mix yeast with two types of flour, add warm milk.
  3. Add the yolks soft butter... We wait until bubbles rise to the surface.
  4. Add whipped egg whites, let stand a little more and fry. Fry the first side under the lid, the second open.

Pancakes are prepared with baking in the same way as ordinary pancakes, but the filling is laid out on the second side. This can be mushrooms, fried onions, herbs, finely chopped ham, etc.

After the bottom is browned, turn the pancake over with the filling down. You need to bake the second side very quickly.


  • 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1/2 tsp salt.

Cooking is similar to traditional buckwheat pancakes with yeast.

Buckwheat pancakes are especially useful. Such a dish is made from buckwheat flour, which means it is less harmful to the figure. It is allowed to be included in your diet even during a diet.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour, the same amount of high-grade wheat, 3 chicken eggs, 3.5 cups of milk, half a glass of filtered water, 7 g fast yeast, salt, sugar to taste.

  1. 2/3 of all milk is brought to a boil. The rest of it is just slightly warmed up.
  2. First, water is poured into sifted dark flour, and then boiled milk.
  3. Yeast dissolves in warm milk. The mixture is poured over to the ingredients from the second step. The mass is mixed with a mixer, after which it is left warm for a couple of hours.
  4. The yolks are ground with sugar. Together with the melted butter, they are poured into the risen dough. White flour is also sent there.
  5. Salt and separately whipped proteins are added to the mixture. The dough will be infused for a couple of hours.

Pancakes from buckwheat flour on kefir

Ingredients: 320 g of buckwheat and 90 wheat flour, half a liter of fatty kefir, 2 chicken eggs, small. a spoonful of soda, sugar, salt to taste.

  1. All dry ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl at once.
  2. Kefir is poured into the mixture. Eggs are driven in there. It is best to use a mixer to mix the components.

Buckwheat pancakes are baked on kefir in a well-heated frying pan with a small amount of fat.

Brewing method of preparation

Ingredients: a full glass of water, 280 g of buckwheat flour, 12 g of fresh yeast, ½ teaspoon of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, a full glass of milk.

  1. First, buckwheat flour is sifted into a spacious bowl. Next, freshly boiled water is poured into it. The mass must immediately begin to actively stir so that lumps do not form.
  2. Yeast dissolves in a small amount of slightly warmed milk. Granulated sugar is also poured there. When the bubble cap starts to rise on the mixture, you can pour it into the dough base from the first step.
  3. Further, the remaining components are added to the mass. After thorough mixing, the dough is removed to a draft-free place for 80-90 minutes.

After the specified time, you can start frying the pancakes.

No added yeast

Ingredients: a glass of buckwheat flour, half a glass of wheat flour, 2 chicken eggs, 2-2.5 tbsp. fatty cow's milk, a pinch of table salt, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, grease for greasing a frying pan.

  1. To begin with, two types of flour are mixed. Other dry ingredients declared in the recipe are sent to them.
  2. Warm milk is added to the mixture in small portions.
  3. After stirring, you can add slightly beaten eggs.
  4. The consistency should be the usual pancake dough.

Buckwheat pancakes are fried until golden brown on a hot skillet.

Lean buckwheat pancakes

Ingredients: a full glass of buckwheat and high-grade wheat flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of rock salt, 6 g of instant yeast, 720 ml of potato broth, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Dark flour is sieved along with white wheat flour. Other dry ingredients declared in the recipe are immediately sent to the mixture. The amount of sugar can be reduced or increased according to your own taste.
  2. Poured into a bulk mass potato broth... This the best option prescription for the time of fasting. Instead of such a decoction, the hostess can choose milk or kefir.
  3. The resulting mixture is whipped well with a special blender attachment. She will stand under a towel for 3-4 hours in a draft-free place. The dough is not put to the battery, as it can quickly sour near it.
  4. Pancakes are fried in a hot skillet, greased with oil, on both sides until golden brown.

Serve deliciously the resulting treat with honey, homemade jam, melted butter or ghee.

Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

Ingredients: 120 g of buckwheat flour and 40 g of high-grade wheat, 2/3 of a pack of butter, an egg, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and brown sugar, sour apple, ½ dessert spoon of quick yeast, a couple of pinches of sea salt.

  1. Yeast is combined with sugar (the latter is used 2/3 of the declared amount). The mixture is poured with 150 ml of slightly warmed water.
  2. Milk, eggs and sea salt are combined separately.
  3. Two types of flour are gradually introduced into the mixture from the second step in small portions.
  4. Yeast is added to the base for the dough. All ingredients mix well.
  5. Melted butter is poured into the mass in a thin stream.
  6. The homogeneous mixture is left away from drafts for half an hour.
  7. For the filling, apples without peels and seeds are cut into small cubes and fried in butter. The remaining sugar is poured into the pan. All fruit pieces should be caramelized during the frying process.
  8. In a separate preheated pan, bake on olive oil pancakes.

Served with apple caramel filling.

What to serve homemade buckwheat pancakes with?

Buckwheat pancakes are delicious to try with the most different fillings... For example, it goes well with them. cottage cheese and pieces of red lightly salted fish or caviar. Any finely chopped fresh herbs will help to improve the taste of the curd-fish filling.

Also used as a filling is sweet or salted cottage cheese... Wrap fried mushrooms with boiled carrots and eggs or grated in dark tortillas. hard cheese with garlic. You can complement the last version of the filling with ham or smoked meat.

If you don't have any special filling ingredients on hand, serve pancakes with melted butter or sweetened sour cream. You can simply sprinkle the finished cakes with powdered sugar.

As a dessert, you can combine buckwheat pancakes with liquid natural bee honey, homemade jam, jam or condensed milk.

“Two cooks don't keep up with the oven. On frying pans, "black" pancakes are baked and buckwheat, ruddy, are placed in piles, and the clever foreman Proshin, with an earring in his ear, slaps them on the table, as if hitting a bald head. Heard juicy - blooper! Everyone in turn: blooper ... blooper ... blooper! Steam comes from pancakes with screws!

("The Lord's Summer", I. Shmelev)

In the century before last, pancakes on Shrovetide were most often baked from buckwheat flour. Traditionally they were served with sour cream, jam or fish and chopped egg... Buckwheat pancakes were called "red" for their reddish color. They turned out to be special - lush, light, with a slightly noticeable pleasant sourness. It is not easy to find buckwheat flour on sale now, and the one that is, expensive, is of foreign production. It is easier to make flour at home: it is enough to dry the buckwheat well in the oven and grind it in a blender.

from the book "Recipes of Russian cuisine that you love"


1 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 cup wheat flour
3 eggs 5 tbsp. l. Sahara
2 cups milk
1 tsp baking powder
Vegetable oil for frying
A piece of butter for greasing pancakes
1/2 tsp salt


1. In a deep bowl, beat the eggs and sugar well. Eggs should be from the refrigerator.

2. Pour in cold milk and beat well again. Salt. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix.

3. Mix both types of sifted flour, add baking powder.

4. Into milk with eggs in a thin stream add flour, stirring constantly. The result should be a dough with the consistency of thick sour cream: if the dough is thin, add more buckwheat flour, if it's too tight, add milk.

5. Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan (it is convenient to distribute the oil over the frying pan using half a potato, chopped onto a fork).

6. Bake pancakes: about a ladle of dough goes for a pancake. Add vegetable oil to the pan if necessary.

7. Grease each pancake with butter so that they do not stick together in the stack.

This is not to say that pancakes are primordial Russian dish... Something similar is being done all over the world under different names. But what we thought of was pancakes made from a wide variety of flours, including buckwheat.

It just so happened that wheat flour, familiar to modern man, has been considered a lordly product in our territories from time immemorial. It was expensive to make everyday meals out of it. So pancakes were baked from cheaper types of flour: rye, oat and even pea. But the most popular have always been buckwheat pancakes, because with what with what, and with buckwheat in Russia, problems did not arise so often.


  • Milk- 600 ml
  • Eggs- 3 pieces
  • Flour- 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil- 0.5 cups
  • Sugar- 2 tbsp
  • Salt, soda- 1/3 tsp each
  • How to cook buckwheat pancakes

    1 ... Break eggs into a deep cup, add sugar, salt and soda. Beat with a whisk.

    ... Pour in milk and vegetable oil. Stir and add buckwheat flour.

    3 ... Stir so that there are no lumps.

    4 ... Peel and cut the raw potato in half. Chop half onto a fork. Dip in vegetable oil and grease the pan. This method came to me from my grandmother, it is very convenient, because there is not a lot of oil to spend, pancakes do not burn and do not turn out to be too greasy.

    ... Grease the hot frying pan with vegetable oil (as described above). Reduce heat to medium. And pour a small ladle of pancake dough onto it, evenly distributing it over the bottom (turn the pan smoothly, in a circular motion).

    ... Adjust the flame so that the pancake has time to bake at the top, but not burn at the bottom. Flip buckwheat pancakes when no more is left batter(see photo) neatly, they are crumbly and break easily.

    Delicious buckwheat pancakes are ready

    Bon Appetit!

    About the benefits

    Even small children know about the usefulness of buckwheat. Hearing the name of this cereal, iron becomes the first association. It's true! But buckwheat is not rich in iron alone. It also contains other minerals that a person needs. There are also many vitamins in it. But what it lacks is not very healthy gluten, which is just “bulk” in wheat flour. A a large number of This substance for our body, as shown by modern research in the field of medicine, is not very good. Indeed, many people, themselves suspecting it, suffer from intolerance to this protein.
    True, some of our fellow citizens are allergic to buckwheat products. But, firstly, there are few of them, and secondly, they probably know about this from childhood.

    First, about where to get buckwheat flour. In some supermarkets it can be found on the shelves in the “Grocery” section. True, it costs for some reason much more expensive than wheat. So it's easier to make this product yourself by buying regular buckwheat and pitches in a coffee grinder or blender. Only at first it is advisable to sort out the cereals.

    The flour for making buckwheat pancakes must first be sieved. This action is recommended to be carried out with any flour. The finished product from this turns out to be much more magnificent, since the flour has time to be saturated with oxygen.
    To prevent the flour from clumping and spreading better in the dough, it is better to use salted water to dilute it. To do this, the amount of salt required according to the recipe is enough, diluted in the specified amount of water.

    Buckwheat pancakes turn out to be drier, and as a result, brittle, so in order to serve pancakes to the table, and not lumps of fried dough, it makes sense to put a little soft butter and more egg yolks in the pancake mass.

    You need to fry buckwheat pancakes in a very preheated frying pan. In this case, you should not pour oil into the brazier. Better to just grease it. Half an onion dipped in a container with vegetable oil is well suited for this. Such a lubricant will not only prevent the pancakes from burning, but will also give ready meal additional flavor.

    Classic recipe (by yeast)

    This recipe can truly be called a classic. It is believed that this is how the dough for buckwheat pancakes was prepared in the old days. Whether this is so, now it is difficult to find out, but the pancakes according to this recipe are really excellent. You will need it for such baking following products:
    buckwheat and wheat flour - 300-350 g each;
    milk - 4 glasses;
    eggs - 3 pcs.;

    yeast - 1 sachet;
    butter - 50 g;
    salt to taste.
    Heat one of the glasses of milk slightly (approximately to 37-38 ° C), and boil two glasses. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk with a little sugar. Pour hot milk into a large bowl with sifted buckwheat flour and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. When the flour brewed in this way has cooled slightly, pour the prepared dough into it. Mix the mixture well again and leave for a couple of hours, covered with a lid or at least a towel.

    Grind egg yolks with sugar. Beat the whites separately until foamy. Pour wheat flour, salt into the present tests, add egg yolks, the last glass of warm milk and melted butter... Mix the mixture thoroughly. As a result, you should get a standard pancake dough, reminiscent of the thickness of liquid sour cream. It remains to drive the egg whites into it and leave it alone for another couple of hours. After this time, you can start cooking pancakes.

    Buckwheat pancakes without milk and eggs

    Custard buckwheat pancakes, of course, are good, but making them takes a long time. If there is time, but there is not much of it, then it is better to stop at the usual yeast version... By the way, this method is also interesting because it is considered lean, since it contains neither milk nor eggs. Products for such pancakes need the following:
    buckwheat and wheat flour - 1 glass each;
    water - 750 ml;
    sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    dry yeast - 1 sachet;
    salt to taste.
    Combine all bulk products, add water and stir well to get a homogeneous mass. Put the container with the dough somewhere, where it is warmer for two hours. During this time, the dough will be covered with bubbles and rise, incl. the dishes should be taken more so that it does not "run away". That's the whole process. It remains to fry the pancakes.
    By the way, in this recipe, instead of water, you can use various decoctions. It turns out very tasty and unusual.

    Buckwheat pancakes with kefir

    Buckwheat pancakes are made without yeast. In this case, you can knead the dough in milk. But it turns out tastier if the pancake base is prepared with kefir. What is required for such pancakes? Yes, almost everything is the same:
    buckwheat and wheat flour - 250 and 100 g, respectively;
    kefir - 0.5 l;
    eggs - 3 pcs.;
    granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
    soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
    salt to taste.
    Pour kefir into a bowl for dough, add soda to it and mix, then add eggs, butter, sugar and salt there. Stir the base well again. Then add buckwheat and wheat flour mixed beforehand to the liquid components. Continue stirring the mixture until the resulting dough is smooth. Everything, you can fry.

    Wheat Flour Free (Gluten Free) Recipe

    All the above recipes for buckwheat flour pancakes also had a wheat variety of this product in their composition. This is done so that the dough becomes more sticky and the pancakes do not "break". However, it is not at all necessary to add a wheat product of milling production to buckwheat pancakes. You can also do without gluten. And for this you need to take the following products:
    buckwheat flour - 250-300 g;
    milk - 0.6 l;
    eggs - 2 pcs.;
    sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
    butter - 50-70 g;
    granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    yeast - 1 sachet;
    salt to taste.
    Pour one glass of milk from the total and add yeast and a little sugar to it. The resulting mixture must be allowed to stand for 10 minutes for the yeast to start working. When this happens, mix the flour, sour cream and the resulting dough, turning all these individual ingredients into homogeneous mass... Wrap the base for the dough and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. By the way, when choosing dishes, one should take into account that in the process of raising the dough will increase quite a lot in volume. After the specified time, add egg yolks, butter, brought to a liquid state, and salt into the dough base. Stir the dough well, then add the rest of the milk and whipped until frothy. egg white... After thorough mixing, you can start cooking buckwheat pancakes.

    What to serve buckwheat pancakes with

    Unlike standard pancakes, the buckwheat-based dish is completely incompatible with sweet fillings. But their taste is perfectly emphasized by salty foods: bacon, red fish, caviar, mushrooms.
    Buckwheat pancakes are also perfect in combination with various roasts, for example: mushroom. To prepare such a filler, you will need to take:
    mushrooms - 300 g (you can take Forest mushrooms, but you can also champignons);
    carrot - 1 medium root vegetable;
    onion - 1 head of medium size;
    sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
    vegetable oil - for frying;
    salt, pepper - to taste.
    This frying is incredibly simple. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, onion - small cubes, and grate the carrots on a shredder. Send prepared products to a saucepan with heated oil, add sour cream, pepper and salt to taste. Stir regularly until the carrots soften. This process usually takes no more than 15-20 minutes.
    The resulting fry can be put in a separate plate, and next to it, put a gravy boat with sour cream, and, of course, a plate with the main dish - buckwheat pancakes.

    Video recipe from Julia Vysotskaya "Buckwheat pancakes with salmon"

    Buckwheat pancakes are not an invention of modern chefs. This dish has been known for several centuries and belongs to traditional Russian cuisine.

    The mistresses of those distant times had own recipe pancakes and passed it on from generation to generation.

    The process of preparing the dish took several hours, special attention was paid to the dough, because without it, the pancake dough did not even begin to be made.

    The pancakes baked by our ancestors were fluffy with a sour taste. They were served with "hot", fillings and honey.

    Buckwheat pancakes are a little more difficult to bake than from wheat flour.

    And so that you do not have to blush for your cooking in front of the guests, and amaze them with culinary skills, I will share some secrets and tell you pancake recipes.

    How to deliciously bake successful buckwheat pancakes

    Buckwheat baked goods are fraught with several "pitfalls". We will talk about them today, and you will also learn how to get around them without losing yourself.

    You can only prepare a high-quality dough from fresh yeast. If, after the allotted time, bubbles do not appear on its surface, you are out of luck with the main product - yeast.

    We'll have to start all over again, but only with new ingredients. Buckwheat pancakes are more brittle and dry.

    Compared to the same baked goods with the addition of wheat flour, they require more egg yolks. Butter also does not hurt; before adding to the dough, it must be melted and cooled.

    Pour the pancake mass only on a hot skillet, otherwise the fried buckwheat pancakes will stick to the bottom. The bottom line is a flipping problem.

    Use a paintbrush or chopped onion to grease the skillet with vegetable oil. Stick the latter on a fork and dip the cut side in fat. Convenient and economical.

    Regular table salt will help to avoid clumps. Dissolve it in water, which you then add to the dough. Please note that you should not exceed the amount of salt that the recipe contains.

    Sifted flour is the key to fluffy buckwheat pancakes. Oxygen bubbles, which saturate the product during sieving, improve the rise of the dough.

    Buckwheat Yeast Pancake Recipe

    Ready-made buckwheat pancakes have an original taste and a beautiful coffee shade. It is interesting that all the properties of buckwheat are preserved in the flour of the same name.

    Having made this dish once, you will certainly want to return to it again and again. You do not need special skills and products, all you need is:

    0.5 liters of milk; 20 g sugar; 0.1 kg of wheat flour and 0.3 kg of buckwheat; 3 yolks and 2 whites; 20 g fresh yeast; 30 ml sl. oils; salt to taste.

    In order to fry buckwheat golden pancakes, you need to prepare vegetable oil or any other fat in advance.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Start with dough first. To do this, heat half of the milk and dilute the crumbled yeast in it.
    2. Sift wheat flour, mix with three tablespoons of buckwheat and add to a bowl.
    3. Stir well and leave to rise for one hour. Be sure to cover the bowl with a towel so that the surface of the dough does not dry out.
    4. When the starter is ready, start kneading the dough. Heat the rest of the milk, whisk it with sugar, salt and yolks. Add to bowl.
    5. Pour melted butter there, add the remaining buckwheat flour.
    6. Leave the dough to rise for another 60-80 minutes.
    7. As soon as the mass "has grown" and became fluffy, add the whipped egg whites into it. Carefully so that the foam retains its lushness, stir the contents of the bowl and start baking the buckwheat pancakes.

    Pour some dough into a hot skillet (remember to grease it) and fry the pancakes over medium heat until tender. Turn each pancake carefully so that it does not break.

    As you already know, buckwheat flour does not contain gluten, so the pancakes are brittle. Serve buckwheat ruddy pancakes hot, serving sour cream and melted butter in saucers.

    See other pancake recipes on my website.

    Pancakes "princely" buckwheat

    Serve buckwheat pancakes with yeast and wheat flour, greased with butter.

    Chop up the dough from: one egg; 0.150 kg of buckwheat flour; one and a half glasses of milk; a teaspoon of granular yeast; Art. spoons sl. butter and the same amount of sour cream; 20 g sugar; pinches of salt.


    1. Heat milk (glass), add sugar and yeast. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then stir and pour into a bowl of flour.
    2. Grind the mass with a spatula, add sour cream.
    3. When the mixture is smooth, wrap the bowl with a large towel, cover it with a blanket and leave it alone for 2-2.5 hours. Choose a bowl so that the dough has room to rise.
    4. Separate the yolk from the egg, insert it into almost ready dough, then send oil and salt.
    5. Add remaining warm milk and whipped egg white. 6 Gently stir and bake the buckwheat pancakes one last time.

    Heat the frying pan on high fire, grease. Reduce heat to medium and set buckwheat to bake thin pancakes to a ruddy shade. If you want to know more recipes for pancakes, "scroll through" the pages of the site.

    Buckwheat pancakes without yeast

    Take: 0.10 kg of wheat and 0.150 kg of buckwheat flour; ½ liter of milk; a couple of eggs; h. a spoonful of salt; 20 g sugar; 1/3 pack of butter.


    1. Measure out the required amount of buckwheat and wheat flour.
    2. Sift and mix with salt and granulated sugar.
    3. Beat in the eggs and crush the mixture with a spatula, adding 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk.
    4. When the mixture is smooth, gradually pour in the rest of the milk, kneading the dough with a whisk each time.
    5. V batter add melted and chilled butter, cover the bowl with a napkin.
    6. Wait 30 minutes, during this time the dough will settle and become more viscous (see photo).

    Pancakes are baked in a dry frying pan. Don't worry, they won't stick because the dough contains a lot of fat. To prevent buckwheat pancakes from sticking together, coat them with butter.

    Buckwheat pancakes with kefir

    Prepare the products from the list: a glass of kefir and a glass of water; 2 eggs; 40 g sugar; some salt; a glass of buckwheat flour; frying oil.

    Kneading the dough:

    1. In the container you have chosen to knead the dough, beat the eggs.
    2. Add sugar and salt and kefir.
    3. Mix everything well.
    4. Sift buckwheat flour and add to the rest of the ingredients.
    5. Using a whisk, beat the dough until homogeneous and only then pour in purified water in a trickle. Do not stop whisking to avoid clumping.

    As a result, you have a liquid pancake dough, from which you can already bake pancakes.

    Baking pancakes:

    1. Grease a hot frying pan and take it by the handle.
    2. Scoop up the dough with a ladle and pour into the bottom of the pan, which should be kept at a slight incline.
    3. The liquid mass, spreading, will form a round cake.
    4. Fry the pancakes until dark on each side for 30-40 seconds. If it seems to you that the pancakes are too fragile, dilute a little wheat flour in water and add to the dough.

    Put buckwheat ruddy pancakes on a plate and, while they are hot, call those close to the table.

    Quickly buckwheat pancakes

    Ingredient List:

    100 g of buckwheat and wheat flour; 2 glasses whole milk; 0.5 tsp of soda; a quarter of a small spoonful of citric acid and the same amount of salt; 3 medium sized eggs; 4 large spoons sl. oils; 30 ml of refined lean oil.


    1. The dough kneading technology is not complicated. Follow the description and you will get great results. So, sift both flours into a bowl and whisk them together.
    2. Heat the milk slightly and pour into the flour, kneading a mass similar in consistency to thick fat sour cream.
    3. Mash the salt and eggs in a separate bowl, then transfer the mixture to a bowl.
    4. Dissolve in 10 ml of water citric acid, send the soda there. A reaction has occurred, resulting in foam.
    5. Send the liquid into the dough, stir.

    You can fry pancakes with buckwheat flour. If you are interested in recipes for gravies, fries and other goodies that are combined with buckwheat pancakes, read the article further.

    What is served with pancakes cooked in buckwheat flour?

    The experience of the hostesses and the opinion of professional chefs agreed on one point - pancakes on buckwheat flour do not go well with sweet sauces. This means that the best addition to them are fried foods, fish, mushrooms and other foods.

    "Five minutes"

    This roast consists of: one carrot; bulbs; 300 g champignons; 1/3 teaspoon of salt and 50 ml of vegetable oil. It is quite simple and quick to perform, and this factor will be appreciated by all hostesses who have little time.

    You need:

    1. Rinse the mushrooms, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into slices. You can chop the mushrooms into strips or cubes.
    2. Grate the carrots with coarse holes and dice the onions.
    3. Fry all ingredients on vegetable oil, salt.

    Serve the finished frying in a separate bowl, each will take as much as he needs. Sour cream will be a good addition; it is also put on the table separately.

    I am sure that thin buckwheat pancakes will fall into the category of your favorites. It is almost impossible to refuse a dish that is not only tasty, but also healthy.

    Buckwheat flour is rich in iron, which improves blood formation, and magnesium, which relieves nervous tension and gives strength. Taking care of the health of your loved ones, you simultaneously delight them with a small culinary masterpiece.

    My video recipe