Home / Dumplings / Very healthy flaxseed bread. Bread from flax flour "S. Pudov" Bread from flax flour in a bread machine

Very healthy flaxseed bread. Bread from flax flour "S. Pudov" Bread from flax flour in a bread machine

Time for flaxseed!

One of the major trends in the food category is the return of plant-based products to our kitchens. Recipes using them appear in culinary blogs one after another. Flaxseed flour is recommended as an alternative or addition to traditional wheat flour. The food additive is formed by grinding flax seeds.

Flaxseed flour: benefits and harms

The product is gluten-free, low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Rich in the following nutrients:

  • B vitamins, folic acid are involved in the formation of blood
  • valuable trace elements necessary for the health of the skin, nails, hair: zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.
  • phytoestrogens that prevent the formation of cancer cells
  • fiber helps in colon cleansing
  • vegetable protein tones muscles, satisfies hunger
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids lower cholesterol levels.

The supplement is an important element of a healthy and effective diet because:

  • has a low calorie content
  • regulates the digestive system
  • supports memory and concentration
  • has a positive effect on metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The powder has diuretic properties. If you do not follow the drinking regimen, dehydration may occur. When using more than 3 tbsp. per day, an exacerbation of gallstone disease is possible.

Flaxseed flour in the kitchen

The additive is ideal for frying and baking cakes, pancakes, pancakes and pies. It can be consumed without heat treatment as an addition to pastas, yoghurts, fruit or vegetable cocktails. Suitable for baking bread in a bread machine. Can also be used as a topping. This section contains detailed recipes with photos.

Is flaxseed bread made from flaxseed flour? Not necessarily. Bread, to which flax seeds, bran and even linseed oil are added, bears the same name.

Linen bread has a dark color and a pleasant nutty flavor, and its texture is denser than wheat bread. But not only for taste features, interest in this product continues to grow rapidly.

The whole secret is in

The usefulness of flax seeds has long been noticed by our ancestors. They widely used them for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Bags of flax seeds can also be purchased at a modern pharmacy. They will help with colds, improve hair growth, strengthen nails, normalize weight, normalize blood sugar levels.

Flaxseed contains vitamins and minerals. About a third of its composition is occupied by polyunsaturated fats, among which the most important omega acids. The dietary fiber of flaxseed shells improves digestion and lowers cholesterol levels. Researchers note the anti-allergenic and antioxidant properties of flaxseed flour.

Flaxseed bread contains no eggs or additional fats. Therefore, the calorie content of flaxseed bread is low. It is almost half that of wheat and is about 100 kcal / 100 g of product, especially if flax flour is bought in a store and not prepared by grinding at home.

Flaxseed oil is very useful not only for people, but also for pets. Its reception will immediately affect the condition of your pet's coat as well as on the hair of its owner or mistress.

Some recipes suggest adding flaxseed oil to the dough when baking bread. You should not do this, since it is not recommended to heat this oil. In addition, not everyone likes the flavor that linseed oil gives to baked goods. It is better to just dip slices of bread into it, it will be much more useful.

Like any product, flaxseed bread can harm the body. To whom is this product contraindicated? Despite the fact that the packaging of flaxseed meal indicates that it has no contraindications, it is still better to consult a doctor. This will be the right decision, especially since in some cases it is better not to get carried away with flax seed products.

  1. It is dangerous to use flaxseed flour for people with gallstones. These stones can block the bile ducts. It doesn't hurt to check for kidney stones as well.
  2. Pregnant women and new mothers who are breastfeeding should avoid flaxseed bread and other flaxseed supplements.
  3. Flax seeds and products from them are not recommended for women who have been diagnosed with a number of gynecological diseases.
  4. Products from flax seeds have a laxative effect, with inflammation of the intestines, you do not need to use them.

Baking flaxseed bread in a bread machine

Flaxseed flour is 2.5 times richer in proteins compared to wheat flour. The fat content in it is 5 times more, but the carbohydrates are almost half as much. There is a noticeable preponderance towards proteins, and this is especially suitable for those who play sports and take care of their own figure. So let's start baking flaxseed bread immediately.

We need 100 g of flaxseed and 300 g of the usual wheat flour.

Now we take one teaspoon of salt, sugar, dry yeast, 1 tbsp. l / vegetable oil and 260 ml of water.

Before use, flaxseed flour must be sifted, but this is done not only to remove impurities. Just during storage, such flour can clump into lumps due to its increased oiliness.

We put all the listed ingredients in a baking dish, the sequence here depends on the model. For example, in a bucket of a Panasonic bread machine, first we pour all the dry foods, and then pour in water and vegetable oil. For the Kenwood bread machine, the sequence of actions is the opposite: first water, and then everything else. So follow the instructions for your model and you can't go wrong.

When all the ingredients are loaded, set the "Basic mode" and bake the bread. Now the loaf should be removed from the mold and cooled on a wooden board, covered with a towel. Linen bread is ready.

By the way, lovers of experimenting can, if desired, make changes to the composition. Sunflower or sesame seeds, cumin, odorous herbs will not be superfluous at all. Someone prefers to use olive oil instead of sunflower oil, adds bran, wheat germ or cereal flakes. Instead of water, some housewives use the same amount of kefir or whey. There are many options, create your own original flax bread recipe.

Flax crackers or crispbread

Let's prepare flax bread, the recipe of which is extremely simple. We will need a glass of flaxseeds, 1/3 cup of shelled sunflower seeds, a handful of sesame seeds, a couple of garlic cloves, one medium carrot, salt to taste.

  1. Separate about half of the sunflower and flax seeds, grind them in a blender and pour into a bowl.
  2. Gradually add a little water here and mix until a thick homogeneous slurry is obtained.
  3. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add to the bowl. Mix again.
  4. Press the garlic through a press and add to the mixture.
  5. The remaining sunflower, flax and sesame seeds are sent there, after which we mix thoroughly again until smooth.
  6. If necessary, add a little water so that the mixture does not become dry.
  7. We lay a layer of baking paper on a baking sheet, and on top of the prepared mixture in an even layer.
  8. Now we set the baking sheet to the highest level of your electric oven, turn on the lower heating element at the minimum temperature and open the door a little.

Our loaves should not be baked, but dried.

  1. When the mass dries slightly, with a spatula or knife we ​​draw deep vertical and horizontal lines along it. In the future, along these lines it will be easier to break the bread into portioned pieces.
  2. After an hour, take the baking sheet out of the oven and turn the layer over to the other side. We continue drying.
  3. Our linen bread in the oven should be completely dry.
  4. Now we break them into pieces. It turned out to be a tasty and healthy dish.

You can have a bite to eat with such linen bread, or you can add a piece of cheese, a sprig of greens, a tomato and get a tasty and healthy sandwich. Bon Appetit!


The benefits and harms of flaxseed flour, how to take it to cleanse the body and lose weight

Flax is a very useful plant. The same applies to its seeds, from which flour is made. It contains a large number of useful substances that positively affect human health and well-being. In addition, baking from this material will be tasty and retain almost all the positive properties. Flaxseed flour - benefits and harms, how to take? You can find answers to all these questions in this article.

Properties and composition of flaxseed flour

Compound. Mineral components consisting of magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, sodium, chromium, selenium, folic acid. Fortified components - all B vitamins and vitamins A, E. The product includes healthy carbohydrates that do not adversely affect the body of a person with diabetes. The protein that is part of such a product is higher in concentration than in legumes. Fiber has a special role in the body, helping to cleanse the body of harmful ingredients and toxins. Moreover, this component helps to establish the efficiency of the digestive system, relieve a person of constipation and various stomach diseases. Antioxidants and fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) have anti-aging properties of the body. There are 270 calories per 100 grams of product. Many housewives mix wheat and flax flour in different proportions, and then bake cakes, bread and muffins from the resulting mixture. You can also use it as a single product. properties of flaxseed flour. The chemical composition is of particular importance for the restoration and treatment of the body from various diseases. How useful is this product? Vegetable proteins consist of easily and quickly absorbed by the body, they saturate all internal systems, are vital components. The composition of cholesterol is completely absent, which indicates the usefulness, as well as complete harmlessness. Flax seeds have antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. This product must be in the diet of those who suffer from a weak immune system. In addition, the product is recommended to be used during the attack of viral and respiratory infections. It also contains components that stabilize hormones and stabilize brain function. Products containing flax are recommended for people who do heavy mental work.

Why is flaxseed so useful? Analysis of contraindications

The product has a beneficial effect on memory and improves blood circulation in the brain. This product reduces the risk of heart disease and normalizes the heart muscle. Products made from it help maintain and restore the elasticity of blood vessels. People suffering from gallbladder diseases are advised to regularly consume products based on this mixture, since they have a slight choleretic property. It is essential in the diet of people exposed to radiation or chemicals. Contraindications This product has many benefits, but it has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before using a product as a healthy or therapeutic substance, it is important to get business advice from your doctor. Contraindications for use are as follows:
  • when diagnosed in gallbladder stones, the use of the product may contribute to their activity, which will lead to blockage of the bile ducts
  • in rare cases, non-acceptance by the human body may occur. In case of allergic reactions to the product, its use in the diet is strictly prohibited.
Advice! Before changing the diet, it is better to consult with your doctor. It may not be possible.

What appetizing can be cooked from flaxseed flour

What can be prepared from flaxseed flour? For breakfast:
  • apple muffins
  • Cranberry muffins
  • regular bread
  • Pizza preparation
  • crackers
Snack: Dessert:

Taking flaxseed meal at night for weight loss

In fact, the use of this product for weight loss is one of the main reasons for taking it! It helps you feel full and maintain your healthy weight. It can also aid in weight loss because flax helps suppress appetite. The main reason why this product is so effective is because it contains a high percentage of omega-3 fats. Our body cannot produce them on its own, and we get only a small amount from the products. These are healthy fats that help get rid of cholesterol and improve the overall condition of the body. Flaxseed flour at night for weight loss is taken at bedtime, preferably half an hour. It can be mixed with a small amount of water, kefir or yogurt. It is best if it is taken on an empty stomach. You will not feel hungry after taking it. How much should be taken? 1-2 tablespoons, no more. The main thing is to do it for a long time.

The use of flaxseed for bowel cleansing

There are several ways to use flax seeds for colon cleansing.
  • Morning reception. Mix two spoonfuls in a glass of water. It should be a thick liquid. In this case, flaxseed meal should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Cocktail. You can mix it with kefir, yogurt and other cereals. This will make for a rich cocktail. Flaxseed flour for bowel cleansing will help a lot, especially if taken with kefir
Advice! A cocktail is more effective, since kefir will additionally restore the microflora in the intestines.

The use of flaxseed flour in diabetes

There is some evidence that eating flax lowers post-meal blood sugar and raises insulin levels due to its high soluble fiber content. (This is 28 percent fiber, of which two thirds are soluble). Flax has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. An interesting but unproven potential benefit may be the prevention of type 1 and 2 diabetes. An animal study found that flax delayed the onset of the disease. Flaxseed flour for diabetes is taken in the morning, you only need 2 tablespoons per glass of water.

Cooking flaxseed flour at home: video


Regular intake will help to improve the metabolism in the body and get rid of harmful cholesterol. It contains a lot of nutrients, especially necessary in the winter. In addition, it can be used to make homemade bread, pizza, muffins, etc. In this case, even seemingly junk food will also bring benefits. Publication date: 04/10/2018


Flaxseed bread: calories, nutritional value and composition

Flaxseed bread is a dietary product with an interesting texture and taste. Now it is becoming more and more popular among fans of healthy eating. Flaxseed flour itself does not contain enough gluten, so wheat flour or any other cereal flour is added to it. In addition, sometimes bread is made directly from flax bran. The calorie content of flaxseed bread (as well as the carbohydrate content) is usually somewhat lower than other varieties, which gives it an advantage when included in the diet. Such bread can be made in a bread machine at home, but it is also easy to find in shops and department stores.

  • calories
  • The nutritional value
  • Composition of flaxseed bread
  • Benefit and harm


Calorie content of flax bread: 100 g. - 207 Kcal. One slice is approximately 55 kcal.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of flaxseed bread (per 100 g): Proteins: 9.5 g. Fats: 4.9 g. Carbohydrates: 35.2 g.

Composition of flaxseed bread

Ingredients of flaxseed bread: wheat flour, flaxseed flour, water, vegetable oil, yeast, salt. There may be flaxseeds, sugar or sweetener, bran, sesame, milk or kefir.

Benefit and harm

Flaxseed bread is a specific product, but extremely useful. The calorie content of bread with flax seeds is low, the bread is rich in “good” carbohydrates, but not oversaturated with them. There are also a lot of proteins in bread, more than in many other varieties.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids help reduce blood cholesterol levels and generally have a healing effect. Flaxseed flour is not a strong allergen, it is adequately perceived by the stomach and intestines, the only thing is that if you have kidney stones, it is better not to include flaxseed bread in your diet before talking to a doctor.


The benefits and harms of flaxseed flour

Herbal preparations are sometimes much more effective for the body than conventional medicine. This fully applies to flax flour, the harm and benefits of which are incomparable in their significance.

This product is used as part of various complex solutions to improve one's health. Flaxseed flour will be especially useful for women, since it has a number of properties, which we will discuss later.

Main components of flaxseed

First imagine that this product is obtained in the process of grinding flaxseeds. The finished mass is defatted, resulting in flour. However, it is possible to separate vegetable oils from the seed only under industrial conditions. If this is not done, then the ground seeds will have a much shorter shelf life and increased fat content.

As part of the product, the following main components are distinguished, the benefits of which for the body are not even subject to discussion:

  • vegetable protein (up to 50% of the volume) - saturates the body and is easily digested;
  • fiber, the content of which reaches 30%. Cleanses the body of harmful substances, favorably affects the activity of the digestive system;
  • polyunsaturated acids, such as Omega-3, Omega-6. Due to their presence, flaxseed flour is a good antioxidant, regulates the metabolism of fats;
  • microelements include magnesium, zinc and potassium;
  • folic acid, as well as vitamins B1, B2 and B6.

Useful properties of the product

Flaxseed flour is able to improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The content of dietary fiber favorably affects our metabolism. With antioxidants, the microflora is enriched, and, therefore, the proper assimilation of the substances we need from the food we consume.

In addition, cardiologists recommend ground flaxseed to reduce harm and the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. The composition of the product contains 6 times more potassium than in your favorite bananas. Omega acids strengthen the walls of our blood vessels and reduce the level of cholesterol in them.

Known benefits of the product in the fight against the growth and spread of tumors and cancer cells. This is due to the content in it of substances called "lignans". For this reason, flaxseed and flour are used as a prophylactic against cancer. Women will be interested to know that plant active substances phytoestrogens will help maintain beauty and youth.

Nutritionists know that the harm from the development of obesity and the appearance of excess weight can be significantly reduced if you use flaxseed or flour.

They not only promote weight loss, but also normalize weight and fight diabetes. Thanks to this, flaxseed flour takes its place of honor in the list of dietary products.

How to use flour correctly?

In order for the benefits of using the product to have a positive impact on health and well-being, it must be regularly included in your daily diet. The easiest way is to make it one of the ingredients for cooking.

For example, during baking, you can replace a third of ordinary wheat flour with the same flaxseed. An even greater effect can be achieved by mixing it with oat bran. Thus, it turns out not only tasty, but also truly healthy pastries.

Today, we can safely say that flaxseed flour is widely used in the culinary industry. To do this, it is simply added to the dough in the manufacture of buns, muffins, casseroles, bread.

In addition to baking, it is used as a breading material when frying fish and meatballs. Some housewives successfully add ground flaxseed to a variety of cereals. For example, pumpkin or semolina porridge is especially tasty if it consists of flax flour by a third.

Several recipes using flour

In order to prepare flax halva, the harm from which is much less than from sunflower, we need to add enough water to the flour to get a thickened mixture.

Add a few tablespoons of honey and pre-soaked dried fruits (any will do, like prunes, dried apricots, raisins, apples, pears). The resulting paste is placed in molds and infused. Ready halva is excellent to smear with a knife on bread or buns and drink tea.

Flaxseed flour will help prepare delicious homemade jelly. We take 3 tablespoons of the product and pour a liter of water. As soon as the mixture boils, pour in a few tablespoons of any fruit jam there. You can sweeten with honey, acidify with orange or tangerine peels. Such a drink will benefit both adults and children.

An excellent dish is a dietary mayonnaise sauce based on flax seed flour. Flaxseed flour is taken in the amount of two tablespoons, poured with 60 grams of boiling water and mixed to eliminate lumps.

To the resulting mixture is added a teaspoon of sugar, as well as half a spoonful of salt, in addition to them - a couple of teaspoons of the mustard substrate. Pour in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Everything is whipped with a mixer or a whisk and 150 ml of any vegetable oil is poured in small portions. Those who wish can add a clove of chopped garlic to the resulting sauce.

We cleanse the body

To achieve a cleansing of the body, replace any meal throughout each day (optimally dinner) with a glass of kefir, to which a tablespoon of flour is added.

The usual solution can be prepared even on the basis of water. Just one tablespoon of the product is poured into half a glass of heated water. The drink is infused for about 10 minutes, after which it is supplemented with another half glass of water. Take once a day.

For bowel cleansing, doctors recommend using a three-week regimen. Usually in the first week, flaxseed meal is taken in the amount of one tablespoon mixed with sour cream. The next week, we increase the amount of the product to 2 tablespoons, leaving the same volume of sour cream.

In the third week, 3 tablespoons of flour are mixed with 150 grams of sour cream for each day. It is recommended to take after meals. Instead of sour cream, kefir is also suitable. In this case, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

The instructions for taking this product tell us that there are no contraindications, which means that flaxseed meal cannot cause any significant harm. However, it is recommended to get approval from your doctor, especially when it comes to chronic diseases. For example, those who have been diagnosed with kidney stones and gallbladder should not eat flour.

Due to the increase in popularity, flour can now be purchased not only in pharmacies. Flaxseed flour is sold in regular supermarkets and even online.

A step-by-step recipe for Health bread with flaxseed flour in a bread machine with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Bread
  • Recipe Difficulty: Easy Recipe
  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 4 h 10 min
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Amount of calories: 210 kilocalories

Healthy and tasty bread with whole grain and flaxseed flour

I came across this recipe on the internet by accident. Unfortunately I don't remember the site. I would like to thank the author. We already know a lot about the benefits of whole grain flour. But I almost did not know about the benefits of flaxseed flour. Flaxseed flour is used to strengthen the whole body. It nourishes cells, is good for hair, nails, intestines, arthritis, reduces the risk of excess weight, and has many other useful properties. Bread with flax flour has a slight nutty flavor

Ingredients for 8 servings

  • Wheat flour 230 gr
  • Whole wheat flour 200 gr
  • Flax flour 70 gr
  • Dry yeast 1.5 tsp. l.
  • Salt 1 tsp. l.
  • Baking powder (panifarin) 1 tsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil 2 table. l.
  • Water 380 ml
  • Flax seeds to taste
  • Sugar 1.5 table. l.

step by step

  1. We load all the ingredients into the bread machine in accordance with the instructions for it. Sift flour beforehand. We set the mode to Basic, I have 4 hours. In the first 5 minutes of baking, quickly open the oven, grease the top of the bread and sprinkle with flax seeds. For lubrication, I leave a piece of dough and dilute it in a small amount of water. So the topping stays on well. After the signal of the stove, we take out the loaf, put it on the wire rack, cover with a towel for aging. In order for the crumb to fully straighten out, you need to let the loaf ripen for 3-4 hours. Ready bread keeps well. In the photo, bread is sprinkled with a mixture of "health"

I was lucky enough to buy flaxseed flour in the healthy food department, so today I propose to bake a fragrant and healthy flax bread.

linen bread

Flaxseed bread is baked not only with flaxseed flour. Yeast or sour bread with the addition of flaxseed, butter or bran is also called flaxseed. My bread recipe will be with flax flour, I only replaced part of the white flour with flax flour in the wheat bread recipe from the instructions for my bread machine.

Flaxseed flour must be sifted before preparing the dough for baking. Not because it would be cleaned of large particles (when milled at the factory, flaxseed flour is quite homogeneous), but because it is oily and lumps can form during storage. Flaxseed flour, I'll show you in the photo:

dark color with a pleasant nutty smell. Therefore, baking with flaxseed flour acquires a dark color, similar in color to buckwheat or rye.

Almost 30% of the composition of flaxseed flour is healthy polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids). In addition, flaxseed contains dietary fiber from the shell of flax seeds (fiber, which is so necessary for normal digestion and lowering cholesterol levels), starch and lignans. The latter have antioxidant, anti-allergic properties and prevent the development of tumor processes.

Therefore, flaxseed flour, due to its beneficial properties, has found wide application in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, healthy nutrition and weight loss, it is added to pastries, cereals, drinks, cosmetic masks ...

Flaxseed flour has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nail growth, it is recommended to use it for diabetes. The benefits of flaxseed flour are also in its anti-inflammatory expectorant properties in diseases of the respiratory system.

So I, after reading useful reviews about this product, decided to bake flaxseed bread.

It is recommended to add flaxseed flour to the dough for baking no more than a third of the norm of all flour, of course I overdid it in this bread recipe 🙂 and took more. I baked a small loaf of flaxseed bread for testing, my bread machine allows you to bake it for about 600 grams.

For the flaxseed bread recipe I used:

  • Wheat flour - 2 0 g,
  • Flaxseed flour - 150 g,
  • Dry high-speed yeast - 1 teaspoon (I use Voronezh or Saf moment),
  • Water at room temperature - 260 ml,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (without top),
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon (I used mustard oil for healthy bread).

How to make flaxseed bread

To make bread, sift wheat and flaxseed flour. I bake flaxseed bread in a Panasonic SD 2501 bread maker, put high-speed yeast, flour with all dry ingredients, then liquid ones on the bottom of the bucket. Panasonic bread machines have this technology for making bread, in other models it may be different, then just follow your instructions.

If you knead the dough for bread with your hands, then mix the dry yeast with flour first, and then add the rest of the ingredients. After kneading the dough for flax bread, leave it for an hour in a warm place to rise. Then besiege the yeast dough with your hands, knead again and place the bun in a greased form, in which you will already bake it in the oven. For 40-50 minutes, again send to a warm place to approach, and then bake flax bread in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking time largely depends on your oven, in an electric oven I bake bread for 35-40 minutes.

Contrary to the recommendations on the packaging of flaxseed flour, I wanted to put more than a third of the entire norm, the bun of dough turned out to be quite dense, and the bread too. I didn’t know how flaxseed flour would behave in bread, so I didn’t add more liquid. Next time I’ll definitely add boldly 50 ml and put less flaxseed flour so that the bread turns out to be more airy.

I decided to cook linen bread on the main program, its duration in my bread machine is 4 hours. The size of the loaf is the smallest (as it was baked for testing), the color of the crust is light.

Business, as always, distracted me from baking bread, my linen dough huddled in a corner, and there it distanced itself. You don’t expect a special rise like wheat bread, it will be a little lower in height.

After the readiness signal, flax bread must be removed from the bread machine, cool it on a wooden surface

or wire rack under a cotton towel. And then take a sample from flax bread with a pleasant aroma of nuts!

Anyuta, the hostess, wishes you bon appetit.

The topic of proper nutrition and the use of foods with a low glycemic index has forced many lovers of lush bread to give up flour delicacies. But in vain, experienced nutritionists say that eating bread in moderation not only normalizes digestion, improves the condition of hair and nails, but also gets rid of extra centimeters at the waist. The main thing is to eat the right bread. From flaxseed flour, for example.

Flaxseed flour - a storehouse of vitamins

The new generation flour contains a record fiber content - up to 30%. Due to this, uninterrupted operation of the digestive tract is ensured, powerful cleaning of toxins and toxins is carried out.

Vegetable protein, the mass fraction of which is 50%, quickly gives a feeling of fullness, is easily digested, does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 - fatty polyunsaturated acids are recognized as effective antioxidants. Strictly control the level of "bad" cholesterol and balance fat metabolism.

The modern recipe for flaxseed flour, which will be presented in the article below, will allow you to fill the body with B vitamins and folic acid in full.

Not without useful trace elements: magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Useful qualities

  • For the cardiovascular system. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the risk of a heart attack.
  • For the gastrointestinal tract. Normalizes metabolic processes, activates intestinal motility. Stimulates the healthy absorption of vitamins and trace elements from foods.
  • For the reproductive system. Phytoestrogens in the composition regulate the hormonal background, prolong the reproductive capabilities of a woman.
  • For cancer prevention. Lignans prevent the formation of tumors.
  • For weight control. Recipes made from flaxseed flour are indispensable in dietary nutrition. Its dense structure is digested for a long time in the stomach, a person feels full for a long time.

Flaxseed flour - purchased or ground on your own?

To get a truly high-quality product, it is recommended to harvest flour yourself. This procedure is quick, it will take an experienced hostess 3-5 minutes, but it will give bread with the addition of flax flour a pleasant aroma and a delicate nutty taste.

Fresh, thoroughly dried, peeled seeds of any variety should be taken into work.

A useful quality product can be prepared for future use by placing the powder in a dry container and tightly closing the lid.

How to make flour?

A simple flaxseed meal recipe is easy to remember. You can use a blender, coffee grinder, or kitchen machine with a spice grinder attachment. Pour 5-7 tablespoons of seed into the bowl, close the lid tightly. Grind at maximum power for one and a half minutes until the consistency of the powder.

Sift the resulting mass through a sieve, grind the remaining large particles again.

Classic recipe for flaxseed bread in a bread machine


  1. Flaxseed flour - 400 grams.
  2. Flax seeds - 2 teaspoons.
  3. Purified water - 250 ml.
  4. Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  5. Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  6. Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  7. Yeast - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method

Sift flour through a sieve. Thus, it will be enriched with oxygen and give airiness to the finished dish.

How to make bread at home? Pour water into the bowl of the bread machine, preheating to a temperature of 38-40 degrees. Pour sugar, salt, pour in vegetable oil. Add flour, gradually stirring the mass with a wooden spoon. Lastly, add yeast.

Carefully place the bowl in the bread machine, set the appropriate mode, indicate the preferred color of the crust. Before kneading, add a teaspoon of flaxseed.

On average, the proofing and baking process takes 3.5 hours. The actual baking process takes 50 minutes, followed by a half-hour cooling. When the timer shows 1 hour and 20 minutes left, sprinkle the top of the bread with the remaining teaspoon of seeds.

When the flaxseed bread is ready, you need to carefully remove it from the mold and put it on a wooden board to cool completely.

Flaxseed bread without yeast

A simple recipe for a low-calorie product will allow you to cook the perfect flour product for a beautiful figure in 40 minutes.

Basic components:

  1. Flaxseed flour - 1 cup.
  2. Kefir 1% (yogurt) - 250 milliliters.
  3. Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon.
  4. Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking rules

Bulk products - flour, salt and sugar - mix. Soda extinguish with kefir. Why put out the soda? Carbon dioxide, which is released during the interaction of alkali (soda) and an acidic environment (yogurt), gives the bakery product friability and airiness.

Pour in effervescent liquid. Mix thoroughly, gently knead the dough. It should be soft and sticky. Shape into a ball, lightly sprinkle with flour, cover with a cotton towel and leave for 60 minutes in a dark, warm place.

The dough should rise by a third. Lay in aluminum

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the dough for 20-25 minutes.

The finished dish will have a crispy crust and a soft inside.

Multigrain bread

Fragrant tasty product with a thin crust will impress everyone who tries it.

  1. Wheat flour of the highest grade - 150 grams.
  2. Rye flour - 300 grams.
  3. Flaxseed flour - 50 grams.
  4. Kefir of minimum fat content - 400 ml.
  5. Honey - 1 nightingal spoon.
  6. Yeast - 15 grams.
  7. Salt - 1 tablespoon.
  8. Sugar - 0.5 tablespoon.
  9. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  10. Flaxseed - 5 grams.

Step by step cooking recipe

Step 1. Make a dough. Warm half a portion of kefir to room temperature, add honey and yeast. Mix all types of flour and add 1 tablespoon of the resulting product to the liquid. Stir, put for 15-20 minutes in a dark place.

Step 2. Pour salt, sugar, olive oil, half of the indicated amount of seeds and dough into the remaining flour.

Step 3. Knead the dough. The most critical part of making flaxseed bread is done by hand and takes up to 20 minutes. The first 5-7 minutes, the mass will be very sticky to your hands. In an attempt to save the situation, you should not add extra flour - the finished product will turn out to be dense, clogged and tasteless. It is worth being patient, and at the end of the kneading, the dough will acquire ideal density and elasticity.

Step 4 Grease a glass or stainless steel bowl with olive oil, lay out the dough and tighten with cling film. Leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

Step 5. The flour mass should fit well. From it, form a blank of a rectangular or round shape. Leave for proofing on the table for 45-60 minutes. During this time, the bread should double in size.

Step 6 Sprinkle the raw bread lightly with flour. If you read recipes from flaxseed flour, you will notice that chefs recommend baking these in cast-iron molds tightly closed with a lid. So the finished dish will retain splendor, airiness and a maximum of useful properties.

Step 7. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 230 degrees Celsius. In a thick-walled container, covered with a lid, bake for 20 minutes. Remove, remove the lid, make a few shallow cuts with a knife. Reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 20 minutes, but without a lid.

Step 8. Carefully remove the loaf from the hot mold, cool on a wire rack or wooden surface.

"Quick" bread

Flaxseed bread prepared according to this recipe has a delicate specific taste that real gourmets are guaranteed to appreciate!

Required products:

  1. Flaxseed, ground in a coffee grinder - 100 grams.
  2. Cow's milk - 50 ml.
  3. Chicken egg - 1 piece.
  4. Soda - on the tip of a teaspoon.
  5. Vinegar - to extinguish soda.
  6. Salt - a pinch.
  7. Cumin, sesame - for decoration.

Cooking Basics

Add salt to the ground seed. Extinguish soda with vinegar. Why extinguish soda was described in one of the previous recipes.

Mix all liquid ingredients, let them stand for 15-20 minutes. Gradually add flour, stir gently. Transfer the resulting thick mass into a special form or form a loaf arbitrarily on a baking sheet.

Lubricate the upper part with water, sprinkle with seeds.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Flaxseed bread is beneficial both from an economic point of view (the price of products for its preparation is affordable for an average citizen of our country) and from a physical point of view (a little more than an hour, and a healthy product is ready).

It will be an excellent basis for morning sandwiches, in the form of crispy croutons it will decorate a vegetable salad, in company with cheese or ham it will serve as a hearty snack. And most importantly - with benefits for the body and a minimum content of carbohydrates.