Home / Recipes / How much lasagna with minced meat. A delicious slice of Italy: how to make lasagna

How much lasagna with minced meat. A delicious slice of Italy: how to make lasagna

Lasagna with minced meat is a deliciously delicious Italian dish that has received recognition all over the world. Very satisfying, made from layers of dough and layers of meat or vegetable filling, with Bechamel sauce. The process of preparing such lasagna with minced meat is not at all complicated.
Lasagna is perfect for any holiday or Sunday dinner.

Ingredients for a classic lasagna

For Bechamel sauce
100 g butter
2 tbsp. l. flour,
0.7 l of milk,
2.5 g nutmeg
1 bay leaf
salt and white pepper to taste.
You also need a baking dish of the appropriate size: 17:25 or 20:20 cm.

Classic Lasagna Recipe

Remove the finished lasagne from the oven, let it stand for 10 minutes, and then cut into portions. Bon Appetit!

P.S. If you can't buy ready-made sheets of lasagna in the store, you can cook it yourself. To do this, sift 400 g of flour through a sieve so that you get a slide. Then we make a notch in the center of this slide, where we drive in 5 large eggs, salt to taste and knead the dough. It's even easier to do this in a food processor. We roll it into a ball, send it closer to the heat, for about twenty minutes.
Then we divide into nine parts and roll each part into a thin layer no more than 1.5 mm thick. Boil the layers in boiling salted water for ten minutes. Store the prepared dough strips in the freezer.
And especially about tomato puree for lasagna. This is NOT tomato paste, this is puree, it is much thinner, more like liquid ketchup without additives. There is a store, in banks. You can also make mashed potatoes at home by passing the tomatoes through a meat grinder and then through a coarse sieve.

And, girls and boys, write in the comments who cooked lasagna with which sheets. I took pasta zara, it turned out great, not sour and not hard. Barilla and Rolton go limp. Who else cooked with what and how it happened, can you share?

Italian cuisine is one of the most popular in the world. And for the Italians themselves, food is a cult and tradition. When we hear about culinary italy, then 2 names immediately pop up in my head: pizza and pasta.
In turn, pasta is a generalized name, and is like the semi-finished product itself from flour products for subsequent heat treatment, and a completely ready-made dish from the same flour products with sauces and cheese. And the well-known Italian lasagna is nothing more than a type of pasta.

The dish itself is quite old. The first mention of a lasagna recipe was found in a 1238 cookbook, which was found by archaeologists in Naples. Later, lasagna became popular in all corners of the earth.
Lasagna is made with layers of dough, filling, sauce and cheese. It is baked in the oven at high temperature. Lasagne dough is made from hard varieties wheat as for pasta. Recipes differ in fillings, and of course, the use of different sauces adds variety.
Cooking lasagna is a long and painstaking business. But the process can be made easier if you buy ready dough in the shop. You can also find separately ready-made sauce bechamel, although it will not take much time to prepare it. The most important thing remains - to prepare the bolognese sauce for the filling. Despite the fact that bolognese is considered a sauce, in fact it is chopped meat with vegetables, and it is also easy to prepare. In general, if you are going to cook classic lasagne with real bolognese sauce and white béchamel sauce, I advise you to be patient, concentrate and fill with love for food and your family. After all, food should be prepared with her. And then everything will turn out great!
Let's cook it together a traditional dish and plunge into the world of beautiful Italy.


for bolognese sauce:

  • 700 g minced pork;
  • 1 onion (200 g);
  • 1 carrot (100 g);
  • 3 stalks of celery (50 g);
  • 300 g of tomatoes;
  • 200 ml of dry white wine;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp Italian herbal mixture;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil.

for béchamel sauce:

  • 1 liter of fat milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 70 g flour;
  • 1 tsp an Italian herbal mixture or 2 pinches of ground nutmeg;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Homemade Italian lasagna recipe

Cooking bolognese sauce (bolognese recipe with photos and a more detailed description can be found here)

1. Finely chop the onion, carrot and celery stalks. This vegetable combination is very popular and is often found in many Italian and European recipes. So, first put the onion in the heated olive oil in a frying pan, then the carrots, and the last chopped celery. Salt lightly. Fry vegetables over medium heat until they let out juice and soften. Then we remove the vegetables from the heat and set them aside.

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan and spread the minced meat.

3. Thoroughly knead the minced meat with a spatula so that there are no lumps. Fry the minced meat. As the meat starts to rustle and brown a little - remove from heat. The main thing is not to let the minced meat get too dry and burn.

4. Add vegetables to the frying pan to the minced meat, mix. Pour 200 ml of dry wine here. Simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.

5. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them off.

6. Chop finely.

7. We shift tomatoes to minced meat with vegetables.

8. Add spices, salt to taste. Fill with water so that it slightly covers the minced meat and leave to simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Stir our sauce periodically.

9. When almost all the liquid has evaporated, squeeze out 2 cloves of garlic. Stir, fry for another half minute and turn off the heat.

Cooking classic béchamel sauce. For a more detailed recipe, see.

10. Melt 50 g of butter in a heavy-walled saucepan or saucepan.

11. Add flour and mix. Quite quickly, a gruel without lumps is obtained.

12. Pour milk in about 100 ml portions. Stir until smooth.

13. When we pour in the remaining portion of milk and mix everything well, add spices.

14. Mix everything and cook over medium heat until the sauce thickens a little. It is also impossible to overexpose the sauce on the fire, so that it does not harden when it cools down. We remove from the fire.

Ideally, the sauce should be free of lumps. But if lumps suddenly form, then you can use a blender.

15. Add the remaining 50 g of butter to the finished sauce and stir.

Cooking lasagna

16. Rub the Parmesan on a fine grater.

17. I used ready-made lasagna dough, but you can make it yourself. But even the finished dough needs to be processed a little before putting it into a lasagna dish.

18. Pour in a large pot water and bring to a boil. Dip in boiling water one at a time - a maximum of 2 sheets of lasagna dough for 30 seconds. It is advisable to do this procedure, even if the dough box says “does not require boiling”. Pre-processed dough lasagna is much softer and the dough itself is softer.

19. Put the boiled dough into a baking dish for lasagna. Pour a ladle of béchamel sauce on top and smooth it over the surface of the dough.

20. The next layer is to spread the bolognese.

21. Sprinkle with a little grated cheese Parmesan. It is advisable to guess so that most of the cheese is left for sprinkling on top.

22. Repeat steps 19-21 until you complete the entire form. Usually 5 layers are obtained. Grease the last layer liberally with the remaining bechamel sauce.

23. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

24. We send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. To prevent the cheese from burning during this time, it is advisable to expose the lasagna dish to the bottom of the oven. When I bake something like that with cheese on top, I place the baking tray on the bottom rails and the empty baking sheet on the top rails. In this case, the cheese will never burn or dry out.

25. And here is the finished lasagna in shape. We take it out of the oven and let it brew and cool slightly for 20 minutes.

26. Cut into portions and serve. The most delicious bolognese lasagna at home is ready! Bon Appetit!:)

The homemade minced lasagna recipe allows you to create a delicious Italian dish with a minimum of effort. The base is used ready-made, so the whole process is reduced only to the formation of a simple filling and cooking the Béchamel sauce.

The rich taste of appetizing lasagna conquers instantly! Impregnated with a delicate milk mass, the hard flour sheets are completely softened and combined with the tomato-meat mass into a single whole. The result is a flawless and versatile blend!


  • lasagne sheets - 9 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • parmesan (or other cheese) - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spicy herbs to taste;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste.

A simple recipe for minced lasagna at home

How to make classic minced lasagna lasagna

  1. Having peeled off the husk, chop the onion small cubes and fry on vegetable oil to a golden hue.
  2. We spread the minced meat to the fried onions. While stirring the mass, we wait until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. While the minced meat is being prepared, let's take care of the tomatoes - we need to get rid of the vegetable skins. To do this, make cross cuts on the bright peel with a sharp knife, and then pour boiling water over the vegetables. We wash cold water, after which we remove the already soft and pliable skin.
  4. Cut the vegetable pulp into quarters and place in a blender bowl. Grind.
  5. Transfer the resulting puree to a frying pan with almost minced meat, immediately add tomato paste... Salt / pepper. Sprinkle the tomato-meat mixture spicy herbs, bring to a boil and keep on moderate heat for 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir! At the end we try, if necessary, add a portion of salt or pepper.

    Bechamel sauce for lasagna with minced meat

  6. Classic recipe lasagna necessarily includes the popular Bechamel sauce. To make it, melt 40 g of butter in a dry container over low heat, add flour, stir vigorously. Pour the chilled milk in a thin stream. Stir vigorously with a hand whisk to dissolve all the flour lumps.
  7. Bring the milk mass to a boil, then, stirring occasionally, cook the sauce until thickened.

    Harvesting minced lasagna

  8. Now we need a rectangular shape about 30x20 cm in size. Lubricate it with the remains of butter, spread a small portion of the sauce, spread over the entire area. Next, we place 3 sheets for lasagna (read the instructions on the package: sometimes the flour layers require preliminary cooking). Visually divide the remaining sauce into three parts, one of which we pour on the bottom layer - evenly distribute the Béchamel with a spoon, covering the entire surface of the flour blanks. Put 1/2 serving of minced meat on top. Then repeat the layers in the same sequence.
  9. On the second part of the minced meat, put the remaining three sheets, grease with sauce and sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese. We send the semi-finished product to the oven, preheating to 180 degrees.
  10. The lasagne is baked for about 20-30 minutes. The degree of doneness can be determined by the appetizing ruddy shade. cheese crust... Taking the product out of the oven, wait 10 minutes, and then cut it into portions and serve.
  11. Bon Appetit!

The recipe for delicious lasagna cooked with minced meat in the oven is being mastered by an increasing number of housewives. The dish is appreciated for its satiety, and the combination thin dough, meat and cheese, which are literally concealed under the béchamel sauce, can be called ideal. There are a great many variations of lasagna, and each can be called the most delicious and original. We present a selection of the most popular recipes for lasagna with minced meat in the oven.

Lasagne is called a culinary constructor: you can layer flat pasta sheets with anything: cheese, spinach, ham, celery stalks and even fish - and believe me, each option is wonderful in its own way. Classic lasagna counts a dish from three main ingredients: minced meat, flat pasta leaves and béchamel sauce.

We will need:

  • lasagna sheets (ready-made);
  • minced beef (chicken, pork) - 500 g;
  • tomatoes in own juice- jar;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • parmesan - 300 g;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Lasagna sheets can, of course, be made at home: then you have to roll out the noodle dough to 2 mm, and then cut into neat slices. But why waste time if now it is easy to buy a ready-made set of plates at an affordable price. The main thing is to read the instructions for cooking: some sheets are pre-boiled, and there are those that are prepared dry.

We act in steps:

  1. Lightly fry the minced meat over high heat.
  2. Peel the tomatoes and turn them into mashed potatoes with a blender.
  3. We heat the milk, add flour, nutmeg and butter. Cook until the sauce thickens.
  4. To the bottom transparent form lay out the pasta sheets, pour the béchamel sauce.
  5. Put the fried minced meat, tomato puree on the plates, grease everything again abundantly with sauce.
  6. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan.
  7. We repeat the layer of sheets, minced meat, tomatoes.
  8. Move the layers until the sheets run out.
  9. There are usually four of them. The fifth layer is always the "finishing" layer of dough.

The last layer will be dry sheets. Sprinkle them with sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, send them to the preheated oven. The lasagna takes 40 minutes to cook. Ready dish it looks very appetizing - it is a golden casserole, exuding aromas of meat, cheese, spices, it is very juicy and tasty when warm. Eat lasagne with warm onion bread and light sparkling wines.

The ideal spice is green or purple basil, without which a pasta dish simply cannot be imagined in Italy.

With the addition of mushrooms

You can add mushrooms to one of the layers - champignons, oyster mushrooms, frozen mushrooms, boletus, porcini mushrooms. If you have chosen champignons, then they should be cut into thin slices and lightly fried in butter. Cut the other mushrooms into pieces and fry with onions until all the moisture has evaporated.

We make lasagne according to the classic recipe, but add mushrooms to one layer instead of meat, sprinkle them with cheese: when baked, it will melt, giving a delicious texture to the mushroom layer, and taste - to the whole casserole. The lasagne is cooked for 40 minutes and cut, allowing it to cool slightly.

With minced chicken

Lasagna with minced chicken turns out to be more tender, juicy, not as high-calorie as the one that is cooked in the classic way... You can reduce the calorie content if you do not use bechamel, which itself is a high-calorie "bomb", and instead pour the sheets with low-fat cream with a spoonful of tomato paste. You can take diet cheese, for example, of the Oltermani type, or any other option to your taste.

In general, lasagna is prepared in the same way as in the basic recipe, baking for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

With tomatoes and cheese

The combination of tomatoes, basil, garlic, and several types of cheese is considered a classic - the taste will never get bored, and the dish will easily decorate any festive table.

For cooking, you will need lasagna sheets, olive oil, garlic (3-4 cloves), 2 cans of tomatoes in their own juice, several types of cheese 200 g each - ricotta, mozzarella, fontina and parmesan (you can replace the fountain with any kind of cheese available to you).

Cut the tomatoes into slices, crush the garlic cloves. On the olive oil fry the garlic until golden brown. Let's remove the garlic (it just has to convey its aroma and taste to the oil), add spices, tomatoes, extinguish everything a little.

We put the sheets in the form, water tomato sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese. We repeat the layers, smearing each with tomatoes and cheese. Pour the top layer with sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and then send the dish to the oven. We bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Allow the lasagne to cool slightly before serving, otherwise it will be difficult to cut into neat pieces.

Serve with thin baguettes and fresh vegetable salad.

Pasta with Bolognese sauce

You can cook lasagna, but instead of sheets, take any pasta that is boiled until half cooked. The main thing is that they are of high quality, from durum wheat. Horns, tubes, thick vermicelli will do - at your discretion.

  1. From minced meat, tomatoes, spices, cook a thick Bolognese sauce.
  2. Put the boiled semi-raw pasta on the bottom of the form.
  3. Top with Bolognese sauce.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese.
  5. We repeat the layers two or three times.
  6. Sprinkle the last layer with plenty of grated cheese.
  7. We bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Serve by carefully cutting the casserole into portions.

We eat with warm white buns sprinkled with sesame seeds, washed down with cranberry juice or sparkling wine.

For this dish, it is imperative to rinse the pasta with running water: otherwise they will stick together.

How to cook pita bread in the oven?

An interesting and economical version is obtained by using thin pita... Lavash lasagna with minced meat is prepared in a matter of minutes, and the taste is surprisingly similar to classic version... It cooks faster: lavash does not require a long heat treatment... It is not necessary to cook bechamel: it is enough to re-lay the sheets of pita bread, stuffing with minced meat, pouring a small amount of sour cream sauce, cream, tomato paste (in a ratio of 1: 1: 3).

We will take as a basis basic recipe... We use pita bread instead of traditional sheets, and alternate layers of meat and minced meat. The last layer will be cheese and a thin mesh of sauce so that the cheese does not burn. It is advisable to fry the minced meat until full readiness and then the dish will be ready in just 20 minutes. We will bake at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Zucchini lasagna with minced meat

It's even better (and certainly more useful) to replace the pasta with healthy, low-calorie zucchini. Zucchini lasagna cooks quickly, but is eaten even faster.

  1. Zucchini (milk ripeness) is cut into thin slices.
  2. Fry the minced meat with a minimum of oil in a skillet.
  3. Add onions, carrots, Provencal herbs there.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix a glass of cream with a tablespoon of tomato paste.
  5. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil.
  6. Layer zucchini, minced meat, cheese, repeating the layers 2 times.
  7. Pour sauce over each layer.
  8. Sprinkle the last layer generously with cheese.
  9. We put in the oven at 200 degrees.
  10. Bake until tender for 30-35 minutes.

Readiness is signaled by a magnificent aroma, exuding a mixture of vegetables, meat, cheese, sauce. There should be a crust on top, which begins to break, revealing tender filling... To keep the lasagna from falling apart, it must be cooled and slightly chilled. Serve the dish with chilled white wine, bread, and savor each bite.

Lasagne with béchamel sauce can be prepared with any minced meat: vegetable, mushroom, meat and even fish - this is a special combination for everyone who loves seafood.

For cooking we need:

  • minced red fish (or good white) - 500 g.
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • celery stalk - 1 pc .;
  • lasagna sheets - packaging;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 1 can;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • parmesan - 300 g;
  • a mixture of Italian spices to taste.

Fry the minced fish a little with onions, carrots and celery stalk rings. From flour, milk, nutmeg we prepare a light version of the béchamel sauce. Put the minced meat on the sheets, pour in the sauce, put the tomatoes in their own juice, cut into halves (the core should "look" at the sheets), sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Repeat layers until the leaves run out. Pour the last layer abundantly with sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan. We send the form to the oven, where the lasagna will cook for 40 minutes at 180-200 degrees. The dish turns out to be juicy, tender, low-fat, and you can decorate it with young arugula or just basil sprigs.

If you follow the trend, the lasagna, despite its Italian origin, is rapidly conquering the world. Versatility, the ability to experiment, change components and proportions to taste, turn it into a favorite international delicacy. Try different options.

Lasagna with minced meat and cheese is a traditional Italian dish. national cuisine... It is prepared for several different recipes, the best of which you will find in today's post.

Despite the existence of several cooking options for this dish, they are all based on general principle... Place the filling with dough sheets, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.

As a base, you can use not only ordinary lasagne sheets, but also puff pastry, thin pita bread and even fried eggplant slices. As for minced meat, it can be made from any type of meat. But most often for these purposes they use one that consists of a mixture of pork and beef.

Sour cream option

This interesting dish turns out to be sufficient in calories and nutritious. Therefore, they can feed a large family to their fill. To prepare such a dinner, you will need:

  • A pair of thin pita bread.
  • 4 ripe tomatoes.
  • 3 onions.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 200 milliliters of sour cream.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • 200 grams of hard cheese.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Lean oil, salt and spices.

At the bottom of the heat-resistant form, spread a sheet of pita bread and coat it with mayonnaise. All this is covered with half the minced meat, fried with half rings of onions. Lavash soaked in mayonnaise is again placed on top. Sauteed tomatoes mixed with minced garlic are distributed throughout its area. All this is again covered with lavash, greased with mayonnaise. Spread the remaining minced meat on top of it. The last sheet of pita bread is placed on it and poured over it with a sauce consisting of sour cream, eggs and grated cheese. All this is sent to the included oven and cooked at 200 degrees for twenty minutes. Serve hot homemade lavash with minced lavash, after cutting it into portioned pieces.

Pasta option

We would like to draw your attention to another interpretation of the Italian dish. The lasagna prepared in this way is more reminiscent of naval pasta. Therefore, lovers of hearty food will surely like it. To make a lunch like this, you will need:

  • 200 grams of ground beef.
  • Large onion.
  • 150 grams of pasta.
  • Medium carrot.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Sweet bell pepper.
  • 3 ripe tomatoes.
  • 3 large spoons of flour.
  • A glass of milk.
  • A couple of large spoons of butter.
  • 80 grams of hard cheese.
  • Salt, ground pepper and fresh herbs(dill, parsley or basil).

This simple minced lasagna is prepared in several steps. First of all, you need to tackle the pasta and sauce. The first ones are boiled in salted water and discarded in a colander. To prepare the second, milk and flour are added to the melted butter. All this is salted and boiled to the desired thickness.

Part of the sauce, pasta, minced meat fried with vegetables are alternately spread on the bottom of the heat-resistant form. The layers are repeated in the same sequence until all ingredients have been used. Sprinkle all this on top with grated cheese. Prepare lasagna with minced meat in an oven heated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Red wine option

It is fragrant and hearty dish you can apply not only to family dinner but also to dinner party... Despite the wide range of ingredients used, it is prepared using an extremely simple technology. Therefore, any beginner can cope with this task without any problems. To do delicious lasagne with minced meat you will need:

  • 120 grams of Parmesan and Mozzarella each.
  • Large onion.
  • 60 grams of lasagna sheets.
  • Medium carrot.
  • 600 grams of ground beef.
  • 40 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • 200 g of tomatoes in their own juice.
  • 40 grams of celery.
  • 200 milliliters of dry red wine.
  • 30 grams of tomato paste.
  • 200 milliliters of pasteurized milk.
  • 40 grams of butter and wheat flour each.
  • Sugar, salt, ground pepper and nutmeg.

The process of making lasagna with minced meat and cheese can be divided into several simple steps. First of all, you need to do minced meat and vegetables. Onions and carrots are peeled, washed, chopped in a blender and fried in a pan with ground meat. All this is salted, mixed with tomato paste, wine and stewed until the liquid evaporates completely. Shortly before the end of the process, sugar and ground pepper are added to the contents of the pan.

Immediately after that, you can move on to the sauce. To create it, flour and milk are sent to the melted butter. All this is put on the stove and boiled to the required thickness, and then seasoned with salt and nutmeg.

The bottom of the heat-resistant form is greased with the prepared sauce and lined with lasagna sheets, processed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. They are also impregnated with pouring, and then covered with minced meat and grated cheese. The layers are alternated until the moment, until all the ingredients are used up. Prepare lasagna with minced meat and mozzarella cheese at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Puff pastry option

It's simple but enough tasty dish consists of inexpensive and readily available ingredients. It is also important that it is optimal for both adults and children's menu... Therefore, it can become excellent option for family dinner... To reproduce this recipe for lasagna with minced meat and cheese, you will need:

  • 700 grams of ground chicken.
  • A kilo of ready-made puff pastry.
  • 300 grams of hard cheese.
  • 900 milliliters of pasteurized milk.
  • 4 large spoons of flour.
  • ½ pack of butter.
  • 2 large spoons of tomato paste.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Lean oil, salt and ground pepper.

Since this recipe for minced puff pastry lasagna involves the use of two types of sauce, you need to start preparing them right away. To create the first, chopped onion and chopped garlic are fried in an oiled skillet. After a couple of minutes, add there minced chicken, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Everything is well mixed and simmered on the included stove.

After the Bolognese sauce is completely ready, you can start creating the Béchamel. To do this, add flour and hot milk to the melted butter. A third of the resulting filling is left in a separate bowl, and the rest is mixed with the Bolognese sauce.

Now it's time to start shaping the lasagna. A sheet of puff pastry is laid out in a refractory form and soaked in sauce with the addition of minced meat. Sprinkle all this on top with grated cheese. The layers are alternated until all the components are used. All this is poured with Béchamel sauce and sent to heat treatment... Prepare lasagna with minced meat in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Shortly before the end of the process, sprinkle the dish with the remnants of shabby cheese.

Eggplant option

The recipe described below is interesting in that it excludes the use of dough. The role of the base in this case is assigned to the blue one. Therefore, the dish made in this way is not too high in calories. To make minced meat and cheese lasagna, you will need:

  • 400 grams of eggplant.
  • Large onion.
  • 600 grams of ground pork and beef.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • 350 g of ripe tomatoes.
  • Lean oil, salt, and spices (pepper, basil, marjoram, and oregano).


The washed eggplants are cut into longitudinal plates, filled with salted water and left for half an hour. Then they are rinsed, dried and fried in an oiled skillet for several minutes on each side. The browned blue ones are laid out on paper napkins so that they absorb excess vegetable fat.

In a separate saucepan, mix the peeled tomatoes, crushed garlic and spices. All this is crushed with a blender and slightly salted. Part of the resulting sauce is poured into an ovenproof dish. Placed on top of the plates of eggplant and minced meat, pre-fried with chopped onions. It all covers tomato filling and sprinkled with grated cheese. The layers are repeated in the same sequence until all the components are finished. The dish is baked at 180 degrees for thirty minutes.

Option with champignons

The basis for preparing this lasagna with minced meat and cheese is the usual thin pita bread. It goes well with minced chicken, cream and mushrooms. Therefore, the dish made from it turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. To treat your loved ones to such a dinner, you will need:

  • 300 grams of minced chicken.
  • 3 sheets of pita bread.
  • 300 grams of fresh champignons.
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Large onion.
  • 100 milliliters of cream.
  • 400 grams of hard cheese.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • 500 milliliters of milk.
  • 50 grams of flour.
  • Salt, aromatic herbs and nutmeg.

Process description

Chopped onion is sent to an oiled frying pan and sautéed until golden brown. Then the plates of mushrooms are added to it and fried until the liquid completely evaporates. Then they put the minced chicken there and continue to cook. Shortly before the end of the process, salt, aromatic herbs and cream are placed in a common frying pan. All this is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

Now it's time to start making the sauce. For this, flour is dissolved in milk, trying to get rid of the smallest lumps. The resulting mixture is poured into a saucepan with melted butter and boiled down to the required consistency. At the very end, salt is added to the finished sauce.

On the bottom of the oiled form, lay out sheets of pita bread and cover them with the third part of the existing filling. All this is poured with sauce and sprinkled with grated cheese. The layers are repeated in the same sequence until all the components have been used. The lasagne is baked at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.