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Dishes with sardines in oil. Sardines: what to cook? - Sardines with white wine -


1 kg fresh sardines
250 g bread crumbs
100 g raisins
100 g pine nuts
1 large orange
1 large lemon
2 tsp Sahara
Olive oil, salt to taste
1 pinch pepper
Bay leaf to taste


Open the fish, remove bones, entrails and head. Rinse the fish and refrigerate. Grate citrus zest. Add oil to the pan and breadcrumbs and fry over low heat until golden brown. Add sugar, zest, a pinch of salt, pine nuts and raisins, previously soaked in a bowl of water. Mix well and let stand. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

Place the uncovered sardines on a large cutting board, salt to taste and distribute the filling. Roll each fish into a roll. Put in between bay leaves and thread the skewer.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the fish on and bake for 20 minutes. Mix citrus juice with olive oil and a pinch of pepper. After 10 minutes after baking, pour this mixture over the fish and continue baking for another 10 minutes. Remove from oven, let stand, serve warm or cold.

  • - Sardines in batter -


    Two cans of sardines, 110 g each
    1 egg
    3/4 cup water
    2 tbsp soy sauce
    1/2 cup wheat flour+ on dust
    1/2 cup butter


    Drain the oil from the jars into a frying pan. Break the egg into a bowl and beat well. Add 3/4 cup water and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce to the egg and mix well. Continuing to stir, add flour a little at a time to make a smooth dough.

    Dip the fish gently in flour. Add 1/2 cup oil to the sardine butter, heat to moderate heat. When the oil is hot, dip the sardines in the batter and fry in oil until Brown color, about 3 minutes per side.

    Dry the fish with paper towels. Sprinkle before serving lemon juice or pour soy sauce.

  • - Grilled sardines -

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    1 kg sardines
    Juice of half a lemon
    1 clove of garlic
    Sea salt
    Olive oil
    Red pepper
    1 green onions


    Put the sardines peeled from the insides into a bowl. Make a marinade from olive oil, juice of half a lemon, half a red pepper, minced clove of garlic, sea salt, and a handful of chopped green onions. Pour the marinade over the sardines and stir. Leave to marinate for at least an hour.

    Preheat the grill. Roast the sardines for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

  • - Toast with sardines -


    Canned large roasted red peppers, rip into pieces
    1 lemon, squeeze juice
    Olive oil
    1 garlic clove, halved
    Handful of parsley leaves, chopped
    A pinch of sweet smoked paprika
    2 slices of black bread
    1 small can of sardines, drain oil


    Add pepper, lemon juice, 1 tablespoon to a bowl. olive oil, garlic, parsley, paprika and salt to taste. Mix all ingredients. Toast the bread.

    Place the toast on a plate, spread the pepper on top (discard the garlic), add the sardines and marinade from a bowl.

  • - Sardines with white wine -

    Ingredients for 4 servings:

    1 kg fresh sardines
    100 ml dry white wine
    1 tbsp gomasio seasoning
    1 handful of fresh thyme


    Clear the entrails from the fish, remove the heads. Wash well under running water. Dry and place in a large skillet. Turn on the fire, pour in white wine and let it evaporate, then add gomasio and continue cooking for 10 minutes. Sprinkle fish with thyme leaves before serving.

  • - Sardines with spicy tomato sauce -

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    450 g peeled sardines

    For the marinade:
    4 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
    Zest and juice of 1 lemon
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro
    1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
    1/4 cup finely chopped fresh mint
    1/2 tsp ground coriander
    1/2 tsp ground cumin

    For the sauce:
    3 cloves of garlic
    1 small shallots, chopped
    1 serrano or jalapeno pepper, chopped
    1 tsp paprika
    1 tsp caraway
    1 tsp coriander
    Pinch of cinnamon
    1 tbsp finely chopped cilantro
    4 tablespoons olive oil
    2 tbsp tomato paste
    60 ml water
    4 tomatoes, chopped


    Mix all the ingredients for the marinade. Spread it evenly over the fish and leave to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature.

    While the fish is marinating, in a food processor, combine the garlic, shallots, hot peppers, paprika, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cilantro and 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a paste. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add mixture and fry for a few minutes, then add tomato paste... Stir constantly for about 30 seconds, then add water. Place the tomatoes and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes. Season to taste with sea salt.

    While the sauce is cooking, peel off most of the marinade from the fish. Dry the fish with a paper towel and lightly salt. Pour olive oil into a large skillet in a thin layer over medium heat. Fry fish in batches, about 2 minutes on each side. Transfer the finished fish to a plate, pour on top tomato sauce and garnish with fresh herbs.

  • - Breaded sardines -

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    250 g (8-10) fresh sardines
    250 ml hot water
    1 cup kale
    1 tbsp raisins
    1 tbsp pine nuts
    Zest from half a lemon, finely grate
    1/4 tsp sea ​​salt
    1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
    1 clove of garlic, finely grate
    2 tbsp panko rusks
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 lemon


    Remove the entrails and rinse the fish under running water. Preheat oven to 230 ° C. Put cabbage and raisins in hot water, blanch quickly, drain and rinse immediately under cold running water. Squeeze water out of cabbage and raisins, then place on a cutting board. Add pine nuts and chop coarsely. Add lemon zest, sea salt, pepper and garlic and continue to grind until smooth.

    Fill the cavity of each fish with the mixture. Place on a lined baking sheet and season lightly with sea salt and pepper. Sprinkle with panko and drizzle lightly with olive oil. Bake in oven for about 10 minutes or until tender.

    While the sardines are baking, brush the cut side of the lemon half with oil and sauté the lemon over high heat until caramelized. Serve with a drizzle of caramelized lemon juice.

  • Canned sardines are a very popular food product. V modern world people have perfectly mastered the process of preparing products for long-term storage different ways... Canned vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, meat and even fish. A wide variety of preparations, as well as canned meat and fish can be found on the shelves of shops and supermarkets.

    Sardine is a small sea ​​fish... Its habitat is the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It belongs to the herring family. The length of this fish is from 10 to 25 centimeters (see photo). Beautiful large scales in the sun shimmer with a blue-green tint on the back and silvery-white on the abdomen. For food, sardines gather in flocks of more than four billion individuals and swim long distances, following plankton in the cold current.

    The process of making canned sardines is pretty simple. The fish are caught (mainly along the coast of France) using cod roe bait and small fish nets. The processing process is carried out either on a fishing boat, or the sardine is frozen and sent to fish processing plants. There, this fish is thawed at room temperature. To begin with, they remove the freshly caught sardine from the head, rinse and marinate for several hours in a saline solution. After that, all internal organs are removed, the scales are cleaned and the carcasses are transferred to boiling olive oil. They stay in it for several minutes. Then the fish is laid out in tin or glass jars, filled with various fillers with spices and hermetically packed. Rolled up banks must be sterilized. In addition to canned sardines in oil, fish is produced with the addition of tomato paste and in own juice.

    It is recommended to buy sardines in glass jar: so you can estimate appearance fishes. Many manufacturers of this canned food in iron containers use large sprat, anchovies or small herring under the guise of sardines. When buying canned sardines in a tin can, special attention should be paid to the production date, which must be squeezed out from the inside. On average, the shelf life of canned food ranges from 10 to 12 months.

    After conservation useful components and vitamins that are part of fresh fish are fully preserved. But it is important to consider what additives are present in the composition of this canned food, so as not to harm health.

    More about useful properties, the dangers, the composition of vitamins and trace elements of canned sardines, we will talk below.

    Benefit and harm

    The benefits of canned sardines are due to big amount protein content in their composition. It is much easier for the body to absorb than the protein found in meat. That is why many argue that it is better to eat fish, not meat. Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements in sardine, moderate consumption of this product:

    • has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process;
    • makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic;
    • stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system;
    • prevents premature aging skin;
    • has a positive effect on the immune system;
    • provides eye protection from various diseases;
    • reduces the risk of developing diabetes;
    • accelerates metabolism and has a fat burning effect;
    • moisturizes the skin;
    • helps to accelerate hair growth;
    • prevents the development of oncological tumors.

    The composition of sardine contains unsaturated fats, which help to lower blood cholesterol levels, help in the treatment of inflammation of the joints, respiratory diseases, have a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthen memory and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

    Given the above benefits, many may conclude that the use of canned fish vital. But this is not the case. Consuming this product more than four times a week can lead to weight gain of several kilograms. After all, canned food, although it is considered low-calorie (there are 220 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product), it contains a large number of fat. So people who are overweight or follow the figure are not recommended to use this product.

    Excessive consumption of canned sardines can cause the formation of kidney stones and provoke metabolic disorders, in which uric acid salts are deposited in the joints. An allergic reaction is also possible, since serotonin, tyramine, tipamine and other substances that are considered strong allergens are present in sardines.

    The composition of canned sardines is very rich, and before using it, you should consult your doctor: you may have an intolerance to any component of this fish. It is also worth remembering that the abuse of any food product can have a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, you need to take into account all positive and negative sides canned food.

    Cooking applications

    Canned sardines are the main ingredient in many dishes and are an independent snack. All kinds of salads with potatoes, rice, eggs are prepared from canned food, as well as sandwiches (see photo), fish soups, fish soup, cutlets, pies. For cooking, sardine is used, preserved in oil, in tomato and in its own juice.

    Below are some recipes for cooking with canned sardines as the main ingredient.


    Cooking method

    Canned sardine and rice salad

    The preparation of this dish is very simple and does not take much time. The number of ingredients depends on how much of the finished salad you want to get. The ideal ratio of all components is 1: 1. So, for cooking, you need to boil the rice in salted water, and then rinse. Then we cut boiled eggs into small cubes. Cut the onion into small pieces and pour boiling water for a few minutes: it will remove all the bitterness. Mix the canned sardines with a fork into a homogeneous mass and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Then add salt, mayonnaise and mix well. Above ready salad can be sprinkled with finely chopped parsley, dill or onions(see photo).

    To make soup with canned sardines, peel and rinse 400 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of carrots and 100 grams onions... Then cut the carrots into small cubes, finely chop the onions and pour them into 2 liters of water brought to a boil in advance. Then we chop the potatoes, rinse with 70 grams of rice and add to the onions and carrots. We also add a few black and allspice peas and two bay leaves there. When the vegetables and rice are tender, add one can of canned sardines in oil, 10 grams of salt to the soup and boil it for a few more minutes. The soup is ready! Before serving, it is recommended to supplement it with finely chopped herbs(see photo).

    Fish pancakes

    Quite satisfying and delicious dish are pancakes made from canned sardines. For fish dough it is necessary to heat 300 grams of milk, put 10 grams of active dry yeast, 10 grams of sugar, 8 grams of salt in it and, after mixing everything well, add two chicken eggs and one glass of flour. We knead all the ingredients. Then drain the oil from the canned sardine, knead the fish with a fork until it forms homogeneous mass, mix with the dough and leave it for 45 minutes in a warm place. After the specified time has elapsed, heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a pan and, spreading the dough with a spoon, fry the pancakes on each side until golden brown.

    There are many recipes using canned sardines, everyone can choose the one that suits their taste.

    How to make canned sardines at home?

    How to make canned sardines at home? This question is of interest to many lovers of natural homemade food. The process of preparing this dish does not require a lot of effort and ingredients. Each housewife uses her own ingredients and special spices, we will tell you the most common and simple recipe for preserving sardines.


    Canning method

    Canned sardine in oil

    The proposed recipe involves cooking with both a regular saucepan and a multicooker. For this dish, 1.5 kilograms of sardines must be cleaned and freed from the entrails. Then cut the fish into medium pieces, salt and pepper (to taste). Then cut six onions into half rings and put them in a slow cooker or saucepan. Put fish on them, then (to taste) bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves, fill all the ingredients with one liter of vegetable oil, close the lid and cook over low heat or turn on the "Cooking" mode for 1.5 hours. Then put the sardine in pre-sterilized jars, onion on top and fill it to the top with the juice in which it was cooked. Covering the fish with lids, wrap the jars with a warm towel. When they cool down, move the canning to a cool place.

    Canned sardines are a very common dish as they can be purchased at any store and do not require pre-cooking. But it should be borne in mind that not all manufacturers are conscientious. Many people add flavor enhancers and preservatives to the composition of this canned food, which can be harmful to health. Therefore, you need to be very careful when buying sardines and pay special attention to the shelf life of the fish, which should be packed in pieces in jars. Naturally, it is better to prepare canned sardine yourself at home: this way you can be sure of the naturalness of this dish and can add your favorite ingredients to it.

    Fried sardines

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    Fried sardines with mojo verde sauce.

    During our last day, we carved out a free day and decided to go on an ocean fishing trip without fail. Having rented a small fishing boat in the port of Colon, we went in search of, in fact, fish. We had to sail not far, opposite the port there are floating farms where free-range seabass are bred. During feeding on farms, part of the food ends up in the open ocean, where giant shoals of sardines gather for this free delicacy, followed by sharks and rays of all stripes. The latter were just the object of our ocean fishing. But in order to catch them, we first needed to work properly with fishing rods in order to catch bait - sardines. It was just some kind of fishy madness and we began to gust up with packs of these greedy silver beauties)) In short, we caught them in abundance, so it was enough for bait and left for, so to speak, personal consumption :) we conscientiously released the catch into our native element.

    Tired and satisfied with our fishing exploits, we returned home and began to think that we could hastily cook from our catch. As usual the sun sea ​​breeze and a couple of glasses of fine Canarian wine did their job, and laziness got the better of all our feeble attempts to come up with some interesting dish from sardines. Therefore, we went the simple way and, following the example of the Canary people, fried sardines in olive oil without spices and salt, sprinkling with mojo verde sauce on top.

    Fried sardines recipe


    • Fresh sardines - 1 kg.;
    • Olive oil - 50 ml.;
    • Mojo verde sauce - to taste;
    • Lemon - 1 pc.;
    • Lettuce leaves - for serving.

    How to fry sardines:

    Step 1

    Lightly rinse fresh sardines in salted or sea water. Without gutting the scales and rinse again.

    Step 2

    Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, put the sardines in one layer and quickly fry on both sides. They fry instantly.

    Step 3

    Cover the serving dish with lettuce leaves, top with toasted sardines, pour mojo verde sauce over them to taste and garnish with lemon wedges. It's very simple and insanely delicious!

    (Viewed 428 times, 1 visits today)

    In the matter of choosing between fish varieties, the advantage always remains with those that are heard. All "laurels of glory" usually go to the family of carp, salmon, cod. Meanwhile, very interesting specimens often remain in their shadow. Sardines, although a small fish, have an impressive culinary potential, both fresh and canned. Cooking sardines requires a minimum of costs, but the fish scatters in a moment.

    - Beccafico sardines -


    1 kg fresh sardines
    250 g bread crumbs
    100 g raisins
    100 g pine nuts
    1 large orange
    1 large lemon
    2 tsp Sahara
    Olive oil, salt to taste
    1 pinch pepper
    Bay leaf to taste


    Open the fish, remove bones, entrails and head. Rinse the fish and refrigerate. Grate citrus zest. Add oil and breadcrumbs to the pan and fry over low heat until golden brown. Add sugar, zest, a pinch of salt, pine nuts and raisins, previously soaked in a bowl of water. Mix well and let stand. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

    Place the uncovered sardines on a large cutting board, salt to taste and distribute the filling. Roll each fish into a roll. Put bay leaves between them and thread a skewer.

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the fish on and bake for 20 minutes. Mix citrus juice with olive oil and a pinch of pepper. After 10 minutes after baking, pour this mixture over the fish and continue baking for another 10 minutes. Remove from oven, let stand, serve warm or cold.

    - Sardines in batter -


    Two cans of sardines, 110 g each
    1 egg
    3/4 cup water
    2 tbsp soy sauce
    1/2 cup wheat flour + on the dusting
    1/2 cup butter


    Drain the oil from the jars into a frying pan. Break the egg into a bowl and beat well. Add 3/4 cup water and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce to the egg and mix well. Continuing to stir, add flour a little at a time to make a smooth dough.

    Dip the fish gently in flour. Add 1/2 cup oil to the sardine butter, heat to moderate heat. When the oil is hot, dip the sardines in the batter and fry in oil until brown, about 3 minutes on each side.

    Dry the fish with paper towels. Drizzle with lemon juice or soy sauce before serving.

    - Grilled sardines -

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    1 kg sardines
    Juice of half a lemon
    1 clove of garlic
    Sea salt
    Olive oil
    Red pepper
    1 green onion


    Put the sardines peeled from the insides into a bowl. Make a marinade with olive oil, juice of half a lemon, half a red pepper, chopped garlic clove, sea salt, and a handful of chopped green onions. Pour the marinade over the sardines and stir. Leave to marinate for at least an hour.

    Preheat the grill. Roast the sardines for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

    - Toast with sardines -


    Canned large roasted red peppers, rip into pieces
    1 lemon, squeeze juice
    Olive oil
    1 garlic clove, halved
    Handful of parsley leaves, chopped
    A pinch of sweet smoked paprika
    2 slices of black bread
    1 small can of sardines, drain oil


    Add pepper, lemon juice, 1 tablespoon to a bowl. olive oil, garlic, parsley, paprika and salt to taste. Mix all ingredients. Toast the bread.

    Place the toast on a plate, spread the pepper on top (discard the garlic), add the sardines and marinade from a bowl.

    - Sardines with white wine -

    Ingredients for 4 servings:

    1 kg fresh sardines
    100 ml dry white wine
    1 tbsp gomasio seasoning
    1 handful of fresh thyme


    Clear the entrails from the fish, remove the heads. Wash well under running water. Dry and place in a large skillet. Turn on the fire, pour in white wine and let it evaporate, then add gomasio and continue cooking for 10 minutes. Sprinkle fish with thyme leaves before serving.

    - Sardines with spicy tomato sauce -

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    450 g peeled sardines

    For the marinade:
    4 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
    Zest and juice of 1 lemon
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro
    1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
    1/4 cup finely chopped fresh mint
    1/2 tsp ground coriander
    1/2 tsp ground cumin

    For the sauce:
    3 cloves of garlic
    1 small shallots, chopped
    1 serrano or jalapeno pepper, chopped
    1 tsp paprika
    1 tsp caraway
    1 tsp coriander
    Pinch of cinnamon
    1 tbsp finely chopped cilantro
    4 tablespoons olive oil
    2 tbsp tomato paste
    60 ml water
    4 tomatoes, chopped


    Mix all the ingredients for the marinade. Spread it evenly over the fish and leave to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature.

    While the fish is marinating, in a food processor, combine the garlic, shallots, hot peppers, paprika, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cilantro and 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a paste. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the mixture and fry for a few minutes, then add the tomato paste. Stir constantly for about 30 seconds, then add water. Place the tomatoes and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes. Season to taste with sea salt.

    While the sauce is cooking, peel off most of the marinade from the fish. Dry the fish with a paper towel and lightly salt. Pour olive oil into a large skillet in a thin layer over medium heat. Fry fish in batches, about 2 minutes on each side. Put the finished fish on a plate, pour the tomato sauce on top and garnish with fresh herbs.

    - Breaded sardines -

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    250 g (8-10) fresh sardines
    250 ml hot water
    1 cup kale
    1 tbsp raisins
    1 tbsp pine nuts
    Zest from half a lemon, finely grate
    1/4 tsp sea ​​salt
    1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
    1 clove of garlic, finely grate
    2 tbsp panko rusks
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 lemon


    Remove the entrails and rinse the fish under running water. Preheat oven to 230 ° C. Put cabbage and raisins in hot water, blanch quickly, drain and rinse immediately under cold running water. Squeeze water out of cabbage and raisins, then place on a cutting board. Add pine nuts and chop coarsely. Add lemon zest, sea salt, pepper and garlic and continue to grind until smooth.

    Fill the cavity of each fish with the mixture. Place on a lined baking sheet and season lightly with sea salt and pepper. Sprinkle with panko and drizzle lightly with olive oil. Bake in oven for about 10 minutes or until tender.

    While the sardines are baking, brush the cut side of the lemon half with oil and sauté the lemon over high heat until caramelized. Serve with a drizzle of caramelized lemon juice.

    Mimosa salad
    6 hard boiled eggs
    1 can of canned fish
    1 onion
    50-100 gr. hard cheese
    50-100 gr. butter
    Boil eggs. Rub everything on a fine grater. Having previously separated egg whites from the yolks. Then lay out on a dish in layers, greasing each with mayonnaise.
    Deal in the following sequence:
    1 layer - lay the finely grated egg whites, grease with mayonnaise.
    2nd layer - consists of chopped canned fish (pre-chop or mash fish pieces);
    3rd layer - chopped onions;
    4 finely grated cheese;
    The last step is to lubricate the upper ball butter and mayonnaise, then sprinkle with chopped egg yolks. Put the mimosa salad in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, then serve.


    You will need:
    1 can of canned fish "Atlantic saury, natural" (250g)
    4 boiled eggs
    1 tbsp. boiled rice
    1 onion
    1 tbsp rast. oils
    1 tbsp soy sauce
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 bunch of assorted greens (dill, parsley, cilantro)
    100 g sour cream / mayonnaise to taste
    1 cucumber
    1 head of lettuce
    a pinch of sumac
    pepper, salt to taste

    Finely chop the onion and fry until transparent in 1 tbsp. oils. At the end of frying, pour the onion with lemon juice and soy sauce, stir and leave covered for 5 minutes. (or you can immediately mix chopped onions with oil, lemon juice and soy sauce and bake in the microwave for 3 minutes under a lid). Finely chop the greens. Grate boiled eggs. Mash canned food with a fork. Mix in a salad bowl boiled rice, onions, eggs, canned food and herbs. Season the salad with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Grate the cucumber. Lay out the plate with lettuce leaves, lay out the salad, give it the desired shape (it is very plastic), line it with cucumber pulp, decorate with herbs and sprinkle with sumac. Salad ready! Very juicy, tender and light salad... You can wrap the salad in lettuce leaves with a slice of cucumber and serve as a snack.

    Dandelion salad
    Egg (boiled) - 4 pieces
    Canned fish (saury, herring, sardine, mackerel. (In oil)) - 1 ban.
    Onions (onions) - 1 piece
    Croutons (any) - 250-300 g
    Mayonnaise (any)

    1 layer. We take a flat dish, make a net of mayonnaise on it. Then we pour the croutons to the bottom. I took crackers, which I made myself, the layer thickness was about 1.5 cm, and again we make a dense mesh of mayonnaise.
    2nd layer. We take canned food, knead it well with liquid and add finely chopped onion there. Stir and spread on crackers, then make a dense mesh of mayonnaise.
    3rd layer. Take the egg whites and rub them on a coarse grater, then mayonnaise again. Decorate the top with yolk and herbs at your discretion. I rubbed the yolk.
    Here the salad is ready, fast and tasty !!!

    Venice salad
    Required products:
    canned tuna - 1 can
    disgusting potatoes - 250 g
    boiled egg - 2 pcs.
    vegetable oil - 4 tsp. spoons
    lemon juice - 1/2 tbsp. spoons
    tomatoes - 4 pcs.
    olives 8 pcs.
    green onions, parsley, mint (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon
    Cooking method:
    Cut the potatoes into thin slices.

    Chop the tuna and eggs.

    Prepare the seasoning by mixing the tuna liquid with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

    Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.

    Put a layer of potatoes on the bottom of a salad bowl, pour half of the seasoning over it, put a layer of tuna, then a layer of tomatoes. Then repeat everything in the same order so that there is a layer of tomatoes on top.

    Garnish with halved olives and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

    Rice salad with tuna and olives
    Required products:
    rice - 1 glass
    canned tuna in oil - 1 can
    pitted olives - 150 g
    sweet pepper - 2 pods

    lemon juice
    black pepper
    tomatoes - 2 pcs.
    pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
    Cooking method:
    - Cook loose rice, drain the water. The rice is cooled and combined with chopped olives.

    Add chopped peppers, tomato slices, chopped fish and cucumber slices.

    Season the salad with oil, lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste.

    Salmon salad
    Required products:
    egg - 4 pcs.
    apples - 100 g
    potatoes - 200 g
    onions - 100 g
    mayonnaise - 100 g
    canned salmon - 1 can
    Cooking method:
    - Eggs are boiled, cooled and rubbed on a coarse grater, the fish is kneaded with a fork.

    The potatoes are boiled, cooled and chopped small cubes.

    The apple without the skin and core is grated (left a little for decoration), the onion is cut into rings.

    All products are combined and seasoned with mayonnaise.

    Decorate with herbs, apple slices.

    Cod liver salad with rice

    Required products:
    canned cod liver - 1 can
    rice - 180 g
    tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
    onions - 200 g
    boiled egg - 3 pcs.
    green peas - 100 g
    pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
    parsley or dill greens - for decoration
    ground pepper - to taste
    leaf salad - 60 g
    Cooking method:
    Rice is sorted out, washed, poured into boiling salted water (there should be 6 times more water than cereals) and boiled until tender, then thrown into a colander and allowed to drain. Cool.
    Cut onions and tomatoes into thin rings, lettuce into strips, cucumbers into slices.
    Finely chop the cod eggs and liver, add green peas, rice and chopped vegetables. Season with salt, ground pepper, chopped herbs, pouring from canned food, mix gently.
    The salad is stacked in a salad bowl. Decorate with slices of tomatoes and eggs, lettuce.

    Noodle salad with tuna

    Required products:
    vermicelli - 250 g
    celery - 3 stalks
    tomatoes - 4 pcs.
    onion - 1 head
    olives - 10 pcs.
    stuffed olives - 10 pcs.
    sweet red pepper - 1 pod
    canned fish - 125 g
    basil - 5 sprigs
    olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
    red wine vinegar - 5 tbsp. spoons
    white pepper - a pinch
    Cooking method:
    Boil the vermicelli in salted water for 12 minutes and discard in a colander.
    Peel the celery, rinse and cut into thin strips. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into cubes. Peel the onion and chop very finely. Remove pits from olives, chop the pulp coarsely, chop the olives into thin circles. Cut the bell pepper in half, remove the core, cut the flesh into cubes. Separate the fish from the filling and mash with a fork. Slice the basil thinly.
    Stir the prepared foods.
    For the sauce, combine the fish sauce, oil and vinegar, season with pepper and salt. Pour the sauce over the salad and let it sit for 20 minutes.

    Cod liver salad with peas

    Required products:
    canned cod liver - 250 g
    canned green peas - 150 g
    boiled egg - 2 pcs.
    onion - 1 head
    vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
    lemon - 1/2 pc.
    salt to taste
    boiled potatoes - 1 pc.
    Cooking method:
    Cut cod liver, egg yolks, potatoes into small cubes, finely chop the onion. Combine prepared foods, salt, mix, put in a salad bowl and pour with oil.

    Decorate the salad with lemon wedges, finely chopped egg whites and herbs.

    Fish salad with beans
    Required products:
    canned fish in oil - 2 cans
    white and red beans - 1/2 cup each
    canned green peas - 200 g
    garlic - 3 cloves
    lemon - 1 pc.
    egg - 5 pcs.
    Cooking method:
    Soak beans in cold water for 6-8 hours, then pour hot water and cook until tender without salt. Refrigerate.

    Cut the fish into slices.

    Hard-boiled eggs and cut into slices.

    Put eggs on a dish, on them - mixed two-tone beans, on top - pieces of fish. Sprinkle with chopped garlic, green peas, fill with filling from fish.

    Decorate the salad with lemon and herbs.

    Salmon salad with buckwheat
    Required products:
    canned salmon in its own juice - 1 can (250 g)
    crumbly buckwheat groats - 1 glass
    carrots - 2 pcs.
    boiled egg - 2 pcs.
    hard cheese - 100 g
    mayonnaise - 100 g
    onion - 1 head
    vinegar 3% - 1/3 cup
    vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
    Cooking method:
    Cut the onion into rings, cover with vinegar and marinate for 20 minutes.

    Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and simmer under the lid in oil. Grate the cheese and egg yolks on a fine grater.

    Lay in layers in a transparent salad bowl buckwheat porridge, finely chopped pickled onions, mashed canned food, brush with some mayonnaise, top with carrots, finely chopped egg whites, grated cheese, brush again with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated egg yolks.

    Decorate the salad with finely chopped herbs.

    Favorite salad

    Required products:
    canned fish in oil - 250 g
    carrots - 2 pcs.
    onions - 2 heads
    boiled egg - 3 pcs.
    vinegar 3% - 2 tbsp. spoons
    mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
    vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
    Cooking method:
    Peel and chop the eggs.

    Peel the onion, cut into rings and marinate in vinegar for 15 minutes.

    Peel the carrots, rinse, cut into strips and fry in oil until golden brown. Refrigerate.

    Put eggs, carrots, onions in layers on the bottom of the salad bowl, then the fish, previously chopped. Top with mayonnaise and decorate with herbs.

    Salmon cocktail salad
    Required products:
    canned salmon - 180 g
    boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
    boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
    boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
    pitted prunes - 150 g
    walnuts - 100 g
    mayonnaise - 1 glass
    Cooking method:
    Chop the fish. Grate potatoes, carrots, egg whites and yolks separately. Steam the prunes, dry and cut into strips.

    Lubricating each layer with mayonnaise, place the prepared ingredients in glasses in the following order: salmon, potatoes, egg whites, carrots, yolks, prunes, chopped walnuts.

    When serving, decorate the salad with herbs.

    Fish salad on toast
    Required products:
    canned tuna or salmon in oil - 250 g
    boiled egg - 2 pcs.
    green onions - 50 g
    hard cheese - 50 g
    mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons
    toasts - 4 pcs.
    Cooking method:
    Chop the fish, mix with grated cheese, finely chopped eggs and onions.

    Put salad on toast, season with mayonnaise and decorate with herbs.

    Nice salad
    Required products:
    canned tuna in oil - 60 g
    anchovies - 6 pcs.
    red onion - 1 head
    green beans - 150 g
    tomatoes - 3 pcs.
    boiled egg - 3 pcs.
    olives - 60 g
    finely chopped basil - 2 tbsp. spoons
    olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
    lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
    ground black pepper and salt to taste
    Cooking method:
    Chop the onion into strips. Wash the beans, blanch in boiling salted water in

    For 1–2 minutes. Drain the water, cool the beans. Cut the tomatoes and eggs into wedges.

    Cut the anchovies in half lengthwise, chop the tuna.

    Combine olive oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

    Place the beans in the middle of the dish before serving. Spread the tomatoes around, alternating them

    With onions, olives, anchovies, tuna, egg quarters. Drizzle over cooked dressing, sprinkle with basil.

    Tuna Banana Cocktail Salad

    Required products:
    canned tuna - 300 g
    bananas - 1 pc.
    tomatoes - 1 pc.
    boiled rice - 200 g
    lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
    vinegar 3% - 3 tbsp. spoons
    vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
    black pepper and ground paprika, salt - to taste
    Cooking method:
    Separate the fish from the filling, chop.

    Scald the tomato, remove the skin, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into cubes.

    Cut the banana into cubes and drizzle with lemon juice.

    For the sauce, combine the vinegar with salt, pepper, paprika and, whisking the mixture, gradually add vegetable oil.

    Put prepared foods and rice in layers in a salad bowl, pour over the sauce and decorate with herbs.

    Olimp salad
    Required products:
    canned sardines in tomato sauce - 200 gr.
    boiled rice - 2 tbsp. spoons
    onions - 2 pcs.
    apples - 4 pcs.
    boiled egg - 1 pc.
    mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons
    Cooking method:
    Cut the onion into rings and pour over with boiling water. Cut the peeled apple and egg into small cubes. Mash the sardines.

    Combine prepared salad ingredients with rice, season with mayonnaise and stir.

    Decorate with herbs before serving.

    Mediterranean salad
    Required products:
    small head of lettuce - 1 pc.
    beans - 225 g
    potatoes - 225 g
    boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
    Bell pepper green - 1 pc.
    onion - 1 pc.
    canned tuna in its own juice - 200 g
    grated edam cheese - 50 g
    tomatoes - 8 pcs.
    pitted olives - 50 g
    ground black pepper
    Cooking method:
    Cut the head lettuce into 4 pieces and remove the stalk. Disassemble.

    Boil the beans and potatoes until tender. Drain, refrigerate, and slice beans and potatoes.

    Cut sweet peppers into strips, remove seeds. Chop the onion finely.

    For the dressing, combine 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 4 tablespoons of lime juice, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1-2 teaspoons icing sugar, stir.

    Mix the beans, potatoes, eggs, bell peppers and onions. Add the tuna, 4 tablespoons of the dressing, the cheese, and the sliced ​​tomatoes.

    Brazilian salad
    Required products:
    canned tuna - 180 g
    canned corn - 200 g
    hard cheese - 200 g
    boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
    pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
    mayonnaise - 200 g
    pitted olives - 24 pcs.
    cherry - 30 pcs.
    wine vinegar - 1 tsp
    salt, ground black pepper - to taste
    Cooking method:

    Mash tuna, combine with corn, diced cheese and potatoes, cucumber slices and chopped olives.

    For the sauce, whisk the mayonnaise with vinegar, salt and ground pepper.

    Season the salad with sauce and put in a salad bowl. When serving, decorate with cherries and sprigs of herbs.

    Salad with saury and nuts

    Required products:
    canned saury in oil - 200 g
    canned squid - 100 g
    apples - 2 pcs.
    celery stalks - 50 g
    walnuts - 60 g
    lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
    mayonnaise - 1/2 cup
    Cooking method:
    1. Divide saury into small pieces.

    2. Separate the squid from the filling, cut into strips.

    3. Cut the apples into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.

    4. Cut the celery into slices. Chop the nuts.

    5. Combine the prepared ingredients, season with mayonnaise.

    6. When serving, sprinkle with chopped nuts.